Findings - CC - 2016 - RZ-13-05MOD 3 - Mod To Da/Inst#106161990/Legacy Development/623.9 Acre/ BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION ) FOR A MODIFICATION TO THE LEGACY ) DEVELOPMENT REZONE DEVELOPMENT ) AGREEMENT FOR CLOUD BERRY,LLC ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW CASE NUMBER RZ-13-05 MOD 3 The above-entitled rezone with development agreement modification application came before the Eagle City Council for their consideration on February 14, 2012. The public hearing was continued to March 27, 2012, at which time the application was remanded to staff. The application was re-noticed and the rezone with development agreement modification application came before the Eagle City Council for their consideration on June 12, 2012, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed to oral testimony. The application was continued to June 26, 2012, to allow for additional written testimony to be provided addressing specific concerns regarding commercial acreage and sewer service locations for adjoining properties. The written testimony was provided addressing those concerns and the public hearing was closed. The Council made their decision at that time. The Council, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; FINDINGS OF FACT: A. PROJECT SUMMARY: Cloud Berry, LLC, represented by Justin Martin, is requesting a modification to the development agreement (Instrument #106161990) associated with the R-2-DA-P (Residential-up to two units per acre with a development agreement - Planned Unit Development) zoning classification for the Legacy Development. The 623.9-acre site is generally located approximately 1,850-feet north of State Highway 44 between Linder Road and State Highway 16. B. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on November 10, 2011. C. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on January 30, 2012. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on January 26, 2012. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on February 3, 2012. Due to the application being remanded to staff on March 27, 2012, Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was re-published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on May 28, 2012. Notice of this Public Hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on May 21, 2012. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on May 24, 2012. Page 1 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf.doc D. HISTORY OF RELEVANT PREVIOUS ACTIONS: On August 8, 2006, the City Council approved an annexation, rezone with development agreement, conditional use permit,preliminary development plan, and preliminary plat(A- 09-05/RZ-13-05/CU-12-05/PPUD-13-05/PP-01-06)for the Legacy Planned Community. On August 28, 2007, the City Council approved the final development plan and final plat FPUD-01-07/FP-01-07/FP-02-07, for Mosca Seca Subdivision Phases No. 1 &No. 2. On September 18, 2007, the City Council approved a modification to the Conditions of Development and associated exhibits (RZ-13-05 MOD) to the development agreement to provide a time schedule for the build-out of the Academy Core area located within Mosca Seca Subdivision(located within the Legacy Planned Unit Development). On February 19, 2008, the City Council approved a modification to the Conditions of Development and associated exhibits (RZ-13-05 MOD 2) within the development agreement to address the percentage of allowable second story square footage in relationship to the first floor for homes located on lots less than 8,000-square feet in size, the provisions of private roads, construction flooring material for attached single-family dwellings, and the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the on-site municipal water system. On March 11, 2008, the Mosca Subdivision No. 1 final plat was recorded at the Ada County Recorder's office. On August 25, 2008,the Mosca Seca Subdivision No. 2 final plat was recorded at the Ada County Recorder's office. On October 13, 2009, the City Council approved an extension of time (EXT-12-09) for the preliminary plat for Mosca Seca Subdivision (PP-01-06) to be valid until August 25, 2010. On November 9, 2010,the City Council approved an extension of time (EXT-07-10) for the preliminary plat for Mosca Seca Subdivision(PP-O1-06)to be valid until August 25, 2011. On September 13, 2011,the City Council approved an extension of time(EXT-06-11) for the preliminary plat for Mosca Seca Subdivision(PP-01-06)to be valid until August 25, 2012. Page 2 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc E. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP AND ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS: COMP PLAN ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION DESIGNATION Existing Residential Two(up to R-2-DA-P (Residential-2 Legacy Planned Unit two units per acre units per acre planned unit Development maximum) development with a development agreement) Proposed No Change No Change No Change North of site Residential Two (up to RUT(Rural-Urban Single-family dwellings, two units per acre Transition—Ada County pasture, feed lot, and maximum) Designation)and R2 proposed Lanewood (Residential—Ada County Estates Subdivision Designation). South of site Residential Two(up to RUT(Rural-Urban Single-family dwellings, two units per acre Transition—Ada County pasture,Longhorn maximum)&Transitional Designation) Subdivision. Proposed Residential R-2-DA-P (Residential-2 Eaglefield and Northstar units per acre planned unit Charter School development with a development agreement) East of site Residential Two(up to R-2-DA (Residential Two Copperfield and Senora two units per acre with Development Creek Subdivisions maximum)&Residential Agreement)&RUT(Rural Subdivision&Agricultural Three(up to three units Urban Transition—Ada land per acre maximum) County Designation) West of site Residential Two(up to RUT(Rural-Urban State Highway 16 two units per acre Transition—Ada County maximum) Designation) F. DESIGN REVIEW OVERLAY DISTRICT:Not in the DDA, TDA, CEDA, or DSDA. G. TOTAL ACREAGE OF SITE: 623.9-acres H. APPLICANT'S STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION FOR THE REZONE MODIFICATION: See applicant's justification letter attached to the staff report and incorporated herein by reference. PUBLIC USES SHOWN ON FUTURE ACQUISITIONS MAP:No map currently exists. J. NON-CONFORMING USES:None are apparent on the site. Page 3 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doe K. AGENCY RESPONSES: The following agencies have previously responded with the original application(A-9- 05/RZ-13-05/CU-12-05/PPUD-13-05/PP-01-06)and their correspondence is attached to the staff report: Ada County Highway District Central District Health Department Chevron Pipeline Department of Environmental Quality Drainage District#2 dated Eagle Fire Department Eagle Sewer District Idaho Department of Transportation Joint School District No. 2 Middleton Mill Ditch Company L. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC:None received to date STAFF ANALYSIS PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT: • The applicant is requesting modifications to the development agreement (Instrument #106161990) associated with RZ-13-05 for the Legacy Development to amend Article III, "Conditions on Development" as noted within their narrative date stamped by the City on November 10, 2011. The existing Conditions of Development the applicant is requesting to modify are shown in bold and the applicant's proposed modifications are shown in bold italic. • The applicant is proposing 1,094 dwelling units to be developed on the undeveloped Applicant's Parcel (as defined pursuant to the development agreement modification). The proposed 1,094 dwelling units is the number of dwelling units remaining from the original 1,373 dwelling units minus the number of units that have been platted with the Mosca Seca Subdivision and minus the number of units allotted within the Haynes parcel located north of North Star Charter School. Existing Condition 3.4.1 Residential Development (Sections, and are to be restated as follow): Up to 1,373 dwelling units may be developed on the Property. The applicant is proposing Condition of Development to read as follows: Proposed A density of 2.2 Dwelling Units per acre for the Original Property permitted 1,373 Dwelling Units. After subtracting the existing 241 Residential Building Lots on the Platted Portion and allocating potentially 38 Dwelling Units to the Haynes Parcel, there remains 1,094 dwelling units that may be developed on the Applicant's Property. Within the proposed condition the applicant has capitalized Dwelling Units and Residential Building Lots. Since Dwelling Units and Residential Building Lots are not defined terms in the development agreement those words should not be capitalized. • The applicant is requesting to reduce the size of the area that may be developed with residential development (on the original property not including the expansion parcels) from 437.3-acres to Page 4 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc 375-acres. The requested reduction is calculated based on the remaining undeveloped portion of the property. Existing Residential development on the Property shall not exceed a total of 437.3 acres nor substantially exceed the acreages for the housing types set forth in the below table: Approx. Approx. Lot Size Acreage Townhouse 3,800-4,999 SF 35.7 Patio 5,000-7,999 SF 116.0 Custom 8,000-11,999 SF 136.5 Estate 12,000+ SF 149.1 The applicant provided a revised table referencing the product type, approximate lot size, and approximate acreage with the condition to be amended as follows: Proposed Residential development on the Applicant's Property shall not substantially exceed a total of 375 acres, nor substantially exceed the acreages for the housing type set forth in the below table: Approx. Product Type Approx. Lot Size Acreage Townhouse 3,800-4,999 SF 0.0 Patio 5,000-7,999 SF 111.3 Custom 8,000-11,999 SF 136.6 Estate 12,000+SF 127.1 Total 375 • The applicant provided a revised condition referencing the original property associated with the development agreement and the undeveloped portion of the property to be in conformance with a revised table referencing product type, approximate lot size, percentage of dwelling units, and approximate number of units. The applicant is not proposing to construct additional townhouse dwelling units on the remaining undeveloped portion. The applicant is still proposing to continue to restrict the percentage of townhouse units allowed within the original development and the expansion parcel to a maximum of 20%. The proposed condition of development references the remaining "Undeveloped Portion" of the property. Since "Undeveloped Portion" is not a defined term in the development agreement modification the condition of development should reference the portion of the development that is not developed as "Applicant's Property" to be consistent with Condition of Development Page 5of17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc Existing The total number of townhouses developed on the Property shall not substantially exceed 20% of the aggregate dwelling units allowed, with the mixture of residential uses generally conforming to the following categories: Product Type Approx. Lot Size % of Units Approx. Number of Units Townhouse 3,800-4,999 SF 14-20% 192-275 Patio 5,000-7,999 SF 32-40% 439-549 Custom 8,000-11,999 SF 28-35% 384-481 Estate 12,000+ SF 16-25% 220-343 Not to exceed 1,373 The applicant's amended condition for the undeveloped portion of the project is proposed as follows: Proposed No further townhouses shall be developed on the Original Property it being understood that townhouse acreage that otherwise would have been available for development on the Original Property may be utilized in the future development of Expansion Parcel No. 1. The total number of townhouses developed on the Original Property and the Expansion Parcel No. 1 shall not substantially exceed 20% of the aggregate dwelling units allowed, with the mixture of residential uses on the Applicant's remaining Undeveloped Portion generally conforming to the following categories: Product Type Approx.Lot Size % of Units Approx. Number of Units Townhouse 3,800-4,999 SF 0% 0 Patio 5,000-7,999 SF 38% 420 Custom 8,000-11,999 SF 36% 395 Estate 12,000+SF 26% 279 Not to exceed 1,094 • During the approval process for the Legacy development the required amount of open space for the project was conditioned to be 21% of the property consisting of the Academy Core area(11%) and the Community Open Space (10%).The applicant is requesting to reduce the required amount of open space for the overall development from 21% to 20% of the property area. At the time the Legacy development was approved the percentage of open space required pursuant to Eagle City Code was a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the project with an additional offsetting increase in open space for lots that were below the minimum lot size (17,000-square feet). Since that time the amount of open space required for planned unit developments has been amended to require a minimum of 20% of the residential gross land area. Within the proposed modified condition of development the applicant is also requesting to remove the Condition of Development pertaining to construction of the Academy Core. At the time of approval the applicant had license agreements associated with utilizing the athlete's names for the proposed sport facilities to be located within the Academy Core. Since that time the license agreements have been terminated. Page 6 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc The applicant is also concerned with the expansion operation and maintenance costs associated with the academies that will be paid by the homeowners association within the Legacy development. The applicant indicated within the provided narrative that the homeowners association may not be able to afford the operation and maintenance of the academy amenities in the current economy. The original open space condition of development reads as follows: Existing Condition 3.4.4 Open Space At least 21% of the Property shall be reserved as open space. Open space is defined as comprising two categories of area: the "Academy Core" and "Community Open Space," as described below: The Academy Core, as depicted in Exhibit A hereto, shall be a year round training facility and comprise no less than 11% of the Property and include a swim academy, a tennis academy, a soccer academy, a golf academy, and a community fitness center as generally depicted in Exhibit N hereto. The Academy Core shall be developed substantially as set forth in Exhibit E hereto. Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, all buildings in the Academy Core shall be subject to Eagle's design review process, as set forth in Eagle City Code,Title 8, Chapter 2A. Construction of the Academy Core facilities shall commence upon recording the first final plat for the Property. Upon submission of any subsequent preliminary plat, Applicants must provide Eagle with a schedule for completion of construction of the Academy Core. Unless the Academy Core is deemed to be substantially complete within three years from the recording of this Agreement or completion is delayed beyond that time by acts of God or other factors over which Applicants have no control, no new building permits will be issued until the Academy Core is substantially complete and all occupancy permits are issued by Eagle. The maximum height for structures in the Academy Core shall not exceed 46.5 feet. If safety netting along the perimeter of the driving range is needed, said poles and other related structures shall not exceed 40 feet, and the applicant shall be required to submit a design review application including height, material and maintenance information The following ancillary uses shall be allowed within the Academy Core to serve the residents and promote vehicular trip capture within the Property: • Restaurant • Deli/sandwich shop • Activity specific retail The Community Open Space shall comprise no less than 10% of the Property and be developed for casual recreation. This area shall include the following: • Ten acres of community park land • At least one tot lot for each phase depicted in Exhibit A hereto Page 7 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccfdoc • Regional trails connecting through the Property, from east to west and north to south • Both Active and Passive Open Space,as defined in Section above • Up to five acres of school site can be included as Community Open Space All Community Open Space shall comply with the Eagle City Code in effect at the time of the preliminary plat application including such area. All Community Open Space with the exception of that included within school sites shall be maintained by the umbrella home owners association for the Property or the local home owners association for the area surrounding or adjoining the open space. A public easement for a greenbelt pathway connecting north to south and east to west through the Property shall be dedicated to Eagle. The specific location, easement language, design, and construction plans of the pathway shall be approved by the Eagle City Council prior to the City Engineer signing the first final plat for the Property. All regional pathways dedicated to Eagle shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide and contain paved pathways of at least 10 feet in width,and all micropathways designed for primary use by the residence of the Property shall be a minimum of 16 feet wide and contain paved pathways of at least 6 feet in width, with all paved pathways being constructed to Eagle's pathway standards, as established by Eagle's Park and Pathways Development Committee and the City Engineer. All open space areas are subject to Eagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8-2A. The applicant is proposing to delete Condition of Development 3.4.4 Open Space in its entirety and replace it with the following Condition of Development: Proposed 3.4.4 Open Space. At least 20% of the Original Property shall be reserved as open space. The application for any preliminary plat shall contain, in addition to all requirements of the Eagle City Code, a land use summary that demonstrates that the number of acres of existing open space, together with the number of acres of open space in the submitted preliminary plat application maintains the minimum 20% open space requirement, pursuant to Eagle City Code. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. The Open Space shall include the following: • Ten acres of community park land • At least one tot lot for each phase depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto, • Regional trails connecting through the Property, from east to west and north to south • Both Active and Passive Open Space. A minimum of 60% of the Open Space shall be Active Open Space. Active Open Space shall be defined as areas that provide gathering area for active recreation (e.g. recreational spaces, open fields,swimming pools, tot lots and trails). Passive Open Space shall be defined Page 8 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc as neighborhood areas that provide a combination of linear open space and scenic features(e.g.ponds, berms and view corridors). • Up to five acres of school site can be included as Open Space All Open Space shall comply with the Eagle City Code in effect at the time of the preliminary plat application including such area. All Open Space with the exception of that included within school sites shall be maintained by Legacy Community Association, Inc., any successor homeowners or neighborhood associations, or any recreational association established to maintain a particular open space for recreational use, all as more particularly set forth in the Community Charter for Legacy, Instrument No. 108048693, records Ada County, Idaho, and/or the Declaration of Recreational Covenant, Instrument No. 108048694, and any modifications thereto. A public easement for a greenbelt pathway connecting north to south and east to west through the Property shall be dedicated to Eagle. The specific location, easement language, design, and construction plans of the pathway shall be approved by the Eagle City Council prior to the City Engineer signing the first final plat for the Property. All regional pathways dedicated to Eagle shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide and contain paved pathways of at least 10 feet in width, and all micropathways designed for primary use by the residences of the Property shall be a minimum of 16 feet wide and contain paved pathways of at least 6 feet in width, with all paved pathways being constructed to Eagle's pathway standards, as established by Eagle's Park and Pathways Development Committee and the City Engineer. All open space areas are subject to Eagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Sections 8-2A. • The applicant is requesting that Condition of Development 3.5 be modified to recognize that the construction and subsequent opening of North Star Charter School satisfies the condition of development regarding the requirement for a public school site. Although the school site was not in the school area as shown on the concept plan associated with the originally executed development agreement, the school site is located adjacent to the Property south of Floating Feather Road as required pursuant to Condition of Development 3.5.1. The applicant is also proposing that in the event North Star Charter School needs portable classrooms in the future those portable classrooms should be a permitted use provided the location, design, and number of units is approved in writing, by the applicant. Also, pursuant to Eagle City Code the addition of portable units at the school site will require design review approval. The applicant should be required to submit a design review application for review and approval prior to the installation of the portable units. Existing Condition 3.5 School site 3.5 Approximately ten acres of the Property shall be provided or sold to the Meridian Joint School District or other public school authority, for use as one or more public school or public charter school sites. The school site(s) shall be subject to Eagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8-2A. A concept for the architectural style of the school facility is set forth as Exhibit G attached hereto and incorporated herein. Page 9 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle ApplicationsTreliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc 3.5.1 The school site(s)shall be located south of Floating Feather Road and access to the site(s) shall originate internally from the Property and not from any arterial road. 3.5.2 This Agreement is in lieu of a conditional use permit for development of the school site(s)that would normally be required within the "R2" zoning district. Proposed 3.5 The existing North Star Charter School satisfies the Development Agreement requirement for a public school site. Although portable classrooms are a prohibited use in residential districts, applications for building permits to install portable classroom(s) will be permitted, provided the location, design and number are approved in writing by the Applicant herein. Since the school site was established south of Floating Feather Road and North Star Charter School has been constructed on the site Conditions of Development 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 are proposed to be deleted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROVIDED WITHIN THE STAFF REPORT MEMORANDUM: Staff recommends approval of the following applicant modifications to the development agreement with strike through text to be deleted by staff and underline text to be added by staff: 3.1 The applicant shall also provide a revised Concept Plan inclusive of a revised Land Use Summary table in accordance with the approved acreages, number of residential lots, and percentage of lot totals. A density of 2.2 Dwelling Units per acre for the The maximum overall density of the Original Property wed shall not exceed 1,373 Ddwelling Uunits. After subtracting the existing 2/11 Residential Building Lots on the Platted Portion and allocating potentially 38 Dwelling Units to the Haynes Parcel,their remains Those 1,373 dwelling units shall consist of the 241 residential building lots contained within the Platted Portion, a maximum of 38 dwelling units allocated to the Haynes Parcel, and a maximum of 1,094 dwelling units that may be developed on the Applicant's Property. Residential development on the Applicant's Property shall not substantially exceed a total of 375 acres, nor substantially exceed the acreages for the housing type set forth in the below table: Approx. Product Type Approx. Lot Size Acreage Townhouse 3,800-4,999 SF 0.0 Patio 5,000-7,999 SF 111.3 Custom 8,000-11,999 SF 136.6 Estate 12,000+SF 127.1 Total 375 No further townhouses shall be developed on the Original Property it being understood that townhouse acreage that otherwise would have been available for development on the Original Property may be utilized in the future development of Expansion Parcel No. 1. Page 10 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doe The total number of townhouses developed on the Original Property and the Expansion Parcel No. 1 shall not substantially exceed 20% of the aggregate dwelling units allowed, with the mixture of residential uses on the Applicant's Property -• . • _ _ .. : ': :- generally conforming to the following categories: Product Type Approx. Lot Size % of Units Approx.Number of Units Townhouse 3,800-4,999 SF 0% 0 Patio 5,000-7,999 SF 38% 420 Custom 8,000-11,999 SF 36% 395 Estate 12,000+ SF 26% 279 Not to exceed 1,094 3.4.4 Open Space. At least 20% of the Original Property shall be reserved as open space. The application for any preliminary plat shall contain, in addition to all requirements of the Eagle City Code, a land use summary that demonstrates that the number of acres of existing open space, together with the number of acres of open space in the submitted preliminary plat application maintains the minimum 20%open space requirement,pursuant to Eagle City Code. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. The Open Space shall include the following: • Ten acres of community park land • At least one tot lot for each phase depicted on Exhibit A hereto • Regional trails connecting through the Property, from east to west and north to south • Both Active and Passive Open Space. A minimum of 60% of the Open Space shall be Active Open Space. Active Open Space shall be defined as areas that provide gathering area for active recreation(e.g. recreational spaces, open fields, swimming pools,tot lots and trails). Passive Open Space shall be defined as neighborhood areas that provide a combination of linear open space and scenic features(e.g. ponds, begins and view corridors). • Up to five acres of school site can be included as Open Space All Open Space shall comply with the Eagle City Code in effect at the time of the preliminary plat application including such area. All Open Space with the exception of that included within school sites shall be maintained by Legacy Community Association, Inc., any successor homeowners or neighborhood associations, or any recreational association established to maintain a particular open space for recreational use, all as more particularly set forth in the Community Charter for Legacy, Instrument No. 108048693, records Ada County, Idaho, and/or the Declaration of Recreational Covenant, Instrument No. 108048694, and any modifications thereto. Page 11 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccfdoc A public easement for a greenbelt pathway connecting north to south and east to west through the Property shall be dedicated to Eagle. The specific location, easement language, design, and construction plans of the pathway shall be approved by the Eagle City Council prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat for the Property. All regional pathways dedicated to Eagle shall be located within a minimum e€20-feeoot wide easement and contain paved pathways of at least 10-feet in width, and all micropathways designed for primary use by the residences of the Property shall be located within a minimum e€ 16-feeoot wide easement and contain paved pathways of at least 6-feet in width, with all paved pathways being constructed to Eagle's pathway standards_, as established by Eagle's Park and Pathways Development Committee and the City Engineer. All open space areas are subject to eEagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8-2A and Section 9-4-1-6 (D)Pathway Design. 3.5 Approximately ten acres of the Property shall be provided or sold to the Meridian Joint School District or other public school authority, for use as one or more public school or public charter school sites. The school site(s) shall be subject to Eagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8 2A. A concept for the architectural style of the school facility is set forth as Exhibit G attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3.5.1 The school site(s)shall be located south of Floating Feather Road and access to the site(s) chall originate internally from the Property and not from any arterial road. 3.5.2 This Agreement is in lieu of a conditional use permit for development of the school site(s)that would normally be required within the"R2"zoning district. 3.5 The existing North Star Charter School satisfies the Development Agreement requirement for a public school site. The placement of portable classroom(s) to be located at the school site shall be subject to Eagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8-2A and the location, design, and number of units are approved by the Applicant herein. PUBLIC HEARING OF THE COUNCIL: A. A Public hearing on the application came before the City Council on February 14 2012. The Council continued the items to March 27, 2012, at which time the application was remanded to staff. The application was re-noticed and the rezone with development agreement modification application came before the Eagle City Council for their consideration on June 12, 2012, at which time testimony was taken and the public hearing was closed to oral testimony. The application was continued to June 26, 2012, to allow for additional written testimony to be provided addressing specific concerns regarding commercial acreage and sewer service locations for adjoining properties. The written testimony was provided addressing those concerns and the public hearing was closed. The Council made their decision at that time. B. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the City Council by no one(not including the applicant/representative). C. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the City Council by no one. D. Oral testimony neither in favor nor against this proposal was made by one (1) individual. The individual provided comment regarding the future academies, school site, and sewer service to the adjacent properties. The individual indicated that today's housing market would not support the construction of the proposed sports academies. The individual further stated that if the city chooses to allow the applicant to remove the requirement of constructing the sports academies the Page 12 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc permitted density should be reduced as well. The individual also indicated that if an additional school site is not required then the school district should respond stating such. In regard to sewer the individual indicated that the applicant should cooperate with the neighbors to ensure that an easement for the construction of a sewer main be provided for the adjacent properties. COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 3 to 0 (Semanko absent)to approve RZ-13-05 MOD 3 for a modification to the Conditions of Development and associated exhibits within the development agreement(Instrument #106161990)for Cloud Berry, LLC, with the following staff recommended Conditions of Development modifications with strike through text to be deleted by the Council and underlined text to be added by the Council: 3.1 The applicant shall also provide a revised Concept Plan inclusive of a revised Land Use Summary table in accordance with the approved acreages, number of residential lots, and percentage of lot totals. A density of 2.2 Dwelling Units per acre for the The maximum overall density of the Original Property wed shall not exceed 1,373 Ddwelling 14units. After subtracting the • . Dwelling Units to the Haynes Parcel, their remains Those 1,373 dwelling units shall consist of the 241 residential building lots contained within the Platted Portion, a maximum of 38 dwelling units allocated to the Haynes Parcel, and a maximum of 1,094 dwelling units that may be developed on the Applicant's Property. Residential development on the Applicant's Property shall not substantially exceed a total of 375 acres with a mix of housing types that includes patio homes, custom homes and estate homes as generally shown on the Revised Concept Plan,Exhibit B. The minimum lot size shall be 3,800-square feet to 12,000-square feet and above not to exceed a total of 1,094 units. ,nor substantially exceed the acr ages for the housing type set forth in the below-tablet Approx. Product Type Approx. Lot Size Acr age Townhouse 3,800 1,999 SF 8:8 Patio 5,000 7,999 SF 111.3 Custom $,000 11,999 SF Estate 12,000+ SF 127.1 Total 375 No further townhouses shall be developed on the Original Property it being understood that townhouse acreage that otherwise would have been available for development on the Original Property may be utilized in the future development of Expansion Parcel No. 1. The total number of townhouses developed on the Original Property and the Expansion Parcel No. 1 shall not substantially exceed 20% of the aggregate dwelling units allowed, with the mixture of residential uses on the Applicant's Property. remaining Undeveloped Portion generally conforming to the following categories: Page 13 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc Product Typo Approx. Lot Size %of Units Approx.Number of Units Tewnhouse 3,800 1,999 SF 8 Retie 5,000 7,999 SF 38% 423 Custom 5,000 11,999 SF 36% 39-5 Estate 12,000+ SF Not to exceed 1,094 Nothing herein shall be construed to increase the permitted density on either the Original Property or Expansion Parcel No. 1. 3.4.3 Commercial Office/Development. Section of the Development Agreement is modified as follows: Office and commercial use shall be limited to 5% of the Original Property acreage which shall not exceed a maximum of 31.2-acres. The Property shall be developed in compliance with the Eagle City Code and Eagle's Comprehensive Plan, as adopted at the time this Agreement is recorded, except as otherwise provided herein. Notwithstanding this limitation,pursuant to the Revised Concept Plan,the Applicant has limited its proposed development of office and commercial use to 5 acres. The Concept Plan submitted with the Expansion Parcel No. 1 identifies 12.9 acres of commercial use. While the Applicant has agreed to reduce its commercial use to five (5) acres on the Original Property, and agreed to consent to additional commercial acreage which otherwise would have been available for development for the entire PUD as identified in the original development agreement, recorded October 12, 2006, Instrument #106161990, may be utilized in whole or in part, at the Eagle City Council's sole discretion after notice and public hearing, on Expansion Parcel No. 1. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any requirement for applications regarding design reviews, preliminary and final plat reviews, conditional use permits (if applicable) and any other applicable applications required by Eagle City Code in connection with the Applicant's Property or that of Expansion Parcel No. 1. 3.4.4 Open Space. At least 20% of the Original Property shall be reserved as open space. The application for any preliminary plat shall contain, in addition to all requirements of the Eagle City Code, a land use summary that demonstrates that the number of acres of existing open space, together with the number of acres of open space in the submitted preliminary plat application maintains the minimum 20%open space requirement, pursuant to Eagle City Code. INTENTIONALLY DELETED. The Open Space shall include the following: • Ten acres of community park land Page 14 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf.doc • At least one tot lot for each phase depicted on Exhibit A hereto • Regional trails connecting through the Property, from east to west and north to south • Both Active and Passive Open Space. A minimum of 60% of the Open Space shall be Active Open Space. Active Open Space shall be defined as areas that provide gathering area for active recreation(e.g. recreational spaces, open fields, swimming pools,tot lots and trails). Passive Open Space shall be defined as neighborhood areas that provide a combination of linear open space and scenic features(e.g. ponds, berms and view corridors). • Up to five acres of school site can be included as Open Space All Open Space shall comply with the Eagle City Code in effect at the time of the preliminary plat application including such area. All Open Space with the exception of that included within school sites shall be maintained by Legacy Community Association, Inc., any successor homeowners or neighborhood associations, or any recreational association established to maintain a particular open space for recreational use, all as more particularly set forth in the Community Charter for Legacy, Instrument No. 108048693, records Ada County, Idaho, and/or the Declaration of Recreational Covenant, Instrument No. 108048694, and any modifications thereto. A public easement for a greenbelt pathway connecting north to south and east to west through the Property shall be dedicated to Eagle. The specific location, easement language, design, and construction plans of the pathway shall be approved by the Eagle City Council prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat for the Property. All regional pathways dedicated to Eagle shall be located within a minimum of 20-feeoot wide easement and contain paved pathways of at least 10-feet in width, and all micropathways designed for primary use by the residences of the Property shall be located within a minimum of 16-feeoot wide easement and contain paved pathways of at least 6-feet in width, with all paved pathways being constructed to Eagle's pathway standards_, as established by Eagle's Park and Pathways Development Committee and the City Engineer. All open space areas are subject to eEagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8-2A and Section 9-4-1-6 (D)Pathway Design. School District or other public school authority, for use as one or more public school or public charter school sites. Tho school site(s) shall be subject to Eagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8 2A. A concept for the architectural style of the school facility is set forth as Exhibit G attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3.5.1The school site(s)shall be located south of Floating F ather Road and access to the site(s) shall originate internally from the Property and not from any arterial road. 3.5.2 This Agreement is in lieu of a conditional use permit for development of the school site(s)that would normally be required within the"R2"zoning district. 3.5 The existing North Star Charter School satisfies the Development Agreement requirement for a public school site. The placement of portable classroom(s) to be located at the school site shall be subject to Eagle's design review process and standards set forth in Eagle City Code Section 8-2A and the location, design, and number of units are approved by the Applicant herein. Page 15 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf.doc 3.22 The Applicant shall work with the Eagle Sewer District to pursue easements for sewer connections to the property to the north, the location of the future sewer easements shall be determined by the Eagle Sewer District and the Applicant. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on November 10, 2011. 2. Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on January 30, 2012. Notice of this public hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300- feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on January 26, 2012. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on February 3, 2012. Due to the application being remanded to staff on March 27, 2012, Notice of Public Hearing on this application for the Eagle City Council was re-published in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and the Eagle City Code on May 28, 2012. Notice of this Public Hearing was mailed to property owners within three hundred feet (300-feet) of the subject property in accordance with the requirements of Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code and Eagle City Code on May 21, 2012. The site was posted in accordance with the Eagle City Code on May 24, 2012. 3. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed rezone modification(RZ- 13-05 MOD 3) with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-5 "Action by the Commission and Council", and based upon the information provided concludes that the proposed rezone is in accordance with the City of Eagle Comprehensive Plan and established goals and objectives because: a. The R-2-DA-P (Residential-two units per acre planned unit development with a development agreement) zoning designation is consistent with the Residential Two land use designation shown on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; b. The information provided from the agencies having jurisdiction over the public facilities needed for this site indicate at the time of the original application that adequate public facilities exist, or are expected to be provided, to serve any and all uses allowed on this property under the proposed zone; c. The R-2-DA-P (Residential-two units per acre planned unit development with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the R-2-DA (Residential-two units per acre with development agreement) zone and land use to the east since this site (Copperfield Subdivision and The Preserve Planned Unit Development) is currently developed at densities similar to the Legacy Planned Unit Development and the remaining area may be developed with similar densities; d. The R-2-DA-P (Residential-two units per acre planned unit development with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the RUT (Rural Urban Transitional-Ada County designation) zone and land use to the west since State Highway 16 provides a buffer from the existing land uses to the west and the remaining area may be developed with similar densities; e. The R-2-DA-P (Residential-two units per acre planned unit development with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the RUT and R2 (Residential-Ada County designations) zones and land uses to the north since this area may be developed in a similar manner; f. The R-2-DA-P (Residential-two units per acre planned unit development with a development agreement) zone is compatible with the RUT (Rural Urban Transitional-Ada County designation) zone and R-2-DA-P (Residential-two units per acre planned unit development with a development agreement) zone land uses to the south since a portion of this area is currently being developed with similar densities (The Preserve Planned Unit Development) and the remaining area may be developed in a similar manner; Page 16 of 17 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\Preliminary Development Plans\2005\Legacy DA MOD 3 ccf doc g. The land proposed for rezone modification is not located within a "Hazard Area" or "Special Area"as described within the Comprehensive Plan; and h. No non-conforming uses are expected to be created with this rezone modification. DATED this 10th day of July 2012. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE Ada County, Idaho 0 /!e. - AD , .� _ > es D. Reynolds, M.,or f ATTEST: �P E ,, Sharon . 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