Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 08/23/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Special Budget Workshop Minutes August 23, 1996 (NOTE: CONTAINS EXECUTIVE SESSION MATERIALS) 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bower called to order the Special Budget Workshop meeting for Fiscal Year 1997, of the Eagle City Council at 4:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: BASTIAN, MASNER, MERRILL, YZAGUIRRE are present, with a quorum being present. BASTIAN arrives at 5:00 p.m. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: (Omitted) 4. OLD BUSINESS Mayor: Presented handouts for review by the council (Overheads) see copies of the slides CA -- Budget Workshop Overheads"). Description of Mayor's overheads. More commercial growth, pays for larger percentage of overall taxes, and general discussion. Comments on headline from newspaper on last budget workshop session. Clarified that the error was not in the budget itself, but rather in the detail report itself (e.g., the explanatory portion of the budget). Spreadsheet was accurate, while the write up explanatory document was not. Discussion of staff reports on various budget items. Staff reports were prepared for possible discussion within the workshop. Discussed process for the meeting. Masner: Has comments on personnel ssues that he Wish~s ~~ di~c~Ss '~ose H:~COUNCIL/MINUTES~1996~CC082396.MIN 1 in executive session that relate to this budget. MotiOn b~ Merrill to place the issues of personnel last on the agenda and go into seconded by Masner. No discussion, ALL AYE, ;;;~: iii? iii~ MORON Masner: Has questions concerning the Travel and Per Diem issues. Apparently, one of the biggest expenditures is to the AIC annual convention. Years 94 -- 95, required no travel by city staff as they were held in the local area. Historically, only about two city employees went to out-of-city meetings, Council may want to go. Yzaguirre: Enough for travel for all and for staff? City Clerk: Enough money for a reasonable number of city employees and Council members to attend some meetings. Also, let the record show that Start Bastian has arrived. Merrill: From an historical viewpoint, wishes to add an additional $2,000 to office supplies. Mayor: Current category does not include some other categories such as the new line item, printing, publication. Merrill: Withdraw request to increase office supplies. Legal notice and publication, moved to Eagle express once certified, impact on current budget? Possibility for next-day publication. Two papers designated, with Idaho Statesman for backup (as number 2). Budget impact for this? City Attorney: Can't have two newspapers, possibly done for convenience, will look at this again, and double check for validity. Recommends set aside money to meet the needs of emergency publication in the newspapers, and should have the money to deal with this. 2 H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996\CC082396.MIN Mayor: Hard to decide on how much is legal fees and how much is other. The SAG is a rough estimate. Ma~ ~ i~a~e E~gal ~ almost $100,000 would not be far from the truth. Yzaguirre: Intend to tract (cost account) the items within the SAG by what is being spent. Unsure exactly how the money will be broken out until the end. Mayor: Staff can report on items monthly if council wishes. Further discussion on placement of money for legal contract fees. Bastian: See some actual, observation that we spent $42,000 actual last year, budgeted $60,000. Legal fees were a substantial cost. City Attorney: Looking back, there was a lot of land-use issue work, dependent on the building industry and other large issues during the year. Guess that land use was the dominate area of involvement. Difficult number to pin down, too many variables. Should not exceed $60,000 amount for current services. Bastian: Wishes to reduce $60,000 lower to actual, do not know the actual. FY 1994 was higher, might be $50,000 to 60,000 this year. Doesn't object between breakdown on contract labor and for SAG. Cost accounting a good, logical way to proceed. $60K may or may not be adequate. If we are prudent, we should budget the way it is proposed by staff. Yzaguirre concurs. Merrill: Legal review by City Attorney. Any duplications of current work? City Attorney: Everything and nothing. Every project iS uniq~!e. To get more done, may require allocation of additional resources. WthoU~g ~t riga: he can't), all things are things they do, but may require ad~itiohal H:~COUNCiL~MiN~JTES~1996~CC082396.MiN 4 stands out as duplicative, legal fees for bonding side of city hall and library. The fees are covered under the bonding costs. Basti~fil P~efe~o See ~ost accounting allocations among the various line items, Yzaguirre: SAG's are over and above contract labor for city attorney. Masner: Support SAG costs by item, but feel it is unnecessary to break out on the budget, account the same way within the specific account. Bastian: Asking the City Bookkeeper, is this possible? Bookkeeper: Yes, once the new account is set up, the costs are placed into the appropriate account. City Clerk clarifies that same. Further, $18,334 for contract labor for planning and zoning, the additional $3,334 is the last payment to Jensen Bells. Mayor: $15,000 is for p&z budget for earmarked future items unexpected. Possible traffic study, possible temporary contract for other unexpected items. City Clerk: Description of budgeting philosophy. General discussion on budgeting. Mayor: Capital outlay is the next item. Masner: Capital expenditure for city hall. Possibly omit item of concern on page 14 of budget. Items A and B, specifically Item A "Purchases of City Hall Site and Land." Believes we have overlooked, specifically something for downtown parking. Recommends adding "Purchases of City Hall Site and Land -- And Parking.". Bastian: Perhaps placement of a comma after land and after building, and then add and/or parking. Mayor: City clerk took language from last year, but, w~ld li~k~ the ~o~n~i[!t° discuss H:~COU~CIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082396.MIN 5 and resolve this issue soon. Make it known his personal object. Expand city hall on exi~ir~g !~nd at $80 per square foot, adding about 3,000 feet. Ba~h~ S~o~i~ w~ le~e la~d for a library site? Mayor: Melding the library with Merrill park and share the parking (all in the same general location). Two acres needed by library board. However, this item was for the cash development of city hall on the existing grounds, including parking in the rear. Masner: His concern is that nothing currently addresses the downtown parking issue. Later in revenue, include $150,000 from the United Water Fee for contingency money to meet these expenditures. Create another line item for downtown parking, contingent upon the $150,000 from United Water. Mayor: Wishes to earmark this issue for later discussion. Masher: Move equipment and city hall items, include library moves, questions size of budget. Mayor: To representative from library, are funds available to relocate? Come forward and stand for questions. Belasta Krassen (sp) from the library came forward and presented comments: For each year, the Library placed $15,000 into the budget for this item, apparently disappeared each year (not spent). Bastian: City obligation for design, development and the move of the new library. The library operating budget is not necessary (e.g., Deemed not necessary by the City Council). Masner: Recommends a change to the $30,000 budge,t: Mayor: Include in bond? H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES\1996 ~CC082396 .MIN 6 Bastian: Wouldn't require change, because of its inclusion in the bond. Mayor: Page 4, capital outlay. Masner: Page 14, capital outlay on item C. Mentioned to clerk, on concerns (see staff report on temporary office space) in the form of a temporary (portable) office. Former mayor chose not to stay here, Mayor Bower does wish to have office space. Temporary office will make available the additional required space. Bastian: How soon can the remodeling be completed? Might be cheaper to rent. Masner: Recommends renting, not building, a temporary structure. It works for the schools, could work for us. Readily available, rented on demand. Yzaguirre: Is this a viable need? Staff: yes Mayor: Expand in the spring, may be a positive solution to a problem. Depends on when the city hall is expanded. Bastian: Earliest begin would be October, begin construction sometime in the spring. At least a 4-month project into the building itself. Masner: Total cost for about 9--10 month, $400 per month. Propose to add under operations and maintenance, unsure on exact recommendation. Staff advice? City Clerk: Recommend adding an additional line item!i$~,8Q0 to "Temporary office H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082396 .MIN 7 Mayor: Downtown plan parking placed under capital expenditure ($150,000) and for temporary housing under miscellaneous (temporary office, $4,800) Ma~h~r! ~h P~ge i4, I°°k u~der street lights, purchase of street lights ($50,000), is thi~ineed~? G~rai ~iis, uSsion on topic, discussing future of this program. Mayor: leave in? (All concur) Masner: Item E under capital outlay, park land acquisition? Is this necessary since Merrill land is a gift? Additional development? Merrill: There are some other parcels and many development costs (e.g., sports complex development costs). Bastian: What is the Mayor's vision on park development. Mayor: Explains vision of park development ($100,000 per acre). Bastian: Indoor Recreation Center development contingent upon receiving money (land) gift. Mayor: Promise to move on parks, $200,000, not nearly enough, but not enough information to clearly delineate figures for development. Merrill: Jensen Belts meeting set up September 4 to discuss park development. Many ideas should be forthcoming. Land secured and turned over within the next few weeks. Mayor: Parks was second highest objective. Other revenue sources, if presented should be earmarked for this. Bastian: High priority should be to acquire the land ~ the proposing of a new ~ibrary, with expansion of City Hall The other thing is ampa, H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~ 1996 ~CC082396 .MIN 8 using community participation of city and general vicinity. Might be some creative ways to finance new items. Memll: I'vlern ~a ~ shO~ d be closer. Discussion of other property south of bypass po~ible f~i pbr~s~ f~ilibra~, recreation center and possibly other items. Thus, amount is not too much (in the current budget). Masner: Recommend changing the number, from $300,000 to $400,000. Mayor: We should look first at the revenue side of the ledger. Masner: Has some ideas for additional revenues. Yzaguirre: Discussion on research on agreement with the YMCA. (See staff report on YMCA documents) City Clerk: Explain staff report and documents on YMCA and City of Eagle. Mayor: Further explanation. Buying into area-use fees, used to offset out of area fees charged to Boise. Bastian: Eagle citizens are charged out of area fees. Yzaguirre: All good intentions of completing the deal. Pulled deal after another issue was being discussed. Discussion on history of this issue, could not agree on land swap, Boise pulled it off the table. However, would like it to stay in the budget. Bastian: Ambivalent feelings. Create indoor facility here, and pay for other? Maybe we should hold those moneys for Eagle's indoor facility. Masner: One of conditions of Merrill Park, obligated t~uild a facility. Yzaguirre: Swimming pools defeated overwhelmingly i~ thb Pas( V'Ve ace far away from the recreation center. We have taken the action, it needs to be reflected in the budget. Masher: Can be amended later in another Council Meeting. Mayor: Place new line item under Parks and Recreation, known as YMCA fee, under the expenditures ($88,000). Moving on to, refer back to page 4, SAG. Recessed for a twenty minutes. Mayor: Back on the record. Issue of next discussion, to accommodate the representatives from the library. Go through the library budget first. All ok. Detail library report and proposed budget. (Pages 25, and page 30) Intergovernmental transfer from the general fund to pay for most of the library expenditures. (Limited method for obtaining revenue). Bastian: Requests report on personnel from library, increases in the number of hours (p. 18.) Susan Thomas: Library board of trustees. 3 FTP, part-time help. Nearly a 20% increase in the number of hours of the library. Doing that with a 6% increase int eh budget. Every increase in explained in the detail report. Bastian: Is there an impact from new high school and middle school. Susan: Circulation has increased, uncertain of cause. Increase in hours for purposes of dealing with the student's need. End of century for access to a PC workstation with printer. Masner: Rumor exists that the current library does no~ have'runn ngwater or t~let facility. ~iiiii: ~: \COUNCIL~MINUTES \ 1996 ~CC082396. MIN 1 0 Susan: On most days hot and cold and a 19th century toilet. Ma~or Other items for discussion? No money earmarked for library move. Next item wo~i~b~ ihe ~AGii some di/~cussion. Merrill: Has some questions. Refer to page 14 and 29. Some of these are possibly double counted. Would like explanation. SAG #1, downtown plan, possibly already done? $2,000. What is this for? Mayor: Explain purpose (bucket for possible future expenditure) If desired to move to legal fees then do it, or leave here. Unbundled for clarifications purposes. Merrill: Some items where it appears needed, and some not. Yzaguirre: Ordinance before Council twice. To move any further, consultant to look then legal council. Pathways proposal is in essence Boise City's pathways ordinance. It is time to move it forward by spending some money. Same as the river ordinance. (Breaking them out into one or two ordinance). Mayor: Explain ordinances from Boise with explanation of needs and money allocated. Bastian: Council put forth tremendous effort in establishing goals, but without specifying financial support, they would tend to languish. Willing to spend some money to accomplish the goal. Willing to accept this in the budget. Masner: concurs with Bastian. Mayor must have money to do the job. It this limited (having $2000), Mayor: Staff again could provide a monthly variance report to council on status of budget to actual on these projects. Merrill: Internet and communications need, referring t~!Pre~i~bs di~ssi°~ with City ~:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082396 .MIN 1 1 Staff, to improve communications between mayor, council and staff, not necessarily electronic communications. Her main goal is to improve general communications. Ma~ Pr6v d~d g~nei:~ explanation of e-mail system. Bastian: Homepage creation is possible as well in this budget. Yzaguirre: Nice to improve communication among Council and City. Loves e-mail. (From audience) JoAnn Butler: asked to present clarification of a future agenda item. Mayor: does not wish to make exception for her comment at this time. Masher: Wishes to ask a question of Ms. Butler. $150,000 entry into budget. United water intends to pay in the next fiscal year. Mayor: In this instance, Ms Butler may appear as an expert witness. Masher: Request to discuss the $150,000 issue now, and put back into the budget. Ms. Butler: Representing United Water to clarify money. Both her and Mr. McFadden have been involved through the PUC process. MOU contingent upon completion of PUC process. Confusion that the fee may or may not come to the city. United Water is fully intending to pay the fee during FY 1997. Mayor: Apparent confusion from the written records with the City. Ms. Butler: Don't know about the documents referred to. UW is not required to go through the processes, recent hearings with PUC when certificate granted around, does not impact this agreement. Mayor: Operations north of floating feather. For the LeXingt0~ HilLs connection; DW must have passed through. PUC application made, UW eXp~ct~ ~Pro~a' Soo~. H: ~COLINCIL~MINUTES~ 19 9 6 ~CC0 8 2 3 9 6 .MIN 12 Bastian: If developer wants water service not reserved for UW or Eagle, what must the developer do? Ms Butib~ Di~bus~ion ~fAP~lication procedure. Mayor: Can Eagle Water and UW operate in tandem? Ms. Butler: Unknown what PUC may decide, however, this is not the situation in this issue. Mayor: MOU drafted in the past, what does the MOU allow UW to do? Ms. Butler: Her purpose here is to confirm the payment of $150,000 in FY 1997. However, summary provided to answer question. Value to and through system, thus the purpose of the fee. Wise for Eagle to extract a fee. Masner: With this testimony, recommends to add amount back in (all concur). Mayor: Clarifies add in on page 26, add $150,000. Bastian: Now revisit the earmarked page 14 of written detail and p. 29 add to capital outlay, capital expenditures, downtown parking. Merrill: Downtown parking, discussion of pathways through the city. Like to have some money set aside to go to pathways through the city of eagle. Something else, trees lost throughout the corridors. Add money for possible joint venture with Albertsons for new trees. Question estimated balance on carryover. (From Audience -- Mr. West): If money is left over, shouldn't property taxes be reduced? Mayor: Popular notion, but unfeasible, provides explanation Bastian: What is the "Foregone Amount?" MadDer: Describes last year's 3% that we didn't take. Ma~r: L~ y~ar ~h~ city ~O~!d have had (difference left over) that we chose not to take it. Not money in the bank. General discussion of 1% initiative. Bastian: General question on revenue, expression of United Water and Eagle water paying a franchise fee. Mayor: ...and Idaho Power and Trash. Masner: Arbitrarily impose a 1%, 3% requires a vote. Don't believe we can negotiate a 2% from eagle water, possible from United Water. For budget, put in a 1% on water, a 2% on Idaho Power, and something for Trash. Look at it as a goal to be worked toward. Merrill: She spoke to Barbara (former Eagle City Clerk) about BFI agreement, could not enter into an agreement, but a license okay, not allocate franchise fee. City Attorney: Will check back. Currently have $12 per truck per month in code but unsure on current status. RFP not considered necessary, will check and get back. Bastian: Recommend at a minimum have a 1% franchise, max. Negotiate a 2% for those willing to talk. All accept and concur. Mayor: Discussion on his feelings on franchise fees. Negotiations may focus more on when payment is due, not really on how much. Will investigate and report on possibility. Bastian: Worst case, go with 1% fee. n~b~ et~ ~W to ~a ~ Mayor: In order to get balanced budget, how to baa g · ii ' !; H: ~COLTNCIL~MINUTES~ 19 9 6 ~CC0 8 2 3 9 6 ,MIN 1~ estimate of fee total? C t~Attorney: Idaho Power may (Masner noted that possibly all could). Report filed wit~ PUt guess. Mayor: From the current discussions, this budget most likely requires an additional $100,000 in additional revenues. Library fund okay, Water fund, okay. Water fund will be reassessed later as an enterprise fund, self supporting, problem was that there was no reserves for replacement of capital, no depreciated items. City Clerk and Mayor will reevaluate this item in the future. Bastian: Recommend the investigation of selling the water system. Go to the voters. City Attorney: With city-owned utilities, no municipality can sell without voter approval. Bastian: Get out of the water business. Masner: Recommends selling it if we can. Very winnable. Interesting position in light of PUC. Minimum bid. Item B, non-business licenses, page 7, United water connection fees, $120. Understated? Might get more if consulted with UW for possible increase. Bastian: we agreed to allow them to use our water system. They would collect all connection fees. Believes it should not even be there. Mayor: The item is there for council input. Bastian: Recommends it should be zero. Masner: Rick and he learned something at AIC. Unusual for council to be unbonded. City Attorney: Should be bonded, but already comp eted ~brough current Gity insurance. H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082396,MIN 15 Mayor: Can add, only about $40, why not included. Cit~ Att0~ey: Errors and Omission Coverage on Insurance? Make sure that it is Mayor: Move into Executive Session by request of Masner. Requires a vote by name. (NOTE: THE INFORMATION THAT FOLLOWS IS NOT FOR PUBLIC VIEWING UNDER THE EXECUTIVE SESSION PROVISIONS OF THE OPEN MEETING LAWS) Bastian: Moves to go into executive session to consider personnel matters, Yzaguirre seconded. Clerk calls the roll for vote: Bastian, Aye, Yzaguirre Aye, Masner, Aye, Merrill, Aye. Voting unanimous, to move into executive session (Room is cleared). Recess 5 minute Merrill: Personnel discussion, set aside money for 4 FT and 2 PT. Last year, much less. Possibly more needs? In January, 1996, the Council amended the personnel manual. All that was amended was the workweek and pay scale for one individual employee (city clerk). Add current job descriptions for the Zoning Administrator and others? Had some discussion with staff. Aware of personalities and conflicts of early won't bring to light due to their satisfactory resolution. Grievance committee enactment? Yzaguirre is the Chair of a personnel committee, perhaps to allow oversight of grievance committee. Yzaguirre: It makes sense, would be good group. Merrill: Personnel problems can be cleared through the grievance committee before coming to Council. Bastian' We don't have c ear 'ob descr pt OhS nor a good manua to define those. There is currently no grievance corem ttee or procedure st~ort o~ J~t goin~[o ~ayor H:~CO~NCIL~MINUTES/1996~CC082396.MIN 1 6 or council on the side. Submitted for clarification. yz~§uirrel Recommends that the employee must make every effort possible to take care Of ~r~bl~ cbm~ittee goes not want to see frivolous items. Mayor: Probationary employees are at-will. Pressures on staff during the latest budget crunches were noted. Within the current employee manual, many items require addressing, e.g., Comptime policy, paying incredible amount for overtime. The entire employee manual needs to be brought up to legal standard. Only way to reduce comp time is to have enough staff to complete the job. Later have staff report on needs. City Attorney: His firm has previously dealt with the city employee manual, make copies available to us, possible fit to our city. Bastian: Available on disk? Would rather have clearly defined employee job descriptions and a good manual, than have newspapers air the problems. Grievance process may be the best option. Wishes to think about it some more later. Masner: Moves, then withdraws motion to end executive session. Merrill: Recommends finding an executive secretary for the mayor. Bastian: Likes the idea, however this is a tremendous increase in the cost of personnel. May be critical, however, we need help for the mayor. Masner: When hired the administrative clerk (Ray Malone), is this the executive secretary? Mayor: No, head counts on previous employees and wages. Employee position transition comments. General comments. Terrible use ef ci~ clerk to take minutes at meetings, esp. P&Z items. H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082396.MIN ~ 7 Masner: However, this process puts the information in front of the clerk. Me~ill: Recommends Korey do council, Mark do P&Z, Laura does other... M~¥or: Di~Cu~si6~: o~bl~ witl~ presentation and taking minutes, very hard. Bastian: How are others doing it? Other clerks hire Transcriptionist Masner: Reporting to who? How does that work? Mayor: An organizational chart is in development, wants it to be in the front portion of the employee manual. Will send out draft when available. Masher: Feels it important that Mark and Korey get introduced with members and leadership in the community, possible training program discussion. Bastian: And with members of Chamber of Commerce. Masner: Moves to go out of executive session, seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Merrill: Move to accept 1994 version of employee manual, with the idea of leaving this open to amendment. Seconded by Masner. Discussion: Mayor handed the copy to the bookkeeper, until research is done, a number of versions are found in the office. 1994, last adoption date? Merrill: if this is not the date, then let the council know. Mayor: In most cities, the employee manuals are don~iby Qrdinance: H: ~COT3NCIL~MINUTES ~ 1996 ~CC082396. MIN ~- 8 City Attorney: Also by resolution. Mei;rill: O~ motion: December 1994 manual, November 1995 is the last recorded manual as amended by the amend~e'nt. ~dhbr, Ci~dfie~ motion, December 1994 January 1~95c~h¢ii: ~i~utes. Seconded by Masner. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Bastian: Moves to direct the Mayor and staff to study the Personnel Manual to revise it to reflect the current needs of personnel, specifically with job descriptions for all employees and to create a grievance committee, seconded by Masner. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Masner: Moves to adjourn, seconded by Merrill. Yzaguirre: Discussion, thanks to staff for all the hard work. Mayor: Vote: ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Having no further business the Council meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. MAYOR~~-S A. BOWER H:/COUNCIL/MINUTES/19 9 6 ~CC0 8 2 3 9 6 .MIN 19