Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 07/20/2010 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes July 20, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Mayor Huffaker calls the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Semanko leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Brent Jennings, 2675 E. Mariposa Drive, I represent the Arbor Ridge Homeowner's Association, discusses water on park and mowing the weeds. We really haven't seen any work performed. Arbor Ridge Homeowner's Association Board of Directors is requesting the City Council to attend one of our meetings. We will prepare a response to Floyd Patterson's letter. We are also requesting that the City take care of the pit in accordance with City Ordinances: before the Preliminary Plat expires. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: I have met with contractors on site to get bids for mowing trimming and spraying noxious weeds. Discussion on the Letter of Credit funds. City Attorney Paul Fitzer, I have reviewed the Letter of Credit information that Bill sent me and I do not think it is appropriate to utilize the Letter of Credit to pay a back water bill. That does not appear to be the purpose behind what the Letter of Credit was for. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Mr. Deshazo has: said that the back bill for water will have to be paid before he will turn on the water. Further discussion. Semanko moves to amend the Agenda to add a new #10. Discussion on the Three Rivers City Crossing. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: [6:00 - 8:00 p.m.] A. Personnel matters: I.C. 67-2345(a) B. Acquisition of private property: I.c. 67-2345(c) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with I.e. 67-2345(a) Personnel matters and I.e. 67-2345(c) Acquisition of private property to discuss prosecuting attorney bids and presentations, RFQ for City Engineer, RFP's on City Hall and Landscaping. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Council goes into Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. Council discusses personnel matters and City HalL Page] K \COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC' -07-20-1 Ospmin doc Council leaves Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. 6. DISCUSSION OF PARK AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BIDS: 7. DISCUSSION OF PARK AND FACILITn:S MAINTENANCE BIDS: Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Tonight we have reviewed the Landscape Bids but we have made a decision not to make a flnal decision tonight. Semanko moves to award the City Prosecuting Services Contract for FYI0/11 to Susan Lynn Mimura & Associates and authorize the Mayor and the City Attorney to prepare a contract for approval. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ .. General discussion. 8. BUDGET DISCUSSION: Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. A. Staff Presentations - continued from the July 6, 2010 meeting B. Professional Dues C. General budget discussion General budget discussion. 9. Appointments to Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee (DIFAC): Acting Mayor Huffaker is requesting Council confirmation of the recommendation by the Park and Pathway Development Commission, and acting as the DIFAC, of the appointment of Jay Walker and Connie Brown Olson to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion. Semanko moves to approve the appointments of Jay Walker and Connie Brown Olson to the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Seconded by Grasser. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 10. Discussion of Three Rivers Cities Crossine. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. HUFF AKER: This is on here to decide how/what we are going to do tomorrow night. SHOUSHTARIAN: I was going to talk to you guysoosee what would be the strategy that we gonna take tomorrow? We listen to what they have to say, yesterday was kind of, Mike put it on a good word, it was kind of was disappointing. That we, were, between all those 20 - 30, officials and other people that are involved in the committees, they just basically, all of them are opposed to it and we were the only people that - Mike represent us, we were saying that we need to go for it. I think it takes a little bit more strategy to do how we gonna handle tomorrow. I talked to Mike and Norm, that I said if this is most likely it looks like that is dead meat. And, but if we can turn it around and make Page 2 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-20-10spmin.doc something out of it tomorrow, it is going to be an eye opener for others to follow. That Eagle is not going to be that easy surround it. So I was giving it thought last night, I couldn't sleep, so I was thinking about it what we gonna do. I was really disappointed of yesterday meeting. I was thinking about what best thing to look at it. First of all find out why, what is the reason they want to deny it. And I think we all know one of the reasons that they were saying that basically, they were saying that they don't like it ~ unintelligible~ no build. ACHD to begin with came with this idea was that "What if we don't build it we have to pay it back", right? That is number one reason. So I was thinking about how we can tackle that. I decided to run it to you guys to see what you think. I was thinking about if we write tomorrow a letter, say in 2035 if you have to pay back the City of Eagle will take charge. And the good thing is, that is why I asked Jeff to send that information to me that he cc everybody. ~unintelligible ~ It says there are many ways that we can get out of it. Do you have that by any chance Bill? SEMANKO: It says it can be extended. SHOUSHT ARIAN: It says it can be questioned or extended or try and appeal it. I think there is a way we can get out of that. And this is talking about 25 years from now. I think if we basically don't give them any excuse tomorrow and give our presentation and if they say "Well what if we don't do that?" We say here we go, four Councilmen represent the City of Eagle they taking the responsibility if you have to pay, and they will bring it from their budget. And that way, it doesn't give them a whole lot of excuse to get out of it. HUFF AKER: You are saying we would commit a couple million dollars? SHOUSHT ARIAN: 25 years from now. And the thing is, Mike, you have to read that. I think you guys are attorney, you can see better than in that particular thing it says that you can extend it. And we can go even, from now, for 25 years we can apply for a grant. These guys have not done their homework. There are ways to do this. They have not approached the private sector, such as HP. And I told them yesterday, to one of the Commissioners "Do you know how much HP is going to benefit from this? More than anybody, because they have more land in there than anybody else." Then second there is another alternate if they have not look into it, the toll. They are all over, Norm has been to Washington D.C. and all those area a lot, there are lots of tolls that the private sectors they come and put up a toll and charge money for so long. And it pays for it, for 10 years, 15 years, and I think there is one that is already paid off they took the toll off after 10 years out. These guys have not done any of the homework, looking into those. SEMANKO: They don't want to. SHOUSHTARIAN: They don't want to. SEMANKO: They want money for their, much more pie in the sky projects, than this one. And anything.. this is just my view. . . that they percl~ive as threatening that, even in a miniscule way, they are going to oppose it. My guess, what is going to happen tomorrow night is that. .how many of us can show up? I will. Page J K'\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-20-IOspmin.doc SHOUSHTARIAN: I'm going to be there. GRASSER: I'm gonna try. SEMANKO: That we're going to show up, I'm gonna be surprised if there really is very many people from Boise, Meridian, Garden City. Because they have to be at the "look at me" meeting that was yesterday. So everybody can look at them. But the meeting tomorrow night, not so much. And they'll rely on their letters, and Commissioners will hold up the letters and say Boise, Garden City and Meridian blah - blabla blah. So it's good and bad. It's bad because they are not there to answer, but it's good because we get the run of the evening. I think we need to emphasize, I agree with you, the notion that this a project that you are either going to build or not gonna build. We are going to figure out how to pay for it, if we decide to build. And we think it needs to be built. You asked us for our input, why did we even have the meeting here at ACHD last month if you didn't really want our input. I mean, I thought the most astounding thing about yesterday was, as much as I like her and appreciate her, the Chair of the Commission ranting and raving about what a bad project it was, and basicaJlly announcing how she was gonna vote when she was the one that personally solicited during that meeting our input. So I think we need to take the high ground and say "We took your request very seriously. We went back and asked the experts in our community, our Transportation Committee, they recommended that we build. We asked the public. We had two public hearings and they testified in favor of it. There were some concerns about how it's gonna be spent, but no one questioned the value of the project." And I doubt that any of the other communities, in fact I am quite sure that none of them, did that. None of them asked their experts, none of them asked the public. In fact if you go back and look at their correspondence they supported this project as little as two years ago, Meridian was supporting the exact same alternative that we supported. So what valid basis is there to oppose this based on public input, and based on the views of the experts and even the comments on the draft environmental impact statement. I don't know what the reason is for opposing it. Unless it is just that they perceive, this is gonna take a chunk out of their hide for their favorite project. Whether it's the bus palace or transit or the whatever it is. But those projects are just starting to be studied and looked at, this one has been - like you say - 17 years in the planning. And we know we need it. SHOUSHTARIAN: And it's not going to be there: for another 25 years. Yesterday, I talk to one of the Commissioners, outside as soon as I left. And I talk to her, and I ask her "what's going on in here? Have you guys already made up your mind?" And she say "no, but you know what everybody is thinking?" I said "what?" She said "the budget on that, would be a whole budget of ours." I said "But this is one year budget of yours, we are talking about 25 years down the road. And what you guys have done for Eagle." I mean this is a ...1 agree, with what you say Norm. But also I think we should come up with some tools, equipment to stop them right there. They say "Well we have to pay back" here we go we write, and I. Bill do you have that paper that Jeff sent us yesterday or this morning? If we have that.. V AUGHAN: I don't have it on me, but I can go get a copy. Page 4 K \COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-20-1 Ospmin,doc SHOUSHT ARIAN: No, just e-mail it. OnthisC section, regarding the payback, it is so loose. That I think we can definitely take care of that. But this guys, is not a matter of paying back. It really is not that. They feel like - this is the situation - they can force us to the corner and get rid of that situation. My whole main concentration tomorrow will be, basically 17 years ago, when the population of Eagle - and I will have to ask Nichole tomorrow - probably was less than 10,000, maybe 8,000. They plan to be second for year that right now, our population is 20,000 it is going to be, the other night Nichole said its going to be 40-50,000. How could possibly we can think it's going to work? That's impossible. Because 17 years ago, when our population was 8,000 they figure it going to be a problem. I just don't know what rational they have. So.. SEMANKO: I think it is a very uphill deal, but uhh HUFF AKER: Why don't you guys prepare maybe draft comments, you can just share across so you can make sure you aren't saying the same thing. And we can all look at them. SEMANKO: I'm really bad at prepared comments:. I think I'm better at telling you what I intend to focus on. I will focus on, because I am the one who asked her at the meeting exactly. Are you asking for our input? And she said yes, and I said my intent would be if the Council agrees to go back and through our Transportation Committee and we talked afterwards - including the public. That we have done that. We have done that due diligence, here is what we heard from the public. We don't think the rest of you have done that. In fact, we are quite sure you didn't. And you know the public supports this. Look at the comments on the DEIS. Everyone wanted this project to go forward. So who are you to now decide that we are not going to do the project? I'm gonna focus on that. And I'm really gonna challenge where Meridian and Boise, and try not to be negative about them wanting money for other projects, but they have supported this project in the past. We have all supported these regional projects in the past. Michael hit on that yesterday. And that is pretty much what I want to hit. SHOUSHTARIAN: What do you guys think about this letter? It is not going to do anything. But it just, it will start them... they have an excuse to get off the hook. GRASSER: That is true. Because they have come and talked to us a couple times now. And both times, part of the rational was we are coming close to that cut off time where if we go-no go. And we don't go with it, we are gonna have to pay that back. And I think that is their driving fear. SHOUSHT ARIAN: That is right. GRASSER: Is being faced with having to pay that, and have nothing to show for it. $2 million bucks or whatever it turns out to be. So I, mean you know, it's 25 years and if, you know, things are going to change so drastically and by then it will be so clear that there needs to be some kind of throughway there, that it will get done. SHOUSHT ARIAN: And I think this is it. I mean, they are looking for excuse. And we should not give them that excuse. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07~20-IOspmin.doc SEMANKO: Yeah, well they are going to continue to insist on that excuse whether we...I mean we can make it iron clad to where they are going to say "Oh, you're right there is no way that's a problem now" that's just not going to happen. I mean, I think you are right and we need to answer the concerns as best we can, including the fact that we can ask for more time, it's 20 years, right of way is cheap now, let's get to buying it. But if they want to say no, they are gonna say no. I think we give them every answer we can. SHOUSHT ARIAN: I send an e-mail The Statesman to be there. And I think we should publicize it, as much as we can from Frank from everybody come over there. And I think if we, and I'm gonna talk about it - you talk about what the other people coming in think about it and what you said. I'm gonna more about the planning process part of it, and that is fine. But I think, based on what we capture yesterday and in here, these guys they gonna do it no matter what. But I think, if we give them some paper that Council write that if you have to pay it, we will take that expense. And John is exactly right, 25 years is impossible. I cannot even come to my mind, that lln 25 they are not thinking about "Oh, this is needed", because it is impossible. This has been like that for 20 years. So, I think if we just go ahead and write some letter that I, please it will stop their excuse. And the media will see that, at least we came up with this paper. And that might be just a little bit. SEMANKO: Well, two things. I would prefer to rely on the letter we already wrote. And the letter says clearly that we understand funding issues and we want to work with everybody to pursue available funding, whatever wording we have in there. I think we can play up that, we can cite the statutory provision, the 20 year thing and the extension for a good reason. But I don't think we can be in a position to obligate the City 25 years from now for a dollar let alone, I just don't think we can do that. Now you can say that is what you think should happen, or what the intention may be, but I don't think there is any legal way we can. . . SHOUSHTARIAN: We can. I think... SEMANKO: No, it is more than one year's expenditure. So you've got an immediate problem there. SHOUSHTARIAN: Yeah, but Norm we are about 25 years, and we are being elected to do that. SEMANKO: No, we have been elected to swear an oath to the Constitution and the Statutes of the State of Idaho. Okay, and you cannot promise to expend anything 25 years from now and you certainly can't promise to expend more than one year's worth of budget under Article 8 Section 3 of the Constitution. So, I don't understand what we think we can put in a letter. We can say we are committed to working with everyone in the region. Like we have on all regional projects, but I don't think we can say "And we will backstop it." SHOUSHT ARIAN : Well, let me put it this way if you could hand $1000 on the reserve side per year, you talking about how much? SEMANKO: So we will commit that we will try and save that amount of money. Page 6 K:\CQUNCILIMTNUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC-07-20- J Ospmin.doc SHOUSHT ARIAN: $100,000? I'm just saying that you can payoff that thing, if it doesn't go through. So it really, because you are talking about the long term planning. But imagine the unintelligible I'm looking at it from the other side. Let's say this project is not going to happen, how the value of our city including everywhere where we are planning to, M3 for the other properties, A vimor if possible they want to annex into the city anything like that. How much it's going to affect that as far as the value for us. This is not even comparable to the money that we gonna put aside. Honestly, I think we never gonna pay for it because it is not, they will realize it down the road. But I think we should not give them an excuse, and this is gonna be from the real estate point of view, I can tell you because that is a little bit my background. I can tell you that is gonna be one of the number one issue for city in the long range plan. That we gonna miss if these guys gonna deny that. And that is gonna be...I cannot think of any long range planning for City of Eagle more important than. I was thinking about every project that we have had for the long range, I cannot see a single unintelligible budget, long range planning more important that these Three Cities. SEMANKO: See, and I think those are the kinds of things that you really need to focus on tomorrow night, because ... this sounds strange" but.. the more that we focus on the cost of this thing and how it's going to be paid for, the more time they spend focused on that and the less time they spend focused on the benefits of the project and how necessary it is, we lose. I mean we have to address those concerns, but if we go in leading with that, I just don't see how we're gonna get there with these guys. SHOUSHT ARIAN: For the last thing, I just think that no matter what kind of reasoning we give them tomorrow, I think they are unintelligible make up their mind because of what they said. They said, we don't want to pay this in case we don't. I think this will never be the case, this is a mass project. But I think, honestly if we put this letter together it would be at least they would, for a second think about it to say no build. Because, it is a strong letter saying that we are willing to take that, and I think it is a very strong message to them. Other than that, I really step into a situation where they already made up their mind. SEMANKO: So did you get that impression, was it Sara Baker, that you talked to? SHOUSHTARIAN: Yeah. SEMANKO: Did you get the impression that she.. .overtalking SHOUSHTARIAN: She is the nicest one. And shl:.': is saying that, you know that these guys have been talking about this, this is not something that pop into their mind. I tried to argue with her, you know, and she is very sweet. And she said "These guys are going to look at what the other officials are saying." Look at what IDT is saying. But you know what, down the road we can sue IDT for that matter. That they are not taking action on that. And that unintelligible - because we are taking hostage here, if we cannot cross the road. SEMANKO: That is the other argument that we need to be prepared for tomorrow. That Michael got yesterday, was they will readily agree with us that it is an important project but it is ITD's project. ITD should be doing it. Go talk to ITD, they'll pass the buck and Page 7 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-20-1 Ospmin,doc say "This is connecting two state highways, this really shouldn't be an ACHD project, it should be an ITD project." So we have to be prepared to address that, because they are going to do that. And then the other one is, the other point that Mike will hit very well, yesterday that made them all kind of sit back. And that was, "okay if you are not going to do this what are you going to do?" SHOUSHT ARIAN: That is a great point. SEMANKO: The problem is not going away. SHOUSHT ARIAN: No, and the thing is that is definitely the most important issue. What they gonna do. But the thing is, don't you think if ACHD. If ACHD wants to back off, they want IDT to jump in and do it. But the thing is, if we take this and then there is a problem then we can go after IDT because unintelligible can go after them. This is going to be a deadlock situation for us. SEMANKO: I think we need to talk about that. I think, even beyond tomorrow night. We need to talk about pursuing this project, outside even of ACHD. Ifit is going to ITD, going to Congress, going to whatever if we really think this project is that important we should take it upon ourselves. Because what they said is even if we decide no build, it doesn't mean you can't resurrect the project. SHOUSHTARIAN: But, they already spend $2 million dollars. SEMANKO: I know, I'm not saying they shouldn't approve the build. I am saying that, if they don't approve it, we should have a discussion about - all right, so what, we don't' need those guys. We're gonna go after this ourselves. We should have that discussion too. GRASSER: What is the response to the logic behind, you are connecting 2 state highways, why aren't we going through ITD then? Isn't that the entity that should be building the road? HUFFAKER. According what was said yesterday, as far as this project, was brought to ACHD in the first place. ITD didn't have, wasn't even on the radar. So it went through ACHD, and for whatever reason. But ITD, my impression from what people say and from what I heard yesterday, they will plead more poverty than ACHD. And ITD is generally really unpopular with everybody. They are really a piece of work there. And they even have new leadership; I don't see that it is improving at the staff level. The person that was there yesterday was so combative. SEMANKO: He was the District III engineer. HUFFKAER: Yeah, he is the guy we are trying to talk to about this intersection by St. AI's. And, man... SHOUSHT ARIAN: And nobody ask his opinion, he jump in there and talk. SEMANKO: It is the extension of a state highway. To connect two other highways, so it seems to me we should be able to come up a game plan independent of ACHD or despite ACHD of meeting with our three state legislators, Transportation Committee people Page 8 K\CQUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC-07-20-IOspmin.doc requesting a meeting with lTD. Going to meet with ITD Board, and just make this a mission of ours to pursue this thing. Talk to our congressional folks. SHOUSHT ARIAN: But you know Norm, it probably takes another 17 years possibly to come to where we are today. I think we in some place and they know, they have to make a decision. And I just. . . SEMANKO: I think that should be part of the message tomorrow night. We want you to build, do the build option. But if you don't, don't let this project die. We heard from the public, the public wants this, you know that too and you need to cooperate with us to bring this thing back to life. SHOUSHTARIAN: Well, that is what I'm saying Norm. I mean, if we take the responsibility, they feel like. .. SEMANKO: I think that is one step too far. SHOUSHT ARIAN: No, then they can, they can unintelligible and they say unintelligible you know what I am saying, that is all. But if we don't say that, they gonna just drop it and the whole thing is gonna be... SEMANKO: I'm not going to say anything about backstopping it. I don't feel like we have had that discussion or have that authority and I'm not going to agree with that if it is said either. There is no way, we can agree to take the lead to like, Nancy said either champion this thing, which I think has sorely been lacking that there hasn't been a champion on it. SHOUSHTARIAN: So, I mean if you guys don't mind... SEMANKO: I don't think you can say that we are going to agree to backstop the $2 million dollars I don't think we can do that. SHOUSHT ARIAN: If you guys don't mind, I make a motion and if you guys want to say no to it, because I really feel strong about this and whether you.. .so I make a motion that tomorrow we go to ACHD and City Council write a letter saying that one of the concerns that ACHD has had is that if they don't go with the project and the time is coming that they, they have to not pass the no built and if somewhere down the road and they gonna stop the project, City... I mean, they have to pay back to Federal Government all of the expenses. I say the City of Eagle, write a letter the Council write a letter saying that in case that scenario comes City is willing to take the full responsibility and work through the different entities to make that situation work. HUFF AKER: Okay, we have a motion, do we have a second? GRASSER: I'm going to second, that and make a comment, that although it is not legally within our power or our jurisdiction or our.. .. as Norm said we have no right to commit the City. It is verbiage. Not that we would necessarily be able to follow through with it. Does it have the ability to get their attention and actually consider that, and actually think that we would, in 25 years be able to front for that if it were to come to that? It's kind of a bluff. Because that is all it is - we cannot follow through with it. SHOUSHTARIAN: Yeah. Page 9 K.\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-20-1 Ospmin,doc GRASSER: Whether it's in a year or 25 years. HUFF AKER: I don't know how it makes us look to be telling we are going to do something that we know we legally cannot do. SEMANKO: I really think we are missing the boat here. We wrote a very well thought out letter, it talks about the funding challenge, it says that we need to find along the way the means to seize the opportunity, and says that the City is committed to a coordinated effort to identify and take advantage of additional types of funding to develop this project. Nothing in that rules out the possibility that we can't save some money and put it towards that ourselves. If you want to build on that point and say that I suppose you can. But it also means we can try and get congressional appropriations, it means we can go to ITD, it means we can stand on the street corner and take donations. I think we have covered it all there, and I'd hate for us to go different direction by focusing on just Eagle's going to backstop this thing. I just don't think it is a good strategy. I think we have it covered here, and I think we should build on what we already have in the letter. SHOUSHT ARIAN: If I can add some comment, is that basically this project, by far is going to benefit the City of Eagle more than anybody else, and that is where we see that actions coming. That nobody supports when it comes to our benefit. And I think we should not give up and one of the way ACHD is trying to make an excuse is that the paying back that money. And based on what we have exchanged, Jeff sent us on the payback, there are lots of ways we can postpone or appeal, and there are lots of options. We can go after IDT and see if they can work with us. 25 years is a long time we can make this happen. And I think after 17 years we should go ahead and make sure that we keep this project alive. SEMANKO: I agree with everything you just said AI, but it is not what your motion was. Your motion is basically for Eagle to backstop this financially. I agree with what you just said about working with ITD, and being the leader on this. And I totally agree with that but that is what our letter says. SHOUSHTARIAN: No, the letter didn't say anything about IDT, I'mjust saying that my motion is that basically we, as the sole or the most beneficiary of this project; we should take a lead on that. And my motion was to even say, in case you change your mind down the road and not wanting to proceed with the project, the City of Eagle will take the responsibility of taking action on that based on that. HUFF AKER: Can you imagine what the public would say then if we suddenly had to hand over $2 million to the federal government that we couldn't use for something else, essentially just to pay them back, for something that we didn't spend. I just, I think the outcry would be phenomenally louder than anything we have heard in the last 5 years in politics here, if ever. People would go crazy to know that we did that. SHOUSHT ARIAN: But not for 25 years. HUFFAKER: $2 million dollars of the City's money handed over for something that we don't get. We'd be paying $2 million dollars for nothing that's what we would get, $2 million dollars for a negative or zero result. Page 10 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temponuy Minutes Work Area\CC-07-20~ IOspmin.doc SHOUSHT ARIAN: But Mike, listen one thing is that, first of all we are talking 25 years down the road. HUFFAKER: $2 million dollars! SHOUSHTARIAN: But second, if we are that taking that responsibility I promise you we will have a decision making process on ACHD in future, even if they want to drop the project. Because we are taking as a partner on that. HUFF AKER: You can't promise that AI. I mean you, that is what you hope. And we would all hope for that. And I think we all feel the same about the neediness of the project, but this discussion item tonight was just to determine the direction we would take and the argument tomorrow night and you have made a motion regarding wanting to send a letter wanting to backstop the project, which I think we cannot legally do. And I think it makes us look foolish to actually say that we would do something that we can't do. SHOUSHTARIAN: I don't understand... CITY ATTORNEY FITZER: If I can jump in and just, not on the merits at all just for parliamentary procedure standpoint. This is a discussion item tonight that was added by a motion to amend the agenda tonight. It certainly did not indicate to the public that we would possibly be HUFF AKER: committing $2 million dollars. FITZER: committing $2 million dollars of city taxpayer funds. Regardless of the legal implications of utilizing $2 million dollars of funds on a date uncertain. HUFF AKER: Yeah, folks might have wanted to show up for that discussion, if they knew we were going to have it. FITZER: Regardless of the merits of it, you. . . we could never do it. It is impossible to vote on that motion. SEMANKO: And I don't think AI, that anything that we do or don't do this morning, precludes you from saying whatever you want to say, as an individual City Council member, tomorrow, if you feel strongly that the City of Eagle should take the lead to the point of promising to pay this money, you can say that. You can't represent the City will do it or can do it, but you certainly as a City Council member can say whatever you want. So, I'm not going to go that far, I'm a little familiar with transportation funding from having worked back there. And I'm going to talk about the ways, these guys know it way better than us, this is just a convenience excuse for them to not support this project. They know there are ways to get this money. HUFFAKER: Okay, we have a motion and a second. All those in favor of the motion say aye. SHOUSHTARIAN: AYE HUFFAKER: All those opposed say nay. SEMANKO: NAY. HUFF AKER: NAY. John did you vote? Page 11 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC-07-20.10spmin,doc GRASSER: I didn't. HUFFKAER: Okay, did you want to vote? GRASSER: No, I'm gonna no vote this. HUFF AKER: Alright thanks everybody. Do we have a motion to adjourn? 11. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... APPROVED: ~;Mq~ MICHAEL HUFF R ACTING MAYOR Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 1 :30 a.m. R~pectfully submit u: ................. 7{ ....G ~AGLi: ...., ..' o~'" ........ ." " ._ e., :' .:.1...... Oy..A Tli' ..... '::. : "'"'.. ~ . ':. . ..... ~ ... : U: 0 , : : : · U ,. "\.. · 0 : :: ~h.. 'Y;;:: ... : .. p ............-. . .. . ~ <:I. - .. -. . e. -;J t\~.. r\'" ~ ". ... INroIlPO~. .;;:' ...~ .. .....It.. ~ " "'" $1' ATE 0 ",,,, ." 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SHARO ERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page ]2 K \CQUNCIUMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-20-1 Ospmin.doc FY 2010/2011 Budget Rollup Total Revenue Projected Expenditures General Admin Executive Clerk Dept Building Dept P&Z Dept Public Works Dept Arts Comm Total Expenditures Projected Projected Balance Stand Alone Funds Water Fund Water Fund Revenue Water Fund Expenditures Total Water Fund Balance Museum Fund Museum Revenue Museum Expenditures Total Museum Fund Balance 1 FY 09/10 Budgeted 1 FY 10/11 Budget Rollup FY 10/11 FY 10/11 Levi Rate Levi Rate FY08/09 FY09/10 FY 10/11 No 3% No Fgone $ 4,542,585 $ 4,047,802 $ 4,360,386 $ 4,725,135 2,885,830 152,282 243,607 228,900 547,264 484,700 30,808 4,573,391 $ 3,407,876 $ 115,039 $ 243,072 $ 214,685 $ 480,655 $ 529,099 $ 26,000 $ 5,016,426 (30,806) $ $ 3,407,876 $ 115,039 $ 243,072 $ 214,685 $ 480,655 $ 529,099 $ 26,000 $ 5,016,426 (968,624) $ $ 657,846 $ 628,410 $ $ 657,846 $ 628,410 $ $ - $ - $ $ 63,368 $ 57,748 $ $ 63,368 $ 57,748 $ $ - $ - $ $ 3,407,876 $ 115,039 $ 243,072 $ 214,685 $ 480,655 $ 529,099 $ 26,000 $ 5,016,426 (656,040) $ 628,410 $ 628,410 $ - $ 57,748 $ 57,748 $ - $ (291,291) 628,410 628,410 57,748 57,748 CITY OF EAGLE REVENUE PROJECTIONS FY 10/11 .4, REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects CARRY OVER (01-0308-00-00)1 TAN PROCEEDS (01-0370-01-00) (Moved to an Individual Fund) FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 Budgeted Levi Rate Levi Rate No 3% FY08/09 FY09/10 No Fgone $o $o $o $o $o $0 $0 $0 RESERVE FUND - 1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0309-01-00) $0 $745,435 $745,435 $745,435 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE (01-0311-00-00) Transfer to Librabry Fund Remaming Property Tax Revenue to Support City of Eagle $2,254,534 $1,489,572 $1,801,656 $2,164,905 (551,744) (853,876) (853,876) (853,876) $1,702,790 $635,696 $947,780 $1,311,029 OTHER TAX REVENUE: Penalty and Interest on Property Taxes (01-0311-01-00) $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 $4,500 Franchise Fees: Franchise/Eagle Water Co. - 1% (01-0316-10-00) 7,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 Franchise/United Water Company -1 % (01-0316-10-02) 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 Franchise/Int. Gas 3% (Yearly) (01-0316-11-00) 245,000 266,000 266,000 266,000 Franchise/Trash 8% (Quarterly) (01-0316-13-00) 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 Franchise/Idaho Power 1% (Quarterly) (01-0316-14-00) 115,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 *(PT) Franchise/Idaho Power 2% -Dist Lines (Quarterly)(01-0316-14- 01) 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 Franchise/Cable 5% (01-0316-12-00) 110,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 TOTAL FRANCHISE FEES: $787,700 $814,200 $814,200 $814,200 *(PT) Pass Thru INTERGOVERNMENTAL: Urban Renewal District - Loan Payment (01-0335-20-00) 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 State Revenue Sharing (Quarterly) (01-0335-60-00) 1,068,687 935,929 935,929 935,929 State Sales Tax (Quarterly) (01-335-50-00) 121,763 104,512 104,512 104,512 State Liquor (Quarterly) (01-0335-10-00) 283,364 293,079 293,079 293,079 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL: $1,503,814 $1,363,520 $1,363,520 $1,363,520 LICENSES AND PERMITS: Alcoholic Beverage License (01-0321-10-00) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Business License (01-0321-30-00) 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 TOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS: $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 $27,0001 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Building Permits (01-0322-10-00) Building Permits Appeals (01-0322-10-01) Plan Review Fee -Bldg Dept (01-0322-12-00) Garden City Plan Review Fees (01-0322-12-01) Energy Standards (01-0322-13-00) Grading -Drainage Permit Fees (01-0322-21-00) Electrical Inspection Fees (01-0322-14-00) *(PT) Plumbing Inspection Fees (01-0322-15-00) *(PT) Mechanical Inspection Fees (01-0322-16-00) Bldg Inspector Fees - Garden City (01-0322-20-00) Drainage Fees (01-0341-13-01) Flood Plain -Eng Fee Deposit (01-0341-13-03) Flood Plain Applications (01-0341-13-04 ACHD Impact Processing Fees (01-0322-19-00) TOTAL BUILDING DEAPARTMENT PERMITS & FEES: *(PT) Pass Thru PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMITS AND FEES: Annex/Zoning Permits (01-0322-11-00) PZ Inspection Fees (01-0322-11-01) PZ Plan Review Fees (01-0322-11-02) Street Light Inspection Fees (01-0322-17-00) Surety/Letter of Credit Fees (01-0322-18-00) Tree Fund (01-0369-30-00) Tree City USA Grant (01-0331-60-00) M3 Staff Time Reimbursement (01-0341-15-00) M3 Environmental Conservation Srvs (01-0341-15-01) *(PT) Engineering Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-13-00) *(PT) Attorney Fees Collected from Developers (01-0341-14-00) TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING PERMITS & FEES: *(PT) Pass Thru FY 09/10 Budgeted 162,986 0 60,000 50 3,000 0 1,500 20,000 20,000 0 400 0 0 500 $268,436 FY 10/11 Levi Rate FY08/09 162,986 0 60,000 0 3,000 0 1,500 20,000 20,000 0 400 0 0 500 $268,386 FY 10/11 Levi Rate FY09/10 162,986 0 60,000 0 3,000 0 1,500 20,000 20,000 0 400 0 0 500 $268,386 FY 10/11 No 3% No Fgone 162,986 0 60,000 0 3,000 0 1,500 20,000 20,000 0 400 0 0 500 $268,386 60,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 1,600 1,000 1,000 1,000 850 1,000 1,000 1,000 700 70 70 70 600 200 200 200 0 0 0 0 175 175 175 175 0 19,000 19,000 19,000 0 0 0 0 45,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 $143,925 $87,445 $87,445 $87,445 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 • FY 09/10 Levi Rate Levi Rate No 3% Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted FY08/09 FY09/10 No Fgone COURT FINES & FEES: City Court Fines & Fees (01-0338-40-00) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Citation Fees/Code Enforcement (01-0338-41-00) 100 100 100 100 TOTAL COURT FINES & FEES: $50,100 $50,100 $50,100 $50,100 MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS AND FEES: Miscellaneous Permits/Fees/Licenses (01-0341-11-00) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Electrical Insp Admin Reimburse (01-0341-10-04 0 0 0 0 Convenience Fee (01-0341-01-00 50 50 50 50 Staff Time Reimburse - Exec Department (01-0341-16-00) 0 0 0 0 Animal License Fees (01-0341-12-00) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL MISCELLANDEOUS PERMITS & FEES: $6,050 $6,050 $6,050 $6,050 CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Printing, Duplication and Publishing (01-0379-01-00) 500 500 500 500 Miscellaneous (01-0379-00-00) 500 500 500 500 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES: $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 DONATIONS: Park Donation (01-0376-04-00) 0 0 0 0 Arbor Day Donations (01-0376-06-00) 0 0 0 0 Contributions/Donation/Private (Pathway Projects)(01-0376-00-00) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DONATIONS: $0 $0 $0 $0 INVESTMENTS: Zions TAN Interest (01-0371-05-00) 1,500 0 0 0 Zions Investment Interest (01-0371-10-00) 2,500 1,200 1,200 1,200 State Treasurer Investments -Interest 01-0371-10-00) 0 0 0 0 Total Investments: $4,000 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 GRANTS *(PT) Community Transportation Matching Grant (01-331-65-00) Grants/Matching Funds (Sr Center Parking Lot) (01-0331-63-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding (01-0331-64-00) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects MISCELLANEOUS: Lease Payments -Parks (01-0383-04-00) Lease Payments -City Hall Property (01-0383-06-00) Idaho Power Substation/Water usage (01-0383-01-00) Room Reservations (01-0383-09-00) Staff Time Reimburse -Urban Renewal (01-0384-01-00) ITD Eagle Road Underpass Reimbursement (01-383-11-00) ITD Merrill Park Bridge Reimbursement (01-0383-12-00) Dry Creek Drainage -Matching Funds (01-0383-13-00) Miscellaneous Reimburseables (01-0383-05-00) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Awin Mgmnt (BFI) Education -Add Srvs (01-0350-03-00) Mayor's Youth Action Council (01-350-0400) *(PT) Healing Fields Contribution (01-0350-05-00) Reservation Fees (01-0350-20-00) *(PT) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament 01-0350-01-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: *(PT) Pass Thru FY 09/10 Budgeted 150 1,000 120 500 0 0 0 0 1,000 $2,770 29,500 0 3,500 6,000 3,500 $42,500 FY 10/11 Levi Rate FY08109 150 1,000 120 500 0 0 0 0 1,000 $2,770 29,500 0 3,500 6,000 3,500 $42,500 FY 10/11 Levi Rate FY09110 150 1,000 120 500 0 0 0 0 1,000 $2,770 29,500 0 3,500 6,000 3,500 $42,500 FY 10/11 No 3% No Fgone 150 1,000 120 500 0 0 0 0 1,000 $2,770 29,500 0 3,500 6,000 3,500 $42,500 TOTAL REVENUE: $4,542,585 $4,047,802 $4,360,386 $4,725,135 Dept/Fund Description General Admin Executive Clerk Dept Building Dept P&Z Dept Public Works Dept Museum Fund Library Fund Arts Comm Total Employee Costs Base Salaries 23,842 79,200 168,037 118,325 333,963 150,628 35,545 557,067 1,466,607 Stand Alone Funds Water Fund $ 157,431 $ Total - Supported by Eagle Taxpayers $ 1,624,038 $ Cf of Eage Salaries Benefits 58,844 33,739 73,215 65,410 140,617 75,011 14,421 171,771 633,028 Total Costs % Benefits 82,686 71% 112,939 30% 241,252 30% 183,735 36% 474,580 30% 225,639 33% 49,966 29% 728,838 24% 2,099,635 30% Number of Employee's 4 2 3 3 6 3.5 1 23 0 45.5 58,649 $ 216,080 27% 4.5 691,677 $ 2,315,715 30% 50 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET FY 10/11 40, EXPENDITURES RESERVE FUNDS: RESERVE FUND -1ST QTR EXPENDITURES (01-0410-01-00) Note: Actual Expenditures FY 09110 Oct -Jan $907.736) PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects City Council (01-0415-11-00) FICA (01-0415-21-00) PERSI (01-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (01-415-24-00) Worker's Compensation-Boards/Commissiones (01-415-24-00) Unemployment Benefits (01-0415-28-00) (RIF Employees) Insurance (Employer) (01-0415-25-00) HRA Billing - Premium Buy Down (01-0415-23-00) Cobra Administration (01-0415-23-01) TOTAL PERSONNEL: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Legal (01-0416-02-00) Ada County Joint Prosecution (01-416-05-00) Contract Animal Control Engineer (01-0416-07-00) Auditor (01-0416-08-00) Law Enforcement (01-0416-09-00) No Staffing Changes Senior Center Community Van (01-0416-10-00) Insurance Buy Down - Pacific Source (01-0416-13-00) Database & Web Page Management (01-0416-16-00) City Hall - Lease Payments - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-21-00) City Hall - Operating Expenses - Hawkins Smith (01-0416-22-00) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (01-0416-24-00) Computer LAN Maintenance (Block Time) (01-0416-26-00) Environmental Conservation -M3 (01-0416-32-00) Video/Audio Streaming -City Council Meetings Manley Services (Premium Only Plan) (01-0416-31-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FY 09/10 Budget Budget Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG $745,435 $1,100,000 $1,100,0001 FY 09/10 Budgeted 23,842 1,824 2,477 100 0 50,000 18,158 0 0 $96,401 FY 09/10 Budgeted 85,000 36,854 10,000 12,500 11,000 1,155, 532 14,660 0 5,000 227,588 18,500 12,000 13,400 0 0 150 $1,602,184 Budget FY 10/11 23,842 1,824 2,533 100 174 25,000 19,661 9,504 48 $82,686 Budget FY 10/11 85,000 53,972 10,000 4,500 11,000 1,231,656 14,660 0 3,000 240,593 19,500 16,725 8,040 0 1,000 0 $1,699,646 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 23,842 1,824 2,533 100 174 25,000 ?? 19,661 action 9,504 48 $82,686 Benefit Costs Budget FY 10/11 JJG 85,000 53,972 10,000 4,500 11,000 1,231,656 14,660 0 3,000 240,593 19,500 0 8,040 0 1,000 0 $1,682,921 action action cut 58,844 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't TAN EXPENDITURES FY 09/10 Budget Budget I Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG *(PT) Redemption Fund (Moved to an Individual Fund) 0 0 0 Set Up Fees (01-0412-02-00) 500 0 0 Interest 12,000 0 0 Paying Agent Fees (01-0412-03-00) 250 0 0 TOTAL TAN EXPENDITURES: $12,750 $0 $0 *(PT) Pass Thru ADMINISTRATION FY 09110 Budget Budget I Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG Design Review Board Compensation (01-0413-02-00) 0 0 0 P&Z Commissioners Compensation (01-0413-01-00) 4,850 4,850 4,850 Election (01-0413-04-00) 8,000 8,000 8,000 Office Supplies (01-0413-05-00) 16,000 10,000 2,000 Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (01-0413-06-00) 200 200 200 Postage (01-0413-07-00) 5,000 5,000 5,000 action Legal Advertising/Publication (01-0413-08-00) 2,000 1,500 1,500 Insurance Property (01-0413-10-00) 36,175 37,072 37,072 Insurance Reserve Fund (01-0413-11-00) 10,000 10,000 10,000 ?? Training (01-0413-12-00) 0 0 0 Travel & Per Diem (01-0413-13-00) 0 0 0 Professional Dues (01-0413-14-00) 34,473 53,256 53,256 action Utilities 660 E. Civic Lane (01-0413-16-00) 23,000 23,000 23,000 Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) 10,000 10,000 10,000 Internet/Web Page Services (01-0413-21-00) 500 500 500 Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (01-0413-23-00) 16,000 14,000 14,000 action Miscellaneous (01-0413-25-00) 500 500 500 Reimburse Annex/Zoning/Dr Fees (01-0413-26-00 0 0 0 Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) 3,000 1,000 1,000 ?? Real Property Taxes (01-0413-29-00) 150 150 150 Monitoring Alarm Systems (01-0413-34-00) 1,200 1,400 1,400 Storage Shed Rental (01-0413-36-00) 1,200 1,300 1,300 Background Check - Permits/Licenses (01-0413-37-00) 470 470 470 * **(PT) Engineering Fees/Charge to Developers 0 45,000 45,000 need offset * **(PT)Attorney Fees/Charge to Developers 0 35,000 35,000 need offset TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: $172,718 $262,198 $254,198 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Mktng Promo Develop-(Frm Business Lic) (01-0418-02-00) SAG -2 Broadcasting City Meetings SAG -3 Comp & Class Study (Cost share) (01-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 07/08: GRANTS: PT (Pass Thru) Major Objects and Subobjects Future Grants (01-0421-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds - Flooding (01-0421-04-00) Payette River National Scenic Byway Wayfinding Study Grants/Matching Funds - Sr Center Parking Lot (01-0421-01-00) TOTAL GRANTS: PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS Major Objects and Subobjects Community Promotion and Special Events (01-0422-03-00) *(PT) Healing Field Flag Display (01-0422-06-00) Public Relations (01-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATION: *PT (Pass Thru) COMMUNITY PROJECTS Arts Commission (01-0463-00-00) Museum (01-0463-01-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PROJECTS: CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Disaster Mitigation (emergency fund) (01-0465-15-00) Capital Expenditures (unforseen/emergency) Equipment (01-0465-03-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: FY 09/10 Budgeted 0 0 0 $0 FY 09/10 Budgeted 0 0 0 0 $0 FY 09/10 Budgeted 3,000 3,500 1,000 $7,500 0 58,842 $58,842 FY 09110 Budgeted 10,000 0 0 $10,000 Budget FY 10/11 0 0 0 $0 Budget FY 10/11 0 0 100 0 $100 Budget FY 10/11 3,000 3,500 1,000 $7,500 0 57,748 $57,748 Budget FY 10/11 10,000 5,000 8,400 $23,400 Budget I FY 10111 JJG 0 0 0 $0 Budget I FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 100 0 $100 Budget I FY 10/11 JJG 3,000 action 3,500 action 1,000 action $7,500 0 57,748 ?? $57,748 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 10,000 5,000 8,400 ??? $23,400 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET Con't PARKS Major Objects and Subobjects Eagle Sports Complex Development -Velodrome (01-0470-07-00) TOTAL PARKS: CAPITAL PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects VRT - Sry Enhancement -Hwy 44 Express (14-0468-10-00) *(PT) Id Power 2% Franchise Fee -Bury Dist Lines (01-0468-11-00) Hill Rd Improvements - ACHD (Collection Account) (14-0468-09-00) TOTAL COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS: *(PT) Pass Thru TOTAL ADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES: FY 09/10 Budgeted 0 $0 FY 09/10 Budgeted 0 180,000 0 $180,000 $2,885,830 Budget Budget I FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 $0 $0 Budget FY 10/11 19,323 180,000 0 $199,323 $3,432,601 Budget I FY 10/11 JJG 19,323 180,000 0 $199,323 $3,407,876 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT FY10/11 BUDGET Annual Wage for Mayor's Admin Clerk II same as FY 09/10 w/changes in PERSI & Insurance FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Budgeted Budget w/Mayor Budget w/Mayor Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09110 Salary FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG remove assistant Currently has Mayor and Salaries (11-0415-10-00) 106,350 79,200 79,200 Assistant Backgound Check/Drug Testing (11-0415-20-00) 0 0 0 FICA (11-0415-21-00) 8,136 6,059 6,059 PERSI (11-0415-22-00) 11,050 8,413 8,413 Worker's Compensation (11-415-24-00) 447 333 333 Insurance (Employer) (11-0415-25-00) 20,749 18,930 18,930 HRA Premium Buy Down (11-0415-23-00) 0 0 0 Cobra Administration Fee (11-0415-23-01) 0 4 4 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $146,732 $112,939 $112,939 Benefit Costs $ 33,739 ADMINISTRATION BUDGETED Budget Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (11-0413-23-00) 200 50 50 Mayor - Administrative Expenses (11-0413-03-00) 0 0 0 Miscellaneous (11-0413-25-00) 0 0 0 Office Supplies (11-0413-05-00) 1,000 200 200 Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (11-0413-06-00) 0 0 0 Professional Dues (11-0413-14-00) 100 100 100 Resource Materials (01-0413-28-00) 0 0 0 Stipend (suggest $15/mo Telecommunications (01-0413-19-00) 1,100 1,100 1,100 per person) Vehicle Expenses (11-0413-24-00) 1,000 1,000 0 Training (11-0413-12-00) 400 400 0 Travel & Per Diem (11-0413-13-00) 500 500 500 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: $4,300 $3,350 $1,950 PUBLIC AFFAIRS & COMMUNITY RELATIONS: BUDGETED Budget Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG Youth Action Council (11-0422-05-00) 0 0 0 Public Relations (11-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (11-0416-24-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Equipment (11-0465-03-00) 150 $750 BUDGETED FY 09/10 1,100 $1,100 BUDGETED FY 09/10 146,732 4,300 150 1,100 $152,282 BUDGETED FY 09/10 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $0 BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY FY 09/10 Capital Outlay 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: $0 BUDGETED FY 09/10 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $152,282 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $0 TOTAL EXECUTIVE DEPT BUDGET: $152,282 150 $150 Budget FY 10/11 1,450 $1,450 Budget FY 10/11 112,939 3,350 150 1,450 $117,889 Budget FY 10/11 Budget FY 10/11 150 $150 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 0 $0 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 112,939 1,950 150 0 $115,039 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 $0 $0 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 $0 $0 Budget FY 10/11 $117,889 $0 $117,889 Budget FY 10/11 JJG $115,039 $0 $115,039 EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT con't •R FY 09/10 Budget Budget FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG Personnel 241,107 241,252 241,252 Administration 1,500 1,100 1,100 Public Affairs and Community Relations 0 0 0 Contracts and Agreements 1,000 720 720 TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $243,607 $243,072 $243,072 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: FY 09/10 Budget Budget Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG Equipment (12-0465-03-00) 0 0 0 Other (12-0465-02-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $0 $0 $0 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: FY 09/10 Budget Budget Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 FY 09110 Budget Budget Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $243,607 $243,072 $243,072 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $0 $0 $0 TOTAL CITY CLERK DEPT BUDGET: $243,607 $243,072 $243,072 BUILDING DEPARTMENT FY 10/11 FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Budget Budget Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG action - Currently have (2) Salaries (Full -Time) (13-0415-10-00) 118,325 118,325 118,325 inspectors, (1) clerk Salaries (Part -Time) 0 0 0 Overtime (13-0415-11-00) 0 0 0 Employee Bonus (13-0415-16-00) 0 0 0 Merit Increase Reserve (13-0415-17-00) 0 1,800 1,800 Backgound Check/Drug Testing (13-0415-20-00) 0 0 0 FICA (13-0415-21-00) 9,052 9,052 9,052 PERSI (13-0415-22-00) 12,294 12,569 12,569 Worker's Compensation (13-415-24-00) 1,121 5,164 5,164 Cobra Administration - (15-433-23-01) 72 72 HRA Billing -Premium Reimbursement -(15-0433-23-00) 11,088 11,088 Insurance (Employer) (13-0415-25-00) 41,108 25,665 25,665 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $181,900 $183,735 $183,735 Benefit Costs $ 65,410 ADMINISTRATION Projected Budget Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 Changes FY 10/11 JJG Office Supplies (13-0413-05-00) 1,000 1,000 1,000 Printing, Duplication and Publishing (13-0413-06-00) 300 100 100 Legal Ad. and Publication (13-0413-08-00) 0 0 0 Plan Review Expenses (13-0413-09-00) 3,500 500 500 Training (13-0413-12-00) 1,000 1,000 1,000 explain costs Travel and Per Diem (13-0413-13-00) 1,000 500 500 Professional Dues (13-0413-14-00) 500 0 0 Telecommunications (13-0413-19-00) 2,000 1,200 1,200 reduce to stipend Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip -Software (13-0413-23-00) 200 350 350 Miscellaneous (13-0413-25-00) 0 0 0 Resource Materials (13-0413-28-00) 1,500 1,500 1,500 Building Permit Refunds (13-0413-29-00) 0 0 0 Plan Review Refund (13-0413-29-01) 0 0 0 Energy Code Refund (13-0413-29-02) 0 0 0 Mechanical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-03) 0 0 0 Plumbing Fee Refund (13-0413-29-04) 0 0 0 Electrical Fee Refund (13-0413-29-05) 0 0 0 J TOTAL ADMINISTRATION:1 $11,000 $6,150 $6,150 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (13-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Projected Budget Budget FY 09/10 Changes FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 0 $0 $0 $0 CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Projected Budget Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 Changes FY 10/11 JJG Contract Other (13-0416-18-00) 0 0 0 Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (13-0416-24-00) Garden City Inspection Costs (13-0416-12-00) *(PT) Plumbing Inspector Electrical Inspector (outstanding Permits) *(PT) Mechanical Inspector (13-0416-11-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: VEHICLE OPERATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (13-0417-01-00) Fuel Costs (13-0417-02-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operation TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: 3,200 0 10,000 7,000 10,000 $30,200 Projected FY 09/10 1,000 4,800 $5,800 Projected FY 09/10 181,900 11,000 0 30,200 5,800 $228,900 2,300 0 10,000 0 10,000 $22,300 Centralize copy centers into 2,300 one 0 10,000 0 10,000 $22,300 Budget Budget Changes FY 10/11 JJG 500 500 2,000 2,000 $2,500 $2,500 Budget Budget Changes FY 10/11 JJG 183,735 183,735 6,150 6,150 0 22,300 2,500 $214,685 0 22,300 2,500 $214,685 CAPI1 AL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Objects and Subobjects Office Equipment (13-0465-03-00) Other (13-0465-02-00) Vehicle (13-0465-08-00) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay Projected FY 09/10 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL BUILDING DEPT BUDGET: Projected FY 09/10 0 $0 Projected FY 09/10 $228,900 $0 $228,900 TOTAL BUILDING DEPT BUDGET:1 $228,900 Budget Changes 0 0 0 $o $o Budget Changes 0 $0 $o Budget Changes $214,685 0 $214,685 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 0 $o $o Budget FY 10/11 JJG 0 $0 $o Budget FY 10/11 JJG $214,685 0 $214,685 $214,685 $214,685 `'‘Z DEPARTMENT FY 10/11 OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries (Full -Time) (14-0415-10-00) Overtime Hours (14-0415-11-00) Employee Bonus (14-0415-16-00) Merit Increase Reserve (14-0415-17-00) Backgound Check/Drug Testing (14-0415-20-00) FICA (14-0415-21-00) PERSI (14-0415-22-00) Worker's Compensation (14-415-24-00) Unemployment Benefits (14-0415-28-00) Cobra Administration (14-0415-23-01) HRA Billing - Premium Reimbursement (14-0415-23-00) Insurance (Employer) (14-0415-25-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: ADMINISTRATION Major Objects and Subobjects Office Supplies (14-0413-05-00) Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (14-0413-06-00) Legal Ad. and Publication (14-0413-08-00) Training (14-0413-12-00) Training (Forestry) (14-0413-12-01) Travel and Per Diem (14-0413-13-00) Professional Dues (14-0413-14-00) Telecommunications (14-0413-19-00) Maintenance/Repair/Office Equip (14-0413-23-00) Software Purchase -Maintenance (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance (GIS) (14-0413-23-01) Maintenance and Repair/City Vehicle (14-0413-24-00) Fuel City Vehicle Miscellaneous (14-0413-25-00) Reimburse-Annex/Zoning/Dr Fees (14-0413-26-00) Resource Materials (14-0413-28-00) *(PT) Engineering Fees/Charge to Developers Budget FY 09/10 333,963 0 0 0 0 25,548 34,699 3,841 0 55,238 $453,289 Budget FY 09/10 1,000 0 6,000 0 0 0 1,350 1,600 800 0 1,000 0 250 0 300 45,000 Budget Budget FY 10/11 FY 10,11 JJG 333,963 333,963 action 0 0 0 0 0 26,826 37,249 3,798 144 20,592 52,008 $474,580 0 0 0 26,826 37,249 3,798 144 20,592 52,008 $474,580 Benefit Costs Budget Budget FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 800 0 3,500 0 1,200 1,350 1,500 800 200 400 820 480 250 0 0 0 $ 250 0 3,500 0 0 500 0 0 stipend 800 ??? 200 400 0 0 250 0 0 0 140,617 *(PT)Attorney Fees/Charge to Developers Ortho Photography (14-0413-35-00) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: *(PT) PASS THRU PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Major Objects and Subobjects Public Relations (14-0422-01-00) TOTAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS/COMMUNITY RELATIONS: GRANTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Tree City USA Grant (14-0421-02-00) TOTAL GRANTS: CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: Major Objects and Subobjects Arborist (Tree Inventory) (14-0416-13-00) Contract Tree Growing - Hill Road (14-0416-13-01) Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (14-0416-24-00) Other (Temporary Services, misc.) (14-0416-18-00) TOTAL CONTRACT & AGREEMENTS: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Administration Public Affairs and Community Relations Grants Contracts and Agreements TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: 35,000 0 $92,300 0 0 $11,300 0 0 $5,900 Budget Budget Budget FY 09110 FY 10111 FY 10111 JJG 0 0 0 $o $o $o Budget FY 09/10 175 $175 Budget FY 09/10 0 0 1,500 0 $1,500 Budget Budget FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 175 175 $175 $175 Budget Budget FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 0 2,875 0 $2,875 0 0 centralize copy center 0 $0 Budget Budget Budget FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 453,289 474,580 474,580 92,300 11,300 5,900 0 0 0 175 175 175 1,500 2,875 0 $547,264 $488,930 $480,655 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: PATHWAYS: Major Objects and Subobjects PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT: Streamside Subdivision Pathway (14-0471-02-00) (Streamside $5,000.00 moved to individual fund) PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY: Major Objects and Subobjects Equipment (14-0465-03-00) Other (14-0465-02-00) Tree Fund (14-0465-05-00) (Tree Fund $9,444.00 moved to individual fund) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects Foothills Planning (14-0468-03-00) Grants/Matching Funds (14-0468-07-00) Land Use & Transportation Plan - ACHD (14-0468-06-00) MOU ACHD Improvements to Hill Road (14-0468-09-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY -COMM PROJECTS: STRATEGIC ANNUAL GOALS: Major Objects and Subobjects SAG -1 Partner Chamber -Downtown Revitalization (14-0418-01-00 SAG -2 Mass Transit Bus Service Study (14-0418-02-00) SAG -3 Tree Voucher - Plant a Tree Project (14-0418-03-00) Total Strategic Annual Goals FY 06/07: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Pathways Budget FY 09/10 0 $0 Budget Budget FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 0 $0 0 $0 Budget Budget Budget FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $o Budget FY 09/10 0 0 0 0 $0 Budget FY 09/10 0 0 0 $0 $o $0 Budget Budget FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 0 0 0 $0 Budget FY 10/11 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 $0 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 0 $0 Budget Budget Budget FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10111 JJG 0 0 0 Capital Outlay Community Planning Projects Strategic Annual Goals TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: 0 0 0 $0 Budget FY 09/10 $547,264 $0 TOTAL PZ DEPT BUDGET: $547,264 0 0 0 $0 0 0 0 $0 Budget Budget FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG $488,930 $o $488,930 $480,655 $o $480,6551 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FY 10/11 PW OPERATING COSTS Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL Budget Budget Budget FY 09110 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG action - Currently 3 (plus ME) Salaries - Full Time (15-0433-10-00) 138,306 138,306 138,306 and seasonal worker(s) Salaries - Seasonal 12,322 12,322 12,322 Salaries Total Overtime (15-0433-11-00) 0 0 0 $ 150,628 Employee Bonus (15-0433-16-00) 0 0 0 Merit Reserve Fund (15-0433-17-00) 0 0 0 Employment Testing (15-0433-20-00) 0 0 0 FICA (15-0433-21-00) 11,523 11,573 11,573 Cobra Administration (15-433-23-01) 144 144 HRA Billing -Premium Reimbursement (15-0433-23-00) 6,969 6,969 PERSI (15-0433-22-00) 14,370 14,692 14,692 Insurance (15-00433-25-00) 42,106 32,770 32,770 Work Comp (15-0433-24-00) 1,732 8,863 8,863 SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL $220,359 $225,639 $225,639 Benefit Costs 1 $ 75,011 ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (15-0413-05-00) 200 300 300 Printing, Duplication, and Publishing (15-0413-06-00) 400 100 100 Legal Advertising and Publication (15-0413-08-00) 400 100 100 Training (15-0413-12-00) 0 100 100 Travel and Per Diem (15-0413-13-00) 0 0 0 Professional Dues (15-0413-14-00) 50 50 50 Telephone and Communications (15-0413-19-00) 3,000 2,000 0 stipend Maintenance and Repair - Office Equip, Software (15-0413-23-00) 0 0 0 Miscellaneous (15-0413-25-00) 0 0 0 Refunds Park Reservations (15-0413-27-00) 0 0 0 Resource Materials (15-0413-28-00) 0 0 0 Public Relations (15-0422-01-00) 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL ADMINISTRATION $4,050 $2,650 $650 Major Objects and Subobjects Budget Budget Budget I FY 09/10 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG CITY HALL Maintenance and Repair (15-0442-01-00) 6,000 6,000 6,000 Paper Products (15-0442-02-00) 0 0 0 Custodial Services (15-0442-03-00) 15,600 17,000 17,000 verify SUBTOTAL CITY HALL $21,600 $23,000 $23,000 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER Maintenance and Repair (15-0443-01-00) 1,000 1,000 1,000 Paper Products (15-0443-02-00) 0 0 0 Custodial Services (15-0443-03-00) 12,400 12,400 12,400 verify SUBTOTAL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER $13,400 $13,400 $13,400 LIBRARY Maintenance and Repair (15-0444-01-00) 6,000 6,000 6,000 can thess all be in library Paper Products (15-0444-02-00) 0 0 0 budget?? Custodial Services (15-0444-03-00) 11,000 14000 14000 Maxi -Com (15-0444-04-00) 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL LIBRARY $17,000 $20,000 $20,000 MUSEUM Maintenance and Repair (15-0445-01-00) 1,000 1,000 1,000 Paper Products (15-0445-02-00) 0 0 0 Custodial Services(15-0445-03-00) 2,500 2,500 2,500 SUBTOTAL MUSEUM $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 Major Objects and Subobjects Budget Budget Budget I FY 09/10 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG ARBORETUM PARK Utilities (15-0446-06-00) 0 300 300 Maxi -Com (15-0446-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0446-01-00) 100 100 100 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0446-05-00) 300 100 100 SUBTOTAL ARBORETUM PARK $400 $500 $500 FLAG PARK Utilities (15-0447-06-00) 300 200 200 Maxi -Com (15-0447-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0447-01-00) 100 50 50 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0447-05-00) 300 900 900 SUBTOTAL FLAG PARK $700 $1,150 $1,150 FRIENDSHIP PARK Utilities (15-0448-06-00) 3,000 3,000 3,000 Maxi -Com (15-0448-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0448-01-00) 50 50 50 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0448-05-00) 500 500 500 SUBTOTAL FRIENDSHIP PARK 3,550 $3,550 $3,550 GUERBER PARK Utilities (15-0449-06-00) 8,000 8,000 8,000 Maxi -Com (15-0449-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0449-01-00) 100 100 100 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0449-05-00) 2,000 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL GUERBER PARK $10,100 $10,100 $10,100 Major Objects and Subobjects Budget Budget Budget i FY 09/10 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG HERITAGE PARK Utilities (15-0450-06-00) 5,000 2,500 2,500 Maxi -Com (15-0450-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0450-01-00) 100 100 100 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0450-05-00) 1,000 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL HERITAGE PARK 6,100 $3,600 $3,600 McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY Utilities (15-0451-06-00) 0 0 0 Maxi -Com (15-0451-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0451-01-00) 50 50 50 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0451-05-00) 0 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY 50 $1,050 $1,050 MERRILL PARK Utilities (15-0452-06-00) 8,000 8,000 8,000 Maxi -Com (15-0452-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0452-01-00) 100 100 100 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0452-05-00) 2,000 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL MERRILL PARK $10,100 $10,100 $10,100 ORVAL KRASEN PARK Utilities (15-0453-06-00) 200 1,800 1,800 Maxi -Com (15-0453-04-00) 0 0 0 Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0453-01-00) 50 50 50 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0453-05-00) 300 300 300 SUBTOTAL ORVAL KRASEN PARK 550 $2,150 $2,150 Major Objects and Subobjects SPORTS COMPLEX Utilities (15-0454-06-00) Maxi -Com (15-0454-04-00) Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0454-01-00) Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0454-05-00) SUBTOTAL SPORTS COMPLEX TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS Utilities (15-0455-06-00) Maxi -Com (15-0455-04-00) Maintenance and Repair - Grounds (15-0455-01-00) Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures (15-0455-05-00) SUBTOTAL TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS Roll -up of ALL Parks ALL PARKS Utilities Maxi -Com Maintenance and Repair - Grounds Maintenance & Repair - Equipment & Structures TOTAL ALL PARKS MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Storage Unit Rental - Maintenance Equipment General Mtnc Parks -Pathways (15-0437-20-00) Full Time Gen Mtnc Staff (15-0437-21-00) Holiday Lighting (15-0437-24-00) Materials & Supplies (15-0437-25-00) Paper Products (15-0437-26-00) Miscellaneous -Gen Mtnc & Repair of Grounds (15-0437-23-00) Snow Removal (15-0438-20-13) Greenbelt - Pathway Maintenance and Repair (15-0440-01-00) Drainage Ditch Repairs (15-0440-05-00) O&M/Rain/Stream Gauge at Dry Creek (15-0440-10-00) Budget Budget Budget I FY 09110 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG 6,000 6,500 6,500 0 0 0 100 100 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 7,100 $7,600 $7,600 1,500 0 0 250 $1,750 1,500 0 50 1,500 $3,050 Budget Budget FY 09110 FY 10-11 32,000 0 750 7,650 $40,400 3,000 0 0 0 5,000 10,000 0 0 2,000 1,000 0 31,800 0 750 10,300 $42,850 4,000 0 0 1,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 2,000 $1,000 0 1,500 0 50 1,500 $3,050 Budget FY 10-11 JJG 31,800 0 750 10,300 $42,850 4,000 0 0 1,000 20,000 what is this?? 10,000 5,000 what is this?? 1,000 what is this?? 2,000 $1,000 0 PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Major Objects Budget Budget Budget I FY 09110 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Maintenance and Repair - City Vehicle (15-0413-24-00) 3,000 3,000 3,000 Gas and Oil (15-0413-26-00) 5,000 5,000 5,000 SUBTOTAL VEHICLE MTNC & REPAIR $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 STREET LIGHTS Utilities (15-0441-06-00) 16,000 8,000 8,000 Maintenance and Repair (15-0441-05-00) 3,000 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTS $19,000 $9,000 $9,000 CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS Contract Other (15-0416-18-00) 0 0 0 Equipment Leasing (copy machines -printers) (15-0416-24-00) 500 500 500 GIS (15-0416-25-00) 0 0 0 Hwy 55 Utilities Agreement (15-0416-01-00) 0 0 0 Scenic By -Way Utilities Agreement (15-0416-02-00) 0 150 150 Water Shares - Assessment/Fees (15-0416-03-00) 160 160 160 East Entry SignlWater Agreement (15-0416-04-00) 1,000 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS $1,660 $1,810 $1,810 PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Major Objects PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION CITY HALL SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER LIBRARY MUSEUM ARBORETUM PARK FLAG PARK FRIENDSHIP PARK GUERBER PARK HERITAGE PARK McDONALD'S PARK AND PATHWAY MERRILL PARK ORVAL KRASEN PARK SPORTS COMPLEX TOWN ENTRANCE PARKS MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR STREET LIGHTS CONTRACTS & AGREEMENTS TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: Budget Budget FY 09!10 FY 10-11 220,359 4,050 21,600 13,400 17,000 3,500 400 700 3,550 10,100 6,100 50 10,100 550 7,100 1,800 21,000 8,000 19,000 1,660 $370,019 225,639 2,650 23,000 13,400 20,000 3,500 500 1,150 3,550 10,100 3,600 1,050 10,100 2,150 7,600 1,800 44,000 8,000 9,000 1,810 $392,599 Budget FY 10-11 JJG 225,639 650 23,000 13,400 20,000 3,500 500 1,150 3,550 10,100 3,600 1,050 10,100 2,150 7,600 1,800 44,000 8,000 9,000 1,810 $390,599 PW CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - MAJOR OBJECTS AND SUBOBJECTS Major Objects and Subobjects Budget Budget Budget I FY 09110 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment (15-0465-03-00) 0 0 0 Other (Parks Maintenance Equipment) (15-0465-02-00) 51,181 50,000 50,000 What is this?? Vehicle (15-0465-08-00) 0 25,000 25,000 What is this?? SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $51,181 $75,000 $75,000 PARK DEVELOPMENT Park Development Projects (15-0470-01-00) 0 0 0 Velodrome (15-0470-02-00) 0 0 0 Guerber Park - Rubber Pad 0 0 0 Merrill Park - Rubber Pad 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT Pathway Development (15-0472-01-00) 0 0 0 Dry Creek Pathway (15-0472-03-00) 0 0 0 Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Matching Funds (15-0472-07-00) 0 0 0 Pedestrian Underpass-ITD - Additional Funds (15-0472-07-01) 0 0 0 Merrill Pathway Bridge- ITD-Matching Funds (15-0472-08-00) 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT Master Plan for Parks & Pathways (15-0472-02-00) 0 0 0 Eagle Sports Complex -Skateboard Park Repairs (15-0472-04-00) 0 0 0 General Parks & Pathways (15-0472-03-00) 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Major Objects and Subobjects STREET LIGHTS Capital Improvements (15-0467-01-00) SUBTOTAL STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: Recr Programs (15-0414-01-00) Mayor's Cup Golf Tournament (15-0414-02-00) Neighborhood Reinvestment Program (15-0414-05-00) Awin Management(BFI) Education -Add Srvs (15-0414-04-00) TOTAL PROGRAMS & RECREATION: PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Major Objects CAPITAL OUTLAY PARK DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT PARKS & PATHWAYS DEVELOPMENT STREET LIGHTS PROGRAMS & RECREATION: TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Budget Budget Budget I FY 09/10 FY 10-11 FY 10-11 JJG 0 $o 0 3,500 0 60,000 $63,500 Budget FY 09/10 51,181 0 0 0 0 63,500 $114,681 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS FIXED OPERATING COSTS: $370,019 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $114,681 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET: $484,700 0 $o $0 0 3,500 0 60,000 $63,500 Budget FY 10-11 FY 75,000 0 0 0 0 63,500 $138,500 0 $o $0 0 3,500 ???? 0 60,000 ???? $63,500 Budget I 10-11 JJG 75,000 0 0 0 0 63,500 $138,500 $392,599 $390,599 $138,500 $138,500 $531,099 $529,099 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET: $484,700 $531,099 $529,099 WATER FUND FY 10/11 REVENUE Maior Obiects CARRY OVER (60-0390-00-00) Budget FY 09/10 FY 10-11 $100,000 $100,000 REVENUE: Customer Revenue (based on 1370 customers) (60-0346-10-00) 0 0 Misc Revenue - Water Sys Insp, Reimburseables (60-0383-01-00) 0 0 Misc Revenue - Eng Plan Rev, Reimburseables (60-0383-02-00) 0 0 Water Construction Equivalency (WCE) Fees (60-0355-01-00) 1,200 1,200 ($400 per lot)(3 Customers) Late Comer's Fee (Development Agreement) (60-0346-62-00) 0 0 Contributed Capital Improvements (60-0350-01-00) 0 0 Billing Revenue (60-0347-01-00) 333,100 333,100 Other Revenue (60-0347-02-00) 0 2,440 Reconnect Fees (60-0347-03-00) 320 320 Delinquent Fees (60-0347-04-00) 0 200 Miscellaneous Revenue (60-347-05-00) 315 300 System Enhancement Fee (60-0347-06-00) 180,000 180,000 Zions Interest (60-0371-25-00) 351 800 State Treasurer Interest (60-0371-10-00) 10 0 TOTAL REVENUES: $515,296 $518,360 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS: Transfer from General Fund Revenue Sharing (60-0380-00-00) 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES: $0 $0 EAGLE WATER COMPANY - INTERTIE AGREEMENT: Eagle Water Company Payment (60--360-01-00) 0 0 TOTAL EAGLE WATER COMPANY: $0 $0 RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE: METER SETS: *Hook -Up Fees -City ($850 each)(Based on 3 Connections) (60-0346-60-00) 2,550 2550 TOTAL METER SETS: $2,550 $2,550 STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Carry Forward from previous fiscal years (60-0346-59-01) Supply Trunk Line fee (STL)(75 Customers @ $2,100.00) (60-0346-59-00) TOTAL STL FEES: Maior Obiects DEQ LOAN FUNDS: DEQ Loan (60-0370-01-00) TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS REVENUE Major Obiects LID FUNDS: Local Improvement District Bond Revenue EXPENDITURES Total Revenue: TOTAL LID FUND TOTAL WATER FUND REVENUEWC FIXED OPERATING COSTS PERSONNEL: Major Objects and Subobjects Salaries - Full Time (60-0433-10-00) Part Time (60-0433-11-00) Employment Testing (60-0433-20-00) Annual Physical (60-0433-19-00) FICA (60-0433-21-00) PERSI (60-0433-22-00) Cobra Administration (60-433-23-01) HRA Billing -Premium Reimbursement (60-0433-23-00) Insurance (60-0433-25-00) Work Comp (60-0433-24-00-00) TOTAL PERSONNEL: 0 0 $0 FY 10-11 7,500 $7,500 $10,050 FY 10-11 0 $0 $0 $628,410 FY 10-11 137,431 Total Salaries 20,000 $ 0 0 12,043 14,599 144 5,702 19,601 6,560 $223,504 Benefit Costs $ 157,431 58,649 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10-11 Travel & Per Diem (60-0413-13-00) 1000 1,000 Miscellaneous Reserve 7,794 0 Purchase Accounts Receivables (60-0434-13-00) 0 0 Office Supplies (60-0434-15-00) 500 700 Telecommunications / SCADA (60-0434-19-00) 4,000 4,000 Advertising and Publications (60-0434-20-00) 1,000 500 Travel and Meetings (60-0434-21-00) 0 0 Training and Certification (60-0434-22-00) 2,000 1,500 Dues and Subscriptions (60-0434-23-00) 1,000 500 Computer Software and Copier Maintenance (60-0434-25-00) 500 500 Tools & Equipment (60-0434-26-00) 10,000 10,000 Postage (60-0434-27-00) 200 100 Liability Insurance (60-0434-41-00) 4,100 4,100 Comp & Class Study (60-0434-48-00) 0 0 United Water/Fire Flow (60-0434-52-01) 0 0 Utilities - Security Systems (60-0434-52-02) 0 0 Public Drinking Water Fees (60-0434-53-01) 6,000 6,000 Enterprise Fund Fee (60-0434-53-02) 0 0 Permits and Fees (60-0434-53-03) 600 800 Utility Billing Software (60-0434-54-00) 0 0 Caselle Utility Software and Support (60-0434-55-00) 1,000 2,000 Equipment Repair and Maintenance (60-0434-58-00) 6,000 30,000 Chemicals and Equipment (60-0434-59-00) 6,000 5,000 Power (60-0434-60-00) 30,000 35,000 Sub -Total Operations & Maintenance: $81,694 $101,700 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE Con't: Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10-11 Uniforms/Laundry (60-0434-68-00) 2,000 2,000 Water / Miscellaneous (60-0434-69-00) 500 0 Testing - weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual (60-0435-56-00) 16,000 17,000 Total Operations & Maintenance $100,194 $120,700 CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS Major Objects and Subobjects Operating Fees -Paid to United Water (60-0434-11-00) System Operation - COI (60-0450-01-00) State Revolving Loan Payment (60-0436-01-00) Engineering Services (60-0434-42-00) Legal Services (60-0434-42-01) Misc Legal Services (60-0434-42-02) Billing Services (60-0434-47-00) Contract Services (Repair) (60-0434-43-01) Contract Services (60-0434-44-00) Auditor Services (60-0434-45-00) Administrative Services (Ovhd of City Hall Admin) (60-0434-46-00) TOTAL CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS: VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES Major Objects and Subobjects Fuel and Lubricants (60-0420-01-00) Equipment Rental - Lease Vehicles (60-0420-02-00) Vehicles Repair and Maintenance (60-0420-03-00) (60-0434-24-00) TOTAL VEHICLE OPERATIONS - LEASES: FIXED OPERATING COSTS Personnel Operations and Maintenance Contracts and Agreements Vehicle Operations - Leases TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS:' $56875: FY 10-11 0 0 180,000 5,000 20,000 0 12,000 12,000 4,500 1,200 0 $234,700 FY 10-11 10,000 0 1,500 $11,500 FY 10-11 $223,504 $120,700 $234,700 $11,500 $590,404 RESTRICTED FUNDS EXPENDITURES Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10-11 METER SETS: Meter Sets (60-0438-08-00) 1,500 1,500 TOTAL METER SETS: $1,500 $1,500 STL FEES (SUPPLY TRUNK LINE): Water System Expansion - STL Fees (60-0437-01-00) 0 0 Capital Expenditures (60-0437-02-00) 0 0 Refund of STL Fees (60-0437-03-00) 0 0 TOTAL STL FEES: $0 $0 DEQ LOAN FUNDS: Administrative (60-0435-01-00) 5,000 2,500 Engineering Fees (60-0435-02-00) 25,000 5,000 Land Acquisition (60-0435-03-00) 0 0 Construction (60-0435-04-00) 10,000 0 TOTAL DEQ LOAN FUNDS: $40,000 $7,500 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUND EXPENDITURES: $41,500 $9,000 LID FUND EXPENDITURES Budget Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10-11 Mailings & Publications (60-0440-01-00) 0 0 Engineering Fees (60-0440-02-00) 0 0 Attorneys Fees (60-0440-03-00) 0 0 Security Bond Co or Agency (60-0440-04-00) 0 0 Administrative Costs (60-0440-05-00) 0 0 Eagle Water Co Purchase (60-0440-06-00) 0 0 SCADA System (60-0440-07-00) 0 0 TOTAL LID FUND: $0 $0 J CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Equipment - Computers & etc. (60-0438-01-00) Reserve for Water System R&M (60-0438-02-00) Reserve for Equipment & Building Replacement (60-0438-03-00) Vehicle (60-0434-77-00) 2 new trucks, 1 utility vehicle Capital Construction Projects (60-0438-11-00) Trunk Line frm Well No. 6 to Linder Trunk Line, DA (60-0438-04-00) Trunk Line frm Resv to Beacon Lt Hwy Extend Water Lines (60-0438-05-00) Late Comer's Cost Reimbursement, DA (60-0438-06-00) WCE Reimbursement, Development Agreement (60-0439-01-00) Well House Construction (60-0434-80-00) Update Water Master Plan (60-0438-10-00) Operation/Compliance Plan Update (60-0438-12-00) TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS: TOTAL LID FUND EXPENDITURES: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: SUBTOTAL WATER FUND BUDGET: Remove LID Projections 0 TOTAL WATER FUND BUDGET:j $657,846 FY 10-11 5,000 0 12,006 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $29,006 FY 10-11 $590,404 $9,000 $0 $29,006 $628,410 0 $628,410 Library Department Budget FY 10/11 0% Salary Restoration REVENUE Maior Obiects RESERVE FUND: (06-0390-01-00) OPERATING REVENUES: jor Objects Carry Forward (06-0390-00-00) Carry Forward - FY 08/09 Budget Reductions Property Tax Funds (06-0356-00-00) TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES: OTHER REVENUES Maior Obiects Penalty & Interest Property Taxes (06-0356-01-00) Boise Library Reimbursement (06-0357-00-00) Ada Community Library Reimbursement (06-0357-01-00) Fines, Fees (06-0361-20-00) Copy Machine Revenue (06-0361-21-00) Donations -Grants -Gifts (06-0361-41-00) State Treasurer Interest (06-0371-10-00) Zions Interest (06-371-25-00) Gifts, Grants & Memorials (06-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous (06-0379-00-00) REVENUE SUMMARY RESERVE FUND OPERATING REVENUE OTHER REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE TOTAL LIBRARY FUND REVENUE: 6/25/10 FY 09/10 Projected I Budgeted FY 10111 $160,000 $160,000 FY 09/10 Projected I Budgeted FY 10/11 70,000 143,483 551,744 853,8761 $765,227 $853,876 FY 09/10 Budgeted 1,500 25,000 0 44,600 900 0 100 3,000 2,000 500 $77,600 FY 09/10 Budgeted $160,000 $765,227 $77,600 $1,002,827 Projected I FY 10/11 4,000 25,000 9,500 30,800 500 1,500 2,000 500 $73,800 Projected I FY 10111 $160,000 $853,876 $73,800 $1,087,676 EXPENDITURES FY 07/08 FY 09/10 Projected Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted FY 10/11 PERSONNEL: Total Salaries Salaries (Full -Time) (06-0461-10-00) 386,304 388,239 $ Overtime Pay (06-0461-11-00) 0 0 Salaries (Part -Time) (06-461-15-00) 101,296 161,143 Relief (Part -Time) (06-0461-20-00) 7,685 7,685 FICA (06-0461-21-00) 37,889 42,616 PERS! (06-0461-22-00) 40,137 41,241 HRA Billing Reimbursement (06-0461-23-00) 20,592 COBRA Administration (06-461-23-01) 216 Worker's Compensation (06-461-24-00) 2,294 2,653 Health and Dental Insurance (06-0461-25-00) 102,184 62,553 Unemployment Benefits (06-0461-28-00) 3,600 1,600 Background check/testing (06-0461-29-00) 300 300 TOTAL PERSONNEL: $681,689 $728,838 Benefit Costs $ 171,771 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Programs, Audiovisual (06-0461-30-00) 4,000 9,075 Children's Programing (06-0461-30-01) 2,000 2,000 Adult Programming (06-0461-30-02) 1,000 1,000 Office Supplies (06-0461-31-00) 3,000 3,000 Special Dept. Supp. (06-0461-32-00) 8,800 10,500 Administrative Expenses (06-0461-33-00) 500 500 Postage (06-0461-37-00) 3,596 3,596 Grants/Gifts/Memorials (06-0461-41-00) 2,000 2,000 Advertising (06-0461-44-00) 0 200 Printing and Signage (06-0461-45-00) 300 450 Binding (06-0461-46-00) 0 500 Travel and Meetings (06-0461-47-00) 0 0 Subscriptions/Memberships (06-0461-48-00) 600 450 Periodicals (06-0461-48-01) 4,121 6,000 OCLC/WorldCat/Cat Express) (06-0461-48-02) 3,400 3,4001 Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: $33,317 $42,671 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CON'T: 1 FY 09/10 1 Projected 557,067 Maio'r Obiects and Subobiects Electronic Databases (06-0461-48-03) Personnel Training (06-0461-49-00) Continuing Education (06-0461-49-01) Custodial Cleaning Service/Supplies (06-0461-50-00) Supplies -Building (06-0461-50-02) Telephone/Communications (06-0461-51-00) Lan Network Maintenance (06-0461-51-01) Internet Service (06-0461-51-02) Website Design/Mtnc (06-0461-51-03) Utilities (06-0461-52-00) Internet Filtering (06-0461-53-00) Hardware Recycling (06-0461-56-00) Small Furniture Repair (06-0461-57-00) M&O Office Equipment (06-0461-58-00) Lynx System Maintenance (06-0461-58-01) Computer, equipment repair materials (06-0461-58-02) Debt -Collect (06-0461-58-03) Repair/Maintenance/Building and Grounds (06-0461-59-00) Storage Fees (06-0461-60-00) Open Access (06-0461-62-00) Security System Monitoring (06-0461-62-01) Books, Adult and Child (06-0461-65-00) Miscellaneous (06-0461-69-00) Miscellaneous Personnel (06-0461-69-03) Courier (06-0461-69-01) Software Automation (06-0461-74-01) Subtotal Operations and Maintenance: TOTAL OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: FIXED OPERATING COST SUMMARY Personnel Operations & Maintenance TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY: Budgeted 1,105 0 0 0 800 5,332 5,350 3,525 2,500 28,000 400 0 250 23,741 14,000 1,300 1,500 0 996 100 800 20,669 500 4,503 6,000 2,050 $123,421 $156,738 FY 10/11 8,000 0 0 0 800 5,520 5,850 3,525 2,500 28,000 400 0 250 23,741 14,500 1,000 1,500 0 996 100 800 38,695 500 0 3,884 1,350, $141,911 $184,582 FY 09/10 Projected I Budgeted FY 10/11 681,689 728,838 156,738 184,582 $838,427 $913,420 FY 09/10 1 Projected Maioir Obiects and Subobiects Capital, Building (06-0461-72-00) Capital, Equipment (06-0461-74-00) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY Capital Outlay TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES SUMMARY: TOTAL FIXED OPERATING COSTS: TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL LIBRARY RESERVE FUND: TOTAL BUDGET: Budgeted FY 10/11 0 o 4,400 $4,400 $14,2561 FY 09/10 Projected 1 Budgeted FY 10!11 4,400 14,256 $4,400 $14,256 FY 09/10 Budgeted $838,427 $4,400 $160,000 $1,002,827 Projected I FY 10/11 $913,420 $14,256 $160,000 $1,087,676 FY 10111 MUSEUM Wages same as FY 09/10 w/change in PERSI & Ins REVENUE Maior Obiects Carry Over (from Hart Book Sales & Donations) (07-0390-00-00) OTHER REVENUE: Funding Fom General Fund (07-0316-12-00) Grants (07-0331-61-00) State Treasurer Interest (07-0371-10-00) Rent/Lease Payments (07-0372-00-00) Contributions/Donations (07-0376-00-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (07-0379-00-00) Fund Raising (07-0379-01-00) OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: TOTAL REVENUE: MUSEUM EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Salaries - Full Time (07-0420-10-00) FICA (07-0420-21-00) PERSI (07-0420-22-00) Work Comp (07-0420-24-00) Health Insurance (07-0420-25-00) HRA Billing - Premium Reimbursement (07-0420-03-00) Cobra Administration Fee (07-0420-23-01) TOTAL PERSONNEL: EDUCATION: Museum Association Memberships (07-0461-02-00) Reference Materials (07-0461-01-00) Conferences & Seminars (07-0461-03-00) TOTAL EDUCATION: Presented to Council 7/6/10 FY 09110 Budget Budget I Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG $4,526 $0 58,842 57,748 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $58,842 $57,748 $63,368 $57,748 FY 09/10 Budgeted 35,545 2,719 3,693 149 10,480 0 0 $52,586 200 0 500 $700 FY 09/10 Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted ADMINISTRATION Office Supplies (07-0462-31-00) 1,200 Budget FY 10/11 35,545 2,719 3,776 149 6,169 1,584 24 $49,966 200 0 400 $600 Budget FY 10/11 $0 57,748 0 0 0 0 0 0 $57,748 $57,748 Budget I FY 10/11 JJG 35,545 2,719 3,776 149 6,169 1,584 24 Benefit Costs $49,966 $ 200 0 4001 $600 Budget FY 10/11 JJG 1,000 1,0001 14,421 Archival Supplies (07-0462-32-00) 1,000 500 500 Poblicity-Printing (07-0462-33-00) 400 400 400 Software & Support (07-0462-10-00) 1,000 200 200 Utilities (07-0462-52-00) 3,500 3,500 3,500 Mtnc/Repair (07-0462-70-00) 0 0 0 Storage Unit Rent (07-0462-15-00) 882 782 782 Moving Expenses (07-462-16-00) 0 0 0 Rent - New Facility (07-0462-05-00) 0 0 0 Museum Programs (07-0462-68-00) 300 100 100 Research Materials (07-0462-34-00) 0 200 200 Graphics Program 0 0 0 Miscellaneous (07-0462-69-00) 0 200 200 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: $8,282 $6,882 $6,882 EXHIBITS: Exhibit Items (07-0463-02-00) 0 0 0 Display Supplies (07-0463-01-00) 800 300 300 Exhibit Construction (07-0463-03-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL EXHIBITS: $800 $300 $300 PROGRAMS: Scavenger Hunt for Kids (07-0464-03-00) 0 0 0 Walking Tour of Historic Sites (07-0464-01-00) 0 0 0 Living History (07-0464-02-00) 0 0 0 Eagle BooksNideos (07-0464-05-00) 0 0 0 National Register Nomination (07-0464-06-00) 1,000 0 0 TOTAL PROGRAMS: $1,000 $0 $0 PERSONNEL GRANTS: Matching Funds & Etc. (07-0465-00-00) 0 0 0 Education & Seminars funded by Grants (07-0465-01-00) 0 0 0 Travel Expense funded by Grants (07-0465-02-00) 0 0 01 TOTAL GRANTS: $0 $0 $0 FY 09/10 Budget Budget I Major Objects and Subobjects Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG CAPITAL OUTLAY: Capital Expenditures -Equipment (07-0466-74-00) 0 0 0 Capital Exp -Furniture (Office) (07-0466.74-01) 0 0 0 Capital Expenditures -Other (07-0466-76-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY: $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $63,368 $57,748 $57,7481 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION FUND FY 10/11 REVENUE BY FUND, OBJECT, AND SUBOBJECT FY 09110 Budget Budget I Major Obiects Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG Carry Over (09-0390-00-00) $0 $0 $0 REVENUE: Saturday Market (09-0347-08-00) 25,000 25,000 25,000 Arts Faire Fees (09-0376-09-00) 4,000 0 0 Christmas Market (09-0347-06-00) 0 1,000 1,000 Funding from General Fund (09-0347-09-00) 0 0 0 OTHER REVENUE TOTAL: $29,000 $26,000 $26,000 GRANTS: Donations - Grants (09-0376-04-00 0 0 0 Grant Funds (09-0376-06-00) 1,808 0 0 TOTAL GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ART: $1,808 $0 $0 OTHER REVENUE: Donations/Sponsorships (09-0376-07-00) 0 0 0 Miscellaneous (09-0376-01-00) 0 0 0 Poster Sales (09-0376-08-00) 0 0 0 Activity Revenue (09-0376-05-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUE: $30,808 $26,000 $26,0001 EXPENDITURES BY FUND, OBJECT AND SUBOBJECT Major Objects and Subobjects PERSONNEL: Work Comp (09-0420-24-00) GRANT FUNDS: Grant Funds for Personnel TOTAL PERSONNEL: FY 09/10 Budget Budget Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG 0 0 01 $o $o $o 1,808 TOTAL GRANT FUNDS: $1,808 $0 $0 Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09110 Budget Budget I Budgeted FY 10/11 FY 10/11 JJG ACTIVITIES: Eagle Fun Days (09-0463-07-00) 0 0 0 Eagle Saturday Market (09-0463-02-00) 21,200 11,000 11,000 Eagle Saturday Market Manager Fees (09-0463-02-01) 0 12,500 12,500 Last Thursday (09-0463-06-00) 4,000 0 0 Arts Faire (09-0463-08-00 0 0 0 Christmas Market (09-0463-15-00) 0 1,000 1,000 Public Art Project (09-0463-05-00) 0 0 0 Public Performances (09-0463-01-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL ACTIVITIES: $25,200 $24,500 $24,500 MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous (09-0463-09-00) 300 0 0 Reimburse Staff Time (09-0465-02-00) 0 0 0 Office Supplies (09-0463-11-00) 500 300 300 Community Outreach (09-0463-12-00) 2,000 1,200 1,200 Organizational Development (09-0463-13-00) 1,000 0 0 Eagle Center for the Performing Arts (09-0463-14-00) 0 0 0 Feasibility Study -Arts Center (09-0463-10-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS: $3,800 $1,500 $1,500 ARTS EDUCATION - GRANTS: Arts Education (09-0464-03-00) 0 0 0 Grant Programs (09-0464-02-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL ARTS EDUCATION: $0 $0 $0 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Equipment (computer & etc.) (09-0419-01-00) 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $30,808 $26,000 $26,000 CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND FY 10/11 REVENUE Maior Obiects Carry Over (08-0390-00-00) REVENUE: *Development Impact Fees (08-0322-19-00) Miscellaneous Revenue (08-0379-00-00) Zions Interest (08-0371-25-00) TOTAL REVENUE: *Based on 20 new homes ($1,637.86) TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects Guerber Park Development (08-0471-01-00) Eagle Sports Complex Development - Velodrome (08-0472-01-00) Park Playground Improvements (08-0438-33-00) TOTAL EXPENDITURES: TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS PARK FUND: 4/14/10 BUDGETED Projected FY 09/10 FY10/11 Bio $25,000 $0 0% 32,757 0 -100% 0 0 0% 100 100 100% $32,857 $100 -100% $57,857 $100 -100% BUDGETED FY 09/10 25,000 0 32,857 $57,857 $57,857 Projected FY10/11 Bio 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% $0 -100% $0 -100% FY 10/11 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND - LIBRARY 6/14/10 REVENUE Maior Obiects Carry Over (04-0390-00-00) OTHER REVENUE: Property Taxes (04-0311-10-00) Penalty/Interest Property Taxes (04-0319.00) Zions Interest TOTAL OTHER REVENUE: TOTAL REVENUE: EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects Principal Bond Payment (04-0480-81-00) Interest Payment on Bond (04-0480-82-00) Reserve Fund (04-0480-83-00) US Bank -Paying Agent Fees (04-0480-84-00) TOTAL EXPENDITURES: FY 09/10 Budgeted $11,128 231,718 600 650 232,968 $244,096 FY 09/10 Budgeted 155,000 69,544 18,712 840 $244,096 Budget FY 10/11 % $40,203 261% 206,487 -11% 1,000 67% 300 100% 207,787 -11% $247,990 2% Budget FY 10/11 % 165,000 6% 63,150 -9% 19,000 2% 840 0% $247,990 2% TREE FUND FUND FY 10/11 4/27/10 REVENUE BUDGETED Projected Maior Obiects FY 09/10 FY 10/11 Bio Carry Over (50-0309-0100) $9,444 $0 0% REVENUE: Developer Payments (50-0390-01-00) 0 0 100% TOTAL REVENUE: $0 $0 100% TOTAL TREE FUND REVENUE: $9,444 $0 100% EXPENDITURES Major Objects and Subobjects BUDGETED Projected FY 09/10 FY 10/11 Tree Replacement Expenditures (50-0465-01-00) 9,444 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $9,444 OA 100% $0 100% TOTAL TREE FUND EXPENDITURES: $9,444 $0 100% STREAMSIDE FUND BUDGET FY 10/11 4/27/10 REVENUE BUDGETED Projected Maior Obiects FY 09/10 FY 10/11 % *Carry Over (51-0308-01-00) $5,000 $5,000 100% TOTAL REVENUE: $5,000 $5,000 100% TOTAL STREAMSIDE FUND REVENUE: $10,000 $5,000 100% * Carry Over is from a Cash Surety -redeemed 10/13/06 EXPENDITURES BUDGETED Projected Major Objects and Subobjects FY 09/10 FY 10/11 Bio Development of Streamside Pathway (51-0465-01-00) 5,000 5,000 100% TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $5,000 $5,000 100% TOTAL STREAMSIDE FUND EXPENDITURES: $5,000 $5,000 100%