Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 03/24/2020 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 24,2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, GOLD[under protest],PITTMAN[under protest], BAUN. All present. A quorum is present. Pittman clarifies that he is present under protest, as he feels City business should be suspended due to COVID-19. He had e-mailed the Council expressing his concerns, and while he understands that he could have called in —as he is in a high-risk category- he feels that it is important that he attend. He expresses concern with continuing to hold meetings during the pandemic. Discussion. Pike calls point of order and requests the agenda be adhered to rather than continue the discussion at this time. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. ADDITIONS,DELETIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE AGENDA: A. City Staff Requests: None B. Mayor or City Council requests. Pittman would like to amend the agenda to discuss future city meetings and business to be added as item G under New Business. Gold would like to add an item to add a formal ethics review process, as item H under New business. Mayor requests to amend the agenda to add item I, Lanewood and Beacon Light Water Main Extension, Change Order#1. Mayor Pierce notes that there are no agenda items for which public comment or public hearing testimony would be required tonight. City Attorney Villegas states that in accordance with Idaho Code,the amendment to the agenda requires a good faith statement of why the items are being added and the reason it was not added to the original agenda posting, and asks that Mayor and Council address that in their motions to amend the agenda. Pittman moves to amend the agenda to include an item 7G under New Business to discuss future public engagement for all the City hearings and Committees for the foreseeable future. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. Pittman states that it wasn't originally on the agenda because of recent developments due to the Coronavirus update. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. Gold moves to include the addition of New Business item 7H for the addition of a formal public ethics review process. Back in January under reports,she had discussed an email that they received from a resident asking for access of a formal process and they did not have one. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. Pittman moves to add item 7I for the Water Department change order, is being added as it just came in today and failure to act tonight will impact the construction timeline. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. Pittman moves to approve the agenda as it's been amended. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 5. ALL CONSENT ITEMS ARE CONSIDERED ACTION ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA: Page 1 httpsl//cityofeaglesharepoint,cotn/sites/CrtyCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-4-14-20/713-CC-03-24-20min.docx • Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. • Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning&Zoning Commission,or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims against the City. B. Minutes of March 10,2020. C. Service Agreement for Animal Control Services for FY 2019-2020: An agreement between the City of Eagle and the Idaho Humane Society to provide animal control services for the remainder of fiscal year 2019-2020. The contract shall not exceed $70,000. (BJ) D. Facility Use Agreement between Eagle United Methodist Church and the City of Eagle: A request for City Council to authorize an agreement with Eagle United Methodist Church located at 651 N. Eagle Rd., Eagle, Idaho 83616 for Eagle Parks and Recreation to conduct classes and activities and not to exceed $25.00 per hour per room. (BJ) E. Warranty Deed for Well#6 located in Snooualmie Village No. 1.Lot 2,Block 1,to be transferred to the City of Eagle from North Corridor, LLC. Request for City Council acceptance of the transfer of the deed from North Corridor, LLC, to the City of Eagle. (MJW) F.Cost-Share Agreement for Downtown Parking Study: Request to authorize the Mayor to sign a 50/50 cost-share agreement with the EURA for a Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study in a total amount not to exceed $97,751, with the City's portion not to exceed $48,875.50. (RC) G. Telecommute Policy: Council approval for the Telecommute Policy for the City of Eagle. H. Appointment to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Bob Van Arnem to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Mr. Van Arnem will be serving a term that will end in March of 2023. Pittman requests 5C and 5D be removed from the Consent Agenda. Pike requests 5F be removed from the Consent Agenda. Gold moves to approve the Consent Agenda excluding item 5C, 5D and 5F. Seconded by Pittman. Pike: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Baun: AYE. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES. C. Service Agreement for Animal Control Services for FY 2019-2020: An agreement between the City of Eagle and the Idaho Humane Society to provide animal control services for the remainder of fiscal year 2019-2020. The contract shall not exceed $70,000. (BJ) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman requests an update of the most recent findings of the Animal Control Committee. Chief Clifford states that as the Committee continues to review the services needed and desire for animal control. At this time based on services provided and cost analysis the Committee feels that utilizing the Humane Society is the best option for the City even with the costs associated with the same. General discussion. Pittman, Chief Clifford and the Mayor agree that they would like to retain the Committee in place and utilize these extraordinary volunteers in the future. Gold would like to be Page 2 https://cityofeaglesharepoint.com/sites/GtyCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-4-14-29/76-CC-03-24-20mm.docx the liaison for this Animal Control Committee. Baun asks if the Committee can put together an estimated cost for which we break even and/or exceed the existing one. Pittman moves to approve consent agenda item 5C Service Agreement for Animal Control Services for FY 2019-2020.Seconded by Pike. Pike:AYE; Gold:AYE;Pittman: AYE; Baun: AYE. ALL AYES... MOTION CARRIES D. Facility Use Agreement between Eagle United Methodist Church and the City of Eagle: A request for City Council to authorize an agreement with Eagle United Methodist Church located at 651 N. Eagle Rd., Eagle, Idaho 83616 for Eagle Parks and Recreation to conduct classes and activities and not to exceed $25.00 per hour per room. (BJ) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman inquires if the intent of the agreement is to utilize The Landing Property and then move to the church when the Landing property has been sold. Mayor Pierce confirms that is the intent and the Recreation Department will be able to utilize the Landing until it is sold. The Recreation Director was attempting to secure alternate locations for classes and activities when The Landing property is no longer available. Gold questions the dates listed in the agreement could conflict based on current circumstances with the pandemic. Discussion. Baun expresses that he would like to have an alternative in place, such as the Facility Use Agreement. Mayor Pierce notes that the Fire Chief has expressed interest in using the recreation center for a quarantine location should one of his employees be exposed to the COVID-19, as the recreation center is not in use due to closure associated with the current State of Emergency. Discussion. Pittman moves to deny the consent agenda 5D-Facility Use Agreement between Eagle United Methodist Church and the City of Eagle. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. F.Cost-Share Agreement for Downtown Parking Study: Request to authorize the Mayor to sign a 50/50 cost-share agreement with the EURA for a Comprehensive Downtown Parking Study in a total amount not to exceed $97,751, with the City's portion not to exceed $48,875.50. (RC) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pike states his concerns with how future revenue streams will be impacted due to the current COVID-19 circumstances, he would rather not expend funds out of the general fund until the City has a better of idea of financial impact. He would like it tabled for future consideration. Pike moves to table consent agenda item 5F to a later date to be determined by the Mayor when we deem the Coronavirus has subsided enough to look into future revenue streams that cost the City out of the general fund. Seconded by Baun. Discussion.ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A.ACTION ITEM: Update on City Initiated Application CPA-02-19: Eagle Foothills Comprehensive Plan: Discussion on the hearing timeline for the City initiated application: CPA- 02-19— Eagle Foothills Comprehensive Plan. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Page 3 https_//cityofeagle.sharepomt_com/sites/CityCounciIDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-4-14-20/713-CC-03-24-20min docx Gold requests this item be tabled until after the state of emergency has lifted. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. B ACTION ITEMDiscussion of Two Rivers Sportsmen's Parking Area Mayor Pierce introduces the item and reads three(3) letters from the public regarding this item. Pike states he had no prior knowledge of this matter prior to being elected to office and would like more information regarding the legal aspect of this item. City Attorney provides information regarding the legal proceedings pertaining to the matter. General discussion. Mayor Pierce states he does not feel additional funds should be spent on this matter. Gold moves to continue with the Two Rivers lawsuit and proceed to the Supreme Court date as scheduled. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. PIKE AYE: GOLD; AYE: PITTMAN; AYE: BAUN: NAY. THREE AYE... ONE NAY... MOTION CARRIES. 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. ACTION ITEM Reconsideration of A-02-19/RZ-05-19/CU-04-19/PPUD-03-19/PP-05- 19 — Annexation, Rezone with a Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and a Preliminary Plat for Whitehurst Subdivision - Mustang 35, LLC: Tom Ricks with Madera Development, Inc. is requesting reconsideration of the City Council decision pertaining to Whitehurst Subdivision. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the request for reconsideration submitted by Mustang 35 LLC. Tom Ricks is unable to attend the meeting due to the Coronavirus and State of Emergency. Williams clarifies this is not a public hearing, the item before you tonight is to determine if the Council wants to allow a reconsideration or move forward with the actions Council has previously made regarding the Mustang 35 LLC application. General discussion. Baun moves to decline reconsideration of A-02-19/RZ-05-19/CU-04-19/PPUD-03-19/PP-05- 19 — Annexation, Rezone with a Development Agreement, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan, and a Preliminary Plat for Whitehurst Subdivision — Mustang 35,LLC: Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. B. ACTION ITEM: Stipulation for Withdrawal of City of Eagle Water Right Protest Associated with Idaho Department of Water Resources Permit No. 63-34807 — Peterman Nampa, LLC. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the item. The protest was filed because the water right requests actually fell within the City's water service area in the Western area. After standard proceedings relating to water protests, a stipulation was arrived at that both parties agree upon. The proposed stipulation reads: "Upon annexation of the property,you can continue with your water right request but upon annexation of the property, you will dedicate those water rights to the City of Eagle for use in its municipal system." Discussion for clarification. Gold moves to direct the Mayor to sign the Stipulation for Withdrawal of the City of Eagle Water Right Protest Associated with Idaho Department of Water Resources Permit No.63- 34807—Peterman Nampa,LLC. Seconded by Baun.ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. Page 4 https://cityofeagle.sharepoint.com/sites/CityCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-4-14-20/7B-CC-03-24-20min.docx C. ACTION ITEM: Stipulation for Withdrawal of City of Eagle Water Right Protest Associated with Idaho Department of Water Resources Permit No.63-34801 and Application of Amendment Permit No. 63-34281—Kenrick Thomas. (MJW) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Planner III, Mike Williams reviews the item. The property in question is adjacent to the Avimor property. Kenrick Thomas is requesting 5cfs water right, which is a significant request. Thomas currently has an agreement with Avimor that if Avimor further develops the property on the western side of Highway 55 and some on the eastern side that Mr. Thomas will provide them with potable water. Planner Williams states that the area in question is noted as part of the City's future water service area as noted in the Master Water Plan. After discussions, a stipulation agreement similar to the item just heard was agreed upon which states annexation the permit holder shall convey all or a proportionate share of the water rights. The proposed stipulation reads: "Upon annexation of any portion of the place of use into the City of Eagle, the permit holder shall convey and transfer all, or a proportionate share, of this water right to the City of Eagle for use in its municipal system, to provide service to such place of use." Discussion for clarification. Pike moves to Stipulation for Withdrawal of City of Eagle Water Right Protest Associated with Idaho Department of Water Resources Permit No. 63-34801 and Application of Amendment Permit No. 63-34281 —Kenrick Thomas which was dated on March 12th of this year 2020. Seconded by Baun. Discussion. Pike clarifies to authorize the Mayor to sign the stipulation. Second concurs. ALL AYE... MOTION CARRIES. D. ACTION ITEM: Discussion of Financial Support for the Eagle Senior Center Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman discusses the financial need of the Eagle Senior Center and their request of funding from the City. He suggests at least $10,000 per month to assist funding operations, he would like to amend the current budget and begin funding operations at the Senior Center. Discussion. Pittman will forward the financial information to Council to review, the Center has indicated that the City used to provide financial assistance. Pike suggests looking into funding alternatives like increasing fees, sponsoring a senior day, or grant opportunities. He would like to look at the numbers more specifically. Mayor Pierce notes that he has had discussions with the Public Works Director and ways the City can assist them. Discussion. Pittman moves that because the emergency situation and funding needs for the Senior Center that the Council and Mayor authorize an expenditure from the reserve account in the amount of$25,000 until we can figure out a budgeted item for support for the Senior Center for 2020. Seconded by Gold. Discussion.PIKE:AYE;GOLD:AYE;PITTMAN:AYE;BAUN: AYE... MOTION CARRIES. E. ACTION ITEM: Discussion of City Attorney Changes Mayor Pierce introduces the item. The Mayor has received requests by staff and there has been discussion to bring on MSBT to provide additional legal support to City Attorney Villegas as there have been numerous ordinances and orders that have been written recently. The Mayor wants to ensure there is adequate attorney time to address items. He is bringing forward the offer presented by MSBT. Pike states that the letter dated February 5, 2020 from MSBT Law was just provided tonight and he hasn't had time to review. He would like a brief recess to review them. Page 5 httpsl//cityofeagle.sharepoint.com/sites/CityCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-4-14-20/7B-CC-03-24-20mm.docx Gold distributes letters from the Idaho State Bar pertaining to the receipt of grievances filed against attorneys with MSBT Law. Pittman addresses his concerns with moving forward with MSBT. Mayor Pierce reads an email from Cherese McLain into the record. Discussion. Pike would like to investigate hiring an attorney in house and do a cost analysis for the same. Perhaps a special meeting or workshop regarding the matter would be helpful, continuity is important. There is a lot of value having an attorney in-house. Discussion. Pittman moves to decline the services offered by MSBT Law and that we put into place an RFP for legal services on a temporary basis. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. Pittman amends his motion to clarify having a workshop to investigate bringing legal services in house or move forward with issuing an RFP. Discussion. Second concurs. PIKE: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; BAUN: AYE... MOTION CARRIES. F. ACTION ITEM: Republic Services Trash Pickup Start Time Chance: Republic Services is requesting Council approve a temporary 6:00 am start time for Residential Trash Pickup. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Discussion. Baun moves that the Council approve the Mayor to amend the existing contract with Republic Services to allow them to temporarily pick up trash at 6 am for residential trash pickup until such time as the emergency order is no longer in place. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Pittman would like either the Mayor or a designee touch base with those who have repeatedly expressed issue with the time of trash pickup to let them know of this new allowance. Baun agrees to the amendment.Discussion.Second agrees. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. G. Discussion regarding of future public engagement. Mayor introduces the item. Pittman wants to ensure that the public is kept well informed as to how the City is moving forward during these unprecedent times. Mayor Pierce reviews the Local Emergency Disaster Order that suspended all public hearings. There will be no more public hearings or public comments for the time being. The only items that will be agenized are regular business items where public comment or testimony would not normally be heard. People can still watch from home. The Order also allowed that if should technology be in place, public hearings may resume. Mayor Pierce gives an update of his briefings with the State and Central District Health pertaining to the COVID-19 emergency. Discussion. H. Discussion of a formal ethics review process. Gold states that in response to an e-mail inquiry from a resident back in January, Eagle does not have a formal process for residents to address ethics issues. Other cities have ethics Commissions or Departments of government transparency. She would like the Mayor to work with staff and legal counsel to come up with recommendations for Council to review, discuss and act on the it in the future. City Attorney Villegas provides clarification regarding legal requirements pertaining to items added to the agenda. Gold requests this be an action item for the next agenda. Page 6 https//atyofeaglesharepomt.cem%sites/CityCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-4-14-20/76-CC-03-24-20min.docx I. Lanewood and Beacon Light Water Main Extension, Change Order #1 in the amount of $14,301.97. Mayor introduces the item. Gold moves to approve the Lanewood and Beacon Light Change Order #1. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. PIKE: AYE; GOLD: AYE; PITTMAN: AYE; BAUN: AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pike. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Council meetin adjourned at 7:53 p.m. .''I" ff flf.+1 Re pectfully sub miitted: +`�„s► ,;Of EA 04•fly I TRACY . OSBORN, CMC : tel DEPUTYCLERK/TREASURER 1* ` SEA1"41.L * F SEAL c1-7 AP D: ~f+fffnnsff'` il JASON PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT W W W.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 7 https//cityofeegie.sharepomt.com/sites/CityCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-4-14-20/7P-CC-03-24-20mm,docx Mike Williams From: thomas Ricks <ricks_t@msn.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 3:24 PM To: Kristl Caron Cc: Mike Williams;JoAnn Butler Subject: Re: Eagle City Council meeting - March 24, 2020 Kristi, Thank you for the email below. I would like the opportunity to speak to the council in relation to the March 24th agenda item concerning a request for reconsideration of Whitehurst Subdivision. I am not though, prepared to attend the hearing at 5:30 today because of the coronavirus issue and the related emergency declarations issued by the governor and Mayor Pierce. Would you please keep me informed as to when I would have the opportunity to address the mayor and council concerning this matter. Thank you, Tom Ricks Madera Development, Inc. From: Kristl Caron <kcaron@cityofeagle.org> Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 10:52 PM Subject: Eagle City Council meeting- March 24, 2020 Good afternoon, You are receiving this email because you have an item on the March 24th City Council meeting agenda. Individual packet items can be accessed by clicking the links in the meeting agenda which can be accessed via the following link: httos://eaele-id.eranicus.com/GeneratedAeendaViewer.ohn?view id=1&event id=2006 Thank you, Kristl Caron Administrative Clerk II - Planning &Zoning City of Eagle (208) 939-0227 1 s ` ir , Stan Ridgeway City of Eagle Council Members: Mayor P.O.Box 1520 Jeff Kunz Eagle,Idaho 83616 Stan Bastian i 208-939-6813 Naomi Preston Craig Soelberg January 14,2020 Two Rivers Homeowners'Association do Michelle Antonov Sentry Management Co. 6149 N.Meeker Pl. Suite 150 Boise,ID 83713 RE:Removal of parking lot within Two Rivers Subdivision No. 8,Lot 35,Block 24 without Design Review approval Dear Ms.Antonov, On January 13,2020,an inspection of the common lot(Lot 35,Block 24),within Two Rivers Subdivision No. 8,was completed by City staff following the receipt of a complaint regarding the removal of the parking lot.During the inspection it was revealed that,in fact,the parking lot previously required pursuant to the approval of design review application#DR-14-03 had been removed and replaced with sod.Please note that pursuant to Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-1,any change to a subdivision common area requires City design review approval prior making such change. To remedy the code compliance issue,please submit a completed design review application for review and consideration by the City within 30-days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, ,,,,. r2tc i,kr-ez Stan Ridgeway /J Mayor V Page I of 1 K:lpiuoiog DeptAMiie I.ettvt120201T io Rivas puking Int Ie2doe January 24, 2020 Joseph W. Borton Via Electronic Mail Borton-Lakey Law& Policy joe@borton-lakey.com 141 E. Carlton Ave Meridian, ID 83642 Re: City of Eagle v. Two Rivers Subdivision Homeowners Association Case No.: CV01-17-18705 Our File No.: 7200.176 Dear Joe: In a letter dated January 14, 2020 to my client, attached for your review, former Mayor Stan Ridgeway addresses the removal of the parking lot in Lot 35, Block 24 within the Two Rivers subdivision. The letter specifically references the fact that the parking lot has been removed and replaced with sod. The letter goes on to advise my client that any change to the subdivision common area requires design review approval by the City. Finally, it requests that my client submit a completed design review application for review and consideration. As you are obviously aware, we are awaiting oral argument on the City's appeal of the dismissal of its lawsuit against Two Rivers HOA in regard to the aforementioned lot and as to whether a common law dedication took place. Former Mayor Ridgeway's letter appears to concede the fact the HOA can do as is necessary with the lot. We nevertheless presume the Idaho Supreme Court will affirm Judge Medema's Summary Judgment and award the attorney fees on appeal we are seeking. At this time, my client has authorized me to propose that if the City withdraws its appeal on the common law dedication issue related to Lot 35 prior to oral argument, my client will forego all requests for fees on appeal and will work with representatives of the City to submit an appropriate design review application as requested in the attached correspondence. The design will include the removal of the parking area and will blend the disputed area in with the existing landscape. We believe this is a fair and equitable resolution to the ongoing dispute between the City and Two Rivers HOA and will allow the new administration a fresh start without this ancillary issue taking up a significant part of its agenda. 137 CLS T S 0Ti- STREET AHO.COM 208-342-4300 GARDEN Cm ID 83714 F:208-342-4344 January 24,2020 Page-2 Please present this proposal to your client. I look forward to your response. Very truly yours, /s./ Michael E. Kelly mek@kellylawidaho.corn MEK/ts cc:Kevin Zasio Attachment Borton.03.wpd ,;fdlioo 7699 W.RIVERSIDE DRIVE BOISE,ID 83714 \ TELEPHONE:(208)331-1800 FACSIMILE:(208)331-1202 S I T4 .a.W www.MSBTLAW.COM ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW SHANNON M.ATWELL ANTHONY M.PANTERA,IV MICHAEL C.MOORE,Of Counsel STEPHANIE J.BONNEY= GEOFFREY A.SCHROEDER DENNIS L.RADOCHA,Of Counsel PAUL J.FITZER FRANCES R.STERN =Also admitted in Utah JILL S.HOLINKA PAUL A.TURCKE CHERESE D.MCLAIN February 5, 2020 Via Email:jpierceC cityafea.ele,arR The Honorable Jason Pierce, Mayor City of Eagle 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Re: City of Eagle, Idaho—Proposed Legal Services Agreement Dear Mayor: Thank you for providing us the opportunity to provide an offer of our legal services. We are pleased to submit the proposed Legal Services Agreement to provide to the City of Eagle City Attorney legal services attached hereto for your review. We are happy to discuss this in further detail and amenable to requested changes to better serve the City. Our office is fully staffed and prepared to provide general legal counsel services as well as handle any current lawsuits or pending regulatory matters, as requested by the City. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, MS' A ',CHTD. erese I. McLain Shareholder CDM:kd Encl. Legal Services Agreement for the City of Eagle THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Eagle, Idaho, an Idaho municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Client" or"City"), and the law firm of MSBT Law, Chtd, 7699 W.Riverside Drive,Boise,Idaho,83714(hereinafter referred to as"MSBT"or"Attorneys"). The purpose of this agreement is to outline services to be provided by MSBT, to establish a corresponding compensation structure, and further define the parties' relationship. 1. Description of Services (a) MSBT will serve as the City Attorney and shall undertake work assigned by either the Mayor, City Council, City Clerk, or other City employee(s) authorized to assign work to MSBT in the representation of the City and City departments, boards, committees, agencies, and as otherwise set forth in Idaho Code Sections 50-204 and 50-206. (b) In the capacities described in paragraph 1(a) above, Attorneys will provide legal counsel, advice and representation in a wide spectrum of civil issues facing a typical Idaho governmental entity including but not necessarily limited to municipal administrative and operational issues, land use, public works, contracts, real and personal property, employment and personnel issues. Upon request, Attorneys shall attend meetings, conduct legal research and render legal advice as requested by Client at meetings, in writing or by telephone to the Mayor, Council and other employees so designated and authorized on matters pertaining to the performance of Attorney's official duties for Client. Attorneys may be called on to undertake other activities not specified herein, at the direction of Client. (c) City may request that MSBT represent City in specific projects and/or specific departments,which MSBT may determine,due to the magnitude or depth of the project or department, complexity of legal issues, staffing and workload considerations, likelihood of litigation or similar factors should be handled as an individual billing matter(s). In such instances, City and MSBT will consult and mutually determine whether the project at issue will be covered within the general counsel status or will be identified as a separate matter subject to a project-specific file and billing arrangement. A separate task order may be issued by Attorneys to Client describing the specific project, scope and compensation arrangements. (d) MSBT shall provide legal advice and representation and shall perform such tasks and services as are necessary, in the Attorney's judgment, to accomplish the above- described duties. Attorneys' role is primarily that of adviser and counselor, not decision maker, and the City is expected and required to authorize major decisions regarding the outcome or conduct of the representation. Such"major decisions"might include, but are not necessarily limited to: passing an ordinance; amending an ordinance; enforcing an ordinance; interpreting an ordinance; accepting a contract; negotiating a contract and its terms; settlement authority or terms; approval for filing dispositive substantive motions; employment of expert witnesses or consultants; and initiation or participation in appeal proceedings. Many matters, including litigation, also include "additional decisions" involving matters of execution, strategy or tactics, Legal Services Agreement for the City of Eagle—Page 1 which,due to scope,timing,or other factors will generally be addressed without formal approval by the City. Such"additional decisions"might include but are not necessarily limited to: structure and presentation of written and oral argument and selection of exhibits, witnesses, terminology or techniques used in argument; routine correspondence with court staff, agency personnel, opposing counsel or engaged publics; direction and scope of legal research efforts; and other specific decisions or a tactical nature. 2. Period of Agreement The term of this Agreement shall commence immediately upon signing, and shall continue until terminated by either party as set forth in paragraph 8 of this Agreement. The parties may, however, upon the written request of either party, renegotiate any of the terms of this agreement, with any mutually agreed-upon changes to take effect as specified. 3. Compensation (a) For all legal representation under this Agreement,MSBT will calculate fees on an hourly basis as follows: the first thirty (30) hours of work per month as City Attorney MSBT will charge an hourly rate of$175.00 per hour for attorneys and$45.00 per hour for paralegals. Additional hours beyond the above-stated thirty (30) hours per month shall be charged at the hourly rate of$225.00 for Shareholders, $150 for associates, and $60 for paralegals. These hourly rates may be amended from time to time by written agreement with the City. (b) Attorneys shall also be reimbursed for expenses necessitated by and reasonably incurred in performance of Services outlined herein including, but not limited to, court costs and filing fees, copying and printing expenses, postage, overnight delivery or courier expenses, mileage, travel expenses where applicable, legal research(including electronic research), and other charges normally associated with the provision of professional services, provided that Attorneys will not charge City for up to the first (500) copies per month or for mileage within Ada County. 4. Reporting and Communication MSBT will communicate with the Client as the need indicates and as otherwise requested by the Client throughout the duration of this Agreement. Similarly, Client shall timely communicate with Attorneys as questions arise, as information becomes available or as circumstances change regarding the matters covered by this Agreement. Material actions taken by MSBT will be reviewed with the Client prior to implementation unless some unforeseen or emergency circumstance arises where action by Attorneys is necessary or may otherwise be reasonably taken without Client's prior review. In addition to the above-described communication process, the City agrees: (1) to promptly communicate with the Attorneys and advise them of any changes in goals or expectations in any task or work requested by Client, litigation and/or representation, Legal Services Agreement for the City of Eagle—Page 2 concerns about the existence or disclosure of privileged communications, and any material factual developments that could influence the outcome or strategic posture of any litigation and representation; (2)to abide by, and make reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with any instructions provided by the Attorneys regarding strategic matters and communications with the media or the general public regarding any work, litigation and/or representation; and (3) to vigorously protect and defend the attorney-client privilege, attorney work- product privilege and other protections covering communications between the City and the Attorneys that are conducted in confidence and address matters pertaining to any work, litigation and/or representation. 5. Confidentiality All information gathered by or provided to Attorneys in the performance of responsibilities set out in this Agreement will remain confidential throughout the term of the Agreement and after the Agreement has terminated. No confidential information will be released to a third party without the approval of Client or its designated agents,provided that Attorney's duty and compliance hereunder shall be subject to the order of any court with jurisdiction or the City's determination that specified information constitutes public record(s)subject to disclosure under the Idaho Public Records Act or other applicable law. 6. Authority The signatories to the Agreement aver and represent that they are fully empowered and authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. 7. Conflicts of Interest As legal consultant to Client, Attorneys will refuse any new relationship or agreement which will create a conflict under the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct. On rare occasions, conflicts develop among the interests of existing clients; in those cases, Attorneys will make every effort to resolve the conflicts in such a way as to allow uninterrupted representation for Client. Attorneys have reasonably evaluated and do not anticipate any issue arising under this Agreement that would lead to a conflict(s). Client acknowledges that Attorneys represent other Idaho governmental and quasi- governmental entities. Attorneys have evaluated the possible interests of each of these clients as they may relate to representation of Client, and have concluded that Attorneys can reasonably undertake concurrent representation of Client and other Idaho governmental entities without creating a conflict or adverse effect to any of their interests. This conclusion is based, in part, upon the parties' mutual determination that Attorneys will not be required to take positions adverse to such clients and/or that the subject clients have closely aligned interests on relevant issues. In the event Attorneys become aware of a potential conflict or otherwise determine they can no longer conduct such concurrent representation of Client, Attorneys will immediately advise all affected clients and Bar Counsel and will take such measures as are necessary to protect the interests of the parties Legal Services Agreement for the City of Eagle—Page 3 and to provide representation for all parties in a manner that is appropriate under the applicable Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct. 8. Termination Either party may terminate the relationship at any time as set forth in §50-206, Idaho Code. In such case, Attorneys shall, as soon as practicable, assemble and submit a summary of outstanding fees and expenses, which shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of its receipt by Client. All Client files, including work product produced, shall be returned to the Client as soon as practical. If Client decides to terminate this Agreement for any reason,including an actual or perceived conflict of interest, Client agrees that, notwithstanding such withdrawal, Attorneys shall not be disqualified from continuing to represent Attorneys' other Idaho governmental or quasi-governmental clients, including any such representation in any ongoing or future litigation. Client further explicitly agrees that no subsequent or subsequently discovered conflict shall preclude the continued representation by Attorneys of other political subdivision clients, notwithstanding Attorneys' receipt of confidential and otherwise privileged information from Client. 9. Notice Notice under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be effective when actually delivered. Such delivery may be accomplished by electronic transmission, if receipt of such is acknowledge in a reply by the party receiving notice. If mailed, notice shall be deemed effective forty-eight(48)hours after mailing as registered or certified mail postage prepaid, directed to the other party at the address set forth below or such other address as the party may indicate in writing: MSBT Law, Chtd. City of Eagle 7699 W. Riverside Drive P.O. Box 1520 Boise, Idaho 83714 Eagle, Idaho 83616 10. Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire understanding between and among the parties and supersedes any prior understandings and agreements among them respecting the subject matter of the Agreement. 11. Good Faith. Cooperation and Due Diligence The parties hereto covenant, warrant and represent to each other good faith, complete cooperation, due diligence and honesty in fact in the performance of all obligations of the parties pursuant to this Agreement. All promises and covenants are mutual and dependent. 12. Savings Clause Legal Services Agreement for the City of Eagle—Page 4 If any provision of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby. 13. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts and all so executed shall constitute on Agreement, binding on all the parties hereto even though all the parties are not signatories to the originals or the same counterpart. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date and year first above written. City of Eagle,Idaho MSBT Law,Chartered Jason Pierce, Mayor Cherese D. McLain, Shareholder Date: Date: ATTEST: Sharon Bergmann, City Clerk Date: Legal Services Agreement for the City of Eagle—Page 5 ( 151'er,g4/9) -1 Jason Pierce From: Cherese D. McLain <CDM@msbtlaw.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 3:32 PM To: Jason Pierce Subject: Proposal For Legal Services Dear Mr. Mayor, We understand that the Eagle City Council agenda this evening includes our proposal for legal services. We also know there have been statements made by special interest group members of the community and/or former elected officials regarding our past legal services.With a limitation of time, we cannot address accusations in full detail but provide this as a general response. As you know, we served the City of Eagle as general counsel for three decades. Unfortunately, last January we made the very difficult decision to discontinue our services as counsel to the City and its elected officials due, in part,to our inability to receive information by the former leaders and failure to be given the opportunity to provide informed legal advice. With the change in leadership since last January,we believe that a partnership with the City could commence and be as successful as it was previously. We understand all of the challenges the City is facing and we have the legal expertise to deal with all matters, including but not limited to, planning and zoning, water rights, personnel, regulatory, municipal bond and finance, economic growth, fair housing, and related matters. In regards to the Intertie Agreement that is currently subject to litigation with Suez and Eagle Water Company,the agreement was approved in 2008 by the Mayor and City Council and the agreement has been in possession of the City since then.The City is the repository of its official documents, particularly contracts. Former mayors and council members have specifically acknowledged the existence of the agreement and while conversations commenced, even up to the last administration, no agreement was ever successfully made between the City and Eagle Water. Over this past year,the City has experienced new challenges such as investigations by the FBI and Idaho Attorney General's Office as well as scrutiny over some property purchases and other decisions. We are prepared to provide assistance in any or all of these matters. Our office has six attorneys that specialize in municipal law as well as experienced staff. We hope you and the City Council consider our proposal and provide us with the opportunity to resume our position as City Attorney. Sincerely, Cherese \1SI `I " I :a Cherese D. McLain 7699 W. Riverside Dr. Boise, Idaho 83714 Telephone: (208)331-1800 Facsimile: (208)331-1202 cdm(tl.msbtla\v.com 1 WWW.MSbdaw.corn CONFIDENTIALITY.SIGNATURE.AND TAX DISCLOSURE NOTICE:This email,and any attachments,may contain information that is privileged,confidential and/or protected from disclosure under applicable law,and nothing contained therein shall be deemed to waive or diminish the protections afforded by such laws. Do not:(i)deliver, distribute copy,or disclose this transmission or its contents to any third party or business entity;or(ii)produce a copy of this e-mail in connection with any litigation without the advice of an attorney;or(iii)take any action in reliance on the information it contains.Printed copies of this e-mail should not be kept in your regular files.If you print a copy of this e-mail,place it in a separate file labeled"Attorney-Client Privilege". If you are not an intended recipient of this transmission,please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message without making any copies,Nothing in this communication is intended to constitute an electronic signature,unless a specific statement to the contrary is included in this communication Nothing contained in this email was intended or written to be used,or can be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on such taxpayer under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended. 2 ISB Office of Bar Counsel 525 West Jefferson•P. U. Box 895•Boise, Idaho 83701 y (208) 334-400•8ax: (208) 334-2764 IDAHO STATE BAR wv,w,idaho.gov/isb December 5, 2019 _ ., � - PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL I Stan Ridgeway PO Box 1520 .,.``�"J fc:a.. Eagle, II) 83616 RE: Grievance against Paul A. Turcke ISB File No. 19-407C Dear Mr. Ridgeway: This acknowledges receipt of your grievance to the Idaho State Bar. Your original documents have been scanned into our paperless filing system, and we are therefore returning them to you with this letter. An electronic copy of the file will be maintained at the Idaho State Bar consistent with Idaho Bar Commission Rule 552. Our office's jurisdiction is limited to determining whether professional conduct violates the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct. Our office evaluates whether professional conduct violates those rules, and if so, the appropriate disciplinary sanction. Please be aware, the time necessary to evaluate the information provided and investigate it varies depending on the complexity of the case pending in our office. Our office will provide you with a written disposition of your grievance after we complete our review and evaluation. Given our limited jurisdiction, while we are evaluating your grievance, any legal remedies you may have must be pursued by you through other available legal channels. This office cannot and does not give legal advice. Do not wait for the outcome of the Idaho State Bar grievance process to pursue any potential private legal claims that you have, because there may be time limitations on any such claims. If you have any questions about such claims and are not currently represented, the Idaho State Bar Lawyer Referral Service may be able to assist you to locate an attorney. The phone number is (208) 334-4500. If you have any questions regarding your grievance, please contact Bar Counsel's Office. ery tr. V •ups,. -. _ f I : r'yFul " +ministrative Assistant to Bar Counsel Enols. _." ISBOffice of Bar Counsel 525 West Jefferson•P. O.Box 895•Boise, Idaho 83701 (208) 334-4500•Fax: (206) 334-2764 IDAHO STATE BAR www.idaho.gov/isb December 5, 2019 t„;',t .p r ;6 PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Stan Ridgeway >`.', ;"~, PO Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Grievance against Jill Holinka ISIS File No. 19-409C Dear Mr. Ridgeway: This acknowledges receipt of your grievance to the Idaho State Bar. Your original documents have been scanned into our paperless filing system, and we are therefore returning them to you with this letter. An electronic copy of the file will be maintained at the Idaho State Bar consistent with Idaho Bar Commission Rule 552. Our office's jurisdiction is limited to determining whether professional conduct violates the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct. Our office evaluates whether professional conduct violates those rules, and if so, the appropriate disciplinary sanction. Please be aware, the time necessary to evaluate the information provided and investigate it varies depending on the complexity of the case pending in our office. Our office will provide you with a written disposition of your grievance after we complete our review and evaluation. Given our limited jurisdiction, while we are evaluating your grievance, any legal remedies you may have must be pursued by you through other available legal channels. This office cannot and does not give legal advice. Do not wait for the outcome of the Idaho State Bar grievance process to pursue any potential private legal claims that you have, because there may he time limitations on any such claims. If you have any questions about such claims and are not currently represented, the Idaho State Bar Lawyer Referral Service may be able to assist you to locate an attorney. The phone number is (208) 334-4500. If you have any questions regarding your grievance, please contact Bar Counsel's Office. ery t _ y ', T r Ka l y Dunk ninistrative Assistant to Bar Counsel Enols. Office of Bar Counsel 525 West Jefferson•P. O. Box 895•Boise,Idaho 83701 1 (208) 334-4500•Fax: (208) 334-2760 IDAHO STATE BAR www.idaho.gov/isb r ,777. December 5, 2019 . �''�`:.gds PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Stan Ridgeway PO Box 1520 Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Grievance against Cherese McLain ISB File No. 19-408C Dear Mr. Ridgeway: This acknowledges receipt of your grievance to the Idaho State Bar. Your original documents have been scanned into our paperless filing system, and we are therefore returning them to you with this letter. An electronic copy of the file will be maintained at the Idaho State Bar consistent with Idaho Bar Commission Rule 552. Our office's jurisdiction is limited to determining whether professional conduct violates the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct. Our office evaluates whether professional conduct violates those rules, and if so, the appropriate disciplinary sanction. Please be aware, the time necessary to evaluate the information provided and investigate it varies depending on the complexity of the case pending in our office. Our office will provide you with a written disposition of your grievance after we complete our review and evaluation. Given our limited jurisdiction, while we are evaluating your grievance, any legal remedies you may have must be pursued by you through other available legal channels. This office cannot and does not give legal advice. Do not wait for the outcome of the Idaho State Bar grievance process to pursue any potential private legal claims that you have, because there may be time limitations on any such claims. If you have any questions about such claims and are not currently represented, the Idaho State Bar Lawyer Referral Service may be able to assist you to locate an attorney. The phone number is (208) 334-4500. If you have any questions regarding your grievance, please contact Bar Counsel's Office. - cry tr y rs, I` ._. .-..._. Ka Funk � or- y A. inistra .ve Assistant to Bar Counsel •ncls. Memo To: Eagle City Council From: City of Eagle Water Department Date: March 24, 2020 Re: Lanewood-Beacon Light Water Main Extension, Change Order#1 Message: Mayor and City Council, The water department has a Change Order request for the project on Lanewood and Beacon Light Road that would result in an increase to the original contract price. This change is due to the location of utilities discovered during construction (communications line on Beacon and a new temporary Idaho Power pole placed where we had planned to do the bore under the canal on Lanewood). The costs and changes have been discussed and reviewed by the water department and HECO Engineering. The total for Change Order#1 is $14,301.97, documentation is attached. Because no one was aware of these issues until yesterday, we are still in the process of having the formal documents signed by the contractor and don't have them available for your review at this time. However, delaying until the next council meeting for the paperwork would cause the project to shut down which would result in additional costs. The original contract price was $288,142.40. Adding in Change Order#1 brings the new construction total to $302,444.37. This amount, with engineering expenses added to it, is still well below the project budget of$600,000. The completed Change Order paperwork will indicate the original amount and the increase as indicated in this memo. It's important this project stay on schedule to avoid the upcoming irrigation season. Therefore, we respectfully request that you approve Change Order#1 for an amount not to exceed $14,301.97 and authorize Mayor Pierce to sign it. Thank you for your consideration. :..T(:I_) CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER JUSTIFICATION CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 City of Eagle DATE: March 24, 2020 CONTRACT: Lanewood/Beacon Light Water Main PROJECT NO: EG19-0058C OWNER: City of Eagle DECREASE INCREASE Description of Changes In Contract In Contract Price Price 1) Relocate Pipe to Avoid Utility Conflicts-Beacon Light Change design location of pipe to avoid conflicts with communications line. Asphalt Repair(264 LF at$52.80/LF) $13,939.20 Credit for Asphalt Repair in Original Bid (30 LF at$52.80/LF) $1,584.00 Credit for reduced Gravel Repair(264 LF at$15.00/LF) $3,960.00 Add two(2) 12"45-degree elbows for horizontal shift $972.68 2) Relocate Pine to Avoid Utility Conflicts/Trees-Lanewood Change design location of pipe to avoid conflicts with temporary power pole recently placed by Idaho Power and to avoid trees located just outside right-of-way. Asphalt Repair(354 LF at$41.90/LF) $14,832.60 Credit for Asphalt Repair in Original Bid (84 LF at$41.90/LF) $3,519.60 Credit for avoiding the trimming of trees $3,000.00 Credit for reduced Gravel Repair(354 LF at$15.00/LF) $5,310.00 Add two(2) 16"45-degree elbows for horizontal shift $1,931.09 TOTALS $17,373.60 $31,675.57 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $14,301.97 EJCDC'C-941,Change Order. Prepared and published 2013 by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee. Page 2 of 2