Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 03/12/1996 - RegularEAGLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING
March 12, 1996
Pre Council: R.V.Dumpsite: Bill Hallock, State Park Advisor, spoke
to the Council regarding the possibility of a dump station in
Eagle. They build them and the city maintains them. The land must
be city owrned.
Proposed Redesign Echo Creek #5-Bill Guhrke, Developer and Phil
Barber, Project Attorney: The subject was the future development of
Echo Creek #5,#6,and #7 due to the new highway aligrnment. The
proposal is to reduce 150 lots to 144 and to increase the new lots
along the new highway from 125 ft. deep to 222 ft. deep and expand
the greenbelt system from 2.31 acres to 3.23 acres. This will
allow them the ability to construct a 6 ft. high berm and a 36 ft.
wide earth berm with a 6 ft. fence. The highway cut would run from
2 ft. to 5 ft. deep for noise mitigation. This will allow a
distance from the rear of the houses to the berm and the fence of
approximately 130 ft. and a 195 ft. from the rear of the houses to
the first lane of traffic along the new highway. This is an
improvement in the subdivision. A determination must be made
regarding the proposed changes within the subdivision and whether
or not those changes are material changes. The suggestion is that
the developer contact the Zoning Administrator.
Engineer Report:
Drainage: The problem is that the developer is out of the project
by the time drainage becomes an issue. The problems cannot be
identified in the beginning. The builder comes along and builds
across the drainage and this affects the lot. A performance bond
should be posted, then if any action is taken the City can draw on
the bond. The Council will work toward an ordinance by which the
building inspector could inspect the lot for drainage issues.
Friendship Park Lights: The Council agreed to try lights for one
year without the meters and monitor the costs of the power, or to
install a timer to turn on and off, at no cost. The engineer will
check the costs for the meter and report back to Council.
Floodplain mapping: To scale maps should be available to the City
at less than $500.00 after March 21.
The Eagle City Council met in regular session on March 12,
1996. Mayor BOWER presiding.
The following members were present: RICK YZAGUIRRE, STAN BASTIAN,
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the minutes
of the February 27, 1996 meeting as presented. ALL AYE: MOTION
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by MASNER to carry item 3B, The
Claims Against the City to 7C. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Parliamentarian questions prompted review of Roberts Rules of Order
and City Codes. Moved by MASNER and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to
appoint the City Attorney as parliamentarian. ALL AYE: MOTION
Point 2: City ordinances and Roberts Rules of Order only apply in
public hearings. Speakers should be recognized by the Chair, then
they can address and be addressed. The Council agreed that the
meetings should be more relaxed. MASNER read into record the
following rules of order:
*Speakers will be recognized by the Chair and given the floor.
*After the Chair recognizes the speaker...the speaker may address
and be addressed by others in the meeting without further Chair
recognition until that person yields the floor.
*The Chair may not participate, debate, nor comment on matters
brought up in motion. His function is only to moderate. He is to
keep a neutral, unbiased position.
*The Chair will be out of order when he lectures witnesses,
challenges them or gives them direction. The Chair may answer
questions put to him by Council Members or person giving testimony.
KESTREL COVE - Settlement & Release/Drainage Aareement (continued):
Moved by MASNER and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to continue this issue
until the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Mayor needs to
make some contacts regarding this agreement and will report back to
Council. He will also consult with the City Attorney. ALL AYE:
ORDINANCE 273 Private Streets (continued):
Steve Bradbury spoke on the private street issue and outlined the
changes to the proposed ordinance suggested at the last Council
meeting. Those changes are primarily in the maintenance and repair
and funding of the same. Mr. Bradbury advised Council that he
submitted 2 proposed ordinances. In the second proposal he included
recommendations received by Jim Grossman and Ed Miller. Those
recommendations included a definition adding the words "separate
ownership", a provision other than to provide emergency access and
that private streets originate in public right of way and terminate
in a public right of way, or at one of the turn areas and leave the
flexibility of size, hammerheads or turnarounds to Council.
The City Engineer told Council he would like to review the changes
and comment to the Council on this new revision.
Moved by MERRILL and seconded by MASNER to continue the amendments
to the next meeting. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
PUBLIC HEARING/Channel Center Subdivision/Floodplain Development
Mayor BOWER announced that this was the time and place set for a
public hearing on Channel Center Subdivision, a Preliminary Plat in
the Floodplain for a commercial subdivision.
Dennis Baker
North side of the North Channel Boise River along
the west side of Eagle Road, the former feed lot and
packing plant.
Proposal: Zoning to remain C1, proposed commercial subdivision
includes 10 lots on 15.3 acres for a gross density
of 0.63 lots per acre, within the 100 year
Wayne Stolfus, representative of the applicant, outlined in detail
the project. This project includes a greenbelt along the river.
All lots have setbacks and provide an easement that comes down the
bypass along the property line and carries it to an approach for a
bridge crossing.
Dennis Baker was asked about an underpass funding. He would
encourage and support it but can't speak for other owners.
Steve Bradbury: Attorney for the project, spoke about the time line
in connection to the private road ordinance.
Public Testimony:
Carl Wonacott: opposed
Doren Ellis: in favor
Public hearing closed at 9:30 p.m.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to continue this issue
to the next Council meeting. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
PUBLIC HEARING/ORDINANCE 269 Amendin~ Title 8 Planned Unit
Develo me~ (continued):
Mayor BOWER announced that this was the time and place set for a
public hearing on an Amendment to Title 8 regarding Planned Unit
Steve Bradbury, the attorney that drafted the ordinance reviewed it
with Council.
Stasia Buffenbarger: opposed
Written testimony: Stasia Buffenbarger
Public Hearing closed at 10:35 p.m.
Discussion took place regarding the intent and restrictions of a
PUD. There appeared to be some confusion regarding what a PUD
actually is. The City Attorney suggested the staff report back to
Council and clearly identify the PUD concept.
Moved by BASTIAN and seconded by MERRILL to give the staff time to
respond to those concerns.
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by BASTIAN to hear the Gratiot Ada
County Transmittal at this time and the claims but to continue the
remainder of the agenda until the next special hearing on Tuesday,
March 19 at 6:30 p.m. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
96-08-CU-Gratiot: Paula Gratiot outlined the project as a project
that would convert a barn into a weekend public hall facility for
weddings. Weddings would be outside as well as in the building.
The wedding sizes would be about 150 guests. RT zone.
Moved by MERRILL and seconded by YZAGUIRRE to approve the
transmittal as presented. The motion was amended to include that
the approval is conditioned on the recommendation that the parking
lot to be paved within 5 years. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Discussion took place regarding the paging system and contract for
the message and pager system.
Moved by YZAGUIRRE and seconded by BASTIAN to pay the claims as
There being no further busines~ the meeting adjourned at
Respect ful Z¥ su~m'~t~ed:
EAGLE CITY CL~Kk',c'q,~k..~,