Minutes - 1997 - City Council - 06/30/1997 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL/P&Z/ACHD JOINT MEETING
June 30, 1997
JOINT MEETING: 6:30 p.m.
City Council: Bastian, Masner, Merrill, Sedlacek. Bastian is absent. A quorum is
P & Z: Bradley, Brinton, Mayer, Maile, Farnworth. Mayer and Maile absent. A
quorum is present.
ACHD: Susan Eastlake, ACHD Commissioner is present.
Masner moves to add to New Business Item #G a Resolution with the City of Boise on the
sewer treatment. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...........
Mayor appoints Sharon K. Smith as City Clerk/Treasurer and would like a motion by
Council to approve the appointment.
So moved by Masner and Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............
A. Impact Fees Ordinance Revision: Larry Sales, ACHD. This is the first of several
meetings that the Highway District wants to hold with the Council. A handout is distributed in
reference to Impact Fees, Larry explains how the impact fees are figured and how the money is
spent. Discusses the assessment districts. Discussion by Susan Eastlake on Impact Fees.
B. East/West Roadway at Albertson's: Larry Sales, ACHD, and Mark Butler. Butler
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displays overlays of site plans showing the road between Albertson's and Edge Development
and explains same. General discussion. Larry Sales discusses the roadway and the access for
Albertson's and other development. General discussion. Merrill would like to know the plan
for 2nd Street. Discussion on 2nd Street by Larry Sales. General discussion. Larry Sales states
that there are no plans for upgrading 2nd Street. It is the owner's responsibility to further develop
the street. Masner would like ACHD to take a look at 2nd Street because of the potential increase
in traffic. Merrill wants to know if there are future plans for a roadway between the Merrill and
Grossman property. Larry Sales discusses this issue. General discussion. Discussion on the Hill
Road Extension. Kent Brown, ACHD, discusses the location of the extension. General
Brinton moves that we approve the alignment of the East/West Roadway known as Plaza
Street as presented. Seconded by Farnworth. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .......
Masner I would propose a similar motion to City Council as passed by Planning and
Zoning. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ........
General Discussion on the project concerning the sidewalks and landscaping.
Russ Mayer, Planning and Zoning Commissioner, joins the meeting.
C. Status Report Eagle Road Project: Steve Spickelmier, ACHD, discusses the status
of Eagle Road. Still trying to acquire three parcels of ground. Steve's opinion is that this project
will not be done this year. The project will need to be redesigned. Discussion by Merrill on the
speed limit. General discussion.
D. General Discussion of ACHD Projects in the Area: Mayor would like discussion
on ACHD completing sidewalk, curb and gutter from City Hall on State Street east.
Spickelmier responds. Currently working on transferring the fight-of-way with the ITD.
Brinton would like discussion on the speed limit changes. Joe Roselin, ACHD, discusses the
speed limit changes. General discussion. Jeff Miles, ITD, discusses the setting of speed limits.
General discussion. Famworth has a question on if there are laws that a street can be closed.
Response from Eastlake. General discussion. Comments from Kent Brown. Masner would like
to know what percent of the budget is spent on bike paths. Response from Eastlake. ACHD
only does bike lanes. Further discussion. Jerry Nyman, ACHD, discusses the budget on bike
paths. General discussion. Brinton wants to know what type of drainage is proposed for the 23
acres on Floating Feather and Ballantyne. Spickelmier responds that this is proposed to be a dry
pond for street drainage. ACHD is working with City in developing this area as park. General
discussion. Nyman discusses county wide drainage in Ada County. There is a proposed county
wide drainage entity. General discussion. Masher discusses the drainage problems on State
Street. Nyman discusses this issue. Merrill wants to discusses the ownership of both ends of the
bypass. Jeff Miles, ITD, discusses this issue. ITD has not relinquished the triangle area to
ACHD. General discussion. Merrill discusses the property at Dickey Drive and Hill Road, this
is proposed as park land. Spickelmier and Miles discuss this issue.
E. General Discussion Regarding Street Usage: Merrill discusses the possible need
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for a track route. Joe Roselin, ACHD, responds to this issue. ACHD has no authority to control
a track route, the City does. General discussion. Discussion on a stop sign at Ballantyne and
Beacon Light Rd. Brinton discusses apron that ITD put on the intersection of the Bypass and
Ballantyne. Jeff Miles, ITD, responds. General discussion. Discussion on regular meetings
with ACHD and ITD.
Masner moves that we schedule these meetings quarterly. Seconded by Merrill. ALL
AYE: MOTION CARRIES ............
Reid Merrill discusses the Merrill Recreation Center and how an overpass over the Bypass would
affect their property. Larry Sale, ACHD, responds. General discussion.
JeffMiles, ITD, discusses the departments development in the Eagle area. ITD would not look
very favorably to any additional intersections on the Bypass.
Mayor calls a recess at 8:40 p.m.
Mayor reconvenes at 8:50 p.m.
F. EXECUTIVE SESSION: City Council agrees that an Executive Session is not
G. Resolution 97-9. Mayor introduces the issue.
Masner moves that we adopt Resolution 97-9. A Resolution expressing the intent of the
City of Eagle to remove property owned by the City of Boise City from the Eagle City
limits and the Eagle area of City impact; and providing an Effective date. Section 1: That
the City of Eagle hereby expresses its intent to work with the City of Boise City in removing
Boise City owned property from the Eagle City limits; Section 2: That the City of Eagle
hereby expresses its intent to work with the City of Boise City in removing Boise City
owned property from the Eagle City Area of City Impact; Section 3: That this Resolution
shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. Seconded by
Merrill. For the record, it has been determined that my employment with Eagle Sewer
District could constitute a conflict of interest on this matter, therefore, I Lynne Sedlacek
will abstain from voting on this matter. Discussion. TWO AYE: ONE ABSTENTION:
General discussion on Baker Agreement and the sewer issue.
5. ADJOURNMENT: Masner moves to adjourn. Seconded by Sedlacek. ALL AYE:
MOTION CARRIES .................
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Heating no further business, the Joint City Council, P&Z, ACHD Meeting adjourned at 9:00
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