Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 05/14/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 14, 1996 Pre-Council: Engineer Report: The United Water report on testing high lead and copper content was discussed. There are 2 options to follow. The engineer recommended the $800.00 study. The Mayor will make further inquiries to DEQ regarding the matter. Bastian and the Mayor will get together to make the inquiries and bring this issue back to Council. Kestrel Cove: The pipe is installed, there is clean up to do. One of the conditions is to repair McBride's lot. Neighborhood Enhancement program/ACHD: The program outlined in an application initiated by the City was approved with the exception of the State of Idaho highways and curb ~utter and sidewalk on Mission, which will be done at the s~me time as North Eagle Rd. The engineer will call the fire district regarding speed bumps on Stierman, which was one of the projects approved by the City. Friendship parks lights are in and operational. The engineer will check the siren as it is to loud. Council reports: Eagle Funs Days is June 8. YZAGUIRRE will arrange for a vehicle and candy for the Mayor and Council for the parade. Sewer: The Hormachea property is less likely to be an option for the district. ACHD joint meeting: Probable date June 4, rather than June 11. The date will be June 4, 7:00 p.m. The City Clerk will check on the date with ACHD. MASNER will contact Jo Schreiber to have Jenson Belts there. Priorities List: The Council initiated a special meeting on May 21 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Added to the agenda is the recommendations of P&Z on the impact area. Bypass tunnel discussion: ITD wants a $500,000 bond posted with an expectation that Eagle will pick up the bond. MASNER will meet again with them and bring the discussion back to Council. The Council would prefer a bridge rather than a t,,nnel, which can be erected at a later time. The Boise City meeting regarding Hill Rd was discussed. The meeting is May 16. YZAGUIRRE will attend. 1 C Zamzows will help on the beautifying areas for a community garden. Some of the sites are, the lot next to the paint Co., Peters downtown property, the Kathy Roberts property on State St. and next to the Fire Station. Design Review: Will meet on Wednesday, May 15 and hope to have a special meeting a week later. Mayor's reports: APA will meet on transportation issues on May 30 at the Senior Citizens Center, at 7:00 p.m. Sheriff Vaughan Killeen will come to Eagle on May 23 to hold a meeting on Law Enforcement activities, 7:00 p.m. at the Senior Citizen Center. Meridian and Eagle will join forces on the IRS issue. Trail Creek: a letter was to go out to the developer today demanding compliance with the subdivision conditions. The staff is to write ACHD writing for monthly service on cleaning the downtown streets. City Clerk report - Trash renewal notices: can we contract with a single provider? The City Attorney will provide a report to Council. The Mayor will contact Lynn Sedlacek and MASNER regarding a letter than needs to go to Ada County regarding sewer. The Eagle City Council met in regular session on May 14, 1996. Mayor BOWER presiding. The following members were present: MORGAN MASNER, NANCY MERRILL. RICK YZAGUIRRE, STAN BASTIAN, Moved by MASNER and seconded by MERRILL to approve the minutes of the May 2,1996, meeting as presented. WITHDRAWN. Moved by MASNER and seconded by MERRILL to continue this item as the minutes were not received. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. CLAIMS AGAINST THE CITY: Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to approve the claims as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance 270 - Notice Land Use Actions: Proposal: to provide for uniform notice requirements for Conditional Use Permits, Variances, Zoning text and Zoning Map, Annexation, Development Agreements, Preliminary Plats of Subdivisions, General subdivision Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance text, and Map and to require posting of the property in all public hearing applications. Moved by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN to continue consideration of this ordinance until the next regularly scheduled meeting as a public hearing. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING: MERIDIAN SCHOOL ACADEMY-CUP: C Mayor BOWER announced that this was the time and the place set for a public hearing on the Meridian School Academy an application for a Conditional Use Permit to establish an alternative school site in Eagle. Applicant: Meridian School District. Location: E. State St. Proposal: To establish an alternative school site students. for high school This was continued from the last meeting because of sewer concerns. The Sewer District has agreed to transfer the 2 permits for use on this project. Moved by MASNER and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to read the names of those opposed and in favor into record without reading the letters in full. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Written testimony by name and preference was introduced to the public and Council by Mary Berent Debbie Martinez-opposed Virginia Duncan-opposed George and Toni Bunce-opposed Dolores Creed-opposed Sharon Allred-in favor Steve and Becky Peterson-opposed Pat and Ray Beauregard-opposed Otto Achenbach-opposed Lori and Craig Rowley-opposed Donald and Nancy Barton-opposed Colleen Maile-in favor Lynne Sedlacek-in favor Larry Stocking-opposed Dennis and Celia Callagher-opposed Petition of opposition Concerns of the public: Location, buildings to close to homes, the need to expand the school in Meridian, rather than build one in Eagle, traffic, vandalism, speed limits, not harmonious, violates comprehensive plan, speed limits on State St. Public testimony: Nancy Amell-in favor Mike Kidder-opposed Janell Christensen-in favor Bob Tayler-in favor Bob Milligan-information only Jim Carberry, Meridian School District representative, advised Council that this project will be phased over a 4-5 year period in order to construct a multi-purpose building, classrooms, offices 3 etc., and the District intends to build permanent structures on the Eagle site. Question-MASNER: Are you prepared to tell us tonight that that plan you propose, that phasing plan into permanent buildings, that you can promise the City of Eagle that you will do that with or without the execution of a bond issue? Answer-Carberry: We are definitely prepared to move toward permanent structures, we much prefer to do that to the passage of a bond issue. I can't answer for the board, but they would, I am sure, look at the possibility of using plant facilities in the future, if bonds are not available. So I guess I am shirking the issue a little bit. I would promise you this, that I will speak in your behalf to our board, and I think certainly response favorable in regards to that. So, in essence, yes they would either through plant facilities or bond monies move toward permanent structures. We are currently building the Meridian Academy ......... . Question-MASNER: That with or without a bond issue, if this is passed, you will promise to have that facility in a permanent fashion, according to the schedule that you presented to us? Answer-Carberry: Yes Sir, yes. Question-MASNER: I have a question of our Attorney. John, may we, as a City Council put a condition on this CUP that says that if the Meridian School District does not do as they have promised tonight and convert that into a permanent facility, that then they will have to leave the facility? Where do we stand on that? Answer-John McFadden, City Attorney: Your conditions that you can impose on a CUP includes controlling the duration of the development. So if you specify the duration of the permit it would expire then. If they continue to stay on that site they would have to come in for an extension of the CUP, or they would be in violation zoning code. The remedy would be to demand they vacate the premises. Jim Carberry read into record the 5 year plan; however a portion of the schedule was omitted from testimony tonight. That portion of the schedule which reads as follows was not addressed by Mr. Carberry and will not be part of his testimony: "contingent upon passing a bond issue in 1998 or 1999." The City Clerk was directed to enter the schedule into the staff report and record. The Schedule is attached. Question-MASNER: Mr. Carberry, the way I read this implementation schedule all portable classrooms will be gone by the year 2001. Answer-Carberry: I believe you are correct, (after reading the C schedule) yes, you are correctl The public hearing closed at 8:45 p.m. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the Meridian School District CUP application for a new Eagle Academy with portable facilities subject to the following conditions: To require the conditions imposed by the Eagle Planning and Zoning with two additional conditions. The two additional conditions are as follows: 1. All permanent buildings be submitted to Design Review Committee for approval and then to City Council for final approval. 2. That the Conditional Use Permit be approved for a 5 year period to allow the school district time to replace temporary buildings with permanent buildings according to the schedule submitted into record dated February 14, 1996, titled Eagle Alternative School. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Councilman Merrill reaccuses herself. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to rescind the motion. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. BASTIAN asked that the 2 conditions he outlined in the last motion be included in his new motion. Mayor BOWER advised him there was no previous motion. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Meridian School District #2 for a new Eagle Academy with the P&Z conditions of February 5, and two additional conditions. Those conditions are as follows: 1. Ail permanent buildings be submitted to Design Review Committee for approval and then to City Council for final approval. 2. That the Conditional Use Permit be approved for a 5 year period and that all standard conditions apply to this Conditional Use permit. The Eagle Planning and Zoning Conditions are as follows: 1. Must meet the requirements of ACHD regarding the roadway as a public road. 2. They continue the fencing along the east side in a similar fashion as it now exists. 3. That the City receives an approval letter from the Drainage District #2 and a letter from the Sewer District that they will serve the site. 5 C 4. Meet the requirements of 8-3-3-D the setbacks, with a minimum of 25 ft. setbacks. 5. The portion north of the canal be maintained as well as the front portion of the property which will be undeveloped, with a dust free environment 6. Installation of sidewalks or bonding for the sidewalks required. PUBLIC HEARING: FAIRWAY VIEW SUBDIVISION - Amended Plat: Mayor BOWER announced that this was the time and the place set for a public hearing on the Fairway View Subdivision, an application for an amended plat. Applicant: Frank and Alma Marvin Type of application: Plat Amendment Location: N. Edgewood Ln. Eagle The City Engineer outlined the reasons for the amendment and Dave Roylance, project engineer outlined the amendment to correct a survey error. Testimony: none The public hearing closed at 9:20. Moved by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN plat. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. to support the amended NEW BUSINESS: WHITE ORCHID-BEER AND WINE LICENSE: Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MERRILL to the approve the license as submitted. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. STREAMSIDE SUBDIVISION FINAL PLAT APPROVAL: The floodplain issue in the final plat was discussed by The City planner and the City Engineer. The City Engineer requested that all of the conditions of the preliminary plat be conditions of the final plat with the exceptions of the following: FEMA recommended all homes in the subdivision be built with a finish floor built to one foot above the base flood elevation, condition #19 be changed to read that it requires the Greenbelt Committee give approval prior to final plat by Council. This should read that the Greenbelt Committee approval must be given prior to the City Engineer signing the plat. Bill Selvage spoke on behalf of the project. On site and off site sewage is approved both with the District and DEQ. There is note on the plat requiring a one foot elevation above floodplain level. PATHWAYS: The developer will do whatever the 404 permits, which may not permit the path be paved. 6 C Condition #19 needs to go to the greenbelt, engineer and on to Council. Ed Miller, Project Attorney testified about the pathway, the route and 404 permit. Moved by MASNER and seconded by MERRILL that the pathway is determined by State Land Board based on the 404 permit, that condition #19 be signed off on the plat by City Engineer, and building will be one foot above the base floodplain elevation. MOTION WITHDRAWN Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MERRILL to approve the final plat of Streamside Subdivision with the following changes and additions to the conditions approved by the City Council on 5/25/95 in the standard conditions of approval. Those are: 1. Ail finished floors be placed one foot above floodplain 2. Modify the standard con ~19 to read: the recreation/greenbelt area along the Boise River and/or parking be approved by the Eagle Greenbelt Committee prior to the City Engineer signing the final plat. Strike out the words in the second line of that Condition "approval of the final plat by the City Council" and substituting "the City Engineer signing the final plat." Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to amend the motion to include the pathway be paved, if possible, knd the homeowners maintain the pathway. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ON AMENDMENT. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED ON ORIGINAL MOTION. MERIDIAN SCHOOL ACADEMY DESIGN REVIEW The design review issue discussion included the landscaped portion and the mechanicals on the buildings. Moved by M3~SNER and seconded by BASTIAN to approve the Design Review/Landscaping application with stipulation that the entire property be seeded and irrigated. Accept the recommendations of Design Review and standard conditions. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to amend the motion to approve the application subject to upon completion of the project, the entire property be seeded and irrigated by fall of 96, prior to occupancy. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to approve items 6 D,E, F,G of the agenda. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MASNER to amend the motion to include 6I. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Those items approved are as follows: Ada County Transmittal 96-10-ZC - Draper, 96-06-ZOA Gary Goldsmith, 96-28-CU/96-06-V John Jantz, Berkshire Extension of Time and the Proclamation - Municiple Clerks Week APPEAL OF PLANNING AND ZONING ACTION - EDGE DEVELOPMENT William Webster noted his position referencing deferrals and withdrawals of applications. Moved by MASNER and seconded by BASTIAN to accept P&Z decision of withdrawl. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH - EXTENSION OF TIME Moved by MERRILL and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the extension of time. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. ~%~A}IA MONTGOMER~ EAGLE CITY CLERK. APPROVED: MAYOR CHARLES A. BOWER H: \ SHARED\WP\MINUTES\ CC051496. MIN C 8