Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 07/23/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF JULY 23, 1996 PRE COUNCIL AGENDA 6:40P.M. ALL PRESENT 1. CARE HIARING: The Senior Center would like to add A van port out the back door The Van Port will be put up professionally by the manufacturer, and will meet code. The Van Port will cost the Seniors 1800.00 The building inspector did not think it needed a building permit. Carl spoke to the Ada County Sheriff about his concern of vandalism. and he said he would make a special effort to patrol the back of the Senior Center. Council approved the Van Port and would like it brought back to Council under New Business for a Motion at the next meeting 2. BUDGET DISCUSSION: A Monthly planner sheet with proposed dates for Public Hearings, Workshop, and Publication was given to Council. Between the 8th and the 13th mayor will want input from Council. The City Clerk will be hired by August 5th to work on the Budget, 1st public hearing will be mayors proposed budget. 1st budget hearing date 8/13/96. Workshop 8/20/96. 2nd budget hearing 8/27/96. REPORTS: BASTIAN-No Report, YZAGUIRRE-No Report, MASNER-Sewer, Three Board members met with Hormachea and reached an agreement and will probably sign it. The next two issues will be DEQ and the Conditional Use Permit. The Sewer Board will be asking that council put pressure on these to agencies to approve their applications. MERRIL: Design Review Ordinance has gone to Planning & Zoning and has been continued to the next regular meeting to allow more time to review the Ordinance. Nancy was concerned that the Ordinance Amendments will go past the Moratorium ending date of September 4th, Stan recommended having weekly meetings, Nancy and Morgan agree. MERRILL, the Skateboard Committee, Cliff Diffendaffer & Reed Jarvis proposed cementing the northwest comer of the back parking lot on an interim basis, to allow the kids to have a park for the rest of the summer. The City Hall would then have a paved parking lot. The material and labor will be donated. Staff needs to investigate the cost of insurance for a Skateboard Park. Council requested that the committee have a survey done, to guarantee no encroachments are made. The Skateboard Committee will create a plan and bring it back to Council. MAYOR BOWER thanked all the people who worked on the Design Review Ordinance. MERRILL thanked all the people on the Design Review Committee who worked on the H:\SHARED\WP\MINUTES\CC072396.MIN Design Review Ordinance. THE EAGLE CITY COUNCIL MET IN REGULAR SESSION ON JULY 23, 1996. MAYOR BOWER PRESIDING. THE following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE, MORGAN MASNER, NANCY MERRILL, STAN BASTIAN. MOVED by YZAGUIRRE seconded to add a liquor license application to New Business ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ........ MOVED by MASNER seconded by BASTIAN to move 4.A. Minutes of June 25, 1996, 4B. Claims Against the City, 5.D. Findings of Fact Conclusion of Law, Oxford Court Subdivision, Rezone an Preliminary Plat, 7.A. Planner/Zoning Administrator Confirmation, 7.D. Ada County Transmittal 96-08-ZOA Proposed Ada County Zoning Ordinance Amendment, 7.E. Ada County Transmittal 96-44-Cu Conditional Use Permit, 7.F. Ada County Transmittal 96~27-ZC/96-23-ZC Lamm Estates Subdivision, 7.G. Ada County Transmittal 96-41-CU Conditional Use Permit, 7.H. Ada County Transmittal 96-28-PDR/96-24-ZC Ripcord Ranch/Stan Ray Planned Residential Development/Zone Change and 7.I. Liquor Permit, Gloria's Mexican Restaurant(Pug Osling) ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ................ MOVED by MASNER seconded by BASTIAN to approve the Consent Agenda Items as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ............... CITY CLERK, CONFIRMATION Moved by MASNER seconded by YZAGUIRRE to accept the appointment of Korey Louder as the new City Clerk. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED .... UNFINISHED BUSiNESS: PRIORITIES TIME LINE DISCUSSION: Council would like to have a special meeting on July 30, 1996 at 6:00 p.m. To discuss the priorities list. ITD COOPERATIVE ILLUMINATION AGREEMENT: Moved by MERRILL seconded by YZAGUIRRE to continue this item to the next agenda with a report from the Zoning Administrator and the Engineer. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ......... BOSANKA VILLAGE: Moved by MASNER seconded by YZAGUIRRE to reconsider the previous motion made on Bosanka Village ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED .......... Nick Guho, brother and partner of Mark Guho, made a request for reconsideration by Council for the illuminated sign age at Bosanka Village. Nick Guho feels they are in compliance with the H:\SHARED\WP\MINUTES\CC072396.MIN current sign ordinance. MERRILL feels it would be unfair to approve interior lit signs when there is a chance with the new ordinance they may be required to remove those signs. Guho does not mind taking that chance. BASTIAN concerned about the amps of the lighting, it will be 430 milli-ampere. MAYOR BOWER called a short recess due to a power outage. MAYOR BOWER called the meeting back to order at 8:47 p.m. Moved by BASTIAN seconded by YZAGUIRE to approve the Master Sign with Designs Reviews Conditions excluding the denial of interior lighting. Discussion: MERRILL would like it on the record that she counted 93 signs in Eagle and only 13 of those are interior lit, she believes a president has been set for NO interior lighting. AYE: BASTIAN, YZAGUIRRE, MASNER NAY: MERRILL MOTION CARRIED COMMERCIAL MORATORIUM DISCUSSION: Council directed the Zoning Administrator to create a press release stating that people will be able to place their name on a priority list, but no application of fee will be accepted. That the people on the list should be contacted at the end of the moratorium to turn in their completed application for processing. PUBLIC HEARING: EAGLE HILLS ELEMENTARY/EAGLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow two portables at Eagle Hills Elementary and two portables at Eagle Elementary. REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Carbery, spoke on behalf of Meridian School District, The portables will be used through the 96/97 school year, the school district would like to leave the portables for two years to allow for any problems arising with the Lexington Hills School Construction. At the end of the two years the portables will be needed elsewhere and would need to go back to secondary campus' as soon as possible. The portables are 650 square feet. When they are installed they will be repainted asphalt entrances and ramps will be added. The portables do not have running water or restrooms. Public Testimony: In Favor+ Marry Murphy, Principal Eagle Elementary Larry Gebert, Eagle Idaho Marsha Johnson, Teacher at Eagle Elementary NO more Public Testimony H:\SHARED\WP~VlINUTES\CC072396.MIN MAYOR BOWER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:30 P.M. Moved by MASNER seconded by MERRILL to approve two portables at each site, and that the four portables will be removed at the end of the 97/98 school year. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ........................ PUBLIC HEARING: LEXiNGTON HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow the construction of school in a residential zone. REPRESENTATIVE: Wayne Thowles, Latham and Chrome Architect The school will have handicap accessible corridors, which are sloped, There will be windows in the classrooms, and most provisions for year round school are included in the design, including air conditioning. The School will be built to house 390 to 400 students and will be full and to capacity at the finish of construction. Public Testimony: In Favor: Larry Gebert, Eagle Idaho Concerned with the parking at Eagle Elementary, due to the overcrowding of the school until the new elementary is built. Opposed: A1 Courtial, Eagle Idaho Al Courtial has a problem with the way they handle overcrowding at the schools and why they are building to keep up with the overcrowding and not building for the future, he feels they should build a two story school. A1 would like to know what objection does the School District have to building in excess of the needed size at this time. No more Public Testimony MAYOR GUERBER CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:30 P.M. DISCUSSION: Jim Carberry stated the school has one sewer permit at this time. If the school is allowed to start construction it would be ready for the 97/98 school year, at this time there should be sewer permits available, if none are available they would be willing to hold enrollment at 50 students which the one sewer permit would allow. Moved by MASNER seconded by MERRILL to approve the Conditional Use Permit for H:\SHARED\WP\MINUTES\CC072396.MIN Lexington Hills Elementary, with the condition that they limit enrollment to the number of Sewer Permits that have at the time of completion, and that it meets the CC and Rs of Lexington Hills, and they obtain those sewer permits when they are available. ALL AYE MOTION CARRIED ....... Moved by MASNER seconded by MERRILL to adjourn the meeting at 10:50p.m. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ................ RESPECTIVELY SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~?Jr a MA~arkh~, A c~ti n gh~C it y Clerk Mayor Chuck Bower H:\SHARED\WP\M IN UTES\CC072396.MIN