Minutes - 1996 - City Council - 02/06/1996 - Workshop EAGLE CITY COUNCIL & EAGLE PLANNING & ZONING JOINT WORKSHOP Minutes February 6, 1996 4:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Those in attendance: Mayor Charles Bower, Council members: Morgan Masner, Rick Yzaguirre Stan Bastian, Nancy Merrill. P&Z members: Bert Bradley, Don Brinton, Russell Mayer, Farrin Farnworth. Mayer BOWER said the issues appeared to be the "scope of work," the pathways-interconnected and reconciliation of the City ordinances, codes and comprehensive plan. Those absent: Colleen Maile TOPIC OF DISCUSSION: 1. Boise River & Stream Management Ordinance - Discussion included the topics that should be included in the Ordinance are the Pathway issues including the Chevron Pipeline that runs through the City, Dry Creek pathway plans, along with paths along the Boise River. It was noted that the Eagle Pathway Committee should have specifications regarding what kinds of paths at different locations. It was suggested that Boise may have some specifications to review. YZAGUIRRE said it was important to get easements set aside now for pathways of the future. There is also a need for multi-use pathways and trails. The Ordinance as now drafted does not address pathways. Mayor BOWER said the issues appeared to be the scope of work, the pathways-interconnected and reconciliation of the City ordinances, codes and comprehensive plan.. There would be a need to review these areas to make sure they are compatible. Mona Mack, City Attorney, said this Ordinance may well replace Title 10 and portions of Title 9. There would be a need to cross reference or change parts of Title 8 as well. She pointed out that the changes in a flood plain ordinance would have to be reviewed by FEMA. Whether developing in the floodway or not is up to the Council. There are policy issues that need researched. Boise may be able to aid with data they probably have in grappling with this same issue. They may have engineering reports, information from the Army Corp. of Engineers, Fish and Game, etc. There may be additional information from APA. It may be well to establish a committee to research the data that might be available. Emergency accesses to the river and maintenance provisions is also something that should be addressed in the Ordinance. C MASNER and MAYER will take the issue to the APA director after a mechanism is selected and prioritize. They will then return their suggestions to P&Z and Council for recommendation and where to go from there. Mona Mack said she would develop a point list of major policy issues. The next meeting on this issue will be February 20, 1996, from 5:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m. 2. Drainage and Irrigation System: Discussion included ACI-ID's responsibilities on the drainage issue when dealing with subdivisions and roads. It was agreed that drainage and irrigation systems on lots within a subdivision are not looked at early enough when dealing with lots within a subdivision. Mayor BOWER asked Bert Bradley to take this issue to P&Z. P&Z should deal with the issue, review and make recommendations. It was pointed out by the City Attorney that there is legislation pending that will make ACI-ID responsible on a county wide basis for drainage issues. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m