Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 12/19/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Minutes December 19, 1996 PRE-COUNCIL: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 1. Mayor and Council Report Mayor requested to move the Sheriffs Report first, Lt. Dale Woodcook came forward for the Ada County Sheriff Report. Provided a report summarizing the computer reports provided as Exhibit A. Extended an invitation to Council and the Mayor to attend, on Monday, January 6 -- 18, 1997, a computer simulation for live-firing. Discussion of the status of the "drug house" and the recent shooting outside of the city limits which also involved a drug incident. Mayor introduced a report by David Eberle Consulting on prepared Future Cash Flow Report. Dr. David Eberle came forward and provided information concerning the report and algorithm created to forecast revenues. Suburban community, mostly white, fairly affluent homes, most work and travel to Boise, etc. Property Taxes, business permits, and revenue sharing provide the majority of revenues (90%). Key for future will be to diversify the infrastructure and various taxing districts. Most accurate period of the forecast is from 1 -- 5 years, anything beyond becomes unreliable (using a 95% confidence factor). Heavy reliance on the growth-related revenue soumes was described as risky. The change of assumptions may cause dramatic impacts on future growth. Time series analyses was provided as opposed to a more causal approach within the algorithm. Mayor 3rovided additional information regarding the various projections. The lower range is considered reasonable and prudent to base future projections upon. Bastian provided general discussion summarizing the model, with the City Council establishing the assumptions and the City Clerk providing the inputs (in this model, one number) and the generation of the algorithm. Masner discussed the possible assumptions necessary in a forecast. General discussion of the concepts and practices of revenue projection with the possible increases due to changes in annexation or other variable. Bastian: No report, the Library Board requested a continuance of their item on the agenda to the next meeting. Yzaguirre: no report Masner: Discussed general items from the Sewer Board including the new effluent basins. Merrill: no report. 2. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Hand out of two reports. First, a computer- related report denoting costs and structure (LAN, See Staff Report Network.wpd). The next is a financial report that summarizes the flnancials for the month (See Staff Report FIN_1296.wpd). Mayor asks to continue this issue to the next meeting. Also, Casa Mexico was noted for inclusion later on the agenda for Beer and Wine Licenses. 3. Zoning Administrator Report: Brief report of the last Planning and Zoning Commission. ACHD has discovered an amount of money available for purchasing a parcel of property on Ballentyne Road (Floating Feather and Beacon Light) for a possible future park (discussion of drawing Exhibit B). 4. Engineer Report: Status Report on Kestral Cove Drainage Issue provided by Anthony from Holliday Engineering, Vern Brewer is excused. General discussion of the issue, from design to finalization. Time tables discussed concerning the contract and the possible bonding of the project by the developer. Status Report on Annexation Project provided, with the biggest concern as the legal description of the overall annexation. Difficulty noted in establishing the area of impact for the City. Section maps requested from the County should provide adequate information for establishing the boundaries, including the excluded portions. General discussion by the Council. Merrill discussed the need to direct the Zoning Administrator on a separate project regarding a new City Code amendment. Discussion of the standard conditions supported by Council for use H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC121996.MIN 2 by the Zoning Administrator, possibly by bringing this issue to the Council in ordinance form. 5. City Attorney Report: Leasing v. Option to Buy, New City Hall -- Councilman Merrill has asked the City Attorney to provide information for discussion by the Council regarding the two options. Recommends continuing this issue to a future meeting when theirs is more time, perhaps by bringing in Mike Moore from the firm to discuss this issue, 30 minutes at the next pm-council may work. The deadline for the first publication of the bond is tomorrow (12/20/96), noted that the City is perhaps a bit premature in this area. Discussion of the sale of the municipal water system. Asked to place the Merrill Park Deed (acceptance and authorization to accept the deed of gift) first on the agenda tonight. 6. Sheriff's Monthly Report: Given previously. COUNCIL: 8:15 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, MASNER, MERRILL, YZAGUIRRE, quorum present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Masner: Moves to add item 3A to the agenda, Merrill Park Land Gift. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Masner: Moves to add (move) items under New Business 7A, 7C, 7F, and 7G, move to items 4G, 4H, 41, and 4J, on the consent agenda. Seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES... Masner: Moves to amend item 4D, to include "#17. Casa Mexico" to the Beer and Wine License application. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC121996.MIN 3 CARRIES... 3A. Merrill Park Land Gift. Merrill announced a parcel to be given as a gift to the city as a new park, subject to conditions noted in the deed. Discussion of a possible future exchange for park land, and that the name of the park be Reid Merrill, Sr. Park, and that former Mayor Guerber be placed in a role in the development of the park. This would be given to the city as a Christmas Gift, subject to the instructions within the deed. Reid Merrill, Sr. came forward and presented a few comments and background on the Merrill family. Discussed the history of the properties and the future of park land for Eagle. General discussion of the park development. Presents this gift to the Mayor and Council. Mayor asks Council for a motion to accept the parcel as a gift and to execute the deed. Masner: Moves, with humility, gratitude, and many thanks, to accept Mr. and Mrs. Merrill's gift and instruct the Mayor to sign the deed. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... [Signing of the documents transpired] Merrill asks the Council to consider moving forward on an attempt to trade the property for property closer to Eagle. Yzaguirre asks to discuss this issue further in Executive Session. General discussion of the issue. Merrill asks to add two items to the agenda, for movement forward (continuance to a future meeting). To put under Unfinished Business, new 5D "Resolution 6- 95" and 5E "Personnel Policy Manual". The intent is to add to the agenda to place the items on a future agenda. Merrill: Moves to place these two items (Resolution # 6-95 and Personnel Policy Manual) on a special meeting agenda, with the intent of discussing the entire personnel policy manual in an entire meeting, to a date specific, seconded by H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC121996.MIN 4 Masner. Yzaguirre proposes to meet on the first Tuesday, January 7, 1997, to discuss these two issues. Merrill amends motion to set special meeting for January 7, 1997, at 6:30 p.m., seconded by Masher. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... General instruction given to the City Clerk to send all Phases of the Personnel Manual to the Council by December 20, 1996. A. B. C. D. CONSENT AGENDA: Minutes of November 26, 1996 Minutes of December 3, 1996 (Workshop} Claims Against the City Beer/Wine License Renewals -- The City Clerk is requesting the City Council to approve the renewal of the following BeerNVine/Liquor Licenses: 1. Albertson's 9. Eagle Beverage 2. The Bank Club 10. Circle K Store 3. Chicago Connection 11. Eagle Food Town 4. Eagle Hills Golf Course 12. China Palace Restaurant 5. Eagle Uni-MERC 13. Regal Eagle of Idaho, Inc. 6. Gloria's Restaurant 7.7-Mile Lounge 8. Justo's 14. Smoky Mountain Pizza 15. The White Orchid 16. Godfather's Pizza #13011 17. Casa Mexico E. Findings of Fact for Annexation with Rezone and Development Agreement (A-1-961RZ-2-96) - The Zoning Administrator is requesting City Council approval of the Findings of Fact for an Annexation with Rezone and Development Agreement (A-1-96/RZ-2-96), which was applied for by Ed Hendershot with Hendershot Construction. The 26.82 acre site is located on the south side of the north channel of the Boise River approximately 1/3 mile east of Eagle Road (State Highway 44). The site abuts the east property line of the Island Woods Subdivision. F. Findinqs of Fact for Revised Preliminary Plat of Echo Creek Subdivision #5, 6 & 7 (PP-3-96) - The Zoning Administrator is requesting City Council approval of the Findings of Fact for the Revised Preliminary Plat of Echo H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC121996.MIN 5 Creek Subdivision #5, 6 & 7 (PP-3-96). The site is located at the Northwest corner of Floating Feather Road and the new alignment of Highway 55. G. Covington Place Subdivision (Ada County Transmittal 96-34-PDR) - Harly Carson is requesting Ada County approval for an 11-1ot planned residential development. The 39-acre site is located on the west side of Park Lane approximately 1/4-mile north of Beacon Light Road. H. Ada County Pet License Sales Agreement - The City Clerk is requesting the City Council to approve an agreement with Ada County for the sale of county pet licenses at City Hall. I. New City Hall Telephone System - The City Clerk is requesting the City Council approve the expenditure of approximately $6,500 for a new telephone system to replace the current system, includes the previously approved costs of running new lines and adding new phones to the existing system. J. New City Hall Office Equipment - The City Clerk is requesting the City Council to approve the expenditure of approximately $6,000 for office furniture and equipment in coordination with the new City Hall Annex and reorganization. This equipment is expected to come from local used or liquidated equipment vendors. Masner: Moves to approve consent agenda as amended, seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE BY VOICE VOTE, MOTION CARRIES .... 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Zoning Ordinance Amendment -- Councilman Masner has requested for reconsideration of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to provide a section generally stating that, "Any past action by the City, which may have resulted in an action being taken which was not in accordance with a particular requirement of the Eagle City Code, shall not constitute a precedent for future non-compliance with the particular code." Masner discusses the issue noting a possible problem in a position that due to unenforcement of a previous ordinance does not mean that the ordinance has been weakened. City Attorney noted the issue to be moot as the current rule of law states this. B. Composition of the Design Review Board -- Councilman Merrill as H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC121996.MIN 6 asked the City council to discuss the composition of the Design Review Board. Mayor introduces the issue. City Attorney asks to discuss the issue tonight then look at the issue in ordinance form later. Merrill noted that this is not a new issue, has been before the council on numerous occasions. This form is only the result of those discussions. Masner suggested discussion of the possible changes tonight. City Attorney recommends discussing the elements of the document tonight, make the changes, then either continue the issue or approve tonight. Yzaguirre noted that the issue may not have be noticed appropriately. Mayor noted that this issue before the Council is not in the proper form. Merrill noted some previous mention of the suggested composition of members, cannot have members appointed to a committee that has not yet been structured. Mayor: Noted that the City has a current ordinance, wishes to poll the Council, deal with this tonight by content of the ordinance, or by the ordinance? Vote as follows: Ordinance: Masner, Merrill Content of Ordinance: Bastian, Yzaguirre. Yzaguirre noted the limited amount of information available to make a decision tonight. Bastian would like to consider specifically section 2-2-1, number of members and make-up of the Board. General discussion of the Board's scope, and possible amendments to the draft ordinance #284 before the Council tonight. Mayor votes to deal with the content tonight. Bastian suggested striking the liaison member from the membership. Suggested that the word "proper" be stricken. Mayor suggests that the Council deal with the issue at a later date, to avoid any potential problems of crisis decision-making. General discussion of the issues. Consensus yields to continuing the issue to the next regular meeting. City Attorney instructs the City Clerk that future agendas should note that items on the agenda require adequate notice and enough description in the agenda for public notice, regarding ordinances or proposed ordinances. General discussion H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC121996.MIN 7 on the possibility of missing deadlines due to lack of a DR Board quorum. Mayor reiterated that he has the authority under the current law to fill appointments. Bastian suggests that Council Member Merrill make a proposed list of potential appointees to the new Design Review Board for presentation before the Mayor, in conformance, generally, with the concepts implied in the proposed ordinance amendments. Mayor noted that a list has been presented and will bring some recommendations to the next regular Council meeting. C. Committee Appointment Authority. The City Council at the October 22, 1996, meeting asked the City Attorney to prepare a legal opinion, and asked this issue be continued for discussion at the next regular meeting. Mayor introduced the issue, notice given to all present that if the information is not available on 5:00 p.m. the Tuesday preceding the Council meeting, then the item will be dropped from the agenda. Wishes the item to be continued to the next meeting since the information was not available to the Council. Merrill noted that the issue of Resolution 6-95 is to be discussed at the January 7 meeting. Bastian: Moves to continue the issue of Committee Appointment Authority to the next regular City Council meeting on January 14, 1996, and that all the documents relevant to this issue be presented prior to that time for adequate review by the Council. Seconded by Yzaguirre. General discussion of the issues and if adequate public notice is provided. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Items 5D and 5E were introduced by the Mayor and explained that these two issues have been dealt with through a continuance to a special meeting to be held on January 7, 1997 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Conditional Use (CU-9-96) - Ron Bath representing SDR Development, LLC., is requesting City approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a temporary gravel extraction operation for the construction of a lake within the proposed Lakeland Estates Subdivision. The 23.1-acre site is located approximately 1,000 feet south of State Street, adjacent to the east boundary of the Monroc property. Zoning Administrator noted that the issue was continued indefinitely on the November 26 regular meeting. The applicant asked to continue this issue to January 14. Bastian: Moves that the Conditional Use Permit #CU-9-96 be continued to the January 14, 1996, regular meeting. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... B. Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA-4-96) - A Zoning Ordinance Amendment is being proposed to place the "Building Design Objectives" back into the Eagle City Code. Those criteria were inadvertently removed from the Eagle City Code upon adoption of the Design Review Ordinance #276, approved by the City Council on September 3, 1996. General introduction of the issue by the Zoning Administrator, Planning and Zoning discussed the issue, and voted (Mayer, Brinton, Maile) in favor, and (Farnworth and Bradley) in opposition, more in favor of metal siding that not. General discussion by the Mayor and Council concerning the land use matter and the change in the ordinance. Before the Council is a recommendation to change the ordinance, a moratorium is currently in place, ending on January 2, 1996. Mayor: Open up the public testimony portion of the meeting, see the sign-in sheet for the issue. General instructions provided to the audience. Jim McCauley, 2611 W. State Street, Eagle, business address 1345 E. State, Container and Packaging, owner of a metal-sided building, came forward and presented comment. Discussed general concern of the language and recommendations before the Council. Notes his opposition to the restrictiveness of the ordinance. Noted the cost comparisons of the various construction materials from construction and maintenance perspectives. Fears for the health of the community and his business. Described the impact of this ordinance, using the Merrill Egg Farm as an analogy to the limitation on creation of new business. H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC121996.MIN 9 Voiced a fear that his present metal building would be valued at zero. General discussion of the principle of regulatory taking. City Attorney clarified the non-conforming grand fathered use of the building, not a regulatory taking per se. General discussion by the Council and staff regarding the law. Nonconforming use buildings that require add-ons require the entire structure brought up to standard. Zoning Administrator noted his opinion on the enforcement authority of the Code. Continued discussion by the Council regarding the setting of precedence and waivers. City Attorney provided clarification of the conditions for variance and waivers of the Code. Bill Ditz, 673 W. Forden Drive, Eagle, came forward representing the economic development Chairman for the Eagle Chamber of Commerce. Has a number of prepared remarks, but would like to summarize. Three words... Proactive , Compromise, and Balance. Trying to build consensus. Proactive does not mean eliminate metal buildings. Noted several amendments to the 2nd paragraph. Concealed metal fastening system, Silicone/Polyester finish or equivalent, the general sense that these two changes will increase the quality of the building. Possible to have a metal building that will not ruin the future. {See attachment written testimony and brochure). Continued general discussion of the basic issues presented, including the limited availability of industrial zones. Wishes to allow metal buildings in all locations. Rick Musick, 4526 Old Valley Road (Home), 1445 State Street (Business), Musick and Son's Auctioneers. Seconds all that McCauley and Ditz have said. Believes that some selective enfomement of the businesses is occurring. Feels that the restrictions are not needed. Discussion of the price differences and additional restrictions placed upon businesses. Wishes the Council to understand the costs of any added requirements, such as hidden fasteners, prior to placing these into the ordinance. Ordinance does not specifically prohibit metal sided buildings. Answer is no, moratorium does. General discussion of the new Design Review Ordinance. Asks to keep the present ordinance to allow metal- sided buildings. Suggests that if a person owns the property, that person should be able to do whatever that person wants on that property. General discussion by Council, staff and public concerning the issue, zoning requirements, and building codes. Doug Roundy, 1782 McGrath Road, came forward and presented comment, relating his history in the City. Owned property since 1962, discussion of the history of his property. Will impact dramatically his pocketbook going from metal buildings to stucco. General comments on the description. Steve Davis, 8507 Goddard Rd, Boise, works for Mr. Roundy as a general contractor. Feels able to answer a number of the questions presented tonight due to his expertise as a builder and general contractor. Discussion of the differences in pricing and conformance to requirements, and general building specifications. General comments on the aesthetics of buildings, willing to provide materials for examples to the Council. Ron Marshall, 3080 W. State, residence 740 Palmetto, Eagle. Discussion of the intent of the original drafters of this ordinance and the history of the "turn-of-the- century" appearance in the downtown area. Believes the current state of being is beyond the original intent. Description of his current clients and building plans, relating to the restrictions and the possibility of loosing his investment. Provided suggested changes to the language, intended to simplify the text. Supports the concerns of the previous commentors. Believes there are too many restrictions. Gary Blaylock, 4611 N. Marlybone Place, Boise, represents Evans Building Center. Recounted the history of the issue. Over 16 people in opposition to the metal siding building, believes there is a place for these buildings in Eagle. Revenue is generated by new businesses; recommends allow the metal buildings. General discussion by the Council. Arlee McCauley, 2611 W. State, recounted history of the city. Believes that government is being too restrictive to businesses, allowing only the rich to succeed. Noted excessive restrictions placed upon their new building and their business. Noted that this type of ordinance excessively restricts businesses like McCauley's. Mayor closed the public testimony. 5 minute recess. Back on the record at 11:05 p.m. Masher: Moves to accept the ordinance as proposed by the Planning and Zoning commission, with the following amendments, Section 1E2 "Materials Permitted" take out the word "and" before concrete, and a comma, and add the words "...and metal." Also, Section E5, change the paragraph, change the wording to read "...In remaining area of the City, metal siding shall be anodized, and shall have a concealed fastener system." And in the same paragraph, add after the words colored metals, "...Metal siding shall have a silicone polyester coating or equivalent finish." Seconded by Yzaguirre. General discussion of the issue. Mike Vance provided a letter commenting on the issue, using a siding other than metal or those mentioned on the front of the building. Discussion of increasing the landscape requirement for metal buildings, anything other than residential, 10% requirement. Yzaguirre wishes to increase the percentage to appear better. Yzaguirre: Moves to amend the previous motion to increase the percentage of landscaping to 15% for metal buildings, seconded by Merrill. General discussion to include this additional landscaping on the side facing the arterial, collector, or other roadway. Bastian is concerned with 15% as a number in increasing the landscaping in a light industrial zone, not in favor of this, rather keep the ordinance at 10%. Merrill noted that the additional landscaping would diminish the parking, thinks that 10% is sufficient. General discussion by Bastian concerning the esthetics of metal buildings. Call for the question on amendment to increase to 15%, AYE, Yzaguirre, NAY, Masner, Bastian, Merrill. MOTION FAILS .... Bastian provided discussion on the original motion. Discussion of his opinion on the esthetics of most metal buildings, noted some architectural improvements, currently in a quandary. Continued discussion of preferences. Merrill provided an item of discussion on Section E5, Metal Siding Prohibited, does not feel the Council should be restricted by Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations. Merrill: Moves to eliminate after Ordinance #276 all language "...as approved by the Eagle City Council on September 3, 1996.', seconded by Bastian. General discussion on the motion. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Clarification by the City Attorney of the amendments with the intent that metal siding shall be prohibited in the DDA, TDA, and CDA districts. To eliminate confusion, paragraph 5 should begin, "Not withstanding Section 8-2A-6AE6(3)..." otherwise it suggests that waiver language exists. General discussion by the council on the restrictions of the Design Review Committee and the language of the proposed amendment to the motion, general discussion of amendment language. Merrill: Moves to amend original motion to include taking Item E5, 2nd paragraph, eliminate the words "In remaining area of the City." Starting with the words "Metal siding shall be anodized, and a concealed fastener system, and shall include special design treatments to enhance its appearance. These treatments may include brick or masonry, Waynes coat treatments along exterior walls, and accent color metal and metal siding shall have a silicone polyester finish or equivalent." to be placed under Item #E2, right after the word "metal". Seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Bastian: Moves amend motion to strike E4, renumbering E5 to be E4, seconded by Yzaguirre. Masher discussion of the issue. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Mayor: Clarification of renumbering issue as item 4, metal siding shall be prohibited. "Notwithstanding section 6-2A-6A6E3..." is the section just previous to the one in question. All language is new in renumbered item 4. Moved by Bastian, seconded by Merrill. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... General discussion by Merrill expressing a concern on the structure of the metal buildings, suggests under item F, concerning the roofing being fiat, gables, other? General discussion by Bastian and Merrill. Yzaguirre provided comment with regard to the metal buildings, noting his biggest regret is that little landscaping was required, feeling that the City was compromised, and feels we need more landscaping. Bastian provided general discussion on the qualitative issue. Agrees that additional landscaping is needed, but unsure on how much. General discussion by staff and Council. Yzaguirre: Calls for the question on the original motion as amended. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Yzaguirre: Moves that pursuant to Section 50-902, Idaho Code, that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three different days, one reading to be in full, be dispensed with and that Ordinance #283 be considered after being read by Title only, Seconded by Bastian. Reading of title: Ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County Idaho, enacting new paragraph C, F, and G, to the 8-2A-6(A)(6), seconded by Bastian. General discussion. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ...... Yzaguirre: Moves that Ordinance #283 be adopted, seconded by Bastian. No discussion, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Covington Place Subdivision (Ada County Transmittal 96-34-PDR) - Harly Carson is requesting Ada County approval for an 11-1ot planned residential development. The 39-acre site is located on the west side of Park Lane approximately 1/4-mile north of Beacon Light Road. Moved to Consent Agenda. B. Rezone with Development Agreement (Boise City Transmittal RZ-16-96) - Boise City is requesting that the City of Eagle comment on a proposed rezone from L-OD (Limited Office with a Design Review Overlay) to C-2D (General Commercial) or other appropriate zone. The site is located on the southwest corner of Chinden Boulevard and Eagle Road. Mayor introduced the issue. Bastian: Moves to accept the report of staff without comment. Seconded by Merrill. Discussion by Merrill, wishes to make mention that the Council agrees with the City of Boise's Planning and Zoning in recommending a denial, and that we appreciate the opportunity to comment. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... General discussion of the agenda. Bastian: Moves to accept the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Eagle's recommendation and the staff document in support of this recommendation, as a recommendation to the City of Boise, Seconded by Merrill. Discussion by Yzaguirre, intends to abstain to avoid the possibility of conflict of interest. Masner also abstains, then withdraws. ALL AYE, Yzaguirre abstains, MOTION CARRIES .... General discussion of the procedures for abstaining from vote. Mayor asks for a reconsideration of the minutes from the consent agenda from November 26, 1996, Masner moves, Yzaguirre seconded. Mayor noted changes, on Page 2, ACHD Committee was not to be addressed at this time. Modify to "...at this time." rather than "...here." On Page 2, minor correction on Item 6 "...however, ...." question mark after developers. On Page 10, third paragraph, 4th sentence, change to "The second concurs" not seconded...add in the clarifications. Suggests that the Clerk research and report back. On Page 11, 2nd paragraph, change to "swale". General corrections followed from the Council. On Page 4, top of the page, corrected to reflect, "...on the design, the road may be shifted to the east perhaps to avoid killing trees. Next, the Mayor will write a letter on the issue of a truck route through the City and a lower speed limit." Next line, "That lTD required a 30 foot right of way for arterial routes on State Street, do we need this?" "Can this be designed?" Bastian: Feels this is a critical issue. Feels that there are too many details in the minutes. Need to know the topic discussed, the general nature of the discussion. Thinks the minutes should be reduced in detail to reduce attempts to change detail. Yzaguirre agrees with this the limitation of the detail. City Attorney feels that the current approach is good and in conformance with other Cities he deals with. Merrill appreciates the format of the last few meeting's minutes, likes the format and amount as they currently exist. City Clerk instructed to make changes noted above and return to the next regular Council meeting. Mayor provided general discussion of the attachments to the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law concerning Hendershot, the attachments appear to be missing. Next, the FOF/COL for EchoCreek, 15 of 22, item 4F, the Mayor desires the recollection from the Council on this issue. General discussion. Sentence beginning with "Or...." General discussion by the Council on the document and the abilities to amend the final documents. The Zoning Administrator provided feedback on the additional condition. City Attorney provided additional information and instruction on amendments to the Findings of Fact. Provides alternative language for the paragraph, general discussion by Mayor, Council, and staff. Start sentence with the word "Applicant" instead of "Or", the sentence to read "Applicant shall coordinate the construct of a meandering sidewalk." Mayor continued discussion on Item 17, a landscaping berm issue, perhaps adding language to describe the tradeoff of the landscaping. Zoning Administrator noted that only motions are included in the findings and conclusions, discussion items are not included. Mayor is unclear on the requirement. City Attorney provides additional clarifications, with an exact dollar figure assigned to each lot, $1,000 per lot or a total of $40,000. Merrill: Moves to reconsider the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Gerhke, seconded by Masner. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Masner: Moves to continue the issue to the next regular meeting, seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... C. Ada County Pet License Sales ARreement - The City Clerk is requesting the City Council to approve an agreement with Ada County for the sale of county pet licenses at City Hall. Moved to Consent Agenda. D. Library Board Report on New Library Facilities - The Library Board will report to the Mayor and City Council on their Board action and recommendations regarding the development of a new Eagle Library. NOTE: Continued to next regular meeting. E. Limitin.q thru Truck Traffic to the Bypass - City Council during the December 3, 1996, workshop asked to place this item on the agenda for general discussion. Masner: Moves that the Council instruct Mayor Bower to prepare a letter to ACHD to limit through-truck traffic to the bypass (except for local deliveries), seconded by Merrill. Discussion identified by axle and weight, the intent of this motion is to precipitate future discussion and action. Ron Marshall, from the audience, provided general comments on the over-restrictiveness of the City. Mayor and Mr. Marshall engage in discussion on the truck issue. Call for the question, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES... F. New City Hall Telephone System - The City Clerk is requesting the City Council approve the expenditure of approximately $6,500 for a new telephone system to replace the current system, includes the previously approved costs of running new lines and adding new phones to the existing system. Moved to the Consent Agenda. G. New City Hall Office Equipment - The City Clerk is requesting the City Council to approve the expenditure of approximately $6,000 for office furniture and equipment in coordination with the new City Hall Annex and reorganization. This equipment is expected to come from local used or liquidated equipment vendors. Moved to the Consent Agenda. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Yzaguirre: Moves to adjourn, CARRIES .... seconded by Merrill, ALL AYE, MOTION Having no further business the Council meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m. D. KOREY LOWDER EAGLE CITY CLERK/TREASURER app~~ MAY~~ a. BOWER