Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 08/13/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Minutes AUGUST 13, 1996 PRE-COUNCIL: 1. Mayor and Council Reports: Mayor Bower: Noted improvements to the ventilation system, reducing the noise and uneven airflow. Merrill: Supporters of the proposed skateboard park solicited several comments from neighbors, several expressing some concern possibly due to a misunderstanding on the intended purpose of the park, however, the seniors have expressed confidence and support. Mr. Diffendaffer was scheduled to present a report on the status of the project. Merrill noted that he would be required to follow the same process as anyone else should and would probably take a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to do so. As a city we should make sure we have all of our bases covered. Seniors suggested the use of the horseshoe pit area. All options are being considered at this time. Information on park development prices from the city of Boise parks has been solicited, however, figures have not received them at this time. Mayor Bower: Tried to contact Troutman for the prices, no response at this time. Merrill: Will continue report at the next council meeting. Yzaguirre: The pedestrian overpass (pathway) committee met last Wednesday night for the first time. Leroy Meyers walked them through the process. All in attendance felt a definite need for the overpasses. The issue is funding and convincing lTD of the need. At the upcoming n~eeting next Wednesday, Ali Banakbar (sp?)From APA will present some g?~ 0P~0rtUhiti~S ¢~rrenii~ available for the project (e.g., Congestion Mitig~ion ~d eu ilty The key H:\COUNCIL~MINUTES\1996~CC081396.MiN 1 to being successful is the development of a dollar maximum needed and then proving the need to lTD. ~h~ senior ~oaf~ me~!this morning and expressed some concerns about the permaDen~:jg~ps; ~to ~ located in an area. Merrill: No skateboard jumps were planned, rather, a cement slab was envisioned. As a result, there should be little impact on the parking situation. Mayor Bower: Attended library board meeting the night before. There, they discussed the current plans for the Meridian library, almost 50,000 square feet. They obtained this building size definition from an APA population density study. Recommended review of same information to Eagle library board. Discussed possibility of locating new library near proposed Merrill Park, with the possibility of utilizing a shared parking concept with the park. Talked about the road and the grid, both of which are critical to access to the park. Discussion continued on the possibility of including the cost of road development into the library bond levy. Merrill: Discussion of property adjacent to Alberstons all the way back to Edgewood has some viable monetary value to the City of Eagle. Options are being considered, perhaps more so during the budget discussions, for land acquisition and for a possible first right of refusal of property adjacent to eagle road (e.g., currently lTD property). For planning purposes, consideration must be given to this property for the proposed library and a park. Mayor Bower: Councilperson Yzaguirre and Mayor met with Mayor Coles and Councilperson Tertelling last week concerning the MOU discussions. Currently not ready to come to council in light of more pressing matter presently before the Council. All major points were discussed andby memorandum they will be sent to the Council as "to,~ ca" * ........... - ~- ,,~,,,o, .uL anymlng t~clO w!m content ~v~at the specific interests were to the City of Boise. The key item With the ~agl~ Sewer H:~CO~/NCIL~MINUTES/1996/CC081396.MIN 2 District has to do with the land that lies off of Eagle Road owned by Dennis Baker. They are in specific negotiations for some sort of a land swap. Mr. Baker is 15ringing in a planner to the City of Boise on how to best to utilize that land. about three to four weeks according to Rick Yz uiire Merrill: According to a newspaper article yesterday, Walmart had asked to be removed from the West Boise Treatment Impact Area. Questions developed as to possible impact on the City of Eagle and the location of the West Boise Treatment Impact Area. Mark Butler: Had no comment or knowledge of such boundaries. City Engineer: Holladay Engineers is currently studying the local maps and boundaries to determine the locations impacting the City of Eagle. A determination will be made at a later time. General Discussion on possible location of WalMart's potential site. 2. City Clerk Report: No report. 3. City Zoning Administrator Report: Mark Butler noted the first item concerning a letter sent to Evans Building Center on their signs. A conference call with the attorney and Mr. Blaylock concerning the letter. They were concerned with their possible involvement with potentially new design and review requirements for signs and the possible new interpretations by city staff of existing ordinance. No special focus was made on Evans, they were dealt with consistently (i.e., design/review work with Subway and others). It doesn't appear to be a new requirement. Mr. Butler expressed the possibility of future permits for signs. Initial contact appears to be positive. Sign maker and Evans firmly under the belief of prior approval. Scheduled for desgn/rev ew may be rescheduled. H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996\CC081396 .MIN 3 The next item deals with a telephone conversation with Steve Rambo on Mace Road. He is concerned with an apparent gravel operation at a site owned by Be~ry Peters. Last year, review and approval was given for a "flood plain review" er~gil3ee~Composed a letter in file allowing Mr Peters the ability to sta~ on e~rabii~n of ~aterials ,roma proposed pond. The pond is extract fora pond the pond is 7.6 acres. There are apparently a large number of trucks going to and from the site. Mr. Butler contacted ACHD, they put out some traffic counters for review before their commission. ACHD was not aware of the gravel operation concept, and that the road may suffer damage from the trucks. As a result, the commission may request the operation cover the costs of paving the road. Mr. Butler wished to bring the issue to the attention of the Council for possible action at a future time. He will research the issue and report back to the Council at a later time. Mr. Butler continued by reporting on the tremendous workload that he is under, and, feels that some items should not be prioritized, rather all should be priority regardless of scope. In summary, he would like some part-time help. Merrill: Mr. Butler, are you talking about "on call" or "as needed." Yzaguirre: Clerical-type, or planner-type? Mr. Butler: At least 20 hrs a week right now for a month or two and then as needed, preferably someone with city-type or planner-type knowledge. Butler would supervise the work and the Mayor would also provide some limited oversight. Final decision would rest on the Mayor and the Council. Merrill: Is there a current employee we could cut loose to help h m or not? At one time, Laura Markham was mentioned as a possib ty What does the Mayor have planned? Apparently, the new admin, clerk is n0t capable tc~ fill this need, nor, was he hired for this. H:/CODNCIL~MINUTES/1996/CC081396.MIN 4 Mayor Bower: The new Admin. Clerk job description does not meet the needs of M(: Butler. Unclear on what is on the plate and what the priorities are. Budget requirements may have to be addressed. Mr, Bu , Code 8-7-1A, Mr. Butler noted the Council's ability to provide additional staffing. Mayor Bower: Discussion on this issue will continue at a later time during regular office hours. Next staff report will be from the City Engineer. City Engineer: no report. Merrill: Reminder to Mark to look into the right of way of the easements on state and eagle road street. And expansion on eagle road looking into the width of the right-of-ways and where they are for future development. Mr. Butler: APA will provide 200X maps denoting a large amount of information to answer a number of these questions. Mayor Bower: Next staff report will be from the City Attorney. City Attorney (Susan Buxton): She will be answering any questions on the Design Review ordinance, with reference to the meeting the night before. During this meeting, the group elected to approve a portion of the Ordinance and not the sign portion. It is Ms. Buxton's recommendation to look at the ordinance in a whole but we could look at the portion that was approved by P&Z (e.g., the Design Review portion not including the Sign Portion). Mr. Butler: Spoke with Larry Sale for the roadway through the park as per a request at a previous Council meeting. The minimum road size for the proposed Merrill Park must be 24 ft unless it is first developed as a skateboard park and then a pathway would be allowed. H:~COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC081396.MiN 5 Merrill: Report later in this meeting of a local road, collector, or extension of a local road connected to Hill Road. Discussion continued on impact and maintenance fees. Discussion on the differences of each type of road. COUNCIL: 1. CALL TO ORDER. The Eagle City Council met in regularly session on August 13, 1996, Mayor Bower presiding. 2. ROLL CALL: The following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE, STAN BASTIAN, NANCY MERRILL. ABSENT: MORGAN MASNER SPECIAL BUSINESS: A. New City Clerk - Swearing In. Mayor Bower swears in the new City Clerk/Treasurer, D. Korey Lowder. Merrill: Moved to relieve Laura Markham of her duties as temporary city clerk. Seconded by Yzaguirre. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Mayor Bower: Mayor commended Laura Markham for her outstanding service. Consent agenda item added along with some descriptive language. Explanation of the consent agenda as noted in the meeting agenda. Question posed, of items 5A -- 5J, are there any items that wished to be moved or amended? Merrill: Moved to remove item "J--City Financial Instruments" from consent agenda and place it under NEW BUSINESS, item "8D." Mr. Butler: Recommend moving Item "5E" was pulled off to be addressed at a future time, since the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Are not yet available. Bastian: Moves to point of order, unfinished ite~s,,m. 6~,ed ~ff b~Consent to regular agenda, then moved to unfinished. Move item ~E t~ udii~i~hed B~sin~ss, Item H: ~CO~3NCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC081396 .MiN 6 6C." This issues is in regard to the FOF/COL for the Lexington Hills Elementary School. Y~ui~e; MOVES to ~cept consent agenda as amended Merrill seconded. No Dis~us~i~ AEEA¥~ MOTION CARRIES... UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Mayor Bower: Next item on the agenda is "Unfinished Business." Requests reordering agenda items. Item 7 (zoning ordinance amendments (7B)), move item ahead on the agenda until Planning and Zoning makes a formal request to rehear the item. Discussion of items and recommendations on ordinance. Recommends movement ahead on agenda, for possible tabling of item. Item 7A moved ahead of previous item 6A, unfinished business. Bastian: Bastian moves to move item 713 to 6A1, make current 6a, to new 6a2, seconded by Merrill. Mayor: Will now accept motion to table item until such time as a recommendation is received. Yzaguirre: Point of order by Yzaguirre, no vote. Mayor: No discussion on first motion, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Bastian: Moves to continue new item 6A1, Zoning Ordinance Amendments, to a future meeting after Planning and Zoning conducts their public hearing, Yzaguirre seconded. Mayor: Discussion: Yzaguirre wishes to hear from city attorney. City Attorney: Clarify P&Z commission meetin~:~[d ~he night before. P&Z approved pages 1-15, plus other up to sign regulations t~ go b~fom the~ ty council. Then P&Z will continue their work on (~e remain H:~COLrNCIL\MINUTES~1996\CC081396.MIN 7 ordinance amendment. Up to council on whether to deal with the entire ordinance or the partial approval tonight, either method will work. Protocol Yzagui~'re! Ca~ ~6~ a~Proval occur with an outstanding date of public hearing? City Attorney: Suggests an additional hearing notice of the new meeting. Merrill: Questions the problem of dealing with a partial ordinance. Yzaguirre: Questions if anyone came to comment, perhaps give them the next meeting date and time. City Attorney: Suggests taking any oral or written testimony tonight if necessary. Bastian: Okay for P&Z to open hearing at the same time as the city council? City attorney: Uncommon but understandable in this "emergency" situation. Bastian: Can the Council take testimony on just those pages? Legally is this okay? City Attorney: If someone is here to comment on this issue and cannot return at a later time, the comment should be taken. It would be better if the city council can schedule another hearing on the portions transferred form P&Z. Hearing Notice was issued prematurely. Mayor Bower: Uncomfortable with review of partial ordinance, appears legally and procedurally impossible to continue. Does not wish to take public comment on a partially recommended ordinance, but rather wishes to wait for the entire approval from P&Z. City Attorney: Again Hearing Notice was a pre~aturel~ p~biiS~edl H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC081396.MIN 8 Bastian: Restated motion to continue item until full recommendation is received by P&Z seconded by Merrill. VOTE 2 AYE, 1 NAY, MOTION CARRIES 2 TO 1 (YZagu rre opposed) Ma~or Bo~br ~iii seek recommendations from City Attorney on process for republishing the legal notice. Bastian: After discussion with Yzaguirre, Moves to reconsider motion to continue public hearing on zoning ordinance, seconded by Merrill. Yzaguirre: Voted no due to continuation without specific date for future hearing. Wants a specific date for the continued hearing. Mayor Bower: Call for vote. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ...... Recommends to Council to hear motion to on August 27, but may have to deal with issue once again. Yzaguirre: Moves to continue public hearing on the zoning ordinance to the Council Meeting on August 27, 1996, seconded by Merrill. Mayor Bower: Call for vote, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... 6.A.2. lTD Cooperative Illumination Agreement Mayor Bower: Introduction of Issue, refers to Mark Butler for discussion of staff report. Mr. Butler: Introduced Jeff Miles who represents lTD. Explains agreement proposal to maintain costs of lighting in intersection of HY55 and State Street (new intersection), slightly east of Parkinson Road. Apparent legal requirement to maintain lighting. Mr. Butler does not concur: D~esn~t understand the direct benefit to the city. Recommends that unless s~e be"efit can be show, for the city, no contract should be entered. H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC081396.MiN 9 City Engineer (Vern Brewer, Holladay Engineering): Research cost of street $6/month to run an overhead light. Does not receive any money to maintain such from ACHD. Recommend not to incur $2,000 cost per year for this i~se:Ction D6es n6~ think the citizens health and safety are at issue for this agreemen~ R~6m~ends no agreement. Bastian: Mentions concurrence desired by city attorney. City Attorney: Received Holladay recommendation for legal concurrence, needs formal okay by council, Does City Council want this? Jeff Miles from lTD: Explains type of agreement. Explained increase of safety need through increased lighting and other types of traffic safety issues. Bastian: Is this area within the city limits? M. Butler: Yes, it is within the city limits. Jeff Miles from lTD: lTD tries to garner support from locality for these issues. General discussion on intersection requirements, distance from cities, illumination ratings, etc., from a safety perspective, staff recommends this is a needed project, but the financial impacts are unclear. Yzaguirre: Desires report from staff, and waiting until thorough review by staff. From a safety perspective, recommends we do it. Move we continue this issue to the next meeting until Mark and legal council have a chance to review the issue for specific recommendations at next meeting, Merrill seconded. ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... 6.B. Eagle/Ada County Sports Complex Design Contr~t Mayor Bower: Requests that representative from Ada County review with Council the status of this project. D~ria Gdffins, ~ark~ Director from Ada County: Exp a ned history of rev ew and dis~us~io~ N~8 tha'~ 84,gl acres are discussed using an example on a map. Placement of water tower (tank) by eagle water and Ada county. Ground study on restriction (water availability), need survey and user study. $100,000 per acre to develop fully functional sports park. Mayor Bower: Scope of work by Beck and Baird document and related surveys, this is the feasibility study. This is the scope of work. Payment terms worked out later between parties. Merrill: Wants to have a report from Beck and Baird (visit with Council) before the money is given for the project. Bastian: Wants to see a formal proposal from Beck and Baird for a formal contractual relationship between the city of eagle and the group. This proposal is not formal enough. Recommend no action, continue until B&B report formally before the council. Mayor: B&B unavailable tonight. Deal with budget issue tonight first, then discuss this contract. Merrill: Clarification need, does not wish to commit the City without a formal proposal and review. Donna: City of Boise and Eagle cannot do this alone, but through involvement of users, it can be possible. Bastian: Move to continue matter to next regul~ meeting, provide opportunity to B&B engineering be present to propose a form~i repo~ and scope of work Seconded by Merrill. Mayor Bower: vote on motion, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES...($10,000 available if B&B comes through). Mayor Bower: This item was moved from the consent agenda. Bastian: Moves to continued item until next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council, Seconded by Yzaguirre. Mayor Bower: Call for question, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7.A. Conditional Use Permit -- YMCA Day care. Mayor Bower: Introduces item. Mark Butler: Provides staff report on issue, no transmittal sent to ACHD. Eagle P&Z recommends approval with condition of fire department approval. Recommends okay with any additional requirements forthcoming from ACHD. (8- 7-32.E on permits) Merrill: Existing church or building? Mark: existing sidewalks and other items in? Most likely if all items are in, ACHD may not have additional requirements. Mayor Bower: Is there any ex parte contact that could influence decision by Council? None. Does any member of the city council have a conflict of interest (financially)? None. Ask applicant to come forward Nina Ross: 3120 Parkridge drive, Nampa 8368:7 I amthe Site coordinator for the H:/COUNCIL/MINUTESI1996~CC081396.MIN 1 2 YMCA, child development center. Explanation of program, originally at the Eagle United Methodist Church. New location, Seventh Day Adventist Church at 538 W. State street address correction on agenda. Description of program. General Di~i~n o~ program basics, numbers of kids, ratios, description of location and layout of program. Merrill: Signage needed for operation? Ross: Sign under current one. No current application for sign. Mayor Bower: Received submission of plan copy marked "B" of map of program (submitted to Planning Administrator, Mark Butler). General questions on distance to nearest residence. General discussion on ages of children. Opened discussion for public hearing, any wishing to testify? Jim Martin, 577 W. Rushport, Eagle, Came forward to support program. Support for YMCA child care facility and for Nina Ross's facility. Merrill: How do kids get there? Martin: A bus will pick up and deliver from facility. Thinks this is a good program. Don Hutchison, 671 Palmetto, Eagle, came forward to support program. Happy to allow facility used by children from this program. Represents seventh-day Adventist church and is happy to have the facilities used during the off hours. Large facility with very little use. Residences over 100 feet from church, but facilities used currently for same purpose. Other information available if necessary. Mayor: No others having come forth to testify; t~e public hearing closed. Open discussion of issue for possible recommendat ~:/COLrNCIL~MINUTES/1996/CC081396.MIN 13 Merrill: Noted difference in address from staff reports. Were the neighbors within 300 feet notified? BUiier::Noti~es Were ~ublished correctly according to city documents. Bastian: Moves to approve YMCA Day care Conditional Use Permit to use Seventh Day Adventist church building on State street as a day care facility. Seconded by Yzaguirre. (All subject to appropriate conditions and recommendations from Planning and Zoning, ACHD, and city staff). Mark Butler: Recommends an additional condition of lTD approval. Merrill: Withdraws call for question. Bastian: Appears to be an unreasonable burden on this program. Amends motion to not include the recommendations of staff, to receive approval from ACHD and lTD, seconded by Yzaguirre. Calls for the question. Mayor: Clarified amended motion to not include staff or lTD approval requirement condition. Vote ensued, ALL AYE, MOTION TO AMEND MOTION CARRIES ..... New motion on table states to allow conditional use permit will be approved unconditionally, subject to approval and recommendations by Planning and Zoning. Vote ensued, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... 7.C. Budget Hearing. Mayor Bower: Introduces item 7.C. Budget presentation, public hearing tonight, two other meetings on August 20, 1996 and on August 27, 1996 for the final budget meeting. Opportunity tonight to receive the information (make available at the library as well). Budget recommendation !s ~:4% lower than FY 96 budget, yet still adequate funding of three funds (gener~i, water; agd libra~). Typographical error on distributed documents $~,500. DiSCUSSion 0~ component H:ICOUNCIL/MINUTES/1996kCC081396.MiN 14 parts. Executive summary description, description of water fund and history (eq~erprise fund), library history council approves the budget, general fund description. Description of budget corrections as noted in draft. Description of d~f~il ~ and ~pr~dsheets. Strategic Annual Goals description. Description of ~enerai i~e~ fr~m ;document. Bastian: Gary Barnes proposed library budget, did a good job. Mayor Bower: Continued description of more detail for workups (spreadsheets). No expansion on revenue side of budget. No increases on franchise fees, no implementation of other franchise fees (linear v. regressive). Property tax under 3% budget cap. Listen to tape on remaining budget discussion. Recommend funding city hall expansion out of cash and other improvements noted in the SAG. Library expansion based on bond issue? Stand alone without inclusion of city hall expansion. Open budget for public hearing and comment. No discussion received from public or from city council. Bastian: Asked Mayor to explain that the council and Mayor will continue to work this issue through with the budget workshop next week, by clarifying the intended timeline for the benefit of those attending. Mayor Bower: Special meeting of the council (e.g., budget workshop) scheduled for August 20, at 7:00, and then the formal, final budget hearing on August 27, 1996, all issues will be discussed at that time. Anyone interested in commenting on this budget may submit comment at either of these hearings. NEW BUSINESS: 8.A. Hawley Troxell Engagement Letter. %!: ';~;; Mayor Bower: Introduced issue, retention/discUSsion °f agr~emeht:iSub~issi°n H: ~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC081396 ,MIN 15 of letter describing scope. Described AIC money for defense on issue with IRS (along with Meridian). Recommends signing the engagement letter. M~rilll I'Vlov~s t~ approve mayor signature of engagement letter, Second by Bastian: Discussion of estimated of expenditures, cap of $10,000. Merrill: Reading of letter, issue of cap on spending discussed and concurred. Mayor: Call for vote, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... 8.B. Transmittal for the Ada County Highway District. Mr. Butler: Apology for late deliver of report. Description of hand-drawn map on white board (available in council packet). Introduced Mr. Szplett from lTD. Dave Szplett from lTD: Discussed history and description of transmittal. Butler: Likes the concept, but does not like the collector identity of the ACHD transmittal. Recommend general approval on road purpose, but not on this particular design. Work with public and developers for future design. ACHD will hold a meeting tomorrow night. In summary, Rec. #1, the city accept two specific locations as collector roads (eagle intersection at north boundary) and state street. #2 recommend ACHD designate sufficient collector designation on portions of road. #3 city agree to separate grid system [listen to tape]. No recommendation for extension of Palmetto (would go right through mini storage). General Discussion of terminology, definitions, and roadway and development. Merrill: This is an important decision to make. Wishes to support staff report and ACHD wishes. In reference to the transmittal t~ E~gle Ci~ ~o~nci! ~rom Mark Butler, Zoning Administrator, dated August 13, ~996; ~eg&raing the~CHD Staff H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996~CC081396.MIN 16 Report. Moves to accept staff recommendation for the support of the ACHD's proposed roadway system at Eagle Road and also at the State Street locations, seconded by Bastian. Vote ensued, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ...... Additional general comments on roadway definitions. Total cost to develop this street including the cost of lights, etc., is about $1,000,000. Bastian: General comments, generation of appropriate level of impact fees for funding? Szplett: Probably not enough currently to pay for project...but plan is in place, increase development leads to increase impact fees. 8.C. Design Review, Roundy Pole and Fence Company. Mayor Bower: Introduces design review, Doug Roundy pole and fence company. Description of issues. Application was received prior to the commercial moratorium currently in effect. Mark Butler: This item came in some time ago. Proposed metal building, failed review, modified to stucco, then fell through the cracks.., now on agenda. Approved for access to alternate route. Recommend approval with any requirements from P&Z and ACHD. James Gibson: James Gibson, P.O. 219, Eagle, along with Doug Roundy, introduced history and brief description of project. Landscaping exceeds minimums. Color of roof will be determined during construction(Modest earth tone color). The nature of the business is in conformance with M2 industrial zoning, and the pole company. Mayor Bower: Question to city staff: 7/16/96 app~oy~d 1~grpreta[!~n o~: correspondence. Materials used in developme~ mu§~ibe r~iSta~t to in~ct and H:~COUNCIL/MINUTES~1996/CC081396.MIN 1 7 disease? Request for more variety? Is there anything else out of Design and Review? L~a ~a~:kham A second site plan and building plan that was later brought in. Dis~u~io~ ~ pla~ i~ the file. Council did not received second copy with approvals and recommendations. Mayor: From a design/review standpoint, will these plans meet with the conditions and approval? Answer yes. NOTE: Mayor, strongly recommended that design/review get a stamp to control versions of documents. General discussions of the plans and site. Yzaguirre: Move to approve design review application for Roundy's pole & fence as long as conditions of the design review landscape committee were met as of their last meeting, referred to documents site plan 9547, dated 6~25~96. Second by Merrill. Brief Discussion. Yzaguirre: Amended motion to stipulate roof color be earth tone, second by Merrill. Expressed concern on length of time it took to get before council, 3 postponements due to lack of quorum in design review. Recommends a solution be found to avoid the problem in the future. City Attorney: Discussion of structure of P&Z and design review procedures. Mayor: Ask staff that P&Z and design review getas m~ch i~forma~n te City Council as possible, weekly calendar, other? H:~COUNCIL~MINUTES~1996~CC081396.MIN 1 8 Bastian: Recommendation that design and review procedures reviewed by city ~ployee or representative, any motions made must be clearly documented and pr~¥ided to the Council in a more formal manner. 8.D. City Financial Signature Cards. Final item on agenda, moved, financial instruments. Merrill: Recommend council member (e.g., president), City Treasurer and Mayor on all signature cards. City Clerk: Signature cards necessary for all financial items. Merrill: Move that Korey Lowder, the Mayor and Councilman Yzaguirre for signature (any two of three signatures). Seconded by Bastian. Vote ensued, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Yzaguirre: Recommendation to re-key city hall. General discussion. Move to adjourn. Second by Bastian. City Clerk: Before adjournment, consent agenda should receive a vote. Bastian: Move to approve consent agenda, Seconded by Yzaguirre. Merrill: Amendment to minutes, change Mayor Guerber to Mayor Bower. Vote ensued on consent agenda item, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ..... Vote ensued on motion to adjourn, ALL AYE, MOTION CARRIES ...... Having no further business the Council meeting adjo~ihed a~l H: ~COUNCiL~MINUTES~ 19 9 6 \CC0 813 9 6 .MIN 19 K~REY ~OWDBR EAGLE CITY CLERK H:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\1996\CC081396.MIN H: ~COUNCiL~MINUTES~1996~CC081396-MIN 20