Minutes - 1998 - City Council - 03/30/1998 - Joint THE CITY OF EAGLE JOINT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 30, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, GUERBER, MERRILL, SEDLACEK, BRINTON, FARNWORTH, MOSER, TRENT, WILSON, MURRAY, PEDERSEN, VANCE, WITTE, GRECO The following members were present: Guerber, Sedlacek, Brinton, Famworth, Moser, Trent, Wilson, Murray, Pedersen, Vance, Witte, Greco. Merrill, Bastian, Vance, Murray, were absent, a quorum is present. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mayor Yzaguirre opens the meeting. Revision of the agenda, Item D. is moved to the beginning. D. Current Comprehensive Plan and Proposed Updates. John Bertram is introduced. John covers the Focus Groups and items being covered and where the discussions are evolving. Hoping for Draft of recommendations by May 15. Co~ies Of the committees reoresentin~ the Focus Groups shall be made available to the Desitin Review Board. Jim Murray comes in at 7:10 p.m. A. Slide presentation of existing berms and discussion of the Eagle City Ordinance regard'rog landscaping reqfflrements along b~xms and arterials. Yzaguirre introduces the issue. Butler shows overheads of the landscaping buffers for Redwood Creek, Rick's River Ridge, Van Engelen Estates, south side, Van Engelen, north side, Banbury, and Island Woods. Butler and Phil Hull, representing The Land Group, had discussed the city ordinance and its restrictions. Ordinance requ'tres extremely dense landscaping. General Discussion. Guerber mentions that trees will not mitigate sound. Landscaping's purpose is to create vegetation and aesthetic quality. Witte voices his concerns about the inconsistency with the ordinances in Eagle City and the hardship it presents to developers. Page 1 of 3 Sedlacek mentions Dennis Smith of ITD has information on noise. B. Clarification regarding the difference between the appeal process and a review process. Yzaguirre introduces issue. McFadden explains the difference between the two issues. Appeal - is a fight of an applicant. Review - would sub,est that the nrocess is voluntary. A Design Review issues manditorally go to Planning and Zoning and then it manditorally goes to City Council, which seems unreasonable. A compromise by City Council was made to give the public as much due process as possible, and the final decision was made by a group of elected officials to allow the individual a redress of city government. It is definitely a compromise by many different factors. General Discussion. Mark's policy is - there is a ten day limit and after polling Council, ifa Council Member wants to hear an issue Mark begins the appeal process. Witte would tike to have some consistency in the procedures within the City. Famworth suggests the Design Review Ordinance be revised to simplify and make it less cumbersome for both the developers and the Design Review Board. General Discussion concerning the flow of information between the City Council, Design Review Board, and Planning and Zoning Commission. C. Ada County Zoning and Transmittals. Don Brinton mentions the Ada County Ordinances and Eagle City's Ordinances might be better if they were more compatible. Butler and McFadden explain concerns. General Discussion. E. Bypass - designs and restrictions. Brinton would suggest that Eagle restrict the by-pass area so the unsightly backs of buildings will not be placed on the roadway. Famworth would like to remind the City that individuals have property rights. F. Progress update regarding the possible merger of Eagie City and Sewer District. Yzaguirre presents the issue and explains what has transpired. McFadden says due to various reasons this issue will not be put on the front burner at this time. Moser and Sedlacek agree. General Discussion. G. Discnssion ofofficepolicy regarding formal written complaints. Yzaguirre explains the policy and the reason for the policy. Brinton voices his opinion on staff enforcing code infractions. McFadden explains that each city has a limited amount of resources and must prioritize the use of resources. H. Discussion of proposed sign enforcement letter. Yzaguirre introduces, Butler explains. Sedlacek mentions a proposed letter and responses from downtown merchants to the letter. General Discussion. Witte again mentions the consistency needed to nm the city government. I. Discuss requiring developers to meet with residents of adjoining subdivisions and property Page 2 of 3 owners to discuss issues prior to the public hearings. Yzaguirre introduces, Butler explains, Brinton voices his concerns. Ada County has an ordinance that requires developers to notify property owners within so many feet. Butler will work on options and bring it back to Council. Yzaguirre opens the meeting up for other issues. Sedlacek brings forth the comprehensive plan and the future road development. General Discussion. Discussion over future city plann/ng vs personal property rights. Guerber would like to see the red line denoting a road in the future be removed and if ACI-ID wants to place a road in this place they can purchase the land and build the road at that time. As of this time only one individual is speaking up to say he is being financially adversely effected. Yzaguirre feels it is too early in the process to make a decision on this issue. 3. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURNMENT at 9:50 p.m. RESPE~7 SUBMITI'ED:/ SHARON K. 81vlITH ' CITY CLERK]TREASURER MAYOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL. Page 3 of 3