Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 05/24/2010 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes May 24,2010 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 V.m. - 6:30 V.m. Acting Mayor Huffaker: I have been informed that Council Members Semanko and Grasser are going to be late so we will go ahead and begin the Pre-Council Agenda. 1. Lower Boise River Interim Feasibility Revort: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Ellen Berggren, presents a power point presentation and discusses the same. General discussion. 2. Treasure Vallev Comvrehensive Aauifer Manal!ement Plan (CAMP) vrocess: Idaho Department of Water Resources. Helen Harrington distributes handouts, presents a power point presentation and discusses the Treasure Valley Comprehensive Aquifer Management Plan. General discussion. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Mayor Huffaker calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Denise VanDoren leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Patricia Mickiewicz discusses the intersection of Ballantyne and Hwy 44. General discussion on the realignment of Ballantyne. Discussion on the upcoming projects in Eagle with ACHD. Debra Hilton, 1203 Selamar Court, I was unable to attend the meetings regarding the recycling bins. They have now been delivered. I'm wondering how many of you have driven around the neighborhoods and noticed the number oftrash bins and recycle bins that are sitting out in the open. I am a strong supporter of recycling. General discussion. Robert Hilton, discusses the size of the trash bins and the recycle bins. General discussion. Semanko states that we should contact Allied Waste for additional options for recycling containers. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Al!ainst the City. B. Minutes of May 11.2010: Page I K:\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-24-10min.doc C. Avvointment to the Develovment Imvact Fee Advisorv Committee (DIFAC): Council President/Acting Mayor Huffaker is requesting Council confirmation of the Parks and Pathways Development Commission members to also serve as on the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Randy Zollinger, Mike Barton, Mary McColl will be serving a four year term. Charles Ferguson, Michael Hummel Don Stockton and Richard Talbert will be serving a two year term. (MH) D. Oven Container Permit: daVinci's is requesting an open container permit to be used on June 12, 2010 from 11 :00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on north 1 st Street between State Street and the alley. Site plan approval has been obtained from City of Eagle Police. Appropriate approval has also been obtained for the street closure from Ada County Highway District. E. Open Container Permit: Eagle Volunteer Firefighter's Association is requesting an open container permit to be used on June 12,2010 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Merrill Park (637 E. Shore Dr.). Site plan approval has been obtained from City of Eagle Police. F. Noise Waiver Request: Eagle Volunteer Firefighter's Association is requesting a noise waiver for June 12,2010 extending the time to midnight to allow for clean up. Council Member Shoushtarian removes Item #5A, Claims Against the City. Shoushtarian moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda, Items #B, C, D, E, and F. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. SA. Claims Al!ainst the City Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Council Member Shoushtarian: my question is in regards to the $8,000.00 to be paid on the buyout. General discussion. Shoushtarian moves to approve the Claims Against the City. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Resolutionl0-18: A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Adopting The Cobra Amendment; Authorizing The Mayor To Sign The Amendment; And Providing For An Effective Date. (SKB) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko moves to approve Resolutionl0-18: A Resolution of The City Council of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Adopting The Cobra Amendment; Authorizing The Mayor To Sign The Amendment; And Providing For An Effective Date. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... ... B. Resolution 10-19: A Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Adopting The Cobra Amendment; Authorizing The Mayor To Sign The Amendment; And Providing For An Effective Date. (SKB) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-24-lOmin.doc Semanko moves to approve Resolution 10-19, a Resolution of The City Council of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, Adopting The Cobra Amendment; Authorizing The Mayor To Sign The Amendment; And Providing For An Effective Date. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... ... 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discussion of Mayoral avvointment: AI. Discussion of City Council avvointment: A.2 Oath of Office: If the Council has proceeded to appoint a mayor and/or city council member, the City Clerk will administer the oath of office to the appointed Mayor and/or Council person. Presentation of Certificates. (SKB) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General Council discussion. Grasser moves to nominate Al Shoushtarian for the position of Mayor of Eagle. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Huffaker: Nay: Shoushtarian: Aye: Semanko: Pass: Grasser: Aye; Semanko Nay: MOTION FAILS. Grasser moves to nominate Saundra McDavid for the position of Mayor of Eagle. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Huffaker: Nay: Shoushtarian: Aye: Semanko: Nay: Grasser: Aye: MOTION FAILS. General discussion. Grasser moves to nominate James Reynolds for the position of Mayor of Eagle. MOTION FAILS. FOR A LACK OF A SECOND. General discussion. Discussion on the legality of the Council President acting as Mayor by reason of resignation. General discussion. Council Member Semanko will prepare a motion or a resolution for the June 8th Agenda to have an Advisory Vote for Mayor. B. Discussion rel!ardinl! Eal!le City Hall business hours: Public comment will be taken on this item. Speakers are asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Brad Cousin, do the costs out weigh the benefits. General discussion. Mark Butler, I testified previously that you don't split up a shift. Discussion on splitting the shift. I hope you go back to the 8:00 to 5:00. General discussion. Patricia Mickiewicz, I'm confused why the phone wasn't answered. Will the Mayor's Assistant be under this shift? General discussion. General Council discussion. Shoushtarian moves to change the City Hall hours to what it was before, 8-5 Monday to Friday with normal full staff. Seconded by Grasser. General discussion. Shoushtarian amends the motion to have this effective July 1,2010. Second concurs. Further discussion. THREE AYES: HUFFAKER: NAY: MOTION CARRIES..................... Page 3 K\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OS-24-lOmin.doc C. EXT-02-10/PP-22-06 - Preliminarv Plat Extension of Time for Symvhony Square Subdivision - Tom Kalanl!e: Tom Kalange represented by Kerrigan Kalange, is requesting a one (1) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Symphony Square Subdivision, a residential subdivision consisting of 19-1ots (14-residential and 5-common). The 6.20-acre site is located at the eastern terminus of West Flint Road approximately 2,1 OO-feet east of Park Lane at 3391 West Flint Drive. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the April 27, 2010 meeting. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Mark Bulter and Kerrigan Lalange: Butler: Kerrigan's family owns this property. Tom called me and 1 told him that I didn't do this for a living anymore. I can answer any questions you have about this, I am not working for these people, I told them that I would help them without any charge. Butler discusses the transportation element of the project. General discussion. Huffaker moves to approve EXT -02-10/PP-22-06 - Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Symphony Square Subdivision for a one year extension of time. Seconded by Semanko. General discussion. THREE AYES: GRASSER NAY: MOTION CARRIES.................... D. Request for Provosal for the City Hall Facility: Acting Mayor Huffaker: Council Member Semanko has requested that we move this item to 9C. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................ 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None 9. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion Eal!le Scout Proiect vrovosed by Brock Jones: Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Brock Jones, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of his Eagle Scout Project. General discussion. Semanko moves to approve Brock's project contingent upon funding being secured from outside sources and that the City Clerk be instructed to forward to us our invitation to Brock's ceremony when it is received for the Eagle Scout ceremony. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. B. Discussion rel!ardinl! Eal!le Public Librarv business hours: Public comment will be taken on this item. Speakers are asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Debra Hilton, 1203 Selamar, you have to consider what you did earlier this evening, having set standard hours. We need to think about the children in our community that use the Library. My concern is that further hours could be cut because of the finances of the City. Semanko explains what the Councils authority is over the Library. Brad Cousins, 66 S. Furwood Avenue, I'm a volunteer off and on at the Library. Discusses people not being able to make to the Library during there hours. Discusses the Community Room not being open to the public which would be a source of revenue. Discussion on the great opportunity to have a free Library. Acting Huffaker reads Kay Johnson's remarks into the record. Page 4 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-24-lOmin.doc Mary Arner, 13401 W. Anabrook Drive, I don't live in Eagle but I do all of my shopping in Eagle and I love this Library. They have the most helpful staff and they have a great selection. I would love to have the Library go back to Saturday morning hours. With the Farmer's Market going on it seems more logical to be open in the morning instead of the afternoon. I understand the budget constraints. Mark Butler, 1640 W. Washam Road, I don't go to the Library but my son goes all of the time. It is such a good service offered by the City. The Library should be number two on your preference list. I know that they can set their budget but maybe you can make a strong recommendation when you pass the budget. General discussion. Shash Timmons, 336 Old Park Place, I have been a patron of the Library since it was moved from the former location. I believe the Library needs to be open longer hours, a lot of people work until 6:00. This is a very important part of our community. I don't have a computer at home so I can use the Library. I would like to see the Library provide computer classes. Russell Van Liew, 97 E. Fish Drive, I would like to second what has been said here. The Library is one of the most important assets to this community. Robert Hilton, 1203 Selamar, everybody has voiced their opinion on this and I agree to everything that is said. The Library should be open the same hours as City Hall. Ron Baker, Library Director, discusses the results of the survey and the Library hours. General discussion. Mary Berent, President of the Library Board: Provides Council some history on the hours of the Library and restoring the Library hours. General discussion. Ron Baker, a 9 hour restoration on Thursday for three months to start the first of July we would need $8, 431.00 for staff costs. That would be for 9 hours on Thursdays. We did a couple of other estimates, if we were to run only 5 hours on Thursday from 1-6 and do an additional 3 hours on Saturday making the hours 10:00 - 1 :00 and for 4 months this was almost $10,000.00. The lowest cost would be the three month restoration. General discussion. This issue will be a separate Agenda item on the June 1,2010 Special Meeting which will include Budget discussion. Debra Hilton, one thing that wasn't brought up but because ofthe budget cuts many ofthe periodicals were not going to be purchased and the citizens of the community stepped up and provided some funding. Dave Berent: I agree that hours are important but content is equally important. Most of the books that I get come from other Libraries around the valley. Discusses the survey conducted by the Library. Discussion on the operational hours. Ron Baker: we do have an active reserve for the Library in the amount of $160,000.00 which has been in place for several years. We had a carry forward of $70,000.00 which we put in reserve but we needed to use those funds. The Library has an adequate reserve fund. C(7D). Reauest for Provosal for the City Hall Facilitv: Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion on changes to the Draft RFP. Page 5 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC.OS.24-10min.doc Huffaker moves to have the City Attorney prepare the RFP and send this out to us by tomorrow and get this out by the end of the week. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... D(C). Permanent Slove Easement and Purchase Al!reement between the City of Eal!le and Ada County Hil!hway District: Sidewalk improvement - 2nd Street to Academy Way. (WEV) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion. City Attorney Buxton: ACHD has agreed that they do not need the Purchase Agreement, the Easement provides what they need to do the improvements. Just grant the Easement. Semanko moves to approve the Permanent Slope Easement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Agreement. Seconded by Huffaker. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. D. Avvroval of expenditure to replace the wireless microvhones in Council Chamber: (ME) Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion. Council concurs not to approve this expenditure this fiscal year and discuss this expenditure in the budget process for next fiscal year. E. Discussion with the Planninl! and Zoninl! Commission rel!ardinl! their final decision makinl! authority for land use applications. Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General discussion on continuing this item. Huffaker: This item will be moved to the Pre-Council Agenda on June 22, 2010. So moved by Semanko. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............. 10. REPORTS: a. Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns: Huffaker: the VIBE was postponed to the first Saturday in June. I think that we need to recognize other outstanding events in our community. We have had the most outstanding year in athletics in Eagle. It would be nice to set up a day to do a recognition for these kids. Discussion on doing a Proclamation. b. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report c. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report d. Public Works Director Report: No report e. City Attorney Report: No report 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pendinl! and Threatened Litil!ation: I.C. 67-2345 (t) Page 6 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-24-IOmin.doc Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko moves to amend the Agenda by adding personnel, I.C. 67-2345(a) and remove pending and threatened litigation from Executive Session. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES................... Huffaker moves to go into Executive Session in accordance with I.C. 67-2345(a) personnel. Seconded by Semanko. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. Council goes into Executive Session at 10:35 p.m. Council discusses personnel issues. Council leaves Executive Session at 11 :40 p.m. 12. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... ... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m. Respectful1y submitted: .bQ.~8 ~~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER MICHAEL HUFF MAYOR ",,'ll II II ."'1I ....'" G f.,AGLJi...... ..' 0' ....... ... :- ~ ..- ... "'. ~ ....... 0 v.. A r Ii' .. .. -_ ~ ....... .. ~'9. .. ~ : u: 0 _~: - · " .' ,....- - - -'-", ""\-0..0. : ~ G ~v_-: -,.. : .. .. · c.. v .,;-....... ~ -.. / -;J t-,(",... ~ ~ -:., ..-YCORPO".. ..:~ ...~ '., s ........ ~ '" ..' ", l' A Tt:: 0 ..," "1 rt P ", 1111.......'" APPROVED: A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 7 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-Ol-24-1 Omin.doc WHY ARE WE DEVELOPING A CAMP? Al the dilectiuir. i t'he k1 Itu Legislaturre, the IWIZI; is develop ink; a Cornpreherisive Aquifer Management Plan (CAMP) for the h eature Valley Aquifer which will become a conii'or ref ii r rf 111f • Idaho Shit(' Willer Plan. The CAMP Pi cr.grarn is designed to develop aquifer management plan; for managing ground and surface water resources into the future. !lie plans will guide technical and martagemerit actions undertaken by the Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB) and the Idaho Department of Water Resources. Once adopted, all state agencies shall exercise their duties in a manner consistent with the CAMP. The plan will also be submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other federal agencies. The specific goals of a CAMP are to: » Provide reliable sources of water, projecting 50 years into the future. • Avoid conflict (i.e., the experience in the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer) » Prioritize future state investments in water » Bridge the gaps between future water needs and supply WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT? The CAMP program is under the authority of the Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB). The IWRB is r2sDo:,sible for appointing the Advisory Committee members and adopting a CAMP for the basins. WHATA COMPREHENSIVE AQUIFER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS NOT » A CAMP is NOT a change to or part of adjudication » A CAMP is NOT associated with Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) » A CAMP is NOT a change in prior appropriations system » A CAMP is NOT regulatory Treasure Valley Comprehensive Aquifer Management Program (CAMP) ."T :_e the CAMP is adopted by the IWRB, it is submitted to the Idaho Legislature for final adoption. St support for the IWRB is provided by the Planning Bureau of the Idaho Department of Watei Resources. Staff provides administrative and technical assistance for IWRB programs and activities. The advisory Committee provides recommendations to the IWRB for consideration in the final CAMP. Citizens provide input and advice to the Advisory Committee and the Board. Technical consultants provide data that will inform the discussions within the Advisory Committee and the IWRB. Facilitators promote communication, understanding and agreement. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Helen Harrington -• Manager Water Planning Section Idaho Department of Water Resources The Idaho Water Center 322 East Front Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0098 Phone: (208) 287-4800 Fax: (208) 287-6700 Please visit our website: www.idwr.idaho.gov/waterboard/WaterPlanning/CAMP/TV_CAMP.htm This website contains background information, updates on the status of the programs, and ways to submit comments. IN 2009 the Idaho Water Resource Board began developing a long term water management plan for the Treasure Valley. The final plan is anticipated to be complete in 2012. The process is intended to investigate strategies and develop plans, which will lead to sustainable water supplies and optimum use of the water resources. Anticipated CAMP technical studies include: • Cloud seeding options » Possible southwest Idaho storage opportunities (with the Corps of Engineers) • Addressing hydrologic data collection needs » Finding a balance between water use and water supply Anticipated Planning Work includes: KEY ISSUES » Population growth >> Land conversions from agriculture to urban uses Significant ground water declines have occurred in Southeast Boise and south of Lake Lowell. Moderate ground water declines have occurred between Eagle, West Boise, and Kuna. Flooding » THE TECHNICAL COMPONENT The technical and planning components wilt not start from scratch. The Treasure Valley Hydrologic Project released in 2004 provided technical information needed to address issues of water supply in the Treasure Valley. The project included the development of a water budget for the aquifer system and an improved understanding of the hydrologic system in the Treasure Valley. Other studies that enhance understanding of water in the Treasure Valley include: » Domestic, Commercial, Municipal and Industrial Water Demand Assessment and Forecast in Ada and Canyon Counties » Localized hydrogeologic studies in North Ada County and East Ada/West Elmore Counties • Future Water Demand Study » Evaluation of the impacts of climate change on water supply » Planning assessment of proposed alternatives to meet future water demands Eagle Caldwell • • Meridian .* �'., Nampa Boise • Kuna Miles. 12 18 LOWER BOISE RIVER INTERIM FEASIBILITY STUDY Ellen Berggren Project Manager Walla Walla District Boise Outreach Office May 24, 2010 Eagle City Council US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG. Coordinated Planning Efforts Lower Boise Interim Feasibility Study Treasure Valley prehensive Aquifer anagement Plan Water Storage Assessment BUILDING STRONG 5-2(1-70 1 Study Authority • Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) 1999, Section 414 I.. Flood control • WRDA 2007, Section 4038 Ecosystem restoration & water supply Study Area Lower Boise River Basin = Lucky Peak Dam to Snake River confluence Boise River Basin :. .• ...r,. CaWtclt iadc.r�n, Ow FM • kBOISC Sermon .. ,,an ANtrys.' Rvrcfi: BUILDING STRONG.: BUILDING STRONG® 2 Interim Feasibility Scope • Existing conditions ® Flood damage and economic analysis ■ Water storage analysis • Plan next study phase Study Phases • Reconnaissance Study ► 1995 and 2001 • Feasibility Study ► Interim Feasibility Phase • June 2009 — April 2012 ► Feasibility Phase • TBD BUILDING STRONG �.., B. Ro..r an0 Tributaries. IJatw BUILDING STRONGs 3 Existing Conditions Plan Formulation ■ Identify problems and opportunities ■ Identify planning objectives and constraints ■ Describe existing conditions/ future without project conditions BUILDING STRONG® Existing Conditions Planning Objectives • Reduce risk to public safety from flooding. • Reduce flood damages. • Provide additional water supply. • Improve riparian and floodplain habitat quantity/quality. • Improve water quality. • Improve recreational opportunities and safety. BUILDING STRONG® 4 N Existing Conditions Boise River Regulation f1EYACD0 BR:CC( Ck:11C 5'1,:71 rum ria 1.110 V.r . a.YG [.I.s. (�— CALOYEL▪ Lq BO:SE DRAINAGE AREA = 2.680 M:LES ADEPS', RAYC1 DAY [Wattle 14 tO•S Existing Conditions Current Flood Risk (as measured at Glenwood Bridge) • Corps/Reclamation regulation objective = 6,500 cfs • Flood stage = 7,000 cfs • Localized flooding begins = 4,500 cfs • 3 -percent flood (35 -year event) regulated to 7,200 cfs • 1 -percent flood (100 -year event) regulated to 16,600 cfs BUILDING STRONG® 1943 — Flood in Eagle, ID 2008 - Eagle, Idaho BUILDING STRONG® 5 What is the Risk of Flooding? Years in Floodplain 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 at least one 10 -yr flood least one 50 -yr flood 10% 2% 19% 4% 27% 6% 34% 8% at least one 100 -yr flood 1% 2% 3% 4% 41% 10% 5% 65% 18% 10% 79% 26% 14% 3% 88% 33% 18% 4% 93% 40% 22% 5% 96% 45% 26% 6% at least one 500 -yr flood BUILDING STRONG, RISK = Potential for Flood x Consequence of Flood Consequence of Flood Unlikely to Occur High Consequence MODERATE RISK Likely to Occur High Consequence Unlikely to Occur Low Consequence LOW RISK Likely to Occur Low Consequence Potential for Flood BUILDING STRONG, 6 Flood Damage & Economic Analysis • Update hydraulic models & floodplain map • Update existing flood damage curves • Estimate flood damages prevented Water Storage Analysis • Middle Fk Boise drainage - Alexander Flats - Twin Springs;�r►'xy • ,;,'"rc North Fk Boise drainage •, ��`y_;, - Rabbit Creek - Barber Flats • South Fk Boise drainage"'r- - Anderson Ranch Dam - Krall Mountain • Main Boise drainage - Arrowrock - Lucky Peak - Grimes Creek - Dunnigan Creek (Mores Ck) - Indian Creek -Mayfield - Firebird (Willow Ck) en, BUILDING STRONGe BUILDING STRONG, 7 Water Storage Analysis ■ Middle Fk Boise drainage - Alexander Flats - Twin Springs • North Fk Boise drainage - Barber Flats • Main Boise drainage - Arrowrock - Lucky Peak - Dunnigan Creek (Mores Ck) BUILDING STRONG,,, Water Storage Analysis Second -level Screening Criteria How do the sites compare with respect to .. . • Meeting future water demand? • Reducing flood risk? • Hydropower potential? • Technical feasibility? • Relative cost? • Avoiding social effects? • Avoiding environmental effects? • Avoiding resource management conflicts? • Avoiding legal conflicts? ••••••i ••i •• • • • BUILDING STRONG, 8 Plan Next Study Phase • Interim Feasibility Report ► Existing conditions description ► Water storage assessment results ► Floodplain inventory ► Scope of work to complete feasibility study • Identify partners/sponsors BUILDING STRONG,) Time Line • Water Storage Assessment ► Screening Analysis • Public Meetings w/draft screening results: > June 28 — Caldwell ID • June 29 — Boise, ID • June 29— Eagle, ID > July 1 — Idaho City. ID • Screening Analysis Finalized: August 31, 2010 ► Engineering Design/Cost Estimates — July 2011* • Floodplain Mapping - April 2011* • Economic Analysis / Flood Damages - May 2011* • Draft Interim Feasibility Report - December 2011* • Final Interim Feasibility Report - April 2012* Contingent on Congressional appropriations. BUILDING STRONG 9 For More Information Ellen Berggren, Project Manager US Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District Ellen.M.Berggren@usace.army.mil 208.345.2065 Webpage: www.nww.usace.army.mil/boise/brifs/default.asp Cynthia Bridge Clark, Project Manager Idaho Department of Water Resources cynthia.clark@idwr.idaho.gov 208.287.4817 www.idwr idaho.gov/waterboard/WaterPlanning/CAMP/TV_CAMP.htm BUILDING STRONGe 10 Comprehensive Aquifer Management and Planning Program In the Treasure Valley Presentation to the Eagle City Council May 24, 2010 Helen Harrington Idaho Department of Water Resources The CAMP Program 2008 Legislation House Bills No. 428 and 644 Created Aquifer Planning and Management Program under the authority of the Idaho Water Resource Board New Idaho Code Sections: 42-1779 42-1780 1 IDAHO Water Resource Board Purpose Establish framework and path forward which will lead to sustainable water supplies and optimum use of water Conduct statewide comprehensive aquifer planning and management effort over a 10 -year period Avoid the Eastern Snake Plain type conflicts in other areas of the state Develop management plans for selected basins with potential ground -surface water conflicts or other identified needs Prellmma.y Apiiitey Study 9oumla.iee CIO ▪ � �vro. ME %Wan IUah. • Falls �Ha ley• ESPA Twin Falls Pocatello 1 2 Program Design Hydrologic Component J Planning Component Stakeholder Component 1 Coordination/Leverage with other activities and projects TREASURE VALLEY CAMP Current Activities Initial Scoping of Issues and Concerns Collaborative Processes (facilitation team) conducted interviews in September/October Situation Assessment/Advisory Committee Recommendations Released on January 13, 2010 Advisory Committee Established in March, two meetings held (April, May) Ongoing Hydrologic and Planning Studies 3 Hydrologic Studies J Northern and Eastern Ada County Ground Water Studies J Evaluate existing ground water models - Establish Monitoring Network - Develop Hydrologic Framework 1 Prepare/Update Water Balance - Create/Refine Ground Water Model Planning Studies J Water Demand Projections (50 years) 1 Evaluate impacts of climate change on future water supplies and strategies for meeting future water demand 1 Storage Feasibility Study Ground Water Recharge 4 Anticipated Planning Studies Evaluate alternatives for meeting projected demands or changing supply: ▪ Water Use Transfers J Inter -basin Transfers ▪ Weather Modification J Conservation Feasibility Additional alternatives from the Advisory Committee Stakeholder and Public Involvement 1 Stakeholder Advisory Committee j Recommendations to IWRB Public meetings 5 TREASURE VALLEY CAMP Tentative Schedule March 2010 Advisory Committee Established September 2010 Technical and Planning Studies generally complete June 2011 Advisory Committee Recommended Aquifer Management Plan to IWRB August 2011 Draft Aquifer Management Plan circulated for public comment and hearings November 2011 Aquifer Management Plan Adopted by IWRB For Additional Information: http://www.idwr.idaho.qov/waterboard /Planning/CAMP/CAMP.htm Helen Harrington Manager, Water Planning Section Idaho Department of Water Resources 208-287-4848 Helen harnr ton:a_ idwr Idaho (Jo. 6