Minutes - 1997 - City Council - 02/25/1997 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 25, 1997 PRECOUNCIL: 6:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. 1. A. Leasing Merrill Park property. Doug Patterson and Bud Kasper are both interested in leasing the Merrill Park property. This matter was referred to the City Attomey. 2. A. Bonding New City Hall/Library. Dave Dickey, First Security Bank, Introduces Bud Way, Public Finance Department, who explains the Public Finance Department and provides information on Bonding for new City Hall/Library. Bud provides copies of studies to the Council. General discussion. 3. Mayor and Council Report Mayor discusses the cellular tower ordinance. Bastian has no report on the Library Board and excuses himself from the rest of the meeting. Mayor has received a petition from the Homeowners at Echo Hawk Subdivision. Discussion on the Petition. Homeowners are in the Boise School District and would like to be in the Meridian School District. Mayor and Nancy met with Ada County Commissioners and Park's Department to discuss the current status of the 85 Acre park. Council needs more clarification of the contract with Beck and Baird. Mayor has invited Beck and Baird to come before the City Council with a presentation of the expenditures. Ada County Commissioners expressed a desire to come before the Council also. Merrill. The survey of Merrill Park has been completed. Nancy also has the recorded survey. It has an environmental assessment done on it. Trautmans would like approval for payment of early spring maintenance for dormant spray and cleaning of the beds. Council approved payment of these expenses. Port-a-potties need to be put in place at Orval Krassen Park. Morgan reported on the Ada Planning Association meeting met 2/24/97. The issue of CMAQ funding was on the agenda. Decision was made as to what priorities and options would be selected. There were two options recommended by the Committee; A. This option included 2 new buses, a marketing campaign for the bus company, 5 commuter ride vans for ACHD, traffic surveillance cameras for ACHD and then our project, the Pedestrian Crossing Project. Option B included everything that I read except our project Page 1 of 6 \\Eagle 1 \sys\SHARED\COUNCILWIINUTES\Tcmporary Minutes\CC022597 and added two others; 1. Traffic surveillance cameras for downtown Boise and replace protected left turn signal heads with protective left turn lane signals in downtown Boise. We have been allocated in our District $1,500,000. I suggested option C. I made a motion that the Board adopt option A but I didn't get a second. Motion was made to accept Option C and it was passed by the Board. We are the seventh priority item for CMAQ funds for $873,000 and probably won't get any this year. This will move us up to a higher option next year. Sheriff's Report for the month of January, 1997. SheriffDale Woodcook. Provides the Council information about the report for the month of January, 1997. We have redesigned the computer printout. Dale provides copies to the Council. Talked to the committee on Eagle Fun Days, we will be helping them. Ada Co. SheriffOffice, with no cost to City, will increase patrol. Officer will be coming out to compare City Codes. There will be a shift change in May. Yzaguirre expressed concern about speeding on Floating Feather. 5. Engineer Report - Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering: A. Vern handed out a Site Assessment outline on Merrill Park Property. Nancy states that part of the work has been completed and propose that Council agrees to let her work with Engineer on this issues as she as information to provide. Council agrees. B. Impact Area Annexation - Scheduled to completed in February, will be completed in March. Yzaguirre hands out the survey results from the Chamber of Commerce. City Clerk/Treasurer Report-no report. Zoning Administrator Report-no report. City Attorney Report-no report. Mayor calls for a short recess. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bower called the Council to Order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: MASNER, MERRILL, YZAGUIRRE PRESENT - BASTIAN ABSENT. Roll call shows a quorum present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: MORGAN: I move that we move Item 7A to the Consent Agenda as Item 4D; move Item 5D to Item 5A and 7B move to Item 5B. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..... Page 2 of 6 \\Eagle 1 \sys\SHARED\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes\CC022597 4. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Minutes of February 9, 1997 B. Minutes of February 11, 1997 C. Claims Against the City D. Ada Planning Association Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Appointment-The Mayor is recommending appoint of Mark Butler to this APA assignment. (CB) Yzaguirre: I move that we accept the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Masner. ALL AYE; MOTION CARRIES AS AMENDED ...... 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. (Amended Agenda Item, I.C. 67-2341) Report on New City Hall/Library Complex. Mayor introduces the issue. Jack Coonce, 4923 N. Greylock, Boise. Jack Coonce provides total project costs and summary to Council. Displays Preliminary Total Project Costs for the Library and explains. Total project cost for the Library is $2,093,240. Displays Preliminary Total Project Costs for the City Hall and explains. Total project cost for City Hall/Lease- Purchase is $1,406,051. Displays City Hall/Library Complex-Bond Election and explains. Total Project Cost is $3,355,399. General discussion. Need authorization to proceed if they are going to have the Bond Election on May 27, 1997. Displays Proposed City Hall/Library Complex, Requested Action Items and discusses. General discussion. Council discusses the options of bonding or purchasing the land and authorizing the Library Board to proceed on Bond Election for May 27, 1997. Mike Moore, Moore & McFadden, provides information on the amount of the Bond. Susan Thomas, President of Library Board, states that the Board's concern is that they have the option for parcel B. General discussion on whether to put City Hall and Library on the same bond or have separate bonds. Moore explains the judicial confirmation process and explains the Lease-Purchase. Advises City Council to seek approval from the voters on a Bond Issue. General discussion. Yzaguirre: I move - Point 1: to authorize the Library Board to proceed with the Bond Election for May 27, 1997. Point 2: that we exercise our option to purchase the property which includes a 90 day extension with notice to the owner; Point 3: that we direct Jack Coonce to initiate the Level One Environmental Study. Seconded by Masner. Discussion. Yzaguirre: Let me amend my motion to state: authorize the City Council to move forward with the Bond Election. Seconded by Masner. I'm revising Point 1. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ....... Page 3 of 6 \\Eagle 1 \sys\SHARED\COUNC1L\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes\CC022597 Yzaguirre: I move that we purchase both parcels A and B and that we have two bond elections, one for a library complex and one for a city hall complex. Seconded by Merrill. Yzaguirre: Two measures on the same ballot, one for a library complex and one for a City Hall/Library complex. Discussion. Yzaguirre I amend my Motion to say that the purchase of both parcel A and B be included in the bond election. Seconded by Masner. 2 AYES: ONE NAY: Mayor: The motion before the Council is to issue a bond measure that has two component parts to it both on the same ballot but with two different sections. Item 1 would be that parcels A and B are included in both. One includes one of the component parts to the ballot measurement would bc for a Library only the other part to this would be for a Library/City Hall complex. Any discussion on the Motion as Amended? All in favor please say Aye. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..... Moore has a concern over the Motion. Them are two separate bond elections, one for the Library and one for the City Hall/Library. You could end up with two libraries if they are both approved. We can work with the wording of the Motion. We have our instructions will come back to you with an Ordinance. Mayor calls for a 3 minute recess. Mayor calls the meeting back to order. Masner: I move that we adjourn at 10:00 p.m. sharp. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Masner I would add to my motion that all items continued to next regularly scheduled meeting. Discussion. Masner I will restate my motion: I move that we adjourn at 10:00 p.m. and move the items that are left on this Agenda to 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. for Special Council Meeting. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ...... B. FY 1997 Eagle Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) recommendation. Mayor introduces the issue. Butler provides information on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. General discussion. Masner: I Move that we continue this item to a Special Meeting on Thursday, February 27, 1997, at 4:00 p.m. on the basis that Chairman Bradley can join us. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion. Masner I will amend my Motion to say that if Bradley is not available see if Don Brinton can attend. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .... Discussion on taking public input. Council agrees on accepting written testimony. Page 4 of 6 \\Eagle 1 \sys\SHARED\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes\CC022597 C. Council Resolution #6-95. Mayor: No number assigned to this ordinance, the number previously assigned was reassigned by the City Clerk to another ordinance. The specific instruction from Council was to have this draft ordinance to come back to Council for discussion as to whether this is what the City Council wanted. That is why an ordinance number wasn't assigned. If the Council approves the language and wishes to adopt this as an ordinance then we are going to need an ordinance number. 2 minute recess for Clerk to get an ordinance number. Mayor: The reason this was not published as an ordinance #290 was that the City Council specifically instructed the City Attorney to bring this back before the Council for discussion of the draft ordinance. This specific ordinance as submitted by the City Attorney has not specifically been discussed by Council. General discussion and discussion about proper notice to the public that an ordinance was going to be passed. Legal opinion that agenda items were not sufficient to notify the public on the intent to pass an ordinance. Merrill: I make a Motion that the City Council accept the language of Ordinance # 290 and that we place it on the next agenda and it is posted for the next Agenda. Seconded by Yzaguirre. Discussion. Merrill: I amend my motion to say the first regularly scheduled meeting on March 11, 1997. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ....... D. RZ-3-96 Lakeland Estates Rezone for Lakeland Estates Subdivision. Mayor introduces the issue. Butler provides background and information on this item. Staff recommends denial of the Rezone and the Preliminary Plat. Yzaguirre expresses his concern on the sewer issue. Masner is concerned about the water, the sewer and the environmental assessment plan. Ron Bath, SDR Development, provides information to the Council on ACHD requirements for public access and the environmental assessment plan. General discussion on the environmental assessment plan. Bath addresses the sewer issue. General discussion. Masner states that the choice is to deny or continue so applicant can get the sewer issue resolved. Masner: I move that we continue this to our first meeting in March, giving the Applicant time to clarify the sewer issue. Seconded by Yzaguirre. Discussion. Masner I wish to withdraw my motion and restate. Masner: I move to continue this to a point to be determined by an application from Mr. Bath. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES... Page 5 of 6 \\Eagle 1 \sys\SHARED\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporaiy Minutes\CC022597 McFadden: You have a CU on the Agenda tonight for this same piece of property and you will have to continue that to a date certain. You can keep continuing that to catch up with this. General discussion. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Masner moves to adjourn. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..... Having no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted: S-HAkON K. SMITH CITY CLERK Page 6 of 6 \kEagle 1 \sys\SHARED\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes\CC022597