Findings - CC - 2020 - AA-01-20 - Denial Of Building Permit For Jeremy / Wendy Clyne BEFORE THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL IN THE MATTER OF AN APPEAL OF THE ) ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S DECISION ) FINAL ORDER DENYING REGARDING THE DENIAL OF A BUILDING ) APPEAL AA-01-20 PERMIT FOR JEREMY AND WENDY CLYNE ) The above-entitled appeal came before the Eagle City Council for their action on February 25, 2020, at which time testimony was taken and their decision was made. The City Council, having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and authorizes the Mayor to sign this Order. FINDINGS OF FACT: A. This appeal was filed in accordance with Eagle City Code Section 8-7-4-1 on January 31,2020. B. The City of Eagle Zoning Administration Memorandum (with associated documents- 9 pages in total)dated,February 18,2020, is incorporated herein by reference. C. The February 25,2020, City Council meeting minutes are incorporated herein by reference. D. Jeremy and Wendy Clyne ("Appellants") are the owners of property located at 1151 N. Torrey Pines Avenue,Eagle,Idaho("Property"). E. The Property is zoned R-4(Residential). STAi 'ANALYSIS PROV1J)ED WITHIN THE ZONING ADMtNISTRATION MEMORANDUM: A. ZONING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING PHIS APPEAL: • Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4: SCHEDULE OF BUILDING HEIGHI AND LOT AREA REGULA11ONS: FINAL ORDER- 1 KAPlanning DeptTagle ApplicationsWPPEAL5\2020\AAA1-20 Clyne final order.doc OFFICIAL HEIGHT AND AREA REGULATIONS .........:.:•.L.......................::::.:.Y...... ....L•:•:::'•:.\w::•:r•..:L•.::L:•:r•.•:•....•:•:titiY:.....L...•..:.Kvr:•......'yL•............. - .. -ti.r,. ..::V.•:Y::::.Lrr:•.....................................:'ti':tib ..................... 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The administrator s transmit tote council all the papers constituting the rupon wthe appeal is based. An appeal stays all pin furtherance of the action taken unless the a certifies tote council after t notice of appeal is filed with hthat by reason of fstated in . . in . .tea ication a stay wou his opinion,cause imminentperiltolife and psuch case,proceedings shall not be stayed other than by a restraining order which may bbe granted the cor by a court based upon an application,wnotice to the a showing d cause. B. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROVISIONS WHICH ARE OF SPECIAL CONCERN REGARDING ['HIS APPEAL•None C. DISCUSSION: • Background: Thapplicant is seeking city approval of a building permit for an addition tot e south side othe esingle-family dat 1151 N. Torrey Avenue (addition s in pink on attached site plan). The dwelling is located approximately 10.5 from the south roeline. Pursuant toEagleCityoa Section8-2-4the minimum side yardsetback fa two-story structure (within the zone) is 12.5-feet (7.5 feet plus an additional 5 ffor the sstory). FINAL ORDER-2 K:\Planning DeptEagle Applications\APPEALS\2020\AA-01-20 Clyne final order.doc The applicant has indicated that they would like the building addition to match the existing plane of the house, which requires the allowance of a 10.5-foot setback. However, the minimum required setback is 12.5-feet. • Staff will be available during the February 25, 2020, Council meeting to answer questions regarding this matter. PUBLIC MEETING OF THE COUNCIL: A public meeting on the appeal was held before the City Council on February 25, 2020, at which time testimony was taken from the appellant and city staff. The Council made their decision at that time. COUNCIL DECISION: The Council voted 4 to 0 to deny the appeal request for Jeremy and Wendy Clyne. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. The Council reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this appeal with regard to Eagle City Code Section 8-7-4-1 "Appeals", and based upon the information provided, concludes: 1. The written request for appeal failed to identify specific deficiencies in the Zoning Administrator's decision; 2. Written and oral testimony provided by the appellant affirms that the existing two-story structure (with a single plane exterior wall) is located 10.5-feet from the Property's side (west) property line; 3. Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4 requires a 12.5-foot side yard setback for a two-story structure (with a single plane exterior wall)within the R-4 zoning district; 4. The issuance of a building permit for a building addition (two-story, single plane wall) with a 10.5-foot side yard setback is not in compliance with Eagle City Code Section 8-2-4. IT IS SO ORDERED,this day of March 2020. CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO da County, Id ><6 -� 1 4'"% Off' t1 G r ta'� ro(iwo�* W Jason Pierce Mayor d • (-)3..',1<r()10�® • ay ATTEST: 4',® '17P Off, Sharon . Bergmann Eagle City Clerk FINAL ORDER-3 K:\Planning Dept\Eagle Applications\APPEALS\2020\AA-01-20 Clyne final order.doc