Minutes - 1998 - City Council - 06/29/1998 - Joint EAGLE CITY COUNCIL/DESIGN REVIEW BOARD/PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION JOINT MEETING MINUTES June 29, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Call to order by Mayor Yzaguirre: 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Merrill, Sedlacek, Guerber. Sedlacek is absent. A quorum is present. Planning & Zoning Commission: Brinton, Famworth, Moser, Trent, Wilson. Moser is absent. A quorum is present. Design Review Board: Greco, McCullough, Murray, Vance. Greco, Murray, Vance are absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Update: Mayor Yzagnirre introduces Comprehensive Plan Focus Group Workshop issue. Nancy Taylor gives an update on the progress of the focus groups and gives the floor to John Bertram for and update on the progress of other focus groups. John Bertram gives an update on the progress of the entry signs. B. Regulatory Guidelines for Floodplain Development: Mayor Yzaguirre introduces the issue. Mike Mongelli gives a report on the existing state floodplain ordinance and Eagle's ability to customize regulations to fit the City's needs. Mongelli itemizes particular issues to increase the floodplain ordinance's effectiveness. General Discussion. C. Downtown Parking: Mayor Yzaguirre introduces the issue. General Discussion. Farnworth would like to see more parking in Eagle. A sign shall be placed in the new parking lot near Heritage Park to indicate public parking. D. General Discussion of City Related Issues: Famworth suggests Eagle's 18t~ Century genre' requirements are vague and imprecise. More direction is needed. General Discussion. Berms, pathways, community design, landscaping right-of-way, continuity, availability, and knowledge of pathways are discussed. Mayor Yzaguirre introduces David Bieter, and Eric McCullough to the group. Page 1 of 2 BASTIAN MOVES TO HAVE CITY COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. SEDLACEK SECONDS. ROLL CALL. ALL AYE. MOTION CARRIES... RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: SH~N K. SMITH, CI~ CLE~ASU~R ~CK YZAGUI~, MAYOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL. Page 2 of 2