Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 08/27/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Minutes August 27, 1996 Pre-Council: The Eagle City Council met in regularly session on August 27, 1996, at 6:30 p.m., Mayor Bower presiding. sheriff report: Apologized in advance for not being able to attend. Council Report: Merrill: Still waiting for the numbers to come in on park development. Troutman and Nancy will walk the park for estimating the development costs for a park this size. Park, picnic, ball parks, pathway, etc. Mixed use. Needs further input with the public in order to develop good figures. Dept. Of Lands memorandum discussing a grant that requires attendance. UCF grant. Recommends city sign up for it. City Clerk: Will place on task list. (SEE A). Masher: Sewer board meeting last night. Time crunches possible. Yzaguirre: Treasure Valley Pathway Committee. Chaired and processed through the State Parks and Rec Dept., Dave Operman?, folks impacted by Boise river. State trails coordinator, stripper fund available, major oil companies created a huge chunk of money ($400,000,000) pathways are about $1.500,000 for just Idaho. Commerce dept block grant possibility. Urban trail issue, with three people from Eagle on the committee, we might stand a good chance at a grant. Mayor: Library board meeting. Architect who designedMeri:di~n iibra~ w~s in attendance. Has his business card. Community room available in Meridian; ni~e H:~COLrNCiL~MiNUTES~1996~CC082796.MiN City Clerk Report: Cit~C erk! Announced that new keys have been made for City Hall, handed out the ke~ ~6 (h~ C~nciil T~e C~ncil were given keys for everything except for the Mayor's offi~. Th~ Cier~ ~ai~ ~R~ t~ personnel records would be in the Mayor's office. The Clerk said that the other resource materials and fax machine would be moved out of the Mayor's office. Zoning Administrator Report: Butler: Current items held up due to Design/Review ordinance pressures. City Engineer Report: Vern Brewer from Holladay Engineering: Clarification needed, reference of special conditions for City of Eagle. Interpretation is somewhat different, asking for some direction. When a Plat comes in documented, final plat, the file should demonstrate that the conditions are stated, Instead, developer will comply (rather than have already complied). Uncomfortable with approval based on promises of others (uncontrollable situation), unbondable for the engineering firm. Treated as an incomplete transmittal. Approved subject to certain conditions. Masher: Agrees, doesn't like third party promise. Yzaguirre: Recommend direction of Council to staff level? Brewer: Approved conditionally, withheld signature. Would rather have completed prior to signature. If outstanding conditions exist, impossible for engineer to bond (quantify) the amount. Might add an additional number of days to the process, but, in the end, may save time. An example that comes to mind, may be one that will come up later. Butler: Shamant (sp?) Subdivision. H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082796 ,MIN 3 Brewer: Statement given "the developer will comply with this issue" regardless of wl~e~ !~ is an applicable issue. Should be worked out prior to review. Not an agr~ment to be reached at a later time during the time of f nal plat review. City Attorney: Concurs completely. Focused on subdivision final plat permit, not so critical on the other permits. Mayor: Mark is working toward pro-active correction prior to filing. Will try to catch as many of these issues as we can. City Attorney Report: City Attorney: Short memo prepared for later review. Possibly More appropriate for executive session. Close Pre-Council at 7:30 pm COUNCIL: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bower called the Eagle City Council to order at 7:31 p.m., on August 27, 1996. 2. ROLL CALL: The following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE, STAN BASTIAN, MORGAN MASNER, NANCY MERRILL. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. CONSENT AGENDA: H:~COLiNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082796.MiN 4 Mayor: brief explanation of consent agenda: 4.A. Approval of Claims Against the City. 4.B. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Lexington Hills Elementary City Attorney: Recommends removing item 4.B. "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law -- Lexington Hills Elementary School" from consent agenda and then moved to the next meeting. Yzaguirre: Move to approve consent agenda as amended, seconded by Bastian. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... BASTIAN: Moves to reconsider item 5.B. "Employee procedure manual and grievance procedure." Seconded by Masner, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 5.A. lTD Cooperative Illumination Agreement. Butler: Illumination Agreement, Asked by Council previously to meet with ACHD. He did, the roadways in question are two state roads. Mr. Miles is here to comment if necessary. City Attorney: Had a chance to discuss with Susan Buxton, Found nothing in State Code requiring entrance into the agreement. This case does not fit any typical cases, not a legal obligation to enter into the agreement. Bastian: In conversation with ACHD, what is the practice and policy of lighting intersection. Butler: Typically, the lighting is provided by ACHD for the mast arm. Cities are to pay for power and maintenance within the city. This is the'intersect on of two state highways, no particular benefit to the city. M:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~199g\CC082796.MiN 5 Mayor: Wishes to reorder agenda, move 6b to 6a, in order to be heard first. Me~lk Mbves to place Agenda Item 6B to Item 6A, seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTioN ~~ E~i.. New Item 6.A. Fuerte de la Aguila Subdivision (Formerly Item 6.B). Mayor: Introduction of issue. Butler: Provided staff report. Commenced by previous staff, had a chance to review it. Noticed that this was not sent to the City Engineer, just received a copy of the letter. What is here is an Abbreviated Plat. Discussion of procedure. Recommends approval of preliminary plat, waiting for conditions completed before final plat. City Engineer believes there are specific items that are uncompleted. Feels this generally meets the intent of the code. Second item, existing residence on the site, divides site into three parcels (description of parcels). In essence we have a nonconforming use. His interpretation, this is meeting the intent of the statute. Recommends approving preliminary plat and to review final at a future date. Mayor: Are there any outstanding transmittals, reviews etc.? Acceptance of the utilities is still unresolved? Butler: Staff can only address items that have come in. City Engineer: There are a number of unresolved issues, i.e., pressurized irrigation installed, remaining record is incomplete. Masner: Is it your recommendation to approve the preliminary plat (to Vern Brewer)? Brewer: yes. Mayor: Are there any members of the Council with exii~!~6~ontact? 1None. Any outside financial conflict with this issue? None. Ask applicantii~0 c°ni~ fOrWard t6,~resent H; ~COLrNCIL~MIN~3TES~1996~CC082796 .MIN 8 Mayor: Others? Mr. Miles Mr. ~im Miles came forward: Section 4310, responsibility outlined and administered stai~wid~: DiScuSSion ~f sa{ety features. If the city doesn't want the agreement, the o~iigaie~to ~i~il t~e light of mast arm, one on each of the four corners of the intersection. Bastian: Are right turn lanes p armed? Miles: No current plans. Bastian: In such an intersection, in your estimation, is anything in your opinion a hazard to pedestrians? Brewer: Expects the design to be sound. No recommendation on taking the lights down. Yzaguirre: Is this a new concept? Miles: The agreement is standard and has been used for 20 -- 30 years. Numerous agreements available. Merrill: Is this similar to the illumination on Chinden and Eagle roads? Fairview and Eagle? Miles: Yes, for intersection lighting only. Masner: What is the cost responsibility for the City? Brewer: The cost responsibility is for utilities, plus for replacement and repair. Masher: Moves to deny request to enter into the agre~ent; seconded by Yzaguirre. H: ~COUNCIL\MINUTES~1996~CC082796.MiN 6 Bastian: Discussion, agrees with denial, but wishes urge lTD to make this a safe intersection, wishes to encourage to adequately light the intersection. Ma~i A~AYE, iO~iON CARRIES 5.B. Reconsideration of Employee Procedure Manual and Grievance Procedure. Mayor: Introduction of issue. Bastian: Motion to reconsider motion made at last meeting, to direct the mayor and city clerk to revise the city policy manual for employees and to develop a grievance procedure, seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Bastian: Employee Personnel Policy Manual, 1994 version. Moves to direct the city council and city clerk to revise the employee personnel policy manual of 1994 and to develop a grievance procedure, seconded by Yzaguirre. Bastian: Discussion, believes the council is the policy-making branch and that this is a good example of this responsibility. Expects the council president to direct the city councils effort and include as many council members as need in working with the city clerk. Mayor: Any other discussion....City attorney, any other procedures for adoption? City Attorney: To adopt this, the city council should have this brought before them, a resolution, then adopt the resolution. If adopted by resolution, then future amendments should also require resolution. Bastian: This is exactly what was in his mind, developed, and presented before the city council as the official policy of the city. Mayor: ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES\1996 \CC082796 .MiN 7 testimony. Mr. Larue Bevington 52 North Palmetto, Eagle Idaho, came forward and presented tes[i~b~ H~ ~ec~ive~wor~ today that it is now south palmetto. Owner of the property. ~ur6, g~e:r ~:d sidewalks installed. Description of history of property and ~rngation. No immediate sale, no problem to comply with exactly what is needed. Needs a list, then he will push the developer to complete items. Yzaguirre: Requests that applicant translate the name of the subdivision? (Fort of the Eagle) Mayor: Referring to sign-up sheet....Is there anyone in the audience wishing to address this? None came forward. Officially closes the public hearing portion. Open questioning from council and staff, to applicant. Masher: Move to approve the preliminary plat on Fuerte de la Aguila (Fort of the Eagle) Subdivision, seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Mayor: Instructions to city staff to schedule this issue for the public hearing on the final plat. Masner: Move to amend previous motion, to approve the preliminary plat on Fuerte de la Aguila subdivision with the standard conditions, seconded by Yzaguirre. Mayor: Discussion. Masner: Did not include the conditions of the staff report as they will be addressed during the final plat. Mayor: ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES.....Special note ii~hat,~tbe Zoning Administrator schedule this issue for final plat review at a future me~ii~g,oi~he~Ci~Co~ncil: ;~, H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996 ~CC082796 .MiN 9 6.B. Zoning Ordinance Amendments MaSr: Zdning, and design/review introduction. Asks for recess at 8:30 p.m., to make co~ie~ 0f Zoni~'g o~din~ce for audience. Back on the record at 8:45 p.m. Butler: Presented staff report, background of what is happening. December of 1994, council put out a bid for the land group for a design and review guidelines booklet, what do we want the signs to look like downtown. May 1995, Eagle P&Z appointed a group to work on a downtown development plan. When these two items were submitted, City Attorney cut out of each document into one document, the document is the ordinance amendment that is the topic of discussion tonight. Mark noted strike through and underscores for purposes of displaying the changes. Only administrative recommendations. P&Z recommendations and Mr. Butlers changes are contained in the staff report as a compilation of all comments and recommendations. Two documents resulted, one from Mark, one from P&Z. Explains both. Booklet was to have been a part of the ordinance. However, in order to get the ordinance adopted, P&Z would come back later to make the booklet and the downtown development plan fit the ordinance (e.g., to be dealt with in the future). Mayor: First 20 pages of handout are the staff report. The remaining 35 pages follow after page 20. Any questions from Council. None. Open up the public testimony portion of hearing. Two persons identified from the sign-in roster. First, is there any ex parte conflict from C ty Council? Bastian: Had a conversation earlier today with Mr. Blaylock and outlined concerns. Yzaguirre, Masner: all had conversations. Merrill: had conversation with Mr. Boar (sp?). Mayor: Are there any clarifications needed among ea~ ot~e~to equalize ~he information? None. Any conflict of a financial or othe~ish~ to ~bl~re~ H:kCOUNCIL~MINUTES\1996~CC082796.MIN 1 0 Yzaguirre: May be impacted by outcome, due to his two businesses in town. Mayor T6the C ty Attorney Is there a conflict of nterest? but he is not being treated any differently from any other business in the community. If he believes that he could be biased (without an open mind), he could recuse himself. Yzaguirre: Does want to participate if no objection from Council. Mayor: With a potential for conflict of interest, if the Council may preclude voting by the member in question? City Attorney: Not necessarily correct, once legal council states conflict does or does not exist, not subject to penalties. Does not believe council members can exclude another. Mayor: Proceeding with public comment. Gary Blaylock, 4611 N. Marlybone PI. Boise, representing Evans Building Center, came forward: (reading from a written statement) received a written copy only yesterday. History of the Evan's Building Center store. Big commitment into Eagle. Spent several days reviewing sign ordinances. Several general items that need to be kept in mind. Signs are an important competitive need. Overly restrictive sign ordinance objectionable. Concerns on many of the signage issues. Completely different from downtown stores, within a 55 mph zone, with little to no foot traffic. #2, not exceed surface area. Look at differences on signage between Eagle and Boise. On the dda and tda, internally lit signs less maintenance and cost. External lit look better than internal. Nonconforming signs, change in ownership, or buildings, amended to comply with new ordinance, most disturbing and costly of the signs as they must be replaced within a 10-year period. Value reduction of sign change-over, especially due to family- owned businesses in the area. Evan's would not have~omp!eted the $500,000 remodel had this been known before. Let the market dictate th~ needs: Wishes todefer voting until review is completed. H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~ 1996 ~CC082796. MiN 11 Mayor: Any questions from Council? None. Ron Marshal? Ro~ MarShal, 380 W. State, Eagle came forward and presented comment: Brief history of ~!gn issue ~ ~agle, ~eps! in big letters, name of business in small letters. Turn of the ~entu~ th~m~ ~ Ciiy M~dea lot more headway at first than in the last few years. Good example is the Circle K sign. Design review covering 13 pages, now 30 pages. Described area of previous ordinance. Thinks this is too much, micro-manages the local businesses. New zoning administrator put in countless hours along with many committee meetings; it is very difficult to legislate people's taste. Would like a turn of the century, but we have gotten away from that. Opinion, Evan's could have done less sign with same impact. Subway is another example, printed five times. How did this make it through review? Handed out a copy of the design review ordinance from 1982, and a copy of a newspaper article on how to comply, and a report April 13, 1993, reviewed the design review without any outcome. Didn t th'nk there was much of a problem. NOTE: Handout Marked as "B" Feels we are saddling the merchants with too much. Comments on what the Task Force proposes, $16 million to be redone? Pedestrian friendly? How to pay for this? Reference to Hyde Park and comparison to Eagle. Wants to decrease regulations, not increase. Create a utopia downtown, parking lots surrounding a few businesses, wiping out houses. Worried that we would destroy what we already have. Mayor: Any questions of Mr. Marshall? Bastian: Page 2, under signs, document April 13, 1993, report on committee reviews, presented by Mr. Marshall, recommended elimination of pylon signs, replace with monument signs. Marshall: These are included in the map. Merrill: On Page 9 of the same report, that interior t ~i~ns W~u ( ~:/COUNCIL~MINUTES/1996/CC082796. MiN 12 Marshall: This was amended later to include some, but not large ones. Ma~r: Next individual, Mr. Bevington. L~ue Be~ing:tonl 52 Pa!~e~o, Eagle came forward and presented comment: Served on Design Review in the past. He has reviewed the staff report and compared these against the goals of the city. Agrees to the development of private land for commercial, betterment of city. Agrees in creating market driven development to encourage 1870 -- 1930 materials and architectural designs in future construction. Previously tried to install telephones cables underground and was not successful. On Page 11 in the middle, all buildings include storefront, 50% glass, above, 25% glass. Some need more, many, office-type, need or want 50% glass. This would loose expensive wall space for merchandise. Page 14, 3-a, building setbacks, 20 ft minimum, expensive property, dependent upon the business with zero for commercial on the side, and now for pedestrian amenities, e.g., public art, landscape, flowers, shrubs, outdoor, etc. Does this require the property owners to build and maintain parks? Page 21, d, additional requirements for signs, #2, not exceed 24X48, no internal light signs. Going back to time period, internally lit signs available. Neon available as well during this time. 50 sq ft, go with whatever the building is. Larger business should be allowed some discretion on signage. Last item shown, east going west on Palmetto, needs to control what he can put in. Should go to CED. Not intent to do whatever he wanted. Mayor: Any questions from Council? None. John Morten? John Morton, 703 Rishmond, Boise, Idaho came forward and presented comment: He has over 24 years in the sign industry. Design and work (17 yrs) planning and zoning in various communities on sign permits. Description of work history. Would like to commend the City of Eagle, to adopt a usable sign code. In history of dealings, Eagle never a format that could be agreed upon. Good faith attempt given, without a standard response and guidance. This should save a lot of problems. One area of warning, be very careful. Numbers like 5% on a big building, can create ~ problem. Shop front smaller, very difficult to see. Be careful with formulas. ~Q0/o b~tter formula;for aC-2 store, like Evans. Regulate signage on the size of the~r°~y, ii~eage fr~lata~e ofl.5 ~: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~ 19 9 6 ~CC0 8 2 7 9 6 .MIN 13 sq ft of sign for each foot of lineage frontage. Any sign over 100 ft would require additional review. Twelve years ago, historic district in the Old Boise District. All request passed through a committee. Neon, added, example. Each permit requires an ~nd!wdual !~oo1~, ~0~ s0m~ quantitative formula. Notes examples taped to the wall shOWing 5% ~f ~;ea ~g!~S ~r signage (percents) require expert advice from others prior to implementation (like usages). Sign industry wants the best sign for the area. Recommendation, rather than adopt the numbers tonight, take a step back and get some expert advice from industry prior to moving forward. This is a positive move. Mayor: Any questions from Council? Bastian: Work to adopt something, anything other than a percentage? Morton: Merchant-specific dependent upon the location. Bastian: Are we looking for a variable? Morton: By way of example, the City of Boise sign code, is good and bad. Examples of specifics, provides an offer to help. His business is Golden West Sign. Mayor: No others on the list, are there any others in the audience wishing to testify? Don Brinton came forward and presented comment, P&Z vice-chair. Note some final changes that were not included. He is here to update the document. History of process. Changes to other portions of the city code. Makeup of the Design review committee, lack of an Architect. Note that the downtown plan has been submitted, ordinance was higher priority, however, they will forward it to council at a later date. Design review booklet also coming later. In response to LaRue, applies to specific area, then another for city then city entry area. Page 7, minor change "b" DTA, bolded, main topic only should be bolded, not entire sentence. Page 9 of $5, talking about parking, "...off street parking shall be behind buildings, or landscape buffen i~? ad,ed. Yzaguirre: General discussion of context. H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082796.MIN 1~ Butler: Last paragraph on page 7 of staff report (7of20). Already there? Br ~n: Yes, already there. P. 13 of 35, "CEDA" should also be bolded. P. 12 of 20, or pa~ 17 °~ 3~i ~la~ifica~on ~eded if done elsewhere. The side of the building as the leg~i address:. Ifi~e 6bii~ing does not face the street, add the legal address portion. P. 18, incidental sign, remain in as part of the code. Butler: Up to this point, okay, however, his notes on the incidental signs differ. 6ft signs allowed, Lyons plumbing, address. Brinton: Like restroom signs, handicapped, etc.? Butler: The definition doesn't apply to anything. Brinton: Recommends to leave out. P. 13 of 20, from page 21., confused with readability with d.1., for clarification purposes, personal opinion. Examples shown in the design review booklet. Struggle with illumination agreement. P&Z DTA provides for no internal. The real key was brightness of the signage, recommends limiting this. Council issue now. Bastian: Back lit, interior same thing? Answer yes. Brinton: 15 of 20, brightness, opaque to non-transparent Struck paragraph D, controlling brightness. Butler: No recollection on this issue. Brinton: Okays, no more changes. 430 milliamp limit. Not control brightness by power, but by bulb. Not an easy way to measure brightness. Needs to be additional review. Difference in 800 v. 430? Hard to identify. Bastian: Lumens are the measurement of Light? H;~COUNCIL/MINUTES/1996/CC082796.MIN 15 Brinton: great if done consistently at a fixed period of time, otherwise not feasible. Ma~br Other comments from audience? Sa~y srnith, 35 ~. Sta(~ street, Eagle Chevron, came forward and presented comment: Came here to hide and watch. Comment on Pepsi signs. History of business. Wooden sign run over, converted to metal pole sign. Previous inconsistencies in the sign ordinance and enforcement. Trying to do the right thing, not able to get the right information. Asks Council to look at the type of business, type of traffic to business, speed zones, measurement of lighting (day or night business), 60% of the signage should target the market audience, on the building and out front, look at all the issues. Lots of good points, implore Council to look at this from all sides. Review history of local cities for how they solved this issue. Bastian: Do you have a recommendation? Smith: There has got to be a measurement. Bastian: Willing to accept a "soft" light for signs. Smith: This depends upon size and type. Maybe a ratio exists to add to percentage of signage? Mayor: No more questions. Any other persons wishing to testify? Alan Bailey, 300 W. State, Eagle came forward and presented comments: represents general office and another company. Extend public comments or at least extension of submission of written comments. Thanks to local newspaper, quoted saying he very much likes Eagle. Has not had the chance to go over the proposal. Comments from a passionate perspective. Profits up, sales up, yet customers enter the store, not seen Kings Dept. Store, because of placement, only there ~?au~ of their sign. Signs are advertisements. Look at new proposals, Kings Ioose~ ir)te~al li~ sign for an e~ernal, but Albertsons gets an internal lit just down the road. ~mCe~ti~ ~cuit ~,d ~nfair H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082796.MIN 1 6 without true fairness in implementation. Kings considered small business, don't kill the sm~!! guy, in an attempt to implement a new policy. Western motif? If this is it, may ha~b to rebuild. Don't take this out on the small businessman. Would like to see more pe~tri~ a~iVitY do~htoW~i Willing to loose business because of diminished lighting? Asking to ~hang~ ~o~i~ ~ig~age Mayor: Any questions from council? None. Any other members in the audience, none seen. Closes official public hearing portion of the meeting, upon concurrence of city clerk. Butler: Written testimony received, brought up. By ordinance, we are required to read written testimony, for or against. 1 letter, 2 petitions. 257 names on 1 petition (read into the record for the ordinance). Another petition, 25 more names, a few on each are not residents of Eagle. The letter, 7 paragraphs long, Wayne Crosby, Eagle Citizen and Business Owner, Letter read into the record in opposition. Mayor: Recommends closing the pubic record portion, would like to recess to review. Recess at 10:30 p.m., back on the record at 10:45 p.m. City Clerk: ORDINANCE NO. 276, number assigned to this ordinance. Bastian: Are the changes shown in the staff report (20 pages) also included in the proposed ordinance with 35 pages. Butler: Items double underlined in staff report are recommendations, not included into the draft ordinance. Should approve recommendations for future inclusion into the draft. Merrill: To clarify, are we prepared to go through this document tonight? Recommendation to continue issue to Thursday, Aug~ 29 9fte~he budget hearing after Council has had time to review the information r~eiv~d ~o~i~ht. MU~h research H: ~COLrNCIL~MIN~3TES~ 19 9 6 ~CC0 8 2 7 9 6 .MIN 17 was assembled from many other cities to gather information. A lot of thought, a lot of discussion, and direction. With all of these recommendation, the result is this do~menf Moves to continue this issue to the special meeting on August 29, 1996, Merrill: Discussion: Continues to describe diagram of tape outline posted on the wall describing the signage portion of the ordinance. Bastian: Assuming cars parked or other obstructions in front of building, he can't see much of the sign. Believe the base to be included in the square footage in the current language, however, he believes it should not include the base. Merrill: Bring up to the sidewalks, combination that fits. Bastian: Wishes Council to think about a few items prior to the next meeting. Agree with businessman from Kings, same standard applied to all, three zones equal three different requirements. Signage all should be the same. Business district will grow and shift over the years, standards adopted for specific areas. Second, after listening, Ron Marshall getting rid of the Pepsi signs as a motivation for the ordinance. All types of signs if esthetically pleasing should be considered. Adopt the proposal as they are, but he is worried about the future and fairness. Merrill: Reminder of the signatures from the petition in favor of this ordinance, 96 business non-interior, 13 that are. Mayor: The question was called for to continue this issue to the next special city council meeting on Thursday. Merrill: Clarification? Continue the rest of the agenda as well? Mayor: Continue the rest of the items or all but 7B. Yzaguirre: continue item 7A, okay. ~: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996 ~CC082796. MIN 18 Mayor: Issue on 7B should not take to long, keep this one. Amend motion? Me~ll: MOve to continue zoning ordinance discussion and item 7A until August 29. Sec0fid~ ~y ~asfian, ALL ~YE, MOTION CARRIES ..... NEW BUSINESS: 7B. Ordinance #1-11 City Clerk: introduction City Attorney: Perhaps created some confusion, Section 50-213 and well as Title 60, his opinion, cannot have a 2nd official newspaper. In other cases where this happens, the legal publication requirement is not met by this other paper. Difficult to predict from the public standpoint. One other provision, Section 60-106, lists the largest paid circulation within the boundary, 2 alternatives for designation. Largest newspaper in the County, or largest published in the city. Recommend asking Eagle Express newspaper for official document filed with the post office, then select from these alternatives. Largest circulation = Idaho Statesman, Eagle Express is published in Eagle. Merrill: if published int he city, that takes precedence. Yzaguirre: Mr. Casey is here and was asked to come forward and present comments on this issue. Pat Casey, 322 w. State Street, Eagle, came forward and presented comments: Operated paper over 2 years. 78 consecutive weeks of publication, 2nd class publication certification with post office. Brought in previously a document from the attorney general's office. Once received 2nd class permit, the requirements were met. Discussion of headline in paper last week, not appreciated. Listed entire story from budget meeting. Feelings of dismissal to Siberia afte~ ~onversation with Mayor. if the Eagle Express is thrust down there throats. D scuss o~ O~ histo~ and thepr deaf his paper for the citizens of Eagle. Proud of what is done, Wan~ to ~h~ ~,/01~e o~eagle. H:~COUNCIL/MINUTES/1996/CC082796.MIN 1 9 Offers to publish counterpoints of council and mayor. Ma~or: When can we expect to submit the paperwork to the city clerk? Will this list the requirements :: H~v~ ad ~rdi~nce that requires amendment. Then will submit to the City CI~. NO~E: Adalta'~d~ when documents are received. Bastian: Requires 3 readings of the change, and public notice. Suggest we begin this process with the next regular meeting. Commence with public notice as soon as documents are received. City Atty: Provides general guidance on the requirements of the certification. Mayor: The best way to do that should be to submit again all documents to the City Attorney. Bastian: Moves to adjourn meeting, seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Having no further business the Council meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. ^..OWE. H:~COU~CIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082796.MIN 2 0