Minutes - 1998 - City Council - 09/08/1998 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 8, 1998 Mayor Yzaguirre is absent. Council President, Nancy Merrill, conducts the meeting. PRECOUNCIL: 6:30 pm - 7:30pm 1. Planning & Zoning Commission Liaison Report: No one from P&Z is present. 2. Ada Planning Association: Clair Bowman will discuss the Regional Public Transportation Agency. Charles Trainer for Clair Bowman. Distributes a pamphlet in regards to the ballot on the November election and a copy of the resolution establishing a regional public transportation authority to the Council and discusses same. General discussion. 3. Ada Planning Association: Charles Trainer discusses the transportation plan process. Distributes information on Destination 2020 Schedule to Council and discusses the same. General discussion. 4. Mayor and Council's Reports: Sedlacek: Distributes a copy of the Economic Development Committee SWOT Analysis to Council and discusses the same. Bashan: Discusses the Library's opening day collection and the funding provided in the budget. Guerber: Meeting with Larry Sale is next Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. for the walk on North Eagle Road. Merrill: Pathway meeting September 22nd, 3:00-5:00, is a workshop on Impact Fees in Meridian. Discusses scope of work from Hoffman on impact fees. Baker land exchange is on Boise City Agenda September 15t~. Heritage Park fountain will soon be completed. General discussion. 1. City Clerk]Treasurer's Report: Continued to end of meeting. 2. Zoning Administrator's Report - Butler discusses the proposed dates for "Town Hall" meetings on Comprehensive Plan. 3. City Attorney's Report: Discusses the RFP for the trash, meeting next Monday with the Mayor. Discusses impact fees and scheduling a meeting with Council sometime the first of October. General discussion. Council President Men'ill calls a recess at 7:35 p.m. Council President Merrill reconvenes meeting at 7:45 p.m. COUNCIL: 7:45 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. All Present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Merrill: Eagle High School has requested time to address the Council. Lisa Lewis, 2308 N. Ram Avenue, Eagle. This summer we had goal planning sessions and in those sessions we came up with a goal for our Student Council to strength the bond through out the school and the community through communication. An'on Siegert, 1689 W. Stonybrook Court, Eagle. Within our goal we want to offer our help in any way that we can for the City. General discussion on service organizations at the school. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Council Member, member of City Staff; or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the Rules of Order. · Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. MinutesofAugust25, 1998 B. Minutes of September 1, 1998 C. Claims Against the City D. Awarding Bid on Surplus property: E. FP-7-98 - Final Plat for Feather Nest Estates Subdivision No. 1 (now Crown Point Subdivision No. 1) - Cedar Falls Partnership: Cedar Falls Partnership, represented by Wayne Forrey, is requesting final plat approval for Feather Nest Estates Subdivision No. 1 (now Crown Point Subdivision No. 1), a 14.17-acre, 44-1ot (37-buildable) residential subdivision located on the on the north side of Floating Feather Road approximately ~/4- mile east of Eagle Road at 1020 Floating Feather Road. The site is within the Eagle City Limits. (MLB) F. Findings and Conclusions for Community Family YMCA Child Care Facility - CU- 5-98 - Morten Awes: Project Description - Community Family YMCA, represented by Morten Awes with Awes-Hutchison Associates, is requesting conditional use approval for a 2,044 sq. ft. building to be used as a child care facility. The 10-acre site is located on the west side of N. Seven Oaks Way approximately 480-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1441 N. Seven Oaks Way.(MLB) G. Appointment of CICAC member: Mayor Yzaguirre is requesting Council confirm the appointment of Council member Guerber to this committee. H. Appointment of Air Quality Board member: Mayor Yzaguirre is requesting Council confirm the appointment of Council member Guerber to this committee. Sedlacek moves to withdraw Item D & E from the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ Bastian moves to approve the Consent Agenda with the withdrawal of Item D & E. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ 4D. Awarding Bid on Surnins oronertv: This bid has been withdrawn. Sedlacek: This bid has been withdrawn. At this time we do not have a bid for the surplus property. General discussion. Sedlacek moves that we withdraw this from the Consent Agenda and authorize staff to go ahead and get rid of the outdated computer systems to get what money or trade-in value that we can get. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ....... 4E. FP-7-98 - Final Plat for Feather Nest Estates Subdivision No. 1 (now Crown Point Subdivision No. 1) - Cedar Falls Partnership: Cedar Falls Partnership, reprcsanted by Wayne Forrey, is requesting final plat approval for Feather Nest Estates Subdivision No. 1 (now Crown Point Subdivision No. 1), a 14.17-acre, 44-1ot (37-buildable) residential subdivision located on the on the north side of Floating Feather Road approximately N-mile east of Eagle Road at 1020 Floating Feather Road. The site is within the Eagle City Limits. (MLB) Sedlacek: Inquires of the applicant and the Zoning Administer as to whether or not all of the conditions have been meet. General discussion. Jim Merkel, Hubble Engineering, discusses the meandering sidewalks. General discussion. Discussion on irrigation issues. Sedlacek moves that Item g4 E, FP-7-98 Final Plat for Feather Nest Estates Subdivision No. 1 be approved with standard and site specific conditions as imposed by the Eagle City Council, staff and Design Review. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ........... Merrill congratulates Council Member Guerber on his two new appointments. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. DR-5-98 (Appeal) - Landscape Plan for Lexington Hills East Subdivision - East Hills Development: East Hills Development, represented by Phil Hull and Dave Roylance, is requesting design review approval of the proposed landscape buffer, interior landscaping and entry landscaping for Lexington Hills East Subdivision. The site is located on the northwest comer of Floating Feather Road and new State Highway 55. NOTE: On March 24, 1998, the Eagle City Council voted 3 to 1 to table this item until the Design Review ordinance was reviewed and possibly amended regarding landscaping requirements. On August 11, 1998, the Eagle City Council approved Ordinance No. 328, which amends the landscaping requirements between residential developments and major roadways. This item is now being brought before the Councilfor final action. (MLB) Merrill introduces the issue. Butler: Provides an overview of the project. Staffrecommends approval. Phil Hull, The Land Group, Displays a landscaping plan and discusses the same. General discussion. Bastian moves to approve DR-5-98 Landscape Plan for Lexington Hills East as presented this evening in the presentation on the board and in the drawings and documents before the City Council. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ......... B. Discussion of Beacon Light Park and Ride: Merrill introduces the issue. General discussion between Council and staff: John Frandon, 2300 Buckskin Court. I have a real problem with a park and ride at that location. The majority of the population live south of that location. I think that comer is an accident waiting to happening. I'm concerned about the beauty of that comer. Guerber: We met with ACHD. It will be their decision on what they are going to do with that. General discussion. Lloyd Campbell, Highway 55 Chevron. Discusses the value of park and rides. People go back and forth on that intersection all the time and I have seen no concern. I am for the park and ride. There are plenty of people who use it. There are 20 cars over the week end that use this. It would be nice to see some landscaping there. General discussion. Bastian moves to recommend to ACHD that we recommend a park and ride at this location for the convenience of people for recreational purposes and people who wish to travel to work. Motion dies for lack of a second. Discussion on adding stipulations. Sedlacek moves that we request the ACHD actively pursue in the funding for the park and ride a lot closer to Eagle, specifically closer to Edgewood, and if this is not possible we accept and support the location with specific attention being given to the ascetics and tightening to meet Eagle standards and that support be given to Highland Livestock and Land Company, that they be able to maintain their livestock easement through there, and that ACHD review the safety of the ingress and egress of the park and ride. Seconded by Guerber. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ........... Staff to write a letter with those recommendations to ACHD. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. RZ-5-98 - From A (Agriculture'} to CBD (Central Business District) - Ron Bath: Eagle Pavilion Investors, LLC, represented by Ron Bath, is requesting a rezone from A (Agriculture) to CBD (Central Business District). The 10.2-aere site is located on thc northeast corner of Eagle Road and State Highway 44 at 480 S. Eagle Road. (MLB) Merrill introduces the issue. No member of Council has had ex parte contact or a conflict of interest. Ron Bath, Eagle Pavilion Investors, 316 W. Bannock, Boise. Request is in conformance with the master plan and the comprehensive plan for the area. I have read the staff report and recommendations and I am in full compliance with the exception of two areas. First being the LID requirement. I have some serious problems with this. I expressed my concerns in Planning and Zoning. I have a problem contributing to an LID that I know nothing about. My second area of concern is the public/semi-private area shown on the comprehensive plan. We designed this project the way it is to provide an entryway into the City that was not scared or covered by existing buildings. We provided an extensive amount of landscaping and some parking in the area. Design Review had no serious problems with thc design except to have a statement for thc entryway into the City. I would like Phil Hull to show you what we came up with. Phil Hull, The Land Group, displays an overhead of the project and Ron Bath discusses the same. Phil Hull discusses the entry area and displays a proposed entry area and discusses the same. Ron Bath discusses the entry area. This is not a cheap entry area into the City. This is not an entry into my development, this is an entry into thc City of Eagle. I can afford $15,000 and if it costs more I would like the City to consider contributing to this entry area. If we can do a design without water then $15,000 will get it done. General discussion. Sedlacek: I would like to see what you can do so we can make a decision. If you can't do this whole are what can you do? Bath: We can do all of this without the water feature. General Council discussion. Butler: Provides an overview of the rezone staff reports and recommendations. Staff has recommended approval with a Development Agreement. General discussion. Legal Counsel and Council discussion on a LID. Merrill opens the Public Hearing. Shirley Christoffersen, Representing Albertson's. We have been working very closely with Ron on this project. The entry to his project is on our land. He would like to have an additional access. Displays an overhead of the site plan. Albertson's is in support of this additional access. We are very close to this agreement and Albertson's is in support of this. Merrill closes the Public Hearing. Bastian requests that the landscape proposal be displayed and suggests that this be made more a forestry look. Take away the water feature and keep the wall in there. Eagle Pointe has an Eagle and that would be a nice addition. Guerber moves to grant RZ-5-98 Rezone from Agriculture to Central Business District with the stipulation set down by the Commission other than the following changes: #6 which has to do with the landscaping, a final landscape proposal come back to Council for approval that speaks to our concern with the possibility of additional trees and no water feature that has been proposed; that #10 regarding the LID be removed and that a letter from Albertson's indicating that there has been an agreement on the access on and off from their property to this site; that #3A, all of#5 and #11 be eliminated. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............. B. PP-4-98 - Eagle Pavilion Subdivision - Ron Bath: Eagle Pavilion Investors, LLC, represented by Ron Bath, is requesting preliminary plat approval for Eagle Pavilion Subdivision, a 10.2-acre, 7-lot commercial subdivision located on the northeast comer of Eagle Road and State Highway 44 at 480 S. Eagle Road. (MLB) Merrill introduces the issue. No member of Council has had ex parte contact or a conflict of interest. Ron Bath, Eagle Pavilion Investors. Displays an overhead of the site plan and discusses the changes and the overall project. Buffer: Displays an overhead of the site plan and discusses the staff recommendations and conditions. Men'ill opens the Public Hearing. No one has signed up to speak and no one from the audience has requested to be heard. Merrill closes the Public Hearing. General Council discussion. Bastian moves to approve PP-4-98 Eagle Pavilion Subdivision preliminary plat as proposed and with all of the conditions of Staff, Planning & Zoning, Design Review and standard conditions. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ........... C. CU-6-98 - Bank with Drive-up Service - Ron Bath: Eagle Pavilion Investors, LLC, represented by Ron Bath, is requesting a conditional use permit for a 4,200 sq. ft. bank with drive-up service. The 10.2-acre site is located on the northeast comer of Eagle Road and State Highway 44 at 480 S. Eagle Road. (MLB) Merrill introduces the issue. Ron Bath, Eagle Pavilion Investors. Provides a review of the conditional use permit. Butler: Provides Council with an overview of the Staff report and recommendations. Recommended approval. General discussion. Mike Wardel. Discusses pedestrian friendly developments. Cort Rounds. Talks on behalf of the banks. I represent Idaho Banking Company and we are interested in coming to Eagle. In an area such as this where almost all of your transportation is by automobile. It would be very difficult to compete with other banks in the area that have a drive-up. It would be important for a development like this to have the drive-up. Ron Bath. We didn't have a problem with this when we went through Planning and Zoning. The pedestrian walkway provides access to the bank. People who live here are not going to walk here. Other banks in the area have a drive-up. This is a good design. Merrill closes the Public Hearing. General Council discussion. Guerber moves to approve the Conditional Use Permit with stipulations set down by Staff, site specific conditions and standard conditions of approval. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ Merrill calls for a recess at 10:10 p.m. Merrill reconvenes at 10:25 p.m. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion of Drainage District #2 standards for easements/right-of-ways (RY) Merrill introduces the issue. Legal Counsel: A meeting is scheduled Friday, September 11, 1998, at 10:00 a.m. to work out something in regards to this matter. General discussion. B. Fee proposal for Master Plan of Skate Park/Hard Surface Facility: The Land Group has submitted a proposal for the above mentioned item. (NM) Men'ill introduces the issue. Doug Russell, The Land Group. Discusses the proposal for a master plan the 4 acre site. Sedlacek discusses the letter received from Beck and Baird. General discussion. Guerber feels that the work should be in conjunction with Beck and Baird. Further discussion. Bastian moves to authorize the City to expend the fee of $1,800 for the services to design the master plan . Seconded by Sedlacek. Sedlacek: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Gnerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ C. Eagle Senior Citizen Van Use and Senior Center Utilities Agreement 1998-1999: Merrill introduces thc issue. Sedlacek moves to approve the Eagle Senior Citizen Van Use and Senior Center Utilities Agreement for 1998-1999. Seconded by Bastian. Discussion. Sedlacek: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ D. Humane Society Service Agreement for Animal Control 1998-1999: Merrill introduces the issue. Basfian moves to approve the Itnmane Society Service Agreement for Animal Control 1998-1999. Seconded by Guerber. Sedlacek: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Guerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ E. Eagle Security Services and Joint Powers Agreement 1998-1999: Merrill introduces the issue. Legal Counsel distributes copies of changes in the agreement and discusses the same. Guerber moves to approve with the Eagle Security Services and Joint Powers Agreement 1998-1999 with the changes proposed for item #1, basic services, and #2, joint powers. Seconded by Sedlacek. Sedlacek: AYE; Bastian: AYE; Gnerber: AYE: ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ F. Discussion on the future of existing Library Building: Merrill introduces the issue. Guerber sums up his feelings in three words: "Sell, sell, sell". Bastian: "I do agree". General discussion. Legal Counsel sites Idaho Code on selling the property. General discussion. Do an ordinance to sell the property and then the City can not sell the property within sixty days after passing the ordinance. Get the appraisal. Bastian moves to create an ordinance for the sale of the existing library building. Seconded by Gnerber. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............ 8. ADJOURNMENT: Guerber moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the  s~ectfully submitted: [ ~ -JSHARXON K. SMITH - ~ CITY CLERK/TREASURER~ APP~E~): ~ mck z^bu- , v MAYOR ~ Cou_,~iil~eet/ngadjourned at 11:15 p.m. ::.4 7,'% 1.1 cc (-- Economic Economic Development Committee SWOT Analysis Eagle, Idaho STRENGTHS 4 Per Capita Income g Schools -Community 4 Boise River 2 Visual Theme -Appeal 1 Golf Courses 9 Good Quality of Life - Rural - Good Transportation 3 Community spirit 1 Housing opportunity 5 Business Opportunity - Sewer Fire Department Good Water System 3 Community Policing 1 Local Paper 3 Proximity to Boise for Cultural Opportunities 2 New Library 2 Active Chamber - Good Local Government Parks - Eagle Island & others Regional Cooperation Tree City - Emergency Services 4People want to live here - Churches - Gem Community WEAKNESSES 6 Lack of Youth Facilities 4 Lack of Youth Activities 4 Schools Overcrowded Rapid Growth/Teacher ratios 2 Low Local Wages - Few Rentals/Affordable 6 Downtown Business Weakness Due to ByPass 1 Subdivision Density/Zoning 8 Lack of Downtown Parking _ Few Existing Buildings 4 Diversity of Business 3 No Overnight Lodging 4 No "Office Workers" Downtown 5 Bedroom Community 3 Few Job Opportunities 1 Lack of Tax Base 3 Definition of "Old Time Theme" Economic Development Committee SWOT Analysis Evac le , Idaho THREATS 2 Sewer District Changes Fees, Business Impact, Permits 7 Loss of Community Identity 6 Possibility of Economic Downturn Currently Planning for Growth 3 Over -reliance on High Tech 7 Loss of Desirability of Eagle Family Community Special Place to Live 2 Proximity to Boise Bedroom Community 2 Skateboards/bikes Downtown 10 Crime Increase Potential OPPORTUNITIES 4 Park Development Youth Programs 6 Commercial Opportunities - Development 5 Business Growth/Prosperity 3 Community Events - Involvement 5 Preserve/Create High Quality of Life Cohesiveness Law Enforcement Security Lack of Congestion Looks - Design 6 Boise River Development Recreation Protect 2 Golf Course Development Tournaments Promotion of Golf Courses 1 Bike/Recreation Development Greenbelt Access 2 Promotion of Eagle Island 1 Cultural/Entertainment 5 Promotion of Eagle Signage, etc. Joint Advertising 4 Opportunity to Capture more Business From Growing Market Reduction of Leakage Promotion of Existing Businesses 2 Business Diversification 5 Downtown Promotion - Central Business District 1 Market Surveys/Study Employment Opportunities A"` ,.•o, Resolution Number: 978 A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A BALLOT QUESTION ON ESTABLISHLNG A REGIONAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY FOR ADA COUNTY AND PROVIDING FOR AN OPTION TO MERGE THE SERVICES OF SAID AUTHORITY WITH A SIMILAR AUTHORITY IN CANYON COUNTY The following Resolution was considered and adopted by the Ada County. Idaho Board of Commissioners: WHEREAS, the State of Idaho has recognized " ... the total needs for mobility of commerce and people cannot be met solely with highway and road systems; that motor vehicle congestion and air quality problems result which may adversely affect health and safety; that there are a variety of persons who are elderly. who have disabilities. who live in rural areas or who otherwise require public transportation services for their general welfare: and that prosperous commerce and industry depend upon effective regional systems of transportation.' and authorized the creation of regional public transportation authorities under Title 40, Chapter 21 of the Idaho Code to " . . . provide public transportation services. encourage private transportation programs and coordinate both public and private transportation programs, services and support functions ... " (IC 40-2104); and WHEREAS, the continued growth and prosperity of the Treasure Valley depend on the provision of an effective transportation system, including alternative transportation services; and WHEREAS, the Ada Planning Association Board, including local governments of the region, met on June 15, 1998 and concurred on the need for coordinating public transportation to efficiently use public resources; and WHEREAS, the mutual interest of Ada and Canyon Counties in coordinating public transportation can best be met by a single public transportation Authority to coordinate public transportation between the two counties; and WHEREAS, Idaho Code sections 40-2105(1) and 40-2105(3) allow local governments to call for an election to create a countywide regional public transportation authority by approving a resolution to this effect no less than sixty (60) days prior to an election; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Ada County. pursuant to Idaho Code 40-2105(1)(a), to place a ballot item on the November 3, 1998 ballot as follows: Short Title. An election for authorization of the establishment of a regional public transportation authority including all of Ada County pursuant to Idaho Code 40-2105(1Xa) with the provision that, should Canyon County voters also approve a regional public transportation authority, both authorities may merge their services by cooperative agreement. Long Title. Under the provisions of Idaho Code, 40-2105(1)(a), the establishment of a single regional public transportation authority including all of Ada County is proposed wt ith the provision that. should Canyon County voters also approve a regional public transportation authority, both authorities may be combined into one authority to improve coordination and efficiency. Any authority created by this vote will be under the supervision of a Board appointed by local governments as directed by IC 40-2106. The authority will manage public transportation services, encourage private transportation programs and coordinate both public and private transportation programs, services and support functions. RESOLUTION NO: Page 1 r4 ,^N ,.loh, The goals of establishing this authority are to: • Work together to develop a long-term vision for public transportation: • Improve efficiency and customer service for all concerned; • Maintain or enhance existing services: • Develop a plan to motivate people to use public transportation; and • Encourage private transportation providers. Upon its establishment. the regional public transportation authority will have jurisdiction over all publicly funded or publicly subsidized transportation services and programs except those transportation sen ices and programs under the jurisdiction of public school districts and law enforcement agencies. Question. Shall an Ada County Regional Public Transportation Authority be established to include all of .Ada County with the provision that. should Canyon County voters also approve a regional public transportation authority. both authorities ma by cooperative agreement merge their services? IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That the above resolution is effective the September. 1998. Vernon L. Bister a dt, Frank a -er, ommis loner ABSENT Roger D. Simmons, Commissioner ATTEST: •,f. v avid Navarro' Ada County Clerk/Auditor Recorder Yes _k_ RESOLUTION NO: Page No Did Not Vote da• of I. Public Involvement A. Establish Community Teams Destination 2015 1. Ada County - Rural - similar to the process in August - September October - 2. Boise (Either one group meeting several times, or several groups) 3. Eagle 4. Garden City 5. Kuna 6. Meridian 7. Star B. Hold Community Team Meetings 1. Consider growth/transportation issues 2. Formulate recommendations for roadway projects and changes, transit services, pathways, policies C. Convene County -wide Meeting - present Community Teams' recommendations and receive comments D. Disseminate comments and evaluations to all participants E. Issue Draft Plan F. Public Hearing(s) - Potential to hold up to three hearings G. APA Adoption H. Other Outreach 1. Speaker's Bureau - neighborhood, business and professional associations, special interest groups 2. Internet: announcement of meetings, key events, recommendations, background information 3. Printed Materials: brochures 4. Media Releases and Press Conferences Surveys 1. Round 1 - Satisfaction with current transportation options. Brochure listing the overall goals and major projects from Destination 2015. 2. Round 2 - Test response to Community Teams' recommendations J. Produce and disseminate final report 11. Background Information A. Population and Employment 1. Current and historical 2. 20 Year Forecast 3. Buildout November 1998 January - February 1999 Late February 1999 March 1999 April 1999 May - June 1999 Present - end of plan process Fall 1998 January 1999 Summer 1999 Summer 1998 B. Existing Transportation System (built and committed) 1. Roads 2. Pathways 3. Public Transportation Summer 1998 C. Existing Land Use/Comprehensive Plans Summer 1998 D. Travel Patterns 1. Traffic Volumes 2. Transit Use 3. Other modal travel data E Financial Evaluation - Baseline Revenues and Expenses III. Status of Destination 2015 A. Policies B. Projects C. Assumptions Summer 1998 Summer 1998 Summer 1998 IV. Analysis A. Travel Demand Summer/Fall 1998 1. Conduct evaluation of existing transportation with 20 - year and Buildout scenarios - no change in current Fall 1998 travel habits Fall 1998 2. Consider effects of following changes on travel demand a. Telecommuting b. Pricing strategies: parking, congestion c. ITS d. Improved alternative modes December 1998 - e. Combinations January 1999 B. Conduct traffic, cost/benefit, environmental and community February - March impact evaluations of Community Teams' recommendations - 1999 Round 1 C. Conduct evaluations of recommendations - Round 2 D. Financial Analysis 1. Evaluate costs and revenues on Round 1 December 1998 - January 1999 2. Propose additional revenue sources February 1999 E. Air Quality 1. Evaluate Rounds 1 and 2 January - 2. Air Quality Conformity Finding February 1999 April - May 1999 K \DATA\WP\RTP 20201Scope\scope ADA PLANNING ASSOCIATION CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP # REPRESENTING NAME, ADDRESS APPT. EXPIRES 1 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Eagle 2 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Garden City 3 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Kuna 4 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Meridian 5 County Representative Appt. by Ada County Commissioners 6 County Representative Appt. by Ada County Commissioners 7 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Boise Central Bench 8 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Boise West Bench 9 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Boise North River 10 City Representative Appt. by Mayor Boise Southeast TO BE APPOINTED Lois Bauer Senior Programs Ada County/Boise 3010 W. State, #120 Boise, ID 83703 345-7783 Steve Szplett 1768 W. Mullhuland Ct. Kuna, ID 83634 922-5045 Malcolm MacCoy 1024 Dominica Drive Meridian ID 83642 887-7611 Arnold Hartigan 11209 Camas Street Boise ID 83709 377-3265 Pete Newton 1009 North 19th Street Boise, ID 83702- 345-7655 (Home) 388-2445 (Work) Greg Bates 3311 Cassia Boise, ID 83705 344-3340 TO BE APPOINTED TO BE APPOINTED David Caneer 2374 E Gossamer Lane Boise ID 83706 385-7013 (home) 377-2248 ext 221 (work) 4/97 December Even Years 2/97 December Odd Years 2/97 December Odd Years 2/95 December Even Years 11/92 December Even Years 3/98 December Odd Years 1/97 December Odd Years 2/95 December Even Years 6/96 December Odd Years 6/96 December Even Years REPRESENTING NAME, ADDRESS APPT. EXPIRES 11 Chamber of Commerce Representative Boise 12 Chamber of Commerce Representative Eagle 13 Chamber of Commerce Representative Garden City 14 Chamber of Commerce Representative Kuna 15 Chamber of Commerce Representative Meridian 16 APA Staff Member -At -Large 17 APA Staff Member -At -Large 18 APA Staff Member -At -Large 19 APA Staff Member -At -Large 20 APA Staff Member -At -Large 21 APA Staff Member -At -Large Revised September 8, 1998 LS/CAC MEMBER3.LST Ray Stark Boise Chamber of Commerce P 0 Box 2368 Boise ID 83707 344-5515 ext. 306 Phil Whitener 198 Rooster Drive Eagle ID 83616 939-0349 Larry Woodard 8695 Marigold Street Garden City, ID 83714 376-7731(phone)/376-7743 (fax) TO BE APPOINTED Keith Borup, Chair Borup Construction 38 E. Ada Meridian, ID 83642 884-1092 Don Alloway Givens, Pursley & Huntley P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 388-1200 (Work) John Fend USDI-BLM 3548 Development Avenue Boise, ID 83705 384-3370 Via Surmelis AV West 1674 Hill Road Boise, ID 83702 367-9003 (wk) 338-9341 (home) Sheila Schwager Hawley Troxell Enniss & Hawley 877 Main Street, Suite 1000 Boise ID 83702 344-6000 Roger Freudenberg 1088 N. Cole, Suite 100 Boise, ID 83704 322-4455 Shirley Thimsen 9100 W. Holt Boise, ID 83704 375-3865 12/90 December Even Years 5/91 December Odd Years 4/97 December Even Years December Even Years 10/95 December Odd Years 6/96 December Even Years 6/96 December Even Years 6/96 December Even Years 2/98 December Odd Years 1/96 December Odd Years 3/97 December Odd Years EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject:CU-6-98 Bank with Drive -up Service September 8, 1998 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page lof 1 H:\COUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject:RZ-5-98 From A to CBD September 8, 1998 7:30 P.M. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page lof 1 H:ICOUNCIL\AGENDA\CCSIGNUP.WPD "Ma°, ,\ EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET Subject:PP-4-98 Eagle Pavilion Subdivision September 8, 1998 7:30 P.M. NAME Sin PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ADDRESS TELEPHONE PRO? CON? Page lof 1 H:ICOUNCI LIAGENDA\CCSIGNUP. WPD