Minutes - 2011 - City Council - 02/03/2011 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
Special Meeting Minutes
February 3,2011
1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Reynolds calls the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.
present. A quorum is present.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Reynolds leads the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor asks if anyone would like to give Invocation. No Invocation is given.
4. Discussion on Catering Permits and Open Container Permits.
A. Approval of Catering/Open Container Permits.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Council Member Semanko: I appreciate the agenda being amended. I have talked to
some vendors for First Friday and felt Council should discuss this.
General discussion.
Semanko moves to approve American Acupuncture's Open Container permit subject to
asking them if they want the permit to be for every single First Friday and anyone that
submits their application by tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. that the Mayor has the authority to
approve that and one $20.00 fee for the year for an Open Container permit. Discussion.
Semanko moves to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk's office to approve any
Open Container permits for First Friday that are received before the event subject
to the $20.00 fee being allowed to cover all the events of the year and all of the
requirements of the application apply as provided by law. Seconded by Huffaker.
Discussion on Catering Permits.
Semanko moves that the Mayor and the City Clerk's office have the authority to
approve any Catering Permit that is received for the event tomorrow subject to the
regular$20.00 fee which cannot be waived and this only for the one event.
Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES
Further discussion on the permits.
Council would like to see a draft ordinance to change the approval authority to the Mayor
and City Clerk's Office on the February 8`h Agenda.
Gretchen Gilbert, Eagle Chamber of Commerce, thank you for this. Discussion on the
Chamber After Hours. This is a huge learning experience and Tracy has helped us
tremendously. We are in compliance this month because After Hours is at MickeyRay's.
We will continue being in compliance thereafter. Discussion on the Chamber having a
blank Open Container Permit for their After Hour events.
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K_\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-02-03-I lspmin.doc
Gretchen will submit an application with all of the events and the sponsor listed and it
will be brought back to the Council for discussion.
A. CPA-01-10 - Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment- Downtown Eagle
Subarea Plan: The City of Eagle is proposing a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text
Amendment for the "Downtown Eagle Subarea Plan." The plan includes text changes
and changes to the Future Land Use Map for+/- 340 acres from Central Business
District, Residential Four(four (4) units per acre), Mixed Use, and Commercial to
"Downtown." The +/-340-acre subarea is generally located north of the State
Highway 44 Bypass, south of the Dry Creek Canal, west of Edgewood Lane, and east
of Taylor Street. The changes are more specifically described in the application on file
at the City of Eagle or on the City's website at www.cityofeagle.org. This item was
continued from the January 11, 2011 meeting. The public hearing remains open for
additional testimony.
Mayor introduces the issue.
Mayor opens the Public Hearing
Staff does not have a presentation at this time.
Foad Rogaine: I would like to have a comment after I further educate myself about the
plan. General discussion on the plan.
Planner Baird-Spencer: Discusses the Downtown designation.
Mark Butler, 1640 W. Washam Road, discussion on the comp plan. Eagle has had a very
unique comp plan. Over the last seventeen years the City Councils have put a lot of effort
in the comp plan. I appreciate the time you are putting into the plan.
Mayor closes the Public Hearing
General Council discussion.
Huffaker goes through the grammar and spelling changes he is recommending in the
Huffaker moves to approve the Downtown Comprehensive Plan with all of the
suggested grammatical and typographical changes I have recommended also with
the few recommendations that are in this Plan from the Planning and Zoning
Commission also with the changes that we all previously agreed to regarding the
map that we exclude those residential areas to the north and in addition I would
include accepting Planning and Zonings compatibility recommendations and
changes for the overall Comprehensive plan to make it in conformance with this
Downtown Plan. Seconded by Semanko. Discussion. Semanko: I would like to
include 5 text changes: Page 5, Goal 2C, add "in cooperation with landowners and
canal and drain companies and districts"; Page 24, PZ 5C, add "work with the
canal, drainage companies, districts and landowners to establish policies"; Page 34,
add "work with landowners, canal and drain companies, districts to pursue"; Page
38,with regard to implementation, a number of the irrigation districts have a
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master plan with cities on how to develop pathway and features along their canals
and I wonder how this fits. We should be pursuing a Master Agreement with the
irrigations districts. My language suggestion is "Pursue a Master Agreement with
canal and drainage companies and districts and landowners"; Page 22, B
Redevelopment, remove everything after the back slash "removing, undesirable,
under-utiltized and unrelated". Huffaker amends his motion to add Semanko's
suggested changes. Seconded by Semanko. Further discussion. THREE AYES:
Shoushtarian: My point is taking our time in the next two months and the census
information will come out and based on that and the information we get from the current
economy and forecast for the future we review the plan and make the modifications based
on that information (that is essential for a planner to have).
Semanko moves to amend the agenda to discuss the cell phone policy. Seconded by
Semanko: I want to understand where we are at„ So what is going on? I understand that
two phones were activated today.
General discussion.
Semanko asks for policy decisions like this to be made on the record in an open meeting.
Semanko moves to ratify the decision of the Mayor to turn on the cell phones of the
Building Inspectors. Seconded spy Huffaker. General discussion. ALL AYES:
Semanko moves to adjourn. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
SHARON K. BERGMANN = '' ® ® `" �6•
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February 3, 2011
CPA -01-10 - Comprehensive Plan Man and Text Amendment - Downtown Ea?Ie Subarea Plan
Eagle City Hall
660 E. Civic Lane/P.O. Box 1520
Eagle, Idaho 83616
(208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827
To: Mayor and Council
From: Sheri Horton- Deputy Clerk
Date: 2/2/11
Re: Open Container Approval
Please see attached open container permit application for American Acupuncture Center.
Their event is scheduled for Friday, February 4h.
***If you choose to approve this application, please add to your motion that upon receipt of
the approval from the Ada County Sheriff's Office this item can be approved. I have been
in contact with Brian Hippe and expect to have the necessary approval from him by Friday.
Thank you.
Application for
Permit for Possession and/or
Consumption of Alcohol Beverages
FEB 0 1 2011
Route to•
Permit fee (to be submitted with aPP ii ion): $20.00 )
Name of individual or sponsor: (if the applicant is an association, company or corporation, then it shall state its
name along with the names of the persons who will be sp�o oring the event.)
•gP /n4 Yl /Gr c(I4,t.Q
I A / Rtr/r r
Address & telephone number: (both legal and local): / 2g 5 6a 41,0£,(
Quantities & types of alcoholic beverage .roducts to be used at the event:
A 4 -f -r .,
1 rte.. / ..,� ��,E,-. • tG/
Dates & hours during which the permit is to be effective: 6,;,e.A...0. ,4-P�h,,,t, a,Ll1f,
„90,/ y 3p io,�t t._,
Location of event:
Description of event: FAL?.. 27/ 4-46e, EIA€T-tiii-
4.- The applicant must provide written approval from the Ada County Sheriff's Office signifying they have
reviewed and approved the area in which alcohol is to be served.
If the applicant is a non-profit entity, they must provide a copy of the state issued catering permit for
the requested event pri r to this application being processed.
Signature of Applicant: `�Date: 9 /1 11 .
City Council Action: Approved: Date:
AlekpriC4/1 ku 4 0 lottvAd•Le_,
3-2D-4: PERMITS:
B. An applicant for such permit shall make application to the City Clerk, remit a twenty dollar ($20.00) fee,
and comply with all rules and regulations related to such use. When the City Clerk determines that the application
Is complete, the City Clerk shall present the application to the City Council at its regular meeting for approval.
Such permits shall be at the discretion of the City Council and shall be denied upon the City Council finding the
public health, safety or welfare will be adversely affected upon granting of the permits. (Ord. 323, 5-12-1998)
K:\ClcrksWomislapplications\Possession - Consumption Alcohol Application.doc
Sharon Bergmann
From: Sheri Horton
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 10:09 AM
To: Sharon Bergmann
Subject: FW: FW: Catering permits & open container permits
From: Jim Reynolds
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 9:17 AM
To: Sheri Horton
Subject: FW: FW: Catering permits & open container permits
What do we do now?
From: Kristen Burris [mailto:eaglekristen@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 5:38 PM
To: Jim Reynolds
Subject: Re: FW: Catering permits & open container permits
Hi Jim,
I have the City of Eagle Application for Permit for Permission and/or Consumption of Alcohol Beverages.
What other permit do I need and who shall I bring it to?
Thank you,
Kristen Burris
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Jim Reynolds <irevnolds a,citvofeaele.ortz> wrote:
Kristen. There is a special CC meeting on Thursday, 2/3. If we get your application in we can put you on that
agenda, and should be able to get you a permit in time.
Jim Reynolds
From: Kristen Burris [mailto:eaalekristen cr.Qmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:01 PM
To: Melissa Brodt
Cc: selcox a.msn.com; stenhanie@fusions-idaho.com; bluemoosecafeidaho(amail.com; Fusions - Linda Crouch; Jerry and Kathi
Venz; John L. Wood Wild West; Kelly Beach; Laurie Warner; Linda Butler; louiserussell@cableone.net; Mark Priddy; Mimi Marie;
Naomi Preston; Rachelle Berman; rayshmegmail.com; shannon a,insightglobalcom.com; Sligar, Darrin (BOI);
sligarnichelle a zmail.com; villadecorinteriors(ibumail.corn; buichd(a?aol.com; Cathy Giese; Mary May;
aretchenneaelechamber.com; Tracy Osborn; Jim Reynolds; eaglecity
Subject: Re: FW: Catering permits & open container permits
Sadly I called the city and we don't have time to pull appropriate permits for next Friday.
Any restaurants that are having drink specials that night please stop by American Acupuncture with your
coupons! I will put them in our bags and promote you First Friday.
Thank you,
Kristen Burris
American Acupuncture Center
128 S Eagle Road #220
Eagle, ID 83616
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Melissa Brodt <mbrodtnaaleriebelleame.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Here is the legal routine for serving alcohol during community events. My advice is to follow the guidelines set
by the state liquor laws and city codes. It is our plan to hire a caterer or winery to pour our wine at Galerie
Belle Ame or not serve wine at all and guide patrons to the local eateries/wine bars. If any restaurant would like
to offer coupons to distribute from my gallery, then please bring them by. I will do my best to send referrals
your way.
I realize this news may change your event during First Friday's, however I feel I must forward the information
on to the First Friday participants. The Eagle Idaho Merchant's Association is not the host of your events—the
host is your business, within your business or someone else's establishment. This risk is for each business to
take or not participate in serving wine.
Any questions, give me or Tracy Osborn a call to discuss. I spent some time discussing this issue with the
downtown Boise Merchants Association president (who hosts First Thursdays) and she had some great advice,
however our city codes, rules and regulations in Eagle vary from Boise. I also plan to further discuss the Eagle
city code for open containers with a city council member and will go to the next city council meeting, if
needed. I am unclear as to if each business must get separate catering permits ($20) in addition to the serving
permit ($25) each event.
Much success,
Melissa Brodt ('I i ), I';aglc Art` Commissioner. President I angle Idaho i\1ercllant` Association
Art of Framing — Galerie Belle Ante
179 ti. 1-;IgIe Road I:a!_Ie. 11) 83616
Calorie Belle Ame — Silverstone Plaza
1.105 I . ( herland Road N1eridi in. 1I) 836-12
C: 208.'1)1.0-177
11: 20.938.13-r
www.CalerieBel leAnre.conr
Join us every First Friday DISCOVER DOWNTOWN EAGLE 4:30-8:30 pm
Join us every Third Thursday ART SOIREE, Silverstone Maw 6:00-8:00 pm
From: Tracy Osborn [mailto:tosborn(citvofeaale.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:43 AM
To: Melissa Brodt
Subject: RE: Catering permits & open container permits
Yes. The permits are issued for a specific address. The fee is $20.00 per event. I've attached the application
for your convenience.
From: Melissa Brodt [mailto:mbrodt a,aaleriebellearne.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:38 AM
To: Tracy Osborn
Cc: Linda Butler
Subject: RE: Catering permits & open container permits
Hi Tracy,