Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 09/24/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING
24, 1996
PRE-COUNCIL: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Mayor and Council Report:
Masner: Sewer District is close to making a motion on lifting the moratorium. General
discussion on recent meeting. Asked to serve on a committee with the County Assessor, one of
eight members. First meeting was this morning. Might be a good avenue to comment.
Yzaguirre: Treasure Valley Pathway Committee met recently. Became aware of an
encroachment on the ten foot easement, According to the building inspector, not a problem.
Zoning administrator may comment later. We need to deal with this or the pathway may not
M. Butler: Discussion of issue. Wishes to field check the property.
Yzaguirre: Ten foot easement may continue farther. Only wishes to bring this to the attention
of the Council, bring staff.
Bastian: Met with the Library board. Actively seeking a grant with US West to get on the
Internet. If they meet the minimum requirements, the grant would be a done deal. Purchase of
a computer and printer along with a modem. Looking at candidates for a replacement to the
Board. Susan is now the new president of the library board. Discussed the concept ora new
library, esp., in relation to the Merrill Park proposal. Costs could be relatively low, Bastian
feels the cost could increase substantially. Designer bid looked at about $87 a square foot.
Reviewed other expenses, the costs are more like $100K. Sentiment that the City Council
moves too slow on this. Council is more responsible to the public, hence the need for good
· .
Mayo~! discussing of booth for Centennial Committee. Need to gather memorabtha, names of
parti~ipant~ given. ¥oi~ers to gather as much as possible. Mixture of commerce and social
issues· General discussion. Last night met with River Ridge homeowners that were concerned.
Conditions of approval discussion. Much information requested of stafftoday and of the
processes involved. Concerned with how close the roadway is to their property line and other
issues. Leroy Miers from lTD has offered to allow access to previous documents and heating
materials. Thought the roadway was to be only 2 lanes instead of 4, sound buffers, road
height, and other issues. What kinds of agreements (conditions of approval) were between the
city and the developer· What was found was that a number of hearings were held, and now the
people were surprised about the outcome. Why was state street dead-ended?
Yzaguirre: This was not an option, the Council protested, the Chamber protested, and yet the
engineers decided to go forth.
Masner: Citizens told in open meeting that they had not violated the conditions of approval.
Bastian: ITD was not going to put a sound barrier in, and that the subdivision was not planned
at the time of the hearings. However, was objected by Council.
Mayor: We can try to help the people to understand the processes for furore benefits. Also
talked to Jim Hill? Sewer permits were requested of DEQ about a week ago. DEQ is working
on them, taking, working on the standard conditions of approval. One of these conditions
which was discussed, put their concerns into the water quality study. When the property
changed, most of the people that would complain would go away. This was not quite the case.
Will give Joy Palmer a call to get together with a number of people concerned with the water
study. This slows down the process slightly, but may get the issue resolved· Jim Hill is
optimistic, but these kinds of issues slow it down. Boise appears receptive of a joint
agreement, but no date is available.
City_ Clerk/Treasurer Report: Staffing Status. Financial Report(Cash Accounts) From
Ci~ ~udi?r. Bond for Councilman Yzaguirre. Corporate Seal v. Logo (Amendment to
SectiOn. 1211-1 Unnecessary). ICC/FOA Meeting Report. 1st Security Bank Selection for
Zoning Adminiatrator Report: Has four items: 1. Received the report from Holladay
Engineering, concerning the Lexington Hills school. 2. Wrote Eagle Alternative School
requesting an appeal of a decision, to be placed on the agenda tonight, due to a press for time.
3. Three of the Council met on Thursday, the Eagle Road improvements, Steve Spicklemier
from ACHD is here tonight. 4. When reports are presented, a brief summary should be given,
with the applicant then providing comment, then the staff providing the final information.
Wishes Council direction on the process.
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bower called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Masner: Moves to move item 7A to item 7E, for the purposes of having this issue placed into
Executive Session since it involves the potential purchase of property. Seconded by Bastian.
Roll Call Vote: Bastian, AYE, Yzaguirre AYE, Masner AYE, ROLL CALL SHOWS ALL
Masner: Moves to add a new item 7A a discussion of the new Eagle Road section including the
section of road between the bypass at State Street..., seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE
Motion CARRIES ....
Masner: Move that the next to the last item, just before potential land acquisition, the subject
of the Eagle Alternative School, a discussion of the tree problem, seconded by Yzaguirre.
General diScussion. Further clarification by Masner as follows: "Item A" now would be the
Discussion, Item B Insurance, Item C
las~ it~mi A ne~ !~!tem Aii word be the Eagle Road ..........
Ne~spaper~ Item D Resolution on Copy Charges, "Item E" Eagle Alternative School, "Item
F" would be potential land acquisition, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ....
Masner: Move to approve the Mayor's recommended list of the Centennial Committee
Members, seconded by Yzaguirre, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ....
City Clerk: City Attorney is in receipt of information that the claims against the city must
receive a roll call vote for approval by Council.
Yzaguirre: Move to approve the consent agenda, items B through H, not including the claims
against the city "Item A," seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ....
Yzaguirre: Move to approve the claims against the city, seconded by Masner. Roll Call,
Bastian, AYE, Yzaguirre, AYE, Masner, AYE, ALL AYE, Merrill Absent, MOTION
Lexin~on Hills Elementary_ School
Mayor: The Zoning Administrator is requesting that City Council reconsider the previously
approved Conditional Use Permit for the the Lexington Hills Elementary School. The site is
located near the northwest corner of Floating Feather Road and Seven Oaks Drive on Lot 32,
Block 7, of the Lexington Hills Subdivision #5.
M. Butler: Feels he has authority to issue a permit for the entire structure, has issued a
foundation only. Since last meeting, the City Engineer conducted a fire pressure test, it flowed
with what meets the minimum standard. A meeting was held this morning with a number of
representatives with many concerned Discussed issue at leith Thinks the best thing to do at
this point. Possible Council questions to the City Engineer. Zoning Administrator feels the
current system is inadequate. Something was done to the current system to allow an automatic
tUm6n of an auxiliary pump.
Ke~Rice ~ployed by Holladay Engineer, 179 N. 20th Street, Payette,
came forward and provided comment. The issue is where there is adequate water flow at the
current site. At the present time, there is adequate flow for the homes only, However, there is
barely an adequate supply for the school. Equipment failure was corrected today due to a
failure earlier this summer. Well turned on manually. Need to run test on the manual system.
Cannot report at this time report on the adequacy of this system yet. General discussion by
Council of the gallons per minute and the potential damage to the pump issue. There are
several ways, the pump control was damaged, and an across the line starter was installed.
Other things need to be done. Several choices, also the problem, no backup power for either
pump. Still not able to fight fire during a power outage. Not providing the safety needed in
this system currently. Council must approve this option, Could damage this system if it ever
starts...another fix should be installed. Major work should be done to give the system a backup
source. In the event of a fire, the system entire resources must function in order to fight the
fire. We need a standby or backup in the event that one of the well in nonfunctional during the
fire. This is not something that can be done immediately. Estimate $3900 cost of new valve.
Options for a power source are to have standby generators with automatic interlinks based on
power failure, cost is about $120,000 for both wells. The second option is to use an elevated
tank, that gravity is the standby, the cost is about $250,000. The third option, is to tie to an
existing source with another source of power or water generated from another source (with
outside power source).
Masner: The secondary power source was not a statutory power source nor a requirement of
the Fire Department to do this, but is a recommendation of the City Engineer to meet this
General discussion of the sand problem and the length of time to obtain a new valve.
Masner: Move to authorize the Mayor to spend the $3,500 to buy the valve to bring this system
up to standard. Seconded by Bastian.
yza~in:e: Dis~si0n Wi!! thi~ meet the fire flow
Bastian: Permissible to ask the Fire Chief to make a statement for the record.
Dan Friend, Fire Chief for the Eagle District Fire Department, came forward and provided
comment. Before systems are on line, they come out and observe the water flows. Do flows
based upon the appropriate way. Did a flow on June, 1470 or 1430 gpm, with ten pounds of
pressure. General discussion. Water company was out in the house in July, again observed
flows, 1570 and 1500 at 20lbs, the minimum was 1500, How it was gathered is not in his
knowledge, only that it was.
Bastian: In your opinion, is there adequate flow to the school ?
Friend: On July, there was adequate supply on that day only. September or whenever the test
was taken.
Yzaguirre: How often is your test valid on the first try? Variable needing adjustment? Fine
Friend: Common that some adjustment is necessary, rather fairly common. Discussion of
history, postponed previous test in three other systems, these things happen, this is common.
Other days when the flow is okay.
Bastian: Ifa major fire on that day with a problem in the system, then there would be a
problem putting out the fire?
Friend: On a small fire and other variables, the water with the trucks is usually sufficient.
Bastian: Water flow is only one of the variables in fighting a fire.
Mather: DO you see any reason why the Council should not approve the permit for the new
Friend: Water has been identified as a concern for many years. Allowing the building would
be something that can be done temporarily, short term solution. Obviously, a long range
solution will involve a larger solution (reservoir, tank, etc.).
Masner: Call for the question.
Mayor: Motion was to approve the purchase of the pump control valve for well number 2 to
remove the sand, all for about $3,500.
Bastian: Point of order. Is discussion in order? Okay? Technically the water flow is okay.
On July 10, the water flow was met. Approve the $3,500 for the new pump control valve.
Masner: Move to instruct the Zoning Administrator to issue a building permit for the new
Lexington Hills School, seconded by Yzaguirre.
Mayor: Motion is really unnecessary. Suggest alternative.
Bastian: Clarification requested, approved the construction of the building. The Council has
put into place the approval, however, the Zoning Administrator only issued the foundation.
Discussion. Felt that direction is not necessary to meet the needs.
Masner: Withdrawn the motion, Yzaguirre concurred.
M. Butler: One comment on this issue. Which wells have backup power, schools systems have
backup power systems, should this be considered more? Confused on the power issue.
MaSher: Another subject for another time.
Ba~{an: Agree ~vith cry Engineer, long term and immediate short term, a secondary power
source or other water source is necessary. Believes we should go forward with the
construction of this school. Think we should go on to other issues on the agenda. Possibly
add to afuture agenda?
NOTE: Add to future agenda.
Yzaguirre: Moves to direct staff to research this issue (alternatives for another power source
and cost and another water source including a interconnection to other systems and a gravity
flow system) and report back to Council. Seconded by Masner.
City Attorney: There is an existing operating agreement with EM2, this is important that the
Council is reviewing certain issues, review design and risk, possible liability issue for the
Council. Suggests allowing this issue be handled by EM2.
Bastian: Better to direct EM2 to do this study and report back? Yes.
Mayor: Desires the City Engineer to do this? Yes, working closely together.
City attomey: Does not suggest that the City Engineer take control over a system.
Mayor: Clarification on the motion, Various sources and costs and timeliness, no inherent
designing in mind. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES.
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law For CUP for Lexington Hills Elementary_
Mayor: Thc City Clerk requests Council approval of the Findings Qf Fact and Conclusions of
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Law for the previously approved Conditional Use Permit for the Lexington Hills Elementary
School, to be located on the west side of Seven Oaks Road north of Floating Feather Road in
the Lexington Hills Subdivision.
MaSher Mbveio c6htinue t~his ~$sue to the next regular meeting. Seconded by Yzaguirre.
City attorney: clarification of revision to be sent prior to the Council meeting.
Design Review Committee -- Membership. Process. Authority_.
Mayor: Council members Merrill and Yzaguirre requested at the August 29, 1996, Special
Budget and Zoning Meeting to evaluate the Design Review Committee Structure and Process.
Yzaguirre: Would like to speak to this issue. We realized that this issue required additional
review. In packet, there is a copy of the current ordinance for Design Review Committee.
Some of current members do not live in the city limits, suggests that two members are from the
business community, a few from the sign industry, landscape business, and a community
member at large. Suggests making changes as iht the committee report to the P&Z committee.
First discussion, is that the members should be mayor appointed and confirmed by P&Z.
General discussion of regional approach to this issue.
Bastian: Delegated as a staff function? With other requirements carefully reviewed? General
interest in the publici others see tape. Concur, recommends that Council assign a
subCOmmittee of the c6un~il of other community group to deal with this.
Masner: Having served on DR. Strange happenings in the group. The way the ordinance was
drafted, the council liaison has voting rights. Other members of the committee that were not
residents of the community (under the previous mayor), and lots of turnover difficulty finding
people to be on the committee. Wished to bring attention to these issues.
Bastian: Could it be possible for city staffto check plans and determine whether they meet the
Yzaguirre: another level of bureaucracy? Necessary for all those levels of review. Possible for
DR and P&Z approve without the Council approval.
M. Butler: Outline of Boise's DR. See tape. Reading of the Boise ordinance, interpretation of
same. Staff is currently doing the reports. Section 2-2-4, is deleted and replaced with the
reporting necessary to P&Z.
Mayor: Discussion on try and give DR a narrower view or scope of duties, applicable to their
expertise. Work only on architectural content, tree keeping, qualitative services. In the past a
report was not done.
Yzaguirre: Willing to volunteer himself and Council member Merrill to revisit this issue.
Would like to know the current makeup of the committee from either Mark or Me.
Eagle Road Discussion.
Mayor: Next issue is the Eagle Road issue.
M. Butler: Steve Spicklemier is here also to supplement his testimony. Discussion of the issue.
Emergency meeting with ACHD to preserve the trees in this areas that were slated for removal.
DeCiSion Was to get together at this meeting to discuss it. How can we notify the public? Felt
is was needed' ~ithO~gh fibl necessary according to statute. Apologize that not all impacted
persons were n0tifi~d~i~h~Ug~t was not required. Now, how can we move forward on this
issue? Where can we move the sidewalk around the trees, subject to an easement from the
property owners.
Mayor: Clarifications of these ramifications. Direct impact from the new DR ordinance
(overlay district).
M. Butler: up to the maps used to illustrate the issue. 10 foot wide sidewalk with wells for the
trees. Place the financial burden on the future developers, not the current landowners. Intent
was to see these changes in future development, not on current owners.
Mayor: 18 feet to back edge of sidewalk.
M. Butler: the 7 foot attached, meandered around the tree 5 foot, may require 3 -- 5 foot
easement from selected property owners. Willing to make easement to save the trees.
General discussion on sidewalks, right of way, etc. Steve Spickelmier, ACHD sidewalk
coordinator, came forward to discuss current plans for sidewalks. No current budget for
historical lighting or landscape area. Willing to work with Council and property owners to
build a gateway into the city.
Bastian: Most noticeable is the large trees, once Albertson's came in, they destroyed a few of
them. If this continues, this will result in a tree-less entry.
Mayor: planting island, similar to Harrison Blvd. In Boise. General discussion of this issue.
Funding availability or mechanisms for this?
Spickelmier: Funding is an issue. No available moneys. General discussion of tradeoffs.
Looking for funding from the City and for maintenance of same. LID is possible, but only for
applicable property owners.
MaSher: Prepared {~ prbv[cle discussion of the timeliness of this issue? Like right now?
Spickelmier: If the roadway needs to be modified, the decision needs to be made now. Not
possible for this year, Stick with the current design or modify? Bypass to State Street on
Masner: The Council should give some direction to modify the plan to meet with the current
Bastian: Move to direct the ACHD to put in a 5-foot sidewalk that is separated from the curb
by app. 3 ½ feet planting area to meander to avoid the destruction of the current trees.
Seconded by Masner.
Yzaguirre: Discussion, green way issue for future? Additional clarification, require another
right of way required? If we stay in the existing right of way, give ACHD an opportunity to
discuss this with property owners, reach a compromise without hindering the process, is this
okay? Northern end is the problem historically.
Spikelmier: okay.
Bastian: call for the question.
Bastian: Separate issue is the plumbing and conduit necessary for the planting beds. Moves to
direct the ACHD to install the islands for landscaping that would normally be the middle turn
lane and work with the City Staff to determine the feasibility and implementation, Seconded
by Yzaguirre.
yZ~guirrel Discussion. Interfere with current tree areas and lights.
Mayor: ACHD will not build these without funding, is the direction for implementation.
Bastian: Before response, this is a beautification program for the city, we should provide funds
for development and maintenance. Maybe part of the intent is to investigate the amount
Masner: Consider changing the motion to include only the plumbing and conduit now, and ask
ACHD for costs of the island,
Bastian: So moved (amended), seconded by Yzaguirre.
Spikelmeir: Asking for additional direction on the type of island. Asked for fax of the
direction (motion) for clarification on the requirements.
General discussion on specifics.
Mayor: Direction to ACHD, plan for electrical and plumbing direction (see tape). General
questions on the property owners and the additional easement. Discussion from ACHD.
Discussion on intent of Council to save as many trees as possible.
M. Butler: Another issue that has not been addressed. Intersection of State Street and Eagle
Road. Would like a motion or direction to move the sidewalk out to standard lengths.
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Masner: Favors this plan. Adoption of current plan calls for pedestrian friendly areas., possibly
prohibiting heavy tracks in this area.
Yzagulrre: A bit extreme for this city. There are som cases where the big trucks need to enter
the ~0wnto~vn. DiScuSsion Of ~fics of the limiting sidewalks, thinks this is okay the way it
is. We raised money through an LID to get it this way, thinks it should remain the same.
Leave it alone.
Masner: Would like to have Council Member Merrill here as she has some comments
concerning this issue.
Bastian: The current structure would possibly. Moves that ACHD reports back to the Council
on the costs of returning the intersection sidewalks to the original design. Seconded by Masner.
Insurance for City_ Officials.
Mayor: Councilman Yzaguirre wishes the City Council to reconsider the previous motion on
limiting the insurance benefits to Eagle City Officials.
Yzaguirre: Move to rescind the previous motion at the last city council meeting limiting the
insurance benefits to Eagle City Officials. Seconded by Masner. ALL AYE, MOTION
NOTE: Remove motion from previous minutes (note rescinded motion).
Yzaguirre: Discussion of the previous meeting. Moves to allow all elected city officials but
not their dependents the insurance benefits, seconded by Bastian.
Discussion: Intention of current council members to be on the benefit. Matter of cost savings.
As elected, part-time employees, should not be eligible, but through compromise, now willing
to move.
City Attorney: Point of clarification, the family members can be eligible for health care, but
the city will not pay for the benefit.
Yz~guirr~: incl~ded Cladficati°h in the intended motion.
Official Newspaper for Eagle.
Mayor: City Attorney and City Clerk wish the City Council to consider amending Section 1-
11-2, Eagle City Code, to reflect the petition filed by the Patrick Casey of the West Ada
Express pursuant to Sections 50-212 and 60-106, Idaho Code.
Yzaguirre: Move that pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-902, that the rule requiring
ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with,
and that ordinance number 278 be considered after being read once by title only, seconded by
Yzaguirre: Ordinance #278 is an ordinance amending Title 1, Chapter 11, of the Eagle City
Code designating the West Ada Express as the official newspaper of the City of Eagle, moves
that ordinance # 278 be adopted, seconded by Masner, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES...
City Attorney and City Clerk: Recommends publication in both newspaper for a limited
duration until the effective date of this new ordinance.
Resolution on the Cost of Copies.
Mayor: Pursuant to Section 1-6A-I, Eagle City Code, the City Clerk wishes the City Council
to consider adoption ora resolution designating the costs of copies provided by the City. The
cost for regular copies is suggested to be $.10 per copy when the amount of copies exceed 10
copies. Under 10 copies are freely distributed. Certified copies of city records are suggested
to be $1 per copy with an affidavit provided by the City Clerk.
Yzaguirre: Moves to approve resolution %96, a resolution of the City Council of the City of
Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, establishing copying charges for the City of Eagle and establishing
an effective date, seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ....
Alt~nativ~ Seho°i Tree i~sue .- New Item.
Mayor: General introduction and discussion.
M. Butler: Discussion of tree removal, damaged oak tree, allow presentation of the case. If
allowed to remove these trees, they would be removing more than 60 inch caliper trees,
requiring replacement of over 90 caliper of trees to meet the ordinance. Under a time crunch,
wishes to bypass the DR.
Mayor: Clarification, what was the ruling being appealed?
M. Butler: They are appealing the Zoning Administrator's decision to not allow removing of
more trees, and DR's review.
Scott Stanfield, with JUB Engineers, representing the Joint School District #2. The District is
willing to modify the roadway to meet both the City and ACHD. Trees were either damaged
due to construction or prior to construction.
M. Butler: Refers to a drawing on the whiteboard for purposes of illustration. General
discussion of the tree health. Recommends (tentatively) to remove 3 trees, replace with 24 4"
Stanfield: Requests some direction from the Council without going through all of the other
Bastian: Removal of the trees noted, and replacing the trees would be okay?
Stanfield: okay.
Carberry: Committed to replacement trees with anything the Council wants.
MaSher: Should remand to the DR· Moves that the replacement trees be remanded to the
Desigh Ke~ieW comm~tte~ and:that the removal of the selected (three additional damaged)
trees Proce~d. SeC;ndea by Ba~ian, Comment to Mr. Carberry. Regrets the historical
problems between the Council and the School district. Would hope that this is a mistake, and
not a capricious and arbitrary action of the District. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ....
Jim Carberry, representative of the Meridian School District, came forward and presented
comment. The original DR did not specify which trees would be removed. Once specifications
came back from ACHD, the trees were identified. Not wishes to manhandle the Council. No
hard feelings. Wishes to continue with the construction of the building, architect were really
upset. Won't proceed without Council approval. Agreed with Merrill to try and save some
trees, but forestry advisor recommended that the trees were not salvageable. Okay with
decision, ready to move on. Handed Masher some sample documents for DR and
comprehensive plan within the school district. (Handed to M. Butler).
Masner: Moves that the City Council go into Executive Session to discuss land acquisition,
seconded by Yzaguirre
City Clerk Roll Call VOTE: Bastian AYE, Yzaguirre AYE, Masner AYE.
Mayor clears the room with the exception of the city staff and the Oppenhiemer
Potential City_ Hall & L brary_ Land Ac~_uisition
OFF RECORD AT 10:20 p.m.
No minutes taken at request of Council...
Back on the Record at 11:05 p.m
MaSher: MOveS to i~ave eXecutive session, seconded by Yzaguirre, ALL AYE, MOTION
Masner: Moves to recommend to the City Attorney to review and present the Option to
Purchase agreement for the proposed new city Hall complex for the next regularlly scheduled
meeting, seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ....
Masner: Discussion of exclusive contract with Oppenhiemer for development agreement.
Move to extend this agreement for an additional year. Seconded by Yzaguirre.
Mayor: Clarification on the type of agreement (agreement to negotiate exclusively).
Bastian: If we decide not to exercise the option at the next meeting, would this create a legal
tangle if we chose to walk away?
City Attorney: Believe if we, under the terms of the current (and extended) agreement, city
shall set forth the reasons for disapproval, methods defined, procedure possible.
Bastian: No financial obligation?
Mayor: Not do it twice would handle the contract.
Bastian: Since there is very minimal risk to this decision, call for the question.
Yzaguirre: Moves to adjourn, seconded by Bastian, ALL A~E; MOTION CARRIES ....
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ADJOURNMENT: Having no further business the Council meeting adjourned at
11:~5 p.m.