Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 02/18/2020 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES February 18, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: PIKE, GOLD, PITTMAN, BAUN. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING THE EAGLE LANDING: This time is reserved for the public to address their elected officials regarding The Eagle Landing. At times, the City Council may seek comments/opinions regarding specific City matters during this allotted time. This is not the time slot to give formal testimony on a public hearing matter, land use application, or comment on a pending application or proposal. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their comments to three (3) minutes. Mayor Pierce reviews a PowerPoint regarding The Landing titled "How did we get here? Where we do we go?" [PowerPoint is attached to minutes]. Mayor Pierce reviews items that hadn't been addressed prior to move in and that still need to be addressed, including zoning changes, parking lot improvements, security system as well as others. Mayor reviews an option to expand the current City Hall building to provide for staff needs and have them housed in one location as well as provide a location for programs, add meeting rooms and expand office space for existing staff. Discussion regarding expansion options. Council Member Pittman states that items on the what needs to be done list are being addressed at this time. He requests for clarification regarding the costs listed associated with the parking lot paving bids, current budgeted amounts for items for improvements, removal from the tax roll. Pittman expresses concern on what will be done with the museum. Discussion. Council Member Pike would like to hear from the public prior to discussion amongst the Council. Council Member Baun discusses replacement costs of older existing buildings vs. new construction costs. John Compton, 266 N. 1St Street Eagle, Idaho.. Mr. Compton is two doors down from the Landing and is in favor of keeping it. He thinks that the addition of Parks and Recreation at the location has brought life to the area. It is well maintained now; he enjoys the activity and the people. He likes the access mainly coming from Mission Drive. He likes that the museum is in the old church as it is a part of the history of Eagle. If something other than the City acquires the property, the impact to traffic could be negative to those living near the facility. Cindy Compton, 266 N. 1St Street Eagle, Idaho. She is in favor of The Landing staying there. It is nice to have more than one area to gather. There has definitely been an Page 1 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spm1n.docx improvement in the property. The use of the facility for Recreation programs has been good, especially for those who may not have a club house in their subdivision. She feels like it is a good use of funds. Discusses traffic and if the property is sold a hammerhead would need to be installed. Jeff Russell, 426 Back Forty Drive Eagle Idaho. Mr. Russell feels that with impending Federal investigation looming and with two sitting Council members being involved, he feels the Council members should be placed on administrative leave. He would like the current Mayor and Council to take his concerns to the City Attorney. Dave Wilkensen, 969 N. Arena Way Eagle Idaho. Mr. Wilkensen states that the project has had a cloud over it from the beginning. Additionally, he believes that another purchaser was in play that would have paid more money. The word on the street is that the ceilings may have asbestos and there was led based paint that was painted over. The project is an embarrassment to the City. John Collins, 1805 N. Chaucer Way Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Collins, is of the opinion that it was not a good purchase, and it wasn't done right. The intent may have been good, but in this instance the cons outweigh the pros. Richard Ames, 120 N. 2nd Street Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Ames has concerns with speed at which the changes were made to The Landing. The process associated with the purchase were so backwards that it needs to be unraveled. He is concerned with where the museum will be placed if The Landing is sold. Nancy Merrill, 3268 W. Skywood Lane Eagle, Idaho. What was the appraised value? Was an inspection done before the purchase was approved? Did the City follow the correct process to change the use? Why wasn't Sheri Sharps property purchased? Why did the City go in debt? Why didn't we purchase the water company? What can be done if the facility is sold? She suggests outdoor classes, use of the Idaho Arts Academy or a partnership with the Ada County School district. She has reviewed the purchase agreement and it showed a 17% interest rate which is outrageous. Other options should be pursued, the intent was good but how it was gone about was not good. Ian Burnett, 1417 N. Forest Bello Way Eagle, Idaho. It is unfortunate there is such a cloud of The Landing. It is a good facility; however the expansion of the current City Hall is a great option. He is in favor of expanding current City Hall but would like to find a way to keep the Landing in use until the expansion could be completed. Jim Lamping, 1352 N. Luge Ave Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Lamping has questions regarding the property purchase and upgrade costs. Additionally, he has questions regarding the early estimates to expand the City Hall. What is the current value of The Landing? He suggests slowing down. He would put The Landing on hold, determine fair market value of the same and get better cost estimates for the City Hall expansion. And hopefully, the cloud surrounding the FBI investigation will dissipate. Jane Kramer, 238 N. Story Book Way Eagle Idaho. Ms. Kramer reads letters into the record from Sandy Smith and Bernard Echanow. Both letters are in favor of retaining The Landing. [Letters attached to minutes.] Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spmin.docx Janet Buschart, 235 W. Floating Feather Road Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Buschard hopes that the process would slow down a bit. While there has been criticism with the previous administration regarding pushing things through, in the rush of this administration to sell The Landing the same pattern is occurring. If you are indeed leaning toward the sale of the property, continued use of The Landing in the interim will be a great interim solution. She knocked on doors in the neighborhood and found overwhelming support, except one individual did have concern with the vacation of the right-of-way. Discusses vacation of the right-of-way. Beth Landis, 1540 E Rivers End Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Landis is excited to have a Parks and Recreation program in Eagle and watch it expand over the last 6 years. The Landing has been a good investment of City funds. What is the 10 -year plan for the City Hall expansion, it is a good idea for now, but what about down the road. You can't put a price on community classes and community connection. Hoping the Council can find a way to make it a win-win. Anne Joslin, 1750 Washam Road Eagle, Idaho. She is in support of keeping The Landing. It is an excellent addition. She supports the comments made by Ms. Buschard. As a citizen there is too much "word on the street", it has been very hard to know what the facts truly are. A competitive bidding process is very important to determine the actual costs. The federal subpoena was mentioned, and at this time it is just an investigation, and it would be best to wait and see the results. Jack Swain, 1540 E. Rivers End Court Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Swain states that he visited The Landing and saw kids playing in the grassy area, an elderly person with his dog and others inside the facility enjoying programs. Mr. Swain encourages the elected officials to embrace this as a possibility and do some problem solving vs. throwing out the baby with the bathwater. He supports the Landing and encourages them to find some positive options that maybe viable. Tom Bringle, 2475 unintelligible Eagle, Idaho? Mr. Bringle is in support of The Landing, and echoes the comments of the previous speaker. He encourages them to problem solve and work towards a solution. Helen Russell, 426 W Back Forty Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Russell is excited about the City Hall expansion. She emailed the Council a list of her concerns about a week ago. She and a group of friends circulated a petition and gathered over 400 signatures that support selling The Landing Community Center. She provides the petitions to be included in the record. [attached to minutes.] Kevin Zasio. 499 W. Rivermore Lane Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Zasio states that there were clearly failed steps taken and laws broken to open The Landing. Additionally, he is aware of another scandal that most are unaware of. He personally knows the other potential buyers of The Landing Property who wanted to build a school. These buyers met with Mayor Ridgeway, and Planning and Zoning, including Mr. Williams, buyers did their due diligence and the City even promised that they would accelerate their approval process. Ultimately, the City gave their blessing to the school to be relocated at The Landing location. Mr. Zasio states that Mayor Ridgeway decided he wanted the property and offered more money with a lucrative financing option to the seller. How are we to trust Page 3 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spnnin.docx our elected leaders if they are using our business information against its own citizens. He feels the City should give the right of first refusal to the people that the City bought the property out from under. Shelly Brock, 8770 W. Chaparral Road Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Brock understands that the correct process to occupy The Landing was not followed and is please that the City is taking steps to correct the issue. She understands that much of the work has already been completed. The City should adhere with conditions just as private citizens are required. The City should not, however be punished by the compulsory sale of the property as is being proposed with the sale of The Landing. The amenities area already being used by staff and classes are being held. Despite rumors, it is her understanding that it was the seller who approached the City after having already received the previous offer, the City reportedly made a better offer and when the seller received no counter offer the seller chose to accept it. The seller was always in control and that is how real estate deals work. Ms. Brock inquires as to the influence of one the Mayor's largest campaign contributors who's daughter in law sits on the Board of the Innovate Academy and Preparatory School and under bidder of The Landing is having on the Mayor and his push to sell The Landing property. The Mayor states he is unaware of whom she is speaking about. Brock states it is Dennis Dillon's daughter-in-law and that she sits on the Board of Directors of the school. The Mayor states he was unaware of this. Steve Bender, 1235 N. Seven Oaks Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Bender states that he understands that a great deal of the discussions regarding the property purchase were held in executive session so he understands that they cannot discuss the matter. He would hope that if after discussion with legal counsel that if they need to recuse themselves that they will do so. He also discusses renovations that may still need to be addressed at The Landing that were glossed over in order to move in. He wants the City to sell The Landing, something that meets Eagle's standards. Deborah Hertzog, 2266 N. Park Forest Way Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Hertzong needs of Parks and Recreation, the museum and the program participate have been met. There had to be a lot of problem solving. The needs of all of those groups are currently being met and however this plays out those needs continue need to be met. If the expansion is done, will an add on meet the needs of the communities needs as a whole? Jane Rohling, 582 Palmetto Dr. Eagle Idaho. Ms. Rohling discusses her history as an interpretive designer. She thinks The Landing has great potential. There is a value with having a community center, the value and costs should definitely be investigated. Initial safety and structural should be addressed but the other amenities could be phased in. Take the time to investigate, the property will only appreciate in value. Johnathan Seal, 2906 N. Haven Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Seal worked for a developer for 20 years so he has worked with both entitlements and construction. He is a little concerned with the $190 per square foot for expansion of the current city hall Mayor Pierce estimated at the beginning of the meeting. He has done commercial construction and would just encourage them to take a deeper look at costs associated with expansion of the current city hall. Mr. Seal also would like to ensure that parking requirements are met. Mr. Seal is neither pro or con, but just has a few questions. Page 4 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spmin.docz Kent Ebunger, 246 Cottonwood Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Ebunger is neither pro or con, but does have over 28 years in Commercial real estate. If the property is sold and offered to the other potential purchasers, will the city only recoup costs of the property purchase? What about the improvement costs that have already invested in the property? The City would have to give the disclosures if there are drainage issues and everything else. Discusses current property zoning and the zoning desires of potential buyers. Richard McPhearson, 1843 W. Sugar Crest Eagle, Idaho. Mr. McPhearson states that there are reasons why the previous legal counsel resigned, there are people sitting on this Council that know why. There was a rush to buy the property and an executive session was held and there are people on this Council that know why this was done. This property has become a liability not for the current Mayor and Council but by the past City Council and other people that work for the City who rushed it through and then covered it up to make it look good without consideration to safety issues. He feels that the current facility should be expanded. Encourages them to not listen to everyone else as they are trying to cover up things. Tracy Koelish, 2013 N. Black Forest Way Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Koelish does not feel that the Eagle citizens were allowed to have a voice regarding the purchase of The Landing. There were no public hearings held and no opportunity for stakeholders to provide input. She reminds them of their fiduciary duty as the Mayor and Council, and if they don't know what that is - they should look into it. They have a responsibility when using tax dollars. There was no appraisal done on the property and no inspection and how anyone of them could be ok with that is a mystery. Ms. Koelish questions the due diligence of the Council regarding the purchase and improvements. It appears that the City used insider information to purchase the property, and a private citizen was undercut. She would like the community involved and to start the process over again. Russ Buschard, 235 W. Floating Feather Rd. Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Buschard believes that the property was purchased with good intentions, but possibly in a rush. Now the City is in a rush to get out of it. What the City really needs is a 10 -year facility plan, especially with the projected growth. The problem should be looked at logically, not emotionally. Time should be taken to obtain contractor bids, put together a long-term plan and use some logic. Citizen input to review the 10 -year plan, and then determine if The Landing is worth it or not. Lee Croft, 952 N. Arena Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Croft states that there was no diligence done on this project. There is a need for a community center, but the cost does not make sense for these old buildings. It was a poor decision to purchase the property. You could spend the same about of money and get 10,000 square feet of new building. He feels that the public trust has been violated. Joan Morris, 333 E. Mission Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Morris notes that Mission Drive is very often used for parking for school activities. If there is inadequate parking at The Landing, then the overflow will be on Mission Drive. With children using The Landing, their safety could be put in jeopardy. Mission Drive is also impacted by Eagle Saturday market. She would like the parking addressed. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spmin.docx Eileen Sutter, 155 W. Colville Ct. Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Sutter inquires if the addition is done to City Hall, will the parking be adequate? Rick Gilmore, 6266 W. Piaffe Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Gilmore agrees with those that signed the petition. This decision is about economics, it's not about feelings. Mayor Pierce, Council member Pike and Baun ran on fiscal responsibility and that is what this is with them checking numbers and making sure people are held accountable. Enough people liked their campaign promises that they fired most of the previous administration and elected you in. The decision to purchase was made without the input of the public. This is about accountability of the people that made the decision and the FBI investigation should help do that. Jim Reynolds, 1118 N. unintelligible Place Eagle, Idaho. Mr. Reynolds states that it was a poorly conceived and executed plan, the property needs to be gotten rid of. Barb Jekel, 2862 Haven Dr Eagle, Idaho. She believes it was a good use of funds. The property is easily accessible via walking and biking. The church property would be an asset to the Community. She agrees that there may be hidden costs and agrees with Mr. Seal. Any safety items associated with the property would need to be addressed prior to sale if they truly exist. Robert Koelish, 2013 N. Black Forrest Way Eagle, Idaho. Eagle should not be under investigation for what a prior administration did. Why didn't they get to vote on the purchase of the property? Why did the City take out a loan? He wants to know how the asphalt company got the bid? The newly elected have done nothing wrong. Leslie Smith an attorney in Eagle, Idaho. She encourages the City to be thoughtful in your decision, the location is good. To do a 10 -year plan and make a good decision not an emotional one. Even if the Council chose to sell the property it doesn't mean that those previously interested in the property would be able to purchase it, as it has to go to auction. Liz Roberts, 1351 N. Mansfield Place Eagle, Idaho. She thanks the Mayor and Council for allowing comment. She feels that The Landing is a good space and an asset to the City, please do not sell it. Christy Weston, 6126 W. Piaffe Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Weston feels this is an economic issue, not a political issue. When renovating there are always hidden or extra costs. She encourages the Council to sell the property because there is so much wrong with it, even if it is at a loss. She encourages them to make a decision and get on with it. Jeff Withrow, 1134 N. Covenant Hill Way Eagle, Idaho. If the City truly did take advantage to purchase this property, we owe the other bidder right of first refusal if it did take place. Christopher Hadden, 90 9 N. Morely Green Place Eagle, Idaho. He appreciates the opportunity to provide comment. He would hope that the documents regarding The Landing purchase could be placed on one location on the website for easier access. If there is an issue where elected officials would need to recuse themselves he hopes it would be done property. Debbie Mahew, 1840 W. Eagle, Idaho. She does not feel like this is the proper location for the museum and recreation center. When she toured the facility, she saw dry rot painted Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spnnin.docx over, popcorn ceilings and other issues. She feels as though there was a lack of transparency regarding The Landing purchase and what it was to be used for. Mayor calls a 10 minute recess. 5. ACTIONITEM.• THE EAGLE LANDING: The City Council will direct staff how to proceed regarding the Eagle Landing. Council Member Pike would like an Ad Hoc committee to look at the Landing with representation of Council and the Community. The future growth of the Valley is going to explode, Eagle needs to plan for it. What about moving the old church and place it on the land in front of the library and that would take of the museum's needs. Discussion. Council Member Gold appreciates all of the comments made tonight. Discusses the communities desire for a community center/event center/performing arts center or a combination of the same. She would like to pursue the design review and rezone applications there are public participation involved in those and continue to take public comment on the issue so thoughtful decision can be made and not one that is rushed. Discussion. Council Member Pittman thanks the community in attendance tonight and appreciates their comments. He acknowledges that the process wasn't done the way it should have been done. He is in favor of putting together a committee to explore options. The safety issues and parking lot issues need to be addressed regardless of whether the property is sold or not. The purchase of the property was not done under cloak and dagger and looks forward to the results of the FBI and State investigations. He would encourage folks to be respectful and not believe everything on social media. Discussion. Council Member Baun, he appreciates the comments tonight. He absolutely believes there should be a community center, that the church should be preserved and that a hammerhead and a public open process is be needed. He would like estimated numbers for the expansion of the City Hall, a traffic and parking analysis for The Landing and other options. Discussion. Discussion amongst the Mayor and Council. Mayor Pierce states that his goal has been to be fiscal transparent with the Council and the public. He does not feel that to continue to spend money on The Landing property is a good use of public funds. To continue at the current location, the security system still needs to be installed, the parking lot fixed and the rezone and design review applications completed. Discussion. Brandon Johnson, Parks and Recreation Director speaks to programming for the summer recreation programs and usage of The Landing. Alana Dunn, Museum Curator comments on what is needed financially to get the museum opened at the current location. Discussion. Pike asks for a 2 minute recess. Pike moves to sell the property as soon as we can, establish and Ad Hoc committee for future direction from citizens and staff with the Mayors direction. Clarification by City Attorney Villegas consistent with Pike's intent: to direct staff to take the steps necessary Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spmin.docx to sell the building The Landing, and direct staff to create a resolution to create an Ad Hoc Committee. Pike amends as stated by the attorney. Seconded as Baun. Discussion. PIKE: AYE: GOLD NAY: PITTMAN NAY: BAUN NAY:. MOTION FAILS. Gold moves to direct staff to bring back a resolution to create an Ad Hoc Committee, to program The Landing through the summer, to not expend any more funds to the improvement of The Landing during that time. Maintain temporary occupancy thought end of summer, release the funds to complete the opening of the museum. Seconded by Pittman. Discussion. PIKE NAY: GOLD AYE: PITTMAN AYE: BAUN NAY: PIERCE NAY. MOTION FAILES Baun moves to create an Ad Hoc Committee is formed in order to identify whether or not we sell The Landing and/or use the City Hall alternative via a resolution. The recommendations for the Committee shall be presented to the Council no later than June 1, 2020. In the interim The Landing is to stay open with zero additional expenditures and included in the resolution would be an exclusion of the church from the sale and that would be part of the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Clarification operational expenditures are allowed, improvement expenditures are not allowed. Existing funds may be used to finish the Museum exhibits. Pittman seeks clarification from Baun regarding the motion. Pittman: The motion advances the creation of the Ad Hoc Committee. Baun: Correct: Pittman: The Committee has 3 months on where they want to go. Baun: Correct. Pittman: It would include The Landing property and other options that are available. Baun: Correct: Pittman: The recommendations would be brought back before Council: Baun: Correct. Pittman: No other expenditures as far as security and pavement. But the staff and community center will remain open, and the City can seek a Temporary Occupancy renewal. Baun: Correct. Pittman: And we can continue to use it, up and to the point until the decision made from the Ad Hoc Committee. Baun: Correct. if we were to put it up to sale, it can continue to be used. Discussion regarding timeline for sale and use by staff for programming. Mayor Pierce goes on the record to state that the Council was elected to make hard decisions, and they are creating more stress on staff by delaying a decision. Discussion. PIKE: AYE. GOLD: AYE. PITTMAN: AYE BAUN AYE. MOTION CARRIES. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Pike moves to adjourn. Seconded by Baun. Mayor: we are adjourned. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m. 4Re4ectfully ubm' ted•TBORN,CHE MEETING A OVED: r -- Page 8 K'.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spmin.doca JASON PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 9 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-18-20spmin.docx EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 18, 2020 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP, The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING THE EAGLE LANDING:, Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL .---7-- J 7“ ) met,g(h-fati.4 ,-) ' CJ 04 colp-7-ovi 2_66 Ail p S+ Vi-41 cjir - IA 01,4 ne-1'517‘. - i il n 'I J Fi--- - e1 ) q 2c io . /1Azie ----/cr :ZV (z) t) Dump 1 1 r( ----- 7 :,.\-- ye- 44J fide/4/50 li ilS / / 114 itL1 O / ----- a,),./tF _._. / -_-) C 0 4--c-//c2i J eRi cA,Act 04 1--li'yc t 2 0 N , Z4,--c 2 i i 417 ti hi ef),-, ,// 3,_•,-;2& s,, (A) , A cz)-4:)(i)d , I 1 / Al 114,i eFe itJ 'IP 'n-i 4 Ai5C,‘ 1/146-Er /0/i) ciA Tr I i /V 0 11 / i ,L,4 R A CA i'-r-.----114. i ---7.- i I ---1--- -tIN' la)c i& 1 4 )7 A, 1,:-,,,.4_, px,, Pe vvAx )le c VIL----5 Ti i C'Nfit.\1)6) !-- 4ii\ic- -A-- ',-1 • .\ \ -,---f v" ., fr i -I 14,-±-;1,k,)/1 ) -r--\Ci)A- \ir- ) _____, EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 18, 2020 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING THE EAGLE LANDING: Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual •11 - /1 (_)41t ) I ':) (c). / L ()6u) ,,,\‘-,e cf-- U.6'3 l&s:,_i> ,: .)123-e.i., m --------' .' - - z /A I tl„ „ -- -- .(_,,, 6, (-f vl 1J ci_ 0, vi ,/, zit7s i\ii 1,,,,,, i,i1k/((y1 1 i 7 I-blitilk'-'(NCCI(t-' .l t (7 / , / e(4(A\ Zio6 (0 L-:- er 4) - / h_e. ,,et,, 3 ytcr, 67'7 o 0 aatlXcrv-iS ' Vec --1 A':1,;.t.t 1,/ " *C4/L C 36?1 1 C/C1- I c7)--q147( (cM'eldrCikr 0 -1--il t 1 --1) ie4Jil r ii ri f / / f „ V 1 1 (7-- eps4Lb- , i ) 1 1 w \ ( izi-26: b A.) . 1 t..J ‘,/ 'Thiari 9 ) Pr-, .. , , / 3-; 14'riz /2,, ,,i . ,..,... I,, .. EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 18, 2020 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING THE EAGLE LANDING: Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per_individual 00- --r&6 41(1 _ • ( / _1 , ). ry\o, - 3 1 jt S j� ic � ,1' t ✓ � �►� 1 , ryL Ivo o11-1 S ,1-3\a,ck,s41&.,4 �, I�0 \Q,.,,-d 'n�-- No-ivy\ St'4 ( (''‘.)>5 6t)5614.e.4-4- ,7' („e_ 61;0— ca/ voc(flt 5 � LA S atti e r E m e1 )di. Vi Barb 5.ei1qf K „, Rs', l., EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 18, 2020 PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-UP The public is encouraged to provide comment on this item. PUBLIC COMMENT REGARDING THE EAGLE LANDING: Public comment is sought, but shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual TESTIFY PRO/CON or NAME (please print) ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL Cep.. NIX) Janet Buschert 235 W Floating Feather Rd Well, alrighty then. Some of you have said that "those in the prior administration rushed everything forward, and we aren't going to do that". Well, from my seat back here through the last several meetings, that is exactly what you have been doing. By moving so quickly towards shutting down The Landing and selling the property you are not taking into account the realities of calendars, processes and dollars. If you are able to get cost estimates for multiple alternatives, prepare an analysis, do adequate review of same, present those to the public in a complete and open process, assure a funding source that is legal and in keeping with the current budget, work with partner agencies and then pursue any purchases or building processes necessary in a short period of time then, well, I can't wait to watch that. And, if you are sprinting towards a sale of the property... what do you do in the meantime to serve the citizens of Eagle as well as they are being served now? Continued operation of The Landing provides the obvious interim solution. For all of the complaints about the additional costs associated with finishing The Landing, much of which might still be in budget, how does that compare to the cost of alternative alternatives? I have been at each of these meetings and special meetings, and have not heard any discussion of interim solutions. It seems that deserves some attention as well. So why not do that - allow The Landing to be your interim solution. Unless, of course, you think people will like it too much and will want even more for the City to continue with it. Let's talk for one minute about that "liking it too much" option. Many of us have heard support for The Landing from across the community, but I wondered what the neighbors really thought of it. So a friend and I knocked on doors of immediate neighbors to The Landing last week. We had hoped to knock on more doors, but the neighbors who were home all wanted to talk, like, for 10 minutes each. And everyone was very positive about the City's ownership. I did find one neighbor who did not care for vacation of the right-of-way, but beyond that comments were uniformly positive and consistent. The only thing I could see is if this is your interim solution then you wouldn't want to ask ACHD to vacate the cul de sac on First Street in order to preserve future alternatives. In partnership with them I bet you could put together inexpensive temporary barriers (perhaps on loan from ACHD) to protect children and adults using from drive through dangers. In summary, even in you eventually go somewhere else eventually this is a great interim solution and yes, people are gonna love it. Or is that what you're afraid of? Thank you for taking my comments. Oh, and the ceiling in the Community Center isn't 7' tall. Itis an 8' ceiling. Thank you. 2/27/2020 EAGLE LANDING HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHERE DO WE GO? rr'''''-;;-:-L_ . p _ 4ice , ? ,_ , ; I _ - � ¢�aFvr , - r . r <: . , r � A ce � i - 1 WHAT I FOUND SINCE BEING SWORN IN . Parks and Recreation Department Moved in Eagle Landing Facility WITHOUT... • Zoning Change from R-4 to Public/Semi Public Design Review Application Parking Lot Engineering with ACHD Approval • Fire Marshall Sign Off £ Occupancy Permit for Both Employees and Residents • ADA Railing on Ramps • Security System Installed • Proper Exit Signs in Employee Building • Proper Exit Hardware on Doors at Community Center Building for Residents $I.5 Million Into Facility Purchase and Renovations so far f � � , -, -,,----- ---77 —7- - .. . _ tfs . ' , 3 s . 3 .: : - ---T 11 ss ,y � tJy � r k,:2\: l � i tte:v--#,--::., x s , 2 1 2/27/2020 THINGS THAT NEED TO BE COMPLETED • Parking Lot Engineering with ACHD Approval • Engineering Project Design estimate:$12,500 • Includes: • Topographic survey for design. • Geotechnical report with groundwater determination per City drainage standards. • This estimate will get the project to construction documents that can be used to solicit the required bids under IC 67-2805(I). • Construction Cost Estimate:$70,000 • Includes: • Grassy Basin or swale in grass areas for the northwest and south entryways. • Curb opening inlets for the northwest and south entryways. • Subsurface seepage bed located under the existing pavement for the northeast entryway. • Asphalt removal,regrading,and repaving for the northeast entryway. • 6400 sf of asphalt restoration at$4/sf. • Total parking lot surface estimated at 28,500 sf. • Note that this is not a typical design project because the paved surface is already constructed,so any storm drainage design will likely require modifications to the existing paved surface. . r'`. -, � �. � °,, � ` 7 ��' was � _. ' _ 'i**,''''''' ' --- ' -//- /' ' /7-#;(-''''—1 ; / - - ' . — ' -' .' 4- ''' .' \ -\ 3 PARKING LOT CONTINUED • For 15,000 sf(approximately half) of asphalt replacement: $34,400 • Based on a$4 per sf unit cost. Unit cost is based upon total area of repair required,so the estimate is up to$34,400. - 8600 sf of additional replacement,6400 sf included in the$70,000 cost estimate below. • Does not include significant regrading or addition of base materials under the existing surface. • The original cost estimate does not include significant repairs for surface irregularities to improve drainage. • Total $116,900 t l---77-,-,/;: ::7171-7/..-2- -/ /' --I' : " ;'"' : -''-''''''' ff. '' ' \r';',,,,- :. '. ' :-:"-111-'\ :4-\ '--;:';'''' ' ',::::--,;::',41-4,7,-;,-;::-1 1 '''';'-'::74'-'---.1-77/' -/---),- 2-- -*/- - - '7'-//- -,:'--tr ' /- - - - - -I- -F- - - .i. -:: - *.\ --',;,' ' \ '. * A,, •\-'---\--: -‘7.,, :\,I;;;)-.e.':i.--;*---74:-'1:;- --'-':.,.'' -,,-://;;;;--,,- / / ,--/ / ,, ,-,-: / , , 1 i ! , 1, :",, ,, \ \ '' `,,„ \:',''','IN: ,'-::c.-':---, 4 2 2/27/2020 SECURITY SYSTEMS • Alarm System • $8,200 • Camera System $34,100 • Access Control • $13,300 • Total $55,600 _, _ [ _ +ear,'.. Za s 7 �. f w x -1; • . e • 1' 5 ZONING CHANGE AND DESIGN REVIEW • 60 hours of Staff's Time • Removes Property from Tax Rolls • 3 Month Process r .\\ \,. . t d - 3 2/27/2020 DEPRECIATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS • Depreciation $30,650 Per Year • Operation and Maintenance Cost Internet$520 Month s Utility Cost$1200 Month • Alarm Monitoring$150 Month • Does NOT Include Extra Time for IT Department and Public Works to Maintain Off-Site • Total $1870 Month 1IN d ." 7- , /-744--7 ,r- r- r-'' ,,,'--z,,..,,,-2-73 r . 7,- , - y.-- --,_-- - -,:, ,,.,,,,, --,_\ \-,--„,-wv**,-„,,,,,...... -1./ .;-/ s ' ; , ; , / -, , , , , , • . -•:, \ --,-, ,,-,.., .,..c.„,,,f.- -,:,,,t r s r ' 7 OPTIONS FOR EAGLE COMMUNITY CENTER • Expand Eagle City Hall • Add 10,000 Square Feet to City Hall for$190 a Square Foot($1.9 Million) • Total in Budget for Eagle Landing$2 Million • Employees all at One Site • Less Monthly Charges of Internet,Alarm etc. • Newer Building for Better Utility Costs • We Have a True Civic Center in 6-10 Months 7 --„,----7"--- —7:4-7 /7 f , - r t , r -. --T-777:, ', - ---:;,-' '..- - --0e,,,-i_. / -/. - -,- - - -, 4../ , -i -1- - - 4- - - --',, 2,-, ,- . .s -, - - -- -,\- . - ,,e/„.:,-- / //,,, ,./. / , ; s 8 Lf1 O N O (N N N a4 sx'=a;..r«v .+s... 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M may"P.'°t , S' ,, a f . 4 ''t'S., if , k.:. ' ., : :,' : ,,,, ..b:-.'.' ,. ,di 10 ..;',‘ .09 !., a .. 4 sp, I '. ' ,I ','N'i.te rt" tit e ,\''''''',61,41A111"; ‘""a � f 1 A . w '... gr In Support of the Eagle Landing Community Center February 18, 2020 Dear Mayor Pierce and Members of the City Council, Over the course of my career and my advocacy for the arts, I have discovered, repeatedly and by accident, my community voice and my community opinions oft represent the opinions and concerns of my quieter, less discussion-prone fellow citizens. I believe this email represents those hundreds, if not thousands, of time-constrained working and family-centric City of Eagle citizens who are not aware they may lose a precious resource, the already successful Eagle Landing Community Center. I love Eagle. This town has provided me with an opportunity for which, 4 years ago, I would not have dreamed. In 2008, I left my design director position to pursue my passion for the fine arts. I first took art classes at a city community center, not unlike the Landing. My community center classes helped build my confidence and I returned to college to take very intense art classes. In 2015, I finished my last two college-level art requirements. Three years ago, the City of Eagle had an opening on the Arts Commission to which I was appointed. I now, along with my fellow commissioners, use that recent education and experience for the constructive betterment of my adopted community. I cannot imagine that you and the City Council would deny pre-schoolers, after- schoolers, young adults, parents, older adults and the general population access to personal growth, lifelong learning, fun adventures and the interaction with and amongst fellow citizens. The Landing is a far-sighted, evolutionary step in our city's progress. I appeal to you and the City Council to keep, support, protect and constructively approach the Eagle Landing Community Center. Do not do this for yourselves, but do it for your children and your children's children. Sincerely, Bernard Echanow (Proudly) Vice Chairman, Eagle Arts Commission Facebook & Instagram http:[/dabb/erteer.blocLspot.com dabblerteer@gmail.com NAA, PAPI, TI/CC, EAC (Vice Chair 11 f! February 18, 2020 Dear Mayor and Council Members, Thank you for your consideration to finally allow public comment at the special Eagle Council meeting on February 18, 2020. When involving our tax funds, the public should always be allowed to offer public input. How long has Eagle waited for a public venue like the Eagle Landing? The answer is DECADES, yet all the efforts of the prior mayor Ridgeway, staff and volunteers are being immediately dismissed & dismantled in your first 45 days in office. The Eagle Landing is for the welfare and benefit of the Eagle community. To ignore & disregard the intent & purpose does not bode well for you, your administration or your leadership skills. If you & your staff don't have a community center replacement plan ready and available, what is the urgency to close the only community center in town? We have not seen or heard documented financial numbers for the Eagle Landing and we certainly haven't heard what your 'Plan B' would entail in terms of money or time. How are you going to recover what's already been spent if you abandon the Eagle Landing? Can it even be done in a fiscally responsible manner? The Priddy's had their Landing Community Center around the time the economy went south. They chose to abandon their interest in it and the buildings stood vacant for most of the last decade. The Landing apparently was not required to change the zoning, ceilings, paint improvements or parking lot while they operated their kid programs during the past several Eagle administrations. In spite of all your negative public remarks about the last Mayor & council, wouldn't it be in your best interest to concentrate on your duties as newly elected officials? Some of you seem to have personal agendas that you are intent on pursuing or are you simply unable to see the needs & demands of our community? Is your Mayoral and Council legacy going to be that of division and destruction or one of enhancement to create a better, healthier Eagle community? Sandy Smith Eagle Business Owner 1 4 OP ‘c# r The Eagle Landing and the benefits of this property to the City of Eagle Submitted to Mayor Pierce and the Eagle City Council on Feb. 18, 2020 by Jane Rohling, 582 Palmetto Drive, Eagle I fully supported the purchase of the Landing property by the City of Eagle, and I believe the City will not regret this investment, even if it costs a little more than estimated. This is an invaluable amenity in heart of downtown Eagle. I doubt that another piece of property could be purchased— particularly one that is ready to serve the community immediately. Most of the improvements that needed to be done immediately have already been completed, many other improvements can be done over time as funds are budgeted. will be improved with modest investments over time to provide even better services to the community. I support the City taking time to get more citizen input and collect more data and estimates for future upgrades and maintenance of the property. However, I hope the City Council will keep the facility open while doing so, continue to invest in upgrades that need to be done sooner rather than later, and most importantly, step aside from criticism of the previous administration and concerns you have about how the purchase was handled, step aside from the politics, and sincerely look at the benefits to this piece of property to the community. Location: The Landing's size and location, almost an acre and a half just two blocks from the heart of downtown Eagle, is perfect for connecting activities here with other events I Eagle. It's within easy walking distance from State Street, and closer than any of the City's parks. In addition, it offers much-needed parking space for the Landing and other downtown events. There is room to expand, and a nice grassy area where kids can play or the City can host outdoor activities in addition to those that can be held in the Community Center. As for the idea that we should add onto City Hall, there is no way that location has enough room to serve the purposes that the Landing is already able to serve. As we all know— maybe have seen tonight—the City Hall and Library parking spaces are often full, especially when evening meetings and programs are going on. The small area across the street (where the recycling dumpsters are) would not be large enough to accommodate enough parking if additional building space cut into existing parking. And there are several kinds of programs, activities, and events that can be offered at the Landing that aren't suitable for that location due to space requirements. Buildings & Parking infrastructure As I said, the buildings may benefit from upgrades, but they are clearly useable as is— especially since the few small safety accommodations requested by the Eagle Fire Department have been made. 1 i i v The same is true of the parking area. I understand that there is a problem with the low spots in the parking areas, but it seems like the contractor should be held accountable to address those. In the meantime, they don't present what I would consider to be a safety risk. The water that accumulates isn't deep and now that we're beyond the season where ice will be a concern, there is time to address the drainage before next winter. I understand that the residents on the street south of the Landing are supportive of closing the road to through traffic, so I don't understand why Eagle's ACHD Commissioner has apparently kept that from being handled several times now. I don't believe there is any way the City could purchase land in such a desirable location and build new structures for anything close to what has been invested in this property to date, even with additional upgrades like security locks that are deemed necessary now. As for the cost: why hurry to sell the property? Even if we spend more on upgrades and decide to sell the property later, whatever we have invested SHOULD increase the value of the property and the land SHOULD appreciate rapidly just like the rest of the land in Eagle is appreciating. In my mind, the City is more likely to lose money on this property by rushing to sell it quickly and by possibly selling it at auction. I can't imagine we could purchase land or buildings (or construct new buildings) that would be available very soon. That will likely take years. This site and the facilities on it are meeting several crucial needs of the community now—much-needed office space, much needed space for events and activities, and a great location for the Museum that also preserves a historical structure. Office Space I won't spend time talking about the office space because we've heard plenty of times that staff in City Hall were squeezed into closets and one of the only two smaller meeting rooms there, so clearly more space was needed. It has been said that the City could have rented space, but the space at The Landing seems adequate and the location of the Parks & Recreation and Museum staff there seems very logical and appropriate given the other uses suited to the site. Community Center Many people are already enjoying a wide variety of programs and activities offered in the Community Center. It has been said that the Community Center is inadequate because it has 7' ceilings. In fact, the ceiling in the room is 8' and there are MANY kinds of programs that can occur in that space easily— including exercise and dance classes, arts and crafts activities, and gardening classes. If you've ever tried to schedule a meeting at the Library, Senior Center, or City Hall, you 2 .. know how far in advance they're booked, especially since there is only one large meeting room in the library and nothing but the Council Chambers at City Hall. I am involved with several organizations that have found it nearly impossible to find meeting places in Eagle. The Camera Club of Eagle ultimately had to move our meetings to Meridian because we couldn't locate a room that would accommodate our group (often about 30-40 people) twice a month and accommodate, and where we could reserve for a year in advance. Museum The Eagle Museum was crowded into a tiny space in its former location could only accommodate 10-15 people at a time. There wasn't room for even half a class of students to squeeze in to see the exhibits much gather for related programs (videos, discussions, etc.). And there was no easy access for a school bus. The new Museum will be able to accommodate larger groups, and the Community Center can be used for related classes and activities. The grassy area could even host things like living history programs or demonstrations. As a professional interpretive planner, designer and programmer (with over 40 years' experience), I see lots of potential at the Landing for interpretive experiences. The church at the Landing, as small as it is, still doubles the size of the Museum to 2,400 square feet in a historical building. The City contracted Fred Fritchman to design exhibits. Fred retired recently as the long-time exhibit coordinator for the Idaho State Historical Society after finishing the development of the state's new History Museum. I worked with Fred several years ago on the planning and design of the Idaho State Capitol Visitor Center exhibits. I am confident that he brings the experience to the Eagle Museum to significantly improve the facility at its new location. I'm not sure of the contract amount for the exhibit master plan and the initial exhibit design, but I understand most of that has been completed already and construction of the first major exhibit has been budgeted for. Other exhibits will be phased in— not an unusual practice. I spearheaded the planning and design of the Idaho Black History Museum's permanent exhibits (also, as you may know, in a historic church) to be phased in over about 2 years and it worked very well. The extra space was filled with temporary exhibits until the permanent exhibits were completed. That's all I have to say at this time. Others, I am sure, will continue to look at the administrative issues and concerns related to The Eagle Landing, including getting better estimates on the costs and timeline for improvements, as well as reviewing the controversies over the purchase and occupancy. Those issues need to be addressed to the satisfaction of the City in the interests of the citizens. However, I sincerely hope that politics can be set aside and this property can be viewed objectively for its current and future value to the city and growing potential for diverse uses. This piece of property is a wise long-term investment that will be a gem in the heart of Eagle for decades to come and I hope it is seen for its inherent community values. 3 , (4;14 //7/ )%7 bliwl TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name /£pease print ull name] Full Address (must providefull'address] SignatureDate ,, r v i'4G,-G(/ 0 116'.6 i l ._..../..5..„,, //Y.' . 1. �) r ~. V �5 - .Al. f 17? 3 o IA..r 'r r it:fZ A /L G L L J l_ ;,,.�' k cII— �C d f,()-/4,-) e 2. 5 C, d.1.--.1 i() —(.: 7S ci "6"forb ..--, ,,i., ,-;'//7: z , i3 _,-z. ‘ c.c. /- v . 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I 14. trtif-i (34-- it-'204 C..tiVdt-L4V 1 4.' ‘6,31.,,,-,.....,), �..,� , -- /tom/2c' -ta-,e, 15. /i-'4% -7i (.V ,- L-C.o-L e- 1 T 3 to ::iid--,e Rthr,6 , -//09/91,/ .6),f .- 2 / Page / of t# Oid,toik TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name [please print full name] Full Address frnusi f-,),-°vide full address) Signature Date .. , .-,1 (_ , .---, I' - 1 / ..0,5,.. ,4 c.,-,,,, .c; 1. „,,......1 f ,I iv,'(,.....c(i,-; '.-t:)-- ., ilL) (7-12 ue....-1:. i7.-,_ 14:):1- - 1 Iji 2. 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(7 \le-notsv\ 1-21\ 'E'671Citi :-\'-'0 c.-;"30 1 U 1t1 'L.? ,2_,_____, 12. -- r (ucc- rICCIfttattito / 3/7 -r-ts,'./' .:, i-r i i u P-/ /7/ a 1-1)' ''. L. lcf .4'16 2 , 13. f'..*) i 1YOU ril9 1 1 N. Leven ce+ Hi))i t,v _ ), ,,,,, 2-,---- 14. 60 ,/,),) i 0, 0 i k'00 , '.2(-3vetn-i- 1-1 ,II L \) L6) 1e 0 - t) -- -36 I ' ?' ' -'e. I) . • C-1,r-tf (i'"-\; /— CI i ri i--- , I U i--i't N CJ 0. (-- , • V i" / - ciiclie (D '?.3 )1( 74 ( /7--- . _ 'LL Page C - of PVLIA41 41 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name[please print full name] Full Address [must provide full address] Signature Date 6 //) ,/1 DA) t-'37; 4./ („20_,6,f(44/ Fg 4/ /Jett to, ' I _ "6")T 2. a-elki& L5he - r fv San 1)r, . 1 , alv_c__ —7--o .rS/- _ of 3. Vflidcs-;Thil(i6 (1'C-1( - - � P II( i4. M-3 ' Zf 15-4:11 ! N - .•41r.0 /W 6.- J614 AN -D c.? -4 ' , .. '242‘32-C.1 7. \ Km\e C)-1\-c-!\u 'A Tex fAe.\\a PN0,1(to'l' _ „>- v 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page ? of 7 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name Full Address [must provide full address, Sign rff /7 Date 1• igig /toTA - • (Ste 1983k kv 2.1hw S/m/IWO V tf47 W. i,A2/(/)/ Cr1:-/-1( 1k7 '4?)/ // /,, ,(/7.1fr‘- ( i/ 6,/' 5. ,202e9 g,q6, 3' ' .-Gnall__ JO:YU 1 /fit � r l� t� _ Feb /6. .2C- .67 0 r 1 P\-73-----g. '' ''sd,J6 /4. r:,c3,av ,... c9, 0 , ., c70t_ 3 cJ "p- /y%%- e).1 (\, ;- 17) -2-e, .9.---- A,./ e--/---- q-c-:=- ',-*V ,i,or .,,,,,ziay ,v4-L__/ i-z_ i'' ,/,7z-i ,,,,* -,,,_.„,L,,, .„--=:- , ,--,,it, ., , i. _,/, ,- -(:,/ . .72./:3 6. 6 p C 1 w _ ht L LU- CaLCILL-- ____ L > >10 5. N . L--Ci 9 c -1----) ii•e- /�1CSU � � �C,. c.._�.�c 1 � �- �� � � (c t � C� , ZC �--C.� }i f/",��) ::± ..,�( Ate` 71( I1/4-"( i\---;e ((---0-1 % ef--vciLez a -4--D ' s<,)if,67 /-h._:__IIIIAGQ. _f ,,,,TC a 3'(.4- 0k.r) \i-ei) sok- /1,49 -:-7--Tc.(,--162,64,„,etek,,,1/4'f ' 1(3,66 --): 2 i- 3 -4, Jr \--('-'": ' ' \-, 7 9' tl.., i ()I a, t: riLi- `./CC 1Y (7-//a,ci,;'/;z1;1 i 4:1:4c) - '‘-'`4e( c-. (k7:-.1 ' ii:i(1<- il .‹./si .-;‘)- 16, -;)OR L___,,, I , A....,__ I ' ) IP Le / : 1 4._,,-:.--........-....." � r ,,.��,�(y Y- ' r]i �{ `i ( / _- 1 2.4) �/7"w.�' ��,,.,..I'�ar+.� •� �'...��� z � �� �'��'('71-;)'-' /��'l�-- ����1.: �'�` ��l �, ✓�/''�� 4 .�-"..sem. y- .�d� it 6 ., ,,„ p„,,,...„,, , '71-14 ' it:0 N. CylaSf-t6A LiN es,,i e)ie, 11) 6 1))6ii _ , ;)1 ,, / 2 /V2 O 2-0 12. i etfo&be //) ir 1/ i k‘ti N Ai thou,00/642--- /cova ,A,I, 772,-a-6 PQ:7, ,e ;V- ,11,6„-------- -d,J4.0,,t , trhiem-4444,1,- ,- S'i / ' 136.!ezi) r_i c /116,..,#vve". ixr.,_,:.?....z_ /1,t. 7---",_4044,,.vo,„,. ,:.., , - , / 041%,2., 14• 15. Page of TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name Full Address Signature Date � 7:?5(.14-;(.1) 1. -C AiD 2. 3 8 W • 2 eS (3* ahoci 6z-7), (A.) ?ick-f--te_ 2� t\N 2. .1. 91•0 — 7 —2'0 Ij�JV/`_ 4. IsCt‘6h\ Sc 1-vL, (,( Ps1, ( — G // 1 -2#.° „2- 7- lo cpc- v),- C4 -, sT 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . g Page of I-V TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices,Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr.,Eagle ID Full N Full Address f ust rovie f II a. Signature Date 1. 44� / ' _ 4/24 ..' ''' ', `.` '. '` '. ^' .2. . .. .. ' . . dr, z ' '� -,' .` ' .. - 3. - 416, *:1402 ._ - _ - -', .'``. 4.44 . ^� '' ' '-. �'. .z' `' � ' ' . ' -' ' '-__�' , . . / . - 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. _' . . _ ~~ . ^''`. °._� TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices,Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr.,Eagle ID Full Name(*k.se rit fII amej Full Address fust .r.vhe full a d essi Signature Date I.Dorafky L . WeA1-4t tr kk.5 N Ln 01-1-1 Atie I 1 -2a/0 C-a jie 1/) cir3(01 (0 1 3.C;Aarie5 WAVCeler ,1-110- 20.2e' I ?4,153 \IL) 1111,3C";1\3611(19. C ji4S, 3 &5 1,J,, F164, i) zut --,Z120 5. t jejt 1,\ a .., 5C y r,,Zcx27,7A.L4./f-e-- 8. --- -Efffe;e4P fee) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page s of krZ TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices,Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr.,Eagle ID Full Name(;.I. .ri I f e] Full Address Date .. 1. `^#1,(4-64,1fl Ti17/ M /71,2, . )-(UAJ‘.-iro ^/ `'^``,' -'r ` 02.1/ ,L74. .^ . . `^. `. `.'_^^/' � / J d44 . . _ F-Ai . . . `- ' - 39) E £&4c4` A toe ' ./``/'6 f.,.en .' ' '.` PCWr '/ �r-ciakoZ ^ ` -- _/ ' 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 1Of ' `.�'. ._ TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residenof The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices,Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr.,Eagle ID Full Name f.les rit full a el Full Address f ust tr,w`ve full. ..ressJ Date . \/ C. GG U` Sk-kaktera--- Ec '_ . lilac' ~ '� � 34...,\A.,....10' � .'� `. ~. /. ~� � / � . Rove-frer 6:4 ~` 'd'6 141 cna i Keyt,er 6'46,4,0- '` �� � ' r t `` ' /?''�_/ao a '.. . ~ ._ ' � 4-1--- '~ ` fa,. '� ''`/- .-- /` A`+�, /-�� a�� .�. , ' '`. - '' ~,./ kii`'' ^'�'�-. . `a ~ \`'^ '� ,,, ~ - , . - _ ^. ..''.. . ' ~~__ Al, ./..._ - _--�,,,, _ . ' ` 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. -"I^ `.. IF ' ` TO THE MAYOR AND ..U.,' COUNCIL OF THE CITY O. EAGLE ID We, the uned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expendituresLanding" and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name print f na e- Full Address (;: ust frovide full a Signature Date 1�` � cs, `Ve\--QQ,Y\ ;vyk` \-)0 ?\s tesi. -' 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1.. 13. 14. 15. '`' `` . ^ . ` TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI OF EAGLE ID We, the u , residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Centeand Museum located at 175 E MissioDr., Eagle ID Full Name • i t Full Address or*w� , • • a. Signature Date . . ' --'. | '^` '�'' . ^` / ' VJ CA. .. .'' . 27/5/24. . . ^~ . __- .� _. `- ' - '~ -U. 2.3. 4. C. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ||. 12. |'. 14. 15. Page /`` `~` TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name Full Address Signature Date 1. Roti 1-1 E7- 1-)kk 7 I A) lizi 6- ,E- (.?c g3tel 2. --1-itiie -- VP -- luto iid Pe L,1,17 A dC) .--1 - 6,e,v-c.ilit\fe_ .cc(4(-(e \'41k-----,"----‘---- I 4' 1* /1-rriz 77- cw ,-.A,----,---.7 7... cges.7 ,./ S ".e 4, ., "+( x' '11--4-- 8Q3 ( 13te-At,)rj4r-:Y\i2_,itt , I idu ili(0/..70 6. 7. 1 /" 6/-4.'C Qhi:X' /6_1,2 63$ 6C)/1;1:16- &ICJ") // 410 de 8.-10u 1 () (411/0-VPD . 1-- 40 , a/. / Z (17 /W 9. h / C1/14- j//.t.l.i. / / 7 41 ) 10.j , ( Kortrit 1/t 32\,6,53 /(9, 5k1 OpOot Lk 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. page )3 of qg i C: TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name fpfease print hill _ Full Address[must provide full addressj addressSignature , i ( / Date 1. >W 1 wiLk)(.1,-.500 9' '<ii Kt 1,0tRIJA weri- E.:(\c,LE, 4.Y-4 . .zoio ei i7--/ -.-"e-07,-.0 • ,., ,Ile,3-//'e,- /1)1/kci')Joyi itii,P, 44 - ,,,dx,L,jiiidh ' , ,L: -.//:46,11)-21) a /11 't() i V/1 a--- 0 .,;eirj e ?45-C, 'pi .. ,Y. . - ., . it A 1 4 iii A 0_ .__, 4., ,( ,21)6(-)d.)-0 4 ,,Zet_ ., c#,,,,),....0.: 9,(--:,? it2 4/__,,,,,e4 .4e , , - ,e, - „.; ,, l/41,2 4.2 e 5. L-Ni i rx. 0.,ro-ft- 952 Al Ay'pia Ave, (.'yk 4=4"i, ', 'f_ -, 4 b1.-io, -20 i ,..-- ,.... - 6. I.: t e.4,4-, r (-s.,-co.., //" ., 4/ ,?i,-, -,v ,9/S1, ,-.44..... „, -7-:„ " --)-ei , ±,c,.... , ,, ThAtikEeN) .6 011R151/4 A1SE-A‘) 1/0 A g LeYA61/ei i\it) ut hatike-Palta4fizioi „/it I,/2.° 8. EX' \c__ ( 1 • F i',. s•-t. 9 LO 1 0- L Ul e IVe ‘ --.,,*-1)';‘,3%(,,,t4,.. (---`":j;1_2'('- . --.----------) ,9 I i 7 i ,-, (3,,,,Ji., ''' ., -,, 9. tei 4'e-'s-t \---' I: I(---1,---k c1L.:2- N. L_Al ..,- N`j2 :i..--0,S3 -.:,t)-- 4Sa,:.1 -- ,A_..,) 4 1 il (I..;'-' 10. i A.J, -,- i'' 1 -- ,?- -? '22, 7 1„..3 . ., .,is .:,_,,,,.. - ,..' , - ,,,,, 7--, --L,,f, .1(1,, , 11.c ill i\cto Kil 0+÷ c137 14- tAtge_7(vie_ Emile- A / f_____ a/17/ao ......_ 12. i �ld15( S31" 6 , 01 if u.3 c Ecjt i , -'`'/ /1 /. c-:' /, , 13. M a (‘ (‘ s et b a( 1'-e_ ` & 0(::i1, F 0 a it 6t-Q..c3 Dr. `i/v «. A.,`-d.__-_ ^Q lQ0 14. eke 171-\\11,,,..\ �r i SiV A -'° (--`'' -f rR.1-11-?6 15. Page / /ofL__. 'F 1 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned, City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby po4 r the Mayor and Cly Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional turs.�� whatis knovat as*The Landin,y"prty and list the *for sale.This the Parks and Recre,,,.7... offices,Community Center ands+ u located 175 E Mission Dr.,Eagle ID 'err+t �+tvwsy'bre*'r+r��aasoa .aco.nrwrssaxr;acv,++�ditv>•'craRtwfarrnn.*4+3�7ws+6+KiYW.ti+�•Mss+cNSA��N.i9w.YAR%31�.v1yr+�Warh�4'�ira�+�vaar.�m:s`AAs► osrs+�rairc�tir�.f.Kwt�K�a4�T'�u+Ysa�y�+]t+m+r�v..py�yavif�:'...w_�.x,.�..a�B+YC�9K�9EA�6�%+++fnf.Asyr�ylNUC�WA+�� :w�.`rW:A'W�!14+rG+.ii4'x':K7�fsiaMjW�:li:lar:.'r�+'sarVAG+c�►'�I'sW.+.'�•.w�a4�h�na�a.Ye�4 �s'<ra�►.v.arsM�vc=�.�t/a...�.�.t itsvrf5.w:�+wo.Y.ra..+arer.-'rear•.w.s►eey.n-..v.�,'nytisw��++�sf+�tiew%.i��reTeq�rm�...:s��s+ea Full ,',411 as print full name] Full Address[must provide MI addrtssi y ,, re (w\ Dat. cr •)(1-) LADel'''.7kann 1- r I , (4'. - -7. 'Rr-s2, • VIG-,CA lAte,5C71,-N l:-1 • ti u\rv-6,2rty -(V-- C)20 3. ...._.. _ .•r��,i.r."is�r� ii�dMw�.�r.a..a n_w. ......... -..+..r� �._...r.... .._.• •__ - _.._- 0. .-..__ __ . .... w .- r:�..r+td.Y - rsaussovrw/v►rs. - 4. ,,„ r., • i..•.... .,r. .,.•....,• • .r . i•.. r ..� n m .n�i..r e.n.��.of •��i„..i.w.. .. 4.r •r...,rr... ....,.....i..i. .i.w.. 5. „„ • •, .•.•••,,,... •. •, ,. • ,., ., •.. ....„ • , .,„ •, • • •.....•••.,. •..., .,• . 6. „„„„.,„,....,,, „ .• „ „....„. •. .„,. ...„. . ,.... • .„.„ „ _ . „,,. 7. -.... r. ..•ii .�r ..i�_....r�..r• _..i. ..i.,...i-.. .....r.r ..i._.n-.a..0 r.....r n.. ....�.......� ..i.......r. .-�. n. -...� .... a ...... ...i.....�.r.. r.. r.. ..i.r wi• r. .. ..�....6 , i,r w.i r..� ..i. ...�.�... ....i.i ..r.._ .... r ... ..-.. .u �... i. ��..-.. . . . ..r... _ ..^. - �. `- •"�" y..W'�Ly.r2�L�.91AM'C1�M:-0RS:li7'C�-..o-.'sr....e�'plerr'iW'1YAefF.'1".A✓.:Cw+OL.CYT.y041K_Y.Ye'iiM1r.��`...•._. .TNtAlrik�... _. ' �AYSPLO..'3WrwrYd'!M.yKY11• -. -. '•R.1.'�hidfYA+lSEw4?y' - 'ii'M2r0.Cj L_+ ..e.� M'Y•tf7P.M�.erf.SSW.r +.a w..r• S� .�...r�... ..LC•"lt�"M+. ..--u.R. "'GilliY '��74R 9. 10. ...„, 4,. ..,.,..,.. 11. „•, •_.•_•••••.• , •, .,„ ....... „. • _ „ „ .• ,„•••• „.. ..• .,• _ •... _ , „•• 12. 13. ..,...,.••u.._ .,.... ..,,. ���,�.��� .... �..� n., �.. ...., . ........... ........-_ ..•,.. .•....•....,.e .......• 14.. JS-�..�1ry Z.-�...Awa/.C.i.a►rl.W�r�.•:is;I..i.+]if^JrY�n.i4M.<=I-,tri+w�.�r-�s••i✓.�M1YIr�•..w:.iA:'..tbt=�'LK:fa�•.'fil/M•tM.`rSAfs.:.)Y yGi-.a�-R\:+w•Nlri.��1}r.w.Y/I,•.Mtr...^+rAfMr�`il+/J.e.ash..r�4.._riY^j��T+,r+fp�VfLi.�•r..-3r.l+irT•.�•41M��N.rb frN/i,Jva+-.✓i-.]..w+.�-r:.iw:rflY.-at'�Cwk4v t..f+!-0nr�-Ji•.a�]Kl+✓.+.�e.-<iAi•✓�iiriY�MS.WWww.a.b.'l.V.�.4+w8e Nrf'i�4.J.sSiu.+a. /.,T+4�^i<-.•%�aN?'3Nt•:IAaIaI��.NlReJ/Y•r/:I►S+N')iwM.flawAYVtr'61h►r".1.r10r9VrP�JY:w!+JIiF�N{�I-ILVwVa�f.�Mt_.+ASI13a v.DNNn+.r'�A:.rJ.Wri'A�N1.+.+.�..w.SAN'aWiisae�CY'.-Y.=T��'�[..✓��rr.']R.+T'�F. _.�R^P�I'r.�IPMr.»YIt 15. TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name[please print full rna 'iN Full Address[must provide full address] Signature Date Pa 1.Nq nuut Sigk, oat(3 `Aug IteztrAc 111 I') 5. c.41 wits 2. 1-'°vALtylt-s---- 10°1 (SetANO EA6ce ib 7/24) EACf)D c>,r\C (-, (,2t1 � rte, Gy,)t(inntAx\ler) /8/iX) 4' ckrel f". fl(-6 er r- t - i rnSon 925 S: Atitok.7,- :71--- „,\NIc%cLnki o c � I2Oe' _ 7' ) Z- 6. "Nehhat -aq e_ Orr 533- Ot,i7 1-1-0YAeAr' _ , A l i it_ 8. 1 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page /6 °f . s ` 6 $1 •' f r TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name (please„trint VII name] Full Address [,.:-!istprtvi4ie full a*•iress] Signature Date 1--- , 17 i .., . - Li ,,,..-:," I 6`rjAS-q, ' , • --e 2. (7- .. - . --, --- ," ( ' /_iii.- r(-- i r-t: --) •- / (---- •-. - c e rff? i--i'-• -,,i- / 1 (1,, z ....a f z -,ci /L'C iil 4t.--#9' (.-.5":t i ill.','L ' ..., i I 74I'(-34 ' i-'-' 41:1*'*"'""--. f . ..44.4,17 1.c.,1 ' „; /1 ) 3. ,/ c 0.-- ,,,,_,. v, d;14 /lc/Pt ,),.C,' 4. 2-Tht-.__,- --7,7 ---p- p..-- ,..„ 1r. t , A.-.-:-,-----,-,- (7:4: 7,-- - - • —-—...,......,_ 4.0,-- ---, J ,. •.., ,, i , ,A4/ ,-SI.1 Ji „LL,y c /...; ii.-7,,,-cil ,,vi7 it . --3,,s A. / 4% / a-71 t--cf 4,,,....)--'7,.: (f.',4:7 Z.-/1 C C2 / 6. pn. jrwi_w/` , qk 7- „, 5: , i,....,,..... 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I , _ ,_'• %,, ..•, , / } . .„ ZAIII : _ r - (......-- # ci, • ; , ,__.... _-_,.,.-_:._. . ,,__,N, je,,g,„„.,I - ' N , 1 , r...r• ge.,:, :6.1/ .2t- ''''" ' Page of TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name[please print full.name] Full Address[must provide full address] Si.nature Date l'c\)coi, atO,D.7-eli'no lets oig Ai. ..rigAl_ ri , , --agye ae/6, .. /PI )0. - , / / yf i 2d o (JI . rk, 1ba4, i 3. /.6,-(/ (.."----y- ..e Z 110.4e.''''' Z -,-'7( tr.,..) 7:(/4BI/2 (-v--,c,:ir. 1-r> -- 1,41/,-/17/ 1 ',k\A-/--------?- - , 7/, ,E,„7,,2,, ,} i ,j•._ J, 1 7 11/1 19 A ..fJ 1 J ...1E` •ice""-, 7 I ',2 ,. s"/' 4. J t) '� 5. I / / _../3 ;‘,c ii , 1 i_. /"`( .--7L) V )14,..r _,,,..1 tJ f at-s---g%. .. -, ,l a��1 / ` �I'r r�Z,!'. a�'`•..` ,- I , , 6" -N111 Li.'/(-1171f-kf . Pt( rt'ILA n Z.-- 1 V-(1-571QA—Pf-t:C(-•\(-.C. c671tA,.-P i :C-/-(' (`-'4-;J ---1':------- -72Ak? 2-1) " C.' 1,j 7' Lij,,A,,,) -'c" ) /‘ C.,,Z. ,2-C 4,A. --, li -5-eLxi-e-il if-) scl/ 6,36 i ta: ,,-- (,------- r h ziii.;zi,,,) 1 .. , 8.V,e\t')\->‘Q... \\;\ty ( .e ./,,, 3 5 r). S e,,.)et,,,ottics, D i-7--c,-,- j ,i I �, ''\, , k I e i&c) , z,.,/.1/ , j . 9. f rIP7L--:- ,5je 4.-;Y--/z- / y.. f`�`w C\ ! 0 .-r\ / /I C (r s t s -�r e 6`4 Y LC z ` ,,• ,c___ /7 10 , c L L-, r tip . i r` r . f\—\ A.1"(\,./ I< ,\ ; (2:_i-' 0 P„\ Lc., 1') II Q0. -2, AJ, i'--'il,i,-1-I A),-; i',,)A Tc-Tii7 1,-.,/4-)( /-2,' ; , (../ l' . -,',..,',73... w q l .4,4e,„ 11. s / �- tvvi 25 -7g •fv! /cu ale/ OY- I • f, vôokZ7y, 6-,,7/e, ,,, \l , 7/z oz_n 12. a L4{ , _ ,' �-- - r, 1A-#)''''.41 C„il ' 1 2-1 ) i 2A,I- 13' i (1):/,,,, L)1.1 41 z / zip - 1 .:.2./..40 .,,,, „„,,:,,, , 1,,,, ,, , / --7 ,4 i A/tr"--,, , t / I> , - Lv ev '.z: f,,, V V , /1 Z,,f_Oti (1' 1:/ e/ 14',....ii il,• '1 Ck,,,,,,, ---,. ; / 14. ite......,0,:,-1 / z . .C.-:,v../ ire)) --; /L-I r---::;C /1'4-7 �v t 15. ;� 1 ., .1,,,.._ 2 7/4-7--,/-/x-,.. .,-,,,, , .-' 21/-7/Z 0 Zs. f ... tr `� ) ,:�L.., i 2 tea, c� 4` Page /g of Ltl TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name please print ft,- ,.,„ , , Full Address 'Must provide full a,“Elressi Signature Date I --Y -'ril„ Ail,Zi ) )1(1 2. // / -7 g3 6 .6-. ,/zrz) __, ( / i _.,, 1; /\/Z.-.6:/NI 6 ) 3. 4 ,..., kJ $(1:-.) ‘C)S—S— / (04-t:.- ---'E (.2_7— &46 a: 46 ( .11(._ -----17;1-----) 2,//c-boac) 4 r r 3 c,(2:- ,id (; 6-'). .0 6) /9141=e 0-, Ceti' :CP - — - M7-ir • 7' (>2---;•*----- ,-------- -' '-- '-'-'•`-'---------' -Th , .,...2r, 0 CL ona,x ' C( 6, 1 -- (C)C1 ) - (.2' .,--- k(7., -cc_ (t tc c)\,.ie T I ( ://irx-zz/0. 4--)c/` , 1 , 6. 1 ( /-2(63_ (:9/7672 (i) d' it-q--- C} /filqii`',-- ' 4 a _ L /,__ / , , 41 _. c-3\t-\-'(7- L\ , Ci-,)\_,E, C)c)a-7 ) - ) ,i 3-- 8' '' , -€...., 1 )1 e 1, .,.: -ci / t„,/, 1 1 c f i. - ( 1 , ret-if_-_, :/v/y-) ) i'l ,,,-e4/1/11.9 A...A ---2) - /c----2'C 2 C: - - 1,-, ,....„--- 9' inf-dkai - -- . ,.............., ;fez (A,L. P;‘, z >,- (7-7-64111f ‘ /1-„7,- ,,,,-- _ --:-.- /5 7- t...ier&' ,__ 4_ 2 lir -2/ .1-2•1:2'()''' /D ' )-- ' C/14_,, 12. c -2,fru 67,5g ai 1 13. 14.---)4-e-\i e Lk)e5----- - 6,izcp Lc . 1.),e4-(e C4- A.:- j - g-3(et0 --.T.'<73-7.---- (/ ( #( ) 3 e , 2 2--/I 5/2 C 2em 15. ahris-fi j g(//1--N Page 1(1 of Lig. TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name [please print full name! Full Address [must provide full address] Signature Date 1j1 id ( i ki ilili CC)Ci S' 0 W ?iZ rifee,7— 6 IA, e.,e,i ---(ItAtiuu---crfc/ z/ 5. /262,0 L-)6r1/5 cit) 1/ / 7, / ,// W ‘,/ 4 ill: CT 4.(;6, - (0 _.c.,.. s3c-iL, aer, JR, • :_ . 4. aVek/A )1A14/.0 iii k) ;+q 7:( . c/ le, 141 6 4 -1,./ 2 -I. 454.0 2 0 . 4r, , k ag / / Ar/._4: , / . . . 4 (&$ ( (,0- ri., .,,,t, Iv_ L i ,(LceQ ayitiPoRe) 67 42? ,6i it t /1 c-aileig v3 (2/6) / ,.....7-7(...1 7.4=0 4kg?2cecave, (07 G i vj Pt4 F.tc-4:- 5.r 6444e, 1pAtteo6 6. /40901,1.2x6e.if t.r apiezezda 8. Pkvfrt glitliZ) ._s (.0307 id PitiFf-.- sr., E/kc,/,E _---,.,dcw`cr-, ir - • ..._ _...e.._ 4 i....),....7/6..,....41 9. riN rAtil..e.___5 Vck rc),(- G3SZ) co, OL_J--4 . c---ct5lc-:74 / - / ,,c, t „Kt" ,,G, LA) t'\,,-3H ---Q---Q.,*- ('- --- -- 1L ',,..., 11 ....- . iltiajii,) E/7 16.eey, 2- (7—26 .'r cg“; 6u PfL)(lec' &---5iV(..-:-L-/..) ).--;h--;,i' ,,,dy,,, 4 1___„,- t- 6?,,,,,-.1 t i4.,--- _,.i r 12' kit 0c-4 b LI LC -Teo Cs,1 _r-___ Dr — c''it;7;° 46:,--cL,-e— ,LeLk.--t ,---. c:i-(7 - 2-z‘li.) 13. .--TZ;ii 6; co_ -76 V i ) /.0ss/.7(., Da. 6t C S3 1-,R? elloi-L'' — 14._,_j/M •, w.) 7(:),L ;72,c(' /) . e't.. . ‘ fk)c:J2a0M,Imy Ai_c(2/b . - Aa5 AMr I., ,;- —1 4.,,V6-, 2' 15. ' /1 /) , qc,21- (CL /CO-A)A-1 A,-afr? /„ -747,‘ fr. / t-77 — c->2442 0 ,y Page )..-0 of i../ TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID -1111e,the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name Full Address Signa re Date 1' 2-0,Qii K-\\L-,..rz— CPO w. 6(410-6t16.44 ‘ .e- --64f.g.E, i U,t3c,,- (< /6 1Z. zi / i 7-/ Z,;2:-,4 . . 4.' 21 4/7/4 / k-er , ei/3 ",4_,- i_j,,,/ ' , . -j/t-, --- . w 8ro 4?leop7z-P7 Ze,--2/e-0) WI(//ce, --- 2//?/zrz_ 3- 4/X--/—r94/4/ /-cc s'75.7 2 I'd', 4/›.ccji,ea., -1:4-4:t.-.V7/ 1 e7Z.--.'2-z-r 9 eli y-/1---7 20 J 1 / 7 3 4. 7 ,G",„ v i' r 0 ' `/ Pv) Fir&V/ i ILS / ,' /7.10 � y 5• H " c & 1 , .,,,,> ''; I / Tçq7I'`� 1� G ` Cl G.T I -7 (- 0 6. 0_and0C(2— OCI!‘sOd -5-97 ut W ./Z/Z,_ ,--,,9 Kii P/'' A.A. . ----,---m--- _ 4 3„-_---,,,,,..„?..) ,e 2 4 . ,,,H,t) k.14, (i) , i' - Iv", '' //7 41-Q 17*r .--j-r7C:2 —; ',_i C.( L' 1/e , _, /77/ ) �7riziw,-1- At&Ai ics,/),-y 1 °/ 0/Ni, wooq: ,/,` AA,i,v(i 6 ,} - trr - ' / ek_., / , (;7 J---6 9* •----)6/P A aciir- � 7Veea& /- I . 7 10.,, 04,,, 4,4,6(). .15-6 7 4 , t.) (lei,-7.c, a: i A r qs_ti„ -."-„---,_-) --- -cY\_. I )1 1 2- 3 i2. t l v� Q , - (iiiii-e-� l 4 ., -�� 7 . _ / 7,)--L.:.: yam. (.___----- �.;,_,' , 12'CiA-71'0Z-itUE V-K-Oe 7 --- 1 13 N sym9261/4/ 7:--1/ - 53 7,,,„,/(/ LiGit{9ZikD ///2°Z-C) r13' JoictP., /0,0r1._0.L. 31 1 1 3 pi s Y v/-)Eiecti mie-- -W i ) .262.6 e � (eildat\ /7/ -`7-----) i) 14. , ,hcz,,c ii. )(,,, oit, ',:j DUG) 1\) ' ‘_ -3- >____ - t 15. -'/.---7 1 - , , , ! ,........--,- -, rr.,,,,, , „i i 7 xi. i 1 4.:ie. .1 i _ <s.__ye .,,6.26,1 j;)//C.,/ )ii 7 (4' ,1/>,//,,,,A4&,z--11 pc , , ,4_i'/ -, e--.7::-.-- ---7--- ----- l'ii-7/2..'' ),'. t f Page I of g TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID .. .. u....,.. (,---sr,,,_„, Full Name ,,:...,,.;:ler.:7--_7.f7-7,7 ,'-_-.7::---.,',--:'" .'".:.,.T'ic- r?,--w--,TRe; Full Address fr,-,';"-:-.:.i'• ,,,.::::--:-.ii.-,-•;;:''''-..7'.'13 '''.:',,,,'-'1 61(:':':::/,'-'7:'::;-:-'-'..7 Signature Date 13 ki- ge.A-c4e_r-0 ee,ccr-(.0,4 gr3 6/6 , 2-/is--/20 zo .1 .._..r 2.0)3 k\I ' -. . ,:r, , itoi:„ao, __,A,:).„ .0- :.,_. .i.,,, . 10‘..‘Ji _tt.i .-iit' '''. _. • 4*- 3- jo.5 it:,,, hi," 556y 'it/ tiva I tom,.'0N1 I iv Lytle r 1). L;'::31/,644- ,:.- ,,,,i.......-----:',.---;:.:711:----------- -----. z -15'-2ô?6 #,--.:, -I -- :7:7 ,, ,I i , - • (1,41 V f 6. /iv yt, in 4,Aip,,,i 5- 4 lAti. 1/evie4)(01,--) '-e 'ci, tile 4 1 ,.),•... . i 7' 1:_yANi --,L.--'0,:zes-c z-3(::)(-1 N . \i\i)(.2,L0 c,,,,..,,r, ve,j,oi- fitit,G, . i ,i.,---- , , , 1 :. 7/ /5 i 2 0 , i i 8 ''1 .-_ 7 I 9- ,:;U--,.....L '-.. .'0,\A-Art2,..... _ SL-V--ii 1 1,k) P,' ''''-'.:‘'-' ‘Scb c?akt Le ---- -..-; ---..--A 4, 3-,... 2 - I-S ?..02.0 . - . ile? ' '"'*I''' 1'.A.,.......''• 10. cAk:::::.'::-.. ',...-; ,L, -,,'_.:-.n,.!:._,: ... . 6 '....-7- w v2A,...' -C-. .-Q„ 51—, t5co-ii-,0 1 Q................__ ' 1r .9_,• i.5--2-0'H- 4 ti V 14/ Cle- -i-,41-eid c-4.-- 1 1. - - ( \tr Lo -„, -Ldc_ito ...',: .. '.' ' -d, - - .- ,,.__ ' .' ' ' _--;:ir, -•-•i -- --- - e.,-- 12. Ci Z.,,e) f....s- tv- CIeo---riti:l.Of - , 1 _..., i ,,-,:' ,-.',41611 :',.•.-,' ., ' Air_ , 2,A SL i-76 2_0 131H - 1,.... 'le • I IQ S 2-)).:----'1.-.::,)„ _, i j ,v"../._ ,:,,,.,_ Aiw,...._ _:; -.• . i / . di,e_Dpir..k.ii__--0- 14. - Li n, cii SA] i. .: , ;I1---::---:A i_-:„..----- -------- ,__III 5/04 , g.afai 07 0-3atai ,, . • ,,,,..;. , _... 15. -.:-P: - - , .. ----------i iv.---6 :,/ ?4, ..--,--„.. 4„..,'L .7 , ' - ---- ,..tP----._ .1 ,'.e. • ,., _ _,....,___._. .,...,_/..i,,. ( i .: . f r ' Page(71c1-0158. TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name [please print full namol Full Address [must provide full address] Signature Date 1.7EL --1-1. -P.A.- c.i, .('Lo6 L. i.akilkit i ,,! Eliti 161t, '1,;&Lt_ -4, f i • 7. 071--) ,7 ( 2- E A,t,LA-2_1 ilk 5 p A ,Li -.7.4ti It) ii,t I:1;1 I tie E AA-Li/ 2--I-11 lz .r')36:A-- --:4.64\ i/t-----n-71r -2 -/&-2 62-e% iiifre , 4/vi , f /6 ' 4* 17‘ux.e 5 L; - /71-8 et.ecl-) 06 ., 6/6i c K i-,..3,-. -,-5 r 1 th(1' , f ,' & ,zf 1._, .:2-/4 -22c 5A-__.)(JP//c /2 , P7 a. c,---fr / 9 7-/ /U // v -- 6' A-//; 6fr-ie / /.7 /14A :5- /q7 ( n /7 , (1j/T17,( ._, /(472/ AJ, 7-0i,L)kiiiecc-, ,'4)P-,i ((y.,6-_ ., ----- „77- 1, d iiiii.1,2 ,-;!, -If, 8" .131tt':/fi (() 1) ) . / iZ,,, /9,4/ -. /Deto(ris ii--/q,74)16,- : iZc 6,, AI- /4,,,-,--- ///2--c .6,,, ,tv ii,)44 -7-4, ,;', -, , 1 . / . / c / ' ,--- 1 1°. 1,"(--G I. i S C4C; iki . L //C'il' L Aci 416(i J r c.::\,,i\.., - .-1,t . ..iti,(/ F>1)4.,-0 2 12. 17,k,14,..., K64,te 2009 1,1 , --"rvt L t_511h2,( , l..... " 13. ;1411/1,*1,641 fey1.e,Lit 1 n 1.4 1 /4 l',2llettUr6j . '''s . I ,i1 - : / ., kati2A4-1e- c'_ i /1)4))e_ 14A./Aii,',,...A / 72/ ) C---"4i ( ,7) 6-20 Page '14.'-'3 of If Si TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as*The Landing'property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices.Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr..Eaele ID Full Name fpl .se print full nainci IFull Address[must provide full address/ 1 Signature Date i 1. DPAI) 0 P. At4Pe1sbiq 35-94 0 i 6.,jo Ci ia-Ac-r'LE 1 1)- idce,9 Ai, .! z-it -2....c ....... --- 1' • f, ' J./A ‘ , .,,_ i, , /,-, -01, c_ 41.' ,_._ 2.--riKi2:I I ' "1143)- Ali 3'Sq C; ej HEAL Cr:7, "EV ! , ,, ° , lidA.D2:-114,21----Qt,..v. . -To. Z .16'zou 3.S-Ce\tEra WiuG14.--c t7(.;5 ) , CLIVQ--0\40ru G1/4-)A-1. :',-/. .I*. - __4_.. ./7 /, LS.3 /V. ( ritc,„/„..„ ez.tiLke _ . 77i /- ..... C4DY A i17,1 8.Tre9'hi-EDJ LA) cr-Azi- i 3/c.7 LA). ,-,k) :i1J.0 C-, >41iii, v . • 'IP C. /-2 0 4R tIci; WOcg!iv r 1 3( 1 (A) GO(,-,44 C)-- i # 1 i 1 ft.P11010' - - ' ,- " I 10_ ''' *.,. 1,_ ,e,),/,‘ 22d £'f'- 1 / , A. __z,1426,2,, L. ... it sco4 i\A iij t t in ,1 && -kiN • \NA,K4 6---E- , ,-. -;,/.. --(....._ . _ • 1--L) 13-117C ik ...A.,( ic.tNi61. si 4 L, \i„--5-1-- v 1,Q bL.9AL. r ? ‘" 0- mi/Giii4., --- ..--?„—-70 14- , E.YO te 'r 56' 4642 6r '' „ # 2 /4; 201 1 15- 1-<a:,-A Crarv7 "6 of ()-0 Sc-IL cf, .',-\I-, t..- Pil. 'Z'q al 17q/ , TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as'The Landing"property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices,Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr.,Eagle ID Full Name(pleas,:print(till n,nnu] Full Address/mast providc full xscldrcs;iJ i Signatu e I Date 1.' - wVEL) C_��,k \\A\ i 1 i 2. 4 f'grL 1--/ 0KE 36,6 2 W. f two G7 2-1 2 ,3- ,It,AAot.jkAi.,,,c.e., 12:41(14 SS140 'W. Cal'ibtr CV . - 1 0. 1 . . 21.1.:( 0 4 t 331% tA) 6e)v).__Dc .. . A L...._ '(A. 1/\k'f- ." _ , 5. "Inn kAL'A-%rd .7)3 9 8 (A), -Pen 0 D r. i., ' _ „7.,k-g-,-k-,p1 2/1.V4.-a [_6:___Icti it. kA ,i1S-641. . 33 t, ,,t.tfx -c) ,Ot. 111-0, ..—„, ?..))1 j 2-0 _____i, it, . ../few__ _.3, 9`7_ LFtnor, . . - 1— ,- r \ - L.1. i3W:Rwdev. ei--. -. _ �- i-„., �_.._.-.. i/. �. .. 9. 0/ 111 i Oe_a i / ! 3 4 L0 , eDt.t.),A e / i ,6 / 2-I l 7 2-v 10'`,,Iefoli.‘0,�, Lfva Gtv�±. 111/1 ,—0 • .,..t r. . __,,. _ ,l_ ij .- a _ K ..ry/ � _. r'_ r (A F _ i 126)leg6 1 iii II'"‘41/Ci i 1 g.2.6 .W * 6/WM. S DCK 2\1, U 11- -17.-A, i .13 °-, l t 64 -�a'�. ___I__-� r _ : C-_.1. 6.(-__ lel ��_C'Y_- �� i t”( : ►__ _._-1.7-- Jam-0 14 a '-'1145' �` l—/1 f `��- r- 2q7 - gqo f -`'? Oi.‘ r z L/r �:elan gUaet • TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name[please print full name] Full Address [must provide full addres - Date • —v..1.gqK(CL LES U u E6&31-11 /72? ts, oi.cgor\ZAGI-iTi' ��,, -� 2 (7, 2.1/A&L, Vafri - • i IV.&uttAil 40, _ A. . ift 3. 5‘14/, rr. ro fir_ 5 cortiAf 21 4. 6 /1/14-X 8kokriA/ 492r w tovia/i tierkffeet .2_//q/2_c. we,,, i 5. L11M/4 4-. CL/I thi/- i i1Wi Gly gik ItR ' Ad?) ;�1/76174.) 6. f) 63S- ) 6izel,e4,-, 4g,A- AktiA ) Leiv,Ckt .2161_26 ctivc,\I suo-ctum4 f 44,W,• 01/ k rc2 E s!, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. TO THE MAYOR AND CI COUNCIAND arTY COUNCIL OF THE CI OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID ~._ _`'_, (*Vrit-g . fFull Address ;x; _:I .rcvii 11 c;: e Date � - _ - "r ` / i �~. ~. ./- '_ . -'~� . - -., ~ c./�` ...i '`� '// '' / .-',�r '' ' `' 1: 0 -/S1.--- (...) ` ~ _' t ~`! ` ,1100111v /5"---4, 0' `.~,,' _'10-11,,; `.,.. \' �/ // , a� ,Pw 4 g� - � 3:-/Zkvk� ` '' /. ' ''/_-./ ~�'.^. , '` .° _ ^' f 11) `, __ '~``!\ ''' |`' .'' / ^ ' ,/ id' , ' 'n`~ _� A,,,,, �'��� 0,,,, / . = .. . ' ' , ' ,° '�_[ Y\I , lay. 651„, � t ' -` - - '�� `' øY6,i`- ir.-��, `c-~.' ^~, _ 1:71. ---e---; . ,_ ? .J / ~' �� ' -� AO .s _'`^D /' C ' .' 570%1' � ���.,. .\ . �� ,!� , _� '_ ^ /. �___� '~� � IO,?O .--, '_- ~ ~__' _ .,-~.'' _ �'_ -- ~ � -^`_ `. ''' 6(4- ~ ` �^ �- /7 I ,' AIU � '�., �, CA- /,, _ ' _�� __��. Zb _'.5-2:6�� _ , ,4- e _ - ~~ _ - ^ %,/ i .` - ^- ' ` ' ~� � � '� ^' � �` '```'/�� �^� L.17-17-5 � *'' ''-(,Y� ~. ,� 1 .��„ .. ' . 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TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name [please print full name] Full Address [must provide full address] Signature Date 1. Erie... A:b„,-.) C_,1„ . D\k c) (0--; CcoW\ C),00J-e{.- \Ni . E4 2. . , 3.:100e...C_CC,s, 1CLOWU VU 637 . 3 - Zok.741.7.,t r 1\4(3-14 , e,045:\•Cit--11714k. ' ' ‘• ' 0 \s --- a, ''''' L V5 ( 90;20 ,ks cs c, i 4 N W-5 FA-k:0-g iti -rie rtifac--- /C , , --q 'Bii Yr&----72 WA-4 ETA-6 e...-&-- 5. 3;_ir, ---; -1,6---- -) / ck-/Ct.CO'X 6 3 • 5, g go e oo- r)?\L(- P--- '' .--- -'- 6. 70,,,) \ L e_s6A 5 0\-1 0 c,) . 7. (DeLlet,t—L0,( 3--S 50-10 8 s sA, 7 7—I V,C--:4- 3 V ‘ s 9 , , . 60\kkAJLC--- \-:Vki"diN \t,\ k ,..,) c. ‘(\\se,--t-(Q__ \)j uk_,/ /..--,,c,,-.6 (,),,, „, //' ‘.-- ( ',--/f :-c---/ 10. K17t,1 , - v / --• '..' ' ?-,4 5'>C1- v _ , 11. ,rf-'A-\ i 1 '.c .A, (iirizc... .. 6,3c,z GI .F3 ..i'r•k,-- ,75a7-eL-c-77.--------' c;) -7-s---,2c>1 12 --- . " li an k,,,,,i Lo—st'-t) (----\-2_ `-. B-'-is y (,-i- u3,4 1 ?..7-30(.7----V::.''-:-:: -: -------.47.-.?------ 2 / 13 13. NI p Nvi,,, i Iti-NI(..iigt-ir lir) 'N' ;, c../. -Eb. lif•u )")`2/ 1:, ' ::,,i/f/j4 14* /e„rt,111 i '‘IC-LitY1 n 1 ,-*:,.' i-,* - i r"' t, The,- 11 , , - 1 ,,t .,„..,,i , 15. ' ( Cc- C:( 4.-i c -4-- al i ._ 1 i \s? .,,, ‘ ._-.. _ - Nv.._,L,t, \A L„ IA \ \4 A.,,,\,.../ . „, i s 1 i i Page(" of TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name]please print full name] Full Address[must provide full address] Signature Date 1. --_,/E�FteE.7 B1 RLI 55 ELL 424 k1.,6)/44 /-;/tIrr D4. 6Z 2.�i��.?G.Z! 2. H-el e.-A_ ('\. ( ejI 1-1-a cp- c/o , 13ctc� t=ug-f,, or, ett6 ie OtilitA..,_0ail 42-02_0 3. /';',)(4 /C. cJ "/i c.-r g r R !! '�t, /V Ag/I/!A n)/j..'c 1/0 ag/e- vi C14. 0,1,cti //s/a o.3?o 4. 1}-74/Ci i /77a -Aoc,0 ,_ igiczo ‘v .(;(iode.freq/ityec-N.51',-- 1-Dt i. (---4,, /46(ii1/4..._ o? 3-Z.,,00to , ......_ RI n7,, , i 5. I crricL 1-09 /14:1011M:._ A i i)LefL4 A ( . ZZ2_ AP' NW 6./(1C,,,>rE---- (---1C-A7):6 4r1 ti), 6161-c- itsy tWa‘n--?__-- v, /' ' vt etiViar 02//0,-, ii , 7. 3f-e\k)A r ] 1� / 1 - iveY ,,y //r/2o 8. 4ke`I/�' �'�1 06/�E �9� � 6 �'i� Fc..7. 7 `7 L`g-Wi � ' � l �15 �vZa 9. m i G f�� !�.' �r��-lj 5--2.-7- i/Li Fiie-g-- j-.-��'� Kit�� ,-, i 1,,L,� 1/61-1-41-"-' • / 7�/z-c'�: 10. 1 2 qL,, ' , / , ‘,---LI( / / 1./i 1 7 i ,, ,/P-4-- Cv 1)1/4-----g-, -711.:.t.tir-Pe____ k „ ‘...."660(. •/ :7 .;2-/ -------/ _,z ) ......_ , 1 1 11. 1_, ,Ays ( Lo.,-,y,,or-- '15 1,1 igo. _ 644115ri w `e 4 zit 5-(2_.i) 67' ' r 12. joti 0 L5.111143 leb.7 /J. Citeuicer 1,,,Ati '&---c(cfr-.1-1)i 1._,,,/ , 07 1 5/2-0 13. .4.1.1 Na- < 6/aJ (22- S, K,a-mx mark 7>/' �lt -4-7_/:°-=' z-/6,— z� .4._ p 14. �Qrnin / Pr,0y4tys/ 3 06 . tua„,(�a/ C� P-07/1 _7,1 4,e46/ . / � '`o'Zfw 15.�¢_vrtJ���n\ L - 7 5• dC.�-p,���. 1 3_5 i‘.7.--:(11:1' '6,Itt l ( -O L.. Page .x ef of 4,81 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name[please print full name] Full Address [must provide full addressj Signature Date Sos 4 -14./11,k1k., (. {6 hij Chstiov - `t'`114-/ apis.140 ("7 / 11)1 Lb y ✓/ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. pasp30 of about:Wan TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned, residents of The City ot Eagle, Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of E Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as'The Landing"property and list the property for sale. This includes the F offices,Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name ; Full Address Signature 1. FaAAA C VI t 1 aNceir L'e'er C NI grO Ve,\a 1 r_ _ 621.j..L,„.....) 2.jwite, Lii---).fitc444„. . 5. ki Lc.a.cAL/k-ct.s. 3j141.htget _ i Xl_ 19 fi /14 ____Cq/lf.) A,tticalit rj.. 4'eerier 4' At:6..t.R r if,21‘efteib Oar‘ /t) cefiteKro,v P4, d / 5. CA) Lepe-r 94' w P,,,ie meStm-r-g-4:1 • /0 14,20 7' ea,r iwk. 1.1 LWOotkPv/ritati ( ed _ cofro r0 4 , . 4of —It r 1 -tot 8. ,304-0 &izPi- .5W, ' 1-q-45 -t .L-DqE:ecek_cr444- .e:. , G-......,Z,' 1 0 9. 10. 11. 12. ' 13. 14. , 1 5. Page3 i of___V .j, ID easoe.': err( Of `�..-. _.' .. -./ 10'VHS,10101k ..",� oi.'^~'� �..is``''...Y-`�*0,0e oodetsigtte ' booby petioort ropert‘i .' . AcS ' arl "'~~- te he%arcs.__ _ �'��` ..' Date °erll ar‘V add.11:1°nal el.41 ter and I\Auset0‘ocated at,'11 peneures or\vffiat‘s known as"'The V.ands04' propertyiland \\stk.the p ''., CO~' ior =~� �- d tesideots oi'Me Citsi oi ea0e,Who, 5 e\\Assoc\0r.,eag‘e\ TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE '^""^.' OF EAGLE ID We, the uned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name !ease print full Full Address tvnst provide full Signature Date 1 i.3~'�, _ r..- ` ��-. .� ' . ._. t..c>ct_e eZ '' . 2/7 /p7 ' .. _',�'' (9- 1- ovar, � ~=' ' / ' ~_~- - , � , �..`. _'_'` /. v‘i � .�- ' _ ,�'='__ -- - ' . . .^' ' _ _-. '.-`- /'• . . '. '' . '''''. '' ...'''...` '. ''.''. '`.-'.. `' . Z-Vg—up :Ci ' ~ �` `' �� / .� i` .. / . ^' ` `~ ^� _ .�.�. ' ��' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. • 12. 13. 14. 15. 'o^--^ ~''...' ^~ TO ..=".' MAYOR AN,. '^V-../ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The an. list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID `'- ..... /n/- -se ;.ri ?t f II a e1 Full Address f st full - • •r-s 1 Date Signatu � ^ t eva �� .` .'�.^-` ` ,^. ^'' ' ' ~ '— . .` '.~`' ^ 2";64, --41forf , i' iiik . �.~ �ii- /' ' `` _ � '� . � � ' —`` ' CCIii � -- - ^� .. ' r ` '�'��� ._`. ^ ' _�, '` � ��. / '� � __` �^` /� - '� ' ', ' -''`'/.* / �/ ,�+ ,� � \it:71p ~ y -- 4_^` , `/ ' =- � c:3L-/ ' `� � ~ ~ ', / /.' �. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. '2. 13. 14. 15. Page 3/1-- 4 `. a-- TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name Full Address Si ature Date 1.Set c Q N LOctriA, GoTa . w‘1‘kk.n.21 a Lt. C-tOeild12_ 2-„qqe-ef-- q1P___O 60 ) E. ty4 ?-0-rci. -2 -(`;*)" C' 3. Kt./ft/kit-J.4SY 4ePti e, 094A Y./ -/4.-/11- 0°' " 7'1%4' 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 35 of in about:blark TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of E Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale. This includes the F offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name Full Address Sign re N Sa\e)(n( \\\. C Gwarr-A, W(x\IY-tck,' 3. ['Yr,trii\ e. g'" " P!) ,. ( 1\1\ tif-N 4. 1N 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 3 4 C!i in I of 1 2/16/2020, 1:02 PM TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name(.!ese ,•rint full name: Full Address(must pr• a*:• full a•dress] Signature Date 1.�;�J�r � C . KY,AvY,m�. i 0 (VAL. 1 wo Fi',ir3 ��4a�P ��C� � �J! sl�oao N G.--t-,c-,, �r) w 3 to Up 0;• 2L) 3 /7d ' -PAd4 1 2-1/‘1��20 --11 fp l :TO ''' 3""I tp 1 Jo ' 77.,/ A , 3. f� X61-14 kid/ S. L',�-¢„e�.c., �a�w�¢, L.-- �r--,,,4-9:^ Lti, ,,,,,� 'i " �� P:/t/, -. 02-/L / o lo 4. Ceii -v---D-1.--f-- ,50.---7,x_iP _ <Z-3-1 --Nvi.D tz4-2;?-vSt-0-- - c,,c,),k-Le9 (63:4 .1 PL,LL.,----A ,%Lt() . j1-11G I . --/D)-1) s. ,,2- ;c::_. .OC w ra-v 2t_wiz)L.iii FAice 1p 2/if/zozo 6. LT-7c,, r L. ) . W 1/1 1,„‘e ✓ -IY-1 t k) St i-A).p le : „,,.., HJrtGc-‘1,---'----------),_ t �„ rz _ 2/11,/dat9D €,,A,if_11) :---- ,i, , -- • c/i>„--t•C i (43,,--- I a��v\,--e.p 3 9 / fit) i 1,i;�G '\--2 \Iveii _ J� !/� 3/.,/,‘, ��„ rte_,.- 6-T-',fr7it-i-L. i// /22.0 8.Ancivea �cstr*c2.151.1 .es-p)Dnit , � 0, : • .�: 11 1 e Iad) ZIPAJ 9. I DaNCek SeCOra - �, T 4 8_314-)b L,/,,..1 zJ /2oZo 10. --z7.7),,e - \-N\,,,Aey ‘Li Ea- C' 140 gokkl G 0 0, ..,, f4, \ v w 0)4 id ".6).0 A I do 11. rc--1, :,,, .54,,,,, ,/�acik me_ 3Dp ,Ai AA 6 L .1*.i, , Iti.„, 7, , // 1//' - fgar fel.) ''' . , : - i P' W -• , / ' / 2 i? 2.7)-zio 12. ..4 .„; ,_, /)ri , 1 ,,,‘",..4, ,„ ,„,,,,,, , 13. 14. 15. Page 37 of if� i L TO THE MAYOR AND CI COUNCILOF THE CI OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, `''.^..., of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name 4- t 11 Full Address t •rod _ a• •rm Signature Date •0 = I �` 146 --- I � .'`- 2` � �`' `. v\it. ' ` ` '' . ' `^` ! , �. . ' ' jrJ' `, �v�'-� �� `` t\f\--- ,`'/ -L'' k . ' '' `' . ' AvThirtk-i ~, ra5 /' .`` ~ ` ' ' ~ � '''�.`` `. ' �o � �_. R,\piu:s . ' ^ . �� `�' - _ _ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. page Zei3 ..8 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name[please print full name] Full Address[must provide full address] Signature Date 1. r ' ; t A v-�r-k t i �i i&. , 5E 0,p,-(/a\ ;std g3k,k 6 rko'J`6 2 _ c63uz(cam _____) • a:\--yu' ,La -2)r.V)(;,)(0_'‘,6e r-E 6-i 1 -C. R\g-t-M CLSCAL\2441€ICI - a --N/Li4Lrriice -- -,2-/1 /PO.)-6 r 3. ` ',''L.-Pi' IC f-€41,-4 (4' i,&,,, -ZVe(-4 if-Liiez4 - -Q/ /42-6/;"() ----- - 1 7/_9, 72//2/2,,,. 4. - 6-q. ; c `7, waill -e „ ,.,<2 a_ ----r--- ,4.,;,---).( , 5. ivi --L- A- /97,)k-(//Wit)1 (. g5 E i vzow,7 44) cPz( 77:,./ 17-7 -;:6 /-27(//A ,, Lp., J.-/ ,i‘-z- ,ii/C// 2°2‘.- 6. (� jWI ) J )(7- _ - Violi.sio-1)o, Df . .UCS I G., *, alb ,. /%C ",= . l^/ s F ,C2 ./..'s Z(./<'-,eci.i,,:q " 1.Z7 /5:/ j-d.4 -- //2-,// /,'":-:8' "( �U � -74411----yge',/-2,- /. '/ _ ‘ami< < e.2.//f.'/.2e .-"-ee o'n, /72A.,,,..,2, 1- /17..„,./---"v-p z ____ , ,--(;ie, --!. - ,----- /// / / 7 9. N, r--&/d -,-' / Al.,, a‘iit. ----7 -/ --(Ai 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 39 of 111 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name(please print full name] Full Address [must provide full addressj SignatureDate 11 , ,Ortioi oc( itrs 11/ 2770 go 1 ‘ vir-0 'V —72(fli271.) 2. at (2 boers .7-- --- , _ --- i A :'._, 21S7—ZO L 0 ti 3• •- • [ ' 64t,ta#111-11710-11,1)1) 1 6 - Piki'D )1 N PP)) ' \ .., i i 1 7A/t. f d iti;, .. t4,• , /1) V ( gyliti,6eii) I/ , b . itLf,) -2 7.. 1 - 7(4, ita....s0,-\_ &IN 1- ti)6 -/.(i--e- 1-- - ' ;4b9' 1 "— z-- - 6. ‘5cort- -C- 1,4,s,__, / ) Vt — _.,.-----,.-- 7' .- Br, Cii/ Don6s -i,371 8*-i-5` , C'„q,,, 4„ I (e.,,,- -1-- 1 -= ',-- .1-- , , ,ill _ , _,,,,e 1 ' , 8. - .. .,K 2636 `, -- -, ( )k '2,04 , c 6+ 14 ), ,-, , -4A 9. fl l a 41, --n -- -5-)eLi\ /34) \d \ ,Ner-irvo ' -(2451e, ii 1 i ti[ 10._ .\ ..r. , 3\1) . , - . \,,c(„ 11 1., 11.- ynn . n 5 ( 4;---q U\) lArn pt ti-e175 12. Par5m5 5 ') 0 - - ‹ ... 2 II ) q, / 7() d cr r I - tik--,„------ Y - ‘- ,, , iN, . , .. ..... .. i 14. 1...... .f2,12t jboLi inc ( 3 zi to 7--tiLye; Kiv-e-is r( --Dr b a 'Pi! I >'' ,., - c ' 2.1 13i '2 ) 15. tt%ie r, - >6) c 0,tiv\ ---1.,:vt C u•-c 6 D'I 1,/, I--tu, r, O, . J i .. Page of ."../e.."' / TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name(please print full name) Full Address(must •rovide full addressJ Signature Date 1. , 1 / e , A '.I� A i 1,./e„.45A LIA,6.0 neve, 3a,`�. vAr• t, . - Ln /.: 12 1Q I�, i lw / 1i..,< l..%u.....� QflIUTIZ1220 fr'J 2.. 3 Z J 4‘v� � �J �/J�1� ���L l��. � zsii, lz,z.„ k 3. � Sk is � ) � �� �� , � ��._ � a . li � � _, ,21,rh/202._ii _ 0 , p. i , E4. 4,i OieVrit2.-- lit) ( VA , , v ,a .11-- eliii/ `r 5. C,h n s-b LL, SaUMcL ,L SLoO (#o l`��1 --e--i-i-yLorrr 4.14 _ �✓ c__ /Or - '' : //7/. _, 6. s of . - / .._ , ' / - .....:, - -'''. -1-,,.."/ ------7*-Al ',/1 i ' 1--1-7-/2° . NV w .....- 'i- , Apv- -4......, 0, , .......- Alb ,i ' 1 / , 'i _ a / ,,;4_ �. E G� 6C.e..w► 2S1 Q`:�1,j' � �� 1114-d- _ Z-: , 2j17/L O - '1/4' ) tie ‘-' , -', !'" - 8. '- --- 0.2?5 I eweeill.,K. f,,, # ,r .2Z.7_, 9;2d k ',I •.,„girl_ . , , , , . - _____,--7,- .,-- ,,,,, - , _ 44.-- _,, ,,, ......., 9. . /----6, DD - - - ,,,7,„ ,,,,,, 4_f) #kqvg-72'ik 0,,,, ....... ii.v„ , --...---.--- ,,,, - ,2,/'7 A€i zo _ , , , i ev,Tei 10. DD/1 u Urn Deer r .2�� W 1�c°r�no�/f Li 8�6/6 /` dwee, Z.e---- ,?//s,be..e0 11. fag e,'Ict r v-c-t:xc c.:\rv, Deic2c,,r a� w f2±w,..t,r0L.01%-i-- lir. 7�C i 4 �-..�e' (I- -- � 2.--/7-7_c, 12.r-, . / , ' 0 . i -,i\l il C 1 , 2.1a- v\il R - vent_l_ovrt- -,0 9u36u9 - f.t.o. ' i 7, - L - .. ,,o _ 0 13. 14. 15. 4L of �% II- Page TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name .please print full name] Full Address (must provide full address] Signature Date 1. Ke\i,\e,3 7(0, -5,\,c) Licilt 0 R‘kie,/yy,a-4- Los; 6',6i-i,jk ,T;c:3"- )1U,1 -Jr)) -,Q ...,....___ (-,),2 I i S-ZO26 c„_)_,` 2. CA ndU Z OS I D •EcA31e, ID zi 99 w R._i vexcy->oor Lt, ce, ._ ,„1 otv 7,— rot,d.c_,z-) z_ 1 t s ) ac.)2_0 J i 3. c5S\,,0 t 5' uta t. .( 3(to (/,). ii,N\e/ Irk/ ie40Z/. __ -- a7/3/a0'3-0 ep....„,ser i?-,31.1 - , 4' (-- 1\f,\-g../0.2z;AA0,„/-e" (6 (o W kiN-Rx—ccoil\ t .('. V.56 t La b6N\,-/e. D6AH-1------ 3_4 0 ) __,\,--)--- E,,,,,L). , 5. I jci 11 ii), I ion '5.")ti Lc) . N., ti e 0 vo cc c 1-1-1 __,7,..i, ' 2.st,:„1(4, ,,,i'& 1,,) 4_.-eie,a) ,,,-.)//D--4 c c ._ �: itiliu L ) .� - LA) v 7' /<( .--' 5 /‹ c( it.-----q-' i'? 01 s , L ,,-,_. .k - c _1-,2,/ ,.-- -- -'----- — 27/1T/z z c � . - -13� / 8. A1LI+ � �sf Lin ��� -, � � -De/1/se— k ,ec A 7 b7 S. La_ ,� r" _ � �i.-s-/ .4) 4...c..-.) - IL 4 9. ' 12-- ----L-C-- OP c� P "7" L i . Jo v Pice.- �_ '_4 I z2 ) 1 0.'', __ N) ' - _ ) \. ----- (''''''-'.- t),\ '\\Q :----- ms\ ri r\ _ , -L_ \ \ .cl Vc- - 1 1. . -M CIL_ti\_C, ja. L ci c,t, L- ---y„,, i l ). ►/ f:-:---,1,5L, /&.:X-t,,, 9 C,, / A ,--J 12. - (2)--1- -* 1,1, , i L r2 •G� ,.J 17 r 5 , �- oII )j6, j-,,( 6 z- IL2----- ------------___ aZ/0 � -.c) 6'---21h-t-,. 7 ', i 13. ,�,, e)kc., /2-7-9- 1/' v ,4 / -_ ,� �[= _ , `0 - 6/,, _Z, q':- /'.V- '""Z1 ��r-�r�mss ��Z-�� .�'L 14. 2 / L1414-LRrj- ja•A\rl, 1-4 ,4/, -------- /.2 _ ___e - -)) ii;i7W. r �. 15. .1-e/k l ' l ti u) 4-i- (5 A' ‘' -1/ 4116°A :;z:r I5 Page 471-'of tf TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We,the undersigned,residents of The City of Eagle,Idaho,hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as"The Landing"property and list the property for sale.This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name(please print full nameJ Full Add .must provide full address -" Date . ' ( Uu) Zs3'is ODeWvii;r 4k, '' .. `t totet ' %PI:4e . , .' / .-_ -.'0._. (Clnei-ir - C9/4/ q _ • 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 113 '/ '` TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name Full Address (must prnvirip tfoi 2rifirossj Signature Date 1. n101 4-t) v\di _ , _ a - v sic) 2. i.)(7k1( - \ (:)ke \e - 3. , A LON=" LA ICA Ui • a P /k-e 3 6.-I - 64r , c.,/) - 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 141/ of TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name -aleae tMIname] Full Address (must provide �oil address] Si g atu a Date 1. '-i 'CV.V.•\ ‘L._,L,01 .) \IOC° \A, S\?6k. t 1/k ftl-N-1 \ .F :x.s t , 1.• A , i A *D 4440 if', 2. WIOIAA5.6f1,,,,,,\5 i35g 01 r /slit& _C;911)10411. 4 /4-4...--A,..___ , -._.-14 4 O A) dopz,z. it-Oe4Z4, 4,44,,..4&. - 4.cheimss 5-c. d, ,,.. 2-c-3 ),..4. A/ 4 -101- ._. A 0 -a i 0 e TSw6 „,,,. , - , .4 c),2-f ‘ -7.0x._-) 5. ."--)._ . /, 676; A Id /.0,sik (r ' /1('_;(1-iicAl A '(-1 t-LiS -... 4 t‘t cLiA4c ( /,1. )_,,,22.i4, L_ / ,J- i 7--..,26.2o 6. qL w-, CCC-.. 6',\\ J AX\\\c 1Lxf,4- 0,\A\t ,i,„, 1 fa ,.). v \-/,/), '',-At. 7. � iE-i- E L'ck \,) ._),_,,,1 6,Lc' i-A L,: ç Cts -1 1-1-1 L.- e/i,c' IV `';'1‘,-- 1-. -i,;-Lil- lk ii17 J 1 111, 8. t 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1-KPage of 45 7 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name (please print ul name] Full Address [must provide ful address] Signature Date 1. , im 'I) , ,., 5-6Y W . Tu6c R-R;erS .1)r. . Ez,3,1.: IT'.1/:LI L'''---' ----' _-\ li , , --:,._ otro+ky LFJ t__)e-(pill -Lc.1 CJ 'I MA - o _.1.1 (s---(>_4.) ( 6-.7-si,. -icl- 1,v 2. Pati i 3r/ep? S--6'g IA w 0 sit/eis• i>"-, _ .1 0' r 31z.:2) i L ,, . „,, , 3. C -- ( ,. /,,,, ti //(24.- __. H 1.-3Lff.. ,....1- I s 2,..) . L-9y-,V 1,,-.-- bl A C/2-., 4. PAO L. --c-ce e• -•1\._\6 51, .7 Lu -1--t).),? RI k,,,,,oNs )' _ ---' k, si-,706 zw.)..„... i 9 /Liz__ , . I I, / 5" ,QL-TifiCi,i C 11 kli 1.(C /1‘ ,-) r\ .,t‘.st .:. ra 1 /— ScP--i \,,kii Tvtl,L7 k 1 v P(S I) r yEkik, .„),Z.) 41,1/./ /', e-/ ''') 7 al I 5 if:Q..c) __ . ,. ,,., , ,..., 6. ‘ -*---, t Li y ,ti � :: tv . ik ,,.'C:,9 ....--i---4.7.', 1 iSDi(i ,r'\ , mac \ -7 C.-At.LIZ-,..V-0 S'30 Z .".< ! t 1 ,:r .. :.. / ,,,,,<.. f C •. 1s,• 11 ww A 0,1 ' /6175 :'''''}'r t ' 8. .ar.r...1 .moi .. .� /Y/Zz-i2.(;- i ; .% . -2/ 1/€4,5 Or „ ,,,,,, ri.--.,(,......n--- ,,,,/ _ f:, Oil”PT 4 EY C.-t7-9; 0 e5 ii/3 W -lpva /(7/ r 5" Pr ft, /j--)--,>t_er ‘ r 1_.-e,k.,?.€_q__,, 10. '` ?�-/�. , ; Y .1-, + - ' �".-j ` ,�• I ,r,•-'1.,:14- / r •.`A'w" i 1Y ? 'y'►.,« !�f �•1 "i y 1 _ 7 T d 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10 Page 14 of 1.4 m SAW`^`^`� . `,,- .` `cvr= ' `=" '�-' -'^ ��^.s-' PatV,s``'\''-` COL111 ^' es`.� �_.-`,` ''��..~.'- ~^^'� `�^''^1401,..Of itavor - - �.!.' `'- Date~-'`� .�x` ^ `_� lot ~.' \ ` ottces,Common‘ti Center and Museum 10 ed t fa 14atite [de.- print full a e] ftAl Pkddress irri st •rovi.e full . 4 •re,s.su] 1 , Mratote wOooft, '^-` petWon te P'��-'` `-�`�� '' TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full Name . , - Full Address ;must ,, , , ,-- -: -.,-,,--, . , Signature Date c- 31ci_ADV,,11 ( C1 ) L GrCAI) ( ISICi \ e\ i .__LLIA-1./itkiC ii, ; ' 1 , sc)0 ' ae ( idVti §0 /dof / )cctii -ez-L-- , '- ./ . 170 P, i 510, , a r -cc- - , . ,,,J,1 . , , 12;% r'') 4 r i- 15( LW 1) - ci4Lczti4414-Lotelite/. --b 6 /20 I I 1 4 J: 'A)/L) 1644k/ _ 1 , Z-0 ------ 5. (:\ 135-5-. T.-1 1.-4C,E.,),t i- 1 A 1 e, 1 L,L. (,_ i P (V-334, —4 ------ -- 1 2 ...... 4 / Atifi,--iZ. 4 • q3(,, cT:5/,,,,d (-' , a ___,,4 ;....1 /3 - iglItzie.../ -,-)--/(e-- 1,,,,.*.,,, e(„A____ , . _ - , 8.,,../ ( - i .'"Nt. I — I c2-7 C :;- 1Y—L;, z) , 1-)c' c_.i 1, ..:—....X,.(cG,--,...,..:—. TI) 7,1-/ , 7i . c-L, ( i:rtdr, ,2,_ 1.7 - 24: 9" - c\kR LIG, AT-.,- ;;) _ I ";--7() .'; ik,,..1..1 R),rit /Pi -() i I e_ ---b (3- ,6 ( _, c.?,,ILe 2 - / 7 - ,Z) io. To skua Li,. ,,, ,. 4091 "{A ci, E43ke, idat,to glib, A , /r- --. 20 Iv 11. Diefeic cp, 1. -k-4- /3 • ArAtvi4t4iLk 6VA k-" 47( Ca ciiL-- -)...,_ 2_ (V-2,), :,--,---_,---- 12. :kct... icti.\,_. ejt,s.e.. t 1 11 03 Priv\AJtalci,Ja-k, 6'44. ai‘.(le, ri&dli_rea4 -2-(r-2e Q L) 13. 14. 15. 4 gili . Page of I .? TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAGLE ID We, the undersigned, residents of The City of Eagle, Idaho, hereby petition the Mayor and City Council of the City of Eagle to: Deny any additional expenditures on what is known as "The Landing" property and list the property for sale. This includes the Parks and Recreation offices, Community Center and Museum located at 175 E Mission Dr., Eagle ID Full NameI Full Address must provide full address/ Signature Date %,---- ----- 74.-44' \----) I ii 6: //cois 1 I-5:5 --s-.ReNd-ti Qe. kz/v&. ', - - ' . , . , - ):Li , ` 744 -- ,-,V i 7 7„,Vzo 2. / M 44. 4 ts 1 1 5 5 S. _Olou lir 1 fr ,,-- 3. 4. .1444ALLas(_ . R- --:4 P )i L[OS InYZU,C r e---)C._ A // (1 ri 4(• 3 .IZ-CrOVOILL- ir-: 0 (_ -- -Irm..,_ --. 6 4 ,7 ---- ''s•- ,__. //1/ E. 72e vx.vat<2____ Z.A4c-,61k_F-34.4 - ---- - ' i ---- ( A7)**4( I C 711- i/0 41 c s. 0...,,,,, .0 e. —etay .14.....„.... _ .1 1 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. i 1 Page of