Minutes - 1997 - City Council - 02/19/1997 - Workshop THE CITY OF EAGLE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES February 19, 1997 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, MERRILL, YZAGUIRRE. MASNER.IS ABSENT, a Quorum is present. 3. NEW BUSINESS: A. Report/Discussion - EM2 & City of Eagle Water System: Kathy Schiflet from United Water/EM2 has requested to discuss with the City Council the topic of the Eagle City Water System and the system's growth. Mayor introduces the issue. Kathy Schiflet introduces herself and Dan Brown the Engineer for EM2 and Kathy gives a brief outline for tonight's meeting. Dan Brown, Engineer for EM2 - Evaluated the current situation as they see and the steps the City needs to take to meet the needs of the landowners. Displays and explains written information. Weldon Fisher, 546 E. Beacon Light Road, Eagle - He wants information about the well and how much water there will be. General discussions between Dan Brown and the City Council. Terry Nyborg representing the Hormaechea property. Supports a solution to the water problems. They are offering to let a well be developed on their property for exchange in service. Legal Council provides information on drafting an agreement. General discussion. Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering Company. Provides information on the steps the City would need to take in applying for a drilling permit and obtaining water rights. General Discussion. Dan Brown, EM2, generally the water right application has been approved prior to getting a drilling permit. General discussion. Legal council provides information on agreements that can be entered into with the Hormaecheas. General Discussion. I of 3 \\Eagle I\sys\SHARED\COLrNCIL\MINUTES\ 1997\cc021997 wksp min.doc Duane Stuecke, President of Lexington Hills - Provides history of the water system. Lexington Hills has a understanding that they would pay for the line. The City would not be under any obligation to pay for any of the system. We are in favor of an agreement. Time is of the essence, we have been delayed for almost a year. General discussion. Dennis Whitmore, TreasuredSecretary of Lexington Hills - Provides an overview of the project and the properties involved. Everyone wants it and there is no cost to the City. Time is of the essence, we don't need a water crises. General discussion. Bill Johnson, Holladay Engineering Co. - We looked at the Eagle City System and identified the needs. We had a meeting with Dan and discussed their proposal. Right now there is no excess capacity in that system. We would like to see reduced usage or phase out of Well #2. We see a need for better controls on your wells, a need redundancy of your pumping facilities, and a need for back up power or storage. The proposal that was presented tonight addresses many of those needs. It has a positive benefit for the City of Eagle. I am confident that an agreement can be drafted. General discussion. Bastian: Has concerns about what will happen when the power goes out. Dan Brown, EM2 - At the present time you would have a problem when the power went out. The two ways to deal with that are either storage or a standby generation system. This is an important facet of the system. The stand by generation is a reliable system and is less expensive than a storage tank. General discussion. Dave Roylance, Civil Engineer, Homeowner in Lexington Hills - When the Bond failed everything went up in smoke. We counted on that tank being on the hill and we counted on the Bond providing that. We have to get the other well, we have no other choice. Need to work an agreement. General discussion. Yzaguirre: Question for Kathy, EM2, Could EM2 offer the Hormaechea family some comfort down the road with water service from another well. Kathy thinks that could be a deciding factor when a decision is made, that could be an offer we might offer. General discussion. Bastian thinks City Attorney should work with the other parties involved to work out an agreement as soon as possible. He thinks there needs to be some type of a back up and this should be in the agreement. Legal Counsel provides another solution being a lease for a back up system. 2 of 3 \\Eagle I\sys\SHARED\COUNCILLMINUTES\1997\cc021997 wksp min.doc Bastian: I move that we direct the city legal counsel to work with the interested parties in developing an agreement and consider in particular the following points that we obtain a municipal permit as soon as possible and that we provide a means for protecting the citizens in case of a power outage in the event of a fire, second by Yzaguirre. Mayor ask for clarification of the Motion: is that to instruction the City Attorney to get involved in this process. Bastian: I will modify my Motion to just simply have the City Legal Counsel review the agreement with the other conditions I originally had in my motion, seconded by Yzaguirre. Discussion. Merrill: Do you want to include those five points that we are looking at? Bastian: I move that we amend my motion and include the five recommended points: 1.-The City obtain drilling permit; 2.-Drilling of a well; 3.- Extend the water main to Lexington Hills and Treasurer Valley Village; 4.-The City applies to change permit to municipal and 5.- The City applies for a new water right that includes the Hormaechea property; and 6.- That there be provision for protection of individual homeowners in case of a power outage, seconded by Yzaguirre. Discussion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .... Kathy Shiflet wanted to know the time frame for a special City Council Meeting and the Mayor said he would like to have 24 hour notice or more so that this could be published. Merrill: I make a motion that the City Council have a Special Meeting on Monday at 7:00 p.m. for public information, seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES .... Yzaguirre: I make a motion to Adjourn, Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES ..... ADJOUR AT 8:45 P.M. 3 of 3 \~Eaglel\sys\SHARED\COUNCIL~MINUTES\I997\cc021997 wksp rain.doc