Minutes - 1998 - City Council - 08/04/1998 - WorkshopEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING BUDGET WORKSHOP MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1998 COUNCIL: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Men'ill, Sedlacek, Guerber. Guerber will be late for the meeting. A quorum is present. 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Library FY 98/99 Budeet: Lynn Melton and Susan Thomas Clerk copies Library Budget for the Mayor and Council. Guerber arrives. Susan Thomas, President of the Library Board, presents and discusses the Library budget. General discussion. Lynn Melton discusses the personnel part of the Library Budget. General discussion. General discussion on grant funds. General discussion on the library hours. Council comments on the library budget. General Council consensus that the budget for purchasing books needs to be increased by $55,000. Discussion on a possible match from the general public by a library campaign. Discussion on having the Historical Society have a display area in the new library and a meeting place. Mayor calls a recess at 8:00 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:05 p.m. B. Idaho Humane Society Contract: Roger Schmitt Mayor introduces Roger Schmitt, Idaho Humane Society. Roger Schmitt discusses animal control for the City of Eagle and the annual fees. Provides a brief history of how the City began contracting with the Humane Society for these services. Roger can provide a monthly report on the calls in the City of Eagle. There are a lot of dead animal calls within Eagle. C. FY 98/99 Budeet Discussion Nancy Taylor discusses SAG-1 Comp Plan Phase 11. Distributes information to the Council. Discussion on the focus groups. Requests an additional $5,175 above the contract amount. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 8:30 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Butler discusses personnel issues for his department. Discussion on revenues for annex/zoning permit fees. Discusses the reduction in Contract Labor and Services. Displays an overhead of his July 22, 1998 memo and discusses the same. General discussion. Mike Mongelli provides Council some information on building reports. Provides support for the additional staff. General discussion among the Council. General Council consensus is for a Planner II/Assistant Building Inspector Job Description. City Clerk discusses additional staffing and changes in existing job descriptions and staff duties. General consensus of Council that the need is there for an additional person and a shift in job responsibilities. Merrill: Discusses the fountain issue in Heritage Park. Discusses the graph on the fountain and explains how a grate can be installed and the revamping of the fountain. We have a cost bid on that of $2,851. Along with that there is a price sheet from Wright Brothers for the cost of the grate which is $1,695. General discussion. Nancy moves to accept the proposal from Wright Brothers for $1,695.00 for the grate and for Wright Brothers for $2,851.00 for the stucco work to protect the fonntain. Seconded by Guerber. Discussion. 3 AYES: 1 NAY: MOTION CARRIES .......... General discussion on parks. Discussion on setting aside general funds for a new City Hall or adding to the existing building· Also discussion on building a new Senior Center/Community Center next to the new Library and using the existing building for City Hall. Discussion on the use of the existing Library building when it is vacant. Council agrees that another workshop on the Budget is not needed and the Public Hearing on the budget will be on September 1, 1998, 7:30 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Bastian moves to adjourn. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: SHAI~ON K. SMITH ' CITY CLERKJTREASURER APPROVED: ~ ~k°',4'-~or,~,'L~'~.,y 0 -~' mC ZAG q , ' MAYOR Ssi - P.O. BOX 637 EAGLE. IDAHO 83616 (208) 939-0377 FAX (203) 939-0397 WRIGHT BROTHERS THE BUILDING COMPANY TELECOPY MESSAGE To: Fax No: °r344I 4IIJ Company: �s�•Y,,,,,�1, City: J State: , '/" Dos tion of it ms being faxed; 1f�(/ .q. t, � 44 r,."( cr rrrI1 — r. r 0- 1.LS 1 S >/S `140-4.4.1 DATE: r - 3 --' ! U 461Qs-t NO OF PAGES: III FROM: • (including Cover Page) "BUILDING THE FUTURE" I/I'd L82'0N MIIMES:1$1 ••• ••• W6,1_14.4.219P moos r__r:_t 0.6,4 -T2---11,4,1344 W/ g4051h4r4 • ' 711 0.15t. - 375A 4 5 SY* ••••=•-;:ei i • 0c-91\17_ IT - II 1, 1,- - - - - - - - - - 11 493 rr • ! WALL- Arri-ICATICAq, ,;,9 E. MI-OF-Ff.. S_710.7c,14 _1-11-44q t., t , • \ et, - !It Heir " ••• Vi 117 Te*41 )1 WATF--R. robN-Mmi— AU- t--•ii___)oht - 08/04/1998 13:10 9394041 P.O. BOX 637 THE LAND GROUP -- PAGE 01 EAGLE, IDAHO 83618 (208) 939-0377 FAX (208) 939-0397 -Proposal- FILED wRIGH7 BR GLE THE BULDING COMPANY AUr3 U ° 1998 No. o 980804-P Name: City of Eagle Date: 08/04/98 Address: Eagle, Idaho Job Telephone: Name: Eagle City Park — Water Feature Gratings Fax: We propose hereby to furnish labor and material for: File: , Route to:` \\ O To provide a grating inside the top of the water feature. This grating will be made from serrated grating made of stainless steel 1I(: Irrol)o4C hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications. for the sum One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Five Dollars Only Payment to be in as follows dollars ($ 1,695.00 All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All wort: to be completed in a Authorized workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or Signature dcvimion from above specifications involving extra cods will be executed eke Tsu ( Metals Division) only upon written orders, and will become an extra change over and above Note This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted the estimate All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents, or delays within Thirty day; beyond our control. Owner to carry firs, tornado and other necessnry insurance Our workers are fills covered by Artisans Compensation Insurance. Acceptance of Proposal - the above pnco. specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted You are authorized to do the w.ork as specified, Payment will he made as (unlined above Signalurc Dau: of Acceptance Signature COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PROJECT MILESTONES August 4, 1998 4 Focus Groups • Economic Development and Downtown • Land Use Et Transportation • Parks a Open Space • Public Services Project notebooks provided to all members. For every focus group meeting we sent meeting notices/agendas and called to remind members. We arranged meeting rooms and locations and speakers. Attended or organized the following meetings: January - Meeting with P Z February Kick-off meeting and Visioning,(Feb 25) Eagle Fantasy Game, Visual Excursion of Eagle, extra facilitators March Focus Group Meetings - 6 Land Use and Transportation Workshop, ACHD, APA, and city of Eagle (Mar 25) April - Focus Group Meetings - 4 May - Focus Group Meetings - 5 June Focus Group Meetings - 7 TO BE COMPLETED: 1. Complete Draft Comp Plan Document #1 into a single format. 2. Community Open House 1-2 3. Review by the Focus Groups 4. Draft #2 5. (Optional Open House #2) 6. Public Hearings -2 7. Adoption .1 -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. UNPROCESSED PROJECT DETAIL WT PROJECT LC LABOR CODE EMP EMPLOYEE 9790505. 11392000 987963T 11392000 983000 11392000 985504 11392000 985503 11392000 985502 11392000 986274 11392000 986914 11392000 988986 11392000 989231 11392000 989501 11392000 9810522 11392000' 9810521 11392000 9810958 11392000 9811189 11392000 9813070 11392000 9815187M 11392000 9813721 11392000 9813898 113920001 9814139 11392000 9813726 11392000 9815989 11392000 9815636 11392000 9815950 11392000 9816171 11392000 9817916 11392000 9817909 11392000 9817636 11392000, 9819364 I1392000 9820134 11392000 9818689M 11392010 9822667 11392000 9824779 11392000, 9826877 11392000! 9828202 11392000, -1 7 ' PLANNER 7 PLANNER 7 PLANNER 7 PLANNER 7 PLANNER 7 PLANNER 7 PLANNER 10 CLERICAL 7PLANNER 10 CLERICAL 10 CLERICAL 7 PLANNER 7 PLANNER IO CLERICAL. 10 CLERICAL 7 PLANNER 21 SUB CONSULTANTS 7 PLANNER 10 CLERICA I. IO CLERICAL 22 MEALS & LODGING 5 TECHNICIAN 7 PLANNER IO CLERICAL IO CLERICAL. 5,TECHNICIAN 5 TECHNICIAN 7PLANNER 7PLANNER. I0.CLERICAL 21 SUB CONSULTANTS 7 PLANNER 7PLANNER 71 PLANNER 7' PLANNER • • 8981TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 898•TAYLOR 898! TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 1113 COATNEY 898 TAYLOR 1033 WEBB 1113 COATNEY 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 1033. WEBB 1113 COATNEY 898TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 0331 WEBB 11 I3 COATNEY 898 TAYLOR 1054 MALLORY 898 TAYLOR 1033 WEBB 1113 COATNEY 1054. MALLORY 1054 MALLORY 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 1 I 13 ! COATNEY 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR WK END DESCRIPTION 12/13/97:CITY OF EAGLE COMP PLAN 12/20/97 EAGLE COMP PLAN FOCUS GRPS (/17/98 EAGLE COMP PLAN PRELIM DATA GATII 1/24/98 EAGLE COMP PLAN-UPDATE-P&Z MTG 1/24/98 EAGLE COMP PLAN -UPDATE -FOCUS GRP ORGANIZ 1/24/98 EAGLE COMP PLAN -UPDATE DATA COLLECTION (/31/98 CITY OF EAGLE -COMP PLAN UPDATE FOCUS GRP ORGNZTN I/31/98EAGLE COMP PI.AN 2/7/98•CITY OF EAGLE FOCUS GRPS ORGANIZ 2/7/98 FOCUS GROUPS 2/7/98 AGMT CITY OF EAGLE 2/14/98!CITY OF EAGLE -FOCUS -EXISTING CONDITIONS 2/14/98 CITY OF EAGLE -FOCUS -GROUPS ORGANIZ 2/14/98 MERGE FILE FOR MAILING 2/l4/981COMP PLAN -CITY OF EAGLE 2/21/98CITY OF EAGLE -COMP PLAN UPDATE 2/21/98.03/03 ECOLOGICAL DESIGN. INC. 2/28/98 CITY OF EAGLE COMP PLAN UPDATE 2/28/98ICOPY/INSERTS FOR BOOKS 2/28/98 COMP PLAN CI'T'Y OF EAGLE 2/28/98 2/25 DINNER 3/7/92/28 PREPARE. FOR & ATfIEND MTG 3/7/98CITY OF EAGLE -COMP PLAN FOCUS GRP-ORGANIZ MTG #1 3/7/98 FLOWCHART 3/7/98:CITY OF EAGLE COMP PLAN 3/14/98 SUMMARIZE MTG 3/14/98 FACILITATE F(i MTG & PREP 3/14/98 CITY OF FAGI.F LAND USF MTG ADMIN 3/21/98 EAGLE,COMP PIAN FOCUS GROUP PREP 3/21/98' COPY WORK -EAGLE COMP PLAN 3/21/98 03/10 PLANMAKIiRS 3/28/98 EAGLE COMP PI.AN 4/11/98 CITY OF EAGLE COMP PLAN 4/18/98 EAGLE COMP PIAN [) BAKER APPLICATION SIJBMTI LS 4/25/98 CITY OF EA(il.Ii COMP PLAN ADMIN HOURS CHARGE 3 1.5 7.5 I 1.5 4.5 5 1 6.5 0.5 207.50 103.75 534.39 71.25 106.88 320.63 356.26 34.27 463.14 19.37 I 3427 2 142.50 6 427.51 I 38.74 1 34.27 71.25 211.75 1425.04 154.96 394.1 I 14.30 427.33 6 427.51 4 154.96 2 68.54 2 142.44 3 213.67 4 285.01 4 285.01 2 68.54 0 2849.00 5 356.26 5, 378.97 2� 151.59 2' 151.59 1 0 20 4. 1I 5 0 6 WT PROJECT LC LABOR CODE 9830958 11392000 7 ['I.ANNI R 9832260 11392000 7 10 ANNI'R 9834433 11392000 7 P1 ANNI R 983386981 11392000 2; I'IIONI.'('OPII'.S,O'ID111( 9835904 111921100 7 PI ANNI R 9837753 11;92000 7 1'1 ANNI {R 9838923 11392000 7 PI ANNFR 9841079 11;92000 7 PI ANNFR 9841080 11;02000 7 1,1 ANNI R 9841078 11192000 7 PI 4 NN I R 9842727 11192000 7 PI ANNIR 9)(42728 11 392000 7 P1 ANNFR 9844750 11192000 7 PI ANN1'R 1 1 192010 21 Sl114 CONSUL TANTS 11192000 7 PI ANNI.1( 11392000 7 PI ANN1 R 11 392000 7 PI.ANNI R 981523711 11392,C1, 25 PIIONF-( OI'IP�,OTIIF.I( 9815993 11192020 25 PIIONI 1 01'Il' OT11ER 9828208 11 `024.211 1410A1 ( 1)P11 8()1'111:1( -2 J -U -B ENGINEERS, Inc. UNPROCESSED PROJECT 1)1 TAIL EMP EMPLOYEE WK END 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYLOR 898 rAVI OR 898 TA11 OR 898 1 AYI OR 898 TAYLOR 898 TAYI OR 898 TAYI OR 898 IAl'I OR 898 TAYI OR 898 FAY1 OR 898 TAYLOR X08 I AYLOR 898 1 Al LOR 898 IA \ I.OR PROJECT 11392-00-0 DESCRIPTION HOURS CHARGE 5/2/98 C118' OI I A(.1 1 -1 OW% GROUP IP M I G 5!9198 I A(;1 1 -I (K l 8 GRI' ( OORI)IN 5/16/98 (.11Y ()1 1 1(1 F'( 0811' PIAN I -)C US GRP OROANI/ 5'16:98 2-20 01-11c1 DLPOT (30 I(INI)I RS) 521/98 (I18 111 1 AGI F FOCIf$ GROUP 5/30/98 (I I Y 111 1 A(il 1 6/6/98 1(1(1,1 (1R01)P ORGAN I/.A"1 ION 6'13'9811)( 18(IRP 81FG (IIl-(11 1.4(11 F 6'13/98 1 -Mil 1 -(11Y 01- (1'13/98 (4)81P 10 :1N DRAI 1 (1'1 Y (11 1 AGI F 6/2098 I A01.l ( ()MP PI AN 6'20!98 1 :1(11 I ('OMP PI AN I)RA1 1 6/27/98 ( I FY OI 1•AGl F 7/4/98 PI.ANMAKFRS 7/4/98 ('1 rY 01 1';1(11 1 71 11)98 1 A01.1 •I'1 131 IC SFRVI( 1', ( 1(8(1') N1 \ 1 7/18/98 I.A(I1 1 "P1 5131.11 SI -RVI( 18 1)1(:81 1 COMP PLAN 2;28'98 2 2; KINkOS 1054 81A1 LORI' 317/98 2/2; SODA & ( OOKILS 11)R M 1G 898 TAYLOR 4125•98 3'25 FAO L-RFIRFS1111FN1S PROJECT 11392-02-0 - REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES << I-fA 1rJ II--"1(� ➢Rv> T 1'oC.1 3 227 18 1; 11369 3 227 38 0 103 61 1 75 79 1 75 79 3 227 38 2 151 ;9 2 151 59 2 ; 189 49 75 79 3 227 38 2 151 ;9 11 2849 011 6061 h ; 492 4; 22738 169.0 517,299.94 0 96 22_ 0 229 91 0 18 18 0.0 $144.51 1 0 1 :1So PF_iscr +2Docy) S OO P� N 1-4--O0 S6 '/-' , 0 o O P�e(..IC 4N.D o Pm . ,00011, August 4th Budget Workshop Nancy inquires of Mark: Will you be able to do the reports and things that you would be asking the front girls to do then? Mark: I don't have that many reports. Merrill: I mean you wouldn't be needing them? Mark: we use them to do agendas, they do labels on things. Merrill: is there anybody on your staff that could take that? Mark: I don't think you want to spend $15 to have someone do that. Mark: I think we need to switch some stuff back to us if we have to with the new employee. We will do what we have to. Merrill: I'm worried about the extra person putting an extra load on the staff now with what they are trying to do and what they want to do. Mark: I don't see that happening. The load on their staff is due to applications that come in. That is what creates the agendas, that's what creates the action letters. I don't think having a person creates a burden to you. Page 3 \1Eaglel\vol l\SHARED\COUNCILIMINUTES1I998\cc080498 sp budget min.doc