Minutes - 2020 - City Council - 02/04/2020 - JointORIGINAL EA(.V'I-,E CITY COUNCIL & EAGLE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY JOINT MEETING MINUTES February 4, 2020 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pierce calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: A. City Council: Present: BAUN, G01A), PIKE, PITTMAN. A quorum is present. [I. Eagle Urban Renewal Agency: Present: BURNETT, BIJS(-'HF.R'I', GOLD, KRAMER, MCNEIL A quorum is present. 3 X OF ALLEGIANCE: PLEDC 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. APPOINTMENT TO THE EAGLE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting Council confirmation of the appoint of* 11rad Pike to the Iagle Urban Renewal Agency. Mr. Pike will be serving an FUj RA term that will expire concurrently with his City Council term on December 31, 2023. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman moves to appoint Brad Pike to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency, with his term running concurrent to his Council term. Seconded by Gold. ALL AYE ... MOTION CARRIES. 5. APPOINTMENT TO '111f: EAGLE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY: In accordance with Resolution 14-19, Mayor Pierce is requesting, Council confirmation of the appoint of'himself to the E'agle Urban Renewal Agency. Mr. Pierce will be serving an FURA term that will expire concurrently with his mayoral term on December 31. 2023. Ma -,,,or Pierce introduces the item. I Gold moves to appoint Jason Pierce to the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency, with his term running concurrent to his Mayoral term. Seconded by Pittman. ALL I AYE... MOTION CARRIES. 6. EA(,IE CITY COUNCIL AND URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY JOINT WORKSHOP: A joint workshop to discuss the Palmetto Street Fxtension Project. Mayor Pierce introduces the item. City Planner III Baird -Spencer reviews the history of' the Palmetto Street Extension project. Robin Collins, Executive Director ol'the Nagle Urban Renewal Agency and Fconomic Development Director for the City of' 1,"agle, comments on discusses timeline for construction, funding and the chain of events regarding the City's receipt deeds from the developer. Baird -Spencer notes that the City's FIngincer would need to review and approve the construction documents as they will potentially become the construction inspection engineer for the pro.ject. Discussion PagL, 1 K \CDUNC1[.\WNU I E S\i,—p—ly VI -t,, W.,k A—\CC-01 04 20,1 . ..... d— Discussion amongst Mayor, Council and Urban Renewal Agency Board members regarding history of Palmetto Street extension and current decision points reg arding funding options, traffic flow and construction options. 8:58 p.m. Urban Renewal Agency adjourns from the meeting. 7. ACTION ITEM. PALMETTO STREET EXTENSION: Staff is requesting the Council's direction on the Palmetto Street Extension including the acceptance of deeds associated with the roadway and the timeline for conducting a public bid process for construction. (NBS) Mayor Pierce introduces the item. Pittman moves to approve Palmetto extension acceptance of the deeds recorded. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Baun moves to direct staff initiate the formal bid process for construction of the Palmetto Extension to give Council a look at construction costs. Seconded by Pike. Mayor Pierce states that he is not if favor of spending any more money on this project, and that he feels the developer should bear the financial burden of constructing the extension not the City. Discussion. GOLD AYE, PITTMAN AYE, PIKE AYE, BAUN AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Discussion. Pittman moves to direct staff to speak with Eagle 26 LLC communicating the concern the City with picking up the burden of this complete roadway and ask them if they would be willing work with us to provide some monetary funding for this process so it can be done prior to the CFI. Seconded by Gold. Discussion. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Gold moves to adjourn. Seconded by Pittman. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. R, ectful lY submi.t R:: T ACY E.4/,;(') i ORN SR. DEP1 " Y CITY CLERK/TREASURER sorAs �� 0I • Sib ec 0RPO .00c*. 4 • e APPROVED. • • •'s L • ‘;..„ i •••o••• o J ( ON W. PIERCE °F P�' ID .• MAYOR '°°•• `` AN AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD AT WWW.CITYOFEAGLE.ORG. Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-01-04-20spmin.docx INTER City of Eagle OFFICE To: Mayor and City Council Members From: Robin Collins,PCED, CBO, Economic Development Director Nichoel Baird Spencer,MCRP,AICP,Planner III Subject: Palmetto Avenue Extension Project Update Date: January 21,2020 Attachment(s): ACHD Master Street Map ACHD Approval Letter 1St MOA with Eagle URA 3rd MOA with Eagle URA Horrocks June 9,2016 Report Letter from Smith Knowles ITD Notice to Proceed Email from Regan Hansen Ownership Map Letter and Deeds 2°a MOA with Eagle URA Email from Debbie Mitchell ITD Permit#3-18-503 CC: Zoning Administrator City Attorney History: The Palmetto Street Extension has been part of the City's comprehensive plan since the development of the SH-44 bypass in the late 1990's. The Palmetto Street access point was subject of litigation between the City and ITD in the early 2000's with the City withdrawing its lawsuit with the understanding that I lll and the City would continue negotiations. In 2010, The Palmetto Street extension was added to the ACHD Master Street Map(MSM)as a collector after adoption of the Downtown Eagle Plan. The MSM identifies projects for ACRD construction and for developer construction at the time of development. The Palmetto Street extension is a required roadway for construction by the developer of the Eagle Rodeo Grounds property at the time of development,unless otherwise prioritized by the City of Eagle(see MSM). On October 26,2015, lii) issued a permit for the Eagle River Development to construct a new access point to State Highway 44 just south of the City's requested access point. In late 2015,the City of Eagle felt it was in the best interest of the City to pursue an access permit for a right-in/right-out access at this point before ITD completed the design of the '/2 continuous flow intersection(CFI)at Eagle Road(SH-55)and the SH-44 bypass. To begin this process the City contracted with Horrocks Engineering to complete a study to determine if an access point to the north would meet liD's standards. This contract was managed by the City of Eagle. Page 1 of 4 KAPlannirtg Dept\TransportationTalmetto Ave Ext\Palmetto Street Extension History docx 1 On March 25,2016,the City,Eagle Urban Renewal Agency,the Eagle Fire Protection District,Pacific West Communities and Eagle 26 LLC entered into a cost-share agreement to hire River Ridge engineering(the company that completed the Eagle River access permit)to prepare the engineering and construction drawings to finalize the access permit application to ITD for a right in/right out access point and the collector roadway connecting the access point to Plaza Drive. The preliminary Horrocks work, if accepted by ill)would establish the access point on SH-44(see 1st MOA). The intent was to put in place the HI)and ACRD approvals for public access to SH-44 and the Palmetto Street Extension to be constructed by the landowner at the time of development. This contract was managed by the URA. On June 9,2016, Horrocks Engineers submitted preliminary 11S and modelling for approval from ITD (see Horrocks Report). On July 22, 2016,ITD issued a notice to proceed with the design and development of stamped engineering drawings for the access point in order to finalize a formal permit application. This was the subject of the MOA for cost sharing and engineering work entered into in March of 2016(see ITD notice). October 14, 2016,the agreement with RiveRidge Engineering was amended to extend the timeline for the project to March 31, 2017, in order to work with adjoining property owners. June 19,2017,the agreement with RiveRidge Engineering was amended to extend the timeline for the project to June 30, 2018, in order to work with adjoining property owners. In Spring of 2017,as part of the engineering and alignment work completed by RiveRidge Engineering, it was discovered that during the construction of the SH-44 Bypass a remnant parcel,0.115 acre,had not been purchased by Iii)and subsequently sold to Eagle 26, LLC post construction. Eagle River Development continued to own the parcel,creating an obstruction to the Palmetto Street alignment at Plaza Drive. Additionally, in order to meet driveway spacing and roadway geometry standards of ACHD neighboring property owners would need to be engaged and a series of property transfers completed(see ownership map). June 27,2017,the City and Eagle URA enter MOA to purchase the intervening piece of property that would impede the Palmetto Street extension connecting to Plaza Drive. The agreement states the City will pay the URA 50%of the costs with written assurance from the EURA that the road will be built. If the property is sold in the future,the City shall receive 50%of the sale price of the property(see 2nd MOA). On August 1,2017,the property was purchased for$55,440. In September 2017,the Eagle Fire Protection District requested to be excluded from any future agreements. On May 31,2018,Eagle 26,LLC submitted an application for a rezone,conditional use permit, preliminary planned unit development and preliminary plat for the Molinari Park Development on the Eagle Rodeo Grounds property. The application included the construction of the right in/right out access point to State Highway 44 and the construction of the Palmetto Street Extension. On July 2, 2018,the agreement with RiveRidge Engineering was amended to extend the timeline for the project to June 30,2019, in order to work with adjoining property owners. On July 3, 2018,the MOA between City,Eagle Urban Renewal Agency,the Eagle Fire Protection Page 2 of 4 KAPlanning DepflTransportation\Palmetto Ave Ext\Palmetto Street Extension History docx 2 District,Pacific West Communities and Eagle 26 LLC for cost-share to hire River Ridge engineering was extended to June 30,2019. On July 17,2018, ITD issued permit#3-18-530,granting the City of Eagle a construction/access permit for a right in/right out access to State Highway 44. The permit was for one-year set to expire on July 17, 2019 if construction was not commenced. On February 26, 2019,the Eagle City Council approves the Molinari Park Development and on March 12, 2019,adopted the findings of fact and conclusions of law requiring the developer to construct both the SH-44 access and Palmetto Street as part of the first phase of development. On March 26,2019,the City of Eagle receives a request for reconsideration for the Molinari Park Development approval. On May 14,2019 the Eagle City Council heard the reconsideration and adopted new findings on June 25,2019. On July 9, 2019,the City Council received a request for reconsideration of-their June 25,2019 findings and on July 23,2019 votes 4/0 deny the request. In October of 2019,the Palmetto Street Extension construction and engineering plans were submitted to ACRD for review,and on November 1,2019,ACRD approved the plans for construction(see ACRD approval). On December18, 2019,the Eagle URA and on December 19,2019,the Eagle City Council, approved entering into a MOA fora 50/50 cost-share agreement for the construction of Palmetto Avenue Extension with a total combined cost not to exceed$984,647.00(see 3rd MOA). On December 19,2019,the City of Eagle entered into a professional services agreement with RiveRidge Engineering to prepare the public bid package and administer a public bidding process for the project. Between December 16 and December 20,2019,warranty deeds and easement agreements were sent out to all affected property owners for review and signature. On January 10, 2020,the City received a letter from the attorney representing Rocky Mountain Business Park requesting the City make an initial offer for payment of just compensation for the land needed for the right-of-way(see letter from Smith Knowles). On January 13,2020,ITD confirmed that construction of the SH-44 access point must be completed on or before January 15,2021 or must be held until after completion of the '/z CFI at SH-44 and SH-55 (Eagle Road)in 2023 (see email from Regan Hansen). On January 14,2020, Mark Butler,representing the Molinari Project, brought in the Warranty Deeds and Quitclaim Deeds for City acceptance and recording. Contrary to ordinary practices of the City,Mayor Ridgeway personally took the documents to the Ada County Recorder's office and had them recorded. Subsequently,Mayor Ridgeway signed a letter signifying receipt and acceptance of the documents conveying property from Eagle 26,LLC to the City of Eagle and from Eagle 26,LLC to adjacent landowners(Don Curtis and Spirit Realty). The letter also stated the City intends to complete construction of the road in 2020(see letter and deeds). On January 14,2020, under new business,the City Council approved an addendum to the original agreement with RiveRidge to cost-share with the EURA for the redesign of the gravity irrigation system. Page 3 of 4 K-Planning Dept\TransportationWalmetto Ave ExtWalmetto Street Extension History docx 3 On January 17,2020,the City of Eagle received a request from Spirit Realty that no property be transferred to them, instead requesting a cross access agreement(see email from Debbie Mitchell). A portion of the property owned by the EURA is expected to be transferred to ACRD for the right-of- way. The other portions will either remain in the ownership of the EURA,or the EURA must transfer the property to the City in order to do a land swap with adjacent property owners for their portion of the ROW,or the EURA must do formal Invitation for Bid process as the EURA cannot transfer property without a"competitive bidding"process according to Idaho Code. The Engineer has completed the bid package and is waiting for the City of Eagle's approval to proceed with having the City 's Engineer review the bid package prior to going out for solicitation. Total Costs Spent Thus Far: Horrocks Contract: $5,500.00(city only)completed in 2016 RiveRidge Contract: $52,112.50($10,422.50 City Share)completed in 2019 Property Purchase $55,440.00($27,720)completed in 2017 RiveRidge Bid Contract) $7,707.26(city only) On-going 98%completed The total monetary cost spent/contracted to date is: $127,759.76,the City of Eagle has spent/contracted $51,349.76 thus far. Construction is estimated at$984,647.00 with the City paying$492,323.88, not including construction engineering and oversight by the City Engineer. Staff Requests: In order to complete the project by January 2021 as required by ITD,the City must complete a formal bid process in February of 2020. Before commencing that process,staff is requesting confirmation of the process and direction from City Council. Page 4 of 4 K Planning Dept\TransportationlPalmetto Ave ExtWalmetto Street Extension History docx 4 Ada County N s,. Master Street Map W N ,E Amended May 16,201 _ The Ada County Highway District(ACRD)created the Master Street S # Map in collaboration with Ada County and its six cities to better link �' land-use and transportation planning.The Master Street Map is �- one of the key elements of the ACHD Transportation and Land Use °t Integration Plan.The Master Street Map is a living document and is not binding on future Commissions. • " MSM Arterials CHAPARREL RDI State System' State System(New Alignment)` Mobility Arterials i.,„ Mobility Arterials(New Alignment) \ ( Mobility Corridor(Under Study) OCL Residential Moblity Arterial `a - - Residential Mobility Artenal(New Alignment) ,- ��Transitional/Commercial w''' ' --�-Planned Comrnerual 7 �~Residential y Neighborhood Residential .......+Town Center t •---Industrial •Rural il i•• Arteria Po typology designated) Under Study IHOMER RD +� -. Proposed Planned Commercial - Proposed Residential DRY CREEK RD = Proposed Residential Neighborhood _.++..-�....• r _ - - Proposed Towncenter = Proposed Industrial � I g} r - __- Proposed Rural _ ,•,,.�.,....A- ,..�.�.. ..rte.-�- �..,... A p LIGHT RCS _= Proposed Arterial(No typology assigned) p 1 NEWS - - Proposed Under Study tU RCS d MSM Collectors t'- Commercial Z FL.)Ai NOIndustrial FE rM"tER RSD Z ;ii Residential SC - __ E,QAT.t!~!3,7- R Rj a. -�` -5` ". Town Center W ' ..m.., Ft:CA. Pg7.b,E ..,.., ....,...-.. ..,.... 0 Traditional Neighborhood O C Z tf Rural Ct t3 CCI Cr W Collector(No typology designated) 2LU 0 LU Proposed Commercial" .2 Q'3 1 OLD 0 Proposed Industrial" Si #^ �r t � �t�1 '.� Proposed Residential" j " 1.�-, ¢j Proposed Town Center'" Ii r' +•11 4 /Y ( Proposed Traditional Neighborhood" t l f.-._, ' .......�,..... /���,G t-el m Proposed Rural" "' ____ /[� Proposed Collector(No typology Designated)" - . 1 .. 8 ____ ..._, MSM Roundabouts_ _ ',..H., Z i f4 �. Single Lane • l.'- 'D 0. Multi-lane a --Dual Lane • • Triple Lane Exp P Eagle Exception Area -\---\ -,.. it,-,,, Collectors Subject to City of Eagle/ACRD Policies i Nr �� 0 4 J �4R 0 `Roadways identified as state facilities are only included to show ,' CMilNDtLN BLVD - w the transportation system as a whole;planning for these corridors • is under jurisdiction of the Idaho Transportation Department. aJ W aY - MARIGOLD ST Y. t- r "Alignments of roadways identified as proposed coNectors 4.) L.._ 16 1- are subject to development review. V-, \,C.L.....001 .. t Qv] citi\O-,1 ILILA- h dctli, (;(- 11(..-,. :>1 ' CIL Cif't CF I � �a ((b N'If:NIOR V I)tJM OF AGREEMENT ll���.! L; I''OR ('OST SHARING OF' ENGINEERING SERVICES This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 1. FOR COS.1- SI IARIN(i OF ENGINE:FR1NCI SERV ICES(,.Agrceiuent") is made this x.. 'CI ay of March. 2016("Effective ()ate"),by and between the City Of Ea le. a Itllinicipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho("City"). the I-:agleUrban Renew-al Agency.an urban renewal agency organized under the laws of the State of Idaho("Et_ RA"). the Eagle Fire Protection District.a governmental entity organized under the laws of the State of Idaho. Pacific West C_.ommunitics. Inc.. an Idaho corporation and Eagle 26. LLC. an Idaho limited liability compan\'. The above noted indiviiduals and entities may individually he referred to as "Parte"and collectively be referred to as "Parties". ‘\ I I FRE:-tS, the Parties desire to cooperate and \\ork together regarding the preparation o L'I1(,_'rncei lriLi construction draw iite :Ind an estimate or construction costs for a right-in, right-out access on the north side of State I I ighway 44 generally at the halfway point between N. Eagle Road and IIdgewood Lane and a collector roadway connecting the right-in. right-out access to the Plaza I)rive extension: WHEREAS, the Parties desire that Pacific West Communities. Inc. and Eagle 26. LLC_ he combined and be considered one entity for purposes of contribution toward the costs ofengineering services: WHEREAS, the Parties desire to share equally the costs of preparing the engineering construction drawings and an estimate of construction costs as described above: W I i E',EZI',:15, the Parties desire that the EU R;'\ contract with an engineering firm to prepare the engineering construction drawings and an estimate of construction costs and then hill each of the Parties for their share of the associated costs: WHEREAS, the Idaho Transportation Department ("111)-) requires the preparation and submission of engineering construction drawings and an estiinate of construction costs prior to approval and issuance of a right-iii. right-out access permit: WHEREAS, the Ada County I I ighwav District ("ACI It) ') requires the preparation and submission of engineering construction drawings and an estimate of construction costs prior to ti authorizing construction of a collector roadway connecting the right-in.right-out access to the Plaza l.)ri\e extension: NOW,THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and agreed. and iii consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained. the Parties agree as follows: Ni, \(s►k \NF rt \1 c ai „v.,Ri=.i vIii.`r 1+►s Cs 6 r till.\hisu 1-.tic►ixri'RINo o Si:itvic'i.s I':\c ii t (u.5 6 I;uRAs RF.:sPoNsIBILI11Is. .�. Freparation of a Request for Qualifications( 'RFQ")and Selection. The EURA will prepare an RFQ in accordance with Idaho Code Section 67-2320 arid seek the services ota qualified engineering firm to prepare the engineering construction drawings and an estimate of construction costs (hei'ciiiafter retrred to as "engineering services') tier a ri2ht-in, right-out access on the north side of State Highway 44 generally at the halfway point between N. Eagle Road and Edgewood lane and a CollectOl'roadway Conflectilig the right-in, right-out access to the Plaza Drivc cxtcnion. The RA will work with the Partks in preparing the RF'(). The EtJRA will receive the responses to the RFQ and allow a committee comprised of one representative from each of the Parties to review the respotises and.make a recommendation to the EURA regarding the selection of an engineering firm to pertorni the desired services. The final determination as to issuing the RFQ and which engineering firm will be selected will be made by the EURA. The EtJRA will he the entity to contract with the engineering firm it deems best suited to perforni the engineering services, it'any. i'hc Partici estimate the cost to perform the engineering services to be approximately thirty- tic thousand dollars(S35.000OO). The Parties UWCC to share the cost of the enginecring services equally. evenif it exceeds the estimated cost. The EURA will bill the other Pattie. and the other Parties will pay their applicable share in accordance with the teillis of this Agreement. II. OTFIF PtRU[S' RFSPONSIRILITIES. A. Payment. Within thirty (30)days of receipt of EURA's invoice, each Party shall provide payment to FURA in the amount of its applicable sham as billed by FIBRA. K. Recommending Committee. Each Pagrees to appoint one representative to piiticipLte on the comnhitke that will 1CVICW the responses to the RFQ and make a recommendation to the EU RA regarding the selection()fan engineering Firm. The Partici understand and agree that the final(ICCISiOfl as to which firm to hire. ifanv.rests with the SURA. If a Party tails to appoint one representative to the comnhittec or their representative fails to attend any committee meetiiig. the committee may still proceed to do its business. C. Combined Entities. ihe Parties agree that solely for purpoc of contnbuting toward the total cost of engineering services under this Agreement that Pacific \Vest Communities.Inc. and Ealc 26. LLC hc considered to be one entity responsible for a single share of the total cost. Pacific West Communities. Inc. and Ea&e 20. LLC will advise the T URA how they intend to divide the. single share of the costs and ELIRA will invoice each entity. However,all Parties agree that Pacific West Communities, Inc. and Eagle 26, LLC shall he jointly and severally liable tier the entire amount of the jingle share so that if one does not pay its portion(Attie single;hare;.then the EURA may collect the entire amount of the single shaic From either Pacific West Communities. Inc. or Eagle 26. LLC. 411:w.,h:\\I)1 m At iItf I:MI tiT MR COST Si l:\Itlti(i--F\OINI�:I;KI\t.S1R\'I( FS PN it.:2 c ili 7 III. GENERAL TEKNIS. A. Term. This Agreenient begins immediately uponexecution and shall remain in cftct through September 30. 2016. or until the engineering scry ices are completed and final payment is made by each of the larties. whichever occurs first. [3. Notice. Notice required to he proidcd by the Parties ulkkr this Agreement shall he in writing and be deemed communicated when mailed by United States mail, addressed as tallows: City of Eagle Eagle Urban Renewal Agency(EURA) Atm: Mayor Stan Ridgcwav Ann: Chairman Jeff Kun7 660 E. Civic Lane P.O. Box 1957 Emle, ID S3616 Eagle. ID K3ô16 Eagle H re Protection [)istrict Paci tic West Conimun ities. Inc. Atm: Chef Mike Winkle .Atte: President/CEo Caleb Roope III 9 F. State Street, Suite 241) 4 () E. State Street, Suite 100 hagle, ID 83616 FID 83616 Eagle 26. LLC Attn: Managitw Member Barry Marcus Managing Member Greg Mc\'ay 737 N. 7•r,Street Boise. ID 37O2 A Party may change its address fbr the purpose of this paragraph by giving tornial notice of such change to the other Parties in the manner herein provided. C. Entire agreement; modification. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement and undcrstanding between the Parties pertaining to the.abject matter of this Agrcciicnt. and supersedes all prior agreements. understandings. negotiations, reprcscfltatiofls. and discussions.whether verbal or written,of the Parties pertaining to that subject matter. The Agreement may not be changed. amended_ or superseded unless by means of writing executed by all Partici hereto. 11 Iennination. This Agreement may be terminated by the SURA in whole,or in part,dor to convenience or nonappropriation upon providing thirty(i())days written notice to the other Parties. The Agreement may also be terminated if all Parties agree in writing that the continuation.of the project is not in the Parties'best interest and with such termination being effective immediately upon the effective date of the written agreement. If this Agreement is terminated, thin the Parties agree that they will equally share the costs of the engineering services pertoi'rned to the date of termination and any other termination costs billed by the engineering firm to the EIJRA in accordance with the agreement between the EURA and the Mi\If I .\\I)1 \1 ii A( RI-i\-1 I'N ()R( is Si i INFEklVtVICES p.m.&3(il ; 8 iigiiieering firm. 1URA Will bill the other Parties for their share of costs and the other Parties agree to pay said billing in LCCOIdilflcC with the terms of this Agreement. E. Future development and construction costs not covered. This Agreement does not constitUte a commitment by any of the Partici Co do anything outside the scope and terms of this Agreement. ticludirig without limitation.proceeding with further engineering services or any development of the property and construction of improvements depicted in the engineering construction drawings. Future development.if any.of the properties depicted intheproperticsdepirtedin the engincering construction drawino and further expenditure of fUndS are explicitly ex c ludcd•from this agreement. Any tiiture development and coiiimitmcnt of additional funds may only be addressed in separate written agreement negotiated between the Parties. F. 1101(1 harmless. For purposes of or in furtherance otthi Agreement.each Party and each of its eniplovecs.agents,contractors.of hciats.officer;,ticrv<<nts,guests.and/or in'itees.shall save and hoki harmless the other Parties from and br any and all losses, claim, action,. judgments tier daniages.or injury to persons or property and losses and expenses caused by that Partys ciriployce. agent. contractor, othcer. servant, gucst, and/or invitee therco f. G. Severability. If t1iY part of this Areciitcnt is held to he invalid or unenforceable. such holding will not affect the validity or cnfirceabi1ity of aiiy other part of this Agreement so luny as the remainder of the Agreement is reasonably capable of completion. The invalidity or uneutorceabihty of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions, and this Agreement shall he construed in all respects as if any invalid or unentorceable provision were omitted. 1. Applicable Law. The Areeinein shall be governed by the law: of the State of idaho and jurisdiction for any disputes arising hereunder shall be in the Fourth Judicial 1)istrict. ;oda County. State of Idaho. Atitlionty to Sign. The Parties warrant that they have the capacity and authority to sign this Agreement and to accept the promiseperiticd in it. .All corporate or other action on the part of each party necessary for the pertormance of its obligations under this Agreement has been taken prior to the signing of this Agreement. IN I I F SS II[RI 01 ,the lartiL' hereto have executed this :Au-Nen-lent on this_--.-- day of March. 2016. EAGLE: URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY: Attest: • --1/, (4, / - - F3 : kff Kunz, Chamiian Lindsey Pretty Weasel. Secretary MI\I()RA M)1 Al()F.AuRFI-Mi.;..NT FuR COST SHARINO I\/.l\I:f.KltiG SFRVJ( IS PMI 4( I � 9 (ii N OF EAGLE: Attest: LLC-- (lira Ridgeway, Mayor' Sharon Bergmann. City Clerk I.:Alai': FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT: Attest: ( viL like Winkle, Fire Chief Angi MeStide, Administrative Manager PACIFIC \\ FSF CONINI LNITI ES. INC.: aieb Roope. President:CEO EAGLE 26. '4( 1 iarry Marcus, Man'aging N,Iemher Mat iLling Member Mi\Hip. •\ R1 \H (.() I Sir\ki\(, \(,N1.1 R s p 5(4 5 10 To: Nichoel R. Baird Spencer, MCRP,AICP 0 II T . 0 CK S City of Eagle ' 11111 l N (i 1 N 1-. i_ R From: John Dorny, P.E. Principal I i ` J Date: June 9th, 2016 BE-332-1603 Subject: SH-44 Palmetto Avenue Intersection Memorandum (Updated from 4.29.2016) Introduction Horrocks Engineers (Horrocks) was asked to estimate the traffic impacts to SH-44 if a new road were to be added approximately% mile between Eagle Road and Edgewood Lane as shown in Figure 1. This new road and intersection is NOT associated with any specific development, but rather part of the City of Eagles desire to provide better circulation in the area. The intersection is proposed to have restricted movements and is located on the north side of SH-44. Figure 1: Proposed Access Location ,, -,' '• i' ...`.= µ . , fes ' • • '_.,1 r-ci. ..., ...iii . -, , '4w,', : .,,,,,, ,, 1 +I ' .4.---,,: 1".1,,7:: d la 4 .at a+«_: .."„ �. 'FP kr ' 1771 } w,,,.sw4.r„q� q � .' car .,,? x M • ,i - -5 , --- t4.,,.. - 4.114: - r--1......; ..1 1 ,, 4 / , w —:11'-'—'4*--..<4::'--:'. ."--' ' 1 * ' - ; - ,...,-.- : _ ., 1 ':,, ,,,.......-ip,,,,„'icy.-...4f '..;---, ,i .4 !---- - - 3 ''. 111 t r�+') s J 1 ....! : x �" .,4 ,', k. rte$s . '. ,. !.... "1i Access Location , --!-':-- At. 1 4 q -t,-*... . .., —— -,-..........r. ..,' ,./........ii 744 . ..,..."1"), * v''...77........."...'" .......,4' A ' -...--‘, -si ..:. Atf 'N. - -%. 4....._.. ** I 1 * 4;:-*Lit' 14121114,!IV--::--':-.....-_ 1 IP z4 ''''''' la°iiiii.: 44 -- -16,Y t 7. f , - - , „ ,.'E ' s ,: baa`, i 1111 4 1 — 11014# t''''''' '0,'; k k - — -"-"'''''' '''''_,,,. ll*trv- . , , ,,- '. ink, ..i.„:1110i , ,,,, -. .i,I *,,,,,,, ,, ." -,,,,, : \1,:: , 4040004 1 , , v. ,, ,..lit.:;:i._-_,,,,,,_„:1,44 ., ,,_,,*,- -, . , - - ,...,,... -,,i, ,. , - , ., A,. I q..,,,,, , ., .... _....„...... ,, . ,,, ,, , ,.,,, ,,, . , .., _.„..kie , ..c., _, ,, ;,......—\\ s" Source:Google Earth 2162 W.Grove Parkway,Suite 400 Tel:801 763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 1 Fax:801 763.5101 11 Intersection Type The proposed intersection would operate as a right-in/right-out (RIRO) access. The only two movements allowed would be traffic heading west on SH-44 can turn right (northbound) on Palmetto Avenue, and traffic heading south on Palmetto Avenue can turn right(westbound) on to SH-44. Figure 2 displays a drawing of the planned roadway and connection with the allowed movements. Figure 2: Right-In/Right-Out Movements .,n ti \\,\:\ \\\\ 4 � Shown with Median State c'et::.. ouie t- „ Roadway Characteristics SH-44 is currently posted as 55 MPH in the vicinity of the proposed intersection. There is currently a median divider under construction separating the eastbound and westbound traffic. This restricts drivers from turning left-in or left-out of the roadway, or from traveling directly north or south to opposite roadways. Figure 3 displays the roadway and location of the proposed new intersection. Establishing 2040 Traffic Pervious studies have been performed to modify the Eagle Road/SH-44 intersection as a Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI). These types of innovative intersections can greatly change the traffic patterns in the area based on their success and driver behavior. For this reason, Horrocks used travel demand modeling output from COMPASS to estimate the change in traffic in the area. COMPASS also provided the travel demand traffic volumes for the CFI proejct. 2162 W.Grove Parkway,Suite 400 Tel:801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove,UT 84062 2 Fax: 801.763 5101 12 Figure 3: SH-44 and Access Location (looking Westi,,,iLt-4-4,,,,, 1 ,) __:: ,,,, _ ' ' ' u Access Location At ' - - -j* ,..: . .--at., w "- 7:''''';' i 3'�.fi4._" _., �- ,'moi ate'�:'z� §` .°�'� a;„ av &+.` —,41,,,,,,, .�- ii" -..":1*-::::::::;,;: r �' „� ss Ail' �, ✓! s. „� .; ,... �...,, ,. '',.-1_,''''*- r ;x�, ,.cam',; .� m _a .,N :�' .€r#M '.-I-:-4,1* :,,-__ :-i, ,.' ictr.:ii,"',"c ', 'f: ' _.. ' , ,:,1r-::: ', s '' 'sem 5s. ':;::*,;•r:; -'-'::'''::.''''':ii-*-)**-i, r''''''''-'A'''''- 'T'4 . ss y r s � a y : .4 s, ::- s''''''''t-4'..''- ,� '3�'a ,;:% „;s em-'-'v �'sc' # �ti of �, : F �,. ,.3'_.. , : , ' ., -'5C,-14-- ', '';',77; --';',V,A414-_c_:::-f-_--4'4:-:!;:ii'''11' -,-; . — . -;-411.--7C;71,f, �.r £ .. max t: 's's` d,_ s �;" j '" ..'1 ' --;4i;ss '`� z . ..;-,--- '� .' �. -"€ h H s;z wg `fit- - Source:Google Earth The modeling output scenarios were modeled by COMPASS: 1. 2040 peak hour with the RIRO intersection without the CFI 2. 2040 peak hour with the BIRO intersection with the CFI 3. 2040 Peak hour without the RIRO intersection without the CFI 4. 2040 peak hour with the RIRO intersection without the CFI 5. 2040 peak hour without the RIRO intersection with the CFI Scenarios #1 and #2 had nearly identical traffic volumes using the RIRO access. Modeiing condition #1 showed 228 vehicles exiting the RIRO and 59 vehicles entering the RIRO. Modeling condition #2 with the CFI) there was an estimated 230 vehicles entering SH-44 from the north and 47 vehicles exiting SH- 44 heading westbound to northbound onto Palmetto Avenue. COMPASS output is included with this memo Horrocks used the volumes from the modeling condition #2, which included 2040 traffic volumes after adding the CFI. Figure 4 displays the travel model output from COMPASS. Figure4: Compass Model Output (Includes CFI and RIRO) Palmetto f: Avenue 7::'. r r r r , ti ice,;i SH 4passi 4 RIRO Access j.______ 2162 W.Grove Parkway,Suite 400 Tel.801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 3 Fax:801.763.5101 13 Traffic Analysis Using the traffic volumes established by COMPASS for the 2040 condition, Horrocks performed a traffic simulation model using the Synchro software. This software provides a digital report and findings but also provides a traffic simulation. The simulation allows the user to review traffic flow and queueing that is not as easy to identify in a printed report. Figure 5 displays the volumes used in the traffic analysis representing the PM peak hour of traffic in 2040. Figure 5: 2040 PM Peak Hourr v of Traffic. * ,,,-,r-4.,!-- ---,. 15 " 4 - -4\ , . -iiii& - ' s-4,';'6:4,- '. ' ' -z \' . , ,_ 1.:-;,,,,, . , E -:----- -..,-1"- , .t - ,,,,,, .--f-7_,--, -,-. - OW\ „,„ y - , . ,...., . , , ,C,_,:.,„,:.,, . .1/0100b. , ke-,- , ,,,,,,;- ,„ litit,, A . ,,. /.., „ . 6 , f ,Sni' .1 Y y t ro-. , , - ,.. - . .7.4 .0.- _ ,...., , - .,..,„ ._:..., #:„#,,: i.. -._ ,. „ ie. -.., __ ,, it_ <„,4-,-,, — � x ' :-4.3.,,,,_,,,, -.,.2,4,,,-„. , , - , . •, , w,. ,,.. ,„,„,:„,_ - t/( //�,''ns _ _ ` -fir - ._ ”. : \ *a ).-- -4' ;,- : ,!,-(i---r.; ii—:1,7::::„...,,,'': �` - x.-f j'F j e £" ,f ,_'s - -:-_,":7*-fil`,7"'..° 1-.*Iiimisi...___.1;4:: ;41!,:li- ',;..A'tit&,-.;*-:,!.---f_:--'*'-,.:1_._ ��' -k;1 -_ ' ;48':7789- R �f;j. =f5ry y..3fi� rs;... �fy�i��� 5Li14,. ry� _ f�, /---__- � .E due-",3'�.�3i'� " �`--' R s+� �� M � �"^ ate' =s i:, _it`' y„ 'fit,.,.may" Y. 'x ' - , - ':--4-„,-;',-,7-, ,- ,E �� �:} F +. +.e.. 'moi.., y s Aare," :F moi '- �s .,E y si, 'yrs,ate '. _ - as=moi F 9%l .3 ' ,_.. *s�'y yYK, �.s The Synchro software formulas are based on the FHWA's Highway Capacity Manual (HCMG. The formulas in the HCM don't expect much delay for right turn lanes such as a RIRO. Therefore, there is often very little delay calculated for a RIRO movement. This was the case for the proposed Palmetto Avenue access. The larger issue is determining the impact to traffic flow and safety on SH-44. Table 1 diplays the total delay per vehicle, in seconds. The westbound right (WBR) has a delay of only 1.1 seconds per vehicle. The southbound right (SBR has an estiamted delay of 3.7 seconds per vehicle. Based on Level of Service (LOS) standards in the HCM,the LOS at the RIRO intersection would operate at LOS A. This includes having a stop sign on the southbound approach. If that were to become a yield then the delay would be reduced. Table 1: RIRO DelayPer Vehicle Averagenr � � � � Delay SimTraffic Performance Reporteel o � Y Baseline riceSignalized 1 �� e 6 Performance by movement - P > 10 - 20 > 10- 15 Movement EENT f R SBR Denied Lte�,'Ve s. 0.4 0.4,. . 1E 0.0 .4 C > 20- 35 > 15 - 25 Total DeelNeh(s) 04 14 1 1 3.7 I D > 35 - 55 >25 - 35 >35 - 50 2162 W.Grove Parkway,Suite 400 E > 55 - 80 Pleasant Grove. UT 84062 4 F > 80 > 50 14 More important than the Level of Service is the safety of the proposed intersection. With the proper geometric design this intersection can operate at a very good LOS and meet AASHTO safety standards. Included in the operational safety analysis is queuing, or vehicles blocking the flow of the SH-44 mainline. Based on the queuing analysis (Table 2),the Palmetto Avenue southbound approach will have a maximum queue of 78 feet, average queue of 42 feet, and a 95th percentile queue of 68 feet. The typical design criteria for queue length is to use the 95th percentile queue. There is substantial distance to accommodate the southbound queue of vehicles entering SH-44. There was no calcualted queue for vehicles exiting SH-44 to Palmetto Avenue. Again, if the stop sign were removed on the southbound approach the queueing would be reduced since vehicles wouldn't have to come to a full stop when exiting on to SH-44. Table 2:Queuing and Blocking Report Queuing and Blocking Report Baseline Intersection: 6: Movement SB II Directions Served R Maximum Queue (ft) 78 Average Queue(ft) 42 95th Queue(ft) 68 Link Distance(ft) 605 Upstream Bk Time(;%) Queuing Penalty(veh) Storage Bay Dist(ft) Storage Bk Time(%) Queuing Penalty(veh) Traffic Simulation Model To better understand and predict the traffic flow through the proposed intersecion a traffic simulation model was created. This model provides a vehicle simulation using the same input in Synchro using the HCM methodology. The model shows vehicle queueing and general congestion. The simulation model shows that there are no queueing problems or signs of poor safety at the proposed RIRO. 2162 W.Grove Parkway,Suite 400 Tel:801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 5 Fax:801.763.5101 15 Comparison of Adjacent Major Intersections Due to the magnitude of the study area it is impossible to use engineering judgement to guess the redistribution of volumes to the road network. COMPASS prepared model runs that compare the volumes at major intersections around the proposed RIRO. This includes estimated traffic "with" the RIRO in place and "without" the RIRO. We then reviewed the peak hour changes to these intersections and estimated if theses changes were benefitial, damaging, or had neutral impacts to the major intersections. Figure 6 calls out the intersections that were requested to be reviewed due to the addition of a RIRO. Figure 6: Major Intersection Volumes Comparison ' - - i ._. _ .-. Eagle/State _ Plaza (Hill State . i , � ,;: 1 s J ii ij ismer _------ �,1 ..�,.'i.,.A:,.��W� � /lc, a'l'e s''jg)ysya�y 11 . i,. . -f: s ; ' J '#'�- '�i.�' • — 1 :; . ,'"r SH-44' Stat #g --,....-4:,... .---...-,,,i'''''' i i .'--t 40,t-,,• r - € �. ���f::.Y,C`f a .. -_ "t,,,,-,11.-.; s..e..w �'�#�, ` ^'y'",�,,i. . - , . . -,, -T,.... , a le/SH-44 svs4 ` . : -- , I, ,,_ , .., i.. .r, 1 ) I tr 2.1„. :. i) a.: , :1,f, . '---- :,, 1 - 4 _, , . „ : Proposed RIRO f F f. • ,—,,,_ , ' A - - ,,, -,.) 4r. --, ..,. ,- , ,7., ..... . i ; , 4. - r\, - - '" .,,, 11„---It., �; .+- '�"wy�,� �h ? ` .1..,,,, iim, ,: ,,,,, .,,,,, - 1 iter 71 1 i ii...*.j.r viTI:.:,,,4,_' It :,,,,, , 11,.. ill r ::ii.! --:i4.iy�F.,� : 7i- lit:: „11.:,1. f♦ �y 4 ! --', - , . Tpw (1 -_,--,;,- ,,. ,-,, ,. , , ...‘_, ..4 , ,,44,--, ,.-- - 1 . r...1-,,,. -<, . ,. -,- ---z---foish:- -,, --- ---4,----- -;.,. ,. -- -, 3...,,,_-_,...,,_, .---qui --,,, - . . --:,:sair::::::;,:::''' na 2 --;.,,,,i.1r11::::::.:-1::::::::I: :77'4.1'514H' a Se . ,-li t �.---- f . ”, Illhiltk 4,„,:.. -,-- 4 44' i, * ,,,.. . . :If, , , , , c Source:Google Earth Peak hour traffic volumes were compared at all four intersections shown above using the "with RIRO condition" and the "without RIRO" condition. No other model changes were made between the two model runs. The volume changes are directly related to installing a new intersection at the proposed location. Table 3 displays the changes in volume after adding a RIRO at Palmetto Avenue. All approaches at the four intersections were reviewed for volume changes. Table 3 shows that there is a mix of changes in traffic volumes. The volumes shown in green show a decrease in volumes after adding the RIRO. The volumes shown in red represent an increase in traffic volumes for that specific approach. The changes in volumes that stand out are the Sate Street/Plaza (Hill Rd) intersection. This intersection is closest to the RIRO and it is expected that the most change would occur in this area. The highest increase in traffic is 24.3% in the westbound direction at the State Street/Plaza (Hill Rd) intersection. Vehicles are increased from 140 to an estimated 174 vehicles. The eastbound approach also increases by nearly 10%, or 34 vehicles. The majority of all the other intersections have minimal change but many have a reduction in traffic volumes, with an overall average change of -0.01%. This 2162 W. Grove Parkway,Suite 400 Tel: 801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 6 Fax:801.763.5101 16 number tells us not only the change in traffic volumes as an average, but also helps establish that there is very little change to the overall study roadway network. Table 3:Travel Model Volume Comparisons Intersection Approach Approach Approach Difference in %Change in Volumes with Volumes With Approach Traffic No RIRO RIRO Volumes Volumes Eagle/State NB 891 880 -11. -1.2% SB 448 452 4 0.9% EB 460 450 -1.0 -2.234'4 WB 719 688 -31 —1.3% Eagle/SH-44 NB 2713 2720 7 0.3% SB 1091 967 -12c 1.1,4% EB 1662 1666 4 0.2% WB 1300 1322 22 1.7% State/Plaza(Hill) NB 200 199 -I_ =•0.5% SB 434 424 _'10 -23% EB 303 332 29 9.6% WB 140 174 34 24.3% State/-SH-44 NB 301 298 -3 -1.0% SB 429 389 -40 -9.3% EB 1866 1870 4 0.2% WB 2196 2046 1,50 -6.8% Average Change -0.1% *All traffi volumes were estimated for 2040 Based on the reduction in traffic at major intersections near the proposed RIRO, and the changess at the State/Plaza(Hill) intersection can be accomodated due to the low peak hour volumes, it is our finding that the RIRO does not adversely affect the major roadways in the area. Geometric Requirements As shown previously, SH-44 is a high speed highway with a center divider under counstruction in order to restrict vehicles from attempting to turn left in or left out of Palmetto Avenue. Figure 7 displays a plan made available to Horrocks for a RIRO on the south side of SH-44 that shows a center median restriction planned. Figure 7: Median Restriction Median Restriction ,,,..._..,„..,. -.....,........,. t. . -7. , . .:10,. „x f• e s` .t-'1-' '' ,. g s. """"- «. This restriction will allow the RIRO on the south side of SH-44 operate completely independently of the 2162 W.Grove Parkway,Suite 400 Tel:801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 7 Fax- 801.763.5101 17 RIRO at Palmetto Avenue on the north side of SH-44. Vehicles exiting and and entering SH-44 will also be required to use decleration and acceleration lanes. Based on the parameters in the ITD Traffic Manual (2012) a right turn, westbound decleration lane is required. Based on Section 451.03 of the ITD Manual, a right turn lane is warranted as shown in Figure 8 below. The plotted points were off of this chart with nearly 2,000 vehicles per hour and nearly 50 right turning vehicles. Based on Section 202.09-05 of the same Traffic Manual, the deceleration lane and taper need to be 340 feet combined. This assumes a 55 MPH posted speed limit and a 10 mph reduction for part of the deleleration occuring in the through travel lane. Its is of great importance that vehicles enter SH-44 safely and get up to speed of the traveling public. It is recommended to install an acceleration lane based on the nearly 250 vehicles that are estimated to access SH-44 from Palmetto Avenue. Section 202.09-01 of the ITD traffic manual states that the accleration taper is calculated to be 660' at 55 mph with a 12' lane. Additional acceleration lane lengths beyond the taper need to follow ITD/AASHTO standards and can be a minimum of 300'. Figure 8: ITD Traffic Manual Right Turn Lane Warrant RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANT . . _� _i___ 1 , __. r�� rpt illEMIIIIMMIlms.m . ii MI CI MIMIIII CD - -- C - --- - II=� =���w�ii 2- - -ii ----.... -- ramal -I 600 1.-===--- I �Iiiiii1I1I .! . - , O ----1-=---- mon umunimmumou - - i - ' ' , - .__ ' - i R - 1 0 CD -....._,==__- _al ' . ummumw n I I ,....*......4..... =MOM.°75500 : ui ui i i iiiiiia i . - I sg! CD _ M NiWlrl as%=== I w.II• S.. .rMrrri.•t II _Ilig A MI 0.., ----- aiiiiiiini Ibill : n It 4.00 . p . wx... NAII - Ern — * . • I , , 4 * •: M M 0 -gel= MOM .....�...► 11 % irrilaUllaigra I= (..) -IESE iikir,.. ... merammum au Imummumnimm ' , , mummim am w iiimuiffiltaimmunicanisommimis.'I' .. 111111UMMIummir , -------- , - mg , , , o 300 gm i mut, li�l 0�( ,�..„ , - l mmommil�l l > is AIR• • W.. _ i - _ .1 men . . _ , : . .- momml — -- ' — ._' : - MEI 'AVMSI + ' ' v • ili 1 7 200 rarrinaMmi ! !1 I iMM. imiim.illimill ati ai i ..!..,'. al * ..--.4.-.----7+---.�....,., 01—.1 co . L'' NeimmumasWillii iiiimo 6.711 7 ' 1 _ i lam.. .�►:l ....r!r. / . �t i ! •-._._«..F..:`..'""".'.'". ommommimmillimi � .is.rm ...5mft- - * i 1 rm.q! )100 g — A—. ± Imilipmmommmmisismookftz li... 0 _ , raiiiiiii===== mmlimma ,„„„,„,,mitsassumis 11••••• : : :.1 : ! : ; r- ,.._., i ............. immimill .,,,,,,,,,,Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . , - , . . . . ......___________ 0 :mum. 777 : 1 ; : ; ! : : ,, ,L , - 1 1-4-- 110======== 0 5 8 10 15 20 25 DHV or Average Peak-Hour Volume of Vehicles Turning Right Into the Access 2162 W.Grove Parkway,Suite 400 Tel:801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 8 Fax: 801.763.5101 18 shown in Figure 9. aerial hoto as ort CFI aid 0n an p the Concept Rep Proximity in was oven9 displays CFI ort draw g in Figure FI Concept Rep ct1on shown o o5ed to change eagle Road C Road inter5e roadway is pr p l that The Sy-44/ SI-I-- le Road the n. It is I►ke Y east leg of the from Eag t the intersectio The for east athree eastbound lane etrics and h°w eCelerabon commodate thr traffic lane ge°m y-44 has a d change to ac ad o f merging ouch side °f S ometr1es vv... neded instead side o f SH-44. • .n BIRon the s ted J the lane ge on the South s► _ 4. The t► g c o. 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New Regional Model calibrated to 2011/12 conditions-completed in January 2015 i c.-g3k-iutricto -____ _____ __ ____. __ _ _ -__ �___�__ ___ _ __�_ _- __ - ___/�����__,�����=�,� .. __- __ _�'___ __ __ _-__ • ____ -___- ___ _______ ______-_ _______- _______ __________ 2040 PPeak'-''.--2'-.Demographics-CIM 2-4'Funded Network(New Model v2015) ^6/10/2016 cesswit2C - •--- -- - ------- ---- - -- - -----------J 1*,� i ` '��� . ' \ `^,� \ ` !�~ ` ^ t !� � � � ~ � ��__ � )~�� �� ------ � . - �� ��_ ___� - - State at. '^ �� '^-�� | --'-- - - � + . `p~`~ , - - . _�_' n, �= - - ^� `, m--'�� // ~- 1 ;4* _|_,�. ~.� ��� . _ �� �-= `- - �S � ^�� � ' 1 -�� ~=`�) :':ilig ` ~ '' _ ____�'_�-_' ^ _� -^�\ i =.. -�* _� \ -' '- -' � ..1.2_ __�� \ 1668 __�� � __-�____��__-`� /^ . � � v.�' �_`�� _ , ��`c�`= __- `�� � :4? � __^�_°�_ --�='_ _ ~ '`- 4�_��. 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Civic Ln Eagle, Idaho 83616 VIA EMAIL RE: SH-44 Palmetto Intersection Memorandum Dear Ms. Baird, Thank you for providing the SH-44 Palmetto technical memorandum and the additional modeling and analysis as requested by the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD). ITD has reviewed the documents you submitted for the right-in/right-out access for Palmetto Avenue and SH- 44.The access included a westbound deceleration lane and a westbound acceleration lane. The analysis also included a STOP sign for the right turning movements from Palmetto Avenue south to SH-44 west that ITD would like to see remain. ITD has determined that you can proceed with stamped engineered drawings of your proposed access. Final approval of the access is determined once all documentation has been provided and the permit is signed. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached by phone at(208) 334-8340 or by email at erika.boweng itd.idaho.gov. Sincerely, Erika R. Bowen, P.E. District 3 Traffic Engineer Enclosures • 24 To: Nichoel R. Baird Spencer, MCRP, AICP 1-1ORROCKS City of Eagle 11'11 i, F N Ci I N 1'- F R. S From: John Dorny, P.E. Principal r - �., 4, Date: June 9th, 2016 BE-332-1603 Subject: SH-44 Palmetto Avenue Intersection Memorandum (Updated from 4.29.2016) Introduction Horrocks Engineers (Horrocks) was asked to estimate the traffic impacts to SH-44 ifa new road were to be added approximately Y2 mile between Eagle Road and E.dgewood Lane as shown in Figure 1. This new road and intersection is NOT associated with any specific development, but rather part of the City of Eagles desire to provide better circulation in the area. The intersection is proposed to have restricted movements and is located on the north side of SH-44. Figure 1: Proposed Access Location . , , ...7., „1.....;, i} '.r+.«.arra.s•!a,.v4...w. •r",NM.�� M .` b� _.. f r F Y - � of a.:... �� 4 .�V. A' �ppz ysi . RR 14 ,:„ ri ` -wj. *r— r` ::-. .i, £. .-ai -,, , ., _, „ ... da5. ' sY ; " „ i} --.-T # ` .' t( 'iy -: ._ - 1 --.,p,-Irk I - - iii s /r+` ! _ """a +te; �'' bc w *.-,iIr,t t-27,:I,- IL', ,4, .i,. ,= r 1 x" 1'111111 11 Access Location 4. - .I . � } ; t �f „......-. -.7.--_—_,....,„_ .., f ,)`_a Q ........„„,\ ,....4( ._.,,. i -7.42,„ :-..„, ;f6. 4. .ihf11tig( *»i 1 \..l)IN''iV-M.'.c'"►— if S ' 'fQf --'''''''''"*""4:4. 1-':- 4 ' r il--4-A- iF;1 .ns his£ 4 zswF, uns yam.y ,.j'�'�.f...,r r� f f -:;47' d'��t L*f ,... � . - i ,...,-•.r,.......... -a. " _. , 111* mia --, 04, — 14 Mr i ', li .w.w i 5 r --- . :r '''. ✓ ii, , glt. .; -- ,�' �' f 4 I ''''' till"liolial '...7#'--,,i.'1,4 ='_' .- *1;1, 9 +l � st"�, 4 ..) . l ...... '::-ii i 4 kms" LEyY}iil�R `'.. Gam 4 " s F .le - �/ 1 N. A. _, ' :�: �; a V ,, . 7, ,.-,,1„.,,,, \ , , ,,,,. iii,... , i4 *„...., ti". `, - .,. , '- „LA- 8\'''''' , lir --..-,., - t LIM. ' 1/.' it.4001 'e,', 4.,'''''' Source:Google Earth 2162 W. Grove Parkway, Suite 400 Tel 801 763.5100 Fax: 801.763 5101 25 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 1 Intersection Type The proposed intersection would operate as a right-in/right-out (RIRO) access. The only two movements allowed would be traffic heading west on SH-44 can turn right (northbound) on Palmetto Avenue, and traffic heading south on Palmetto Avenue can turn right (westbound) on to SH-44. Figure 2 displays a drawing of the planned roadway and connection with the allowed movements. Figure 2: Right-In/Right-Out Movements ;+: '•s `�` t, . "At.f..,v. , 4 � r s ... ., ., (1"'" 1 \ ,\ S ',\,\\, -\\\\\\ ..: :.:,-.. \\\' ,,, ' \\ \\\ -' Shown with , ..., Median 4 ILle. .!f � r _ n ' -.s4, ' ''''' -'''' ''''' -.„,_.. t, gg y .it* . ''''"-----...,..„,...,... 1""............., �n S ... ,, ,,,..,,,,,,.. .....,„ Roadway Characteristics SH-44 is currently posted as 55 MPH in the vicinity of the proposed intersection. There is currently a median divider under construction separating the eastbound and westbound traffic. This restricts drivers from turning left-in or left-out of the roadway, or from traveling directly north or south to opposite roadways. Figure 3 displays the roadway and location of the proposed new intersection. Establishing 2040 Traffic Pervious studies have been performed to modify the Eagle Road/SH-44 intersection as a Continuous Flow Intersection (CR). These types of innovative intersections can greatly change the traffic patterns in the area based on their success and driver behavior. For this reason, Horrocks used travel demand modeling output from COMPASS to estimate the change in traffic in the area. COMPASS also provided the travel demand traffic volumes for the CFI proejct. 2162 W.Grove Parkway, Suite 400 Tel:801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 2 Fax:801.763.5101 26 Figure 3:SH-44 and Access Location (Looking West) Access Location R 3, , s R4a. tie,V*4 Source:Google Earth The modeling output scenarios were modeled by COMPASS: 1. 2040 peak hour with the RIRO intersection without the CFI 2. 2040 peak hour with the RIRO intersection with the CFI 3. 2040 Peak hour without the RIRO intersection without the CFI 4. 2040 peak hour with the RIRO intersection without the CFI S. 2040 peak hour without the RIRO intersection with the CFI Scenarios #1 and #2 had nearly identical traffic volumes using the RIRO access. Modeling condition #1. showed 228 vehicles exiting the RIRO and 59 vehicles entering the RIRO. Modeling condition #2 (with the CFI) there was an estimated 230 vehicles entering SH-44 from the north and 47 vehicles exiting SH- 44 heading westbound to northbound onto Palmetto Avenue. COMPASS output is included with this memo Horrocks used the volumes from the modeling condition#2, which included 2040 traffic volumes after adding the CFI. Figure 4 displays the travel model output from COMPASS. Figure 4: Compass Model Output (Includes CFI and RIRO) '4 �,,,... Palmetto Avenue • Fyr .7. 44 tis, —, . -,�.. =� s� RIRO Access , .76 , I 2162 W.Grove Parkway, Suite 400 Tel 801 763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 3 Fax. 801 763.5101 27 Traffic Analysis Using the traffic volumes established by COMPASS for the 2040 condition, Horrocks performed a traffic simulation model using the Synchro software. This software provides a digital report and findings but also provides a traffic simulation. The simulation allows the user to review traffic flow and queueing that is not as easy to identify in a printed report. Figure 5 displays the volumes used in the traffic analysis representing the PM peak hour of traffic in 2040. Figure 5: 2040 PM Peak Hour of Traffic. r ' i t::::,„:-! - fs "� v ... iii00 -„ -- -------_ — ,- ik. ---rt. LL_____,_,_... ,it_._, t A \ \i, ,-,, -_,.,-- - ,-,-,---- - ,-.,_ ,,, y r � a - ., ,.� s --.,.,x 4 v c,x • , ,-----0,-- a' f 1.. j'- a i .• ' s :-_,J `" f _/ /Vii1.3,-,,,--,,-----,,,,h, . amf �' --- ,..--,--',-,_,.,-_-7„-:-.. _,,„7,17,:.-"fe,_,- t. /889 As, {$ t” 1 _ _ SM ,sf9y� ` Kg3� Y _f , � " Y� r ',z , �.hy, 3.S // -::-7,-,,,, a /:� _ 2� r , r :3s O l _ - -r- �.4,-,-,_:-..- _i yes /, ham, .± , 3 v fsw,, F:<, w�.4,4,;(.41 -,,,,,.-'-- ' � >,,s. si�f,. .s . ,: The Synchro software formulas are based on the FHWA's Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The formulas in the HCM don't expect much delay for right turn lanes such as a RIRO. Therefore, there is often very little delay calculated for a RIRO movement. This was the case for the proposed Palmetto Avenue access. The larger issue is determining the impact to traffic flow and safety on SH-44. Table 1 diplays the total delay per vehicle, in seconds. The westbound right (WBR) has a delay of only 1.1 seconds per vehicle. The southbound right (SBR) has an estiamted delay of 3.7 seconds per vehicle. Based on Level of Service (LOS) standards in the HCM, the LOS at the RIRO intersection would operate at LOS A. This includes having a stop sign on the southbound approach. If that were tow o become a yield i tveh) then the delay would be reduced. I of Leve Table 1: RIRO Delay Per Vehicle imTr�ffi Performance F epori Baseline S is Si led r s� a i 6: Perform Performancemovement 10 A 10 < . _Average Control Delay EBT WBT SBR ASI B > 10- 20 > 10- 15 DentedOesmoveffmni 0.4 0 .4 C > 20- 35 > 15 - 25 Total OetiVeh s 4 14 11 37 1.1 D > 35 - 55 > 25 - 35 2162 W. Grove Parkway, Suite 400 E > 55 - 80 > 35 - SO Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 4 28 F > 80 > 50 More important than the Level of Service is the safety of the proposed intersection. With the proper geometric design this intersection can operate at a very good LOS and meet AASHTO safety standards. Included in the operational safety analysis is queuing, or vehicles blocking the flow of the SH-44 mainline. Based on the queuing analysis (Table 2), the Palmetto Avenue southbound approach will have a maximum queue of 78 feet, average queue of 42 feet, and a 95th percentile queue of 68 feet. The typical design criteria for queue length is to use the 95th percentile queue. There is substantial distance to accommodate the southbound queue of vehicles entering SH-44. There was no calcualted queue for vehicles exiting SH-44 to Palmetto Avenue. Again, if the stop sign were removed on the southbound approach the queueing would be reduced since vehicles wouldn't have to come to a full stop when exiting on to SH-44. Table 2:Queuing and Blocking Report Queuing and Blocking Report Baseline Intersection: 6: Movement SB Directions Served R Maximum Queue(ft) 78 Average Queue(ft) 42 95th Queue(ft) 68 Link Distance (ft) 605 Upstream Bk Time(%) Queuing Penalty(veh) Storage Bay Dist(ft) Storage Blk Time (%) Queuing Penalty(veh) Traffic Simulation Model To better understand and predict the traffic flow through the proposed intersecion a traffic simulation model was created. This model provides a vehicle simulation using the same input in Synchro using the HCM methodology. The model shows vehicle queueing and general congestion. The simulation model shows that there are no queueing problems or signs of poor safety at the proposed RIRO. 2162 W. Grove Parkway, Suite 400 Tel. 801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 5 Fax: 801.763 5101 29 Comparison of Adjacent Major Intersections Due to the magnitude of the study area it is impossible to use engineering judgement to guess the redistribution of volumes to the road network. COMPASS prepared model runs that compare the volumes at major intersections around the proposed RIRO. This includes estimated traffic "with" the RIRO in place and "without" the RIRO. We then reviewed the peak hour changes to these intersections and estimated if theses changes were benefitial, damaging, or had neutral impacts to the major intersections. Figure 6 calls out the intersections that were requested to be reviewed due to the addition of a RIRO. Figure 6: Major Intersection Volumes Comparison 410.;'' _� ` . . Plaza (HiIl)/State Eagle/State , h k , Y } F P SH-44/State_. t i,_ ,-- 7 _,.... ,. .�.w... .-moi. `s 4lift. ' :, '\--.... ' «rr * - l g :- ; Eagle/SH-44 I N a •. -,- v ; .i-l .s.,' �* ------at t+�'� 3 F �F ��.s i.r,� e''. f, ��-� , 1 a �a lit 4� .. Proposed RIRO 1 -1-47 f i . ,...,.., . ' , :; I ..,,.-#...,!4 . ' �w .. S .„,-.:.e.,,,,......4.-----,- te.-Ny- .� t t Asx h4.>.,'tg¢,�. � ,,r x. _ 1 ''l •�`_" - 4 .. i,K '" .�,, ''' x I \ , / a --„.. f u.. £ .. 1 ,1 oitt, , -t- -..•‘.....' --- _ __ —*--------jpw. _,.- ... '' ',Nal.4 , 7„ is ,-' . w .:-----;'' *!,;,,,,,'''iiiici' tfook'' : '--- :,,, i 4..; .,ilk, * IP •:' "Irl ".4 Tit- • - . a - ,,-o L ne.. €t�z,. �y� ( .f�-:� :�# %-i.„',...„:',-.:-7,--- „ ,i. ,, ts , , Aie.... ,st...-:,-...,„,,, , --,„,Aliiiiiito IF itioritittto , fir, T ,, 4%; - , ., it re _ s *,- % 47 ;Illik ,. -„. _ 44, '';'"1.-;II t •" 7 "rt-.: ,:i " Google Earth Peak hour traffic volumes were compared at all four intersections shown above using the "with RIRO condition" and the "without RIRO" condition. No other model changes were made between the two model runs. The volume changes are directly related to installing a new intersection at the proposed location. Table 3 displays the changes in volume after adding a RIRO at Palmetto Avenue. All approaches at the four intersections were reviewed for volume changes. Table 3 shows that there is a mix of changes in traffic volumes. The volumes shown in green show a decrease in volumes after adding the RIRO. The volumes shown in red represent an increase in traffic volumes for that specific approach. The changes in volumes that stand out are the Sate Street/Plaza (Hill Rd) intersection. This intersection is closest to the RIRO and it is expected that the most change would occur in this area. The highest increase in traffic is 24.3% in the westbound direction at the State Street/Plaza (Hill Rd) intersection. Vehicles are increased from 140 to an estimated 174 vehicles. The eastbound approach also increases by nearly 10%, or 34 vehicles. The majority of all the other intersections have minimal change but many have a reduction in traffic volumes, with an overall average change of -0.01%. This 2162 W. Grove Parkway, Suite 400 Tel:801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 6 Fax: 801.763 5101 30 number tells us not only the change in traffic volumes as an average, but also helps establish that there is very little change to the overall study roadway network. Table 3:Travel Model Volume Comparisons Intersection Approach Approach Approach Difference in % Change in Volumes with Volumes With Approach Traffic No RIRO RIRO Volumes Volumes Eagle/State NB 891 880 -11 -1.2% SB 448 452 4 0.9% EB 460 450 40 -2.2% WB 719 688 -31 -4.3% Eagle/SH-44 NB 2713 2720 7 0.3% SB 1091 967 -124 -11.4% EB 1662 16664 0.2% WB 1300 1322 22 1.7% State/Plaza(Hill) NB 200 199 -1 -0.5% SB 434 424 -10 -2.3% EB 303 332 29 9.6% WB 140 174 34 • 24.3% State/-SH-44 NB 301 298 -3 -1.0% SB 429 389 -40 -9.3% EB 1866 1870 4 0.2% WB 2196 2046 -150 -6.8% Average Change -0.1% *All traffi volumes were estimated for 2040 Based on the reduction in traffic at major intersections near the proposed RIRO, and the changess at the State/Plaza(Hill) intersection can be accomodated due to the low peak hour volumes, it is our finding that the RIRO does not adversely affect the major roadways in the area. Geometric Requirements As shown previously, SH-44 is a high speed highway with a center divider under counstruction in order to restrict vehicles from attempting to turn left in or left out of Palmetto Avenue. Figure 7 displays a plan made available to Horrocks for a RIRO on the south side of SH-44 that shows a center median restriction planned. Figure 7: Median Restriction y .4- ..� Median Restriction --_ „, ��....— - -----_ "441e , ,�. __ .,...,.....__ ,...,.....—_,,..,. .4:-------ea;;;,..", -____ *''' - — --- - - '' ..... .,,,..., "+ x .._,w. ru, ,.w„""►► '-kt, - "-gir —..,, —.,„„._., ----.......... This restriction will allow the RIRO on the south side of SH-44 operate completely independently of the 2162 W Grove Parkway, Suite 400 Tel:801.763 5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 7 Fax:801 763.5101 31 RIRO at Palmetto Avenue on the north side of SH-44. Vehicles exiting and and entering SH-44 will also be required to use decleration and acceleration lanes. Based on the parameters in the ITD Traffic Manual (2012) a right turn, westbound decleration lane is required. Based on Section 451.03 of the ITD Manual, a right turn lane is warranted as shown in Figure 8 below. The plotted points were off of this chart with nearly 2,000 vehicles per hour and nearly 50 right turning vehicles. Based on Section 202.09-05 of the same Traffic Manual, the deceleration lane and taper need to be 340 feet combined. This assumes a 55 MPH posted speed limit and a 10 mph reduction for part of the deleleration occuring in the through travel lane. Its is of great importance that vehicles enter SH-44 safely and get up to speed of the traveling public. It is recommended to install an acceleration lane based on the nearly 250 vehicles that are estimated to access SH-44 from Palmetto Avenue. Section 202.09-01 of the ITD traffic manual states that the accleration taper is calculated to be 660' at 55 mph with a 12' lane. Additional acceleration lane lengths beyond the taper need to follow ITD/AASHTO standards and can be a minimum of 300'. Figure 8: ITD Traffic Manual Right Turn Lane Warrant RIGHT-TURN LANE WARRANT ...:-_-_-7.=-L- : _ '"_...r........ .. - -__"__ rams.. I.�o r ltriririrrri err 0 i------- 111—====H !rr rr•,_ �ilrw�r■rwirr.rirr um:C �1l,1..1irir�rMMIS••_.�_..... �rwllrllllrr"a>l�.. Iw�ra>Nw�lrr��r�l���ll lrr 000 ----=====:-. .....i ...��l1.....>! ....l1. irr r�wlrrr�rirrNu■•rr�li • r�rs�i! __ _ .__ _ .........�I�.Irr 1�.��11�1.111�■111■� .�ar�ir ::--- �s iiiiiui��� 7 : : .:. ii ,, ", ; : Cn immormmommonmweem L 500 - 111 r UI1MIHUHI s • • • I , . . `7rr,..r1.l... rr U!! . r I 1111111111111 II - ID 400 -.- 1_ ,_ _ r - , . : . 11 c , . �mUI.III SII hI - . � �. . . , - _II *41: -------------- -" rrrrw�wrirrr�itw��r�i'iwr. millimm- CD s... OMMEMMEMIL ' iiiiiiiiiipii 4 4 4 ' illii ..... 300 ionenum impourammarl.•je ►.�in rrrrL40 nalmusum - - -. , , . , . _ ..._ ililgIIIIIKIIIIIII16f-- NE - - 4 , ,. .- , -, ,, _ ,, = filiMITMININTeil . ,'.--as' 1 ; , i e . d i 1 : 1 . L 0 0 :: :: Ta i MI : •l• s l _dim >+ res r____ �.-----�■ 1sa .11111111111111111•11.11111110111111111 i , �rrrrrrrrrruu.__s r.•rr •iiii•f.. *t !� R _"e=- i•.ir._ i i , z.----_,_ '�- _ Cn10 0 uM-•• 161= __moi``" -�. ! 1 r�rnrr 1 7----, i ___I.,___-L-- — _---_ = rata... lr_--um irk, . i , 1 ;-i•_ I rte...»... _ _.___., r i I i i i 1 II0i.r r11i' �■. , ; � ➢ ➢ ii.iii..i.r11•l..A . 1111111 .11N111111111111111111 0 5 8 10 15 20 25 DHV or Average Peak-Hour Volume of Vehicles Turning Right into the Access 2162 W.Grove Parkway, Suite 400 Tel:801.763.5100 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 8 Fax' 801.763.5101 32 CFI Proximity The SH-44/Eagle Road CFI Concept Report drawing was overlaid on an aerial photo as shown in Figure 9. The east leg of the SH-44/Eagle Road intersection shown in Figure 9 displays the Concept Report CFI lane geometrics and how for east from Eagle Road the roadway is proposed to change. The existing RIRO on the south side of SH-44 has a deceleration lane at the intersection. It is likely that by the time the CFI is constructed, the lane geometries will change to accommodate three eastbound through lanes with a drop lane at the existing RIRO. This is recommneded instead of merging traffic then diverging traffic between Eagle Road and the Palmetto Avenue RIRO on the south side of SH-44. This would also be the recommendation for the proposed RIRO on the north side of SH-44. The westbound acceleration lane at Palmetto Avenue would best be built as a third lane approaching Eagle Road and end as a right-turn only lane. This would not need to be built that way until the CFI project is built. It is our understanding that the CFI project was removed from the 10-year State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). If the CFI project is not built within 10 years or more, these two RIRO's can operate at acceptable and safe levels until the CFI project is constructed. At that time, acceleration and deceleration lanes can be can be an auxilliary lane approaching and existing the CFI on the east leg of the intersection. F4 , , igure 9: CFI Concept Report Plan ,i as r, _ : 4 isistrift I� '� - ;~ c.t * '' Proposed RIRO e ' ' - I r �E� ,, 0. Intersection Location ....1 44 ,:,,,,,!; „,4. . I- . ,. a ' ., --.. fl- "' i eqs4 tir.4, ''''' ' . '.. 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II�IM�INIIIxi1111ra1rIIR/MYr .M� _ 1 ,1 1 1 i ii UYhi�ra�_ . , `� ` i . u - -31 j f 11 s.--leiT;_filli I DGC 863 E Main LLC I IS��_ ii .. 1 \'',1 I:\t ACHD /\L \ t\1 4t t-f X71 -, N. 1111)4\ d` Y 4,.y- ".X.1y3c3�,y'aT-?r `b �, �, ---------it .'-s.`"' 7 JCA £/------ -r rr'"a� �° "6� g URA f , , A,:,,,y -- i I '., - - ---,, - Ea le � �� Eagle 26, LLCl''-'11/4V-. � yam. } t �._ iii ii i i iii ilii iiia.i i i /�'. Ea le URA .. "E-': ~`J- Eagle 26, LLC -vv lh I Eagle URA -v 4;'� _ few ,- ' '4 sill 'Eagle 6, LLC ; rig► \ 4 Spirit Realty LP ,°tel ti'''' ,:..R ‘‘ Y _ 9 ^fit i :� ii. - ---,-...--_--„--c-,--,,,,,1116u , , .... „.„ , , .: , . ,- - -,,,,,,..44 _ , „,„...„ ,, ....„,--_,,-_ ii -::: E_ to , . � i /'�q.s,,, , ,�_ _, ,:,, 7. 1 ,_:. ,,,, . k.,,,._ €�'� �S r� :-�4�'' JYsG Vie.�i ����� "� W h � _H F�... c" YMwr... i„ , Rock Mountain `'``~�--_ I\ pot,' Of 11 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMEN FOR COST SHARING OF REAL PROPERTY PURCHASE This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING OF REAL PROPERTY PURCHASE("Agreement")is made this 27th day of June 2017("Effective Date"),by and between the City of Eagle, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho("City") and the Eagle Urban Renewal Agency, an urban renewal agency organized under the laws of the State of Idaho ("EURA"). The above noted entities may individually be referred to as"Party"and collectively be referred to as"Parties". WHEREAS,the Parties desire to cooperate and work together regarding the purchase of the certain real property and improvements, if any, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein("Subject Property"); WHEREAS,the Subject Property is needed for the construction of an extension of Palmetto Drive connecting to State Highway 44 (a.k.a. State Street); WHEREAS,the above noted extension and connection of Palmetto Drive and State Street will benefit the public by improving traffic flow,access and public safety; WHEREAS,the Parties desire to share equally the costs of purchasing and transferring the Subject Property; WHEREAS,the Parties desire that EURA ultimately be granted the collective interest in the property and transfer all or a portion of the Subject Property in a manner acceptable to the Parties to the entity pursuing the construction of the extension of Palmetto Drive; NOW,THEREFORE,for good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and agreed, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained,the Parties agree as follows: I. PURCHASE PRICE. The Parties anticipate the purchase price for the Subject Property to be eight dollars ($8.00) per square foot. The Subject Property consists of approximately.155 acres. The actual square footage and final total purchase price will be determined at closing. The Parties also agree to equally share closing costs, if any, applicable to the buyer and associated with the purchase of the Subject Property by the EURA and those of the seller in the transfer of the Subject Property by the EURA. Each Party agrees to be responsible for their own legal fees and costs associated with this Agreement and related actions. II. CONTRIBUTION OF SHARE OF PURCHASE PRICE The Parties will contribute its equal share of the purchase price plus one half of the closing costs. Upon confirmation of purchase price and closing costs,the City will submit funds to the EURA to cover its share of the costs.The EURA will purchase the property.The EURA will provide a MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING-PROPERTY PURCHASE PAGE 1 OF 4 41 written adequate assurance that the Palmetto Drive extension will be constructed. The proceeds, if any, from the transfer of the Subject Property or a portion thereof to the entity pursuing the extension of Palmetto Drive will be divided equally between the Parties by the EURA. In the event,the property is not purchased,the EURA will return the City's contribution. III.GENERAL TERMS A. Payment. Within thirty(30)days of receipt of the applicable invoices,the City shall provide payment to the other in the amount of its applicable share as billed. B. Notice. Notice required to be provided by the Parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and be deemed communicated when mailed by United States mail, addressed as follows: City of Eagle Eagle Urban Renewal Agency(EURA) Attn: Mayor Stan Ridgeway Atte: Chairman Jeff Kunz 660 E. Civic Lane P.O. Box 1957 Eagle, ID 83616 Eagle,ID 83616 A Party may change its address for the purpose of this paragraph by giving formal notice of such change to the other Parties in the manner herein provided. B. Entire agreement; modification. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, representations, and discussions,whether verbal or written,of the Parties pertaining to that subject matter. The Agreement may not be changed, amended, or superseded unless by means of writing executed by all Parties hereto. C. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by a Party as to that Party due to nonappropriation upon providing thirty(30)days written notice to the other Parties. D. Hold harmless. For purposes of or in furtherance of this Agreement,each Party and each of its employees,agents,contractors,officials,officers,servants,guests,and/or invitees,shall save and hold harmless the other Parties from and for any and all losses, claims, actions, judgments for damages,or injury to persons or property and losses and expenses caused by that Party's employee, agent, contractor, official, officer, servant, guest, and/or invitee thereof. E. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement so long as the remainder of the Agreement is reasonably capable of completion.The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if any invalid or MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING-PROPERTY PURCHASE PAGE 2 OF 4 42 unenforceable provision were omitted. F. Applicable Law. The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho and jurisdiction for any disputes arising hereunder shall be in the Fourth Judicial District. Ada County, State of Idaho. G. Authority to Sign. The Parties warrant that they have the capacity and authority to sign this Agreement and to accept the promises specified in it. All corporate or other action on the part of each party necessary for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement has been taken prior to the signing of this Agreement. This Agreement is contingent upon the current owner of the Subject Property executing a purchase and sale agreement with the EURA that is in conformance with the terms of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this 27th day of June 2017. EAGLE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY: Attest: J Bry: )tff Kunz, Chairman Ellen Smith, Secretary rr CITY OF EAGLE: �.� Attest: • 610,401 tool' or rs.„.:TATE A _e) F- Ov s Stan Ridgeway, May `'''',��••�''* Sharon Bergmann, City Clerk MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING—PROPERTY PURCHASE PAGE 3 OF 4 43 Exhibit A—Description of Subject Property MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING-PROPERTY PURCHASE PAGE 4 OF 4 44 `aLii1(y`� .'" \ , R Safety 0 YOUR Mobility 0 G � YOUR Economic� opportuni ty District 3 Right-of-Way Encroachment Permit Cover & Inspection Form CITY OF EAGLE -' „�. ,. PERMIT# 3-18-530 660 E. CIVIC LANE CIT� ..:���� .... ���. :, ROUTE 44 EAGLE,ID 83616 JUL, `r? MILE POINTS $ •3/ EXPIRATION 7/17/2019 ITD CONTACT: J. Cardona-Cell 208-830-6809 or j.cardona@itd.idaho.gov Work Description: Installing a right in /right out access with a Right deceleration &Acceleration lanes. Documentation submitted to lTD shall have the permit number clearly listed on the top of the page; email correspondence shall reference the permit number in the subject line. • Email start date request a minimum 5 business days in advance to the above ITD contact. Keep email of approved start date onsite with permit. If needed, request to meet on-site to review the project and permit requirements. • Submit material certification prior to placement. • Submit Mix designs for asphalt/concrete, if applicable, 14 days in advance to ITD for review and approval. Prior to completion: • Prepare all required documentation, including As-Built submittals when required (see As-Built Requirement in provisions) • Send a notification email to the ITD Foreman that work is complete and schedule to meet on-site for inspection, all documentation must be available for inspection, list permit number on each sheet. ITD Use Only: ❑Yes ❑No Was Traffic Control Set up and Removed per plan ❑Yes ❑No Did you receive contact information for emergencies ❑Yes ❑No Was excessive remediation required during any aspect of permitted work? As LTD's representative; I accept that the survey was completed lTD Authorized Representative Signature Date X 45 LEGEND -i------- PRojECT . CONSTRUCTION PLANS DEALING INDEX @ ' . ,- OUSTING GROUND CONTOURS&ELEVATION SHEET DESCT PTION . ,.. T FOR / D PROPOSED CONTOURS do ELEVATION 1.0 COVER SHEET ------------------- B�QWAY PL.1W�, PALMETTO DRIVE ACCESS TO2.0 STATE HIGHWAY 44--SFA.933+00.00 TO STA.94+00.00 � - - - ROADWAY - Z.1 STATE HIGHWA�'44-STS 94,S+QO.�TO STA.955+Q0.00 N RA, RIGHT-0F wAY N� = 3.o DETaLs C �i.c `n .-."°��.,.,,„��....�.,.ww,. ...... 8'WPM.CURB do� 44) 4.0 SIGNAGE AND STRIPING �L' VERTICAL ccrRe.No GUTTER 15 4 E 2. SURF) :FIAW ARROW AND SLOPEEAGLE BYPASS 5.0 EROSION CONTROL PUN 2 2 ��c .a 1RAF'F'tC CON..PUNS,Z• _.....�....._�,.......,........1.,.__....._.„�._.._ EXISTING STORM DRAIN AND MANHOLE E>i _F �,; .�_....... DOSING EDGE OF PAVEMENT 6.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL&SHOULDER WORK PLAN W ''L . ..,EDGE Or PAVEMENT o ----------- EXISTING SRIGADON PIPE ADA IDA110/7-.--,E .STAZE FC, EXISTING FIBER OPTIC UNEF '• �4,�► z ------ SW CUT UNE/TOE OF SLOPE g ���Iwo 6. „,, 8 TBC TDP HACK 6'VERTICAL CURB ELEVATION... _ _ ROADW Z d, PROPOSED SIGN -., itall tj I 0 SIGN CALLOW TAG .I....,,,,,,, (....,44 E i „......... ,, .,.:„.„.,,. . .1 :6 I a. ii-- , A i g i 5 in w ' E.•s.. DR. lafJ1 ��A,r ,1\, .� 1,/c- 8',,, +wt��w i Riv. ,,, A F5 2 2 AHO g i iS HiO - . ...._LOCATION ANAP .,,,, Via o t-6 , ri o G w E çLAZUDL . ........... NOT TO SCA. a a zd °IL ; _e_.Y v BEGIN PROJECT •..._......_\ ' �N El. \ '\ MERRILL (9 4 1~ �. UNPIAZTED ,t NO.2 O V.1 _ �`~`` ‘1 ' EAGLE URBAN RENEWAL AGENC�r MAG NAIL.IN/ASPHALT =Q -� ---~�-'-,- '`~'~�.. E'LFV(NAVD66)-2666.44' 660 E.CIVIC LANE ' ~ �•.. EAGLE,ID 83616 CA M '""'�-�.. pelt. ---,---,,,,,-.7-_ '”"`.. 1--, w _w*... -�... (208)'938 2199 to w. '`�' sU VISION IA W tg ---:---_,---... - __ 7*-,---------- f -°--- _'�..' "'�-___.. `+`. END PROJECT CO z -------_.____s ----.....:"......"'.41.... --..- SURVEYOR t15E ...,,,,� IDAHO SURVEY GROUP P Slok6- ,..r r - ~,•- w �`"`'~�-�, '``� -�, 1450 E.WATERTOWER ST. ~`'' , SUITE 150 al E • w EX...Mt s -m,....,-.---..., MERIDIAN,ID 83642 Q l'al PHONE:(208)846-8570 F'w D. i I LI 1 CAU 5 Wa 1--) =� as ti, `� :� .��► DIGUNE a W oitutu.OR. LU Z F- CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL >5 8 DIGLINE SERVICES PRIOR TO cZ z 0 100 200 400 8O0 COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION- 0 o i,,,T11----, 24$)342-1583 Ot-. w p- 5 11 w W c4 -I W t- a a LU Eci O 9 M T F- DTE: PROJECT: O U .........••' __-__. _-_____ ` � __ .` `. ______ ____� \ k __ _~ ` ^ ...... � - ` __~ 4,..s, . . � � ..., 1 . ii c ~__� _ w•E It` . __ ` us 1 "1' F.-C� Z.,` �(0.. , 1.2. . 17,-- a._ � ,,e-, 'V., \ t- Ifrg,%L \ aq ,...i 'TOE Of So:,, � `�~ 5.,ry�'�� -E.E...2562_26t . R cg.2583.57 AZ,-. 'lirci ta ............. ./. / .,,. Rtte REF'!Al.X.115,040 SiGt, -- V.9, ......._ S.Cu,ot. SR/Vi ' ..-- ..,... EV, . , v NA, - R/W\----_~.....ijr. R/W - r 2 1 : . --Rib, - R/. __..__ sv,--„,-„,,,__ 1 t I ........................,....,... -,,,E.._, ...., -. '.., Ob .... ,..........,, ,,.. - ' "'"'""' . 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E , . . la 14gW EDGE .;;: 11/ 5 it Rso 01. M _ t�_~= tial 4 -------- u os - 4 ui to z _ia, _ ____-.,..--:\--S. - `~ ,� 0 o . __ __ ' i, _ , 7 V, __`--- �----''-- ` 1 1. —�' T—~- g • ti 2575___ , %ti __ II at _ � \ ___�_- . ' �� __- ' :P--4, -9..0 uHE �== , \,_p.4.,of PO. _, _______._,...._ ,. 1 __in...4_2555 r.. - ccl- 2570___ ___._ ' _......------- j . . \1 \ •A . __ __ , : : 1 \ , , \ _,. :5 -..________-. t ._...EDGE a TWO.."CCU. A_______ _____.„..' i- \, \ , 1 2565_I_ \ \ t .1 10, ELE i \- :pi'T. il 1 SHEET 7. . p....: AI I\_fl......, _ — / — - t _ — ....,• � =— so osmo or � .,� T � � ti 4 . • - \ ' -___� _943+00 _` - 1�— –�-- � .18. '=— � r - ..- — — . ` `� . ` O _ _ 5 , — ' . = _ '" _ � _ ` � -. \PROFILE :,... =` .ii, _ -_ ^� � -� `=~" —�-- =` • -- i....................... TENC 2587 50 A , •,. ---, e PRC STA:948+17.26 -\\ '\ .., ' ,----/ , Fo7f.„IT...3:18+21.52 REMENTS OF THE FOAM TRANSPORTATION DEPARMENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR NOWAY CONSTRUCTION(1110 SrANDA1103). 1 0,82.59 L \ .: ' ,..' ``' f. r-DETAiL SHEET 3.0 o 25 so , ioo WITH REQUIRED ziruLt IMPROVEMENTS 'Ic71F67.3L)-\ 1,1'.Z..7.19rtok'Z) TEIc:25"' 2.if ANY OTHER UTILIIY OR IRRIGAroN FACILIIY INTERFERES ______0....s TM SHALL BE RELOCATED SO AS TO NOT INTERFERE W..mu.,IMPROVEMENTS AT c0 tt, \ , �.^ OFF:.58110.C.\ , . i EXIST,. CM?IRR.CULVERT OF rnE IDAHO TRANSPORTAION DZIWT3047 070)SeitCWICAMONS.s NO EX Ilk oi TiNC.2567 27 , OPT:45.58 L POU...CY.sjramosThE.5T,vott BE MOM..LESS Viv.o...ALLY ANO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED IN 8 40'RAD PT \ PVC SLEEVE 22 1., 4.IN4rr..,,ION SHALL BE BY A THIRD PARTY INSPECTOR FROM ITD'S APPROVED UST. '„ i i / f '78C:.M24DEciA rTo cum& °FF.e5.7 L \ \ '.1 ; i ENO VERT CURB&GU7ER / , i,4, ' ,/ I'.47 074,'XVI" .., MATCH EXISTING MATERIAL. 5.AsTHE,,CO3,,_.AgyNTR4CTORFORSHALLTHE FTEMOVEco.s.,040,R8.,ciFOCATJEALLpRo0,00STZUCTIOR.D.ANS.yABOYE. OR BE1AW GROUND. TuE OF SLOPE INSTALL CURB TERMINUS OFF:52.85 L \ ,,,, I t. y re„,,,25,7, WITH ANY CURRENTLY APPLICABLE SAFE, 6.THE COMPACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONPUANCE ___ LAW OF ANY JURISDICTIONAL BODY. THE CONTRACTOR S.I.1_BE 1111..91.15,1483.%,TRuf.4-1-smucm. C IF- PER ITO SO-815-1-. TBVC:2567.82 , ,',.... . ,1, i ..si-A,.8+60.44 BARRICADES.SAFETY DEVICES AND CONTROL OF TRAFFIC WITHIN AND AROU 0 to sT,947+60 36 N. AREA. al.1 g2 CFF 46 713 L ....it. ,_,,..,...,,,.........,__....:zw.....s........,.:.............. .__ ....._.. ......................7....'T: _zi,u:S_NEE:DEF,A,CL,'31:::::4,8ss:FTER4L:cli910NI:SE:1117:.:::::::ALL,oNi 5° ....-- ' \ I a :, - ite..52s7a. 7.ApRroRRE-coNsTRucTioNT0 THE sTART oCoNFERENCEF wo.. AusHALL.., HELD.ANA tiNisuME.N.TRAcrciRsUM OF THREE(s,....)...... DAYS. -•2 -,,;Ai E, s, \ ,.. ,1 i St:R9'48+PT80 94 13 4 _ , .,........... ----------- 8.ALL MATERIALS FOR THE PROJECT SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS or THE APPROVING 2 1 i ,_ _ ..,,.. .._-_,,..__, Ry........_____________________ .,s 1 .* , ,.,..., cz: ;17:-."--....'''..":::::,.2-"":"::::,,,l'..c..Le: ...;,,,TEt:IFT::.---7,:::;.77;:,..„,83.'-0:.4.--,..1...:--..7...,-----------":11-il.._,-41„-:7:17*'71,11,/.'‘,....':.:.'\ti"-III:':.:':44"•7---------. 1-.17. ,:.....,„1:11:--- ,32,.i Icil -,,... ......,"----- 777.7-77--.._ :7.„---:-- !A.,,,, .,..'j..;241,;...',,t, ',.IR& ''7-- .. _.,-'''''''' 2.63' , "-- -,'•1,..'.,ir,„, . . -.--::7--- ICC U n _..,____. ,--- ,,,,. ..,.. RT 44 CT I(' g icr - _.... .a. 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"."--P4VED e ' TURN _ k * d D OVAL ....r*... 1-71,14,4'N' ;.d......!: .. cu.0elm 1:):,....at.i.LW, PQM= 'i..,;....... g L 8 DRY VSD SETO MU(OW. --... 0 'EXt; � ..... .: _ .-.... ...... _._,._.. _� - PAVEMENT 2 a ' ill cRou.N....._.... ,n, .„,, ,,.,...,,,,,..‘...,i,..,.,...,",",-., ,,..„... -7 1 .._ Lii .---- , .,._v 2.,,,,, 1,,,,,,i ,.‘ MO Ctirr 1....__,..__.] . E (; Lit \N ij 2UYiC� EXi�a�G Ci0!!$1.,� ..E��1NG�U� z.45�-G RAtfil.S:IM 5th SEPA dtt��1 EX AC,BASE A!�$ I� '� YELLOW NOTE: aZ _.1 GEOM L T al - 'Th. CONTINUOUS PLACEMENT PREFERRED,SCORE INTERVALS MIMI#AUM 8-FEET. CRUS0•.5'-3/4"MINUS NEW•5118 £MATERIAL 1�511w•G RAS BETE•CENTER ISLAND.'ED RE ! \.,c R LA. E"� CURB TYPE 1 DETAIL ��' e 1.49.OF.' Mc rX/S PAVEMOIr SAGE �G�r SURFACE DETAIL i �°'`�o t.45'-.ANULAR SUBBASE' V PA�t $1.-3 KW MIXSEE SCALE:NONE `,t, 6 ASPHRLT USING PG 84-48 W i'' s•-3/4. TE E.T1,`�• m'' P a TYPICAL WIDENING SEL lION DETAIL STI:938+56.67 TO 947+47.67 STA:948+88.55 TO 952+98.55 I g t z --;- oao W i 5 &) 6 i i C) Z W per , .....�.,�1 1) , "17---\'•.--=.:\..----.•— i • z �. •— X567- .._.,_, ____4_____.. IR/W __ ,,.,1:.-='"'`-`� 1 to / --� RA,',.._ \ \'‘: 4,------.___ F_' _.,,--" 7 \.14\—"N i @.5-5 1 A r 5 T ,,s. \\ 8'8 g i 1 , _.: ----. o . 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F- ~ 1 \\1: TRANSITION CURB FROM 6'TALL TO 1'TALL AT RADIUS SHOWN Q Q 1 6'CURB W ge 1 iIW i 8� V Q iii, ,)) a' g ---,..._..............._____ 1 1111% 35 g..i 8 0 Z Ti2 14.,.. o r.., 1 6 CURB - '"1"4".... � CURS ;mil g , 1 i x til LA , ii* -I Wcr QV W aw m Qr N '6 ISLAND\CURB TERMINUS DETAIL E SCALE:1.a 5' o. 8 SHEET .0---......"'" ......... ......... ...........'"I'l."'."."'I''"." 4 ......... i -I__ i so, .......... i 00 ...... ............°' o •. I 1 . 1 ...... .......1 1 4- , C 0) AL _..) 4 't ...A. ." I Ni.P:-:,...E.TT_°7.)Ne. \ "F'''lla Clic - i ,......------------='-i '''''' VW P .)- . y........4.16_-__ .. .9 I II 11 -go- C) --- ... Cd U. ., ----- 1 t tA,,,,,,rtg,far:fir66 mE.RGE ARROW %tlt OEGis ts.SOLID i iy 5 ES.. ,-..° ,,,C)..4 G"4,:,EI'mt,ilnu-::,..T1:„NDE:1:91 C'' f STA,933t?,,L7 1 0,-.3.,. -- CI' i \., ..._........_ ............. li I- ---------nte,---t-- . R/w R/wR/w ‘,41 I XY - - • ---•--• .... _. ... ..I ,i. \t ....cr,,.•- . 2:....___ ---- ' ----- --- -----cr ...„...._. ...... -.... .. t--.......,...... _.......:.,.r.,. , t.7:..._,,,,,.:,(1:11--it __:::/.:tc--GA49:* ..'„....,...,,,,- .....7.-. ,---:i„....1:, .•--.• - i-i 2:-.-..-....:,.-..•_. ...,.:,,,.-.. .::...,,__,,....-::_....- i•---- - - ....-E-c,..: ,.,....::.....,...::... ..0.-1.:::--:_..-„:.'.„.:..,...:,..:,_,.!!.,- : ---,.-.---:----- .......f..-..2.- . . „ ....- .--,--. ---.7.---...... .- --,--. ------------. - ----.. -• .-. ----- ? -,• . lit V;,...)' ...... ................................. . ...,.........- - - 1:1 EAGLE ALTERNATE RT 44 . .... / ..,./ .......,c ..... ..., .... ,.....,. ..... il_ 6. e. - --- `g•-. -' .. i t. - -. . c - - — ca,,, -241 --------...-------! --------•• •_-i _-•• •--,------,---_-_------=----.. ........._____ ......, ------------1----..--- • --- ---, - 8 8 8 8 8 8 ..... 8 ' ' 8 tf • ''.._- '- . ,' I 14 lz it • "-- • --- . . .... , .. .... %1, . ., s----- • ..,.., 1 1 u., ..............•...•.............•........:...........„..•_.... ,... .. .._ . .„ , _. .. ,. . . . 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REVISIONS .AlciaMil PALMti 10 DRIVE ACCESS TO EAGLE BYPASS(SH-44) ..).I RiveRidge _Li mooinED PER rm 04/12/18 COMMENTS DECELERATION LANE&ACCELERATION LANE WIDENING 2 I taw.,PER rm 08/14/18 COMMIS I OVV14/11:IPPA'P-Iiiii 4WfiT4'61CIE Fnainparinn • • • • . • . dat o, • • .. • • . • Amr Rebecca W.Arnold,President A C Mary May, 1st Vice-President Sara M. Baker,2n0 Vice-President Jim D.Hansen,Commissioner Co rwm e.�- �n Yic� Kent Goldthorpe,Commissioner October 21, 2019 Barry Semple, P.E. Jadon Schneider RiveRidge Engineering Company RE: SUBPI9-0125/Palmetto Drive Extension ?LAN MCTANQE The District has reviewed the plans for the above referenced project and they are accepted for public street construction once the following items are complete: By stamping and signing the improvement plans, the Registered Engineer ensures the District that the plans conform to all District policies and standards. Engineer to certify that existing pedestrian ramps meet all ADA criteria for the dimensional standards with the proposed improvement plans, as approved. Variances or waivers must be specifically and previously approved by the District in writing. Acceptance of the improvement plans by the District does not relieve the Registered Engineer of these responsibilities. The District will assess the following impact fee for this project. Reauired Pre-Construction Submittals: 1. Revise the typical section for Palmetto Dr to extend the base materials for the roadway under the curb and extended 6 inches behind the back of curb. 2. Provide one-original set of civil plans for ACRD stamp and approval. If construction does not commence and the project is delayed,the approval is subject to withdrawal under the following conditions. Anew review will need to be conducted that will be subject to an additional plan review fee: • Changes in federal regulations that would result in necessary changes to the plan; i.e. ADA Requirements, water quality requirements, etc. • Expiration of the preliminary plat. 3. Once aroveca_gaii____,,y) the Districtrovide one I 1)_________01_1.0„1,41_2___31e coies of the stamped plans wlplat to ACRD Development Review prior to scheduling a Pre-Construction Conference. The ACRD Inspection Division will not schedule a Pre-Construction Conference or issue a permit for work in the right-of-way until this is complete. Ada County Highway District•3775 Adams Street•Garden City,ID•83714•P1-I 208 387 6100•FX 345-7650•www.achdidaho.org 53 4. 48 hours prior to requesting the Pre-Construction Conference: • Pay Plan Review Fee. ($250) • Submit signed Inspection Agreement. • Pay Inspection Fee Deposit. Please note: The inspection deposit amount is an estimate for the inspection time for the project. Under the terms of the inspection Agreement; the Developer will be responsible for any additional charges that may arise. • Provide approved copy of plans. • Provide the contractor and materials information on the attached form. • Notice: ACHD is now accepting SWPPP/ESC submittals on CD or thumb drive. The owner applicant must submit a Sediment and Erosion Control/Construction Site Discharge Control Narrative and Map prepared by a Certified Plan Designer to ACHD DevelopmentServices for approval prior to scheduling a Pre-Construction Conference. Note: ACHD will no longer accept SWPPP/ESC plans for review prior to ACHD acceptance of the civil plan. Please make sure the site plan submitted with the SWPPP/ESC Plans is an exact replication of the approved drainage plan and include any ACHD stamped sheets pertinent to the drainage design. Provide the ACHD Inspection Division one copy of the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan for offsite utility work i.e. the typewritten narrative & associated map for ACHD stamp and approval. Note: this must be separate from what has been submitted for the subdivision work. Please go to the link below for submittal requirements: httplAwww.achdidaho.orq/Departments/EnaineeringiStprrnwatericonstErosioncontroLaspx 5. Contact - request the Pre-Construction, Development Services at 387 6284 to ACHD Develo men,,, „„ Conference. The Pre-Construction Conference will not be scheduled until all the above conditions are met. 6. Provide additional sets of ACHD approved/signed construction plans for each contractor at time of Pre-Con. Required Post Construction Submittals: Record Drawings The following submittals are required after construction and prior to District acceptance of the public street improvements and authorization for final occupancy: 1. (1) 11x17 reduced copy, a CD with pdf, and the CAD files of the As-Built Construction Drawings w/ plat. Please see the ACHD website and CAD to GIS for details regarding the requirements for the CAD files: http://www.achdidaho.orq/Departrnents/FormsPage/ConsuitantFiles.asox. Identify all changes and provide corresponding note describing the change. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 387-6354 or malexander@achdidaho.org. 'f. y -;t :u; -� Mike Alexander Engineering Tech 11 cc: Developer 54 Web links to standard Development Services forms Bridge Design Checklist: http://www.achdidaho.orci/Documents/FormsimostDocs/BridaeReviewChecklistodf Confirmation Agreement for Master Perpetual Storm Water Drainage Easement: htto://www.achdidaho.orq/Documents/FormsimostDocsiStommaterDrainaaeConfirmationAgreemento df Master Storm Drain Easement Plat Note: http://www.achdidaho.org/Documents/Forms/mostDocs/StormDrainacieEasementPlatNote.odf Current Fee Schedule: ,htto://www.achdidaho.orq/Documents/Forms/mostDocsiDevServicesFeeSched.odf Driveway Approach Request: (Required for new connections to the public roadway) http://www.achdidaho.orq/Documents/Forms/mostDocs/DrivewavAporoachReauest.pdf Fire Dept Approval Form: http://www.achdidaho.ord/Documents/Forms/mostDocs/FireDeptAPproval.pdf License Agreement Application: hftp://www.achdidaho.orq/Documents/Forms/mostDocs/LicenseAdreementGuidelines.pdf Plan Checklist: http://www.achdidaho.ora/Documents/Forms/mostDocs/PlanChecklistodf Civil Plan Completeness Checklist: http://www.achdidaho.orci/Documents/Forms/mostDocs/CiviiPlanCompletenessChecklist.pdf Plat Checklist: http://www.achdidaho.orcilDocuments/Forms/mostDocs/PlatSubmittal.pdt Impact Fee Schedule: htto://www.achdidaho.orgiDocuments/EnqineerinailmpactFees/Ordinance231/ExhibitA FeeSchedule.o df Impact Fee Information: http://www.achdidaho.orq/DepartmentsiEnqineering/DeveloomentServicesiimoactFees.asox Impact Fee Information: http://achdweb.achdidaho.orq/Departments/Enaineerind/DevelopmentServices/impactFees.aspx Pavement Cut Request: http://hdif.achdidaho.ora/Forms/RoadMoratorium 55 H # MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING WITH THE CITY OF EAGLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NORTH PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION AND COST SHARING ("Agreement") is made this_19 day of December, 2019 ("Effective Date"),by and between the City of Eagle, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Idaho ("City"), and the Eagle Urban Renewal District, an urban renewal agency organized under the laws of the State of Idaho ("EURA"). WHEREAS,EURA and the City previously cooperated regarding the funding of the design work for the N. Palmetto Drive extension; WHEREAS, the EURA and the City desire to cooperate and work together regarding the construction of N. Palmetto Drive extension (See Attached Exhibit B for general depiction of the road extension); WHEREAS,EURA and the City would both benefit from the construction of N. Palmetto Dr. extension between State Highway 44 and E. Plaza Dr. due to better connectivity transportation and enhanced public safety via lower response times; WHEREAS, the City will pay for the costs of construction within the ITD right of way and the EURA desires to share the cost of the construction of the remainder of the road such that the total cost is shared equally; WHEREAS,the total estimated cost of the construction of the portion of the N. Palmetto Drive extension located in the ITD right of way is $474,227 and the total estimated cost of the construction for the remainder of N. Palmetto Drive is $510,370 for total estimated cost of $984,597 (See Attached Exhibit B). NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and agreed, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the Parties agree as follows: I. CITY's RESPONSIBILITIES. A. Procurement and Contract Management. The City will be responsible for bidding and completing the construction work. City will prepare the necessary bid package and corresponding documents (incorporating the design documents from RiveRidge Engineering) needed to request bids for the construction of N. Palmetto Drive extension between State Highway 44 and E. Plaza Drive. The City is responsible to complete the necessary steps to complete the procurement process for said construction. The City will enter into the contract with the selected bidder, if any. City will be responsible for the management and oversight of the contractor and the successful final completion of any contract. The City will allow the EURA to review the received bids and provide input MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING N. PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION PAGE 1 OF 7 56 into the selection process prior to the final selection being made, if any. The City will make the final decision on which person or entity receives the contract for construction. Upon final completion of the construction of the N. Palmetto Drive extension the City will submit a request for reimbursement to the EURA for its share of the actual construction costs in an amount not to exceed four hundred ninety two thousand two hundred ninety eight dollars($492,298.00). The City will only request reimbursement for those costs of construction associated with the portion of the road located outside the ITD right of way and inside the EURA district. The request for reimbursement will include all documentation showing that construction costs are associated with the portion of the road located within the EURA district and that N. Palmetto Drive is approved as being finally complete and accepted by ACT-IL) and other applicable agencies. City will share any contract documents, designs,renderings,reports, requests, communications, change orders and other information with the EURA Executive Director as they are provided to the City. II. EURA's RESP0NSIBILITIES. A. Reimbursement Payment. Within forty-five (45)days of receipt of the City's request for reimbursement including the necessary supporting documentation,EURA shall provide payment to City in the amount noted on the invoice which shall not the exceed four hundred ninety two thousand two hundred ninety eight dollars ($492,298.00). B. Appropriation. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary,EURA's obligations under this Agreement to provide payment to City as described herein shall be subject to and dependent upon appropriations being made by the EURA Board for such purpose. C. LAND. The EURA consents to the construction over and on the real property owned by EURA as needed for the construction of the N. Palmetto Drive extension. The Parties agree that EURA will donate and dedicate those portions of its property needed for the right of way for the N. Palmetto Drive extension to the Ada County Highway District ("ACHD")at the appropriate time so the road can be a dedicated public road under the jurisdiction of ACHD. III.GENERAL TERMS. A. Term. This Agreement begins immediately upon execution and shall remain in effect through December 30, 2021 or until the construction work for the N. Palmetto Drive extension is completed and the EURA pays its share of the costs as described herein, whichever occurs first. The Parties agree that the term of this agreement may be mutually extended if the parties agree it is necessary to complete the construction work. B. Notice. Notice required to be provided by either of the parties under this Agreement shall be in writing and be deemed communicated when mailed by United States Mail, addressed as follows: City of Eagle: EURA: MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING N.PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION PAGE 2 OF 7 57 Bill Vaughan Todd Lakey Zoning Administrator EURA General Counsel P.O. Box 1520 141 E. Carlton Ave. Eagle, ID 83616 Meridian, ID 83642 Either party may change its address for the purpose of this paragraph by giving formal notice of such change to the other in the manner herein provided. C. Entire agreement; modification. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings,negotiations,representations, and discussions, whether verbal or written, of the parties pertaining to that subject matter. The recitals first noted above are incorporated into this agreement as if set forth fully herein. The Agreement may only be modified or amended by mutual written agreement of the Parties hereto. The Parties acknowledge that the bids may come in higher than the estimated cost. If that is the case the Parties agree to review the bids and negotiate in good faith regarding a potential amendment to this Agreement. D. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause and for any or no reason prior to the selection of the Contractor who will complete the construction work described herein by providing thirty (30)days written notice to the other Party. Following selection of the contractor to perform the work then this Agreement may only be terminated by the Parties for default or violation of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Prior to terminating this Agreement for default,the non-defaulting Party shall provide the defaulting Party thirty days notice of its intent to terminate the Agreement. If the defaulting Party cures the default with those thirty days then the Agreement will not be terminated for said default. E. Hold harmless. For purposes of or in furtherance of this Agreement and to the extent permitted by law, each party and each of its employees,agents, contractors, officials, officers, servants, guests, and/or invitees, shall save and hold harmless the other party from and for any and all losses, claims, actions,judgments for damages, or injury to persons or property and losses and expenses caused or incurred by either party or any employee, agent, contractor, official, officer, servant, guest, and/or invitee thereof. F. Severability. If any part of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable,such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Agreement so long as the remainder of the Agreement is reasonably capable of completion. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if any invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. G. Applicable Law. The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho and jurisdiction for any disputes arising hereunder shall be in the Fourth Judicial District,Ada County, State of Idaho. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING N.PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION PAGE 3 OF 7 58 H. Contingency. The Agreement is contingent upon the City obtaining the timely consent and dedication of the necessary land from private landowners to ACHD and/or the City to complete the construction described herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on this 19 day of December 2019. EAGLE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY: Attest: By: Janet Buschert, Chairman Robin Collins Executive Director/Secretary CITY OF EAGLE: Attest: - f� s MayorBergmann, City�-- Sharon Stan Ridgeway, ���.,,t y Clerk • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING N.PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION PAGE 4 OF 7 59 Exhibit A II i II i 1 „I 111 N. PALMETTO AVENUE ....................... ar..www-.......y, tt51..r..r lw. 9r+. frw9.6411.. We... B T ,x,--......ax-•�r.�,.adrs,.-�«..r,..sr�.ws��3�n,pw':..,..�.......�........r...........� E, PLAZA D11 AVE '''-ut-'*CM..,.*_11.1,#01111L. - --***--**- r------- ------- L5jis i 1 it,1 t 1 1.. I 1 '', :t!\ I . '' til ,,, _,-,.,-,,,_ .--,,,-,,,,. — 1 1 't,, \itikiit, � c _ ---------:„....,j lii ' '-'-- ' :',,, 111,IL•- -ar--a' 171"l'Alik:' e ft 1 Ito:,jti,,t, \,., ,, it ',. \ 1 4i0.\\ \I\ I ' ' '‘t i , ,.. \ t 4 rs ,. 1.4 .1. 1----------- .,.....,......,......................1. I "-- ; i \ '.I i ."ii...................,... I :':'' ----I ,* , ......____ ... 1 , 4 I G ti.�_ fin. , ` s„,, ....i, 38. .-o. 3 --- . 4,,,,,„....,,... . . -, i 10' SIDE,V.Al.K #0,""' 0 1 1',. ... r -, 1_1.1_1.1!!!!1_61.11 _ 6Y'"''M wrr�r II .1w+ III I I III II II I I I IIII I I I I MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING N. PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION PAGE 5 OF 7 60 Exhibit B I AC,L.I URBA.N REN11"...1,1.Ac..;INC'V OPINION CI PROBABLE(ON,....1RUC TION p_Anarrro DRna- No. Dt;(2iptioL Q/022117, 7:11i3 trig(WI t3ftliard CCV77 _ 1:4,11tY3) I Mobilization 1 LS', 1130toi....0... - _ LS i1kOtssit.0‘. iltliiii.V.s( C ollarel 1 LS •1;,3'.6 iii.1.0"-:, SA,F44.i. 4 Tratik i.-(4o21.1 1 L' 51gt ;4>i .w. sa,,okoc 5 Primate; I.• 54.1i.i..11( WO-0k 6 citmiai.and c.,ralikriirett.ki4Herk Se P3.401 . Toplbil;,riip 4nd:my kink 1 i 51Ctin cS:11: 5S50..,3cs 95.PO.,X 2 DOWN, 7 .Istai-ation 4 ....‘ i.I $10'.i $.11,isiilio,(A li Liskiikittte 2 51)it CV `'1F.iwi.. Y liana sikfrasdt i.--,rpr.ilmi41 J..-•- vsot SI S4F.) If) 6- min...hi Rii. a:i c Y $.14.56: i1/410,241k-: . , 12 "A"Xlimp:k ,dB4, .-,-,t 4:4EI . . t 1 0' i,14.80411.01 $ TGN 13Graf*/and final C it311131 I I_ ,. 14 Staimbed 6-Curb,aad(fent.? ::,13is 11 I Rak.d.litiliaw(*lir It, 15+ II 16 10111.4t.f.:lot 7 el* tswaill fix/lentos 6t'i II Mkt"( SIS,C41...X. r -FT Wick C Ciltrett Sickwapli tlibtaDriTt's i 1.4-1., 11 SIIL $2.4ektiC 1$ Valley 1..-,Dner 36.1 LI SiMke* 54.0111"- 1.9 Cotrett risdrizrina R. 1.-.-pe_I il)fki 1 IA. SZ.046.,W SI fistitt.Csi ,........... V) (:oncrett hiksitiait Napa',T Tot 3!Santinb) : E....4, .3..21+.0!: S'•sain D7)113 ........... , 'Awn Drain hive 5 is LI '4 t) 32,is4.04..s..0. 2: Islet Cut))Bar.*7'f,,:exalt : LA 53.1-4*.`' 5.4.1441ki.. 13 1(44 v' - d sSi Grim*Ti:ip li /A 16.00.. .2-1 5mtpact Bed 11 LS_ i.f4.44/61. . 5..).414-...! Gralari-Irripose 25 1:5'Immo drain fa. : — 11 :iti :4'•St.)rno drain 25 1T iLl,7'it . 2" Storm.Jr-in inaulicje 1 IF 5,-k.,44...; SA.01040...:4, .1 6"tiftverlionk,i.7. ' 1 E...1 S15.0+4*.i'• 53411,Molt.s'visi .:9 Exkring c iganpAsent drxesirms 1 5F-4'4,.#,,,:i. Medimatim 1' lortssurt Irritation Sv!,itili I the I,IfiGS-311-11? II LS SIII4o4' 5.1kii#6.i.si. C:..-...,,....f(blrIr4,41){.11 5445,Nikki*: I . . 4 _ , . LI 1...;I 544,.330.0e C anrrx ntaz M4aartniitot:5'..:, 1 LS( !1:2.154.. 1.21.116.t. 1 I , foal?tort!C.,-..! 510,, e..001 I azet..mping.?yer..rat irTigadas mit:tyre,Ifigbc its-prc,,talent!..tr f•fi,:hult-ti MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING N. PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION PAGE 6 OF 7 61 E.AY_;LI R .'1.ti B .NINV .44 (T o Ioa:_')::.1. ii. 3.t.4_:oNi. u"4.: ON ,-.'.5::.S-1 3-2.-D Vii:47_0F• 4,1.. No. I .t of' nit 'a' I Gilktral , t�rtt C urro) I L.'4- A.itol.:s' , .i -c T),ffka2 ;#,i 1, LS tr17$ . ' SrAotti :" Prf i t YI, LS S1 Ateli., S3. k 6 Rt tat,-.-ail a A-...013a114.rir)i SF S:. ,i40 (), . t.kaxixt :lard(=rum 4 EIt>tlt s :.3:74 ..C�. �15 i.M ,t P Othat,t p �oI mr *j.t.a�31 .,,fdioi Sara 3-f..�i0. • :1_ SF... S`:1; ` i. d: itstex 13 1 ' , SI :!*.i.f, ,...465 -. 1 6,.Maw_lit Film +.1 f.1* `:4.5i Stf.1,4fit 14 Ntitr R Bait `35 (.3` $:.41.:' . :,,1:.*5 15 ..44pliak pa-.474 1. TON 14 I.r.i I L.'31 51'.54014..` 5.`..40k 1' Siaadiarti 6'Curb mt11:471.7. �.-%.���� ice4 � ` Iii- i���� i� i�,.. albeillbeilei {T'7h.i.r..ns♦ ,. �i -.. a ilii iii �,,„ • ': S, a: . s S43.2r.1.4 „, CirrtrW l►a•N xgtr 5.i' I LS. ,4lki `. kilt; I 7t4ltt t i i i i „i i i i� i ii iii ii ii�i� ..-.--_..... i iii iii-- i i -.- lazdi.rayiag isspreTtieror:at 4,3rM.t. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR COST SHARING N.PALMETTO DRIVE EXTENSION PAGE 7 OF 7 62 sm it know es Patrick J ?.4. Ga l.1 low.f.a. lly attorneys j2,.;1[km:ii',i).,il (Licensed in Idaho, Oregon&Washington) January 10, 2020 City of Eagle Robin Collins, Economic Development Director 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 RE: North Palmetto Drive Construction Dear Ms. Collins: My office represents Rock Mountain Business Park Association, Inc. ("Association"). I have reviewed documents relating to the proposed condemnation of.03 acres of land at the corner of the proposed North Palmetto Drive extension and Eagle Alternate Rt. 44. The Association looks forward to cooperating with the City of Eagle("City")to timely provide all necessary agreements. The Association requests that the City make an initial offer for payment of just compensation for the land. Pursuant to Idaho Constitution Article I Section 14 and Idaho Code § 7-701 et seq. the Association is entitled to receive the fair market value of the property. If you have obtained an appraisal of the property(or do in the future), the Association requests that it be provided a copy. I will have some minor changes to the agreements that I would like to negotiate on behalf of the Association in order to clarify the impact of the construction on the business activities of Association members, obtain indemnification for any damages caused during the construction process, and provide that the property is being transferred "As-Is" with no warrantee of environmental conditions or sub-surface hazards. The Association needs to better understand the landscape plan and irrigation system relocation before it can sign off on this project. It is my understanding that the City intends to install landscaping improvements that the Association will ultimately own and be responsible to maintain. To that end, I need further explanation why the City is seeking a permanent easement. It seems that a temporary easement or license covering the construction period would suffice. Once we receive the initial offer for payment, I would like to discuss the project and see if we are able to quickly iron out the other items. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, SMITH KNOWLES, P.C. /s/Patrick J. Galloway Patrick J. Galloway cc: Sentry Management 2225 Washington Boulevard,Suite 200, Ogden, Utah- (801) 476-0303 (Office) - (801) 476-0399 (Facsimile) 943 W. Overland Road,Suite 109, Meridian, ID 83642- (208)-513-1256 63 Nichoel Baird From: Nichoel Baird Sent: Monday,January 13, 2020 2:37 PM To: Robin Collins Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Palmetto Street Extension From: Regan Hansen <Regan.Hansen@itd.idaho.gov> Sent: Monday,January 13, 2020 2:36 PM To: Nichoel Baird <nbaird@cityofeagle.org>; Erika Bowen <Erika.Bowen@itd.idaho.gov>; Caleb Lakey <Caleb.Lakey@itd.idaho.gov>;Jake Melder<Jake.Melder@itd.idaho.gov> Cc: Amy Revis<Amy.Revis@itd.idaho.gov> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Palmetto Street Extension Hi Nichoel, The contract for half CFI will require the contractor to start between January 15, 2021 and March 1, 2021. Will the Palmetto extension project be completed within one construction season? If you complete this summer/fall then you will not be in conflict with lTD's construction schedule. Thank you, Regan Hansen Design/Construction EIT, District 3 Idaho Transportation Department Desk: 208-332-7170 Mobile: 208-801-3511 YOUR SafetyYOUR Mobility YOUR Economic Opportunity From: Nichoel Baird <nbaird@citvofeagle.org> Sent: Monday,January 13, 2020 2:29 PM To: Erika Bowen<Erika.Bowen@itd.idaho.gov>; Caleb Lakey<Caleb.Lakev@itd.idaho.gov>;Jake Melder <Jake.Melder@itd.idaho.gov>; Regan Hansen<Regan.Hansen@itd.idaho.gov> Cc: Amy Revis<Amv.Revis@itd.idaho.gov> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Palmetto Street Extension --- This email is from an external sender. Be cautious and DO NOT open links or attachments if the sender is unknown. --- Hi gang, I am cc'ing everyone in hopes of getting a quick answer We are days away from going out to bid on this project. One of the questions is what is the absolute date that construction must be completed within the ITD ROW so not to conflict with the construction of the 1/2 CFI and SH-44 and SH-55. The City is committed to not creating a conflict but we need a bit more information about 1TD's Timing. Thank you! 1 64 oI Tt.+. 4" fr,:f * * 0 LE Stan Ridgeway City of Eagle Council Members: Mayor P.O. Box 1520 Stan Bastian Eagle, Idaho 83616 Miranda Gold 208-939-6813 Kenny Pittman Jill Mitchell January 13, 2020 Eagle 26 LLC 737 N. 7th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Attention: Barry Marcus Dear Mr. Marcus, This is to notify you that the City of Eagle has received and accepts the Right of Way Deed conveying to the City the property owned by Eagle 26 LLC which is necessary for completion of N. Palmetto Drive Extension, as shown on the attached Exhibit. The City intends to complete construction of the road during 2020. City of Eagle: _14_Es 2.=�� Ridgeway,M yor Attest: Sharon Bergmann,City Clerk 65 CITY OF EAGLE Honorable Mayor Stan Ridgeway Eagle City Hall 660 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83b16 EAGLE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY Chairwoman Janet Buschert P.O. Box 1957 Eagle, ID 83616 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL January JO , 2020 Honorable Mayor Stan Ridgeway and Chairwoman Janet Buschert, Enclosed are the deeds executed by Eagle 26,LLC, conveying to Don Curtis and Spirit Realty LP property required to secure their conveyances which are necessary for completion of the North Palmetto Drive Extension in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. These conveyances are made in reliance upon the City's commitment to construct the public street and the Ada County Highway District commitment to accept and maintain the street. These deeds may be delivered to the Grantees in order to complete their conveyances; in which case Eagle 26, LLC hereby requests that the city approve a boundary line adjustment of adjoining properties owned by the Grantees to encompass the parcels conveyed by the enclosed deeds. Please acknowledge the City's acceptance of this conveyance. Please contact Stephen Goldstein at the below address or phone number if any questions or concerns arise regarding the included documents. -- Stephen Goldstein Marcus, Hardee, Pinol Davies, LLP 737 N. r St. Boise, ID 83702 (208) 342-3563 66 LAW OFFICE CLAUDE MARCUS MARCUS; HARDEE, PINnL & DAVIES, LLP CRAIG MARCUS THE MARCUS LAW BlUiLDING TELEPHONE BARRY MARCUS* (208) 34Y3563 TRENT MARCUS 737 NORTH 7TH STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83' 02-5595 TELEFAX DANIEL R. HARDEE (208) 342'-2170 BO DAVIES GREG K. HARDEE STEPHEN GOLDSTEIN RICH M. PII4OL DAVID R. KRACKE JOE M. HARRINGTON AIso Admitted to the California StatetBar January 10,202() Eagle City P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Attention: Mayor Stan Ridgeway Dear Mayor Ridgeway: Enclosed is tie deed from Eagle 26 LLC for the N. Pa1netto Drive ExtensicYn right of way,in satisfaction of the company's responsibility regarding the road. Eagle 26 LLC will also deed the two parcels,which lie east of the It Palmetto Drive road,to Don Curtis and Spirit Realty LP so that they can convey the right of vfay portions of their properties,as previously agreed by the City and property owners. Best regards. Very Truly Yours, 0-Afv,\\NNA-AC-3.),A 67 . ., ._. _ . - N.:PALMETTO AVENUE EXHIBIT �.�_ 14-ACHD -0101.. ..�.«�!« ,.........r ,1.._...�..... (NO EXCHANGE) k (±978 SF) . DGC 863 E MAIN LLC TO ACHD(±7,694 SFS -;t44''-'7':''r;=• ',,�, •; t -- w.1,• ....l. .rr�.wra..rw.� s.........w..N.�.�...�......ru.�..�. ...��... r 111.....1, E. PLAZA DRIVE 0111 —,�.,--7 " r ',r, �` ! _ Lyra . Oi-1 ���A w :—.1..._, _ .. , ,- v. .% , ,1 —1 j 0111 _. •«� A": qACHD TO - . . EAGLE 26 LLC i 47:;'--A (±3 560 SF) i i , r........-:,:„-„....-.-...41 • :., ,.t: EAGLE URA TO ,, ►i, , i' 1:-",....".. EAGLE 26 LLC �► • , a1, .� (±3,504 SF) ,, ..„„„i„,,„,................ ...--�-'` '�` "~ �_ ,. A\ .10.' ., -"`~' - EAGLE URA TO """*-.........j.** EAGLE URA TO DGC 863 --, 71 1 ACHD(±886 SF) -- f E MAIN LLC(±2,264 SF) * .°, . ,- ,� i 1111 ,_ 1.- , 4., '---------- EAGLE 26 LLC TO DGC 863 ',41, lir:eok .--- E MAIN LLC(±6,129 SF) ,, r O'\ `/• '74.,\ IA 4....t..._ '1,7 .. ..._ . `,, A EAGLE 26 LLC TO SPIRIT REALTY LP(±1,562 SF)E. EAGLE 26 LLC TO ACHD(±18,570 SF) \ 11\, _�. - SPIRIT REALTY LP TO ACHD(±1,820 SF)I t \11;i { �t 1 -. ... s,- - la,., aka • �,� .I-.1,� .. .\ . """ i.sir. �:' ... :,,' . -�;.�. ;� ROCKY MOUNTAIN BUSINESS PARK - --. , .................. _,,,�,` I ASSOCIATION INC.TO ACHD(±1,376 SF) I -I.1,i �.,�, .�i .- /���~��a` `', , --- S TA T 0101--... 1GHIf.VAy, = ...._i 52' RAY /0",. .____ . . (/1,D) `� 38' 10 21--11 . !: 10' SIDEWALK - 4iii) 0 100 ,r- !:, 10' I .. 1111 —' �iti�IIIL:illti�.F=+i- __..r. . . . , .. . . .. s . . . ... DATE PREPARED: 12113118 :; • 68 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Phil McGrane 2020-005222 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=5 LISA BATT 011141202001:S1PM EAGLE CITY NO FEE 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Palmetto Dr.—Extension 00726B642020000$22200500$3 \,.. Quitclaim Deed—Property Transfer 5 - Eagle 26,LLC to Spirit Realty LP After Recording Return To: Spirit Realty Atte: Graham Murphy 2727 N.Harwood Street, Ste. 300 Dallas,'1'X 75201 (Reserved for Ada County Recorder) QUITCLAIM DEED On ,, 1� , , 20 Z 0 EAGLE 26, LLC., a limited liability corn duly organizetAnd existing under the laws of the State of Idaho, and having its principal office at 737 N.7th Street in Boise,Idaho 83702,referred to as the GRANTOR(S),hereby grants, conveys, releases, and quitclaims to SPIRIT REALTY LP, a foreign limited partnership formed in Delaware,whose current principal address is 2727 N.Harwood Street,in Dallas,Texas 95201,referred to as the GRANik�E(S) all of the Grantor's rights,title,and interest in and to the fallowing described real estate, and as described in Attachment 'A', situated in Eagle, Idaho, in the County of Ada,State of Idaho. Legal Description: A portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 4 North, Range I East of the Boise Meridian, City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the 1/4 corner common to Section 9,Township 4 North,Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian and said Section 16 from which a brass cap marking the West 1/16 corner common to said Section 9 and 16 bears, South 89°42'2511 West, 1,324.74 feet; thence South 04°19'39" West, 306.63 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 15,Block 3,Merrill Subdivision No.2 as filed in Book 79 of Plats at Pages 8490 through 8494,records of Ada County,Idaho; thence on the West boundary line of said Lot 15,South 00°21'25"West, 102.06 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing on said West boundary line, South 00°21'25"West, 96.81 feet; Thence leaving said West boundary line, 91.38 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 481.00 feet, a central angle of 10°53'05" and a long chord which bears North 22°07'34"West,91.24 feet; Thence North 70°38'04"East, 37 .07 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. QUITCLAIM DEED-1 69 Containing 1,557 square feet or 0.04 acres,more or less. NOW'1 HIS DEED WIlNESSEIfi that the Grantor,without any monetary consideration, hereby conveys, releases and quitclaims all of the Grantor's rights title,and interest in and to the above described property and premises,and as described in Attachment'A',to the Grantee(s),and to the Grantee(s) heirs and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor(s) nor Grantor's heirs, legal representatives or assigns shall have, claim or demand any right title to the property,premises,or appurtenances, or any part thereof, and subject to all easements, rights of way, covenants, restrictions, patent reservations, applicable building and zoning ordinances and use regulations, and restrictions and accruing taxes of record or appearing on the land. EXCEPi ING, the quitclaim will be revocable if the extension of Palmetto Avenue, as shown on Attachment `B", is not completed. IN WilNESS WHEREOF, Th- Grantor has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed as of this )3'Tday of \,L, 20),D EAGLE 26,LLC. By -- -- Greg McVay,Managing Member STAiiOF IDAHO ) ss. County of Ada ) On this 13 day of 10,110111 , 20 Z(Z before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared GREG MCVAY,known or identified to me to be the Managing Member of EAGLE 26, LLC.,an Idaho Limited Liability Company,the corporation that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN Wl1 NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. • if A A rA Ai 4.411111 � `,�� � N o TARY PUBL C FOR c AHO 00 �°= � , , - a Residing at ktalfaiabbat ,Idaho 04. - Commission Expires: dejfaWaS ,;max; „,-,-�-,,-•,- QUITCLAIM DEED- 70 EAGLE 26,LLC. By 13\Lk \ftwi Barry Marcus,ManJng Member STAlE OF IDAHO ) ss. County of Ada ) On this 13 day of tavorti , 20 tiQ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared BARRY MARCUS,known or identified to me to be the Managing Member of EAGLE 26, LLC., an Idaho Limited Liability Company,the corporation that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WItNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. - . NOTARY PUBLIC FOR IAHO AResiding at L tA CPi4ff1f �g1JJ�(�f ,Idaho �+ Commission Expires: iLJL(1jU725 ),(11:1,7 r7-.4 ;, F'..jf;; I - F.t* v^• QUITCLAIM DEED-3 71 � IDAHO Attachment A 9955 W Emerald St 1SG SURRVUET) 6oise, ID 83704 Phone: (208)846-8570 Fax: (208) 884-5399 Description for Transfer Parcel 5—Palmetto Avenue October 10,2019 A portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16,Township 4 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian,City of Eagle,Ada County, Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the 1/4 corner common to Section 9,Township 4 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian and said Section 16 from which a brass cap marking the West 1/16 corner common to said Section 9 and 16 bears,South 89°42'25"West,1,324.74 feet;thence South 00°19'39"West,306.63 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 15,Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2 as filed in Book 79 of Plats at Pages 8490 through 8494,records of Ada County,Idaho;thence on the West boundary line of said Lot 15,South 000211251T West,102.06 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing on said West boundary line,South 00°21'25"West,96.81 feet; thence leaving said West boundary line,91.38 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 481.00 feet,a central angle of 10°53'05"and a long chord which bears North 22"07'34"West,91.24 feet; thence North 7003810411 East,37.07 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1,557 square feet or 0.04 acres,more or less. End of Description ..4 ........•,„ '- r ' "" ...„. ,.., ;.tty,- - ivy� ,._.7. .,. .. ; , 0;7, es,STE/t '4.,A., ------- / egliA ". '44 ' ..._ -,,,,,,,it, ' I ;. Fc' # 11719 )5,' ///) ,14. . . ‘ k J toti 21,47,., ib \\9*‘:.,%riC Cfr/44:.i" 4)P.7::;"":",...:!''le:: -. .D., br..;`:,:, . .,-, Page 1 of 1 72 Attachment B BASIS OF BEARING 1/16 9 S89'42'25"W 1324.74' 1/4 9 Z- 16 = 16 /14\ A,, , , 17 c, d A \,,,d 4 4 Ji5`- t 1 5 N ,.. . �'� UNPLA T TED i\ \,. ti CD d` C,4 CD \ cV O .,-- JC, 55 ir ,,, `5 i `a REAL POINT (1 \,- OF BEGINNING c6 •4 t15 � � 5 30 `� - 0, +' 0 15 60 \ 1 O•-rjb z) C SCALE: 1 " = 30' � A 1 Eza \ , /".- 1_ UNPLATTED '' .'-i rn ovkl. I.ii.Z \, . 1 2,1-3 coco\ \GE,NSk.e)S _,._ - „ „, \\,4 C..), ..N 044, ' :'- vn. s te' • - - 0 , N a— ' 11779 73 PARCEL 5 . IS ' ±1,557 SQ. FT 4 /I c'� II.:*'` ':'` 4. 55 ±0 .04 ACRES / °,0), E' 0 F \”,10` 4 • cCp` ' 1 \ ' A CURVE TABLE '\ i 4 CURVE LENGTH RADIUS I DELTA 1 CHORD BRG. CHORD DIST. \ Cl 91.38 481.00 110'53'05" I N22'07'34"W 91.24 \ . A \\ ):11+ ne(t>r Avg E.tru$dn 17-419\dao\PAL ETM TaauScrq PAR( ,•5.0w. 10/10/21,19 4:Q? f]PL , .,,�� ..1 2 EXHIBIT DRAWING FOR 1 "o. IDAHO 'q 17-419 9955 wEMERALD ST. TRANSFER PARCEL 5 -- PALMETTO AVEUNE SHNO. SURVEY . '''' (r;: s BOISE,IDAHO 83704 (208)8484571 1 'F.. it_ P LLp. A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 16, DWG DATE G �U T.4N., R.1 E., B.M., EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO 10G10/2018 J 73 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Phil McGrane 2Q20-005221 BOISE IDAHO Pgs=5 LISA BA i i 01114!2020 01:51 PM EAGLE CITY NO FEE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Palmetto Dr.—Extension 00726863202000052210050056 Quitclaim Deed—Property Transfer 4 --- -- — Eagle 26,LLC to DGC 863 E Main LLC After Recording Return To: Don Curtis P.O. Box 291 Fruita,CO 81521 (Reserved for Ada County Recorder) QMiTiAIMIiQ On tx""..1/43.ssxr-i1 0 , 20 2(� EAGLE 26, LLC., a limited liability compandly organized : I• 'xisting under the laws of the State of Idaho,and having its principal office at 737 N.7th Street in Boise,Idaho 83702,referred to as the GRANTOR(S),hereby grants, conveys, releases, and quitclaims to Don Curtis of DGC 8b3 E MAIN LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, whose current address is 621 E. Grand Avenue in Fruits, Colorado 81521,referred to as the GRAN lEE(S) all of the Grantor's rights,title,and interest in and to the following described real estate, and as described in Attachment 'A', situated in Eagle, Idaho, in the County of Ada,State of Idaho. Legal Description: A portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16, Township 4 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian, City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the 114 corner common to Section 9,Township 4 North,Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian and said Section 16 from which a brass cap marking the West 1/16 corner common to said Section 9 and 16 bears, South 89°42'25" West, 1,324.74 feet; thence South 00°19'39" West, 306.63 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 15,Block 3,Merrill Subdivision No.2 as filed in Book 79 of Plats at Pages 8440 through 8494, records of Ada County,Idaho;thence on the West boundary line of said Lot 15, South 00°21'25" West,27.07 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continuing on said West boundary line, South 00°21'25"West,74.98 feet; Thence leaving said West boundary line,South 70°38'04" West,37.07 feet; Thence 48.29 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 481.00 feet, a central angle of 05°45'09" and a long chord which bears North 30°26'41" West, 48.27 feet; QUITCLAIM DEED-1 74 Thence 78.98 feet along the arc of said reverse curve to the right having a radius of 419.00 feet, a central angle of 10°48'01" and a long chord which bears North 27°55'15" West,78.86 feet to the South boundary line of a parcel as described in a Quit Claim Deed recorded on August 8,2017 as Instrument No.2017-073417; Thence on said South boundary line,South 76°03`48"East,99.76 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 6,121 square feet or 0.14 acres,more or less. NOW THIS DEED Wi'iNESSETH that the Grantor,without any monetary consideration, hereby conveys, releases and quitclaims all of the Grantor's rights title, and interest in and to the above described property and premises,and as described in Attachment'A',to the Grantee(s),and to the Grantee(s) heirs and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor(s) nor Grantor's heirs, legal representatives or assigns shall have, claim or demand any right title to the property,premises,or appurtenances, or any part thereof, and subject to all easements, rights of way, covenants, restrictions, patent reservations, applicable building and zoning ordinances and use regulations, and restrictions and accruing taxes of record or appearing on the land. EXCEP'IING, the quitclaim will be revocable if the extension of Palmetto Avenue, as shown on Attachment `B", is not completed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, e Grantor has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed as of this iirjS day of ' � . , , Nix, 20 ZC) . EAGLE 26,LLC. By Greg McVay,Managing Member QUTTCLAIM DEED- 75 STATE OF IDAHO ) ss. County of Ada ) On this (3 day of JI %4( Y9 , 201,0 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared GREG MCVAY,known or identified to me to be the Managing Member of EAGLE 26,LLC., an Idaho Limited Liability Company,the corporation that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. A AAA • NOTARY PUBLIC FOR AHO Residing atAglantliALIS E ,Idaho «4 v i Ni411.0!'S��1 11, Commission Expires: QtIIj1flJS ,,,„ vt- *i.1 gal:MO EAGLE 26,LLC. BY Barry Marcus,Mana Member STAlE OF IDAHO ) ss. County of Ada ) On this 13 day of ARO , 20 1,0 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared BARRY MARCUS,known or identified to me to be the Managing Member of EAGLE 26,LLC., an Idaho Limited Liability Company,the corporation that executed the instrument or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said corporation,and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ITHA „... PAK • r. NO ARY PUB IC F IDAH cf: Residing at 'L�� l U1LMII� Idaho e „, Commission Expires: U001 JjVS QUITCLAIM DEED—3 7 6 Attachment A IDAHO 9955 W Emerald St 11S SURVEY Boise, id 83704 GROUP Phone: (208) 846-8570 Fax: (208) 884-5399 Description for Transfer Parcel 4— Palmetto Avenue October 10,2Q29 A portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16,Township 4 North, Range I East of the Boise Meridian,City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the 1/4 corner common to Section 9,Township 4 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian and said Section 16 from which a brass cap marking the West 1/16 corner common to said Section 9 and 16 bears,South 89`42'25"West,1,324.74 feet;thence South 00°19'39"West,306.63 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 15,Block 3, Merrill Subdivision No.2 as filed in Book 79 of Plats at Pages 8490 through 8494,records of Ada County,Idaho;thence on the West boundary line of said Lot 15,South 0002112511 West,27.07 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing on said West boundary line,South 00°21'25"West,74.98 feet; thence leaving said West boundary line,South 70"38'04"West,37.07 feet; thence 48.29 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 481.00 feet,a central angle of 05"45'09"and a long chord which bears North 30'26'41"West,48.27 feet; thence 78.98 feet along the arc of said reverse curve to the right having a radius of 429.00 feet,a central angle of 100481011 and a long chord which bears North 27°55'15"West, 78.86 feet to the South boundary line of a parcel as described in a Quit Claim Deed recorded on August 8,2017 as Instrument No.2017-073417; thence on said South boundary line,South 76003148t1 East,99.76 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 6,121 square feet or 0.14 acres,more or less. End of Description. pl..LAN° y� �� '• a �. t�� r� t9,A. ,47 - VIA 1177, Ig to Page 1 of I 77 Attachment B BASIS OF BEARING 1/1 9 S89'42'25"W 1324.74' 1/4 9 \ .24\ Q., % ——— e 16 16 5 0 \ 4, .. \ ------------- - o 4' \ \ . \ d \AirINST. NO. 2017-07341;7triIn:(6 -,-4, a0 d 4 76'•� to d 5::E. 99.76' Fi ,N,`; a 41 44\ o REAL POINT d.4 OF BEGINNING .d a e d 1 \\A rDad• , a\ PARCEL 4 - d ±6,121 SQ. FT co 4 ,', 4.\\V\ / •\ ±0.14 ACRES ' ./V / -.. . .( 1 0 a d- N '6 i d A 731/ / . i LL 0 / FA d 1 1 r . d • / 4 a /5--1.v 4 1 d 4\ I . Q• 0 I/1 \ . \ s r5 20 0t040 ,- �3�p4 44 SCALE: 1" = 20' \ i a s'io > t LAND - crE-NR d'e/..t,, - 4., \,‘,„___ _$.6 41. , .._ ;c . , ..e. CURVE TABLE o,: 11779 5):J CURVE 1 LENGTH 1 RADIUS DELTA I CHORD BRG. 1 CHORD DIST. u'x -j!'= , ,�� d j Cl 1 48.29 I 481.00 5'45'09" 1 N30'26'41"W l 48.27 OF C2 I 78.98 I 419.00 10'48'01" 1 N27'55'15"W 1 78.86 4 McCit 3• ,, TR r 308\Prtfmntt�Avg Fztenslan 17-419\�(,.n PA(,1IETTA PAR(�l.4.d.o 10 1�?019 3.?s•A7 A '� � ���� � ��, , �.�.�,� EXHIBIT DRAWING FOR ago: IDAHO 17-419 -, 9955 W EMERALD ST TRANSFER PARCEL 4 -- PALMETTO AVEUNE SHEET NO. _ SURVEY BOISE,IDAHO 83704 #' (208)346-8570 GROUPS LLC A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 16, ,,e fr; )1,.._1 T.4N., R.1 E., D.M., EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO DWG. DATE 10/10/2019 78 ADA COUNTY RECORDER Phil McGrane 2O2OOO522O BOISE IDAHO Pgs=5 LISA BA i i 0111412020 01:51 PM EAGLE CITY NO FEE Palmetto Dr—Extension 1111111111111111111111111111 III 111111 11111111 SUBP19-0125 00726862202000052200050059 T 4N,R1E,Sec 16 (Reserved for Ada County Recorder) RIGHT OF WAY DEED THIS RIGHT OF WAY DEED,made this j y�day of '\,l>.)4\ n , 200, between EAGLE 26, LLC, a limited liability company,the"1'1' • iOR"and.dic,CITY OF EAGLE,IDAHO,a body politic and corporate of the State of Idaho,the"GRAN 1'EED9' WITNESSETH : GRANTOR hereby grants, conveys and confirms to the GRANlEE and its successors and assigns, a public street right of way on and across that certain real property situated in the COUNTY OF ADA, STATE OF IDAHO,more particularly described and depicted on Exhibit "A"attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof("The Premises"); TOGEI'HJR with all of Grantor's right,title and interest in and to The Premises and including all rights appurtenant thereto; SUBJ±CT TO recorded reservations of rights, exceptions and interests affecting title; general taxes and assessments for the current year which are not yet due and payable, easements of record or obvious on a physical inspection of the Premises; and any applicable governmental regulations that may affect development or use of the Premises; The current address of the GRAN!EE is: City of Eagle, Idaho Attention: Zoning Administrator P.O.Box 1520 Eagle,Idaho 83616 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this RIGHT OF WAY DEED has been duly executed by and on behalf of the GRANTOR,the day,month and year herein first above written. EAGLE 26,LLC By: \ I - Barry Marcus Managing Owner Greg McVay,Managing Owner Right of Way Deed Page 1 of 2 , 79 STATE OF IDAHO ) SS: County of Ada . On this ' day of 1411.4GrY _ - _ .. , 2020, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Barry Marcus and Greg McVay, known to me to be Managing Members of '`-G^... 26 - L'` the entity that ,.,'.t., the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that such entity executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ,'_,``.| seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. flitN4 - -- ' otary Public oi idalj (SEAL) Residing at 'it.` ..`r-~ ise ' ..'`' My Commission Expc19((J[j_' _ TAJ ,a9 ACTARY jti C *., *F • Right of Way Deed .''.. ..2 • IDAHO 9955 W Emerald St Raise, ID 83704 1SG SURVEY GROUP EXHIBIT A Phone: (208) 846-8570 Fax: (208) 8845399 description for Dedication "C"- Palmetto Avenue October 7,2019 A portion of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 16,Township 4 North, Range I East of the Boise Meridian,City of Eagle,Ada County,Idaho and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a brass cap marking the 1/4 corner common to Section 9,Township 4 North, Range 1 East of the Boise Meridian and said Section 16 from which a brass cap marking the West 1/16 corner common to said Sections 9 and 16 bears,South 89°42'25"West, 1,324.74 feet;thence South 17'41'09"West,325.03 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence 78.98 feet along the arc of curve to the left having a radius of 419.00 feet,a central angle of 10°48'01"and a long chord which bears South 27"55'15" East,78.86 feet; thence 139.67 feet along the arc of said reverse curve to the right having a radius of 481.00 feet,a central angle of 16°38'14"and a long chord which bears South 25"00'08"East, 139.18 feet to a point on the West Boundary line of Merrill Subdivision No.2 as filed in Book 79 of Plats at Pages 8490 through 8494,records of Ada County,Idaho; thence on said West boundary line,South 00"21'25"West,187.08 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of State Highway 44/55; thence on said Northerly right-of-way line,35.56 feet along the arc of curve to the left having a radius of 11,523.73 feet,a centrad angle of 0001013711 and a long chord which bears North 79'55'36"West,35.56 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line,27.25 feet along the arc of anon-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 38.00 feet,a central angle of 41°05'00"and a long chord which bears North 15°50'33"East,26.67 feet; thence North 04°41'57"West,52.43 feet; thence 214.30 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 424.00 feet,a central angle of 28°37'18"and a long chord which bears North 19°00'36"West,212.08 feet; ..,!t... t.,,,,,4,1-- ...—... i° fe, reb, ,,Zis !��,y „ ,,;-- 4\-:, Ci� 11779Ay' ` 0 4,,,,\ *5,- ,.. --,A0 %ri.._, ,:t...,..,,.... . tri,,. ad.- Page 1 of 2 ti•'�:;.��...--�`�.-�,' .-: it•' -.".,-,N..r 8 1 • DAH 0 9955 W Emerald St SURRVEYPBoise, ID 63704 1SG Phone: (Z08) 846-$570 Fax: (208) 884-5399 thence 126.15 feet along the arc of said reverse curve to the right having a radius of 471.00 feet,a central angle of 15°20'43"and a long chord which bears North 25°38'54"West, 125.77 feet; thence South 76°03'48" East,62.81 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 18,517 square feet or 0.43 acres,more or less. End of Description. 0,„,,-...•.,.. ��pi..LAit f ; ,c-- ir,,,‘Y osTE0 _ : _ ---- , ,t, ,„,‘ ., - - _ -,,,.. „ 4, ,,.... .,,,.,,, ,, , . cc 11779 7, 0..ba .,Ay- . , 4 ;-2,i,.,1 f„„ r ''''Ci - , it s, 7.,•,,....... \l,,‘..* ; ta.41: *. ',.. PA:PIPS.; 7.. Page 2 of 2 82 BASIS OF BEARING 1/1.....z 9N .............. S89'42'25"W 1324.74' 1/4 9 0-- 16 16 \ i ciV \ L—\\L-,s_________---______________ .t1IN �60 S -,,,V). S76.0,:"------------- ......* 3 V`—....-‘....!.j8"c ..-' V62. 76• ,:"------------- 2 1 L \//// REAL POINT OF BEGINNING "C" — - -r ! ! ,_ / 0 1 , co), / // ! A. /A A 0 *(1)) / Yr:#806-cAk LLA 9V /7)A! ' 19\7\,\GE NSf..)L9 .4..f.....------. – . V? 0 9Z, ///V -- - iff/ 11779 g; \<,,,, cd, ...„0.,, c3 • 0,,. . �o cn 0 '�� ` � UNPLA T T�'D //// : 04 ks• of Q,' '' \ / 41. McC KO 0 o i---1 ,....1 t // CURVE TABLE 4,1 CURVE ILENGTH ! RADIUS DELTA CHORD BRG. CHORD DIST. Cl 78.98 419.00 10'48'01" S27'55 15 E 78.86 C2 139.67 481.00 16'38'14" S25'00108"E 139.18 \i10 I C3 35.56 111523.73 0'10737" N79'55'36"W 35.56 00 C4 27.25 1 38.00 41'05'00" N15'50'33"E 26.67 \////1..; . C5 214.30 1 429.00 28'37'18" N19'00'36"W 212.08 (\/J N 06 126.15 I 471.00 1 15'20'43" 1 N25'38'54"W 125.77Z N. ' Ult.) P N}•�//3— .4s I di t. C..} /55 .*- SA TEN H 0 : INY. 4 4 A / CS A tt0 Ave Exten9Fon T7--419\c+wn\ACWO PALMETTO PARCF1.C AM./Mart.tre 'g 10/7/pn7.1&:40 PY �'- 7. ACHD RIGHT—OF—WAY EXHIBIT DRAWING FOR JOB N°. IDAHO 17-419 -°. ; / V 9955 W.EMERALD ST DEDICATION "C" -- PALMETTO AVENUE SHEET NO. ,, I; v -,f SU R V 1 BOISE,IDAHO 63704 (206)e464570 1 THEOF NW 1/4 OF SECTION A PORTION OF NE 1/4 THE 16, �� GROUP, LLC T.4N., R.1E., B.M., EAGLE, ADA COUNTY, IDAHO LiNG• DATE r kv 10/7/2019 83 Robin Collins From: Debbie Mitchell <DMitchell@spiritrealty.com> Sent: Friday,January 17, 2020 9:55 AM To: Robin Collins Cc: Graham Murphy Subject: Crunch Fitness in Eagle, ID Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hello Robin, After reviewing the documents and structure of the project, below are few comments for your review. • Will the City of Eagle be preparing the Special Warranty Deed or should we prepare? • In lieu of the property being conveyed from Eagle 26 LLC to Spirit, we would prefer entering into a cross access agreement. If we are to acquire the property, we need to complete a phase I, review title work,obtain an ALTA survey and have an owner's policy issued. It appears this portion of the property has already been subdivided so I'm assuming there is a separate tax parcel ID. Who will be paying for the costs associated with the conveyance? • In the meantime, please provide the Grant of Easement and Agreement and Property Access Agreement Form in Word format so I can send the documents to our outside counsel for review and comment. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, My :" 'I Spirit Realty Capital ' 47 1 iir -' dmitcheII soiritrealtv.corn wWtirJ 1 tv II II SPIRIT fool et l r From: Robin Collins<rcollins@cityofeagle.org> Sent:Tuesday,January 14, 2020 1:20 PM To: Debbie Mitchell <DMitchell@spiritrealty.com> Cc: Graham Murphy<GMurphy@spiritrealty.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] - RE: Crunch Fitness in Eagle, ID Debbie, A Special Warranty Deed is fine. The City will accept that. 84 CHAPTER 8: TRANSPORTATION The projects in Maps 8—8D are divided into four project tiers. One tier, "Programmed," is for projects that are programmed for construction in ACHD's Integrated Five-Year Work Plan for the years 2017-2021. The other three tiers are based on the results of the applying the proposed prioritization criteria and are intended to provide relative rankings of the proposed projects.Table 8.2 contains the prioritized list of projects. Table 8.2: Prioritization Results for Proposed Projects Project IDL Project Name Prioritization Tier ...---- - MSM10 E Plaza Dr,S 2nd St to E Iron Eagle Dr Programmed NR26 E Aikens St, E Aikens St to S 2nd St Programmed MSM15 3 Cities River Crossing,Chinden Blvd to SH 55 High* MSM12 MSM12,SH 44 to E Plaza Dr High MSM13 Olde Park Place,State St to E Plaza Dr High MSM14 MSM14, Colchester Dr to Joplin St High MSM6 MSM6, SH 44 to W Floating Feather Rd High NR11 W Breanna Dr, Existing Stub to MSM6 High NR13 W Nephi Ln,W Nephi Ln to MSM6 High NR27 E Colchester Dr, E Colchester Dr to Chinden Blvd High MSM1 Floating Feather Rd,SH 16 to N Palmer Ln Medium W5 N Linder Rd, SH 44 to W Beacon Light Road Medium** MSM2 MSM2, N Saddleman PI to N Brookside Ln Medium : eMs1v13. . '---.41.4..SM.14V ,!rookside Lane to W : ••, ••- .•- lvted4tm—..--Xe –... ,---, MSM4 W Escalante Dr, Existing Stub to SH 44 Medium MSM5 W Moon Valley Rd,W Old Valley Rd to W Moon Valley Rd Medium MSM7 Old Valley Extension,SH 44 to Eagle Island Parkway Medium MSM8 MSM8, N Meridian Rd to S Linder Rd Medium MSM9 N Winward Ave, N Winward Ave to MSM7 Medium NR1 W Homer Road, W Wild Wings Ln to W Homer Rd Medium NR12 Island Woods Dr, Existing Stub to 3-Cities River Crossing Medium NR17 N Longhorn St, Existing Stub to W Floating Feather Rd Medium NR2 NR2, N Hartley Rd to N Linder Rd Medium NR21 NR21, N Palmer Ln to N Linder Rd Medium NR22 N MacFarlane Ave, Existing Stub to W Beacon Light Rd Medium NR23 NR23,SH 44 to SH 16 Medium NR25 Idaho St, N Eagle Rd to N Olde Park PI Medium NR28 N Stierman Way, N Stierman Way to MSM10 Medium NR29 Idaho St, Idaho St to N Stierman Way Medium NR3 NR3,W Beacon Light Rd to W Homer Rd Medium NR30 Palmetto St, Pametto St to SH 55 Medium NR4 NR4, N Linder Rd to N Park Ln Medium NR5 NR5, W Homer Rd to W Stillwell Dr Medium NR8 NR8, E Beacon Light Rd to NR6 Medium NR9 NR9,W Vali-Hi Ln to N Eagle Rd Medium W4 W Hill Rd, SH 55 to N Horseshoe Bend Rd Medium ,„ .....,„....... „ . „. „. .„ „.„. EAGLE IS HOME 179