Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 08/20/1996 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Special Meeting Minutes AUGUST 20, 1996 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bower called to order the special Council meeting (Workshop) on the FY 1997 budget for the City of Eagle at 7:06 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: The following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE, MORGAN MASNER, NANCY MERRILL. BASTIAN is absent. Quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Omitted 4. NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Bower: Discussion of open for public hearing, Merrill: Moved to continue and keep this hearing open for public comment, seconded by Yzaguirre. Vote ensued, ALI AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Masner: Asked if copies were made available. Wished to allow public input first. Yzaguirre: Clarification on specific issues within the budget, Strategic annual goals, etc. Recommend Mayor's explanation first, then take public testimony. Merrill: Wishes to receive public testimony first. Yzaguirre: Budget never officially presented by the Mayor. Difficult to comment until official presentation is done. Mayor: Defers to Council decision. H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082096.MIN 1 Yzaguirre: Council prioritized strategic annual goals, Mayor assigned dollar amount, Mayor should explain logic behind the numbers. M~yd~ Talk t° ,ssd~s brought before the council by public. Items will be ;ii;; e~Plaine~ ~i[~t; 'i~en;~llow public comment as it is brought forth. Explanation of Strategic Annual Goals (SAG's). Issues were identified that required completion with a one year period. Council weighted the goals in relation to priority and use of resources available (legally required and resources available) benefit to the community, alternative cost, (negative impact on community for not doing this). List developed through a number of different meetings. List was pared down to specific items of importance, then prioritized. Council directed Mayor to carry out prioritized goals (assign staff with current resources or seek outside resources) all was reflected in this FY 1997 budget as SAGs. Budget allocation was not based on priority (#1 doesn't equal highest cost, etc.). Collection of outside resources (charging of city attorney time toward goal possible). Purpose is to job cost each annual goal. Downtown plan under another goal (legal cost of $2000). Development of parks, explanation of fees. Development of a capital improvement plan. Regarding capital improvement plan, consultation David Eberle PhD, provided study on development (obtain copy from Mayor). Budgeted complete project for completion of the goal. River and pathway set back ordinance. Similar but not as detailed. Highly contentious. Expanded road and street grid. Unsure of funding need. Rather than budgeting for nothing, allow for some that city attorney can bill to. River ordinance. Complex issue involving a I~(g,9,;~mb~[ oflpeoBle, iili' H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~ 1996~CC082096 .MIN 2 NOTE: All charges associated with each project will receive the appropriate costs of completing the goal. M~nY ~th" pr°JectS may require additional expertise from outside the city staff, proje~te~ ~ ~ ~mi~al amount. Enhance the city administrative capacity. Put money into this item. City Clerk and Mayor discussions, statutory requirements for minutes taken at the P&Z. Minutes require 2X the amount of time required for the meeting to complete. Court reporter or transcriptionist to take minutes at P&Z or special committee minutes. Payment of city staff for a very high rate currently to perform same function. City Hall and the Library. Requested stand-alone library building, recognize the need to perform a bond and all associated costs and legal requirements. City hall is the same way for new construction or relocation. For example, designs require an architect. Impact area study. Ranked number 8 on list. Ranked fairly Iow. Rather place nominal amount into this account for possible use. If unused, it would carry forward. Written and Electronic communications. Best way to implement e-mail for remote access (in order to improve communications) is through an Internet connection v. City-developed system. Masner: Does the City Clerk recommend e-mail as a communication method for this city? City Clerk: Yes, a very effective method for communication. Explanation of Internet and communications benefits for counci! a~d staff, make or buy tools. Not cost effective to make when the costs ~i bu~i~g ~o Ib~ Giowing H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082096.MIN 3 numbers of people using the Internet for two purposes: Communication, and Research. In the opinion of the City Clerk, the benefits cannot be overstated. Working in consultation with Computerland. M~s~er: ~hi~ ~umes that all users have the equipment available to them. This is intended to improve communications, if this can be done for $2,000, that is wonderful, however, this requires in-home computer technologies. This further assumes that all council members have computers at home. Mayor Bower: Clarifies that all on the Council do, in fact, have computers in their homes. Considers this a fair assumption. Further, this was a Phase II plan with Computerland. Merrill: Virus or hacker contamination of disk space, is this an issue? (To the City Clerk) City Clerk: Yes this is an issue. Discussion of security issues in downloading from the Internet. Inoculation and security programs are available to deal with this issue. Mayor: Concludes presentation on SAG's. Opened proceedings to public hearing (from the sign-in roster). City Clerk: Motion unaddressed to open public hearing. Mayor: Clarified that Merrill motions to open for public hearing, Yzaguirre second. Vote ensued. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES .... Open meeting to public comment on FY 1997 budget, first member in the audience came forward. Gary West came forward and presented com~!~t: GWy W..VVest: 275 Harvey, Eagle. Came forward and presented comment :~a~ii~ li~e~ ~111 eagi~ are~ since H:~COUNCIL/MINUTES~1996~CC082096.MIN 4 1974. Employed by MK. Served on Meridian school board serving in many leadership positions. A number of questions and concerns on the budget. ~Pologize in advance for his lack of understanding on the structure. In §u~m~ fa~[~i~n, ~resented on page 4 proposed expenditures and revenues. Personnel is 30% more than current FY 1996 budget, questions reasons for increase (expects more like 4-5% increases) would like further explanation. Contract labor and services. $354,0007 questions need for expenditure for what we are getting in return. Capital outlay, the amount budgeted boggles his mind. Not to spend without first going the public first, such as with a bond issue for public comment before spending. Allow future citizens to pay their fair share. Plan for spending accumulated funds. Look at $1.5 million in general fund, half of which is cio and SAG's. And that personnel is 30% more that year before. Would like to know the plans. Library fund and water fund, he understands. Proposed revenue, carry over, why is this here as proposed revenue unless we wish to spend it this year. Property tax increase 20% over FY 1995. Other sources of revenue. $1,497,000, apparent miscalculation of the total. By a wild stretch of imagination might be able to rationalize 1/3 of that amount. Tables in the back (spreadsheets). Revenue by Fund....usage fee/municipal water, went away....Iook on other pages, jumps again into 1996, then goes away....$150,000 disappears. FY 1996- 1997, missing figures, needs explanation. Expenditures by fund...Increase in personnel expenses $354,000 total. Mayor: Explains that 10/12ths of year is presented. Mr. West: Then that makes it worse.. CIO bu~get~;:$400,000 and again this year. What is the basis for that? CIO adds u~it° about h~i[~f th~bud~et. H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTESk1996~CC082096 ,MIN 5 Barbara Montgomery came forward and presented comment: Barbara Montgomery, 1509 N. Ellington in Eagle, City Clerk and Treasurer for past 12 Ybars...reviewed corrected copy than the original. Would like to see a break ~wn °f ~rsO~nel. ~raining, why $6,000 in training? Assets available for city cl~rk~ h~i~i~ ~i~e~:~i~ity clerks, computer training? What is this? Telecommunications: why is this a separate item when compared to SAG's. Contract/Mass Transit? What is this? Grants, budgeted for grants....no way to use it this year....SBA grant, discontinued, other grants, tree inventory grant (paperwork on fall), biggest problem has to do with the strategic goals. Why budget for items already in the budget...legal fees are legal fees, don't break it down by line item. Consultant separate? Mix and match causes confusion. CIO all for a new building or extension of existing building, must be budgeted for, must be taken to the voters. Consultation may be necessary on downtown development plan. Development of parks, impact fees? Impact fee ordinance plus existing legal staff. Why create from anew when ordinances may be borrowed from local city. Boise river ordinance may be updated and customized for use in Eagle. Expanding road and street grid? Enhance existing P&Z. Budgeting for part-time help, why is additional help needed when it was completed without additional personnel in the past? Impact study? Council agreed, ACHD had no problem. Study is unnecessary. This is a done deal, finalization is all that is needed. Is improvement of communications same as telecommunication? Nothing in budgets for franchise fees. Franchises are not taxes, rather, associated with the user. Cablevision users pay the fee. Power, water, etc. Use the additional revenue available under the franchise fee. Ordinance calls for fee, complications with boundaries can be solved. Explain MOU with City of Eagle, United Water, trail creek and Lexington hills. Use of pipes in Lexington hills? Cert ficat on is necessary. Knows the $150,000 is due the city. $15,000 due elsewhere. H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082096.MIN 6 Trash franchise due to the attorneys? Utilization of trash franchise. Nothing is budgeted. Title 4, chapter 2 of code calls for fees and licenses for trash haulers. Should be reinstated. s~mma~h ~i~n ~ay of potential revenue sources with more dependance on property taxes. Current budget is too high and should be reduced. Mayor: No additional members of audience wished to comment, declare public comment portion of this hearing closed. Continued public comment until next week (August 29, 1996). Masner: Thank two comments from public (Gary and Barbara). Spent a lot of time on this and are obviously concerned about several areas. Revenue side first. Why weren't franchise fees included and with $150,000 water fee? Mayor: Franchise fees are a tax, 100% pass through to the users. With $100,000 budgeted. Masner: Council in the past have debated in the past, a decision was that they wished to include such fees. Why have these fees been arbitrarily pulled? Mayor: Not arbitrarily pulled. If no agreement is in place, no money was budgeted. Discussion continued on franchise fees and the process for collecting them. This budget reflected a new philosophy for budgeting revenues and expenditures. Revenues were included if they were considered likely to come in this next fiscal year. Expenditures were included if it was possible they would come in the next fiscal year. After additional discussion among the Mayor and city staff, a balanced budget resulted. Wage and salary projections are for all officials and staff. Masner: Correction to Council President row~i~ot~'equal total. City Clerk will correct. Doesn't like category of franch se fee~ u~der H: ~ COLA~CIL~MINUTES~ 19 9 6 ~CC0 8 2 0 9 6 .MIN 7 Merrill: Concurs with Masner. ~aguirre: Agree with Mayor that any form of fee on public tied to usage is a tax. ; it is or what it is called. Mayor: Explain list of accounts and basis for categorizing revenues and expenditures based upon generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Masher: Concerned with consistency with other cities. Merrill: Concerned with figures on personnel. Mayor: Revenues will be addressed first, then issues relating to expenditure. Discussion on legality of publication and budgeting. City Attorney: Problem was that budget was published at a certain number, after already published under a certain monetary figure. Amendments are possible without changing (e.g., increasing) the bottom line. Mayor: Would like a clarification. His understanding of the increase relates to property taxation. City Attorney: Partially correct, cannot increase property tax. Not specifically addressed other forms of revenue. Real issue is that this is a notice problem. Notice is out, generally, workshop is conducted before notice. If the bottom line is increased, problem exists with the notice issue. From her comfort level, having a budget noticed and published with a specific number, then ample public notice was not provided. Mayor: Does Council wish to increase additional revenue? City Attorney: In an awkward position, not con~ oflime~ If n~tice is reissued at least 3 days ahead of time. She ~ill de{~[mi~e. Her H:~COUNCiL~Mi~TUTES~1996~CC082096.MiN 8 suggestion to remain at the same number (bottom line number). ~aguirre: Review preliminary budget, then make recommendations, adjusting ndms~s at wiii the~ address the notice timing issue. City Attorney: Notice was published, however, a procedural issue exists with the increased bottom line. Masher: Recommends moving ahead as if no problem exists and wait for additional legal clarification. If council wishes to make changes, go ahead and obtain advice later from Mr. Moore (or city attorney). Mayor: library approval....general and library funds are separate. NOTE: Discussion of group and with audience identified an error within the detail report attached to the budget spreadsheet. A recess in the proceedings identified the error due to a missed entry noting the general fund transfer to the library fund. The City Clerk provided explanation and line-item changes on each page of the document, correcting the error. The error was attributed to the lack of additional proofreading resources and time available to the new city staff. Mayor: Meeting publication date and provide information to the county by law for the budgeting process. In the midst of preparing the budget and the moratorium for permits, it was felt that the final budget meeting could be changed, provided that publication would meet the statutory deadlines (7 days apart, 2 publications). Need a recommended date for the next budget meetings. (Sept 3, and August 27) City Attorney: Using Valley news as a weekly publication, might change to idaho Statesman, would be an odd solution. Conducting the Design & Review Meeting on August 27, then budget hear ng ~n Sept. 3 might be a potential solution. 9 H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082096-MIN Merrill: Publication 7 days apart in official newspaper. Publish tomorrow and next Wednesday, (21st pub, 28th pub, budget hearing on the 29th) have until MOnday the 9th of September to certify the budget and file with the county, also ~abli~t~{!nal b~aget !n the paper as soon as possible thereafter. Mayor: Discussion between the Council and the City Attorney produced a schedule as follows: Special meeting on August 22, 1996, at 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and the final meeting on August 29, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., with the results of this budget workshop published in a corrected copy (e.g., in the newspaper and for public perusal) as quickly as possible. Merrill: Moved to continue budget workshop to Friday, August 23, 1996, at 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., seconded by Yzaguirre. Mayor: Vote ensued, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Merrill: Recommends preparing and reviewing all questions submitted in this meeting in preparation for the next workshop. Mayor: City Staff will prepare corrected, updated documents for all members of the audience and Council by August 21. Clarified meeting dates: August 23, 1996, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. will be a continuation of the Budget Workshop; on Thursday, August 29, 1996, at 7:00 p.m., will be the final budget hearing. Newspaper publication will commence Wednesday, August 21, 1996, and August 28, 1996, in the Valley news (e.g., a corrected version). The agenda will remain solely based on budget with the August 27, 1996, final budget meeting canceled and moved to August 29. Masner: Moved to adjourn workshop, Merrill"seconded. Mayor: Vote ensued, ALL AYE, MOTION CA~hiE~.? .. H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~ 19 9 6 ~CC0 8 2 0 9 6 .MIN Having no further business the Council meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Res ctful submitted: D. KOREY LOWDER EAGLE CITY CLERK/TREASU MAYnaRd. BOWER H:\COU NCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC082096.MIN H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC082096 .MIN