Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 06/22/2010 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes June 22, 2010 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 1. City of Eagle Police Monthly Report: Chief Hippe distributes the monthly report and discusses the same. Distributes an After Action Report on Eagle Fun Days and discusses the same. General discussion. 2. Discussion with the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding their final decision making authority for land use applications. Council and members from the Planning and Zoning Commission gather at a table in the Council Chambers for their discussion. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Mayor Huffaker calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARlAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. Council Grasser is present in the building and he will join us later in the meeting. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Several Boy Scout Troops join together in leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Derek T. Smith, I want to compliment Mr. Huffaker on how well he has performed his duties these past years and I thank you for acting as the Mayor in this difficult time. Council Member Grasser has jointed the meeting. Lloyd Mahaffey, we have begun development at the comer of Beacon Light and Ballantyne on the NE comer and in the course of beginning construction we noticed that when the original documents were filed it showed the 8' asphalt pathway running along the East side of Ballantyne but when it transitioned to the sidewalk on Beacon Light it continued at 8'. In checking with ACHD and the City all of the sidewalks along Beacon Light and Floating Feather are 5' or 60" wide. We would like to ask the Council to give the Acting Mayor and the Planning and Zoning Administrator the administrative authority to correct the dimensions. General discussion. Sabrina Anderson, Planning Manager, ACHD, distributed the projected 2010 Work Plan and discusses the same. Thanks the Council for the City Staff interaction and the City's Transportation Task Force. I would also like to comt: before you quarterly. General discussion. Semanko moves to amend the agenda to have Items #9 A-E to follow after new business. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. Page I K: \COUNCIL WINUT ES\20 1 0\CC-06-22-1 Omin. doc . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Aeainst the City. B. Open Container Permit: Baker Yeoman's Foundation for the Arts is requesting an open container permit to be used in conjunction with the At the River Festival. The permit would be used at 3300 W. State St. (Arts West Campus) and 179 Rosebud Ln. (Camille Beckman) on Friday, June 25 from 11 :00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Saturday, June 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Sunday, June 27 from II :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Site plan approval has been obtained from City of Eagle Police. Council approval should be contingent upon receipt of permit fees and submittal of certificate of liability insurance showing the City as an additional insured. C. Minutes of June 8. 2010. D. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CU-0l-I0 - Bank/Financial Institution (with drive up service).- KevBank: KeyBank, represented by Craig Slocum with CSHQA, is requesting conditional use approval for a bank with drive up service. The 1.1 I-acre site is generally located on the northwest corner of East State Street and North Horseshoe Bend Road approximately three hundred feet (300') west of North Horseshoe Bend Road at 3144 East State Street, (Lot 11, Block 1, Yes Subdiviision - aka Eagle Promenade). (WEV) Dl. DR-07-10 - BanklFinancial Institution with Drive Up Service and ATM Lanes - Kev Bank: Key Bank, represented by Craig Slocum with CSHQA, is requesting design review approval to construct a 3,876-square foot bank/financial institution with two (2) drive up service lanes and one (1) A TM lane. The 1.1 I-acre site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 300-feet east of North Horseshoe Bend Road at 3144 East State Street (Lot 11, Block I, YES Subdivision). (WEV) D2. DR-08-10 - Two Buildine Wall Siens. One Monument Sien. and Directional Sienaee for Kev Bank - Kev Bank: Key Bank, represented by Craig Slocum with CSHQA, is requesting design review approval to construct two building wall signs, one monument sign, and directional signage for Key Bank. The 1.11 ,.acre site is located on the north side of East State Street approximately 300-tl~et east of North Horseshoe Bend Road at 3144 East State Street (Lot 11, Block 1, YES Subdivision). (WEV) E. Findines of Fact and Conclusions of Law for DR-04-07 MOD - Modification to a Multi-tenant Office Buildine -- Gale Pooley: Gale Pooley, represented by Shawn Nickel with SLN Planning, is requesting design review approval to modify the approved site plan for the I,872-square foot multi-tenant office building. The 0.I8-acre site is locatt~d on the south side of East Winding Creek Drive approximately 430-feet west of Hill Road at 979 East Winding Creek Drive. (WEV) Semanko removes Items #5Aand B. Huffaker removes Item #C. Semanko moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda, Items D& E. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Page 2 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\20 I 0\CC-06-22- I Omin.doc SA. Claims A2ainst the City. Semanko moves to move the Claims Against the City to the end of the Agenda. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... 5B. Open Container Permit: Baker Yeoman's Foundation for the Arts is requesting an open container permit to be used in conju'nction with the At the River Festival. The permit would be used at 3300 W. State St. (Arts West Campus) and 179 Rosebud Ln. (Camille Beckman) on Friday, June 25 from 11 :00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Saturday, June 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Sunday, June 27 from 11 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Site plan approval has been obtained from City of Eagle Police. Council approval should be contingent upon receipt of permit fees and submittal of certificate of liability insurance showing the City as an additional insured. Semanko moves to approve the Open Container permit with changes: that June 24th be added to the dates and that the approval be contingent upon the submittal of City of Eagle Police review and approval of the revised plan ami submittal of a copy of the Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the City of Eagle as alii additional insured. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......."............. 5C. Minutes of June 8.2010. Acting Mayor Huffaker: I have one change on Page 8 of 9, the paragraph in bold that begins with "Shoushtarian amends". Insert "Acting Mayor Huffaker" before "before we vote". Huffaker moves to approve the Minutes of June 8, 2010 as amended. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION .CARRIES.............. 6. ORGANIZATION PRESENTATIONS: A. Communitv Plannin!! Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS): Matt Stoll, Director Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Matt Stoll, Director COMPASS, distributes a pamphlet to the Council and provides Council an overview of COMPASS and why they exist. Generall discussion. B. Treasure Vallev Partnership: Bill Larsen, Executive Director Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Bill Larsen, Executive Director, distributes a copy of his presentation to the Council and discusses the same. If the City of Eagle decides to join TVP for the next fiscal year the regular annual dues would be $2,416.00 and Eagle's share of SAUSA project enhancement would be $1,192.00 for a total of $3,608.00. General discussion. C. Ada Countv-Citv Emer!!encv Mana2ement (ACCEM): Doug Hardman, Director Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Doug Hardman, Director ACCEM, distributes a Draft FY 2011 Membership Dues schedule and provides Council an overview of the ACCEM. General discussion. D. Sa!!e Communitv Resources: Kathleen Simko, President Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Kathleen Simko, President of Sage, provides Council an overview of the Sage. Distributes an information packet and discusses the dues and discusses the projects that Sage is working on for the City. General discussion. Page 3 K \COUNCIL IMINUTES\20 1 0\CC-06-22-1 Omin. doc Semanko moves to continue the Sage presentation to the July 13, 2010 Pre-Council Agenda for discussion on the levels of service. 7. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE: PO Ventures, Inc./Floyd Patterson shall be given the opportunity to respond to the City's Order to Show Cause regarding site specific conditions of approval violations and code violations within Arbor Ridge Subdivision. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Planning and Zoning Administrator Vaughn: Provides Council an overview and history of the City's dealings and issues with PO Ventures, Inc./Floyd Patterson. General discussion on the Order To Show Cause procedure to be taken tonight. Brent Jennings, representing the Home Owners Association, provides a power point presentation and discusses the same. General discussion. Bob Norton, 2528 E. Sadie Drive, my concern is that in the next few weeks we are going to have a big fire there which will take out all of our homes and spread to the area. We have had a fire there in the past which was put out fairly rapidly. The weeds need to be taken care of in the next few weeks. Mark Butler, 1640 W. Washam Road, I initially helped Floyd with his plat and he is a hard person to work with. I would be willing to help bring the parties together. General discussion. Further General discussion. Huffaker moves to direct our City Attorney to start legal action as she has described an also instruct staff to immediately gather some estimates of costs on weed abatement and proceed to distribute that information back to tine Council as soon as possible so we can approve that going forward and go ahead and bave staff find out what it would take to provide water to the property. Discussion. Seconded by Grasser. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... 8. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: NONE 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE 10. NEW BUSINESS: A. Presentation on the M3/BLM Land Exchane:e - M3 Companies. reDresented bv Mark Tate The public is encouraged to provide comment on the proposed land exchange following the presentation. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Mark Tate, M3, distributes a copy of his power point presentation presented tonight and discusses the same. Acting Mayor Huffaker calls a recess at 9:20 p.m. Acting Mayor Huffaker reconvenes at 9:30 p.m. John Petrovsky, representing NAFAC, provides Council his resume. Discusses the Open Space Task Force report. Discussion on the land exchange. I am not totally against, I think it can evolve. I don't see how this process can be completed by the end of the year. John Forten, 5264 Sky High Lane, I've lived in the Treasurer Valley since 1978. As far as the land exchange I think there is a lot of positive things that can out of this but all of the Page 4 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\20I 0\CC-06-22-1 Omin.doc stakeholders need to be brought together. The d(:vil is in the details of the land exchange. Discussion on what open space means and where OP(:ll space is located in the area. CJ Petrovsky, 4831 Willow Creek Road, discusses the type of process that should happen in regards to this issue. Eagle is a City that prides itself on long range planning. We need to look at the big picture and we need to use a process. Kathy Pennisi, discussion on the strong public support. When you do your presentation only to one group they don't have the benefit of hearing other comments from other groups. Discussion of the land value. Dick Lagersom, this is simply a nuts and bolts question I have for M3. I want to know if any of the land in the exchange is being used for collateral. Bill Brownley, M3, there is liens on the property which is from our internal funding. The property will be conveyed on an exchange free and clear so it will be our responsibility to remove anything that is on the property. General discussion. Lisa Nelson, 3809 Hartley Road, you have heard from sever user groups but there are many more uses that have not been discussed. Discusses her uSle of the property for shooting. The problem is the people that area abusing the area and something needs to be done about that. This exchange is going to lock most people out. Displays pictures ofthe area. Continued discusses of the use ofthe property. Mark Tate, I just want to clarify which property you talking about. I do want to point out that this property we are not trying to a acquire this is property that is part of the proposed Eagle Park. John Lukey, I'm on the Board of Eagle Chamber of Commerce, I would like to say that M3 has done a great job. I am in support ofM3, I think they will do a good job Janet Buchurt, this process will greatly increase in its integrity if an outside group is brought in. I would like to see the opportunity for more public input. Barb Jekel, I would like to support what NAF AC members have said. M3 knew going into this that this was going to be a long process. I support keeping an open process, taking the time and supporting BLM. Jean Jackson-Heim, I've been involved in a couple of legislative land swaps. I support what M3 is trying to do here. They are following the process that has been established. I think they have been good neighbors allowing people to use their property. This sounds reasonable and I think this is a fine idea to explore. Gary Rowland, I live in Boise and I train my dog with a club in the foothills and M3 has allowed us to continue this training and I hope we don't lose this opportunity. Jim Black, I've lived at 3809 Hartley Road for over 50 years. I disagree with M3's solution to closes everything off and deny public access. We have to have some place to go shoot and ride 4 wheelers. Mary Taylor, 3410 Hartley Lane, I would like to dear up the sign issue. The BLM met with some of the people in the neighborhood and there was discussion about traffic. A lot of the accesses are on private ground and they have been locked up which is their right. This has increased the traffic on Hartley Lane. As we understand it Eagle has annexed this land and there is no shooting in the city limits. BLM said we could put any signs that we want but they are not legally binding. I put up those signs. I don't know ifthey helped. Page 5 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\20 I 0\CC-06-22-1 Omin.doc Joan Langdon, I would like to have a place for people to shoot that is safe. I want to ride but I couldn't get my horse any where near there. It would be nice if Eagle would do some long range planning on a place where people can shoot. The area has been quite a dumping ground. 1 think there is an advantage to have a developer who is willing to do this type of trail system. This will benefit us all. Mark Tate, provides rebuttal. General discussion. Huffaker moves to put this on the September 28, 2010 Agenda with a similar format where we will allow M3 to make a presentation and then have public comment at that time as well and that we extend an invitation to BLM to attlend. Seconded by Semanko. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Moved by Motion A. Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Proe:ram - Joint Powers Ae:reement. The public is encouraged to provide comment on the Joint Powers Agreement. Council requests each speaker limit their presentation to three (3) minutes. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion. Huffaker: I would entertain an motion to direct the Acting Mayor to sign this agreement. So moved by Grasser. Seconded by Semanko. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. B. Memorandum of Under stan dine: between Emere:ency Medical Services Advisory Council and City of Eae:le: This item was continuedjrom the June 8, 2010 meeting. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion. Acting Mayor Huffaker: So I guess our action would be to return this to the Ada County Emergency Medical Services Stakeholders suggesting that the document be modified according to our suggestions and we would sign it. So moved by Semanko. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ C. Three Cities River Crossine: discussion. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion. Teri Bath, I was on the Advisory Committee for thre{: years on this project. I don't know if! am for it or not. It will alleviate traffic on Glenwood and Eagle Road. You will have to decide what benefit the citizens of Eagle will get for the cost of this project. This project will affect the habitat. This project has been studied and studied. General discussion. Bob VanAmem, I live at the comer of Eagle so I'm interested in traffic. I think the money could be spent in other areas and signalization possibilities. Discusses the project. This seemed to be the bridge to nowhere. General discussion. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\20 1 0\CC-06-22-1 Omin.doc Andrew Petrehn, you need to send a letter that is short and sweet and say build it. General Council discussion. Semanko moves to continue this item to the Julyt:3, 2010 Council meeting and we make it clear on the agenda that we welcome public comment on this item. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. Semanko amends thf~ motion to add that this be posted on the website. Second concurs. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............................. D. Eal!le River Pavilion Summer Concert Series: .eNS) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Teri Bath, I attended the first concert and left before the concert was over, 10-15 min, and we parked out at the corner of Edgewood and State, and when we left we could not hear the concert. I think that Eagle is a destination community and this concert gives people a reason to come here. General discussion. This needs to be on a Council Agenda once a month to met Ada County Commissioners approval conditions. Semanko move to continue this agenda item to th(~ July 27, 2010 City Council meeting with a notation that this will be open to public commelllt. E. Discussion of Mavoral and City Council appoilntments. This item was continued from the June 8,2010 meeting. General discussion. Semanko moves to continue this item to the next regular meeting. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. SA. Claims Against the City. Semanko moves to approve the Claims Against the City. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 12. REPORTS: a. Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns: b. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Discussion on when the Council wants to look at the proposal letters that went out for Auditor, Prosecutor, and Insurance. Council concurs that these items will on the July 13, 2010 Council meeting. c. Zoning Administrator's Report: d. Public Works Director Report: e. City Attorney Report: 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pendinl! and Threatened Litil!ation: None 14. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:00 a.m. Page 7 K\COUNClL IMINUTES\20 I 0\CC-06-22- I Omin.doc APPROVED: ~~ MICHAEL HU KER ACTING MAY ", ........,'"" .... y f:.AGl.. "1, .....' 0 ........./:: '... ~.. ~ .- e. ~ : f.... ... ~oRA Tf: ... ... .-:. :0"~ .. ': ::0 .: : . lJ ,.' ;::-: :- : ~ ~~:o: ':.... S~I'~..~; -=:. e. /~ ,,"<.~. ~ ~ .., -.. ('OR PO~~...("'\ .... 'lI S"h ....... - ,-" ...... '" ~ A. TE 0" ,,' "11 "" """"1'" Respectfully submitted: A0'" j(~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 8 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\201 OICC-06-22-1 Omin.doc Treasure Valley Partnership Presentation to Eagle City Council June 22, 2010 Past Accomplishments Ordinances The Treasure Valley Partnership has collaborated on the development of a variety of Municipal Ordinances to address problems identified by the members. In all of these Ordinance development activities, the implementation has not been 100% across member jurisdictions. Examples of he Ordinances collaborated on by the Treasure Valley Partnership in recent years include: • Pseudoephedrine Control Ordinance • Flood Plain Ordinance • Fireworks Ordinance • Covered Load Ordinance • Alcohol Server Training Ordinance • Open Burning Ordinance Projects The Treasure Valley Partnership has worked together to develop numerous projects with a goal of solving a problem experienced by one or more of the member jurisdictions. In the last three years there have been two major projects that stands out. SAUSA Project The SAUSA (Special Assistant U.S. Attorney) Project focuses on addressing the gang issue in the Treasure Valley. Starting in the fall of 2006, the Partnership collaborated with the U.S. Attorney's Office, the Idaho Governor's Office, The State Legislature, the Idaho Attorney General's Office, and the Owyhee and Canyon County Prosecutor's Offices to develop a SAUSA to prosecute gang/gun crimes in the Treasure Valley. This on-going project has been extremely successful at prosecuting gang members and sending them to Federal prison out of state. This has had the effect of breaking up gang leadership and membership and also reducing gang related crime throughout the Valley. One key statistic recently quoted really highlights the effectiveness of this program. In 2005 there were there were 165 drive-by shootings in Canyon County. In 2009, there have been 10. Treasure Valley Air Quality Public Information Campaign In 2009, the Partnership obtained a grant from the Boise Advertising Federation to produce a comprehensive public education campaign in an attempt to get the Treasure Valley citizenry to be cognizant of Ozone causing activities and to voluntarily reduce ozone causing emissions. This project included the development of television and radio public service announcements, an informational website and development and implementation of social media strategies. Positions From time to time issues arise that generate a need for a response from the Treasure Valley Partnership members. The Partnership studies the issue and takes a position statement with the authorities concerned to collectively voice how the issue will affect the quality of life in the Treasure Valley. Examples of recent issues the Partnership has voiced an opinion on include: ■ TRACON — This was an effort directed at the Idaho Congressional delegation and the FCC for the purpose of keeping the Terminal Radar Approach Control system at the Boise Airport and to resist moving this system to Salt Lake City. • Idaho Power Gateway Transmission Line — This effort was directed at Idaho Power and the BLM to persuade them to divert this high voltage power transmission around the Cities of Kuna and Parma. • Idaho Transportation Task Force — This current activity is directed toward educating the Governor's Transportation Task Force on the nuances of transportation funding and planning and how this activity affects City and County planning efforts and budgetary concerns. Budget Information for City of Eagle Presentation - 6122110 Treasure Valley Partnership Budget Summary Budget for FY 10-11 Total Member Dues 67797 Budgeted Operating Expenses 10-11 26290 SAUSA Budget Summary Total Annual SAUSA 100,000 State Share of SAUSA Expenses 25,000 10-11 TVP SAUSA Expense 41507 Budgeted SAUSA Shortfall 33493 City of Eagle's Impact on TVP Budget FY 10-11 Dues 2416 Eagles Share of Total Dues 3.56% Eagle Share of TVP Operating Expenses 936 Eagle Share of 10-11 SAUSA Expense 1,478 Eagle Share of Sausa Short Fall 1,192 Eagle Share of Total TVP SAUSA Expenses 2,670 Treasure Valley Partnership 5/24/2010 2009-2010 Budget Analysis 09-10 Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income Actual Under/Over Income/Expenses Budget Membership Dues 67,797.00 66,204.00 1,593.00 Other Income - SAUSA - IS' 33,493.00 32,300.00 1,193.00 Other Income - State Share of SAUSA 25,000.00 18,750.00 6,250.00 Total income 126,290.00 117,254.00 9,036.00 Expense Staff Expenses Project Manager 20,160.00 13,440.00 6,720.00 Total Staff Expenses 20,160.00 13,440.00 6,720.00 Professional Fees Accounting Total Professional Fees 450.00 450.00 450.00 0.00 450.00 0.00 Office Maintenance Office Supplies 300.00 40.23 259.77 Printing and Reproduction 500.00 152.72 347.28 Telephone 780.00 520.00 260.00 Web Site Hosting/Updating 750.00 399.20 350.80 Computer Repair/Updating 200.00 43.99 156.01 Postage and Delivery 200.00 64.40 135.60 Total Office Maintenance 2,730.00 1,220.54 1,609.46 TVP Projects SAUSA Project ' 100,000.00 75,000.00 25,000.00 Annual Retreat 1,400.00 5.35 1,394.65 TVP Regional Meetings 600.00 1,111.71 -511.71 Total TVP Projects 102,000.00 76,117.06 25,882.94 Travel Mileage 600.00 619.07 -19.07 Total Travel 600.00 619.07 -19.07 Misc Conf. Reg./Assoc. Dues 150.00 0.00 150.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 13.68 186.32 Total Misc 350.00 13.68 336.32 Total Expense 126,290.00 91,860.35 34,429.65 Balance of Income less Expenses 25,393.65 6:42 AM 06/24/10 Cash Basis Treasure Valley Partnership Profit & Loss April 30 through May 24, 2010 Apr 30 - May 24, 10 Ordinary Income/Expense Income SAUSA Project 2010 -25,000.00 Total Income -25,000.00 Expense 6300 • Professional Fees Project Manager 1,680.00 Total 6300 • Professional Fees 1,680.00 6400.Office Maintenance 6402 • Telephone 65.00 6404 • Web Site Updating 49.90 Total 6400.Office Maintenance 114.90 6600 • Travel 6601 • Mileage 38.22 Total 6600 • Travel 38.22 6700 • TVP Regional Meetings 554.02 Total Expense 2,387.14 Net Ordinary Income -27,387.14 Net Income -27,387.14 Page 1 SAUSA PROJECT SENTENCES State Fiscal Year's Sentence Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Total No. of Sentence FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY All Defendants Months Date 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2031 Aleman-Ramos, Noe 30 11/21/08 7 12 11 30 Alfero, Eddie 150 1/22/09 5 12 12 12 12 97 150 Almarez, Paul 18 3/30/09 3 12 3 18 Austin, Anthony 101 10/2/08 9 12 12 12 12 12 32 101 Basulto, Francisco 63 3/29/10 3 12 12 12 12 12 63 Bays Jr., Clinton 78 3/18/2009 3 12 12 12 12 12 15 78 Bernal, Anthony 44 3/10/2009 4 12 12 12 4 44 Bloxham, Richard 51 3/11/2008 4 12 12 12 11 51 Boyer, Joshua 27 7/11/07 12 12 3 27 Campos, Marlow 63 4/21/08 2 12 12 12 12 12 1 63 Cano, Paul 37 5/30/08 1 12 12 12 37 Carlson, Stephen 30 11/25/08 7 12 11 30 Caro, Alonzo -Juarez 5 3/12/09 4 1 5 Carillo Jr., Jose 84 1/14/09 6 12 12 12 12 12 18 84 Cartagena -Reyes, Jose 18 8/10/07 11 7 18 Castillo, Noe 8 6/5/09 4 4 8 Chavez -Cruz, Sergio 30 11/26/07 7 12 11 30 Chavez -Vasquez, Alberto 54 3/30/09 3 12 12 12 12 3 54 Colin -Martinez, Sergio 7 1/7/08 6 1 7 Delgado -Castillo, Jesus 7 12/17/08 6 1 7 Esparza Sr., Alfredo 264 2/4/09 5 12 12 12 12 12 199 264 Esparta, Lucio 120 2/17/09 4 12 12 12 12 12 56 120 Evans, Kirkley 37 7/22/08 11 12 12 2 37 Ferreira, Jerry 120 6/1/09 4 12 12 12 12 12 56 120 Flores, Arturo 63 3/24/08 3 12 12 12 12 12 63 Gallinger, Steven 7 6/18/07 1 6 7 Garcia Jr., Armando 36 10/5/09 12 12 12 36 Garcia Jr., Sammy 57 1/6/09 6 12 12 12 12 3 57 Garcia -Alvarez, Jose Angi 65 11/25/09 10 12 12 12 12 7 65 Garcia -Orozco, Victor 9 2/3/10 4 5 9 Garza, Gabriel 12 3/3/09 3 9 12 Garza, Julian Jose 70 2/10/10 5 12 12 12 12 17 70 Goddard, Michael 17 8/22/08 10 7 17 Gomez -Dominguez, Juan 144 5/17/10 1 12 12 12 12 95 144 Gomez-Gaona, Jose 15 7/1/08 12 3 15 Gomez -Vargas, Ernesto 6 5/4/10 2 4 6 Total Months pg. 1 24 159 283 284 235 195 162 605 1947 Defendants Green, Linda Gutierrez-Ilecnandez, Rey Hernandez-Carmona, Ran Hernandez -Flores, Juan L Hernandez -Flores, Miguel Herrera, Panther Hofinan, Stephanie Holman, Joshua Hood, James Hoodenpyle, Brandon Knight, Dusty Koepnick, Marcus Koyle, Holly Landeros-Villa, Victor Lantz, Matthew Larrea, Eric -James Larrea, Joshua Lay, Floyd Lazo, Augustin Leary, Tobias Lopez, Daniel Martinez, Ray Massey, Jesse Mendoza, Rick Miller, Jeremy Montgomery, Daniel Musquiz, Jamaica Nickel, Louis Norris, Shawn Nugent, Michael Ohlsson, Christopher O'Leary, Frank Oliver, David Ortiz, Yesenia Paz, Daniel Peone, Everett Sentence No. of Months 48 3 24 46 85 120 12 60 21 24 84 24 8 18 96 77 70 27 66 55 30 10 92 32 57 80 18 4 30 41 30 27 34 15 15 Sentence Date 6/1/10 3/26/08 3/29/10 5/3/10 2/26/09 6/11/09 4/15/09 9/8/09 1/9/09 11/16/2009 12/17/2009 6/5/09 4/21/08 11/24/08 8/18/2009 7/26/09 8/29/08 7/29/09 01/12/09 7/15/2009 12/2/2009 9/20/07 6/25/09 6/25/09 8/7/09 1/6/09 10/13/09 4/9/10 9/10/07 4/8/10 2/8/10 6/14/10 6/24/09 57 8/5/08 Total Months pg 2 SAUSA PROJECT SENTENCES State Fiscal Year's Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in FY FY FY FY FY FY 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 1 12 12 12 2 1 3 12 9 3 12 12 12 7 2 12 12 12 12 4 12 12 12 12 12 1 11 3 12 12 12 12 9 1 12 8 6 12 6 7 12 12 12 12 6 12 6 4 4 2 12 4 7 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 1 12 12 2 2 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 1 3 12 12 3 3 7 6 12 12 12 12 9 12 11 3 12 12 12 12 6 3 12 12 12 12 12 2 12 4 4 12 12 6 3 12 12 12 2 10 12 8 3 12 12 5 12 12 5 1 12 2 3 12 10 12 12 12 11 24 123 290 296 229 196 144 Months in FY 2013-2014 11 Months in Total FY All 2014-2031 48 3 24 46 35 85 56 120 12 60 21 24 29 84 24 8 18 29 96 19 77 11 70 27 4 66 55 30 10 38 92 32 57 17 80 18 4 30 41 30 27 34 15 15 57 238 1540 SAUSA PROJECT SENTENCES State Fiscal Year's Sentence Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Months in Total No. of Sentence FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY All Defendants Months Date 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2031 Pickenpaugh, Gaynell 10 7/23/08 10 10 Pound, Jeffery 21 11/16/09 6 12 3 21 Quiroz-Taffolla, Juan 33 8/29/08 10 12 11 33 Ramirez, Alex 55 6/2/09 4 12 12 12 12 3 55 Ramirez, Rick Pancheco 71 3/23/09 3 12 12 12 12 12 8 71 Rodriguez, Noel 18 7/24/07 11 7 18 Saba, Forest 12 5/4/09 2 10 12 Salazar, Leeroy 30 1/8/08 6 12 12 30 Salgado-Ibarra, Luis 87 6/8/10 1 12 12 12 12 38 87 Sanchez, Marisol Beverly 36 4/19/10 2 12 12 10 36 Sanchez, Sophia 24 2/16/10 4 12 8 24 Sanchez -Delgado, Saul 8 10/10/07 8 8 Soto, Rafael 40 5/24/09 1 12 12 12 3 40 Strong, Eric 15 6/29/09 3 12 15 Stuard, Ryan 37 11/17/08 7 12 12 6 37 Tellez-Castro, Cesar 30 5/18/08 1 12 12 5 30 Torres, Christopher 37 5/30/08 1 12 12 12 37 Trochez-Nunez, Mario 10 6/2/09 4 6 10 Verdugo-Ortiz, Oscar 71 7/15/09 3 12 12 12 12 12 8 71 Villarreal, Sergio 46 8/13/07 11 12 12 11 46 Villasenor, Adrian 37 9/29/09 12 12 12 1 37 Villasenor, Rangel, Saul 90 12/18/09 6 12 12 12 12 36 90 Witten, Jeremy 63 6/23/09 12 12 12 12 12 3 63 Ybarra, Alfredo 195 4/19/10 2 12 12 12 12 145 195 Total Months pg 3 38 102 193 195 137 98 75 238 1076 Total Months Sentenced 86 384 766 775 601 489 381 1081 4563 Total Annual Time Served 7.17 32.00 63.83 64.58 50.08 40.75 31.75 90.08 380.25 Cost per inmate per year 1 Total Savings To State per Fiscal Year $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $20,382.00 $146,071.00 5652,224.00 $1,301,051.00 S1,316,337.50 $1,020,798.50 S830,566.50 $647,128.50 $1,836,078.50 $7,750,255.50 1 Source — ID Dept. of Corrections Annual Report — 2007 If sentence occurred after the 15th of the month, that month ivas not counted in this analysis. Bill Larsen - Treasure Valley Partnership - (208) 761-6395 •Itzumtutil ADA COUNTY GARY RANEY,SHERIF+ City of Eagle Police Monthly Report May 2010 Group A NIBRS Crime* Person Crime* Property Crime* Society Crime* Total Felony Misdemeanor # of Reported Crimes 60 40 20 0 YTD 2009 2010 49 120 50 219 58 123 26 207 Clearance Rate 201( 43.1% 26.0% 96.2% 39.6% 96 84 31.0% 2010 'March April May 14 6 23 31 1 5 38 42 23 123 122 45.1% 15 vow 13 31 2 46 11 22 31 24 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Person Property 111111111 Society 2009 Monthly Average City of Eagle Population COMPASS 2009: 21,370 COMPASS 2010: 20.590 % Change -3.6% Group A NIBRS Crime Rate YTD (per 1,000) 2009: 10.2 2010: 10.1 % Change -1.9% 2009 Clearance Rates Person: 72.4% Property: 24.6% Society: 89.5% Total: 46.6% Felony: 37.6% Misdemeanor: 54.1% As of February 2010 :Tom, ', NM', c funl 10,1idc lits I'cr„+n I'ng11cm and tio,.ICI, ofk•n•t ialcgon it 11.1,1 111(1„„ Pit .,nI C' Imo. 1I nnlc•u1, I•. iduappni \I ,hi lion i s+tc lhlr an.I \un.lial. 11,1C PIup.In t unlr• 11n,a1 Itnhu 1.1111'lal\ t •niit.!t.unrry 1,11e.1\ Iir,Uuiuon 1t,1111.1. \';In,1.dr.ul,+l I'xl1101 } mh.nl.nt.Ii. l 1.1,,111,11 Itl.t.l.11lal1 I Lind r)Itcu.,_+ 1 .u.ci, fhclt r)l'tcn,u \1ul,a \rLltl. 111‘.11 IioI1l,:lt �lolcn IS,,I�.•tn Illuti,c 'Sr, ten l l iar.. 111 nn; `..u1,11,t>II.11•,... tt,lnlbltn:i. lbrnit,tt,ln UI•o,.cnc N1,11,1 ial Ph, .111111inl \\..Ipon 1 aU\.Iciu.,nb Police Activity 1•'FD 2010 2009 2010 ylarch April May Calls For Ser.%ice' (Total) 1.644 1.537 279 371 359 Total Response Time 6:49 7:08 6:41 7:18 7:44 Code 3z Calls For Seri ice 41 22 5 5 1 Code 3 Response Time 2:59 2:59 2:55 3:05 1:19 Proactive Policing 5.436 4.387 936 873 748 Reports (DR's) Arrests§ Citations # of Incidents 2000 1500 1000 -- 500 — — -- 0 - Pro, Wed B, ACSO GAL' th 767 615 102 128 122 212 155 42 17 23 935 336 67 71 57 MI III 1111 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Calls For Service Proactive Policing 2009 Monthly Average May 2010 Top Calls For Service Burglary Alarm (33) Welfare Check (19) Attempt To Locate Drunk Driver (19) Attempt To Locate Reckless Driver (17) Auto Accident Non -Injury (17) Suspicious Vehicle (15) .111, I 01 Ni,.Ice 1. ittn•n a.rnlal.:d c,111• 0/11 non-, nu.IEerlcv nuuii,c1. and Cali j?Iton,;1 Ohl t!,11,',.111111,: >ihoarmc I'„luin • 1r.rttit .k,p, Clad 1111,E t.n, EIn.+ do11n1, 111len cn,lnaCK due. led patrol:-.. >.Iccn, c h,IlliC .nlotu.t.m.nt \ pt„ nl.nl 1'in uuabll_a1.d11ntc l ndc l',11I lequnutc .n 1-nlcrc.n., it.,p.,n.. 11<1 Inc•of mole „i ,h. 1:,11,",Iic ,orahnon- 1. hclir,al 1,, L:1,1,1 .nu.1non Im„I,C, nnnnnCnl poannal Gn :Cn,,u, inti!\ ur deillt to an•. 1ar,•11, w,nd,1 I, pr,,C'ul or h.r11 a cnm, of ,Ir•'.n.c„hcu.1.cp1;i+ll.haid:dC�yl..+r : n1e, i•. n., ,l+r n,. ,, III . ul!•in.,. 111. Ili..a th,,„•I .:pp1,11,i1.Inlg.1Ia,5n, a>hCc1 u:': 1,1111, ;11. 1,11.1 .•d ,m r1i. alCn rn „hn.'I! Ih: +urinal , 1 nuc Data oblamed from Nen World. CAD. Legac, AS4I11 (STARS. and 1TD AAehCars databases Data queried 6,15;10 Page I of Property Crime Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary. Construction Burglary. Vandalism Other** Total \'TD 2010 2009 2010 March :April May 15 22 1 4 9 12 14 3 4 4 4 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 27 18 2 12 1 61 65 16 10 16 120 123 23 31 31 Construction Site ('heck" 246 216 44 49 52 Property/Security ('heck 773 802 165 177 147 r> <)ther I'ronerh ( rime% Include: \r,rm B1th;n ( ounlirICnmp 1 urcirm 1 nih.iil,.lnant 1. \11)111011 131,td.ina:1 I .,;utd I ari.m Ihi.t \101i)r V,IIIL I, 111:11 li01,1,n 41141 'ij I II Piop,_uh (.10.01.,,,-, Traffic Crashes Property Damage Personal Injury Fatal Total Alcohol -Related Crashes Traffic Stops DUI Arrests \loving Citations # of Crashes 25 20 15 10 5 0 YTD 2010 2009 2010 March April May 51 54 6 12 15 30 19 2 5 2 0 1 0 0 0 81 74 8 17 17 2 6 0 3 0 3.239 2322 500 442 358 39 36 5 7 8 472 105 15 24 27 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Property Damage Personal Injury L_ Fatal January - March 2010 Top Crash Intersections State St & Highway 55 (7) Eagle Rd & Highway 44 (6) Highway 55 & Floating Feather Rd (3) Highway 44 & W State St (3) Eagle Rd & Chindcn Blvd (3) Highway 55 & Hill Rd (2) State St & Sierra View Wy (2) Eagle Rd & Plaza Dr (2) 2009 Monthly Average May 2010 Crashes by Time of Day 0000-0600 hrs 0 0600-0900 hrs 2 0900-1200 hrs 1 1200-1500 hrs 3 1500-1800 hrs 11 1800-2100 hrs 0 2100-2400 hrs 0 May 2010 Crashes by Day of Week Sunday 0 Monday 4 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 2 Thursday 4 Friday 2 Saturday 3 May 2010 Top Crash Contributing Circumstances Following Too Close (13) Inattention (7) Prom tded Bm ACSO ( Allah Data obtained from Nem. World_ CAD Lega ' AS -I00. (STARS and ITD WebCars databases Page 2 of 2 Data queried 6;15'10 cc ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AFTER ACTION REPORT INCIDENT OVERVIEW: INCIDENT TYPE: Eagle Fun Days LOCATION: City of Eagle INCIDENT DATE: 06/10/10 through 6/13/10 REPORT DATE: 6/14/10 WEATHER CONDITIONS: Clear, warm DURATION OF INCIDENT: 4 days REPORT REVISION: SUBMITTED BY: Sergeants Jon McDaniel and Mike Rowe DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT/DRILL: Planned Event INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM STRUCTURE Thursday, June 10th, 2010 Normal on duty staff IC: Sgt McDaniel Friday, June 11th, 2010 Regular Staffing Asst. nment Intent Command Da Depu _ Stenger Eaffv�Swing Depu unning Late' Swing Depu Tena Graveyard Depu Fratusco Extra Duty Staffing Assignment Street Dance Street Dance Rodeo Rodeo Saturday, June 12"', 2010 Regular Staffing Ass nment Officer Incident Command Sgt Rowe Da DeputyFerguson Ea Swing 'Depu Moore La e win. Deputy cCowan Graveyard DepuHelbach Day Motor Detective Dillon 'Note: Deputy Moore will be TDY to Ironman Triathlon from app Extra Duty Staffing Assignment Da. 5tnke Team Day tnke Team N+1t Strike Team N jit Strike Team De uIcFratusco /Jut Feed Lead Sgt McDaniel Nut Feed DepuTena Nut Feed Depu}yStenger Nut Feed Depu . Stuart Officer Sqt McDaniel Officer Detective Bowman Deputy Wallace Detective Bartlett Sergeant Rowe Officer Deputy Stenger Sergeant Mcbaniel Deputy Schneider STAFF & ASSIGNMENTS): Times f�� 0600-1645 1100-2145 1500-0145 2000-0645 Duty Times {70-2230 1730-2230 1900-2200 1900-2200 Duty Times 068800-1645 1000-2045 1430-0115 2000-0645 1000-1900 rox. 1500-2000 hrs Duty Times 1030-1630 1030-1630 1800-0000 1800-0000 1800-2300 1800-2300 1800-2300 1800-2300 GARY RANEY, SHERIFF Vehide Gotf cart/208 299 214 320 352 Vehide Golf cart/299 Golf cart/299 Mule Mule Vehide Golf carV358 299 Motor 214 352 Motor Vehicle 208/352 208/Dirtbike 299 299 208 208/320 208/320 208/320 • Page 2 Nut Feed Rodeo Rodeo Detective Bartlett Deputy Ferguson Deputy Bones 1800-2300 1 208/320 1900-2200 Mule 1900-2200 Mule Tentative available reserves (Nut Feed/Rodeo): Bill Kelly and Jason Shofner Sunday, June 1e, 2010 Normal on duty staffing, IC: Sgt Rowe ADDITIONAL PARTICIPATING AGENCIES: Eagle Fire COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS UTILIZED: Event Channel 16 June 22, 2010 CHRONOLOGICAL SUMMARY OF INCIDENT/DRILL: Thursday: Crosby, Stills & Nash concert at the Eagle River Pavilion; Gates open at 1800 and the concert ends at 2200. Beer will be sold at the event. MAV Security Services was hired to staff this event. Carnival (just west of EPD): All day until 2200 Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Street Vendors: 2nd St will be closed between State and Idaho Rodeo: 1800 -midnight Opening ceremony & street dance: 1730-2200 State St between Eagle and 2nd will be closed. There will be 5 beer gardens in the area Carnival: All day until 2200 10K run starts at 0730: BME was hired to handle the rolling road closures. Course is State St from Edgewood to Ballantyne to FF to Eagle to State to Edgewood. Street Vendors: 2nd St will be closed between State and Idaho. Parade 1200-1400: State Street will be closed from Edgewood to Dawn and Traffic Product Services was hired to handle road closures. Nut feed at Merrill Park: 1500-2200 Carnival: all day until 2200 Rodeo: 1800 -midnight 5 beer gardens between Eagle Rd and 2nd St. Rodeo: daytime Camival: all day until 1700 SILO Clean-up and coordination OPERATIONAL SUCCESSES: • Fantastic teamwork by all members. • Use of bicycles, golf cart and mule were good modes of transportation especially during the parade and the areas of the rodeo and street vendors due to high vehicle and pedestrian traffic. • The motor officers provided timely updates on road closures and traffic issues. • Assistance from reserve officers allowed more officer presence to discourage behavior problems. • Adequate staffing at Nut Feed discouraged problems. • MAV security did a good job keeping illegal parking to a minimum during the concert at the new Eagle River Pavilion on Thursday night MAV also kept the crowd of 3200 inside the new venue under control even though a large amount of alcohol was being served. KEY ISSUES AFFECTING INCIDENT MANAGEMENT: • Traffic control from Traffic Product Services was about 5 minutes late establishing road closures causing the parade to begin about 5 minutes late. The beginning of the road closures should start at about 1145 to allow time for the already slow moving traffic to clear the street • Traffic control for the children's "Fun Run" was inadequate (only one motor employee to lead run). • After the Concert on Thursday, MAV security asked us to control traffic at 44/Riverside and Eagle/Rivershore. We did hold the intersections for about 20 minutes and got the 1200 cars clear • Page 3 June 22, 2010 from the venue. We normally do not have enough staffing to guarantee that we can assist in this manner at the remaining 11 concerts this year. • ACHD said they will program the lights to clear out the venue for the future concerts so that we will not have to use our resources. TRAINING NEEDS: N/A EVALUATION OF EQUIPMENT: N/A ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS: One large SILD crew arrived at Eagle Fire around 0900-0930 Sunday morning. Eagle Fire took control of the SILD and monopolized their services preventing the parade route to be cleaned until the aftemoon. In future Fun Days cleanups, SILD should report directly to Eagle Police Incident Command so that it is clear as to procedure for the cleanup. Have a hard closure at Eagle and 44 into town except for the westbound right tum only lane. That seemed to work pretty well to allow cars access to the businesses. ATTACHMENTS (NOTES, MAPS, CHARTS, ETC): N/A 7200 BARRISTER DRIVE BOISE, IDAHO 83704-9217 TEL: 208-577-3000 FAX: 208-577-3009 WEBSITE: WWW.ADASHERIFF.ORG .....ur_w..nwnw0w al t[t rrr� O410 pant 110,1 ssuoi otssd .i 5 a a n1 ssdAJ Asps ° loot anw..u>.u.a.. rvo-.»0WH boron Members ADA CITY - COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DRAFT FY 2011 Membership Dues FY2010 Population Ada County 408,190 Unincorporated 61,350 ACHD Boise City 215,630 Eagle City 21,370 Garden City 12,670 Kuna City 15,900 Meridian City 75,290 Star City 5,980 Total 408,190 Ada Co (-11%) 0.33 $134,703 $20,246 $8,900 $71,158 $7,052 $4,181 $5,247 $24,846 $1,973 $278,306 FY2011 Population 0.33 Difference 380,350 $125,516 ($9,188) 56,130 $18,523 ($1,723) $8,900 $68,676 ($2,482) $6,214 ($838) $4,105 ($76) $4,953 ($294) $21,173 ($3,673) $1,871 ($102) $259,931 ($18,375) -7% 208,110 18,830 12,440 15,010 64,160 5,670 380,350 -27,840 $154,949 $144,038 ($10,911) CC AGREEMENT NO. 74%.........._ EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT THIS JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT is entered into this 6th day of December, 2004 by and between Ada County, a body politic and corporate whose address is 200 W. Front St., Boise, ID 83702 ("Ada County"); Ada County Highway District, a single county -wide highway district created pursuant to Idaho Code Section 40-1401 et seq., whose address is 3775 Adams St., Garden City, ID 83714 ("ACRD"); City of Boise, a municipal corporation whose address is 150 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise, ID 83702 ("Boise"); City of Eagle, a municipal corporation whose address is 310 E. State St., Eagle, ID 83616 ("Eagle"); City of Garden City, a municipal corporation whose address is 6015 Glenwood, Garden City, ID 83714 ("Garden City"); City of Kuna, a municipal corporation whose address is 231 N. Kay Ave., Kuna, ID 83634 ("Kuna"); City of Meridian, a municipal corporation whose address is 33 E. Idaho, Meridian, ID 83642 ("Meridian"); and the City of Star, a municipal corporation whose address is 11525 Highway 44, Star, ID 83669 ("Star"). Ada County, ACHD, Boise, Eagle, Garden City, Kuna, Meridian, and Star may be collectively referred to herein as the "Participants.'" RECITALS: A. The Ada City -County Emergency Management ("ACCEM") program provides emergency and disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery services to the Participants. B. The ACCEM program has been operated by the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho ("COMPASS"), a nonprofit, unincorporated association comprised of cities and other governmental entities in southwest Idaho charged with preparing, overseeing and recommending planning and regulatory matters related to air quality, transportation, land use resources, water, operations and other similar region - wide issues. C. The parties desire to enter into this joint powers agreement to establish the terms and conditions by which Ada County will assume the responsibility for the administration and operation of the ACCEM program for and on behalf of the Participants. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. ACCEM Administration. The ACCEM program shall operate as a separate and independent department under the administration of Ada County and shall be governed by an executive council established pursuant to the terms and conditions of this joint powers agreement. ACCEM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT -1- 3.1 Identifying hazards and risk that may affect residents of Ada County; 3.2 Maintaining an inventory of specialized resources such as supplies, equipment, facilities, and personnel; 3.3 Developing intergovernmental emergency response plans that address roles and responsibilities during emergencies and disasters; 3.4 Ensuring coordination and communication between government agencies, business and industry, and volunteer agencies; and 3.5 Providing public education and information on personal safety, disaster preparedness and hazards in Ada County. These powers shall include, but shall not be limited to, the power to establish an emergency response plan, prepare budgets, authorize expenditures from ACCEM accounts, establish guidelines and make other recommendations related to disasters and emergencies, establish committees, obtain grants and perform all other functions reasonably necessary to respond to, and recover from disasters and emergencies. 4. Funding. Each Participant shall pay annual membership dues in accordance with the terms contained herein to fund the ACCEM program. Membership dues for Ada County and each respective city located within Ada County shall initially be equal to thirty-three cents ($ .33) per resident ("Membership Dues"). Membership Dues shall be due and payable in installments on a quarterly basis. The initial, uniform per resident assessment identified in this section may be adjusted annually by the Council. For purposes of calculating Membership Dues, the number of residents located within Ada County and each respective city shall be determined annually by the Council using the most current population estimates available to the Council. Residents of cities in Ada County shall be counted as residents of Ada County when determining the number of Ada County residents for dues purposes. Membership Dues payable by Ada County Highway District shall be fixed and shall be equal to $10,000.00 per year. The costs and expenses incurred by Ada County to house, employ staff and operate the ACCEM program may be assessed against the ACCEM budget as any other business expense. 5. ACCEM Employees. Ada County shall employ all ACCEM staff members and shall be responsible for the payment of all ACCEM staff wages, payroll taxes, fringe benefits and other costs customarily associated with Ada County employees. All ACCEM employees, including the Director shall be governed by Ada County personnel ordinances. 6. Withdrawal or Termination. Any Participant may withdraw from this joint powers agreement at any time by resolution duly adopted by the Participant and upon written notice to the Council; provided, however, no party shall be entitled to a refund of its Membership Dues which have been paid. In addition, a Participant shall be ACCEM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT -5- obligated to pay its Membership Dues for the upcoming fiscal year unless its notice to withdraw is provided earlier than forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of a new fiscal year. Upon such withdrawal, the withdrawing party shall no longer be entitled to be a member of the Council nor shall it be entitled to receive ACCEM's benefits or services. In addition, the Council, upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of its representatives, may terminate any party to this agreement for failure to pay its Membership Dues within thirty (30) days of written demand for such dues. 7. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed and duly authorized by resolution of each Participant. 8. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and once so executed by all parties thereto, each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument but all such counterparts together shall constitute but one agreement. 9. Recitals and Exhibits. The recitals to this Agreement and any exhibit attached hereto are incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed effective as of the day and year first above written. ADA COUNTY By: -..624.k Chairman CITY OF BOISE By: Mayor ACCEM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT -6- Dated: 01. °Ri o Dated: 4''W "etc.'s' Dated: CITY OF EAGLE By: Dated: "--/- o Dated: ,..3/4110.S CITY OF GARDEN CITY CITY OF KUNA By: i') t L,(cam. Mayor CITY OF STAR By: ••)4X Mayor ACCEM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT -7- Dated: 3 -1 -05 - Dated: -1-QSDated: 1 • Dated: 2/22 (a $ obligated to pay its Membership Dues for the upcoming fiscal year unless its notice to withdraw is provided earlier than forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of a new fiscal year. Upon such withdrawal, the withdrawing party shall no longer be entitled to be a member of the Council nor shall it be entitled to receive ACCEM's benefits or services. In addition, the Council, upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of its representatives, may terminate any party to this agreement for failure to pay its Membership Dues within thirty (30) days of written demand for such dues. 7. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed and duly authorized by resolution of each Participant. 8. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and once so executed by all parties thereto, each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument but all such counterparts together shall constitute but one agreement. 9. Recitals and Exhibits. The recitals to this Agreement and any exhibit attached hereto are incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed effective as of the day and year first above written. ADA COUNTY By: Chairman ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT By: President Dated: Dated: By: Mayor CITY OF EAGLE By: yor, CITY OF GARDEN CITY By: Mayor CITY OF KUNA By: Mayor CITY OF MERIDIAN By: Mayor CITY OF STAR By: Mayor Dated: ,.2 --,,2&2 o5 Dated: Dated: Dated: Dated: Page 7 of 7 K:\Clerks\CONTRACT120051Emergency Mangagement Joint Pwrs.DOC The West Foothills -North Idaho Land Exchange Conserving Open Space, Wildlife Habitat, Quality of Life, and Job Opportunities for the Timber Industry M3 Property Overview • Property Total: 17,038+1- Acres • 6,015 acres in Eagle, Idaho — M3 Eagle Master Planned Community — 7,153 Residential units, 245 acres of mixed use, 40% open space goal — Development Agreement approved December 2007 by City of Eagle • 11,038 acres in Boise County — 9,638 acres (northern property) — 1,400 acres (southern parcels) EMMETT STAR M) EAGLE 6,015 :lc. EAGLE. I$ .IIA ' 41 MERIDIAN I«,fl„4». BOISE CC- BOISE G 6/22/2010 1 The Basic Concept • The BLM gains approximately 12,000 acres of valuable wildlife habitat and open space in the Foothills • M3 Eagle acquires 975 acres in Ada County adjacent to their planned community • The Idaho Forest Group gets between 6-9,000 acres of scattered, "for disposal" BLM lands in N. Idaho Our Premises... • Strong public support for the exchange • Political support for legislation • Significant public values, both in terms of wildlife and recreation for the Foothills and in local economic benefits in N. Idaho • NEPA Environmental Analysis (EA), clearances for archaeological, rare plant and hazardous materials • Public review and opportunity for comments • Positive effects on local government • Value for value exchange, based on independent appraisals • Compliance with Eagle Pre -Annexation and Development Agreement 6/22/2010 2 BLM Exchange Opportunity • M3 would exchange approximately 12,000 acres (red) t for 975 acres of BLM land in Ada r County (yellow hatch)and scattered timber parcels in Northern Idaho of equivalent value that have been identified for disposal. • Three distinct M3 properties would be consolidated for the purpose of this trade. — 800 acres (adjacent to M3 Eagle and part of the proposed Eagl Regional Park) — 9,638 acres (northern block) — 1,400 acres (adjacent to Stack Rock property purchased by Boise City for conservation and recreation) kt iferr I' Gs len C Creating Contiguous Open Space \ — �"1ti�ses'ae Bend The Harris Creek and Stack Rock properties tie together approximately 9,000 acres of BLM land, creating a single block of public land totaling over 23,000 acres. This block also ties together 2,500 acres of FCAC land, 640 acres of state land, and connects to thousands of acres of USFS land. The Eagle property ties together an additional 1,900 acres of BLM land totaling approximately 2,700 acres. 6/22/2010 3 Typical Lands and Habitat Types on Northern, Harris Creek Exchange Property Sagebrush Communities Riparian Areas Exchange Property Adjacent to Stack Rock Forested Lands Photo 'I Locations Photo Locations 6/22/2010 4 Stack Rock "Stack Rock now stands as a crowning success in Boise's ongoing campaign to preserve the Foothills". Idaho Statesman, Jan. 5, 2010 Images From Stack Rock Photos of Stack Rock taken from M3 Eagle Property A person, for scale 6/22/2010 5 Wildlife Benefits — Elk Winter Range and Migration Corridor 64.15: tripe. S 3 w r Tor 1 .` j,� fir 4;4r. ark Photos part of the NW 40, Ada County Big Game Survey conducted on -7.1 exchange area east of SH -55 Wildlife Benefits — Mule Deer Photos part of the NW Ada County Big Game Survey conducted on exchange area west of SH -55 6/22/2010 6 Open Space and Trail Connections • As growth in the Treasure Valley continues to move west additional pressure is being put on Boise and Eagle's foothills • Open spaces of the foothills to the north have become increasingly valuable, not only as key remaining big game winter range and for a variety of recreational pursuits, but for development as well Open space and trails contribute directly to quality of life and economic vitality. The Economist Magazine, May 13th on Boise, ID —Asked why he moved to Boise, Mr Gombert raves about the quality of life The sun shines for 300 days a year. Crime is as rare as the colossal steaks. And the great outdoors is only a few blocks away. Mr Gombert loves to fish, hike and ski...there is a lot of space in Boise. A 25 -mile green belt runs through the city. The nearby foothills are latticed with biking trails" 0.b. Y Y roomr. Ow. Sp.,.. 0.0.. The Foothills Conservation Advisory Committee M3 Exchange Prop • The FCAC was established in 2001 following a property tax levy approved by the citizens of Boise City. The Boise Foothills Conservation Advisory Committee has acquired "10k acres (blue hatch) for $10m raised by a voter approved mill levy. This exchange will net over llk acres (red hatch) preserved in the foothills at no cost to taxpayers In January 2010 the FCAC completed a purchase of Stack Rock and the surrounding 1,300 acres banging the total preserved land adjacent to the exchange property to over 2,500 acres (blue hatch) 6/22/2010 7 Regional Trail and Open Space Connections M3 Exchange 1 -i Property. r11 • Trails could be extended to: — Stack Rock (purchased by Boise City conservation fund 1/2010) — Ridge to Rivers Trail System (brown) — Harris Creek — Forest Service & Shafer Butte — Velodrome Cycling Park — Trails associated with neighborhoods and planned communities in the area • The exchange property would create a public �— 1777721 - connection between the Ridge to Rivers Trails and a large trail network near SH -55. Eagle Comprehensive Plan — Open Space 0 Section 9.7.2 — Trail Goals — Create an environmentally sensitive, perpetually dedicated public trail system designed for non -motorized uses such as hiking, bicycling and horse -back riding — Connect trails regionally (beyond the impact area, similar to the Boise Ridge to River Trail system) providing access to neighborhoods, public lands and open spaces Core Trail System: The foundation to the system is referred to as the Core Trail System. The vision for this "core" system of trails would: — Provide connections from the planning area to other trail systems and regional attractions (Stack Rock, Dry Creek, Prospect Peak and Montour Wildlife Management Area, etc) — Establish the start of the north/south and east/west linkage 6/22/2010 8 Eagle Comprehensive Plan — Open Space • Section 9.7 — Foothills Trails and Open Space — "Open Space enhances our quality of life, allowing us to escape from the hectic pace of urban living and provides balance in our lives. For that reason it is critical to preserve opportunities for current and future generations to experience and connect with habitat, natural open spaces, recreation opportunities, parks, trails and open spaces of all types," — "The Foothills planning area consists of a mix of public and private land. The vision for the open space within the foothills is to retain significant open space areas and provide connectivity to ensure that existing habitat continues to function and prospers within the foothills as development occurs." — "It is hoped that private lands that have high public or natural resource values could be added to the open space system by landowners/developers using a variety of tools and techniques as part of the development process or through voluntary exchange, acquisition or donation." Big Gulch Regional Park M3 EAGLE RIG GUI CI 1 RFGIONAI PARK CONCrr7 iia+"'.-'•..� f.'•' 1'' � 414 Yaitt • Extends from SH - 16 to Willow Creek Road Connection to Eagle Regional Park along Willow Creek Road Over 5 miles long • +/- 135 acres 6/22/2010 9 Conceptual Eagle Regional Park Master Plan • The City of Eagle has filed this conceptual park master plan as part of their Recreation and Public Purposes Act (RPPA) application with the BLM to acquire 1,915 acres of BLM land • The 800+ acres included in this exchange would bring the total acreage to 2,715. BLM SH -16 land to be Acquired 6/22/2010 10 M3 — BLM Foothills Cleanup BLM land adjacent to Highway 16 has a history of illegal dumping M3 sponsored a foothills cleanup project where over 50 volunteers spent the afternoon removing trash from the BLM land along Highway 16 BLM's Management Direction For the N. Idaho Lands (from RMP) "Allow the adjustment of such lands when it is determined that they meet at least one of the following criteria: — Generally fragmented and/or isolated — Difficult and uneconomic to manage — Relatively inaccessible to the public — Does not contain high resource values" "Those lands that do not meet these criteria will be available for adjustment"...(i.e. sale or exchange) — High-value timberlands and growing sites — Special Recreation Management Areas (SRMAs) — Riparian and wetland habitat — Public or administrative access - Traditional Cultural Uses and/or significant archaeological and historic sites - Consolidation for management efficiency — Hazardous material sites — Municipal watersheds Special designation areas" 6/22/2010 11 From a North Idaho Perspective r n' Cr:I Y.,iF / / ti 13 f • < The BLM land in north Idaho is in most cases isolated and planned to be managed for timber production. f r, r . c:. North Idaho Exchange Lands • Approximately 75 parcels across northern Idaho have been identified as candidates for exchange. • The exchange parcels are small and isolated with no known resource values such as sensitive species or cultural resources making them excellent candidates for exchange. • Nearly all of these parcels have been identified by the BLM as available for disposal in Resource Management Plans adopted in 2006 and 2010. • The average parcel size is approximately 160 acres. 6/22/2010 12 North Idaho Land Example — Land Identified for Disposal south of Cocolalla North Idaho Land Example — Land Identified for Disposal near the Pack River 6/22/2010 13 How Are Counties Affected? County 2009 PILT VAcl Estimated Average Tax Difference Benewah $0.97 Boise $0.33 Bonner $0.64 Boundary $0.44 Kootenai $1.68 Shoshone $0.31 Idaho $0.32 'U.S. Dept. of Interior $2.00/ Ac $0.32/Ac $2.00/ Ac $2.00/ Ac $2.00/ Ac $2.00/ Ac $2.00/ Ac +$1.03/Ac +$0.01/Ac +$1.36/Ac +$1.56/Ac +$0.32/Ac +$1.69/Ac +$1.68/Ac • Of the counties affected, Boise County will be the only county gaining additional public land. • In Boise County, the average estimated tax is approximately equal to the 2009 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payment from the federal government, meaning there would be little change in the tax receipts. • Six north Idaho counties would gain additional public land resulting in a net increase in tax receipts ranging from $.32/Ac to $1.69/Ac. BLM Land Exchange Benefits — South Idaho • Creation of a single 20,000 acre block of BLM land that is contiguous to an additional 3,000 acres public land for a total of 23,000 acres. This land is also contiguous to thousands of acres in the Boise National Forest and would provide significant habitat for wintering mule deer and elk • Provide contiguity and connectivity for a Targe regional open space plan in the foothills. A new recreation trail corridor extending from Highway 55 to Stack Rock and to the Idaho Velopark would be possible as a result of the exchange. Exchange lands would also connect these trails to Bogus Basin area trails and the Ridge to Rivers System. • Allow the combination of BLM and M3 lands into the Eagle Regional Park corridor, allowing Eagle to develop a 7 mile wide foothills recreation and open space area immediately adjacent to the valley floor • 975 acres of BLM land on Highway 16 will provide a major employment center near a state highway in conjunction with M3's 6,000 acre master planned community 6/22/2010 14 BLM Land Exchange Benefits — North Idaho • N. Idaho timberlands purchased by the Idaho Forest Group will produce several million board feet of timber per year on a sustained basis. This timber will support local timber industry jobs • New tax revenues to the counties • Public access or recreational opportunities will be permanently maintained by the use of deed restriction or other means Public Outreach Summary • Private interest groups met with to date: — Idaho Conservation League — The Wilderness Society — Public Lands Council — Land Trust Treasure Valley — SWIMBA — Idaho Velodrome and Cycling Park — Eagle Foothills Riders Association — Southwest Idaho Trail and Distance Riders — North Ada County Foothills Association — Idaho Wildlife Foundation — The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation — The Nature Conservancy — Bonner County Economic Development Council 29 • Public agencies and groups met with to date: — Boise Foothills Conservation Advisory Committee and Boise Parks and Recreation — City of Eagle — City of Sandpoint — Ada County Recreation & Event Services and The Ada County Parks , Open Space, and Trails Advisory Committee — Ada County Soil and Water Conservation District — Boise County Commission — Idaho State Parks and Recreation — Idaho Fish and Game — Bureau of Land Management — North Idaho legislators (Districts 1-5, 8) — Senators Jim Risch and Mike Crapo and Representatives Walt Minnick and Mike Simpson 3G 6/22/2010 15 Public Relations • Letters of Support From: — The Foothills Conservation Advisory Committee — Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation — The Southwest Idaho Mountain Biking Association — The Eagle Foothills Riders Association — The Long Distance Trail Riders Association — Individual Legislators — Public Lands Council — Bonner County Economic Development Council 31 The Foothills Conservation Advisory Committee Foothills Conservation Advisory Committee ( 313.7300 (mg) 3364912 (Fax) rxr U.S.Mail Senator M[de Crapes 251 E. Frust Street Bone, 1033702 420 West Bannock Suers P.O. Saes 86143701 Mac, Idaho 13702 April 21.2u1i) [seat SefliWt C.etpc am Chsimun of rhe FontfirAs CVOW narinl MVP The /CAC aprarboded • toccooful kp.La.e bnd cad 2006, tehich tnolved Sutras of Lind Mlanag mean. t n Depertmair ua Isndr praetors, In o j1rt Idaho counties. l stere preached in the Bmae !moths& and North tdahn tanker lend.1n ewcne , what Mi Companies a ptuptaung "the FCAC believes that the proposed exchange is a "win-win" for the citizens of Idaho. We further believe that the most efficient way to accomplish this exchange is through federal legislation" manatee !ELAC1 m the Maio F rmceu Act Gram Surest Semite and hbho he aid.6000 acres of pubbc lend mica wdmrtted productive public amain at tae 2i06 1 write m ma en ask (nr .our support of the eachsnge sa the 1.1_44: behnv that the prtup°scd exchange n a 'sam-ain for dm cinema of Who. %cc further bebr.e that the moo efficient was to aecrmtphah the a tehengc it through k local kpalanon and reek ram aairtince to den end Please feel free to contact mc sr the address nr rekphr.0 number bated d pm lot c rot "scrams, mmtncnn ix concean Vert -1 m1) Your.. • Cl a F MkDe.ut 32 6/22/2010 16 Eagle Foothills Riders Association Senator Idle Crape 2SIIL Front Stmt Sults 206 lobe. CD $3702 Dear Senator Crepe: 27aceUatede. a:taDoah Van LegeMae tante (202r36•91a Ap'+22. 2010 "The M3 Companies proposed land exchange appears to us to be a benefit to equestrians in southern Idaho. The exchange will provide additional public land for trails that might not exist on private land. Because of this we support the proposed exchange and hope that it will be implemented:" 1 am the secretary tor a foothill Mess organtiatlon w an tpwsMan group. The M3 Corn nem proposes sand exchange appnra to m to boa benefit to equestrian to southern Idaho. The exchenge WOl provide additional public lend for trans that might not exist on private lend. Ileum* of this we support the proposed exchange and hope that it will be bnplemented. We eek your support h beWt.Wig the lead suheoge proposed by MS Companies by working w*h the gust end by euppernetg k upshot o that will expedite the exchange. Sincerely. Etna A'aeriterw Linda Hamilton 33 Southwest Idaho Trail & Distance Riders wfoer/k rr. Seen a,.e. ..ere Sew, hark d.. r&.-P.v Salo Teen rhour e Man Gems; Savours ge epD Mit April 23. 2010 Senator Attke Crape 231 Ent Frost Street. Ste 203 Boise. ID $3-02 Dar Streator Crspo. "we support M3 Company's proposed exchange of land in north Idaho for land in the Eagle area to make land contiguous for trail use and access." The Southwest Idaho Tails & Distance Rolm Inc_ _ ` *DR) G a group of apprwcrosnty 100 bosun= and bonewomen from soar ant and eastern Octgoo who enjoy the span of distance riding The Club was crcayos:led '• 979, Although Club competitions are bald within a I30 -mss radius of Staidisa. ID. ., members compete throughout the attire northwest and wceld.wtde. Afore than ds of our member train and condition their horses for these 21. 30.71. and 100 -mile •• •.. a rides in the foothills oath of Eagle. Idaho. We hate been awxe and convent • r some time of the proposed land development in this and its possible impact co our .. • wage. We hate attempted to stay imotred :, .; public meetings with the City of Ea . the Bureau of Land Asnagement. aod'or .. • • . With the annexation of and •• •. • f tat had for the creation of the •,,,, . -• Eagle ReponaI Pak and the promise from developers to maintain its to , trailbeads. sty we hopeful equestrian will to enjoy the recreation ••... pto*ide for many generations so come m the effort we support Ata Company's proposed =haw of hind to north Idaho for sad m the Eagle use to mels land couttgtww for hail use end eccess. We would appreciate dot you would do whatever you canto support hgishtioa and wort with DUI to emote the exdu¢gs We love riding in these foothills end are most auxiow to do whatever we can to enure continued access to these toils. U. can help in the planning process to Huai *question needs we tact H this hod is developed. we would he deltgbted to do so 34 6/22/2010 17 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation R EF` Den Coup e.06410 TI. Ra1.1 ‘1.044* 1n F+4o1.60on u ewm4meJ .04061404040 Purw yrwl l•y ra p94.r*4 ab.dm.o4e bob. .04 a.w ...gm., of om.a*vl rnacr4 S. poyk. 4u0.s1 41410k wo..A ou4*46944444400.00.4 rang 864764 al.alon Dye 1wp p444 4u.crh• 44.14*0' 444.4 of A:nel... Se M Suie..l tn.& T.SRrycLmc "The Foundation is familiar with the M3 land exchange being proposed in the west foothills of the Boise valley and north Idaho and believes that it will provide important habitat for big game, open space, and recreation opportunities. We believe this land exchange will help to stimulate jobs and the economy, ensure public access, hunting, and recreational opportunities, and preserve crucial wildlife habitat for deer, elk, and a host of other wildlife." 16. 11 r4o440044 .14 4ma al teouty a. m M ma 41 to mn0 4•7e0140J40y4we popt4.401 mAmnia 4.414m:m 0 gerlas add& b0044..•000 4.84,004.84,0041,*n. 101.0. 414 me 4r 44 u.. . .a 0444 0414 o raJ to, ..ded o'he 4y Is h.aabk 4e 044.494.. 41..11.0.. 64 1044401w .060O...44 4µ.o113044 4.44.40 4,444o 44x4. Os: t.4n r 'wa1N44m4 is 4444.• 4. 4144440.24" U.n'.n. L ..k aed 4444,440444 cotta. to •. .e k... 441awbC ,0 1.4014 1.34.M*.ai041404 m4 4..• 14Y'kpµO1W p.1 !rkm: 9v04arm.14 4 ,* .mr pe. 0e *400w F:.,. Ma. flO .W Jnelopmn.r 0am4J 06n4rrr4,M... 4. At Oe v.mt 4ar.4.m4h •0404141e:apx44 m09k004 n 44. .4 raa4e a co6..Ja4104 4ir 404 1: 01 814 Ther 0.1 00 !.0640 a.4 . n l 14:4/..74M10. pr..lmrlln 011<+orf .0006: 411E Bone 0 alloy 11 44010143 *Wbe4n n dui 'AO p,4'..k666^rm3: Wbu.u:4I4:F F3In oy03 e4aco rJ 0..014 ny044114.44 K'etvli4114 4M 1.4 4444 41.041 help ro 41m4 440 401 0..4140.4 dmrre 1444 wm. N.**0p 401 remwlonol 4444444. W Prwo.• 411.41 441401444/ for 41 owl ab,•41404 4110fe K'r .4 fa 400r 4. 4444ro 4.004lele 414 plg4 0417• (0 09 C00 *444 4 K'0 me olaaa104 to 49. W4 440 8.. DUI. Idaho D.p..em.wnl F410 046404., and a4a 104.4 to .0.060!4. 044 44144[/04444 NJ way Oat b.ae84 pooylo a 141114 uN N. 40.1 04. 0446/ L.& hop.* 1.0944.4 Rad. 444444* 2 1 (440044,4 I'll.• oK00609 ,V 4.4 r.aL .. 30449 1:40 I:5n-•.4 40.n1en3el..n Proposed Exchange Process • The proposed exchange methodology is by federal legislation, and is requested to be part of the next omnibus lands bill or any other lands bill. • M3 and IFG are supplying the funding and consultants for necessary environmental surveys, appraisals, and the NEPA Environmental Assessment. M3 would also be the contact for the BLM during the exchange process. • The legislative exchange process and projected timing: - Step 1: Feasibility Analysis, Feasibility Summary, Issue Paper, Workload and Cost Estimate, Agreement to Initiate, Notice of Exchange Proposal. These documents were completed and submitted for BLM review February 2010, anticipated completion - Summer 2010. - Step 2: Resource Analysis and NEPA Environmental Assessment funded by M3 and Idaho Forest Group. Started April 2010, anticipated completion - Fall 2010. - Step 3: Land Exchange Valuation Analysis, Appraisal, and Equalization. Started April 2010, anticipated completion - Fall 2010. - Step 4: Federal Legislation. Preparation Summer 2010, completion TBD. (Steps 1-3 would be followed regardless of legislation timing) 6/22/2010 18 M3 Eagle Development Agreement Section 2.6 (d): BLM Exchange In an attempt to consolidate lands and prevent fragmentation of Open Space, Developer has filed a request with BLM to exchange approximately 800 acres of Developer's lands for 815 acres of BLM Lands. The exchange would be subject to BLM designating the M3 Eagle 800 acres as Open Space. The parties acknowledge the appraised value of the Developer -owned 800 acres may be less than the appraised value of the BLM-owned 815 acres. In the event the BLM-owned 815 acres is appraised at a higher value than the Developer -owned 800 acres, Developer shall include additional, contiguous acres of Developer -owned land with such 800 acres to bring the appraised value of the Developer -owned lands to roughly the appraised value of the BLM- owned 815 acres. In the event that the exchange is completed, the 815 acres presently owned by BLM would become Additional Property as defined herein and become a part of the Highway Mixed-Use/Business Park Planning Area upon receiving the appropriate approvals from City. In the event that the exchange does occur Developer shall not receive any Bonus Density for such 800 acre parcel. In the event that the BLM exchange is not completed within 10 years from the date of this Agreement, Developer will donate the 800 acres to City for use as a regional park. The M3 Eagle 800 acres will be available for public use during the pending exchange as if it were a part of the Eagle Regional Park. City agrees that it will reasonable cooperate as necessary to accommodate this transaction. 3% Acreage Estimate • In 2006 an appraisal of the M3 -owned 800 acres and the BLM-owned 815 acres was conducted. We can use these numbers to estimate the equivalently valued acreage. • The new independent BLM appraisal will re -calculate values based on today's values. • M3 value per acre: $10,885 • BLM value per acre: $12,500 • Total BLM value: (815 acres x $12,500 per acre) = $10,187,500 • Number of acres necessary to equalize value: ($10,187,500 / $10,885 per acre) = 936 acres 33 6/22/2010 19 "Additional Contiguous Acres" IRI M I.1J MJ Lac tune IuJ IMO A.m.) IN M ra.h•nyc 1..1(3 11 A.N) WWMlaml M3 u-ba.yc Land In mlcrcf ar gum. anew k docrmined by 111 M ap(rtawl I M3 EAGLE LAND EXCHANGE - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CONCEPT MAP • The two BLM parcels (Brown) total 1,915 acres. With M3's additional acres the BLM parcels become contiguous and total 2,715 acres. • Additional acreage would be added south of little gulch to equalize values per DA Section 2.6 (d). • The acreage necessary to make values equal will not be known until an independent, BLM approved appraisal is conducted. 6/22/2010 1 Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Sr. Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer To: Mayor Huffaker & City Council CC: From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: June 22, 2010 Re: Agenda item 5 B I received a call from Melissa Brodt w/ the Eagle Arts Commission today at 4:15 p.m. She indicated that the At the River Festival will need to amend the dates requested for their open container permit, as well as modify the site plan that was submitted to City of Eagle Police. I understand that they will be including Thursday, June 24th as one of the permitted days for the At the River Festival and expanding the area of the open container permit to include The Blue Door Cafe. At the start time of the Council meeting I have not received their amended application, but as the event is scheduled for later this week — I felt compelled to bring this forward in an attempt to address their request. If you choose to approve an amended applicatio, please make it contingent upon the submittal of City of Eagle Police review and approval of revised plan, and submittal of a copy of a certificate of liability insurance naming the City of Eagle as an additional insured. Life is good! Sharon Bergmann From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Ennis Dale [edale@grossmancompany.com] Monday, June 21, 2010 1:40 PM eaglecity Charles Carlise; Matt Brookshier; John Malletta Land of Rock -- Eagle River Pavilion image003.jpg To Members of the City Council Eagle River understands that you as elected representative of the resident of the City of Eagle voted unanimously to recommend to the Ada County Board of Commissioners that they issue a temporary permit for an additional 11 concerts for the Eagle River Pavilion as proposed by Land of Rock. As you know, the Ada County Commissioners approved the additional concerts with stern warnings to the applicant to conform to the conditions of approval and two requests of the City of Eagle -- the first, that the City of Eagle complete the annexation of the Pavilion property, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and second that the City Council hold monthly meetings to hear the concerns of residents with respect to the concerts. One of the conditions of the Board of Commissioners approval of 11 additional concerts was that the concerts not start until 7:00 P.M. Well the first thing that Land of Rock did upon receiving this approval was to reschedule the Slightly Stoopid concert for this Wednesday the 23rd at the Eagle River Pavilions to start at 6:00 with gates opening at 5:00, directly contrary to the Commissioners conditions of approval. For the record, I have attached a portion of the Slightly Stoopid web site -- is this the type of programming that you as members of the City Council want to encourage? --7tTh r 041) ehiRrt _ ,. [ Por,, i v:.^. ro ^ f CAUZIN VAPORS ... LEGALIZE IT 2410: SLIGHTLY STOOPID CYPRESS MILL - 1111 4. II A. Ennis Dale Senior Vice President/ General Counsel Eagle River LLC 485 East Riverside Drive 1 Eagle, Idaho 83616 aedalePeagleriverdev.com edale@grossmancomnanv.com 2 Sharon Bergmann From: Norm Semanko Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:56 PM To: Mike Huffaker2; Al Shoushtarian; John Grasser Cc: Bill Vaughan Subject: Eagle River Pavilion Summer Concert Series Fellow Eagle City Council members, 70 The Ada County Commission approved the appeal, thereby allowing the full concert series (up to 12 concerts) to proceed this summer as a temporary use. There were a few folks from Island Woods in opposition; many, many more folks from Eagle testified in support. As a condition of approval, the Commission required the applicant to work with the City of Eagle to allow for public input regarding the concert series as it moves forward. Specifically, they requested that a monthly meeting be held with the City of Eagle to allow Eagle residents to provide input regarding the concerts and suggestions for improvements. I told them that, while I couldn't speak for the other Council members, we have a (recent) tradition of soliciting and valuing public input. I don't see why this would be any different. They also made a point of the fact that, if in our opinion, we believe the conditions of the temporary use permit are violated, we could request that the permission be terminated by Ada County. Given these conditions, I request that we place "Eagle River Pavilion Summer Concert Series" as an agenda item under Old Business for our June 22 meeting so that we can discuss how to address this, particularly the monthly meetings. One option would be to have this agenda item on a regular Council agenda, either on the 2nd or 4th Tuesday each month through the end of the summer concert series, with an opportunity for public comment, with the applicant participating, as well. There were also some other conditions added, suggested by Eagle River, including closing off some of the parking on neighboring properties and requiring "no parking" signs to be posted with stakes in the grass along the street, rather than being stapled to the trees. All of the conditions were agreeable to the applicant. The Commission also expressed a desire to see the property annexed into Eagle. As I mentioned last night at our City Council meeting, I agree. I think that is something that we need to have earnest discussions with the applicant about. Perhaps our staff could also bring us up to speed on the history of the property and what is needed to provide for voluntary annexation. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for the opportunity to testify on behalf of the City tonight. I think the Summer Concert Series will continue to be a great boost for our community. Norm Semanko Eagle City Council Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T 1 2.6 Officers. A Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Council. In the absence of a Chairperson a Vice Chairperson shall preside. In the absence of a Vice Chairperson, the Council shall select a temporary Chairperson for the meeting. The Emergency Management Director shall provide for a recording secretary at all meetings of the Council. The Council shall have the power to select its Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and other officers from time to time in accordance with the governing rules and procedures established by the Council. 2.7 Order of Business. At all meetings of the Council the following order of business shall be observed, so far as is consistent and convenient with the purposes of the meeting: Calling the roll to determine those representatives present; Approval of minutes of previous meeting; Reports of officers; Reports of committees; Unfinished business; New business; Election of officers, when appropriate; and Miscellaneous business. 2.8 Voting. Each regular representative on the Council in attendance at a duly called Council meeting shall be entitled to one vote. Unless otherwise specifically indicated by this joint powers agreement, all matters before the Council shall be disposed of by a simple majority vote of all representatives of the Council present at such meeting, provided that a quorum has been established. 2.9 Robert's Rules of Order. The Council shall utilize the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, in the conduct of all meetings, except as herein provided. 2.10 Officers. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Council shall be chosen by a majority vote of the Council's representatives and such officers shall retain their voting privileges while holding office. The election of officers shall be held on the first meeting of the calendar year, and the officers then elected shall hold office until the next regular election of officers. 2.11 Emergency Management Director. An Emergency Management ACCEM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT -3- Director (the "Director") shall be employed by Ada County: provided, however, that the Ada County Board Of County Commissioners shall consult with the Council regarding all employment decisions, including, but not limited to, hiring, termination, compensation, and discipline. Should the Director resign or be terminated, the Ada County Board Of County Commissioners shall appoint an interim Director to discharge all the duties and exercise all the powers of the Director until the selection of a permanent Director is made in consultation with the Council. 2.11 Removal of, Chairperson, or Vice Chairperson. The affirmative vote of a majority of the Council representatives shall be required to remove the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. A removed officer who is a member of the Council shall continue on the Council and retain full voting privileges thereon. 2.12 Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer of the Council. The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Council, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Council are carried into effect, subject, however, to the right of the Council to delegate any specific powers or authority. 2.13 Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chairperson in case of the Chairperson's illness, disability or temporary absence and shall perform such other duties as are granted or imposed by the Council. 2.14 Delegation of Powers to Other Officers. The Council may delegate any of the powers and duties appropriate to the functioning of the Council to any other officer, employee, or agent of the Council. 2.15 Books and Records. Ada County shall maintain separate books and records for ACCEM which shall be available for inspection and review by the Council at any time during business hours. 2.16 Fiscal Year. The fiscal or business year of the Council shall begin on the first day of October and end on the last day of September. 2.17 Budget. By April 1 of each year, the Director shall present a preliminary budget to the Council for consideration and for subsequent incorporation into each Participant's budgeting process. A final budget will be presented annually to the Council for approval no later than the regular August meeting. 3. Powers. The Council shall have the power and authority to perform all actions for which it has budget resources which are reasonably necessary to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations existing pursuant to Idaho Code Section 46-1009, including without limitation, the responsibility to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and emergencies by: ACCEM JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT -4- City of Eagle Date Check No Payee 06/21/2010 06/21/2010 06/21/2010 06/21/2010 Total 1865 1862 A Busy Bee Lock & Key 1863 Ada County Sheriffs Dept. 1864 Allied General Fire & Security 1865 Allied Waste Services #884 06/21/2010 1866 Alloway Electric 06/21/2010 1867 Analytical Laboratories, Inc Total 1867 06/21/2010 1868 Assoc Of ID Public Works 06/21/2010 1869 Baldwin & Associates, Inc. Total 1869 06/21/2010 1870 06/21/2010 1871 06/21/2010 1872 06/21/2010 1873 06/21/2010 1874 06/21/2010 1875 06/21/2010 1876 Total 1876 Billing Document Specialists Boise Office Equipment Brent Vaartstra Cesco Clearwire Accounts Rec Information Only Check De Lage Landen Financial Svc 06/21/2010 1877 DigLine 06/21/2010 1878 Don Aslett's Cleaning Center M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Check Register - Transparency Version Check Issue Date(s)06/09/2010 - 06/21/2010 Seq GL Acct No GL Acct Title 1 15-0443-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 1 01-0416-09-00 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 1 01-0413-34-00 MONITORING ALARM SYSTEMS 1 01-0413-16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 1 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 2 15-0449-06-00 UTILITIES 1 06-0461-52-00 LIBRARY/UTILITIES 1 15-0454.06-00 UTILITIES 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & RE PAIR 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 60-0435-56-00 TESTING -WKLY, MO, QTR, ANNUAL 1 60-0434-23-00 1 01-0413-05-00 1 01-0413-05-00 1 14-0413-05-00 1 01-0413-05-00 1 14-0413-05-00 1 60-0434-47-00 1 13-0413-23-00 1 09-0463-02-00 1 01-0422-06-00 1 60.0434-19.00 01-0202-00-00 1 01-0416-24-00 2 12-0416-24-00 3 11-0416-24-00 4 13-0416-24-00 5 14-0416-24-00 6 15-0416-24-00 1 01-0416-24-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01.0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01-0413-25-00 1 01.0413-25-0Q DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES BILLING SERVICES MTNC-REPAIR/OFFICE EQUIP/FURN EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET HEALING FIELD FLAG DISPLAY TELEPHONE & COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING EQUIPMENT LEASING MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS i C c 60-0434.44.00 CONTRACT SERVICES INSPECTIONS 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS 15-0437.26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS Page 1 Jun 21, 2010 11 57a Seq Amount Check Amours 197 85 144,429 60 100.50 148 07 176 59 176.59 139 04 83.76 724 05 54 50 60.00 1500 7500 20.00 8 95 43 58 1 50 7 27 39 90 101 20 814.81 28.39 150 00 282 66 44.99 107.23 115 48 115 46 115 48 173.22 57 74 1,067.25 75.72 20.31 20.31 19 50 19 50 13.07 13 07 13 07 13 07 13 07 19 32 16.39 2.008 28 58.40 142.60 256 13 197.85 144,429 60 100.50 724A: 54 50 75 0C 20.00 101 2C 814 81 28.35 150 0C 282 66 44 9S 2,008 22 58 4C City of Eagle Date Check No Total 1878 Payee 06/21/2010 1879 Drugfree Idaho 06/21/2010 1880 Eagle Blue _ Total 1880 06/21/201D 06/21/2010 1882 Eagle Water Co 0 tib- oN/3-o( 1881 Information Onty Check Total 1882 06/21/2010 1883 Evan's Building Center Total 1883 06/21/2010 06/21/2010 06/21/2010 08/21/2010 Total 1887 1884 GE Capital 1885 High Performance Clean Inc 1886 Holladay Engineering Co 1887 Home Depot Credit Services 06/21/2010 1888 Information Only Check 06/21/2010 1889 Idaho Power Co -Processing Ctr M = Manual Check, V = Void Check Check Register - Transparency Version Page 2 Jun 21, 2010 11.57am Check Issue Date(s) 06/09/2010 - 06/21/2010 Seq GL Acct No 1 15-0437-26-00 PAPER PRODUCTS GL Acct Title 1 06-0217-07.00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 1 01-0413.16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 1 01-0413.16-00 UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL 01.0202-00-00 1 15-0455-06-00 1 01-0413-16-00 1 15-0455.06-00 1 15.0455-06-00 1 15-0455.06-00 1 15.0447.06-00 1 15-0449-06-00 1 15.0449.06-00 1 15-0450.06-00 1 07-0462-52-00 1 15-0446-06-00 1 15-0455-06-00 1 15-0452-06-00 1 15-0452-06-00 1 15.0454-06-00 1 15-0448-08-00 1 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES HISTORICAL COMM/UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES 1 15-0450-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 2 15-0454-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR GROUNDS 3 15-0449-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 1 13-0416-24.00 1 15-0444-03-00 1 01-0416-07-00 1 15-0454-05-00 2 15-0444-01-00 3 15-0449-05-00 4 15-0452-05-00 01-0202-00-00 1 15-0441-06-00 2 15-0454-06-00 3 15-0449-06-00 4 15-0448-06-00 5 15-0450-06-00 6 15-0453-06-00 7 07-0462-52-00 8 01-0413-16-00 1 15-0441-06-00 OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASING CUSTODIAL SERVICES CITY ENGINEERING MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES MAINTENANCE & REPAIR MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES UTILITIES HISTORICAL COMM/UTILITIES UTILITIES/NEW CITY HALL STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES Seq Amount Check Amoun 673.20 1,072 13 1,072.13 29.92 29 92 12.51 11.00 23.51 23 51 10 07 81 66 75 13 51 81 23.69 30.97 443.24 66.89 19 49 8 25 73 02 13 36 53 80 5473 412.31 32.52 25.03 1,475 97 35.79 2 73 13 74 52 26 236 00 760 00 110.00 10.27 44.28 113.88 35.92 204.35 1.504.55 38 90 4.31 18 30 70.47 5 33 75 40 534 78 1716 1,475 97 52.26 236.0C 760.0C 110.0C 204.35 City of Eagle Date Check No Check Register - Transparency Version Page' 3 Jun 21, 2010 11:57am Check Issue Date(s) 06/09/2010 - 06/21/2010 Payee Seq GL Acct No GL Acct Title Seq Amount Check Amoun 1 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 31 97 1 60-0434-60-00 POWER 652 50 1 60-0434-60-00 POWER 199 06 1 60-0434-60-00 POWER 7.16 1 15-0454-06-00 UTILITIES 13.95 1 15.0449-06-00 UTILITIES 46 38 1 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES 28.69 1 60-0434-60-00 POWER 212 29 1 15-0452-06-00 UTILITIES 133.03 1 15.0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS•UTILITIES 10 58 1 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 4 32 1 15-0441.06.00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 190 55 1 15-0441-06-00 STREET LIGHTS -UTILITIES 20 64 1 60-0434-60-00 POWER 1,116 25 4,936 57 Total 1889 4,938 57 06/21/2010 1890 International Code Council Inc 1 13-0413-14-00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 100 00 100 OC 06/21/2010 1891 James Kelly 1 09.0463-02-00 EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET 175.00 175 OC 06/21/2010 1892 K&T Maintenance 1 15-0442-03.00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 60000 1 15-0443-03-00 CUSTORIAL SERVICES 473.16 1 15-0445-03-00 CUSTODIAL SERVICES 40.00 1,113.16 Total 1892 1,113 16 06/21/2010 1893 Kadie Johnson 1 06-0461-30-01 CHILDRENS PROGRAMING 75 00 75.00 06/21/2010 1894 Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke 1 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 3,910.48 1 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 809.14 1 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 662 78 1 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 38.00 1 01-0416-02-00 CITY ATTORNEY 2,002 00 1 14-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPERS 1,435 14 1 14-0413-33-00 ATTORNEY FEE -CHARGE DEVELOPERS 232 15 9,089 66 Total 1894 9,089 69 06/21/2010 1895 PastPerfect Software 1 07-0462-10-00 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 306 00 308 00 06/21/2010 1896 Pitney Bowes 1 01-0416-24-00 EQUIPMENT LEASING 507 00 507 00 08/21/2010 1897 Plumbing Parts & Supply 1 15-0454-05-00 MTNC & RPR -EQUIP & STRUCTURES 83 48 83.48 06/21/2010 1898 Prosecuting Attorney 1 01-0416-05-00 ADA COUNTY PROSECUTOR 3,071.17 3,071.17 06/21/2010 1899 Republic Storage 1 01-0413-38-00 STORAGE SHED RENTAL 94.00 94 OC 06/21/2010 1900 Riverside Inc 60-0434-58-00 WATER REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 223 40 223.40 08/21/2010 1901 Shred -it 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 57 00 57 00 n 06/21/2010 1902 Smith. Toni `4 �71 15-0455-06-00 UTILITIES .g 14.39 14.36 06/21/2010 1903 Treasure Valley Coffee 1 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 40.00 4000 06/21/2010 1904 TVR Heating/Cooling 1 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 204.00 1 15-0444-01-00 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 272.00 476.0C Total 1904 06/21/2010 1905 West Properties, LLC 06/21/2010 1906 Willamette Dental Insurance M = Manual Check. V = Void Check 476 00 1 01-0413-05-00 OFFICE EXPENSES 16 20 16 20 1 60-0217-07-00 WATER DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 85.74 2 14-0217-07-00 P&Z DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 244.68 3 06-0217-07-00 LIBRARY HEALTH INSURANCE 115.73 4 12-0217-07-00 CLERK DEPT HEALTH INSURANCE 38.49 5 15-0217-07-00 PUBLIC WORKS HEALTH INSURANCE 68 74 553 36 City of Eagle Check Register - Transparency Version Page: 4 Jun 21, 2010 11:57am Check Issue Date(s): 06/09/2010 - 08/21/2010 Date Check No Payee Seq GL Acct No GL Acct Title Seq Amount Check Amoun Total 1906 553.38 Totals: 173,985.81 173,985 81 Dated: Mayor. City Council: M = Manual Check, V = Void Check VISION COMPASS is a respected forum that helps establish a healthy, economically vibrant region, offering people choices in how and where they live, work, play, and travel through the planning and support of a comprehensive multi -modal transportation system. BOARD MISSION The mission of COMPASS is to develop transportation plans and priorities and assess related impacts in order for members to access state and federal transportation funds and respond to regional needs for information and expertise. STAFF MISSION The COMPASS staff conducts and supports regional transportation planning for the Board and ultimately the general public and member agencies to facilitate regional decision-making, resulting in an adopted plan that meets federal regulations and the needs of the public • £CO MPAS S \�QnJ COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION of Southwest Idaho COMPASS COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION of Southwest Idaho 800 S. Industry Way, Suite 100 Meridian, ID 83642 208-855-2558 www.compassidaho.org www.communitiesinmotion.org WWW.COMPASSIDAHO.ORG WORKING TOGETHER TO PLAN FOR THE FUTURE What would a crystal ball tell us about our future in the Treasure Valley? Many of us enjoy life in the Treasure Valley because we value clean air, open space, mountains, rivers, and many recreational opportunities. This, to many of us, defines quality of life. But things are changing. Population in our valley grew by 34% between 2000 and 2006. Some experts anticipate that 1,000,000 people will live here by 2030. Rapid growth can result in more cars, more congestion, more pollution...is this what we choose? How do we decide? The Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS) is an association of local governments working together to plan for the future of Treasure Valley. COMPASS sets priorities for spending federal and state transportation funds, and develops the region's long-range transportation plan. The COMPASS Board adopted the current plan, Communities in Motion: Regional Long -Range Transportation Plan 2030 (www.communitiesinmotion.com) in August 2006. Over 2000 residents of the Treasure Valley participated in the three-year planning process leading to its adoption. COMPASS will update the plan in 2010. COMPASS provides a regional forum to address growth and transportation issues in a cooperative manner. COMPASS is the Region's MPO A metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is a transportation policy-making organization comprised of representatives from local and stale government. Federal legislation passed in the early 1970's required the formation of an MPO for an urban area greater than 50,000 people. COMPASS has served as the MPO for Ada County since 1977 and for the Nampa Urbanized Area since early 2003. COMPASS receives funding from annual member dues as well as from state and federal grants COMPASS provides GIS/mapping servic es, demographic analyses, and modeling data for its members. The agency is also responsible for regional transportation studies and provides a forum for local elected officials and their staff to discuss integrating land use and the transportation system Be Involved! Help put your transportation money to work! COMPASS Board members represent you in deciding how to spend federal and state money on transportation...so please keep informed, participate in events, and offer suggestions about improving transportation in the region. You can do so by: • Tracking our websites and e-mail notifications • Getting on mailing lists • Attending meetings, workshops and educational events • Completing surveys and comment forms • Following stories in the media • Staying in touch with your state and local elected officials WWW . C O M P A S S I D A H O. O R G General Members Ada County Ada County Highway District Canyon County Canyon Highway District #4 City of Boise City of Caldwell City of Eagle City of Garden City City of Kuna City of Meridian City of Middleton City of Nampa City of Notus City of Parma City of Star Golden Gate Highway District #3 Nampa Highway District #1 Notus-Parma Highway District #2 Special Members Boise State University Capital City Development Corporation Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Transportation Department Independent School District of Boise City Joint School District #2 Valley Regional Transit Ex Officio Central District Health Office of the Governor Greater Boise Auditorium District