Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 07/30/1996 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Special Meeting Minutes July 30, 1996 The Eagle City Council met in special session on July 30,1996. Mayor BOWER presiding. The following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE, STAN BASTIAN, MORGAN MASNER, NANCY MERRILL. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Eagle City Council Priorities List Mayor distributed new priority total sheets. Moved by MASNER to accept the Priorities with the mayor breaking the ties seconded by MERRILL ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED .... MAYOR will take the report and determine financial impact. Nancy will check the cost to develop parks with Boise and other areas. NANCY will give ball park figures for park improvements. Have SHARON give budget versus actual to council members on parks, arboretum etc. Mark Butler, Eagle Zoning Administrator will attend the ACHD meeting on August 14, 1996, the commission will be acting on the proposed alignment for the east/west road connecting Eagle Road to State Street. He will be asking ACHD what projects in Eagle will be in the works for the next year. MARK will meet at a pre- development meeting with ACHD staff on the road to the park. Developers would typicaly be required to have a right of way, dedicated, (corridor protection,) and a 24 ft. minimum paved roadway. B. Clarification of Consent Agenda At the July 23, 1996 council meeting several items on the consent agenda did not include the recommendations of Planning & Zoning. Staff recommends rescinding the consent agenda motion and making a new motion that would include Planning and Zoning recommendations. Move by YZAGUIRRE seconded by MASNER to with draw the motion. ALL AYE: MOTION CA~RRIED ..... Moved by YZAGUIRRE seconded by ~LASNER to move as part consent agenda all recomendations by Planning & MOTION CARRIED ......... original of the Zoning. ALL AYE: C. Transportation Task force NL~YOR proposed a change in the name of the Committee to Highway 55 & 55 ALTERNATE ROUTE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING COMMITTEE, MAYOR BOWER recomends the appointment of Morgan Masner, Rick Yzaguirre, Mary Gray & Richard Kinders. Jim Carberry should be contacted to be on this committee or he could find someone else to serve on this committee. Leroy Meyer and Dennis Clark from the Idaho Transportation Department are already on the committee. (6:35 Councilman Bastian arrived.) RICK feels that there should be vice-chair on this committe Morgan Masner will be Chairman Rick Yzaguirre will be vice- chairman YZAGUIRRE. Staff will distribute notices of meeting and attend the meeting to take minutes. Move by MERRIL seconded by MASNER to approve the MAYORS recommendations for Highway 55 & 55 Alternate Route Pedestrian Crossing Committee. AYE: MASNER, MERRILL, YZAGUIRRE: BASTIAN ABSTAINED: MOTION CARRIED ....... MERRILL would like the committee to have a time line and completion date. MAYOR recommeded having this item on the pre- council agenda of every council meeting until it is finished. 2 APA MEETING: Mark Butler will brief Council on the meeting/open forum, APA is proposing a draft of a street classification map. Mark spoke to Ali and he said the rebuild of eagle road was planned for 1997, but may be pushed to 1999, from the bypass to floating feather it will then be turned over to ACHD after the bypass is finished. Dave Splet, Traffic Engineer also stated it might be pushed to 1999. Mark will be writing a recommendation on the cities behalf. Floating feather is planning for a rebuild to three lanes and side walks. MERRILL was concerned that they were planning five Lanes to Beacon Light. The MAYOR and Mark will get together this. Second concern reclassification of road from Moved by MORGAiq second by MERRILL all aye motion carried. Having no further business the Council meeting adjourned at 7:15p.m. Respectfully submitted: LAURA NLARKHAM ACTING EAGLE CITY CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR CHAt~LES A. BOWER H: \SHARED~WP\MINUTESkO73096.MiN