Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 07/06/2010 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes July 6, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Mayor Huffaker calls the meeting to order at p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. Shoushtarian is present by conference call. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Lynne Sedlacek leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 5. ICRMP Presentation - Rick Ferguson, Executive Director ofICRMP and Shannon Bryson, Agent Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Shannon Bryson, J & K Insurance, I'm the agent that represents the City with ICRMP. I have been the City's agent since 1997. Introduct:s Rick Ferguson. Rick Ferguson, Executive Director ofICRMP, provides an overview of what ICRMP is and the services they provide. ICRMP is a public entity and members join in a pool. We have a Board of Director. General discussion. 6. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE 2004 IDAHO POWER/CITY OF EAGLE STIPULATION AGREEMENT AS IT RELATES TO THE COLLECTION OF FRANCHISE FEES AND THE BURIAL OF DISTRIBUTION LINES (WEV) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughn, I provided a memo in your packet which describes the Stipulation Agreement with Idaho Power. Provides an overview and history of the Stipulation Agreement as it relates to the collection of franchise fee and discussed the burial of distribution lines. My question tonight is "are you interested in keeping the 3% franchise fee in place and continue to prioritize those funds for burying distribution lines into the future?" If you are not the Settlement Stipulation will end at the end of2010 and revert back to the 1 % franchise fee. If you are we can work with Idaho Power to either draft an updated Stipulation Agreement to present to you and Idaho Power for your approval or just change the Franchise Agreement to 3% with the acknowledgement that 2% would be for burying distributio):llines. Discussion on areas where distribution lines could be buried. The next project is the Hill Road Project in 2013 and we could save franchise fees to cover these costs. General discussion. Council concurs to continue this item to the August 10, 2010 City Council meeting, to have Blake Watson, Idaho Power, give a presentation on this Page I K \COUNCIL IMINUTES\20 I 0\CC-.07 -06-1 Ospmin.doc 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. Appointment to the Parks and Pathways Development Commission: Acting Mayor Huffaker is requesting Council confirmation of the PPDC's recommendation to appoint Amy AITon to fill a vacated term on the Commission. Ms. AITon's term will expire in March of2012. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko moves to approve the nomination of Amy Arron to the position on the Parks and Pathways Development Commission. Seconded by Grasser. Discussion. THREE AYES: SHOUSHTARIAN: NAY: MOTION CARRIES.............. 8. BUDGET DISCUSSION: Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Council discussion on how to proceed tonight on the budget discussion. A. Revenue B. Property Taxes General discussion on revenue and property taxes C. Staff Presentations - continued from the June 15, 2010 meeting Public Works Director Echeita presents the Building Department, and Water Department Budgets. Public Works budget presentation will be continued to the next budget meeting. General discussion. Zoning Administrator Vaughan presents the Planning and Zoning budget. General discussion. C. Libran' Bud2et Library Director Baker distributes a budget handout and discusses the same. General discussion. City Clerk distributes work chart D. Professional Dues Not discussed 9. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10: 1 ~~Im.", ,\' 'I, " 'i OF I, Respectfully submitted: ........'c.,\'\ .......;:-"1;.'", II ~ ~ l ....~RPOR ...~<-.....\ /'. _ .. ,.. : G .., ~ . \." . ~.1 ~ ~ :: ~~ : SHARONK.BERGMANN ; :'is::- I. E ;. tft'}. -..("'10 Crt L ~'.. ~ ~ 'fI'l -.4f',b ,q.-.: .... *1").. ...ORAT\:'\)... 0 .... ", ~:t: ...... ~ fit' Page 2 "'" 0 F I V" "..", K\COUNCILIMlNUTES\20 I 0\CC-.07-06-1 Ospmin.doc 'II I II I I I I" .." CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: ~~ MICHAEL HUF R ACTING MAYOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 3 K \COUNC IL IMINUTES\20 I 0\CC-07 -06-1 Ospmin. doc