Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 06/15/2010 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes June 15,2010 I. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Mayor Huffaker calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. Semanko moves to amend the agenda and add as Item #5 Discussion and potential recommendation on Eagle River Pavilion Summer Concert Series appeal that is before the Ada County Commission tomorrow night. Second4~d by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... Shoushtarian moves to amend the agenda and add as Item #6 Discussion of Three Cities Rivers Crossing. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Acting Mayor Huffaker leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Audio/video streaminl? of Council Meetinl?s. (ME) This item was continued from the June 8, 2010 City Council meeting. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Mark Caragio, provides Council an overview of his recommendations to provide audio/video streaming for City Council meetings. I'm volunteering my time. There are a couple of services that I want tryout and you will need to buy a little bit of equipment first. You need a web cam which will cost $60.00 and this will be hooked up to a surplus computer that staff has said is available. Then we need to get the audio over to the area. There is wireless available which would be between $60.00 and $120.00. There are fret~ trial services for both of the paid services r am suggesting and the one I will probably recommend costs $75.00 per month. General discussion. Semanko moves to authorize Mr. Echeita to make the expenditures that have been discussed here and that have been recommended to get the system up and running so that we can do the tests. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. 5. Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Prol?ram - Joint Powers Al?reement. (MH) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue and provides an overview ofthe program. Essentially r need authorization from the Council to sign this agreement. We will have some presentations before the Council at a later date. General discussion. Semanko moves to continue this item to the June 22, 2010 City Council as Old Business and post this Agreement and Exhibit A on the web site and provide Council with the Exhibit A referred to in the agreement. Seconded by Grasser. ALL A YES: MOTION CARRIES........ ... 6. Discussion and potential recommendation on Eal?le River Pavilion Summer Concert Series appeal that is before the Ada County Commission. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion on the actions of the Ada County Commissioners. General Council discussion on the concert held on June 11,2010. Page] K'\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Wurk Area\CC-06-15-1 Omin,doc General discussion on the upcoming appeal to the Ada County Commissioners. Semanko moves to support the appeal that is pending before Ada County with regard to Item #201000242 Temporary Permit for the Eagle River Pavilion Summer Concert Series. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..................... 7. Discussion of Three Cities Rivers Crossinl?. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion on the Three Cities Rivers Crossing. Shoushtarian moves to ask former Mayor Merrill to give us a presentation of the project Shoushtarian moves to put the issue of the Three Cities Rivers Crossing on the June 22, 2010 Agenda and continue on the July 13, 2010 Agl~nda to take public comments and invite former Mayor Merrill to give a presentation to Council. Seconded by Grasser. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... 8. PRESENTATIONS: Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. a. Laurie Baker, Eagle Historical Museum curator, will present the Museum Budget. Laurie Baker, Curator Eagle Historical Museum, provides Council an overview of the progress in the Museum over the past several years and the construction of the new exhibits. There has been an increase in attendance. Discussion on archiving. Presentation of FY I Oil I Museum Budget. General discussion. b. Susan Buxton, Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke will discuss the City Attorney Contract. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Susan Buxton displays overheads and provides Council an overview of her firm and an overview of the services provided to the City over the years. Discussion on how the services are billed and the task list that she keeps. General discussion. Discussion on bring City Prosecuting Services in house. General discussion. Huffaker moves to move Item #7d Library Budget to be Item #5c and agenda Item #6 Park Maintenance, #7d & e, to be Item #d and staff presentations thereafter. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... c. Library Budget presented by Ron Baker, Library Director Library Director Ron Baker presents an overview of the Library cuts, Library programs and contracts and presents the proposed FY I Oil I Library budget to the Council. General discussion. Mary Berent, President ofthe Library Board, discusses a library district versus consolidation. A separate district would have to go to a vote. Discussion on the current General Obligation Bond and how that would affect a consolidation or the formation of a district. General discussion. d. PARK MAINTENANCE: a. Presentation by Michael Echeita, Public Works Director. Public Works Director Echeita displays overheads and presents the proposal from the Public Works Department to take over the landscaping work for the City properties. b. Presentation by Trautman Lawn & Landscape. Jennifer and Tal Trautman. Page 2 K \COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Arell\CC-06-] S-IOmin doc Jennifer Trautman, reads a letter into the record that has been handled out to the Council. General discussion. General discussion on doing an RFP for Parks Landscape Maintenance. Public Works Director Echeita will prepare the RFP and publish as soon as possible. e. Staff presentations: 1. Executive Department ]1. City Clerk's Department III. Bond Fund City Clerk Bergmann presents the General Administration Budget, Executive Department, City Clerk's Department, Bond Fund Budget and Arts Commission Budget to the Council. General Discussion, PROPERTY TAXES: General discussion on property tax revenue and revenues. The following are continued to the next budget meeting. IV. Building Department v. Public Works VI. Water Funds V]1. Park Fund VIII. Planning & Zoning IX. Streamside Subdivision Fund x. Tree Fund 9. GENERAL BUDGET DISCUSSION Council concurs that the next Budget Meeting will be July 6, 20 I 0 and also on July 13,20 I O. General budget discussion. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:00 a.m. Re~~e~tf.:UllY SUb~it.(ed). / I ~. i=t-cr.v ffvv , SH,^~RO~J K. DCRCMANN - JJq) ~'b.1'CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: ..........., "". .... C\1 y 0#00 '" .' ,.. li' .... ;..... .FORPo--:xd:...... . ..,.~. . ~. - . . . " "" . v' . : ,...: S ... rn : : . "".- '~-. . : .-\.~ <:..dl.. · : . .-" """1 · .. 7' .~ .- ,. .: ". .,.;.", ~I.A rEO \q1' ... ,,' ", v'O ........ , ". PIDA\\O MICHAEL HUFF A ACTING MAYO A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page J K:\CQUNClL\MINUTES\Temporary Minules Work Are<l\CC-06-] 5-1 Omin,doc Eagle Historic Preservation Commission—Proposed Budget, Fiscal Year 2009/2010 Eagle Historical Museum Proposed Line Item Adjustments for FY 2010/2011 Staff Recommendations and Justifications (c C9 i5-/� % Increase/ FY 2009/2010 FY 2010/2011 Decrease PERSONNEL: Full-time Position: 07-0420-10-00 35,545.00 37,322.00 5% FICA: 07-0420-21-00 2,719.00 2,855.00 5% PERSI: 07-0420-22-00 3,693.00 3,965.00 7% Workers' Compensation: 07-0420-2400 149.00 157.00 5% Health Insurance: 07-0420-25-00 10,480.00 6,169.00 -41% EDUCATION: Reference Materials: 07--0461-01-00 Justification & Notes: 2009/2010 expenses higher than expected. Museum Association Memberships: 07-0461-02-00 Conferences & Seminars: 07-0461-03-00 ADMINISTRATION: Software and Support: 07-0462-10-00 Justification and/or Notes: To properly mount exhibits the museum requires a more sophisticated desktop publishing program than Microsoft Publisher 2007. Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard is today's program of choice for sophisticated graphics and desktop publishing needs and can be purchased on the Internet for approximately $1,000.00. Storage Unit --Rent: 07-0462-15-00 Justification and/or Notes: The decrease in this line item is due to the fact that artifacts in storage will most likely not be moved into a climate -controlled facility this year and the costs for Eagle Mini Storage were lower than expected. Office Supplies: 07-0462-31-00 Justification and/or Notes: Increase is based on average FY 2009/2010 monthly expenses to date. Page 1 0.00 100.00 100% 200.00 500.00 1,000.00 882.00 1,200.00 200.00 0% 500.00 0% 1.200 00 120% 782 00 -12% 1,300.00 8% Eagle Historic Preservation Commission --Proposed Budget, Fiscal Year 2009/2010 % Increase/ FY 2009/2010 FY 2010/2011 Decrease ADMINISTRATION con't. Archival Supplies: 07-0462-32-00 1,000.00 800.00 -25% Justification and/or Notes: The reduction in costs is based on average FY 2009/2010 monthly expenses to date. Publicity/Printing: 07-0462-33-00 400.00 400.00 0% Research Materials: 07-0462-34-00 Justification and/or Notes: This line item was originally established to cover the costs of beginning to purchase newspaper microfilm that can be used for research purposes in the museum archive. I would still like to be able to begin that purchase program with two rolls of microfilm ($44.00 ea) from the Idaho State Historical Society and will need the remaining $112 to run off copies of property deeds and/or transfers for the Eagle Historic Site Register project. 0.00 200 00 100% Utilities: 07-0462-52-00 3,500.00 Museum Programs: 07-0462-68-00 Justification and/or Notes: 2009/2010 expenses lower than exptected; this decrease assumes they will also remain low in FY 2010/2011. Miscellaneous: 07-0462-69-00 Justification and/or Notes: 2009/2010 expenses higher than expected; this increase allows for a similar increase in costs this year. EXHIBITS: Display Supplies: 07-0463-01-00 Justification and/or Notes: Display costs are fairly consistent and ongoing when providing both a continuous cycle of new displays and the regular updating of those that are permanent. If forced to cut these costs, the quality of displays automatically suffers. The amount budgeted here reflects the Curator's anticipated costs for four new displays and the ongoing maintenance of permanent displays in FY 2010/2011. 300.00 3,500.00 0% 100.00 -66% 0.00 200.00 100% 800.00 1,200 00 Exhibit Construction: 07-0463-03-00 0.00 Justification and/or Notes: Certain exhibit design elements fall outside the Curator's expertise and/or capability to execute them. When this happens, a small amount of funding is required to contract the work out. Given the current budget restraints, the Curator hopes to keep these charges to an absolute minimum, but would still like to set aside this small amount to cover currently anticipated contract work. Page 2 33% 500 00 100% Eagle Historic Preservation Commission --Proposed Budget, Fiscal Year 2009/2010 PROGRAMS: National Register Nomination: 07-0464--06-00 Justification and/or Notes: There is no planned National Register Nomination project for FY 2010/2011. % Increase/ FY 2009/2010 FY 2010/2011 Decrease 1,000 00 0 00 -100% TOTALS: 63,368.00 61,450.00 Page 3 -3% MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED STEPHANIE J. BONNEY= SUSAN E. BUXTON* PAUL J. FITZER JILL S. HOLINKA BRUCE M. Storni PAUL A. TURCKE° CARL J. WITHROW TAMMY A. ZOKAN' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520; BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 www.msbtlaw.com June 15, 2010 The Honorable Michael C. Huffaker, Acting Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 660 E. Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 Re: Legal Services Budget Presentation Dear Mayor and Members of the Council: JOHN J. MCFADDEN*tOf Counsel MICHAEL C. MOORE* of Counsel Also admitted in California Also admitted in New Mexico * Also admitted in Oregon ° Also admitted in South Dakota Also admitted in Utah I Also admitted in Washington We are pleased to submit this description of the Legal Services we provide to the City of Eagle in both the civil and a proposal for criminal misdemeanor services. Members of this firm have represented the City of Eagle since January, 1987. We established the firm on December 1, 1993 with the goal of serving our Idaho municipal clients with high quality legal services focusing on general local government matters and municipal finance. We believe having legal counsel with municipal bond and finance expertise would be beneficial in light of the legal issues Eagle has and will face in the future. As you know, our firm offers attorneys familiar with local, state, and federal laws; specifically in the planning and zoning, criminal, employment, public utilities, municipal airports, water, contracts, environment, municipal bonds, public finance and public transportation arenas. MSB&T also serves as general and special counsel for numerous cities, counties, state agencies, irrigation districts and companies, fire and ambulance districts, recreation districts, sewer districts, and water districts in the following areas of municipal and local government law: • General Municipal Civil Law: Municipal law requires knowledge of a myriad of practice areas including those more specifically addressed below, and many other legal issues including, open meeting and public records laws, public works contracting, bidding, municipal bonds, nuisance, code enforcement, election, residency, employment, land use, leasing, property, public utilities franchising, electricity, water and cable services, eviction, foreclosure, trespass, bankruptcy and torts. June 15, 2010 Page 2 • Planning and Zoning Law: Many people believe municipal planning and zoning issues are the same as county planning and zoning issues. This mistake often leaves many municipal concerns unanswered. Our planning and zoning experience ranges from litigation to review of land use applications. We have helped prepare comprehensive plans, subdivision and zoning ordinances, planned unit development ordinances, tree ordinances, nuisance ordinances, design and review ordinances, nudity ordinances, parade ordinances, development plans, development and annexation agreements, planned unit developments, conditional use permits, variances, conditions of approval for land uses, sign ordinances, parking ordinances and landscape ordinances. Planning and zoning is of paramount concern to a city experiencing the types of land use pressures confronting Eagle both in times of growth and recession. We have experienced both cycles. • Criminal Law: Our firm is perhaps in the best position to effectively and efficiently represent the City in its criminal caseload. As general counsel for the City, we have a personal and professional "stake" in resolving the City's cases in the most efficient and effective manner possible. We do not prosecute other jurisdiction's cases in tandem with the City's cases, but rather take a particular interest in the resolution of the City's cases on a day to day basis. As the City Prosecutor, we will be able to provide timely reports and information concerning the criminal caseload at city council meetings. While prosecution for cities is expensive, we believe that we can help curb costs by prosecuting cases under new Eagle City ordinances instead of state statutes. The City does not receive any pecuniary benefit from prosecuting pursuant to state statutes. (Utilizing city codes enables the City to receive a portion of the fines and fees ordered by the Court, instead of that money going to the State). This will be invaluable to the City as it faces budget restrictions. We are also more familiar with distinctly "municipal" type criminal offenses including code enforcement, nuisance, and other such criminal provisions. Our firm offers the City of Eagle both attorneys and staff familiar with local and state criminal laws and procedure. We have experience in all aspects of criminal litigation and have successfully adjudicated matters including traffic infractions, DUIs, juvenile charges, domestic batteries, petit theft and injury to property offenses. We have worked with peace officers, city staff, victims and witnesses. Many of our attorneys have experience in negotiations with defendants and defense attorneys, as well as pre- trial hearings, and bench and jury trials. Attorneys at MSB&T have served as prosecutors for various governmental entities throughout Idaho, including small cities such as Stanley, Middleton, Horseshoe Bend, Arco, and Challis, and more populous counties and cities such as the City of Boise and Ada, Bonner, and Twin Falls Counties. • Annexation Law: We have provided extensive counsel on annexation to Eagle and several other cities under routine and complex scenarios. Prior to their passage, our firm reviewed and analyzed Idaho statutes on annexation on behalf of the Association June 15, 2010 Page 3 of Idaho Cities. We have prevailed in a challenge to annexation on behalf of a city, in which we were able to secure an award of attorney fees for the client. • Public Works Construction, Bidding and Litigation: The firm has significant experience with public works construction, bidding, contracting, claims and litigation. Public funding, emanating from grants and loans from state, federal and private sources are integral to the financing of many projects. We have worked with various funding entities and with their respective audit and progress reporting requirements. Our firm has been and is currently involved in several construction projects ranging from administration buildings, water and sewer facilities, to parks. We also currently serve as bond counsel to the City of Eagle. Having bond counsel experience helps streamline public works construction financing without having to hire outside bond counsel in most cases. • Condemnation/Real Estate/Property Acquisition Law: Several of our city clients have been and are currently involved in various aspects of the condemnation process, including negotiations and litigation. We have also assisted in the acquisition of critical parcels of real estate for our public clients through options to purchase and other real estate transactions that benefit cities without having to engage in condemnation. • Employment Law: We have provided legal counsel on many aspects of employment law as applied to local government entities in Idaho, including: wage and hour, employee benefits, sexual harassment, privacy, unemployment, Human Rights Commission, EEOC, Fair Labor Standards Act, Workman's Compensation, drafting and enforcing personnel policies and manuals, evaluations, hiring, discipline, termination, and policies for promotions and demotions. To the extent the City's insurance carrier needs assistance or will not undertake the defense of workers compensation or civil rights claims, our firm has experience in these areas as well. • Administrative Law and Conflict Resolution: The firm's attorneys have extensive experience with both state and federal rulemaking, appeals and hearings. We also have experience as appointed hearing officers for the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses and the Department of Health and Welfare, and as mediators on land use matters. We routinely utilize mediation and other procedures to avoid litigation costs wherever feasible and consistent with our clients' direction. • Environmental Law: The firm maintains a significant practice in environmental and natural resource law involving various federal and state statutes such as water rights, environmental permitting, and the Clean Water Act. Several of these statutes are applicable in typical municipal matters such as drainage and water and sewer facilities. Every city and most sewer and water districts we represent have gone June 15, 2010 Page 4 through or are going through facility planning and permitting and are seeking financing through bonds, grants and loans for such projects with state and federal agencies. We deal frequently on matters involving public lands and natural resources, having appeared on behalf of various clients in more than a dozen federal District Courts from Washington, D.C. to Guam, federal Circuit Courts and the United States Supreme Court. In addition, we have taught graduate level environmental law courses for the University of Idaho and Idaho State University. • Available Staff: MSB&T has four principal shareholders, three associate attorneys, and one "Of Counsel" attorney: Stephanie J. Bonney, Shareholder - Ms. Bonney's primary areas of practice are municipal finance law as certified bond counsel and general local government and municipal law. Ms. Bonney serves as general counsel for the City of Ketchum as well as providing special bond counsel assistance throughout Idaho. Susan E. Buxton, Shareholder - Ms. Buxton oversees MSB&T's general municipal and local government practice. She focuses her practice on municipal and local government law and acts as general counsel to the many of our municipal and local government clients including Eagle. Her main areas of practice are general municipal, planning and zoning, contracting, employment, and environmental law. Paul A. Turcke, Shareholder - Mr. Turcke's primary municipal and local government emphasis is in general litigation, environmental, employment, collective bargaining, and contract law. Mr. Turcke has considerable litigation experience in state and federal court. He formerly served as a county prosecutor and public defender prior to coming to MSB&T. Bruce M. Smith, Shareholder - Mr. Smith's primary area of practice is in environmental, natural resources, and water law. Mr. Smith is currently working with several clients on municipal water right issues. Mr. Smith also has extensive state and federal court litigation experience and has extensive experience in administrative law. Paul J. Fitzer, Senior Associate - Mr. Fitzer's primary areas of practice are land use, planning and zoning, and general municipal law, and litigation. Representing numerous municipalities as general counsel and in litigation, Mr. Fitzer is experienced in the many facets of criminal and municipal law. Carl J. Withroe, Associate - Mr. Withroe's primary areas of practice are general municipal, land use, environmental law, and litigation. June 15, 2010 Page 5 Jill S. Holinka, Associate — Ms. Holinka's primary area of practice is litigation and general local government practice. Loren W. Anderson. Associate — Mr. Anderson's primary experience is criminal prosecution, litigation and municipal and environmental law. Michael C. Moore — Of Counsel —Mr. Moore has over thirty-eight (38) years of municipal experience. His work is primarily concentrated in municipal bond and municipal finance law. Mr. Moore was a shareholder of the firm until January 1, 2008 when he became of counsel. Mr. Moore continues to serve firm clients including his representation of Eagle as bond counsel. With Ms. Buxton as the lead attorney for Eagle, Ms. Bonney is on call. Paul J. Fitzer and Loren W. Anderson would be assigned to the City for criminal prosecution and general counsel matters and Bruce M. Smith and Carl J. Withroe assigned for water rights/environmental matters. Biographies of all our other attorneys are attached hereto. Equipment — MSB&T uses broadband services to insure quick electronic mail response to city staff, the mayor and council (as allowed by the city's personnel manual and the public records requirements). The firm also utilizes fax machines, video conferencing, voice mail and a daily courier service (as necessary) to ensure prompt, cost effective response to the City. Each attorney has a cellular telephone with email capability so the City representatives can contact legal counsel as necessary and to avoid unnecessary delays in communications. Ability to Provide Responsive Services — It is MSB&T policy to return a call within the same day. If the call is received at the end of the day, a return call can be expected the next business day barring some unforeseen circumstances. Our attorneys are available to attend night meetings on a regular basis and available on other nights and weekends as needed. MSB&T prioritizes the work requested to minimize client costs. With the assignment of attorneys as described in the Available Staff section above, this provides quick response and efficiency in prioritizing work requested by the client. Cost for Services — As general civil counsel to Eagle, the current civil contract would remain unchanged from the 2007 agreement. That 2007 agreement included a basic retainer fee payable by the City to Attorneys of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) per month, plus any actual, documented out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Attorneys on behalf of the City, including but not limited to, long-distance telephone charges, copying expenses, and travel, payable in the month following the performance of the services rendered by Attorneys. Attorneys bill the City for payment of the basic retainer fee and expenses in the manner provided herein. For the basic retainer fee, Attorneys provide thirty (30) hours to the city per month including attending regular or special meetings of the City Council, regular or special meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission, office hours at City Hall and other legal June 15, 2010 Page 6 services requested by the City. Thereafter, Attorneys are compensated for civil matters at the hourly rate of $190.00 for Shareholders; $165.00 for senior associates; $150.00 for associates and $55.00 for legal assistants; and the regular hourly rate for the attorneys of the firm as may be assigned to the matter. These hourly rates may be amended from time to time by resolution of the City. Attorneys shall submit a monthly bill for services, including any reimbursable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Attorneys on behalf of the City. MSB&T proposes to undertake the work as the criminal city attorney to the City of Eagle. MSB&T would bill the City as a general billing matter for the annual rate of $48,500.00 per year. Proactive Practices — MSBT prefers to have involvement as soon as possible when matters arise that may lead to litigation. In most instances, litigation is avoided when the matter is dealt with in its early stages. We suggest regular contact with the Mayor, City Council, City Clerk/Treasurer and department heads in order to be informed of current situations so such matters can be identified sooner than later. We conduct office hours at the City Hall as the budget allows. Firm Rating — Our Firm's Martindale Hubble rating is AV. Partial List of Current Local Government Clients — We currently represent the following cities as general counsel (not a complete list): Crouch, Eagle, Fairfield, Glenns Ferry, Greenleaf, Irwin, Island Park, Ketchum, Marsing, Middleton, Moore, New Meadows, Stanley, and Swan Valley. We also represent the following local government entities as general or special counsel (not a complete list): Blaine County, Boise Warm Springs Water District, Caldwell Irrigation Lateral District, Camas County, Canyon County Ambulance District, Gem County Fire District Nos. 1 and 2, Hagerman Fire District, City of Harrison, Idaho Dairy Products Commission, Island Park Fire District, Ketchum Cemetery District, Kuna School District, Middleton Rural Fire District, Payette County Recreation District, Riverside Independent Water District, Riverside Sewer District South Board of Control, Stanley Fire District, Star Joint Fire Protection District, the Star Water & Sewer District, and the Canyon County and Gem County Mosquito Abatement Districts. Miscellaneous Policies — General clerical work is provided free of charge. Forwarding copies of emails and correspondence is provided free of charge as general clerical work. In general, internal meetings and communications among attorneys is provided free of charge unless a significant and complex legal issue requires such communications. We have also advised and represented the State of Idaho, Idaho municipal corporations, and numerous local government entities, as bond counsel, general municipal counsel and as special counsel. June 15, 2010 Page 7 Eagle has an exciting future and we enjoy being part of it. Please contact either Stephanie Bonney or me if we can provide further information. Very truly yours, MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHA • ERED Susan E. Bux' •i Shareholder SEB/clb Enclosures MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 SUSAN E. BUXTON Shareholder seb@msbtlaw.com Susan E. Buxton has been a shareholder in the firm of Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered since 1993. Ms. Buxton was formerly an associate with the regional law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine in its Boise office. Ms. Buxton served as a law clerk to the Honorable James A. Redden, Chief Judge of the United States District Court, District of Oregon from 1990-1991, and to the Honorable Roger Swanstrom, Idaho Court of Appeals from 1989-1990. Ms. Buxton received her law degree from the University of Idaho in 1989 where she was the Symposium Editor of the Idaho Law Review. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy from Whitman College in 1985. Ms. Buxton's practice representation and emphasizes litigation in the areas of local government, public finance, education, natural resources, land use, employment law and lobbying. In the firm's municipal and local government practice, Ms. Buxton's representation includes several cities, counties, fire districts, school districts, public charter schools, and water delivery companies in natural resources, water, property tax, budgeting, land use, municipal bonds, employment, contracts, construction, intergovernmental and joint powers agreements, administrative and general counsel matters. Ms. Buxton also represents private individuals, corporations, municipalities and other local government entities addressing various issues including water rights, public finance, land use, business, planning and zoning, condemnation, employment, contracts, construction, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, CERCLA, NEPA and other related matters. Ms. Buxton is admitted to practice in the state and federal courts of Idaho and Oregon and has represented clients before the state and federal courts of Idaho, federal courts of Oregon, Washington D.C., Washington, Arizona and Nevada, the Interior Board of Land Appeals, the Territory of Guam, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the United States Court of Federal Claims. Ms. Buxton is a certified mediator registered with both the Idaho Supreme Court and the United States District Court. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. I3ANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONI: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 STEPHANIE J. BONNEY Shareholder sib@msbtlaw.com Stephanie J. Bonney is currently a shareholder of Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered. She joined MSB&T as an associate in October of 2005. Prior to joining the firm, Ms. Bonney was an associate for the Idaho Falls law firm of Pike & Smith, P.A. Ms. Bonney's practice emphasizes the areas of municipal finance law, general government law, environmental law, land use law and administrative law. She is certified as bond counsel and serves as bond counsel to the State of Idaho and government entities throughout Idaho. In her municipal and local government practice, Ms. Bonney represents several government entities including cities, counties, water and sewer districts, school districts and fire districts in environmental law, land use, employment and general counsel matters. She teaches a graduate course in Environmental Law for the University of Idaho. Ms. Bonney is also the Hearing Officer for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Ms. Bonney received her law degree with an emphasis in Environmental Law from the University of Colorado in 1999. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science, with a minor in biology, from the University of Delaware. Ms. Bonney is admitted to practice before the state and federal courts of Idaho and Utah. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520; BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 www.msbtlaw.com PAUL A. TURCKE Shareholder pat@msbtlaw.com Paul. A. Turcke's practice emphasizes natural resource, recreation and public land law, local government law and general trial and appellate litigation. Mr. Turcke counsels and represents clients in federal and state judicial, administrative and alternative dispute resolution proceedings. Mr. Turcke's clients include recreation advocacy organizations, sporting conservation organizations and foundations, land exchange facilitators, water users, ranches and Idaho municipalities and political subdivisions. He presently serves on the Safari Club International Legal Task Force. Mr. Turcke received his law degree cum laude from the University of Idaho in 1993. Following law school, Mr. Turcke clerked for Fourth Judicial District Judge Gerald F. Schroeder, Ada County, Idaho. Mr. Turcke received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with honors in major study from Whitman College in 1987. Mr. Turcke is a member of the bars of the states of Idaho and South Dakota. His litigation activities have spanned thirteen U.S. District Courts, three U.S. Courts of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208)331-1800 FAX: (208)331-1202 BRUCE M. SMITH Shareholder bms@msbtlaw.com Bruce M. Smith is a shareholder in the Boise firm of Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered. Mr. Smith is admitted to practice in Idaho State and federal courts, as well as the Ninth and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeals. Mr. Smith served as a law clerk to the Honorable Jesse L. Walters, Chief Justice, Idaho Court of Appeals from 1985-1987. He received his law degree from the University of Idaho in 1985. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Auburn University in 1972 and his Master's degree in Wildlife Biology/Forestry from Auburn University in 1978. He is a member and past chair of the Idaho State Bar Water Law Section, is a member of the Idaho State Bar Environmental Law Section, and has served on the State Ground Water Quality Council. He is active in the American Bar Association's Section on Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law and the Real Property Section and sits on the Board of Litigation for the Mountain States Legal Foundation. Mr. Smith's practice emphasizes natural resource, environmental, business, and commercial law, and focuses on public lands, water rights, water quality, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act matters. He represents clients in the timber, mining, ranching, and agricultural industries. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520; BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAx: (208) 331-1202 www.msbtlaw.com PAUL J. FITZER Senior Associate pif@msbtlaw.com Paul J. Fitzer is an attorney with Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered practicing in the areas of municipal law, civil litigation, and land use law. Mr. Fitzer serves as general counsel for over a dozen governmental entities including municipalities, counties, and districts. Additionally, Mr. Fitzer represents private individuals, partnerships, and corporate entities in various land use planning endeavors. Mr. Fitzer is a member of the Idaho State Bar (Local Government Section) and is active in the Association of Idaho Cities. Mr. Fitzer graduated from Southern Methodist University School of Law with an emphasis in Environmental Law in 1997. In the winter months, Mr. Fitzer is a professional ice hockey official for the East Coast Hockey League. During the spring and summer, Mr. Fitzer is an avid triathlete competing at multiple levels of triathlon including the Ironman Triathlon. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520; BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 www.msbtlaw.com CARL J. WITHROE Associate ciw(msbtlaw.com Mr. Withroe earned an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Cal Poly—San Luis Obispo in 1999. He received his law degree from the University of Oregon in 2002. While in law school, Mr. Withroe served as a student advocate, representing university students in matters before the university conduct committee. He also worked for a Portland law firm between his second and third years of law school. There, his work focused primarily on litigation, appellate litigation, and water and environmental law. After graduation from law school, Mr. Withroe served as a law clerk to Hon. Brent J. Moss, District Judge of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, from December 2002 to December 2005. He then served as a law clerk to Justice Jim Jones of the Idaho Supreme Court from January 2005 to August 2006. He joined Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke in August 2006 as an associate. His practice focuses primarily on litigation, appellate litigation, municipal, land use, environmental, natural resources, water, public lands, administrative, and environmental law. He has authored or co-authored briefs to the Idaho Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, several state and federal district courts, and the United States Supreme Court. He has argued before several state courts. Mr. Withroe is admitted to practice in Idaho, Oregon, and California. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208)331-1800 FAX: (208)331-1202 JILL S. HOLINKA Associate ish@msbtlaw.com Ms. Holinka received her undergraduate degree in Political Science, cum laude, from Pacific University in 1996, and graduated from Willamette University College of Law in May 2002. After graduation from law school, Ms. Holinka practiced at White Peterson, P.A., in Nampa, Idaho as an associate, where her practice emphasized civil litigation, including municipal, commercial and trust and estate litigation. Ms. Holinka joined Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke in March 2008 as an associate, where her practice includes municipal law, land use, education and civil litigation. Ms. Holinka is an active member of the Idaho State Bar, currently involved in bar exam grading. She is admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court for Idaho and all Idaho state courts. She is also a member of the Boise Young Professionals division of the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520; BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 www.msbtlaw.com LOREN W. ANDERSON Associate lwaa,msbtlaw.com Mr. Anderson earned both an undergraduate and Master's degree from Brigham Young University. Afterwards, in 2005, he received his law degree from Vermont Law School. While in law school, Mr. Anderson was an extern for the Hon. Roger A. Klein, Chief Judge and Water Judge for Division One Water Court in Greeley, Colorado. After graduation from law school, Mr. Anderson served as a law clerk to Hon. G. Richard Bevan, District Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of the State of Idaho, from December 2005 to June 2007. He then served as a deputy prosecuting attorney for Twin Falls County from July 2007 to January 2009. As a deputy prosecuting attorney, Mr. Anderson handled a demanding misdemeanor case load. In January 2009, he joined Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke as an associate attorney where his practice focuses primarily on municipal, land use, water, litigation and environmental law. Mr. Anderson is an active member of the Idaho State Bar. MOORE SMITH BUXTON & TURCKE, CHARTERED ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 950 W. BANNOCK STREET, SUITE 520 BOISE, ID 83702 TELEPHONE: (208) 331-1800 FAX: (208) 331-1202 MICHAEL C. MOORE Of Counsel mcm@msbtlaw.com Michael C. Moore's practice emphasis is in state and local government and municipal finance law. Mr. Moore is a long-time Idaho local government attorney, having served as City Attorney for the Cities of Lewiston, Boise, and other Idaho municipalities, and as Chief of the Local Government Division of the Idaho Attorney General's office. He has practiced Idaho municipal bond law for several years and serves as bond counsel to a number of cities, counties, universities, school districts, fire districts, highway districts, water and sewer districts, and other governmental entities, including the Idaho State Treasurer and several other Idaho entities. He has also served as both municipal finance and general municipal legal advisor to a number of cities and other governmental bodies. Mr. Moore taught local government law at the University of Idaho College of Law for many years and has published a number of law review articles and other publications on Idaho municipal law and public finance law. He has served as a lecturer on municipal law topics for the Association of Idaho Cities, the Idaho City Clerks and Finance Officers Association, the Idaho Municipal Attorneys Association, and the International Institute of Municipal Clerks' certification program at Boise State University. Mr. Moore graduated from Dartmouth College and the University of Idaho College of Law, and is admitted to practice in the States of Idaho and Washington. He is a member of the Idaho State Bar, the Washington State Bar Association, and the National Association of Bond Lawyers, and is a past President of the Idaho Law Foundation, Inc. JUNE 2010 Customer Profile TRAUTMAN LAWN & LANDSCAPE City of Eagle THE PROFESSIONAL ADVANTAGE • Why the private contractor option should be on the budget table • HOW the City of Eagle can keep the city properties healthy and beautiful during tough economic times • The value of experience __. TRAUTMAN LAWN & LANDSCAPE 5061 Ustick Road - Nampa, Idaho 83687 (208) 466-0690 Office • (208) 463-4876 Fax City of Eagle 660 East Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 June 15, 2010 Re: City of Eagle landscape maintenance services for fiscal year 2010-2011 and beyond. Dear Mayor and Council Members, I would like to begin by thanking you for the faith and confidence that you displayed in our company last fall. Tal and I are very humbled by the support we received from the majority of council members and several past city leaders. As we enter into the last phase of our contract for the current fiscal year we are again at a crossroads with regards to the landscape maintenance services. When Councilman Semanko requested us to make the current presentation I thought to myself ...how can I supply the council with the information necessary to make a well informed decision? I've decided to revisit some of the items I discussed in the letter I wrote to the council late last summer. Is it really the time to expand city government? Is it the right path to follow just because it's what other cities do? Can city employees perform the work to the standards that the City of Eagle has become accustom to for less than a private contractor? I will leave this burden of proof to the Public Works Director. I'm sure he will be more prepared to address his budget and his plan to develop a parks maintenance division in a detailed and complete manner this time. After this is done then the city leadership can fairly compare this option to the private contractor option. Below are the top reasons Tal and I believe that the private contractor option should be on the budget table. QUALITY & VALUE We believe that "apples to apples" and "dollar to dollar" the quality and value from a private contractor is superior. Our belief is based upon our research and observations over the years. We contribute this to the presence of competition within the private landscape service industry. As business owners we are keenly aware that if we don't perform our work at a good value and to the highest quality standards that our customers will replace us with a company that will. SMALL BUSINESSES / PRIVATE CONTRACTOR I found this information contained in the 2009 The Small Business Economy Report that was presented to the President of the United States by the Small Business Administration (SBA). The service sector has suffered severe job losses—a sharp contrast from previous years. Service sector employment had grown over the decade, especially in three private sector industries—education and health services. leisure and hospitality. and professional and business services. Each experienced double-digit growth over the previous five years (2003 to 2008) and 10 years (1998 to 2003). Over the past year. as the recession began to take its toll. only two service sector industries—education and health services, and government—gained employment: most of the rest saw declines. Small firms make important contributions to the economy through innovations and the creation of jobs. enterprises. and entire new industries. In sum. small firms struggled mightily in the recessionary economy of 2008—and if the past is an indication, they will likely help lead the economic recovery. EXPERIENCE Experience is something that has value in business and every walk of life. We all know that is paves the way for better decisions in the future. Our business philosophy in regards to daily operations is to improve our methods and business practices to produce more efficient ways to perform our services. This is especially necessary in these turbulent economic times. We believe this is the key to making the most out of the City of Eagle's current landscape maintenance budget. Our experience performing the landscape maintenance services over the years will help us in consulting the city leaders to identify and prioritize those items deemed essential during the next fiscal year. In the following pages you will find a brief description and photos from all the city properties that we currently maintain and a few that we don't. The landscaping before photos were taken on September 23, 2009 (unless noted otherwise). This was one week before we started the restoration process. Previous to those photos being taken we were only performing the mowing services for the city and that service was cut to be performed twice in August and not at all in September. The after or current landscape photos were taken on June 10, 2010 (unless noted otherwise). This particular method was chosen to show the current condition of the City of Eagle's properties on a given day. Tal and I would like to express our sincere appreciation for all the time and effort you have given us over the past year. We look forward to helping you make a well informed decision regarding the landscape maintenance services for the City of Eagle. Please contact us if you would like to schedule another tour. As we draw to the close of our current contract and the fiscal year I encourage you to consider continuing the private contractor option as a viable way to provide top quality landscape maintenance services to the city owned properties even within the current budget constraints. We look forward to working with the council and public works director in the RFP portion of this process. Thank you. Sincerely, Jennifer TrautmanOwner Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Page 2 Timing is Everything Scheduling is Essential Historical Data is Vital The right combination gives our Customers the Professional Advantage because QUALITY does make a difference and EXPERIENCE counts. Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company "The Cutting Edge of Quality" Page 3 Table of Contents Eagle Sports Complex pg 4 Merrill Park pg 8 Guerber Park pg 12 Friendship Park pg 16 Orval Krasen Park pg 20 Eagle Road Street Strips pg 24 Senior Center & Arboretum Park pg 28 Eagle Public Library pg 32 Eagle City Hall pg 36 Heritage Park pg 38 West Entry Sign pg 40 East Entry Sign pg 42 North Entry Sign pg 44 Payette Scenic Byway pg 46 Plaza Park & Pathway pg 48 Ranch Drive Islands pg 5o ist Street Parking Lot pg 52 2nd Street Drain Ditch pg 54 North Addition pg 56 Hwy 55 Trees pg 58 TRAUTMAN LAWN & LANDSCAPE COMPANY Sports Complex Location Eagle Sports Community Park (also known as the Sports Complex) is located on the East side of old Hwy 55 (now Horseshoe Bend Road) just North of Floating Feather Road. Description The main amenities of this park are the skateboard facilities and basketball court. This park sets on the edge of fu- ture development land that is platted for recreational use . The rural location along with the rolling hills and beautiful landscaping make this park a nice place for a relaxing picnic on the grass. Page 4 • COMMUNITY PARK landscape $eces by: irauhNan ha lamdscap Compaq a) • WO SPORTS COMPLEX—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2009 June 2010 Page 6 SPORTS COMPLEX—CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 Page 7 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Merrill Park Location Reid Merrill Park is located on the south side of Shoreline Drive close to the Boise River. Description The main amenities of this park are the water feature, volleyball pit, and the rec- reational sports field. The location of this park makes it convenient for those people living close to the downtown area of Eagle. Page 8 LaNscap bi trautmai ImitallsaloCOmploy MERRILL PARK—BEFORE PHOTOS September 2009 MERRILL PARK—CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 Page 11 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Guerber Park Location Steve Guerber Community Park (formerly known as Hillroad Park) is located on the North side of Hillroad west of Hwy 55. Description This park has many amenities and is large enough to handle a host of activi- ties at one time. The picnic shelter facili- ties are top notch and provide great shelter from the sun and rain. The wa- ter features and playground equipment add fun and adventure for one the young ones during the dog days of summer. The athletic fields provide a great place for soccer, softball and other community events requiring a lot of space. Page 12 la�dscaaae MainttNan Sema trautmlR La m handsca mpany Page 13 GUERBER PARK—BEFORE PHOTOS September 2009 lam 'lligrameargir 1141414tWrg:::4-.Y,-*14.: Page 1.4 • ; . • • - .y• •—$r • • - • -7- • Friendship Park Location Friendship Park is located at the inter- section of Ranch Rd. and Steirman Way. This park sets at the entrance of Eagle Hills Elementary School. Description This park is one of the oldest owned by the City of Eagle. Originally this park had limited use with only a tennis court that was surrounded by landscaping. Over the years the City has improved the usability of this park by adding play- ground equipment. Page 16 haidscap Mainly Sys by, irk bIi & lalscape Canny ttte GUERBER PARK - CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 • • - • Page 15 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Page 17 FRIENDSHIP PARK—BEFORE PHOTOS September 2009 Page i8 FRIENDSHIP PARK—CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 Page 19 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Orval Krasen Park Location Orval Krasen Park is located on the west side of Steirman Way as you climb the hill just north of the irrigation canal. Description This is another one of the older parks owned by the City of Eagle. Originally this park was grass only with some play- ground equipment. Over the years the City has added a small picnic shelter, a permanent restroom and has replaced the playground equipment. This park was also expanded to the west and the north over the years to add landscaping to vacant areas that had previously been overgrown with weeds. This topography of this park is rolling hills and it contains several mature trees. ii 1 Page 20 1.8111$0�e1aimS�sb,ir�t�l�&LaINcai vanri • Page 21 ORVAL KRASEN PARK—BEFORE PHOTOS Page 22 September 2009 4110.4ftt• A . ma): -Pc " ORVAL KRASEN PARK—CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 Page 23 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Eagle Road Strips Location Located along the both sides of Eagle Road from Plaza Street to Floating Feather Road. Description This area of City Property contains trees and grass that run parallel to the roadway. In years past this area was a Hallmark of the Country Christmas Lighting Program. Page 24 landscape NaiMeiai SSemcos irriman laymilands*Comphy EAGLE ROAD STREET STRIPS—BEFORE PHOTOS September 2009 Page 26 EAGLE ROAD STREET STRIPS—CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 Page 27 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Senior Center & Arboretum Park Location The Senior Center is located at 312 E. State Street. This building was the former City I-Iall location. The Arboretum Park is located on the same grounds to the east side of the property. Description The Senior Center was being maintained on a volunteer basis by a local Boy Scout Troop when we started working for the City back in 1989. Page 28 Lam Maiieaco hes 6y, iiaim awn & lmdscape Comny 1,4 SENIOR CENTER / ARBORETUM—BEFORE PHOTOS September 2009 SENIOR CENTER / ARBORETUM—CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 Page 31 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company Eagle Public Library Location Eagle's Public Library is located at too N. Steirman Way Description The landscaping of the Library has many trees and shrubs incorporated into the turf areas located on all sides of the large building and parking lot. Page 32 landscape laillionco Smits 1)01E11111 IN 1 lidscapo Compaq age 33 EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY—BEFORE PHOTOS September 2009 Page 34 EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY—CURRENT PHOTOS June 2010 Page 35 Trautman Lawn & Landscape Company City Hall Location The current City Hall location is located at 660 Civic Lane. Description The landscaping on this property show- cases sandstone to compliment the ar- chitecture of the building. The front portion is surrounded by large areas of turf. Page 36 EAGLE CITY HALL landscape Seces 6y: iraian ba i liodscap Compal EAGLE CITY HALL—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2010 June 2010 Page 38 Heritage Park Location Heritage Park is located at 185 E. Street on the corner of State and 2nd Street Description Heritage Park is conveniently located in the downtown area of Eagle. This park has one of the first water features offered by the City of Eagle. The gazebo and the City Christmas Tree are located in this park and are another Hallmark of the Country Christmas Lighting Program. NO PHOTOS WERE TAKEN ON 6-io-io DUE TO EAGLE FUN DAYS ACTIVITY SET UP 1 1 Ns Traulma lau 1 ',miscall COMpally Photo taken 6-14-1,„;44 o er Eagle Fun Days HERITAGE PARK—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2010 June 2010 Page 39 111111111111111 :71-11I throughL u2 .:: 1 I October '�; --- ��I IIIIUIIU!!!_ !!_ 111 ��io � I ��ii�y��l��e9 Page 40 West Entry Sign Location The West Entry Sign is located on the corner of Hwy 44 and State Street on the west end of Eagle. Description This sign ‘,'elcomes travelers entering from the west side of Eagle. liallscaplaiimagoloNicosiT,Traimalawn1lid Compal WEST ENTRY SIGN—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2009 June 2010 Page 42 East Entry Sign Location The East Entry Sign is located on the corner of Hwy 44 and Parkinson Rd on the east end of Eagle. Description 'l'his sign welcomes travelers entering from the east side of Eagle. Lindsca Sicis lawn 1 handspeCome DE Tow E G Lam` •[TURN RIGHT AT SIGNAL ]• TRAVELERS WELCOME \• SHOPPING VARIETY EAST ENTRY SIGN—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2009 June 2010 Page 43 i Page 44 Hwy 55 Entry Sign (North Entry Sign) Location 'l'he North Entry Sign is located by the corner of Hwy 57 and Beacon Light Road on the north side of Eagle. Description 'Phis sign welcomes travelers entering from Horseshoe Bend on the north side of Eagle. haN1spe MIiNtladscap laiimaso SysLawn &liadsapeComony NORTH ENTRY SIGN—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2009 June 2010 Page 45 • Page 46 Payette River Scenic Byway Location H\\Y 55 and Beacon Light Road Description This sign welcomes travelers entering from Horseshoe Bend on the north side of Eagle. la�Cap� Maims Sys dawn & lam Candy IPPIhramek irWawir§114416 tea. friVailM131 r. 4- r --mss'-+ S Vit" ' r-.= i �- .1...1711/447.* ' `S:�' • .1 D��',..�a..�_ . as'. __ " ,-y. ... .7r�g�y�r �c.�" —•' _. it SCENIC BYWAY—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2009 June 2010 Page 47 Page 48 Plaza Park & Pathway Location Located on the corner of Eagle Rd. and Plaza Street by McDonalds Restaurant. Description This property is next to Albertsons on the east side of Eagle Rd. The pathway follows eastward to- wards 2nd Street along the irrigation ditch. It has beautiful landscaping incorporated in the natu- ral beauty of wildlife on the water areas. [aim lamimacolirsol !minim lag ilaidsta1 1 ICOMIIII Jl3 e PLAZA PARK & PATHWAY—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS September 2009 agle Pla , . STCOfFEE S COFFEE SUPER PAKA 14IL Cu ct r„ CLE • p.11 11 .. '� H<3MELnNI i� RLuI_l-Y air Vaster. RI\ ER ROCK Mimi+ CUSTOM EM TS ER: rte Aron unto ERY JAMAtA . F TAN ,ir•v-a.: June 2010 Page 49 Ranch Drive Islands Location Ranch Drive Islands are located on the corner of Ranch Drive and N. Eagle Rd. Description These landscaped islands are located in the center roadway at the entry . Page 50 tamiscapo iii111611811C6 SCOS 10801018h Imo 1 liamiscall Compaq -ik .,.: 'Ifs' . ;*(I --: . 7'•.7.f:i•,•t•• . '.•-.'.•-?. • . --.-, .,.. - .-e.,i :ls' i. i. • j...o;.t .- c''. .''.,-" . ' l.:. .;'..-- v. .:5:. ,z..::-...., 4'd.. A. .• 44 f: 1-r ' ;: 41 , p '; - :, -74 ...••• :,.. ,..,-;,„. --• . ''./. 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Description This is a parking lot surrounded by landscaping laliscaplaiiiancelorficosirlaimanlaymilidscape Ulm!! iST STREET PARKING LOT—BEFORE & AFTER PHOTOS Page 53 September 2009 June 2010 2nd Street Drain Ditch - CURRENT CONDITION Location 2nd Street Drain Ditch is located by 2nd Street and Eagle Rd. Description This ditch supplies irrigation water. Page 54 2ND STREET DRAIN DITCH WEED PHOTOS September 2009 Page 55 Page 56 Addition North of Sports Complex (by bicycle ramps) Location This is the new addition that is located North of the Sports Complex. Description This property is currently beim; maintained by the t'ublic lVork Dept. TO BE A BETTER RIDER RANDY SPANGLER SAYS TO 1 ALWAYS rax. • HELMET 2 NEVER n.. r.qr. MUDDY 3. ..o RUNNING/WALKING ow arr- 1,S WLR DR RE1UYw InAts ONLY 4 NO DOGS AUowtD w GR•rrt. •�• A, 5.4WMS RID[ WRMN .W. •SLUT. & AS WLUTFL. NO MGGp 7 HAVE FUN! June 2010 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE BY EAGLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.-CURRENT PHOTOS wwwrw Page 57 Page 58 Hwy 55 Trees Location The HWy 55 Trees are located north of Hwy 55 and Hillroad Description This area is on the edge of a subdivision entrance. "I.hcrc. tr('t -' ,irc c•urrvntI\ 111.1i,in(1 \\i tcre(I nic�n(i,ill� h� thc. Public \\ Oi l.s 1)(1 )1. N() 1110'10S .\'I"I' \('I 1I•:1)