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Minutes - 2011 - City Council - 09/27/2011 - Regular
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes September 27, 2011 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. 1. Boise Area Mountain Bike Association: 30 min. Mike presents a Power Point Presentation and discusses the same. General discussion. 2. Ada County Sheriff's Office Monthly Report: Chief Borquist: I don't have a regular monthly report as we are having a new information system coming on line. Discussion on the CADA upgrade and discussion on a report writing system. Discussion on traffic issues;juvenile crime; discussion on the skate park meeting last night. General discussion the issues at the skateboard park. 3. Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns: Moved to end of agenda 4. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of agenda. The election is on Tuesday November 8th so we need to move the Council meeting to another date. 5. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of agenda 6. Public Works Director Report: Moved to end of agenda 7. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of agenda INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Creston Thornton, Land of Rock, I have brought with me the study for the whole summer, distributes the report on the sound reading to the Council and discusses the same. General discussion. Jeff Kunz, I'm running for City Council and I have run into a problem that I need to discuss and have your input on this. I have put up some of my signs and some of my signs have disappeared within hours. I have permission from all property owners where I place my signs. General discussion. Harry Gillus, discussion on the decimals at the Land of Rock concerts. I object to the concerts. It would help to move this concert venue to some place else in Eagle that is not close to developments and it seems that someone could monitor the scheduling of some of these concerts. Doesn't the Council have the authority to say what kind of concerts they can have? Foad Rogaine, I want to know the Mayor's position in Eagle is a full time or part time position? Response was that the Mayor's position is full time. Brenda Martin, discussion on the meeting held last night in regards to the issues at the skateboard park. I have done some research and bikes do no more damage than skateboards. There is also Page I K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-11min.doc research that discusses park sharing. The kids can share the park with little problems. The kids just don't want to be put out on the street. I just want everyone to think about park sharing. General discussion. Huffaker moves to place Citizens for Open Green Belt to after the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. Joint Powers Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the Ada County Sheriff's Office and the City of Eagle for FY 2011-2012: C. Service Agreement for Animal Control Services between City of Eagle and the Idaho Humane Society for FY 2011-2012: D. Contract for Prosecution Services between the City of Eagle and Susan Mimura for FY 2011-2012. E. Noise Ordinance Waiver Request: Eagle Volunteer Fire Fighters Association is requesting a waiver of the noise ordinance for the following dates: October 14-15, 21-22, 28-29, 2011. The extension would be until midnight in order to accommodate their annual haunted woods fundraiser. F. DR-61-06 MOD—Convert a multi-tenant office building into a multi-tenant office/flex space/personal improvement building—Kittyhawk Plaza LLC.: Kittyhawk Plaza LLC, represented by Kevin Blankmeyer, is requesting design review approval to convert a 7,400-square foot multi-tenant office building into a multi-tenant office/flex space/personal improvement building. The 0.72-acre site is located on the south side of East State Street approximately 150-feet east of Palmetto Avenue at 895 East State Street. (WEV) G. DR-23-08 MOD — Convert an art studio to a retail building — Jason and Melissa Brodt: Jason and Melissa 13rodt are requesting design review approval to convert a 1,300-square foot art studio into a retail building. The 0.16-acre site is located on the west side of South Eagle Road approximately 263-feet south of Aikens Road at 179 South Eagle Road. (WEV) H. DR-26-11 — Change of Use from Retail to Restaurant — Smoky Mountain Eagle, LLC: Smoky Mountain Eagle, LLC, represented by Trent Koci with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to convert a 4,500-square foot retail building into a restaurant for Smoky Mountain Pizzeria Grill. The 0.48-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East State Street and 1st Street at 127 East State Street. (WEV) I. DR-27-11 — Two Building Wall Signs and One Monument Sign for Smoky Mountain Pizzeria Grill — Dan Todd: Dan Todd, represented by Eric Williams with YESCO, is requesting design review approval to construct two(2) building wall signs and one monument sign for Smoky Mountain Pizzeria Grill. Page 2 K_\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-II min.doc The 0.48-acre site is located on the southeast corner of East State Street and 151 Street at 127 East State Street. (WEV) J. DR-28-11—Multi-tenant Restaurant/Retail Building with Drive-Thru— Gardner Company: Gardner Company, represented by Jeff Likes with ALC Architecture, is requesting design review approval to construct a 3,100-square foot multi-tenant restaurant/retail building with a drive thru. The 0.75-acre site is located on the north side of West State Street within Arts West Subdivision at 94 North Fisher Park Way. (WEV) K. DR-29-11 —Master Sign Plan for a Multi-tenant Restaurant/Retail Building, Including Signage for Moxie Java—Eagle Island Crossing,LLC: Eagle Island Crossing, LLC, represented by Scott Schneider, is requesting design review approval of a master sign plan for a multi-tenant restaurant/retail building, including signage for Moxie Java. The 0.75-acre site is located on the north side of West State Street within Arts West Subdivision at 94 North Fisher Park Way. (WEV) L. Saturday Market and Country Christmas Market Manager Contract FY 2011-2012: The Eagle Arts Commission is requesting City Council approval of a contract with Melissa Wilson Nodzu to perform the duties associated with Saturday Market Manager and Christmas Manager for fiscal year 2011-2012. Semanko removes Items#A, G and H from the Consent Agenda. Huffaker removes Items#B and D from the Consent Agenda. Grasser removes Item#E from the Consent Agenda. Shoushtarian removes Item#F from the Consent Agenda. Huffaker moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda,Items #C,I,J,K,and L. Seconded by Semanko. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5A. Claims Against the City Semanko moves to place Item #5A to the end of the agenda. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Joint Powers Agreement for Law Enforcement Services between the Ada County Sheriff s Office and the City of Eagle for FY 2011-2012: City Attorney Buxton: I would request that this item be continued. Huffaker moves to continue Item#5B to the first regular Council meting in October. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES D. Contract for Prosecution Services between the City of Eagle and Susan Mimura for FY 2011-2012. Semanko: I just have a question on the $700.00 in the flat fee and I'm just wondering where in the budget this money would come from. General discussion. Semanko moves to approve the Contract for Prosecution Services between the City of Eagle and Susan Mimura for FY 2011-2012. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... E. Noise Ordinance Waiver Request: Eagle Volunteer Fire Fighters Association is requesting a waiver of the noise ordinance for the following dates: October 14-15, 21-22, 28-29, 2011. Page 3 K,\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-I1min.doc Grasser: I don't have any problem with this but I didn't see the hours. General discussion. Robert Christenson, 252 E. Woodlander Drive, regarding the Haunted Woods event I have two comments. First the request to operating until midnight is not acceptable to me. Second the continued use of air horns and muffler less chainsaws is also unacceptable to me. These noise makers go off 40-50 times a night each. I ask the City council to exercise some common sense and prohibit the use of chainsaws and chainsaw engines and I ask that the events end by 11:00 p.m. General discussion. Andrew Winestein, Eagle Volunteer Fire Department, we do not use any air horns the only horns we do use are a car horn and in my opinion they are not really that loud. All of chain saws are stocked chain saws that we bring from home and they have no modifications other than we take the chains off. We have always run until midnight. How we run it is that we stop selling tickets at 11:00pm and we push everyone through. We ask to midnight to cover our clean up time. General discussion. Grasser moves to approve Noise Ordinance Waiver Request for the Eagle Volunteer Fire Fighters Association and as per the applicant,noise should not continue past 11:45 p.m. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES F. DR-61-06 MOD—Convert a multi-tenant office building into a multi-tenant office/flex space/personal improvement building—Kittyhawk Plaza LL Shoushtarian: I have a question for Bill. A little more detail on what is going to take over this space and an explanation of what multi-tenant office/flex space/personal improvement is. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: This will be for a yarn shop and studio. The definition of both uses fits. General discussion. Shoushtarian moves to approve DR-61-06 MOD. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES G. DR-23-08 MOD—Convert an art studio to a retail building—Jason and Melissa Brodt Semanko: I want to ask the applicant if they know what all of the conditions of approval are, specific the three site specific conditions. Melissa Brodt: There are some questions I have you on site specific conditions of approval. We paid all of the fees and we were given our certificate to open and then in December 2008 we were given received an invoice for$405.00 additional dollars and I am asking that you waive this fee. Semanko: My suggestion is that you should resolve this issue separately. Neither should you be required to pay it in order to pursue a change of use nor should we waiving this in the context of a new application. General discussion. Semanko moves to approve DR-23-08 MOD—Convert an art studio to a retail building— Jason and Melissa Brodt with the elimination of Site Specific Condition Approval#1 with the understanding that will be resolved separately with the applicant and the City. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES H. DR-26-11—Change of Use from Retail to Restaurant—Smoky Mountain Eagle,LLC Semanko: There were a lot of conditions added at the Design Review Level and I want to make sure the applicant is alright with them. Applicant responds that they are alright with conditions. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-I I min.doe Semanko moves to approve DR-26-11 — Change of Use from Retail to Restaurant— Smoky Mountain Eagle,LLC. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... General discussion. 9C. Citizens for an Open Greenbelt: Gary Segers [9:55] Mayor introduces the issue. Gary Segers, I live in Garden City and I want to thank you to invite us to speak you tonight to open up the Garden City greenbelt pathway. Presents a Power Point presentation and discusses the same. General discussion. Semanko moves that the City of Eagle go on record publically as supporting the opening of the bicycle access through the currently restricted section of the Riverside Village Subdivision of Garden City with further steps as to how to execute that support to be discussed in the future. Seconded by Huffaker. Discussion. Semanko includes that we communicate directly to the City of Garden City and the Public that we support opening that access. Second concurs. Further discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution 11-25: A resolution approving the a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Eagle and the Bureau of Land Management for joint planning and management of public lands within the eagle Foothills including the 3,000 acre recreation and public purpose act application area. (NBS)lest. 7:20] Mayor introduces the issue. Planner Baird Spencer: Provides Council an overview of the Memorandum of Understanding and the changes. Discusses some of the highlights. General discussion. Shoushtarian moves to approve Resolution 11-25 with the changes that have been discussed. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Resolution 11-26: A resolution of the City Council of the City of Eagle, Idaho that declares certain fixed assets are deemed as surplus property by the Library Board and the City of Eagle. lest.7:40] Mayor introduces the issue. Grasser moves to approve Resolution 11-26 surplus property. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Sane Community Resource s Proposal for Economic Development Services: A proposal to provide training and facilitation in developing an economic development vision and strategic plan of the City of Eagle by convening community, government and business stakeholders. (JDR)_[est. 7:40] Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor I would recommend that we continue this item to the October 11,2011 City Council meeting. So moved by Semanko and Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-I1min.doc B. Discussion of Urban Renewal Agency terms: [est.8:00] B.1 Appointment and Re-Appointments to the Urban Renewal Agency: The Mayor is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Jack Zastrow to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency. The Mayor is requesting the re-appointment of Bob Bruce, Theresa Yragui and Jason Hass to the Urban Renewal Agency. The terms for each of these members will be determined via motion of the Council. [est. 8:20] Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Doug Racine and Jason Hass discuss the appointments and length of the appointments. Semanko moves to appoint Jack Zastrow to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency for a term expiring 9/2016, a five year term. Seconded by Huffaker. Discussion. Semanko withdraws his motion. Shoushtarian moves to approve Jack Zastrow to a four year term. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Semanko moves that we set an appointment schedule for the Urban Renewal terms currently held by Bob Bruce to expire September 2013; for Theresa Yragu to expire September 2014 and Jason Hass to expire September 2014 and that the Mayor solicit nominations for those three appointments and that recommendations from the Mayor be brought forward to the Council. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. Semanko amends his motion to state that this be advertised in the newspaper and put on the City website. Second concurs. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: [est. 8:25] A. Resolution 11-24-Update and Amendments to Development Impact Fee Study and Capital Improvement Plan—City of Eagle: The purpose of the hearing is to consider the City of Eagle Impact Fee Advisory Committee's recommendation to adopt Resolution)1-24; an update to the "City of Eagle Development Impact Fee Study"which includes the Eagle City Capital Improvements Plan entitled "Update And Amendment To Development Impact Fee Study& Capital Improvements Plan"dated August 2011. The City shall make available to the public, upon request, a copy of the proposed impact fee study and capital improvements plan including land use assumptions. Any member of the public affected by the impact fee study and capital improvements plan shall have the right to appear at the public hearing and present evidence regarding the proposed amendments. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review and make recommendations to the City Council. (ME) Mayor introduces the issue. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering, displays a Power Point presentation and discusses Update and Amendments to Development Impact Fee Studly and Capital Improvement Plan. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mary Defayette, I'm just wondering if this applies to businesses. Public Works Director: This only applies to residential. Mayor closes the Public Hearing Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-1 I min.doc Huffaker moves approve Resolution 11-24-Update and Amendments to Development Impact Fee Study and Capital Improvement Plan for the City of Eagle. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinance 664: An Ordinance Amending Eagle City Code Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 2 "Definitions"To Wit: "Study"And Title 7, Chapter 6, Section 13 "Addendum "A""For The Purpose In Adopting All Subsequent Amendments And Updates To The "City Of Eagle Development Impact Fee Study" Dated May 11, 1999 Including But Not Limited To The "Update And Amendment To: Development Impact Fee Study& Capital Improvements Plan" Dated June 29, 2011 Attached Hereto As Exhibit "A" And Adopted By The City Council Via Resolution# 11-24; Providing For Severability; And Providing An Effective Date. (ME) [est. 9:45] Mayor introduces the issue. Huffaker moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance#664 be considered after being read once by title only. Huffaker reads Ordinance#664 by title only. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Huffaker moves that Ordinance#664 be adopted. Seconded by Semanko. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... B. Request to use Trademark Image: Gerry Robbins with M3 is requesting the use of Eagle's Trademarked image for use on the cover sheet of the Spring Valley Community Infrastructure District Formation Documents. [est. 9:50] Mayor introduces the issue. Gerry Robbins displays an overhead and requests the use of Eagle's Trademarked image for use on the cover sheet of the Spring Valley Community Infrastructure District Formation Documents that will be presented to the Council. General discussion. Huffaker moves to grant the request to use the City of Eagle's Trademarked image to M3. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES C. Citizens for an Open Greenbelt: Gary Segers [9:55] Moved to after the Consent Agenda by Council motion. 5A. Claims Against the City Semanko moves to approve the Claims Against the City. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns: Shoushtarian, I have some concerns to bring to the attention. Discussion on fixing the arch over Eagle Road. General discussion. Council directs the Public Works Director to move forward with fixing the arch over Eagle Road. Discussion on fixing the Eagle City Hall sign. Council directs the Public Works Director to install an additional light. Page 7 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-11min.doc City Clerk/Treasurer Report: The election is on Tuesday November 8th so we need to move the Council meeting to another date. Council concurs on November lst and 17th Public Works Director Report: No report Zoning Administrator's Report: The Chamber will be here on October 11th at Pre-Council Blake Watson contacts me about the potential franchise fees on Idaho Power. General discussion. Discussion on moving the West Entry Sign. City Attorney Report: The City of Eagle had a case about 12 years that addressed some issues of public open space and with you permission I will pull those files for Mr. Adams to see if that will be helpful to him. It will take me a couple of hours to do this. Council directs the City Attorney to pull these files as long it fits within the existing budget. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted: a I. SHARON K. BERGMANN a. `- .0 T •• a CITY CLERK/TREASURER _ : V •° : • �` 5 a A OVED: / .,. I*.-•,•G••.. . , n ES D. REYNO DS / MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 8 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-09-27-I1min.doc MICHAEL FRANTI EAGLE RIVER PAVILION SOUND READING Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:35 pm 104 dbs 8:45 90 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:53 pm 101 dbs 8:41 77 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:27 pm 103 dbs 8:42 75 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:43 pm 103 dbs 8:44 76 dbs Street at Driveway STEVE MARTIN Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:18 pm 87 dbs 8:23 73 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:40 pm 91 dbs 8:25 67 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:10 pm 90 dbs 8:26 65 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:37 pm 86 dbs 8:28 66 dbs Street at Driveway EAGLE RIVER PAVILION SOUND READING STYX / YES Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 7:07 pm 102 dbs 7:15 88 dbs West Neighbor Gate 7:27 pm 101 dbs 8:41 77 dbs VIP Parking Lot 8:37 pm 104 dbs 8:42 75 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:32 pm 101 dbs 8:44 76 dbs Street at Driveway WHITESNAKE Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:35 pm 104 dbs 9:07 90 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:57 pm 108 dbs 9:09 84 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:24 pm 101 dbs 9:10 76 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:37 pm 102 dbs 9:13 80 dbs Street at Driveway EAGLE RIVER PAVILION SOUND READING Garrison Keillor Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 7:44 pm 78 dbs 8:20 66 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:15 pm 75 dbs 8:21 61 dbs VIP Parking Lot 8:47 pm 76 dbs 8:22 62 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:01 pm 72 dbs 8:24 60 dbs Street at Driveway Kenny Loggins Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:03 pm 87 dbs 9:05 79 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:59 pm 92 dbs 9:07 74 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:15 pm 94 dbs 9:09 72 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:38 pm 91 dbs 9:10 71 dbs Street at Driveway EAGLE RIVER PAVILION SOUND READING B -52's Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 7:47 pm 94 dbs 8:20 74 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:12 pm 92 dbs 8:22 70 dbs VIP Parking Lot 8:51 pm 97 dbs 8:23 71 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:18 pm 93 dbs 8:25 68 dbs Street at Driveway Michael McDonald / Boz Scaggs Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 7:41 pm 77 dbs 8:09 65 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:00 pm 74 dbs 8:11 60 dbs VIP Parking Lot 8:47 pm 81 dbs 8:12 62 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:05 pm 84 dbs 8:14 63 dbs Street at Driveway EAGLE RIVER PAVILION SOUND READING The Flaming Lips Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:15 pm 104 dbs 8:51 90 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:47 pm 102 dbs 8:53 87 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:30 pm 95 dbs 8:54 88 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:47 pm 101 dbs 8:57 86 dbs Street at Driveway INTER OFFICE City of Eagle Zoning Administration To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment(s): Copy To: Mayor Reynolds and City Council Members Michael Williams, PCED, CFM, Planner II J CU -02-11 — Commercial Entertainment Fac> ity (outdoor) and Live Entertainment Events (concerts, weddings, receptions, and corporate events) — Land of Rock, LLC, represented by Shawn Nickel September 27, 2011 Contact log in reference to the concert series Numerous emails and correspondence received since July 26, 2011 Shawn Nickel, 1589 Estancia Place, Eagle, ID 83616 Page 1 of 1 K:U'lanning Depaagle Applications1CU12011\CU-02- l 1 me7 Land of Rock (Loas).doc EAGLE RIVER PAVILION - LAND OF ROCK N Ennis Dale Betty Frazier Robert Christensen Harry Gillis Lois Wisner Harry Gillis Cindy Gividen Vicki Osweler Linda Turner Bruce Nave Judith Braun -Davis Christine Ochoa * E - Email, P - Phone L -Letter, WWalk-in ADDRESS Eagle River Development 1223 S. Watermark 252 E. Woodlander 1670 E Willow Lake Way 1670 E Willow Lake Way 1584 S. Aspen River Way 1318 S. Willow Wood 283 E. Trailside Dr. 6094 N. Point Bar, Garden City DATE/RESPONSE* 7/26-E Addressing SSC#15 8/11-E Thumping bass sounds 8/11-E Curfew violation 10:02pm 8/12-E Possibly move venue 8/19-E Music to loud and ? about fires 8/21-E Move venue 8/22-P Too loud and shaking windows 09/02-E Supports local businesses 09/09-E Music to loud 09/19-E Mainline act did not perform 09/19-E Music to loud 09/26-L Mainline act did not perform AGAINST FOR X X X X X X Page 1 of 2 Mike Williams From: JoAnn Butler [jbutler@spinkbutler.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 3:28 PM To: Ennis Dale Subject: Re: Land of Rock - Eagle River Pavilions Let me know what they say. JoAnn Butler Sent from my iPad 208-388-1093 (office -direct) 208-867-1082 (cell) On Jul 26, 2011, at 1:00 PM, "Ennis Dale" <edale(a,grossmancomnanv.com> wrote: Mayor and members of the City Council, On Sunday I drove through the Eagle River development and was surprised to see that the Stage and other items remained "up" at the Eagle River Pavilions. I also noted that the stage is totally open on all four sides. The stage remains up today, Tuesday, with a scheduled concert on Thursday, the 28th. Site Specific condition 15 requires that all equipment shall be removed from the property within 72 hours from the conclusion of an event unless multiple events occur within the same week. Since there was an event on Saturday the 23rd, I suspect that Creston is of the opinion that the event scheduled for the 28th will occur with the same week. However, I do not believe this is what Council intended. If there is a concert on a Thursday night and another on Saturday, these are certainly in the same week and the equipment can be seem for only a single business day from outside the site. Did the Council intend to allow the equipment to remain on site throughout a full business week or more? There was a concert on July 23rd and additional concerts are scheduled on the July 28th and again on August 2nd. Is the equipment to remain on the property for this 12 day period. There are also concerts scheduled on August 10th, 13th, 16th, 20th, 21st and 26th. Will the equipment be allowed to stay on the property for 9/27/2011 Page 2 of 2 this period of 18 or more days? Is this what was intended. I do not believe so. /s/ Ennis A. Ennis Dale Senior Vice President Eagle River 485 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 100 Eagle, ID 83616 (208) 938-4270 9/27/2011 Page 1 of 1 Mike Williams From: Betty Frazier [betty.frazier@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 9:45 PM To: Mike Williams Subject: Concerts Tonight the concert is in full swing again. All windows are closed and still the thumping bass sounds are loud and annoying. Welcome to my world. Living in an Eagle neighborhood sure isn't anything to brag about tonight. Please restore our peace. Betty Frazier 1223 S. Watermark P1. 939-7799 8/11/2011 Mike Williams From: Sheri Horton Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 12:01 PM To: City Council Grp Cc: Mike Williams Subject: FW: To Mayor & City Council RE: Curfew Violation Original Message From: Bob Christensen [mailto:bkrisl0sen@cableone.net] Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:56 AM To: Sheri Horton Subject: To Mayor & City Council RE: Curfew Violation To: Mayor Reynolds and City Councilmen From: Robert Christensen RE: Land of Rock Curfew Violation Date: 11 Aug, 2011 Dear Mayor Reynolds, City Councilmen, At City Council Meetings you have taught me that subjective comments and opinions like "the music is too loud" or "I can hear the thumping through the walls of my house" carry no weight. I now have an objective, unequivocal, fact to discuss. Last night, Land of Rock willfully violated the 10 PM curfew dictated by city code and specifically agreed to by the representative of Land of Rock. At 10:02 PM I filed a complaint with the police department while the concert was still in session. My question to you is: What are you and the City Council going to do to prevent these violations? Simply asking a man to honor his word that he'll cease operations by curfew when he knowingly and willfully violated that word last night is not an acceptable solution. Land of Rock has demonstrated, BY THEIR ACTIONS, that they can not be trusted to honor their written or spoken commitments. So my question remains: What will you and the City Council do to prevent ANY future violations by Land of Rock? I request a written response. Respectfully, Robert Christensen 252 E. Woodlander Dr. Eagle, ID 83616 bkrisl0sen@cableone.net 208-794-0195 1. Page 1 of 1 Mike Williams From: H GILLIS [harryggillis@msn.com] Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 1:43 PM To: Mike WVilliams; harry gillis Subject: An idea? Mike....Thanks for all of your advice about how our city works and answering so many of my questions. It is reassuring to know that people like you are on our city payroll. I have a thought that may have no value or practicality but here goes anyhow. In regard to the concerts that are occurring here in Eagle and causing some consternation among some of those who do not enjoy listening to unwanted rock music, perhaps a move to another venue would help. I understand the reasons for the concert developers wanting to make money to preserve their land and I am sure that many people enjoy the environment of the venue and the music itself. I also presume the income earned by local businesses is a help to them in these difficult economic times. I also know that many people are adversely harmed by the noise pollution caused by the loud music. A case in point was that lady with her autistic child that testified at the recent meeting. Having an autistic child is very difficult but if they are up running around and unable to sleep due to noise, it just make matters worse. I understand that the Eagle Island State Park is being renovated and improved. Is it possible that the City of Eagle could form some type of joint venture with the concert developers so that the concerts could be held at the park away from all of the developments that surround the present location? I have no idea how this would all work but there must be precedent in other cities with private ventures. Perhaps the city could look at this possibility and pursue the idea. The local businesses would still benefit, there would seem to be plenty of money to go around and all of the local affected citizens and tax payers would be much happier. Thanks for looking at this idea and hopefully it would have some merit Harry Gillis 8/12/2011 Mike Williams From: Lois Wisner [halois@earthlink.net] Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 1:56 PM To: Mike Williams Subject: concerts As a resident of Island Woods, I have a complaint about the ABBA concert. It was loud enough that I could hear it (like a radio, on low) in my living room. In stepping outside, the audience applause and music could he clearly heard but the singing was not as audible. I also have 2 questions about the Land of Rock concerts -- Are bonfires being held after some of the concerts? I have smelled smoke clearly after 2 concerts. Are fireworks allowed? Again, same concern as I have heard fireworks after 2 concerts. Lois Wisner 1 Page 1 of 1 Mike Williams From: H GILLIS [harryggillis@msncom] Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 8:45 AM To: Mike Williams Subject: concerts Mayor Reynolds, council members I live at 1670 S Willow Lake Way, Eagle. Island Woods Development. I am opposed to the concert series at it's present location. I could only vaguely hear the August 13 and 20th concerts, thankfully. However, that means that the speakers were aimed in another direction and thus someone else was disturbed by the music. Again it is fine for our local business owner to profit from these events as well as others but the same could occur if the concerts were held at another site further from all of the developments that surround the present site. Please consider this suggestion at your next council meeting Harry Gillis 8/22/2011 Page 1 of 1 Mike Williams From: Sheri Horton Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 4:17 PM To: Mike Williams Cc: shawn@slnplanning.com Subject: 8/21 CONCERT COMPLAINT Cindy Gividen, 1584 S. Aspen River Way (RiversEnd Sub) called to complain that 8/21 concert was way too loud and noise was shaking her windows. Her # is 914-7049 Sheri Horton, CMC Deputy City Clerk -Treasurer City of Eagle 208-939-6813 8/23/2011 Page 1 of 1 Mike Williams From: Osweiler, Vicki [vicki.osweiler@hp.com] Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 4:33 PM To: Mike Williams Subject: Concerts I don't have a problem at all with the concerts. I think it is awesome that it brings business to the community. It's nice to see the many, many people attending. They end early, good for the city of Eagle. Vicki Osweiler Island Woods 9/5/2011 Page 1 of 1 Mike Williams From: Linda Turner [Iturner1318@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 4:05 PM To: Mike Williams Subject: rock concerts Hi Mr. Williams — I have waited to provide my input so I could hear a few more concerts. My address is 1318 S Willow Wood. Styx was extremely loud and I thought that would be the worst of the summer. An unpleasant surprise was Kenny Loggins — it shook the windows in my house and since it was a school night for my six-year olds, it was not possible to get them to sleep. Every concert is loud. I am a huge fan of music but why are we not using our foothills to hold concerts instead of holding them in the middle of subdivisions? I am 100% opposed to the location of Land of Rock. I bought my home so that I can enjoy my backyard in the summer which is not happening because of Eagle River Pavilion. If you have any questions, please call me at 939-9218. Thank you, Linda Turner 9/12/2011 Tracy Osborn From: Kellie McCombs Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 7:49 AM To: Bruce Nave Cc: Tracy Osborn Subject: RE: Eagle River Pavillion ripping off the citizens on the Michael McDonald concert Thank you, Bruce. I'll be sure to forward your email to the Mayor and City Council. City of Eagle Kellie McCombs, CMC Public Works, AGPB Phone: 208-489-8777 Phone: 208-939-6813 Fax: 208-489-8767 kmccombs@citvofeaale.ora ** Business hours at Eagle City Hall are Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. ** From: Bruce Nave Imailto:mbnave(aamail.coml Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 6:08 PM To: Kellie McCombs Subject: Eagle River Pavillion ripping off the citizens on the Michael McDonald concert My name is Bruce Nave. My family and I went to the Michael McDonald/Boz Scaggs concert on Sunday 9/18/11. We went only because Michael McDonald was there. Boz Scaggs performed after coming out 40 minutes late. Michael McDonald came out on stage at the end of Boz Scaggs and announced he would not be singing and he hoped he could make it up to us. He then played the accordion for one song and the key boards for 2-3 songs while Boz Scaggs sang. We not only did not hear the main act sing, but the concert was at least cut short 40-60 minutes. A man went to the mic at the end of the night and said Michael McDonald was "under the weather" and they were sorry he was unable to sing and perform and "have a nice evening and good night." Eagle River Pavilion is refusing to refund our money. I think this rip off by the Eagle River Pavilion to the citizens could turn out to be a poor reflection on the city of Eagle and a loss of revenues on future events. Our family likes concerts and the setting at Eagle River Pavilion, but we will never go there again, unless this is rectified. In these tough economical times I will spend my hard earned money elsewhere. I would like this admitted to the next City Council meeting. We bought 6 tickets for a total of $414.00. It is not right and illegal to keep money for services not performed. If you need to contact me, feel free to e-mail me or call me at407- 8599. Sincerely, Bruce Nave Page 1 of 1 Mike Williams From: Judith Braun -Davis Ufb6b@aol.com] Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 9:29 PM To: Mike Williams Subject: Land of Rock Dear M Williams Your email address was provided to the homeowners in Island Woods to write to if and when we were affected by any of the Land of Rock concerts. Tonight is the last concert for Land of Rock and we have heard most of them. Our address is 283 E Trailside Drive. We can hear thumping right now and it is loud enough to interfere with regular TV viewing in the home. We did not hear Michael McDonald which was last night. The B -52's were really. really loud and we could hear it clearly and it interfered with our evening. Over the rest of the summer we also heard various levels of thumping and music from Kenny Loggins, Atmosphere, Abba, Amos Lee, Whitesnake, and Styx. I am writing to let you know that as far away as we live, we clearly hear it and it does affect our quality of life. Sincerely, J Braun -Davis 9/26/2011 Dear Eagle Chamber, Eagle Chamber f r m PO Box 1300 RECEIVED & FILED Eagle, Idaho 8 3616CIT' OF EAGLE SEP 2 6 2011 PUe• I am writing to make you aware of my experience at the Eagle Pavilion on thev ng f Sept 18, 2011, a night that had Michael McDonald/Boz Scaggs scheduled to perforth: After paying $141 (2 tickets plus associated fees), my husband and I arrived at 6 pm when the doors opened for the 7 pm concert start time. Finally, at 7:35 pm, Boz Scaggs appeared on stage and performed alone without the headline act of Michael McDonald. After a one hour performance, Michael McDonald appeared with Boz Scaggs and it was then announced to the audience that McDonald would be unable to sing that night. After an additional 40 minutes of what sounded like a practice jam session with some vocals by Boz only, it was announced (at 9:20 pm) that the concert was over with the words "Well, you came out to Boz Scaggs anyway." My husband and I, along with many others I presume, paid a lot of money for tickets to see them both perform. I feel it was unethical of CT Touring/Land of Rock to not announce before the concert began that their headline act would not be uttering a word that evening and allow refunds. Their underhanded approach of putting both performers on the stage and not informing the audience until the concert was almost over that only one would be singing is very poor business practice. They obviously, intentionally, started the concert late and ended it early to give the appearance of a full night's entertainment. In my view, they failed miserably. As the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Eagle, I felt you should be made aware of this poor reflection of business practice in your city. I did try to contact CT Touring/Land of Rock by phone. By the morning following the concert their voicemail was entirely full and they were not taking any calls. I received the enclosed email from them after writing to complain of the way in which this situation was handled. For me, their response was unsatisfactory. Unfortunately, that was my first, and will be my last experience, at the Eagle Pavilion as long as CT Touring/Land of Rock is running the show. Sincerely, Christine Ochoa 6094 N. Point Bar Lane Garden City, Idaho 83714 From: Rick Ochoa <rickochoa@cableone.net> Subject: Re: ICtickets.com Feedback Date: September 19, 2011 4:09:49 PM MDT To: Kristine Simoni <kristine@landofrock.com> I am not surprised that you chose to respond in this way. How CT Tourihg/Land of Rock handled tlii• to ,.c_rt last night speaks volumes of their business practice. The proper way to respond would have been to announce preconcert that your headliner was a no show and offer refunds if desired, once patrons were informed that the only performer would be Boz Scaggs. I paid $141 for 2 tickets to HEAR, not just see, Michael McDonald. You basically attempted to "pull a fast one" by starting 35 minutes late, and then putting McDonald on stage to "play" (no vocals of course). For goodness sake, he was your headliner. Furthermore, your voice mailbox is full all day today and you are not answering the phone. That was my first experience at the Eagle Pavilion and you can be assured it will be my last, as I don't enjoy being taken advantage of. I would again request a refund as I was there to see Michael McDonald and his playing an accordion did not suffice for me. You certainly need to be more up front when you have a performer who cannot perform. You owe your customers this much. Sincerely, Christine Ochoa rickochoana cableone.net On Sep 19, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Kristine Simoni wrote: Thank you for your feedback. We too were disappointed that Michael McDonald was too sick to sing. I3oi. Scaggs did play an extended 80+ minute set, which was longer than his original set planned. Then Michael McDonald did come out to play for another 40 minute set with l3oz on vocals due to Michael's voice issues. Unfortunately there are no refunds for this show due to the promoter hay ing to pay Michael McDonald in full. Hopefully we can brine back Michael McDonald in the future. Kristine Simoni Marketing and Entertainment Director CT Touring/Land of Rock 827 E Riverside Dr Eagle, ID 83616 208-938-2933 Fax 938-2936 From: ICtickets Customer Service [mailto:customerservice©idahocenter.com] Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 10:43 AM To: kristine a(�landofrock.com Subject: FW: ICtickets.com Feedback Thank you ICtickets Customer Service (208) 442-3232 Item Title CU -02-11 - Eagle River Pavilion DR -23-08 - Change in Use DR -61-06 - Change in Use DR -26-11 - Smokey Mtn Pizza DR -27-11 - Smokey Mtn Pizza DR -28-11 - Multi -Tenant Retail/Restaurant Building DR -29-11 - Master Sign Plan for Multi - Tenant Retail/Restaurant Building RES. 11-25: R&PP/Lease Discussion Item Title Planning Department Upcoming City Council Meeting Items September 27- City Council Details Status Public Comment Consent Agenda -Staff rec approval Monthly Status meeting Change in use from Art studio to retail (Art of Framing) 179 N. Eagle Road Change in use from multi -tenant office to mutli tenant office/flex space/personal improvement 895 E. State Street Change in use from retail to restaurant (Kelly Moore Paints building) Building wall signs & monument sign Multi -tenant Restaurant/Retail Building with Drive-Thru at Eagle Island Crossing—Gardner Company Master Sign plan including signage for Moxie Java MOU with the BLM for joint planning for the 2,000 acre park site in the foothills DR -52-99 MOD4 - Eagle Market Place M3 CID �°Sl k a Ti's Item Title Consent Agenda -Staff rec approval Consent Agenda -DR rec approval 9/8 Consent Agenda -DR rec approval 9/8 Consent Agenda -DR rec approval 9/8 Consent Agenda -DR rec approval 9/8 Staff MJW WEV WEV BAC BAC BAC BAC New Business & Resolutions NBS October 11- City Council Details Status MOD to the master sign plan for Eagle Marketplace to change background color on Consent Agenda DR BAC mtg on 9/8 monument sign Agency N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BLM ism Staff Agency Workshop on M3 CID application Public Hearing CU -03-11 Just Like Home Family Daycare CU -04-11 Chevron Pipe Line Company October 25 - City Council Details Conditional use permit approval to operate a childcare facility (daycare center) Status New Business - Public Hearing MJW P&Z mtg on 9/19 NBS/ SEB N/A N/A Staff Agency Conditional use permit approval to construct a New Business - public service facility for a remotely operated Public Hearing P&Z mtg on MJW block valve 9/19 N/A N/A __c 9 6 7- // Agency Contact N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Terry Humphrey Agency Contact N/A N/A Agency Contact N/A N/A DR -31-11 - Chevron I M3 CID Item Title DR -46-99 MOD2 - Zamzows Item Title Area of Impact Negotiations: Ada County Update by ACHD re: the FYWP prioritization process Northwest Foothills Transportation Plan Update (NWFTP) Strategic Plan Outline Downtown Plan Implementation Prioritization DT Circulation Plan LRTP Update CIM Adoption Downtown Arts District/Overlay SH44 Access Point PP-01-11/PPUD-01-11/CU-01-11 The Preserve Review of Chevron block valve facility at Ballentyne and State Street Public testimony New business To be considered with CU -04-11 - DR mtg on 9/8 Public Hearing ovmber 8 or 9???- City Council Details Adding Walgreens panel to the monument sign on State Highway 44 Details Status Consent Agenda - mtg on 10/13 TBD City. Council Staff continues to work with Ada county staff to draft an Ada County Zoning Ordinance Amendment to incorporate portions of Eagle City Code into Ada county Code for use in the AOI. Educational outreach at the request of the ACHD director Update with changes to the CIP. Result of City's consistency review request on M3 Discussion of City wide goals. Prioritization of large implementation projects (Access, ROW and Modeling of the DT transportation system at Build out (City Council recognition of the CIM update from December 2010 Establish a formalized Art District/Overlay in Downtown Eagle Coordinate meeting with Boise City, ITD & St. Als to discuss access point City Council findings & cost share agreement DR BAC NBS/ SEB Staff BAC Staff NBS WEV Staff provided Comments to County in May, waiting for next review packet Need to provide a meeting date N/A N/A Agency N/A w Ada County ACHD Waiting for CIP update NBS On-going Need a CC workshop may be part of COMPASS GRANT ACHD FY11-12 project Need to write res and get date Outline process to establish need to book Waiting for applicant's attorney WEV, NBS WEV, NBS ACHD N/A Various N/A N/A Agency Contact N/A Agency Contact Meg Leatherman, Mark Perfect Sabrina Anderson Jeff Lowe N/A N/A NBS ACHD/ITD Sabrina Anderson NBS COMPASS Lissa NBS WEV Eagle Arts Commission ITD, ACHD, Boise Linda Butler Maryanne Jordan, Jeremy Pisca, Sabrina Anderson, SEB MJW N/A N/A City of Eagle Date Check No Payee 09/15/2011 5371 Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr Total 5371 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 09/28/2011 Total 5421 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 Total 5423 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 Total 5425 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 09/26/2011 Total 5431 5419 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 5420 Allied General Fire & Security 5421 Anatytical Laboratories, Inc. 5422 AT & T Mobility 5423 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. 5424 Boise Office Equipment 5425 CenturyLlnk -29040 5426 Computer Arts Inc 5427 David Aizpttarte 5428 De Lege Landen Financial Svc 5429 Dean Fuller 5430 Derek T. Smith 5431 Don Aslett's Cleaning Center 09/26/2011 5432 09/26/2011 5433 09/28/2011 5434 09/28/2011 5435 09/26/2011 5436 09/28/2011 5437 09/28/2011 5438 09/28/2011 5439 Donald P. Roehlmg Eagle Mini Storage Eagle Water Co. Ferguson Enterpnses-FEI #2459 Gary W. Tanner Glen Storer Idaho Humane Society, Inc. Idaho Power Co. -Processing Ctr M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Date(s): 09/14/2011 - 09/26/2011 Seq GL Acct No 1 15-0441-06-00 1 60-0434-80-00 1 15-0454-06-00 1 60-0434-60-00 1 15-0450-06-00 2 15-0454-06-00 3 15-0449-06-00 4 15-0453-06-00 5 15-0448-06-00 8 07-0462-52-00 7 15-0441-06-00 8 01-0413-16-00 1 15-0441-06-00 1 15-0441-06-00 1 15-0453-06-00 1 60-0434.60-00 GL Acct Title STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES POWER UTILITIES POWER UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES MUSEUM UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES UTILITIES POWER cc - 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 01-0413-34-00 MONITORING ALARM SYSTEMS 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 80.0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 60-0434-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 01-0413-23-00 MTNC-REPAIR/OFFICE EQUIP/FURN 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 07-0462-52-00 MUSEUM UTILITIES 1 01-0413-23-00 1 01-0413-01-00 1 01-0416-24-00 1 09-0463-02-00 1 01-0413-01-00 1 15-0437-26-00 1 15-0437-26-00 1 15-0437-26-00 MTNC-REPAIR/OFFICE EQUIP/FURN P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATION EQUIPMENT LEASING EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATION PAPER PRODUCTS PAPER PRODUCTS PAPER PRODUCTS 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATION 07-0462-15-00 STORAGE UNIT 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 01-0413-01-00 P&Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATION 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 01-0416-11-00 ANIMAL CONTROL - IHS 60-0434-60-00 POWER Page: 1 Sep 26, 2011 11:42am Seq Amount Check Amoun 7.85 1,265.38 33.94 368.48 219.91 11.34 4.23 5.14 18.55 175.35 1,516.74 853.64 10.03 4.31 6.23 1,023.52 5,524.64 5,524.64 107,610.82 107,610.82 100.50 100.50 80.00 15.00 75.00 75.00 60.81 80.81 13.84 54.34 68.18 68.18 30.74 30.74 92.80 101.30 194.10 194.10 114.28 114.28 20.00 20.00 1,103.97 1,103.97 350.00 350.0C 70.00 70.0C 24.01 797.09 375.60 1,198.70 1.198.70 70.00 70.00 63.00 63.0C 308.97 308.97 133.01 133.01 70.00 70.00 21.41 21.41 394.80 394.80 151.03 151.03 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 2 Sep 26, 2011 11:42am Date Check No Payee 09/26/2011 5440 John Cazan 09/26/2011 5441 K&T Maintenance Total 5441 09/28/2011 5442 Land Interests Inc. 09/26/2011 5443 Master Rooter Plumbing Total 5443 09/26/2011 5444 Melissa Nodzu Total 5444 09/28/2011 5445 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke Total 5445 09/26/2011 5446 National Benefit Services, LLC Total 5446 09/26/2011 5447 09/26/2011 5448 09/26/2011 5449 09/28/2011 5450 09/26/2011 5451 09/28/2011 5452 Total 5452 Pitney Bowes Republic Storage Richard Thomas Rosanna Stapleton Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Summer Lawns Tree & Lawn 09/26/2011 5453 Summer Lawns, Inc. Total 5453 09/28/2011 5454 Tradition Custom Homes 09/28/2011 5455 Travis Ward M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Check Issue Date(s): 09/14/2011 • 09/26/2011 Seq GL Acct No GL Acct Title 1 1 1 1 1 09-0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 15-0444-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 15-0442-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 1 60-0220-00-00 WATER/SERVICE DEPOSITS 1 15-0442-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 2 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 09-0463-02-01 SAT MARKET MGR FEES 1 09-0463-02-01 SAT MARKET MGR FEES 1 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 1 01-0416.02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 2 08-0438-34-00 IMPACT FEE UPDATE 1 60-0434-42-01 WATER/LEGAL SERVICES 2 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPERS 1 01-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPERS 1 12-0415-23-00 HRA BILLING 2 60-0433-23-00 HRA BILLING 3 15-0433-23-00 HRA BILLING 4 01-0415-23-00 HRA BILLING 5 06-0461-23-00 HRA BILLING 1 01-0416-24-00 1 01-0413-36-00 1 99-0107-00-00 1 09-0463-02-00 1 01-0413-28-00 1 15-0444-01-00 1 15-0442-01-00 1 09-0463-02-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING STORAGE SHED RENTAL CASH CLEARING -UTILITY BILLING EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET RESOURCE MATERIALS MAINTENANCE & REPAIR MAINTENANCE & REPAIR EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 50-0465-01-00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE TREES 15-0449-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 15-0440-01-00 GREENBELT -PATHWAY REPAIR-MTNC 50-0465-01-00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE TREES 1 60-0434-81-00 REFUND OF WATER PERMIT FEE 1 09-0483-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET Seq Amount Check Amoun 150.00 40.00 450.00 473.18 600.00 1,563.16 150 OC 1,563 16 61.17 61.17 382.50 382.50 765.00 765.00 480.00 510.00 990.00 990.00 3,688.98 6,474.80 2,287.85 1,015.00 8,231.80 1,406.00 1,016.00 24,120.21 24,120.21 80.48 864.00 576.00 2,084.24 116.43 3,881.15 3,681.15 507.00 507.00 94.00 94.00 5.39 5.39 150.00 150.00 958.00 958.00 1,000.00 385.00 119.17 1,504.17 1,504.17 1,135.00 403.96 165.00 1,160.00 2,883.96 2,863.96 1,250.00 1,250.00 150.00 150.00 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 3 Sep 26, 2011 11:42am Date Check No Payee 09/28/2011 5456 tw telecom 09/26/2011 5457 U.S. Bancorp Equipment Finance 09/26/2011 5458 Victor Viliegas 09/26/2011 5459 West Properties, LLC Totals: Dated: Mayor: City Council: M = Manual Check. V = Vold Check Check Issue Date(s): 09/14/2011 - 09/26/2011 Seq GL Acct No GL Acct Title 1 01-0413-19-00 TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS 1 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 1 01-0413-01-00 P8Z COMMISSIONERS COMPENSATION 1 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES Seq Amount Check Amoun 539.59 539.59 201.75 201.75 50.00 50.00 54.00 54.00 157, 390.51 157, 390.51 RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE SEP 2 7 2011 File• Route to: Citizens for an Open Greenbelt (COG) Founded 2008 A Non -Profit Association Tax Exempt 501 3 c Greenbelt (bike path) in Riverside Village • E,1111 �C 7a D.I'LL.'•:' Eagle Greenbelt East Entry West Entry To Garden City bike path GC tells bike riders stay out! i'Vr47‘ 11' BICYCLE DISMOUNT ZONE NEXT 1 411 MILES 0• Leash and t Iran up attar tour dug _ 1 Background • 1980 — State of Idaho Lands Board requires Riverside Village developer to construct a "bicycle path" on public trust lands along the river • September 1985 — RV development changes hands — Idaho Forest Industries (John Evans, Development Manager) and Evans Brothers Construction Company take over • May 1994 — State files lawsuit against Idaho Forest Industries & Evans Bros. Construction to abide by 1980 Agreement • September 1996 — Settlement agreement is reached between the State of Idaho and IFI, Evans Bros. Construction, and City of Garden City to abide by the 1980 Agreement • May 1998 - Quitclaim deed conveyed to Garden City by State Department of Lands for Greenbelt. • February 2007— Discovery of documents in State Land Dept. archives • May 2007— Garden City Council passes ordinance banning bike riding • May 2010 — Three attorneys agree to represent COG pro bono • Nov 2010 — COG files lawsuit • Feb 2012 — Trial date set for Feb 21, 2012 z 31f1OI 313.1318 SN01133ZJIa aN`d dVW GARDEN CITY'S ALTERNATE GREENBELT- A 2 Z mile detour 44 Driveways & 28 intersecting Streets Virtually no bike lanes S t't` • 6.•;z- LD' • R �j�j F TAT�. f .• ` ... A;_, -rte _ t' r..-•' = • e-rA} 00 f 1. r-• n Ric) ele Route sY „ '- :moo, • NI. \/ 131( YC"I.I. 1211)11•TI•: for e\tendinp hic}etc transportation from Glenv.00d to the Eagle bicycle path on the north side or the river. A beautiful I �-minute ride rroni ( ileimood to the I agle greenbelt Detailed Instructions helovti • Glenwood, • Riverside Drive. turns into Arney, - Left on Wakefield, • Left at 9336 Wakefield, - Right at dead end, onto blacktop bike path • Left on Ulmer, • Ulmer turns into Sultana • Cross Duxbury Pier (at Ullmer Hollow main gate) • STRAIGHT AHEAD (West) over sidewalk onto black- top. NOT left (South) to DISMOUNT area. - At Edgewater's green gates, make a right\left jog on to path, running next to Wolf Creek River Estates, along pond. • RIGHT onto Eagle greenbelt RV Bike Path - Too Narrow and Unsafe? Majority of the worn pathway is at least 10 to 12 feet wide Easement is 15 feet wide! The "Unsafe" Riverside Village Bike Path Only about 500 feet (6% of pathway) has portions with uneven bed DESIGNATED WALKIN PATH ABSOLU1ELY NO BICYCLES (,\I:I)f\ ( 111 WILDLIFE HABITAT AREA PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC -- ONLY VIOLATORS WILL RE CITED PURSUANT TO CARO EECTRTN CODE MINS Update and Amendments to: Development Impact Fee Study & Capital Improvements Plan August. 2011 ENGINEERS •CONSULTANTS 32 N /gain • PO Sox 235 • Payette. ID 83661 2088423304 • heceholladayenglneeling.com mimmor- (31110 Acknowledgments Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee Richard Talbert, Chairman Amy Aaron Chuck Ferguson Connie Brown -Olson Don Stockton Jay Walker Mary McColl Randy Zollinger Michael Echeita, Public Works Director Kellie McCombs, Public Works Assistant Paul Fitzer, Legal Counsel 1 =WV Executive Summary for Single Family Residential Unit • Current Impact Fee • Recommended Impact Fee Impact Fee Reduction $1,752.14 $1 314.29 $ 437.85 • Reduction is possible due to three factors: — Lower average cost per acre based on park component history, — Credit for surplus developed park acreage, and — Credit for surplus of undeveloped park land. • Park deficiency has been eliminated and does not require support from General Fund revenues. daho'sFr Impact Fee Statute: IC Title 67, Chapter 82 Development Impact Fee Study / Capital Improvement Plan. Hofman. 1999 Introduction The 2011 Update calculation is based on four components: 1. Projected population growth through 2031 (4.39%/yr), 2. Primary function of new parks and requisite amenities or components, 3. Cost to acquire and construct each park less applicable credits, and 4. Average occupants per dwelling unit (2010 Census). Considerations unchanged from 1999 Hofman Study and 2004 Update: 1. Levels of use and target Level of Service, 2. Demand (per capita) for improvements, and 3 Funding sources and financial analysis. 2 Name Friendship Park ".".".""."1 Arboretum Park Illretogropod JessicaAschenbrenner Park 31 Plaza Street Park Orval Krasen Park Heritage Park Reid Merrill Sr. Park Developed Park Area Eagle Sport Park Area (developed) Guerber Park Total Developed Park Area Report Table 2 — History and Cure of Park Deficiency Year Developed Park Park Need (acres) (acres) Surplus or Deficiency (acres) Hofman Study 1999 4 08 35 06 <30 98> First Amendment 2004 17 08 50 42 <33 34> Second Amendment 2011 77 33 66 59 10 74 3 • Undeveloped and / or Planned Park Area gelk Park or Associated Development Acreage;,'', Lakemoor Park 33.34 `r[= Gateway South Park 22.17 Eagle Sport Park Area (undeveloped) 36.26 Western Park, TBD I 15.00 Total Undeveloped Park Area 106.77 k#t t1 :. . r NW Table 4 —Advisory Committee Recommended Capital Improvement Projects Priority Park or Planned Acres Improvements Park Area AIL. 4 Regional Park with sports fields for soccer 1 Eagle Sports Park 36 26 and baseball, restrooms, parking lot, and uncompleted portion of Velodrome. 2 Lakemoor Park 33 34 Community Park with amenities to be determined 3 Gateway South Park 22 17 Community Park. less 6 94 acre water surface area, with amenities to be determined 4 Western Park (TBD) 15.00 Community Park with amenities to be determined (1) The Velodrome component (including utilities, drainage, a portion of parking, and preliminary grading) of the Eagle Sports Park complex is 42% complete. The balance of improvements to be completed have been included in the Capital Improvement Plan, (2) Water surface area of aesthetic amenity ponds has not been included in developmental cost. 4 Table 8 - Cost of Park Development Park Description by Cost Development Acres / Park Cost 1 Acre Type Lower Development Cost 592,000 0 15 Moderate Development Cost 5101 000 1 73 Higher Development Cost 5139,000 1 05 5145,920 Special Use Amenities 0, 5250,000 0.37 593,350 Totals 3.30 5427,625 Proportional Value per 3.3 Acres Developed 514,055 5174, 300 Value per Acre of Developed Park Less Land Assigned Value of Bare Land Average Value per Acre of Developed Park 5129,580 $ 50,000 5179,580 (1) This value is highly variable and may exceed 5400,000 !Acre for concentrated ame Impact Fee Credits • Current Park Surplus: - 10.74 Acres at $179,580 per acre, (Includes land and development cost) • Current Land Surplus: - 36.26 Acres at $50,000 per acre, (Land cost only) • Total Impact Fee Credits $1,928,689 5 Impact Fee or 3 3 acres x cost oer acre = Impact Fee. per capita 1,000 population 3.3 x $179.580 = $592.61 Impact Fee, per capita, before credits 1,000 iiiii...i►1i 1 illl�il �._(ll�s�lll�lllil�l�ll Table 9 — Impact Fee Calculation Population, 2031 Existing Population, 2011 Newcomer Population in Planning Period Existing Developed Park Acreage Park Required for Existing Population (3 3 acres x 20,179 / 1,000 population) Surplus Developed Park Acreage Surplus Undeveloped Acres — Leased New Park Cost per acre including Land Total Cost for Newcomer Parks ($179,580 x 3.3 acres x 29,565 / 1,000 population) Credit for Developed Park Surplus (5179,580 x 10.74 acres) Credit for Land Leased for Park Development (550,000 x 36.26 acres New Park Cost, Net of Credits Impact Fee per Newcomer (per capita) ($13,979.444 / 29,565 population) 49,744 - 20,179 29.565 77 33 66 59 10 74 36 26 $179,580 $17,520,633 - 51,928,689 - 51,813,000 513.778,944 $466 06 6 Table 11 — Impact Fee Schedule for City of Eagle Aimmomimiimip Park Description Impact Fee Single Family Multi -Family Multi -Family Hotel / Motel by Cost $ / Person $ / Residence $ / Residence $ 1 Residence B&B Over 800 sf Under 800 sf $ / Room Totals Lowest Development Cost Moderate Development Cost Higher Development Cost Special Use Amenities 5466.06 $21.58 51,314.29 (2 82) $60.85 $1,006.69 (2 16) $46.60 5675.79 5316.92 (1 45) (068) $31.29 $14.67 5243 49 5686 63 $525 93 5353.06 5165.57 5148.26 $52.74 5418.10 5320.25 $148.71 $113.91 Impact Fee Recommendations IPAdopt the Update and Amendments to the Development Impact Fee Study and Capital Improvement Plan of August, 2011 which contains the following: 1. Updated Capital Improvement Plan as recommended by the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. 2. Updated population and dwelling data. 3. Updated system improvement costs and credits 4. Updated fee schedule. 2004 2011 Base Impact Fee, per capita $ 610.50 Detached Single-family Dwelling $1,752.14 Multi -family Dwelling over 800 s f $1,105 01 Multi -family Dwelling under 800 s.f. $ 757 02 Hotel/Motel/Bed & Breakfast, per room $ 433 46 $ 466.06 $1,314.29 $1,006 69 $ 675.79 $ 316 92 7 III ...n.r . I1..ue._u.. r..,.. ae Ill III ..I_.:.I uI, u. Table 6 - Current Park Development Park Description by Cost Developed Park Acreage Lower Development Cost Moderate Development Cost Higher Development Cost Special Use Amenities Totals yrs Percentage of Park Acreage 358 45% 4040 5234': 24 60 31 8% 875 11 3°G, 77.33 100.0 8 Cost (1) per Acre for City Parks (Exhibit) Cost Designation Typical development Low Moderate High Special Use Sports fields, trails, grass play and picnic area Add to preceding development restroom covered picnic area. paved walks. structures. concession area Add to preceding development playground and exercise equipment, water feature, sports courts Add to preceding development Gazebo, Velodrome, amphitheater, seating Park Cost per Acre 592,000 5101,000 $139,000 5250,000 (1) Cost per acre includes all work elements to improve undeveloped land. These costs Include but are not limited to survey, design, utilities, earthmoving, irrigation, storm drainage, park amenities. landscaping, parking and access, signage, and administration of construction. They do not include land acquisition cost. Capital Improvement Plan Values, 2011-2016 Park Eagle Sports Park Eagle Sports Park (Velodrome) Lakemoor Park Gateway South Park Western Park (TBD) Development Cost Designation Moderate Special Use Moderate Low Land only Total Undeveloped Concept Level Acreage Budget Values 28 01 52.829.010 8.25 52,062,500 33 34 22 17 less 6.94 water surface area 1500 53, 367,340 $1,401,160 5750,000 510,410,010 9 Table 10 —Average Persons per Dwelling Unit Residential Unit Single Family Residential Unit (2010 US Census) Multi -family Residential Unit, 800 sf or more11' Multi -family Residential Unit, 800 sf or less''' Accessory Dwelling Unit Hotel/Motel/Bed & Breakfast 1999 Hofman Study 254 /Unit 1 81 / Unit 1 24 / Unit N/A 0 71 / Unit (1) From the City of Boise `Impact Fees for Parks, Fire & Police' FLOATING FEATHER ROM, Current Data 2 82 / Unit 2 161 Unit 1 45 / Unit 1.00 / Unit 0 68 / Room J \• �, 84.91 ACRES HOLLADAY 1;5"1 S EAGLE SPORTS PARK EAGLE SPORTS PARK CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO 10 FUTURE LAKEM00R PARK _A, U$ NWWY 20-26 lieHOLLADAY EI��� 4g FUTURE /GATEWAY SOUTH ...v I'ARK • 20.20 crINDEN FUTURE LAKEMOOR PARK CITY OF EAGLE. IDAHO leHOLLADAY ENGINEERING CO. HILL ROAD L'TAH A FUTURE GATEWAY SOUTH PARK CITY OF EAGLE. IDAHO 11 (4/-2 7/// Eagle City Pre -Council Meeting .•� Eagle Bike Park Discussio ,*�F, t 4417..7. • c. I BAMBA Boise Area Mountain Bike Association zoo • } • N Agenda • Introductions (5 mins) • Presentation (15 mins) • Open Discussion (10 mins) Eagle Sports Complex is Popular Merrill Community Park Heritage Park & Gazebo Guerber Park Eagle Sports Complex Arboretum Park Friendship Park Orval Krasen Park 46% 50% ■ Every week Once or twice per month A few times each year • The Eagle Sports Complex Users are Passionate! - 4th used park in Eagle • Most importantly, on a weekly basis, it is used 2X than the top 3 parks! — Survey taken before the BMX track installed *Taken from the City of Eagle Parks and Pathways Survey 1 February 8, 2011 New Trail Development is the Top Citizen Priority Walking and biking trails Dog park Interpretive trails Wildlife observation areas Sports fields Sports courts Community garden 37% 34% 30% 27% 26% Q: Which park amenities would you like to see Eagle develop over the next 5 years? • Citizens overwhelmingly would like to see more trails developed over the next 5 years — More than 2X any other option "Taken from the City of Eagle Parks and Pathways Survey 1 February 8, 2011 Survey Says.... Strong support for new walking and biking trails Specifically... ••• Create new pathways that connect our existing trails ancl na rkc + Improve existing trails to be more user-friendly for oUtdoui- recr eati n and commuting "Taken from the City of Eagle Parks and Pathways Survey 1 February 8, 2011 Industry Benchmarks • We compared Eagle Bike Park vital statistics against the most prominent bike parks* in the western US — Study each park's.... — Support population — Miles of trails — Acreage — Initial investment — Maintenance budgets — Funding model VALMONTQ BIKEPARK GREEN PIXER Elm Girt everGreen MOUNTAIN BIKE ALLIANCE (brmer+y llaFcountry /Ac/rb ira�6 CFb/ • Eagle Bike Park is a rare gem indeed.... *Note: Based on the best available data and approximations The Eagle Sport Complex Profile • Largest concentration of trails in the City of Eagle — Largest City Park • 180 acres, largest by far — Multi -use • Walking, Hiking, Running, Biking, Skateboarding and Horseback Riding — Multi -discipline cycling venue • BMX, Cross Country, Cross Bike, Free Ride, Downhill and Road — Large Capacity • 12 miles of trails • 13 unique trails — Room for more! Trail Users are Diverse • Dog Owners • Horse Owners • Hikers • Walkers • Trail Runners • Cyclists — 93 members of BAMBA dedicated to biking trails F sr Industry Benchmarks Population Name Location Population Calabazas Park Colonnade Bike Park Woodward Bike Park Valmont Eagle Bike Park Duthie Hill Green River Bike Park Trailside Ave San Jose, CA Seattle, WA Fresno. CA Boulder. CO Eagle, ID Issaquah, WA Green River, WY Park City, UT 973,615 604,722 485.604 95.995 a 18,794 '14;050 12,413 8,708 4. 276,737.6 • Eagle is one of the smaller cities to have a bike park • Eagle, Issaquah and Park City are industry leading small cities because of their progressive biking venues Industry Benchmarks Miles of Trails Miles of Name Location Trails Eagle Bike Park Duthie Hill Valmont Woodward Bike Park Trailside Colonnade Bike Park Green River Bike Park Calabazas Park Ave Eagle, ID Issaquah, WA Boulder, CO Fresno, CA Park City, UT Seattle, WA Green River, WY San Jose, CA 12 5 3 2 2 1 4.1 • Park Acres Name Location Acres Eagle Bike Park Duthie Hill Valmont Trailside Woodward Bike Park Green River Bike Park Colonnade Bike Park Calabazas Park Ave Eagle, ID Issaquah, WA Boulder, CO Park City, UT Fresno, CA Green River, WY Seattle, WA San Jose, CA 180 120 40 12 10 4 3 3 46.4 • Eagle Bike Park is the market leader! — 3X larger than the average bike park in terms of trail miles — Almost 4X larger than the average bike park in terms of acreage Industry Benchmarks Investment Per Mile Name Location Miles of Trails Investment Per Mile Woodward Bike Park Valmont Colonnade Bike Park Duthie Hill Trailside Calabazas Park Green River Bike Park Eagle Bike Park Ave Fresno, CA Boulder, CO Seattle, WA Issaquah, WA Park City, UT San Jose, CA Green River, WY Eagle, ID 3 5 $984,000 $328,000 $1,200,000 $240,000 $275,000 $137,500 $450,000 $64,286 $90,000 $45,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20, 000 $160,000 $13,3330°•., $399,875 $108,515 •` .......a " ,7 ........ u a u a a a u u u 5 3 u ■ • u • Eagle Bike Park (EBP) was created with the lowest investment per mile —$13k vs. $108K (Ave) Industry Benchmarks Maintenance Per Mile Name Location Miles of Trails Yearly Maintenance Per Mile Calabazas Park Valmont Trailside Ridge to Rivers System Duthie Hill Colonnade Bike Park Eagle Bike Park Ave San Jose, CA Boulder, CO Park City, UT Boise, ID Issaquah, WA Seattle, WA Eagle, ID 1 $63,000 5 $150,000 2 $15,000 130 $285,000 7 $14,000 2 ,•..•; •• $3,000 :••.. $63,000 $30,000 $7,500 $2,192 $2,000 •••.,$L500 12 $2,000 $167 22.7 $76,000 $15,194 • • 4 • C i . [; MMMMMM ® ® MMMMMMMMMMMMM 9 C • EBP has the smallest maintenance budget of any park analyzed - $167 vs. $15K (Ave) — Ridge to Rivers spends about $2200 per mile compared to EBP of $167 Industry Benchmarks Maintenance Model Name Location Miles of Trails Calabazas Park Trailside Green River Bike Park Valmont Colonnade Bike Park Duthie Hill Eagle Bike Park Woodward Bike Park San Jose, CA Park City, UT Green River, WY Boulder, CO Seattle, WA Issaquah, WA Eagle, ID Fresno, CA City City City City Volunteers Cdtltit . Volunteers City • EBP's maintenance model to date is non -industry standard — 75% of the surveyed parks are maintained by local governments — Colonnade is a corner case — Located under an underpass, protected from the weather — Only 2 mile of trails on 3 acres of land with a support population of 600K — EBP is the polar opposite — Largest park with 180 acres and 12 miles of trails with a support population of 18K — No protection from the elements Past Biking Community Investments • Volunteer Hours Donations (Sweat Equity) $165K • Biking Community Donations $100K • SWIMBA $20K • 6 Eagle Scout Projects $12K • Bikes Belong Grant $10K • REI Grant $10K • LOWES Grant $10K • Treasure Valley Bike Shops (Donations in Kind) $8K • Tates Rents (Equipment) $3K • 4 Movie Reel Theater Fundraisers $3K • Garhard Borbonus Landscaping $3K • Wild Rockies Racing $2.5K • YMC Inc. $2K • Membership Drives $2K • Craig Parker $1K • Gingerich Site and Underground $750 • Idaho Power $300 • Total $353K Biking Community —Local Government Joint Initiatives • Successes — Formed an IMBA chapter • BAMBA BAMBA Boise key Alantzis Elle Assotidicn — Continued Morale Support (M. Huffacker / M. Echeita) • Much appreciated! • Unfinished Business — Land use agreement (Target -11/10) — Spraying pre and post emergent (Target— 5/11 — Weed control (Target -6/11 to 7/11) — Sustainable maintenance model (TBD) Future Funding Options • Grants — The city could apply for grants to underwrite new trail development • BAMBA has been successful in doing this in the past • Fundraising — Once lease agreement is signed, city could partner with several events companies to do joint fund raising events • BAMBA would be more than happy to assist in lining up raising partnerships • Matching Funds — Go to the community with matching fund proposal • BAMBA is aware of several opportunities for potential • Pass a levy — The county that manages Duthie Hill in Issaquah, WA was successful in doing this • Re -allocation from other funding sources — As the 4th busiest park, funding theoretically should be the average of Guerber and Arboretum park • Especially given the citizens priority of more and improved biking trails Recommendations • Fund the trails at the Eagle Sports Complex appropriately — Commensurate with its usage — The citizen's needs the park addresses, for example: • $10K (2012) • $20K (2013) • $30K (2014) • Hire professional trail maintenance capabilities — Experienced building and maintaining trails • Partner with BAMBA where it makes sense — Partner with others when it makes sense as well Final Thoughts • Eagle City is on the right track, in good company with progressive... — Small cities like Issaquah and Park City — Large cities like Boulder, San Jose and Seattle • Eagle City is on the cusp needs to choose an "all in" strategy — Don't have a lot of time...the forces of nature will work tirelessly to reclaim the land — Do the right thing and the citizens will thank you! A IP* Open Discussion ,. duriaalk Eft - --741140iP