Minutes - 1997 - City Council - 07/29/1997 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES July 29,1997 COUNCIL: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: Bastian, Masher, Merrill, Sedlacek. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ORIGINAL A.. *Planning & Zoning Commission Appointment: The Mayor is requesting Council to confirm his recommendation to fill the open Commissioners seat. (RY) This item was continued from the duly 22, 1997 meeting Mayor recommends the appointment of Geneva Trent to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Merrill moves that we approve the Mayor's recommendation to appoint Geneva Trent to fill the open seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Seconded by Masher. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ....... 5. NEW BUSINESS: A. *Redwood Creek Pathway: Council will discuss the Chevron pipeline in Redwood Creek.(RY) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion among Council. Joe Harris, 6565 Plantation Lane, Boise. Discusses the pipeline and how the pathway will be constructed. General discussion. Joe Harris and Council discuss the bridge and their contribution could be between $5,000 - $6,000. General discussion. Joe Harris will furnish Council a document showing the pathway route. Joe King, Redwood Creek Homeowner's Association. Discusses the pathway. B. 1997-1998 Budllet Workshop- The Mayor has proposed a 1997-1998 Annual Budget for Council consideration. The purpose of this workshop is to allow the Council to discuss the Mayor's proposed budget and make changes as they deem necessary. Karl Hiaring, Senior Center. Karl distributes a memo to Council and discusses the yearly revenue and expenses of the Senior Center. Karl discusses the condition of the carpet in the Senior Center and discusses the bids he has received for replacing the carpet. Karl would like Council to consider contributing to the cost of replacing the carpet. General discussion. Lynne and Nancy to work on the Senior Center carpet needs and bring back to Council. General discussion among Council on proposed budget. C. Strategic Annual Goals: The Mayor would like Council to discuss the Strategic Annual Goals for the 1997-1998 budget. General discussion on Strategic Annual Goals. SAG # 1 - New Library: Building and equipment for the new library. $10,000.00 SAG #2 - Park Development: $200,000.00 SAG #3 - Park and Recreation Department: Investigate the formation ora Park and Recreation Department. $2,000.00. SAG #4 - Comp Plan Phase II: Land acquisition map (see Mark) $25,000.00 SAG #5 - River & Creek Pathways & Setback Ordinance and Development & Implementation of River Ordinance: $10,000.00. SAG #6 - Implementation Plan for encouraging Public/Private Downtown Development. $5,000.00. SAG #7 - City Revenue Enhancement: Implement Franchise Fees, Business Licenses, Review License Fees. $500.00 SAG #8 - Expand Road & Street Grids: $2,000.00. SAG #9 - Expand & Improve Community Relations/Communication: Council Advisory Committees. InterneffE-Mail. $4,000.00. SAG #10 - Study Consolidation of Municipal Services: 6. ADJOURNMENT: Merrill moves to adjourn. Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:20pm. R/~tfully submitted: ~ ~}_~ '~HAR(})N m. SMITH ' ~ cIq-¥ CLERk/TREASURER APP~.ED~