Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 468 Connemara Lane - Paddy Row Sub - 12/4/2006 OS/23/2007 10:14 3232209 Dee Oi OS 02:07p Arrow L~nd ROTH HOMES 208-939-7:321 PAGE 02 p. 1 U.S. DEPARlMENT OF HOMeLAND SECURITY Federel Emergency Management Agency Natlonsl Flood Insurange Program ELEVATION CERTIFICATE OMB No.1 660-0008 Exoires Februsrv 28. 2009 Important Read the instructions on pages 1-8. SECTION A. . PROPERTY INFORMATION For In&urance Company USe: Ai. Blllldlns Owner's Name ROTH HOMeS Polley Number A2. Building Street AdCll'Cr;r; (including Apt., Un~, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route a~d Box No. company NArc Number 44a 6, Conne~.ra L;lne --~--"... ..~..._. , .. . ._,-...- City Eagle Stata 10 7.1P Code 83616 A3. Property OesCflp1lOn (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Numtlf;Ir. Lellal Description. elc.) LOT 29. 8LOCK 1, PADDY ROW SUBDIVISION -... -.- ... .. A4. l3tIilding USe (e.g.. Residential. Non-ReslderrtlClI. Addition, Accessory, etc.) ~ESICiNTIAL A5. L8t~udeILangttude: Ltlt. 4J.41'37"N Lang.11S.21'03'W Horizonl"l08tLlTl: 0 NAD 1927 1:8:1 NAD 1983 AS. AttactI at le~I."lt :! photographS or the building If the Cenific81e is being used 10 obtain flood In.,uranc:e. A7, BUI"k!ing Dlagr:KTl Number iii A8. For a building with 8 crawl space or Bncl09ure(s). prcvldB A9. For II building with an a1t8dled gamge. provide: al Square footage Qf Cl'lI\I/lllP8ee or enclo8ure(~) 16S0aq I't a) Square footage of ~ched garage $i!I sQ ft bl /110. ofpMr'lenent flood openingS in \he Cfllwt sp9a> or b) No. of perma~ent flood OIlGnings in the llttQched garagR endosule(sl walls within 1.0 foot ablMl adjacent Drade 1~ ~Is wllnin 1.0 foot sbeve adjacent glllde ~ el Tolal net area offload op9nings In A8.b :!l1Q at! In 1:.) Total net araa Offload oper'Ilngs InAQ.b !A2 !lq In SECTION B . FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 1B001C0153 B6. FIRM Indell Dsle 2-19-03 83. Slate IDAHO Eli. IIlFIP COll'lmunity Name & CommU"~)I Numb~ EAGLE 160003 84, MlIp/PEllml Number 811, B12. , I Indic:al~ lhe soun:e of the BMe Flood Elevation (BFE) dilt:l Q( bsse flood depth entered in Item B9. o FIS P~e L'5I FIRM 0 Cammunlly Determined CI Other (Describe) _ Indicate ell!VatIon dlllum used for BFE In Itsm 119: 0 NGVO 1929 I8l NAVD 1988 0 Olher (Describe) _ Is the building Ioealed in 1I Cllutal Barrier Rer;ources System ~BRS) are" or Olhe.rwlSfl Protected Areg (OPA)? DY19S Dl!3lgn:.ltlon Dat~ _ 0 CB~S DOPA 87. FIRM Pllnel Effec:tivelRevlsed Ollie 2-19-03 88. F'Iood Zone(s) AH S9, BllSO Flood Elev",don(s) (Zone AO, use Dalla flood dAPlh) 2562 B10, ~ND SECTION C - BUilDING ELEVA.TlON INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. 8uilding elB't'atlons are bellied on: 0 Consl/'lJctlon Dtawings' 0 Building Under ConattucllDf'l. 181 Finiahed Construction -A new EleVlltlon Certifiell~ will be req ulred ~ construction of the building 19 eonlplele, C2. EIe\lBtlon!l- ZooC$ A1-A30. AE, AH, A (with aFE), VE, Vi-V30, v ('l"fth BFE), AP.. A~A, AAlI>E. ARIA1-A:30, ARlAH. ARJAO. Complete llerrt'l C2.a1;l below according to tile building diagtam spedIIed in Item A7. Benchmark Utilized _ Vertical Datum _ ConlfflrslonlCOmmen1B _ a) Top of bQttom floor (ineluding basement, crawlapaoe, or enc/osu~ floert bl Top of the next higher floor 0) Bottom of the loweat horlzonUlllllruclural member CII Zones only) el) A~hcd garage (top of $lab) I e) Lowest eltllration of mechlnery or equipment servicing the building (De!lcr\be l)IP!I of equipment In Corrvnerrta) I) LClWIBst liId1l1cent (finished) gr8de (LAG) g) Highest adjaeent (flnlsllled) grade :(HAO) Check the mea9urement used. M.s.~.g 181 feol 0 ml!ltel!l (Puerto Rico only) 2562.i 1BI feet 0 meters (Puerto RicO only) _'_ 0 feet 0 malAr.! (PUerto Rico only) ~-1 181 feet 0 meters (Puerto Rico only) (,,~i t8J feet 0 meters (PueI1O Rico only) 2W.,~ 2560.g C!1:l ff,\et 0 melEll!I (Puerto Rico only) 181 feel 0 metel'$ (Puerto Rico only) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This cerdflc;rtiOn is to be sigrled and Hilled by l.lland ~M!lyorr englnl!flr, or atcbihlct lWthortzed by law to certify elevation information. I ctJr1Jfy 111m the inftHmQf/on on this Cerllflr:lJltJ. ~pr9sents my besl eftbrts to imef1}ret I1ItJ dafa BlleRQbTe, lurrdel3t&nd IhallNlY '0189 ststsment""'Y DC puni3hable lIy fine 01 imprisonment vrlder 18 U.S. Ccdtl. Section 1001, D Check ~m If commentB are provided on back of form. City EAGl.C State 10 ZIP Code 83616 Telephone 208-939-7373 Certifier'a Name JeREMIAH B. FIELDING. PLS Lioonae Number 12220 nla PROFESSIONAL LANe SURVEYOR Co"""eny Nama A~ROW LAND SURVeyiNG, INC. See reverse side for continuation. Replaces $11 previoUG edition~