Minutes - 2011 - City Council - 08/09/2011 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes August 9, 2011 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. 1. Library Director's Report: No report given. 2. Bob Shepard Presentation: Bob Shepard, an adjunct Faculty member at Boise State University,will present information regarding a call he will be conduct this fall. Mr. Shepard makes his presentation to council and introduces Denise Taylor, a current student and team leader, to explain how this process has helped her learn. 3. Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns: No report. 4. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report. 5. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report. 6. Public Works Director Report: Trees planted downtown. 7. City Attorney Report: Expansion lease for park is being reviewed at this time. Another budget meeting will be held on the 16`h at 5:30. Discussion with Sabrina Anderson,ACHD, on current and future projects. INVOCATION: REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Land of Rock Concert Series: Creston Thornton, 757 W. Bankside Drive, Eagle, addresses the City Council with studies from each show so far. Mark Butler, comments on the Whitesnake concert. In favor of Creston Thornton and concert series. Harry Gillis, 1670 S. Willowlake Way, against the concert series even though they could not hear the Whitesnake concert. Terry Sullivan, State Street(Rock Pointe apartments), against school night concerts, has a young child and is unable to get him to bed on time. Marilyn Blazik, lives 1 block east of Spyglass on the bench, horrendous noise from the Whitesnake concert. Patricia Minkawitz, Deerfield Ct., Eagle. Pleased to see that the council approved the new parking ordinance. Would like to know if this building has had any issues like the city hall in Meridian. Page I K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-09-11min.doc Huffaker moves item 9e to item 7B. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: ♦ Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. ♦ Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Against the City. B. DR-21-11 —Common Area Landscaping within Bottlecreek Subdivision— Chad Moffat: Chad Moffat, represented by Kevin McCarthy, PE, with KM Engineering, LLP, is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Bottlecreek Subdivision. The 5-acre site is located on the west side of North Park Lane approximately 2,000-feet north of Floating Feather Road at 1835 North Park Lane.(WEV) C. DR-138-04 MOD2 & WA-04-11 —Modification to the Master Sign Plan for Two Multi-tenant Retail Buildings,Including a Third Building Wall Sign for MyBullFrog.com/Verizon Wireless—MyBullFrog.com: MyBullFrog.com, represented by Virginia Cunningham with Lytle Signs,Inc., is requesting approval of a design review and waiver application to modify the master sign plan for two multi-tenant retail buildings to allow end unit businesses a third building wall sign. This application is also requesting approval of a third building wall sign for MyBullFrog.com/Verizon Wireless. The site is located on the north side of East State Street,just east of Horseshoe Bend Road at 3116 East State Street within YES Subdivision. (WEV) D. DR-30-11 - One building wall sign and monument tenant panel-Wayne and Toni Olson: Wayne and Toni Olson are requesting design review sign approval to construct one building wall sign and monument tenant panel for Toni O's Gourmet Cookies. The site is located on the north side West State Street approximately 250-feet west of Old Park Place at 190 West State Street. (WEV) E. Service Level Agreement for Electronic Transaction & Access to City of Eagle: (SH) F. Addendum A to the Service Level Agreement for Electronic Transaction and Access for PayPort Electronic Payments to City of Eagle. (SH) Semanko moves Item#A from the consent. Huffaker moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda. Seconded by Semanko. Roll call vote: Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 5A.Claims Against the City. Semanko asks about public relations budget for the executive office that is over budget and would like to know how the council needs to address this situation. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-09-I I min.doe Huffaker moves to approve item 5A. Seconded by Grasser. Roll call vote: Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: ABSTAIN; Grasser: AYE: MOTION CARRIES 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolution 11-23: A Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Eagle,the Bureau of Land Management,the City of Boise, and Ada County for Wildland Urban Interface Management in Ada County. This item was continued from the July 12, 20112 meeting. (NBS) Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. City Planner Baird-Spencer reviews this item with the council. Huffaker moves to direct the Mayor to sign both documents with amendments as discussed tonight. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Fee Waiver Agreement with College of Western Idaho City Attorney Buxton reviews this item with the council and change that needs to be made to the document in front of them. CWI representatives address the council in regard to what CWI plans to bring to Eagle. Shoushtarian moves to approve Item #7A with changes as discussed. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. Discussion on Franchise Fees—Qwest: This item was continued from the August 2, 2011 meeting City Attorney informs council that it is not legal to have franchise fees on telecommunications. Mayor calls for a five minute break at 7:36 pm. Mayor calls meeting back to order at 7:47 pm. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. RZ-01-11/CU-01-11/PPUD-01-11/PP-01-11 —Rezone,Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan & Preliminary Plat for The Preserve Planned Unit Development—The Preserves LLC: The Preserve LLC, represented by Becky McKay with Engineering Solutions LLP, is requesting a rezone from R-3-DA-P(Residential up to three units per acre with a development agreement—PUD)and R-2-DA-P (Residential up to two unit per acre with a development agreement—PUD)to R-4-DA-P (Residential up to four units per acre with a development agreement—PUD)and R-3-DA-P(Residential up to three units per acre with a development agreement—PUD), conditional use, preliminary development plan, preliminary plat approvals for The Preserve Planned Unit Development, a 419-lot(372 buildable,46 common, and 1 well lot)residential subdivision (a portion of which is platted as Eaglefield Estates Subdivision No. 1). The preliminary plat is comprised of 99.5-acres and consists of 280- lots (254 buildable, 25 common, and 1 well lot). The 142.4-acre planned unit development is generally located 650-feet west of Linder Road and north of State Highway 44. (WEV) Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Becky McKay, representing the applicant, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. Thomas Colman, representing the applicant, further presentation on the project. General discussion. Page 3 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-09-I 1min.doe Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Richard Cummings, representing Washington Federal who owns the 4 lots off Linder. We appreciate your comments on the improvements made to those lots. I am here to make you aware of the fact that there is no easement across that lot. Any kind of consideration or action that you take has to be with the understanding that roadway may be closed in the very near future. General discussion. Planner Williams: provides further overview of the application and discusses the changes. Discussion on the Development Agreement. Discussion on the easement. General discussion. Patricia Mickiewicz, 3047 Deerfield Court, discusses the access road. I would recommend that there be no on street parking in this subdivision. I'm also wondering if there will be sidewalks. Mr. Cummings, representing Washington Federal, I don't think what Mr. Williams read into the record resolves any issue and this will need to be negotiated. Becky McKay, discusses the parking on the roadway. ACHD does not allow parking on collectors but on street parking is allowed in the subdivision and there will be sidewalks. We are in agreement with the Conditions of Approval. Discussion on the roadway easement. Mayor Closes the Public Hearing Huffaker moves to approve Agenda Item #8A-RZ-01-11/CU-01-11/PPUD-01-11/PP-01-11 —Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Development Plan & Preliminary Plat for The Preserve Planned Unit Development—The Preserves Planned Unit Development—The Preserves LLC subject to our Attorney and the Attorney for Coleman Homes coming to an agreement on the language of Section 3.9 as well as all of the developer owner language that is proposed to be the changed and subject to approval by the Council when we see the Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law. Seconded by Semanko. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Huffaker moves to approve the RZ-01-11 portion of this application with the same conditions as previously mentioned. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Huffaker moves to approve the remainder of the application which is CU-01-11/PPUD-01- 11/PP-01-11 subject to the same conditions as previously mentioned. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES B. ZOA-01-11 —Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Ordinance 659)—City of Eagle: An Ordinance of the City of Eagle, Idaho, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Idaho, amending Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 1 "Zoning Interpretation and Definitions", Section 2 "Rules and Definitions"; Amending Title 8 "Zoning", Chapter 2 "Zoning Districts and Map", Section 3 "Schedule of District Use Regulations"; providing a Severability Clause; and providing an effective date. (WEV) The proposed ordinance amendment changes the definition of"Bar" and"Commercial Entertainment Facilities"and adds the definition of"Principal Business"to the City's zoning regulations. Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-09-I1min.doc Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Provides an overview of the Memo submitted tonight. General discussion. Mayor Opens the Public Hearing Frank Thomason, Chair of the Historic Preservation Commission, discusses the definition of a restaurant, a bar and a commercial entertainment facility. Margo Walter, 1979 Wasden Way, I was in Smoky Mountain when several people bought take out to take to the Gathering Place. Is the Gathering Place then a restaurant? General discussion. Semanko moves to continue the hearing on this item and instruct staff to make changes consistent with the discussion we have had here for our additional review and continue this matter to the September 13,2011 City Council meeting. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Executive Session Personnel Matters: I.C. 67-2345 (a)(b) Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Huffaker moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with I.C. 67-2345(a)(b) for the discussion on personnel. Seconded by Semanko. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. Council discusses personnel. Council leaves Executive Session at 11:20 p.m. B. Consideration of Appointment of City Attorn y Pursuant to Eagle City Code Title 1 Chapter 2 Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Huffaker: we are continuing this matter to the August 16, 2011 meeting to allow the various City Attorney applicants to make a 15 minute presentation. C. Award of Park and Facilities Maintenance Contract D. Award of Park and Facilities Landscape Maintenance Contract Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. Huffaker provides an overview of Councils discussion and consideration of the Park and Facilities Landscape Maintenance Contracts. Council's decision is to go to Summer Lawns for this next fiscal year. Semanko moves to award the Park and Facilities Maintenance Contract and the Park and Facilities Landscape Maintenance Contract to Summer Lawns pursuant to their bids. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES E. Fee Waiver Agreement with College of Western Idaho This item was moved to be heard as item 7B. 10. BUDGET DISCUSSION—FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-09-1 Imin.doc A. Draft Ordinance No. 660-An Ordinance of the City of Eagle,Idaho,Amending Section 1-5-3,Eagle City Code, to provide for Annual Salaries for the Mayor and providing an effective date. This item was continued from the August 2, 2011 meeting. Mayor Reynolds introduces the issue. General Council discussion. Huffaker moves,pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902,that the rule requiring Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,and that Ordinance#660 be considered after being read once by title only. Huffaker reads Ordinance#660 by title only. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Huffaker moves that Ordinance#660 be adopted as current written in the Seconded by Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: NAY; Grasser: AYE; MOTION CARRIES Semanko: I don't think it is a good idea to raise salaries in the middle of a recession and I don't want to see the salary set to discourage people from running but a 40% raise in the middle of a recession is a good idea. B. Review of General Administration Budget B.1: Review of Professional Dues. General Council discussion. C. Mercer Group Recommendation on staff compensation Huffaker makes a motion to go back into Executive Session in accordance with I.C. 67- 2345(a) regarding personnel. Seconded by Semanko. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: NAY; Grasser: AYE; MOTION CARRIES Council goes into Executive Session. Council discusses personnel. Council leaves Executive Session. General discussion. Review and discussion of the Public Works Department proposed budget. D. Review of Revenue and Property Taxes General discussion. E. Review of Department Budgets General discussion on the General Administration proposed budget. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted: Page 6 K',\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-09-I Imin.doc ,,,1111/1,,,,,,' -SHARON K. BERGMANN 4 . c▪ °R,' o,? . CITY CLERK/TREASURER . • �. A •m•. A:PROVED: / C • I TI i7 O.• �. Fri 9.a..,• ••� Al,, i>> �o,•• �BJa^a�eRe.a�,,, rMES D. REYN•LI/ MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT CITY HALL UPON REQUEST. Page 7 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-08-09-I Imin.doc EAGLE RIVER PAVILION SOUND READING MICHAEL FRANTI Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:35 pm 104 dbs 8:45 90 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:53 pm 101 dbs 8:41 77 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:27 pm 103 dbs 8:42 75 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:43 pm 103 dbs 8:44 76 dbs Street at Driveway STEVE MARTIN Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:18 pm 87 dbs 8:23 73 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:40 pm 91 dbs 8:25 67 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:10 pm 90 dbs 8:26 65 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:37 pm 86 dbs 8:28 66 dbs Street at Driveway EAGLE RIVER PAVILION SOUND READING STYX / YES Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 7:07 pm 102 dbs 7:15 88 dbs West Neighbor Gate 7:27 pm 101 dbs 8:41 77 dbs VIP Parking Lot 8:37 pm 104 dbs 8:42 75 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:32 pm 101 dbs 8:44 76 dbs Street at Driveway WHITESNAKE Sound Board Neighbor / Venue 8:35 pm 104 dbs 9:07 90 dbs West Neighbor Gate 8:57 pm 108 dbs 9:09 84 dbs VIP Parking Lot 9:24 pm 101 dbs 9:10 76 dbs Middle Parking Lot 9:37 pm 102 dbs 9:13 80 dbs Street at Driveway Planning Department Upcoming City Council Meeting Items Item Title PP-01-11/PPUD-01-11/CU-01-11 The Preserve PP/FP-02-11 Deltoid Subdivision RES. 11-23: Fire Suppression MOU/Resolution DR -21-11 — Common Area Landscaping within Bottlecreek Subdivision — Chad Moffat FPUD-01.11/FP-04-11— Final Development Plan and Final Plat for Eaglefield Estates Subdivision No. 3 Ord 659: ZOA-1-11 City of Eagle DR -30-11 Toni O's Cookies Sign DR -138-04 MOD2 & WA -04-11 — Modification to the Master Sign Plan & Code Waiver - My master sign plan for two multi -tenant retail buildings August 9 City Council Details Modification to the Eaglefield DA and an a replat of the undeveloped portion of the Eaglefield Plat 253 residential units. 2 lot Subdivision of a lot within the Castlebury West Business Park Fire suppression education and project list Common area landscaping within Bottlecreek Subdivision Final development plan and final plat approval for Eaglefield Estates No 3, a 11.5 -acre, 23 -lot (19 - buildable, 4 -common} residential subdivision. Change to the definition of a Commercial entertainment facility Building Wall sign and tenant panel on the monument for Toni O's Cookies Design review and waiver application to modify the Bullfrog to allow end unit businesses a third building wall sign Item Title Ada County Transmittal - CUP Item Title DR -33-O8 MOD - 164 E. State Street DR -24-11 - Aspen Leaf FYWP/TIP/ITIP Recommendations August 23- City Council Details Status P&Z June 20th recommended approval Consent/findings of Fact Approved 7/12 Resolution adoption - tabled from July 12 Consent Agenda -DR recommended approval 7/14 Consent/Findings of Fact Approved 7/12 Public hearing PZ rec approval Consent - Staff recommends approval Consent Agenda -DR recommended approval 7/14 Status Staff MJW MJW NBS BAC MJW WEV BAC BAC Staff Agency N/A N/A BLM & Eagle Fire N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Cc Agency Contact N/A N/A Terry Humphrey Kurt McCleany N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Agency Agency Contact United Water Pump House in Fox Tail Subdivision September 13- City Council Details Change in use 2 building wall signs & Monument sign panel for Aspen Leaf Yogurt Recommendations from the Eagle Transportation Committee regarding the FYWP/TIP/ITIP for FY 13-18 P&Z August 1st Status Consent Agenda -DR to consider on 8/11 Consent Agenda -DR to consider on 8/11 Goes to TC on 8/16 MJW Ada County Megan Johnson Staff Agency Agency Contact BAC N/A N/A BAC N/A N/A COMPASS Toni Tinsdale WEV ACHD Sabrina Anderson ITD Mark Wasdahl Item Title DR -26-11 - Smokey Mtn Pizza DR -27-11 - Smokey Mtn Pizza DR -28-11 - Multi -Tenant Retail/Restaurant Building DR -29-11 - Master Sign Plan for Multi - Tenant Retail/Restaurant Building IDR -52-99 MOD4 - Eagle Market Place IRES. ft TBD: R&PP/Lease Discussion Item Title Area of Impact Negotiations: Ada County Update by ACHD re: the FYWP prioritization process Northwest Foothills Transportation Plan Update (NWFTP) Strategic Plan Outline/ Talking Points for the Mayor Community Programs Presentation Downtown Plan Implementation Prioritization DT Circulation Man ILRTP Update COM Adoption 'Downtown Arts District/Overlay (ACHD Cost Share Agreement SH44 Access Point September 27- City Council Details Change in use from retail to restaurant (Kelly Moore Paints building) Building wall signs & monument sign Multi -tenant Restaurant/Retail Building with Drive- Thru at Eagle Island Crossing — Gardner Company Master Sign plan including signage for Moxie Java MOD to the master sign plan for Eagle Marketplace to change background color on monument sign MOU with the BLM for joint planning for the 2,000 acre park site in the foothills TBD City Council Details Staff continues to work with Ada county staff to draft an Ada County Zoning Ordinance Amendment to incorporate portions of Eagle City Code into Ada county Code for use in the AOl. Educational outreach at the request of the ACHD director Update with changes to the CIP. Result of City's consistency review request on M3 Pros/Cons of Strategic Planning prior to budget setting Discussion of City wide goals. ACHD presentation on Community programs process Prioritization of large implementation projects Access, ROW and Modeling of the DT transportation system at Build out City Council recognition of the CIM update from December 2010 Establish a formalized Art District/Overlay in Downtown Eagle Review and provide comment on the ACHD proposed cost share agreement for road projects Coordinate meeting with Boise City, ITD & St. Als to discuss access point Status Staff Consent Agenda -DR to consider on 8/25 Consent Agenda -DR to consider on 8/25 Consent Agenda -DR to consider on 8/25 Consent Agenda -DR to consider on 8/25 Consent Agenda -DR to consider on 8/25 New Business & Resolutions Status BAC BAC BAC BAC BAC NBS Agency Agency Contact N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BLM Terry Humphrey Agency Contact Meg Leatherman, Mark Perfect Staff Agency Staff provided Comments to County in May, waiting for next review packet Need to provide a meeting date Waiting for CIP update Bill to complete book Need to book Need to book Need to book Need to write res and get date Outline process to establish Need to write up and get date need to book N8S Ada County WEV ACRD NBS WEV, NBS WEV WEV, NBS NBS NBS N85 WEV/ NBS WEV ACHD N/A ACHD Various ACHD/ITD COMPASS Eagle Arts Commission ACHD ITD, ACHD, Boise Sabrina Anderson Jeff Lowe N/A Justin N/A Sabrina Anderson Lissa Linda Butler Gary Insleman Christy Little Maryanne Jordan, Jeremy Pisca, Sabrina Anderson, SEB MASTER PLAN GB -450 • The Opportunity • EXPO IDAHO Experience • Team Approach • Team Leader (Denisse Taylor) • I am a Facilitator/Moderator • Lecture for two classes (6 hrs) • Student Teams oc g/9/// 8/11/2011 1 PROTOCOL • Three teams: • Internal Constraints • External Constraints • PESTE/SWOT • Compilation • Presentation U N 1 9 1-11 STATE E R i 1 T Y INTERNAL CONSTRAINTS • You. • Pre-eminence versus Status Quo • Proactive versus Reactive • Leader or Follower? • Eliminate hurdles: Wedded to the Status Quo, Limited Resources, Unmotivated Staff and Vested Political Interests 8/11/2011 2 8/11/2011 EXTERNAL CONSTAINTS • Economy • Regulatory (Article 8 Section 3) • Financial • State/County • Surrounding Communities • Changing Technology • Citizens/Consumers • Environmental WHAT ABOUT • Sustainability • Global Constraints • Ethical Considerations • Location? (1-84) • Quality of life? • Business Friendly Community? • Workforce? • Myopia 3 FACTORS • Cause and Effect • Means justify the Ends and vice versa • Job Creation...multipliers: IMPLAN and RIMS: Direct, Indirect, Induced Jobs • Exacerbate existing problems • Urban Renewal/TIF & Intermodal Commerce • 17.5% commercial vacancy rate/$8.5 sf • COMMON SENSE! Fatal Flaws Analysis • Negative effects that cannot be offset by any degree of benefits from other factors • Deal Killers...That Can't be Mitigated • Usually: Regulatory or Environmental, eg 404 permits. • Unexpected NIMBY and CAVE resistance 8/11/2011 4 PESTE: Political • Ecological/Historical • Current legislation • Future legislation • International legislation • Regulatory bodies and processes • Government policies • City Council consensus Political Con't • Government term and change • Trading policies • Funding, grants and initiatives • Home market pressure groups (NIMBY/CAVE) • International pressure groups • P3's (Public/Private Partnerships) • Wars and conflicts 8/11/2011 5 PESTE: Economical • Home economy • Economy trends • Overseas economies • General taxation • Taxation specific to product/services • Seasonality issues • Market/trade cycles • Property Tax • Specific industry factors • Market routes trends • Distribution trends • Customer/end-user drivers • Interest on Debt • International trade and monetary issues 8/11/2011 6 PESTE: Social • Lifestyle trends and demographics • Consumer attitudes and opinions • Law changes affecting social factors brand, company, lifestyle trends • Consumer attitudes and opinions • Consumer buying patterns • Heritage • Major events and influences 1 A • lifestyle trends and demographics • consumer attitudes and opinions • law changes affecting social factors, brand, company, lifestyle trends • consumer attitudes and opinions • consumer buying patterns • fashion and role models • major events and influences • ethnic/religious factors • ethical issues • technology image 8/11/2011 7 PESTE: Technological • competing technology development • research funding • associated/dependent technologies • Replacement technology/solutions • maturity of technology • manufacturing maturity and capacity • consumer buying • technology legislation • innovation potential • technology access, licensing, patents • intellectual property issues PESTE: Environmental • Water • Sewage • Waste • Pollution • Recycling • Alternative Energy • 100 Year Flood Plain • Green is Good! 8/11/2011 8 6 'DUI `salllunwwoD Buipflne `suo!IeJadO piat3 IeuopeN `aoPaala • HOSS33O Jd IDNflfad'1NVI1f1SNOD `rnJvd3HS 808 • 'JO1J38I0 `1383 IE NVIN '2IQ • ( )1N3Wd013A30 JIWONOD3 pUe HJ8b3S38 SS3NISf18 • npa.aleisastoq•n@paedagsiagoi 1-1,0Z/1-1-/8 PREFACE 1.i Nrriii7NinT IC KETY BOO KEY PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY BUILDING PERSPECTIVES: — Adapting to change by being informed — Connect to the outside world — Start locally; Go globally PLACE: — Play to strengths and uniqueness — Plan and develop over time — Steward of the environment 8/11/2011 10 PEOPLE: — Leadership — Inclusiveness (diversity and youth) — Basic needs (education, health and arts) PROSPERITY: — Recruit, retain and generate wealth — Think big and small at same time — Think big, start small, Act now — Rethink boundaries THREE STRATEGIES • Strategy for Effective Communications • Strategy for Economic Development • Strategy for Community Development 8/11/2011 11 CREDO'S • Public participation will be a permanent part of creating great communities and cities. A commitment to public participation will transform government, making it more open, responsive and effective. It will also build the level of trust among residents; trusting that, ultimately, the citizens feel ownership of City Hall and that City Hall responds. • Transparency and accountability are the hallmarks to establishing trust. CREDO'S METHODOLOGY • Raise public awareness about the importance of civic engagement. • Instill and impart a method and pattern for long- term formal involvement by the citizens in meaningful dialogue and decisions. • Gather information about current issues directly from the public. • Develop a public dialogue about issues. • Invigorate the present dialogue by offering challenging potential solutions to community issues. 8/11/2011 12 /111111.11 •1• • • Both Eagle's community leaders and I believe that by engaging citizens on vital issues - by listening to them and creating plans to respond to their collective voice — that Eagle would become an even better place. I believe this process will lead to a permanent change in the civic culture of the community. METHODOLOGY • Public participation will be a permanent part of creating great communities and cities. A commitment to public participation will transform government, making it more open, responsive and effective. It will also build the level of trust among residents; trusting that, ultimately, the citizens feel ownership of City Hall and that City Hall responds. 8/11/2011 13 CREDO #2 • No one of us is stronger than all of us. • Collaborations and networking are the keys to gaining commitments that are strong in consensus and sustainable. • There are ways to make our communities thrive. All it takes is putting your heads together. IS. • If you don't use it you lose it. • Create an asset inventory. Capitalize on what you have rather than what you need. What you need will come about from what you have. 8/11/2011 14 CREDO #4 • Create a vision and mission. • Do you want Eagle to be a bedroom community or board room community? • If you don't know where you are going, how do you establish a plan to get there? • • 1 • These concepts are the basis for a City of Eagle Strategic Plan. With the assistance of seniors in the business program and graduate students involved in the Business Research and Economic Development, BRED, Center, BSU is prepared to help Eagle prepare for growth and a sustainable future. • I'm sure that I'm preaching to the choir on these concepts. However, I don't want to make any assumptions from the outset. 8/11/2011 15 8/11/2011 16 Creating a Quality Future Facets of Success: Preeminence versus Status Quo Proactive versus Reactive Leader or Follower? Eliminate hurdles: Wedded to the Status Quo, Limited Resources, Unmotivated Staff and Vested Political Interests 20 Principles Homes and Neighborhoods Principles Commercial Principles Transportation and Public Places Principles Environmental Principles Homes and Neighborhoods Commercial Transportation And Public Places Environmental 1 To identify quality development principles that cities and counties can embrace Obj ectives To start a broad dialogue on quality growth and development issues in the Eagle area Obj ectives 2 To build leadership and consensus around the principles Obj ectives To develop technical tools that local governments and others involved in the development process can use in implementing the principles Obj ectives 3 Homes and Neighborhoods Seven Principles: Homes and Neighborhoods "Quality neighborhoods offer a choice of well designed and maintained housing types and sizes..." Choice and Diversity 4 Homes and Neighborhoods "Quality neighborhoods are linked to surrounding areas, and...share commercial spaces and open space" Linkages Homes and Neighborhoods n "Quality neighborhoods encourage actions to preserve, restore and reuse historic sites or structures...and to foster appropriate infill development." Reinvestment 5 "The distinct features of a neighborhood include public spaces such as a square, a green or an important street intersection." Identity Homes and Neighborhoods "Quality neighborhoods have a distinct identity that helps define their boundaries." Identity Homes and Neighborhoods 6 Homes and Neighborhoods "The streets of a quality neighborhood give residents, particularly youth and the elderly, choice and control in their mobility..." Pedestrian/Cyclist Friendly Homes and Neighborhoods "A variety of quality public green spaces are within easy access of residents in a neighborhood." Green Space 7 "Quality neighborhoods offer the opportunity for residents to work and live within the neighborhood." Live/Work Homes and Neighborhoods Commercial Principles There are five Commercial principles: 8 Commercial Principles "Quality places include a variety of uses (e.g. retail stores, residences, civic buildings, and offices) that create multipurpose activity centers." Mixed Use Commercial Principles The scale, character and function of a quality development are compatible and integrated with that of its surroundings." Scale 9 Commercial Principles "Quality places are built to last with quality materials and designed to allow for changing uses over time, and provide for shifting markets and consumer needs." Durability Commercial Principles "Quality shopping areas, small or large, are designed to make the pedestrian feel comfortable and safe..." Walkability 10 Commercial Principles CG ... providing wide sidewalks, storefronts that open to the street, shade and shelter, and a sense of spatial enclosure." Commercial Principles "Quality shopping areas provide a variety of convenient parking choices..." Parking 11 Commercial Principles n CC ... consistent with the scale of the development, the location and type of stores." Parking Commercial Principles "Parking is divided into smaller components to the rear or side of the buildings..." Parking 12 Transportation and Public Places Principles There are five Principles in This category: Transportation and Public Places "A quality transportation system accommodates automobiles, public transit, public safety vehicles, freight, pedestrians and bicycles in a balanced way to maximize access and mobility throughout the community." 13 Transportation and Public Places "Quality local streets... provide access to homes, shops and businesses..." Local Streets Transportation and Public Places "The design of a quality local street encourages pedestrian and bicycle use through such features as continuous sidewalks..." • i 1 ' 1. Bike/Pedestrian Access 14 Transportation and Public Places Ci ...curbside tree planting, narrow street width and small turning radii at corners to slow down cars..." Bike/Pedestrian Access Transportation and Public Places "...landscaped medians ... and street parking that protects pedestrians from moving traffic." Bike/Pedestrian Access 15 "A system of quality local streets complements the planning and development of a regional public transit network." Transit Supportive Development Transportation and Public Places Transportation and Public Places "Easy pedestrian access and a mix of uses are encouraged at existing and proposed transit stops to allow transit to become a viable alternative to the automobile." Transit Supportive Development 16 Transportation and Public Places Quality public spaces encourage social interaction and foster a distinct sense of place." Public Spaces Environmental Principles There are three Environmental Principles: 17 Environmental Principles "The design of quality places incorporates features and amenities that minimize environmental impacts on water quality caused by storm water runoff and erosion." ' _s Water and Air Quality Environmental Principles "The design of buildings and properties maximizes the efficient use of environmental and economic resources..." 18AU (11 AVf p SMART BUILDER Resource Efficiency 18 • Get the right people on the bus • Be completely transparent • Hire Bob Shepard Environmental Principles "A quality place preserves major natural features in a neighborhood or a community (streams, slopes and natural habitats) as open space, and links those resources to public places." Natural Elements What's next? 19 Eagle Idaho Vision A 20 Year Look Into Our Future Can you picture Eagle in 20 years? Will there be plenty of parks, good streets, affordable neighborhoods and a strong economy? Will the area's affinity to Boise and western history still be reflected in the community? Will the surrounding environment be healthy and accessible to all? With good, solid strategic leadership and planning, in 20 years Eagle can be all those things and more. But it will require a flexible roadmap to the future. It will require focused attention to short and long-term projects and plans. And, it will require commitment from all members of the community. That's why the Eagle Mayor and Council have developed a 20 -year strategic plan, "Our Future Eagle" to promote strategic leadership and performance and guide the community to the future. The plan includes the City's vision for the community that reflects what it hopes the community can accomplish and what it can become. In support of that vision, the City has defined eight strategic focus areas and the goals and measurable objectives that define success in each of those areas. The plan is not a rigid blueprint to be put on the shelf, but rather a living and flexible guideline designed to help the Mayor and Council and the entire community focus limited resources on making the very best it can be. Progress will be measured regularly and reported to the community. Course corrections will be made if necessary. But the focus on the vision of "Our Future Eagle" will not change, and the work to make the vision a reality will continue as Eagle moves forward. 'Imagine in 20 years: Eagle is still a young, vibrant community built on many years of western and Idaho traditions. Through hard work and focused commitment, our residents and leaders have created a city where: • Meaningful choices for housing, employment, education, recreation, cultural activities, medical care, and retail opportunities are available to all. • The area's unique environment and climate are embraced, protected, and enhanced by open space, parks, walking paths, and a River Runs Through It. • A strong and somewhat diverse economic foundation supports a prosperous population. • Where good planning and the expansion of city boundaries have provided opportunities for the creation of attractive neighborhoods and successful commercial districts. Eagle boasts one of the lowest property tax rates in Idaho. • Visitors choose to come to enjoy the area's many attractions. • Stewardship of the community's assets and resources and the provision of superior services by city government is paramount. • People and organizations work in partnership for the benefit of the entire Eagle community. iStrategic Focus Areas: • Sustainable Water Management & Environmental Stewardship • Economic Vitality and Diversity • Quality Community Facilities and Services • Quality Parks and Recreational Amenities • Designated Urban Renewal Districts • Well-planned Smart Growth • Eagle— Boise Partnership • Attractive -Enjoyable Community ~.� =lir'TM c:n.v: v�icC9i:cvi=ivr; EVERYTHING IS These Strategic Focus areas help define where the resources should be spent - Both time and money - to reach the 20 year vision of Eagle and answer the question, "What is most important?" How do we get there from here? In the next five years, Eagle needs to concentrate on these nine major goals: Growth: Assure quality growth for the future of Eagle through the application of land use planning, annexation, and other development standards. Housing: Promote the creation of a variety of housing options for all segments of the Eagle community. Recreation, Culture & Library: Provide the community with a variety of parks, recreation, library and cultural facilities and services. Public Safety: Enhance the quality of public safety resources and services. Water: Assure that the long-term water needs of the community are met. Financial Stability: Ensure the long-term financial viability and operational effectiveness of the City of Eagle. Strong Economy: Promote a strong and diverse economic base. Transportation: Provide Eagle with a variety of safe and efficient transportation systems. Consideration of light rail connecting Middleton, Star, and Eagle to Boise. Environmental Sustainability: Encourage the use of cost-effective technologies that protect the environment and contribute to energy efficiency. Here is what we want to achieve in the next two years: Growth: To achieve quality growth for the future of Eagle, we need to mutually gain consensus on growth and annexation opportunities. Implement the City's annexation policy giving priority focus to the following areas: • Linder and Chinden Blvd. • West and North opportunities. • Complete a comprehensive plan and development agreement to utilize Urban Renewal Districts for a cluster/mixed use/light industrial complex. • Hire an Economic Development specialist. Housing: In order to promote the provision of a variety of housing options for all segments of the community, we will: Implement a City Council's Comprehensive Affordable Housing Policy. Develop a concept plan and jointly pursue outside funding with Ada County to upgrade un-sewered areas in the City. Regulate the rental of multi -tenant, non -owner occupied housing within single family neighborhoods. Recreation, Culture & Library: In order to provide the community with a variety of parks, recreation, library and cultural facilities and services, we will: Complete the construction of: • Green belt projects • Inclusion of recreation facilities in the Urban Renewal Districts. • Veteran's Cemetery • More facilities at Eagle Island State Park. • Development of an RV Park near the State Park. Water: To ensure that the long-term water needs of the community are met, we will: Update the City's Surface Water Plan. Achieve a 2% pre -mitigation reduction in the City's gallons per capita per day (GPCD) measurement through: • New or enhanced conservation and education efforts • City Code changes Environmental Sustainability: In order to encourage the use of cost-effective technologies that will protect the environment and contribute to energy efficiency, we will: Adopt a City policy that incorporates the use of additional energy and water -saving technologies in future City facilities. Partner with Idaho Power to install and utilize solar energy at the Waste Water Treatment facility. Obtain outside funding for the installation of energy and water -saving technologies in City facilities. Implement a cost-effective program to expand the use of alternative fuels in the City's fleet. Public Safety: To enhance public safety resources and services, we will: Complete the following projects: • An analysis for a Police Station expansion including an Emergency Operations Center component. • Implementation of an improved City-wide Public Safety wireless field network. Complete and implement agreements for the introduction of red light/speed photo enforcement. Pursue a partnership with CWI for the Public Safety Education Program to increase police and fire recruitment programs. Improve the City's current community fire service rating (ISO). Pursue with CWI the concept of conducting all fire service and emergency medical service discipline coursework. Financial & Operational Stability: To ensure the long-term financial viability and operational effectiveness of the City of Eagle, we will: Increase the City's General Fund reserves by at least 10%. Develop and implement a plan to maximize City revenue collection and increase operational efficiencies within all City departments. Develop and implement a plan to improve the City's virtual presence and electronic availability of services within the community. Identify alternative funding sources for short and long-term street maintenance and reconstruction. Strong Economy: In order to achieve a strong and diverse economic base, we will: Participate in the county-wide economic development effort. (BVEP) Meet jointly with County Commissioners to ensure synergistic solutions to opportunities in Eagle and the County. Commission an analysis of retail opportunities that could expand the City's future economic base. Adopt a comprehensive economic development blueprint in collaboration with Eagle economic development stakeholders. Hire an Economic Development specialist. Transportation: In order to provide Eagle with a variety of safe and efficient transportation systems, we will: Design the following multi-use paths: • Green Belt • Old State Street Develop a funding and implementation plan for the City's multi-use paths trail system. Update the City's Traffic Circulation Plan. Construct Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) street improvements per City policy and ADA Street Inventory Plan along old State Street. Pursue federal funding for the completion of widening the Eagle road to Beacon Light Road. Pursue grant funds for the construction of the following multiuse paths: • Old State Street • Other selected opportunities Now we are looking ahead THE PRESERVE Eagle City Council August 9, 2011 The Preserve A Coleman Community LAII 0 Coleman Homes real choices ...better living PROSECT TEAM • Coleman Homes • Engineering Solutions, LLP • Givens Pursley • Jensen -Belts The Preserve A CoIuinur, Convn unity 0 Coleman Homes real choices ... better living . 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