Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 02/20/1996 - Workshop EAGLE CITY COUNCIL
Boise River Stream Management Ordinance
FEBRUARY 20, 1996
5:00 P.M.
Those in attendance: Mayor Charles Bower. Council members: Morgan Masner, Rick
Yzaguirre, Stan Bastian, Nancy Merrill. P&Z members: Bert Bradley, Don Brinton,
Russell Mayer, Farrin Farnworth, Colleen Maile.
A. Boise River & Stream Management Ordinance
The current condition of the river was discussed. There is a new policy that cities and fire
districts should not sandbag private property as it holds them liable. The property owner needs to
take that responsibility. The sandbags, previously given away, should be purchased by property
owners in risk of flooding year after year. The city can declare an emergency if needed to nullify
the liability problem.
The preliminary considerations of the draft Boise River System Management Ordinance provided
by the Attorney was discussed.
The Pathway/Greenbelt was discussed. The Garden City Resolution regarding the Boise River
was introduced by Rick Yzaguirre for comparison with the ordinance.
The Garden City Resolution does not include Dry Creek and the Chevron Pipe Line and we
would have to include them. Should we break out pathways and make it a separate ordinance as
a separate issue?
Moved by BRINTON and seconded by MERRILL to develop a plan for a pathways ordinance
and a Boise River Ordinance and consider them separately. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIED.
Rick: The Pathway Committee should create the ordinance regarding pathways. He wants to
address this with Mona and have her devise the ordinance for Council review. One of the
stumbling blocks is the ditch companies, which is a legal issue. The suggestion was to put out a
press release to get new members onto the Committee.
March Council meeting: Pathways will be before Council with the scope of work, list of new
members and pathways recommendation in ordinance form and time line for each step.
Larger issue: The Boise River Ordinance and Resolution - Outside technical advice is needed.
Planning experts that deal with the river should form a committee for review of the ordinance (or
plan) and make recommendations.
The suggestion is to invite experts located in this area to another special meeting and be ready
with the Council and P&Z concerns to address at the meeting, with legal Council and river
Pathway Committee: Define the scope of work and time lines, and bring it back to a joint
Mayor: Will come back to the group with scope of work and time line from experts and legal