Minutes - 2011 - City Council - 08/02/2011 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL August 2, 2011 Special Budget Meeting Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE REPORT: Chief Hippie: I do not have the crime report this evening; I want to take a few minutes to make an announcement. I have decided to seek a change; a change that will present new challenges for me in my career. I have decided to take a position in the ACSO as the North County Patrol Commander and Commander over the Criminal Investigation Unit. In my decision making process I needed to decide who I would want to replace me. With me tonight is Lt. Dana Borquist. General discussion. Lt. Dana Borquist: I would also like to thank Brian, he actually took my place four years ago. I very much look forward to the opportunity to come back and it is an honor. General discussion. General discussion on patrolling the Skateboard Park and the use of bicycles being used at the Park. I have sent out a memo to Team Eagle on what the ordinance and rules say. I have addressed the officer to educate the public on the ordinances and rules and that the Department has the support of the City of Eagle. We have not issued citations at this time but we may need to in the future. City Attorney: I am asking the Council to amend the Agenda. There is some clarification that is needed. I would request that you amend the agenda to add an item to address the RFP for City- Wide Policing Services to reject the bids so we can negotiate with agencies. Garden City and Boise County have expressed an interest in talking to you. General discussion. Semanko moves to Amend the Agenda to add discussion on bid received on Law Enforcement as Item #H. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor introduces the issue. A. Personnel Matters: I.C. 67-2345 (a)(b) Executive Session is not needed tonight. 6. BUDGET DISCUSSION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012: A. Discussion on Franchise Fees—Qwest Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion on Idaho Power Franchise Fees. General Council discussion on new Franchise Fees for Qwest. City Clerk will follow up on this issue and will added to the August 9th Council agenda. B. Mercer Group Recommendation on Mayor and Council compensation and benefits. C. Discussion on Mayor and Council compensation and benefits. Mayor introduces the issue. General Council discussion on the Mercer Group Recommendation and the Mayor and Council compensation and benefits. Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-02-11 spmtg-budget.doc a. Ordinance No. 660-An Ordinance of the City of Eagle,Idaho,Amending Section 1-5-3, Eagle City Code,to provide for Annual Salaries for the Mayor and Council,and providing an effective date. Council discusses putting salaries for the Mayor and Council in a draft ordinance to be posted on the Web Site. Council concurs that the following salaries will be in a Draft Ordinance: Mayor's salary at $42,000, Council President's salary at$7,012, Council salary at$5,610. The Draft Ordinance will be posted on the web site and placed on the August 9, 2011 Council meeting. D. Mercer Group Recommendation on staff compensation. Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk: Phillip Robertson will have the information to me by August 9t • General discussion. E. Presentation of Library proposed Budget for FY 11/12. Mayor introduces the issue. Ron Baker, Library Director, distributes budget handouts and discusses the different drafts of the Library Budget. The Board has adopted Library Budget Draft#8 and it is presented you tonight. Discussion on comparables with other Libraries in Idaho, the Western States and the seven Lynx Consortium members in the Valley. Discussion on leaving the Lynx Consortium. Further discussion on the Rollover Budget, Draft#8. Discusses the three changes from FY 10/11 Budget. General discussion. F. Review of Revenue and Property Taxes. Mayor introduces the issue. General Council discussion. At this time Council is comfortable with the property taxes at the same levy rate as FY 10/11. F. Presentations of Department Head Budgets. Mayor introduces the issue. 1. Revenue General Council discussion on Revenue. 2. City Clerks Department General Council discussion. 3. Planning& Zoning Department General Council discussion. 4. Public Works Department a. Building Department General Council discussion b. Public Works Department General Council discussion Page 2 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-02-I lspmtg-budget.doe Mayor calls for recesses at 9:45 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Huffaker moves to go to Agenda Item#H at this time. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES H. RFP City-Wide Policing Services. General discussion. Huffaker moves to reject all proposals received to date and that the City go ahead and negotiate directly with local law enforcement agencies including Boise County Sheriff,City of Garden City and Ada County Sheriff. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES General discussion. Lt. Borquist: Discusses the RFP City-Wide Policing Services. General discussion. a. Water Department General Council discussion. b. Park Fund Budget General Council discussion. I. Discussion on Professional Dues General Council discussion. J. General Budget discussion. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted: °,,,,,,,,,,"'', ov EA GI �,,,,,,, .. • �v o R:, 7,4• SHARON K. BERGMANN • • •a .4( CITY CLERK/TREASURER 1, , , o APPROVED: a,�sT▪ •••,, • �`�•,;' �F 7 1, oi• ,o lok 0, • rrrire`' FAMES D. REYN*LOS MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-02-1 I spmtg-budget.doc ANNUAL BUDGET OPTIONS Strategic Plan Budget (aka Draft 5) $957,396 Rollover Budget (aka Draft 8) $884,580 Rollback Budget (aka Draft #7) $867,380 FUNDING SOURCES $895,104 Levy $62,292 Revenue $957,396 $822,288 $40,800 $12,992 $6,500 $2,000 $884,580 Levy Fines/Fees LYNX! Reimbursement Misc Revenue Restricted Funds $805,088 Levy $62,292 Rcvenuc $867,380 EPL BUDGET OPTIONS FOR FY 2011/2012 WITH 0% SALARY RESTORATION (RANGE OF LEVY FOR THREE OPTIONS = $ 90,016) PUBLIC HOURS STAFFING 16.5 FTE 55 FY2010/11 minus .5 FTE I1 Specialist. Add 1 FTE w/ benefits for dedicated reference position. 15.5 FTI: FY2010/11 minus 55 .5 FTE IT Specialist. 50 14 FTE FY2010/11 minus .5 FTE IT Specialist and 1.5 FTE LAIs. Shared/EPL EDMIN/Budget FYI 1-12/Budget Options 5,8,7 NEW MATERIALS BUDGET $69,678 ($3.50/Capita ane donations) $61,715 ($3.10/Capita and donations) $61,715 (53.10/Capita and donations) TECHNOLOGY/ EQUIPMENT $18,000 to establish a restricted fund for the next two fiscal years to replace aging and failing 3M equipment in the circ area. $10,000 to establish a restricted fund for the next four fiscal years to replace aging and failing 3M equipment in the circ arca. $10,000 to establish a restricted fund for the next four fiscal years to replace aging and failing 3M equipment in the circ area. HIGHLIGHTS OF BUDGET • Reflects goal of Strategic Plan Extension to restore staffing and materials budget to FY 2008/09 levels over next two fiscal years. • Increases hours that adult and children's reference desks are staffed. • Re -introduces in-house reference training of staff'. • Supports continuation of Overdrive c -book subscription and start-up of new, separate parenting, homeschooling, and adult Spanish language collections in response to community survey. • Continues services and new materials budget of FY 2010/11. • Loses Overdrive e -book subscription in order to support start-up of new, separate parenting, homeschooling, and adult Spanish language collections in response to community survey. • Reflects effort to bring Library's budget closer to FY 2009/10 level per request of Mayor and target tax levy figure provided by City Clerk. • Loses five public hours per week and 1.5 F1'li of staff. • Loses Overdrive e -book subscription in ordcr to support start-up of new, separate parenting, homeschooling, and adult Spanish language collections in response to community survey. • Fails to comply with goals of Library's Strategic Plan Extension. Draft #1 8/2/2011 Library Fund #06-0461 PERSONNEL .10-00 Salaries/Full-Time .15-00 Salaries/Part-Time .16-00 .20-00 .21-00 .22-00 .23-00 .23-01 .24-00 Bonus fund Salaries/Relief FICA PERSI HRA Billing Reimbursement COBRA Administration Workman's Compensation .25-00 Health/DentalNision Insurance .28-00 Unemployment Benefits .29-00 Background Checks/Drug Testing TOTAL: EPL Board and Staff Recommended Budget, FY 2011/12 for Library Department; Rollover with 9.5% Increase in Health Insurance Premiums FY 08/09 APPROVED $441,298 199,113 0 13,090 49,992 45,851 0 0 3,078 140, 839 0 434 $893,695 FY09/10 APPROVED $386,304 101,296 O. 7,685 37,889 4.0,137 0 0 2,294 FY10/11 APPROVED $388,239 161,143 0 7,685 42,616 41,241 10,296 216 2,653 1.02,184 6.0,265 3,600 1,600 300 $681,689 300 $716,254 FY11/12 PROPOSED $388,2 144,533 0 7,685 41,345 41,241 10,29.6_ 216 2,584 64,983 1,000 300 39 Same. Includes decrease of $16,361 shifted from Library's IT Specialist position to city-wide IT position in General Fund; includes a decrease of $249 due to resignation of our most senior page. Same. Same. Includes a decrease of $1,250 shifted from Library's IT Specialist position to city-wide IT position in General Fund; includes a decrease of $21 due to resignation of our most senior page. Same. Same. Same. Includes a decrease of $69 shifted from Library's IT Specialist position to city-wide IT position in General Fund. Includes an increase of $4,718 due to hike in City's premiums. Includes a decrease of $600 due to termination of benefits to employees RIFed in 20.09. Same. $702,422 Draft #8 NOTES 1 8/2/2011 Library Fund #06-0461 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE .30-00 Audiovisual (Adult & Child) .30-01 . 30-02 . 31-00 Children's Programming Adult Programming Office Supplies .32-00 Special Department Supplies .33-00 Administrative Expenses .37-00 Postage .44-00 .45-00 .46-00 .47-00 .48-00 .48-01 .48-02 .48-03 .49-00 .49-01 .50-00 .50-02 .51-00 .51-01 Advertising Printing & Signage Binding Travel & Meetings Memberships Periodicals OCLC/World Cat/Cat Express Electronic Databases Personnel Training Continuing Education Custodial/Cleaning Services Supplies/Building Telephone Communication/TI LAN Maintenance EPL Board and Staff Recommended Budget, FY 2011/12 for Library Department; Rollover with 9.5% Increase in Health Insurance Premiums FY 08/09 FY09/10 FY10/11 FY11/12 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED PROPOSED $15,700 $4,000 $9,075 4,500 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,700 3,000 3,000 13,151 8,800 10,500 1,500500 500 3,425 3,596 3,596 450' 0 200 1,800 300 450 700 0 500 2,700 0 0 1,180 600 450 8,243* 4,121 6,000 3,400 3,400 3,400 4,570 1,105 8,000 1,000 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0! 0 800 800' 800 5,332 5,332, 5,520 6,550 5,350 5,850 NOTES $11,095 Includes an increase of $2,020 shifted from account 48.03 (Electronic Databases) to retain $3.10 per capita expenditure for materials. Retains $4,605 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 2,000 Same; retains $2,500 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 1,000 Same. 3,500 Includes $500 increase due to inflation; retains a $200 budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 11,000 Includes $500 increase due to inflation of plastic based products; retains $2,151 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 500 Same; retains $1,000 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 3,596 Same. 500 Includes increase of $300 for possible recruitment of new director. 450 Same; retains $1,350 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 515 Includes $15 increase due to 3% announced price increase by Library's bindery; retains $185 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 100 Includes increase of $100 due to misc local travel; retains $2,600 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 450 Same, to cover ILA memberships for management; retains $730 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 6,300 Includes increase of $300 for inflation & five new subscriptions; retains $1,943 of budgetary decrease from F Y 09/10. 3,400 Same. 0 Includes decrease of $8,000 by choosing not to pursue purchase of e - book database subscription. All other electronic databases are supplied either by BPL as part of LYNX! reimbursement or by Idaho Commission for Libraries. 0 Same; retains $1,000 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. 0 Same. 0 Same. 800 Same. 0 T1 service being replaced by VPN & DSL. 0 With hiring of City-wide IT Specialist this account is taken over by City. ($5,850) Draft #8 2 8/2/2011 Library Fund #06-0461 .51-02 Internet Service .51-03 Website Design/Maintenance .52-00 .53-00 .56-00 .57-00 .58-00 .58-01 .58-02 .58-03 .59-00 .60-00 .62-00 .62-01 .65-00 Utilities Internet Filtering Hardware Recycling Small Furniture Repair M&O/Office Equipment LYNX System Maintenance/BPL Computer Equipment/Repair Mat'Is Debt Collection/Unique M'mnt M&O/Building and Grounds Storage Fees Open Access Security System Monitoring Books/Adult & Child .69-00 Miscellaneous .69-03 Miscellaneous Personnel .69-01 Courier .69-02 Comp and Class Study .74-01 Software/Automation TOTAL: EPL Board and Staff Recommended Budget, FY 2011/12 for Library Department; Rollover with 9.5% Increase in Health Insurance Premiums FY 08/09 FY09/10 FY10/11 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED 2,550 3,525 3,525 2,500 35,213 800 300 250 28,701 16,000 1,400 2,500 0 996 100 1,000 82,337 • 2,500 28,000 400 0} 250 23,741 14,000" 1,300 1,500 0' 996 100 800 20,669 2,500 28,000 400 0 250 23,741 14,500 1,000 1,500 0 996 100 800 38,695 FY11 /12 PROPOSED NOTES 2,500 Decrease of $1,025 due to change of Internet vendor and switch to DSL lines. 0 With hiring of City-wide IT Specialist this account is taken over by City. ($2,500) 28,000 Same. 22.5 Decrease due to new filtering vendor. 0 Same. 250 Same. 23,700 Decrease of $41 in maintenance agreement cost due to exchange of 3M Model 795 Workstation with 3M 946 Workstation. 14,500 Same. 1,000 Same. 2,500 Increase of $1,000 to offset overspending in this pass-through account. 0 996 100 800 44,375 500 500 500 500 0 4,503 0 0 6,136 6,000 3,884 3,884 Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Includes an increase of $5,680 shifted from account 48.03 (Electronic Databases) to retain $3.10 per capita expenditure for materials; retains $37,962 of budgetary decrease from FY09/10. Increase will support start- up of separate parenting, homeschooling, and adult Spanish language collections. Same. 1,350 2,050 1,350 2,500 Increase of $650 for ESET Nod32 antivirus subscription & $500 increase for Deep Freeze time-out scrubber for r tech lab PCs. $262,334 $154,738 $182,582 $171,036 Draft #8 3 8/2/2011 Library Fund #06-0461 EPL Board and Staff Recommended Budget, FY 2011/12 for Library Department; Rollover with 9.5% Increase in Health Insurance Premiums FY 08/09 FY09/10 FY10/11 FY11/12 APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED PROPOSED NOTES RESTRICTED FUNDS *.??-?? Circulation Equipment Replacement 0 0 .41-00 Grants, Gifts, Memorials 2,000 TOTAL: 0 0 2,000 $0 This fund, to be budgeted in equal installments over four fiscal years, will be used to replace aging & failing 3M work stations in the circulation department. 2,000 This is a reimbursed account. Amount donated determines amount spent. 2,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY .72-00 Capital/Building $0' $0 $0 $0 Inactive account. .74-00 Capital/Equipment 16,572 4,400 14,256 9,122 Supports purchase of: four (4) standard book trucks for $1,140; two (2) "walker" book trucks for $460; ten (10) safety step stools for $540; six (6) end -of -range custom book shelves for $1,878; two (2) custom island book shelving units in Children's room for $3,504 to house new parenting and homeschooling collections; two (2) replacement staff PCs for $1,600. TOTAL: $16,572 $4,400 $14,256 $9,122 BUDGET TOTAL: $1,172,601 $840,827 $915,092 $884,580 *The Library Board requests $10,000 to begin four-year restricted fund to replace failing 3M circulation equipment. Draft #8 4 8/2/2011