Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 03/19/1996 - SpecialEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING Special Meeting March 19, 1996 The Eagle City Council met in special session on March 19, 1996. Council President MASNER presiding in Mayor BOWER'S absence. The following members were present: MORGkN MASNER, NANCY MERRILL. RICK YZAGUIRRE, STAN BASTIAI~, UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ADA COUNTY TRANSMITTALS: 96-01-ZOA - Amending Title 8, Chapter 2, Definitions & Chapter 5, Residential Districts, Ada County Code: Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MERRILL to approve the transmittal as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. 96-02-ZOA - Amending Title 8, Chapters 10 & 12, Ada County Code: Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MERRILL to approve the transmittal as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. JENSEN BELTS CONTRACT - Master Plan Downtown Development: Joe Schreiber presented the contract to the Council. This contract is the result of the Committee's request of Council to finance this expenditure of $10,000 for a downtown development plan. The proposal is to be divided into three payments. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract with Jensen Belts, the compensation of $10,000 to be divided into 3 equal payments, payment #1 on approval and completion of tasks #1,#2 and #3, payment #2 on approval and completion of task #4 and payment #3 upon approval and completion of task #5. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to amend the motion further that Council authorizes the Committee to make a determination as to the completion of tasks and payment for same. Upon presentation the Council will approve the claims. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER - Discussion of Foyer: The proposal was presented by YZAGUIRRE to make improvements to the building by adding a vestibule (foyer) to enclose the entry ways. The seniors need Council authorization and direction for what kind of doors the Council wants. There are three proposals and one is for steel doors. YZAGUIRRE recommends this proposal over wooden C doors. Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to authorize the Senior Citizens to purchase and fund the steel door and frame with full glass. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: This agreement is for Playground equipment inspection and an audit of the equipment, on an annual basis. The proposal also includes an inspection and training program for a staff member or Eagle maintenance people. The total cost is $400. The audit and annual inspection must be made by a certified inspector for insurance purposes. Moved by MERRILL and seconded by BASTIAN to accept the playground maintenance audit and inspection proposal from Trevor Adams, a certified playground inspector as presented. The motion was amended by MERRILL and seconded by BASTIAN to include the sum of $400. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED. Library: The proposed new library building was discussed. County librarians have services to provide in the new building, an on-line service, extra shelving, and books. Eagle Quest: The economics was put under Chamber board for "Eagle Chamber Economic Committee". The Chamber will eventually incorporate Eagle Quest. June 8 is Eagle Fun Days. Parks: A general maintenance agreement was discussed. After the award of the parks contract, a general maintenance agreement should be considered. The agreement would be for general repairs in the parks and other city property, Those repairs include repair work on benches, shelter roof in the park, etc. Some of the repair work is "as needed". It does not need to be bid out. Parks Impact Fee: MERRILL and MASNER met with Russ Mayer and other members of the Building Contractors Association regarding park impact fees on existing parks. Does not seem feasible to generate funds needed for new parks but volunteers may generate aid. It was estimated that the cost would be around $600,000 to develop a park. Those parks being considered are the Merrill Park and Sports Complex Park. The funding possibilities would be through the citizens or bonds. It was suggested that Kent Hardwood of Nampa should meet at a pre-council session to talk to the Council on how Nampa generated funds for their recreation center and golf course. Sewer Board: Albertson's is estimated to take 33 hookups. There will be approximately 40 remaining. The Sewer District may have a solution in 60 days, if not may consider a moratorium. ATTORNEY: Bob Erickson, Mayor BOWER and Mona are to meet on the C IRS matter. A brief report on Kestrel Cove Agreement was discussed. CITY CLERK: The ICCFOA authorized a letter to be sent advising Idaho Cities of the recent IRS problem through the Association of Idaho Cities. The City Clerk outlined some of the paperwork given to Council including a land use seminar coming up, a Boise transmittal advising the City of Eagle of a subdivision across from Banbury and a letter asking for joint meetings/work sessions between the City and ACHD. The Council asked that the City Clerk discuss this with the Mayor and ask him to invite Mr. Nyman and his staff to meet with them. A Design Review town meeting has been set by the Eagle Planning and Zoning for April 22, at the Senior Citizens Center. There bemng no further ,~zne~°~the meeting adjourned at B~ARBARA MONTGOMER~ :~ , ~ ,~ EAGLE CITY CLERK %2 ~ ~; APPROVED: '~,,,~,~ 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL PRESIDENT MORGAN MASNER 3