Minutes - 1997 - City Council - 04/29/1997 - RegularORIGINAL EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES APRIL 29, 1997 COUNCIL: 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Bastian, Masher, Yzaguirre: Present. Merrill: Absent. A quorum is present. 3. NEW BUSINESS: A. Water Agreement with City of Eagle, Lexington Hills, Trail Creek & Hormaechea. Mayor states this item is not ready to be presented at this time. General discussion regarding how this item ended up being placed on the agenda. Mayor requested Council input on what they feel would be appropriate advance notice for the Council to peruse this legal contract, and for the public to also have ample time to review the same. Bastian feels that a notice that the document is available at City Hall should be published in the official newspaper at least once prior to a City Council meeting. Yzaguirre and Masner agree. Masher moves this item be tabled until documentation is received and a notice is published one week prior to a meeting on this item. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE. MOTION CARRIES. B. Library and City Hall Complex: Discussion on Library and City Hall Bond issue. Mayor introduces the item. Susan Thomas, President of the Library Board, gives presentation regarding the Library Campaign. Discussion between Thomas and Council. Jack Coonce shares information with the Council. Jim Murray shows some samples of graphics which his firm is able to produce. His company has allowed him to donate his time to provide graphics for the Eagle Bond issue. Lynn Sedlacek with Eagle Sewer answers a few questions regarding the possibility of becoming tenants of the new city hall building, and what their needs will be as tenants. General discussion regarding Ada County Assessor and SheriWs department possibly having offices at the new building, and how the extra space needed will be paid for. Page 1 of 2 F:\SHARED\COUNCIL\MINUTES\ 1997\CC042997 Bob Hildeman from U.S. Bank speaks about the financing and bond campaign tactics. Morgan Masner and Stan Bastian volunteer to meet with the Bob Hildeman, Jack Coontz, and Jim Murray to help get the campaign process moving forward. Masner asks if any public funds can be used for the campaign process. McFadden said absolutely not, donations only are acceptable to be used for the campaign. Yzaguirre mentions that many senior citizens are concerned about what will happen if the bond issue passes, and Council needs to address this issue possibly in the campaign. BASTIAN MOVES TO ADJORN. SECONDED BY MASNER. ALL AYE MOTION CARRIES...Adjourned at 5:30pm Respectfully submitted: SHARON K. SMITH CITY CLERK APPR~~ ' "'~ MAYOR CH~BOWER Page 1 of 2 F:\SHARED\COUNCILWI1NUTES\ 1997\CC042997