Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 02/06/2020 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES February 6,2020 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: PIKE, GOLD, PITTMAN, BAUN. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pierce leads the Pledge of Allegiance 4. ACTION11EM: EAGLE LANDING UPDATE: Staff and the Mayor will provide an update on ongoing projects at the Eagle Landing and ask City Council for further direction. Mayor introduces the issue. Mayor discusses the Inspection List, we have a temporary occupancy permit, exit signs are in and we have a temporary occupancy, fire extinguishers are in, railings are up and the Museum has an electrical issue. Public Works Director Ziegenfuss discusses the electrical work in the museum. We are waiting for the permit. Mayor provides Council on overview of the costs, the zoning change, and the Design Review process. General discussion on the fencing and the parking lot, and the operational expenditures. General discussion on the Landing purchase, the occupancy and the community center activities. Pike moves to deny any future funding for The Landing. Discussion. Motion dies for a lack of a second. ....___ Further discussion on the community center and expanding City Hall. Pike moves to provide adequate staffing funding and for the safety of the Public on those grounds. Discussion. Motion dies for a lack of a second. Pittman moves that the City continue its work on the Landing Property to include the estimated $165,000.00 for all of the repairs needed and all of the security issues, parking issues, gate issues and fence issues that need to be addressed for the property. Discussion. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. Pike: NAY; Gold: AYE; Pittman: AYE; Baun: NAY: Mayor: NAY: MOTION FAILS Page 1 https://cityofeaglesharepoint.com/sites/CityCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-02-25-20/MINUTES/CC-02-06-20.doc Baun moves to have City staff put together a projected cost estimate of the expansion of City Hall to include a community center with a proposed estimated cost for an alternative Museum Site and the projected costs of the existing community center site to include depreciation overtime and operations and maintenance. Discussion. Seconded by Pike. Discussion. Pike: AYE; Gold: AYE; Pittman: NAY; Baun: AYE: MOTION CARRIES 5. ADJOURNMENT: Pike moves to adjourn. Second Baun. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ``'•`,,81f.,„,,re,._,Ii/NCI---4--0L--- l - OF EAG, "‘ . SHARON K. BERGMANN &e. v 0 R A %' '' CITY CLERK/TREASURER = : o �,•: F. 41 v Ili :* . .. r SEAL� O Fe i . /, .,s O , j>.e.':?.1),,%V-\•\,° o• ,S APROVED: '• beF P • N. A ON PIERCE MAYOR AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 https://cityofeagle.sharepoint.com/sites/CityCouncilDocuments/Shared Documents/Council Packets/CC-02-25-20/MINUTES/CC-02-06-20.doc