Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 04/27/2010 - Regular
April 27, 2010
PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p,m. - 6:30 p,m,
1. Tour of Eagle Museum: Please meet at 67 E. State Street for the tour. Upon completion of
the tour the remaining pre-council item will be heard.
City Council met at the Museum and Laurie Baker, Curator, conducted a tour of the Museum.
Council reconvened at City Hall at 6:20 p.m.
2. Ada County Sheriffs Office Monthly Report: - Chief Hippe distributes the monthly report
and discusses the same. General discussion.
Discussion on moving the Substation into the City Hall Building.
I. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker calls the meeting to order at
6:40 p.m.
quorum is present.
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Terri Sayers (check spelling) leads the Pledge of
4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Terri Bath, Eagle Chamber of Commerce, I just want to ask you not
to forget about the Payette Scenic By-Way $100.00 request while you are doing your budget for
next fiscal year.
Discussion on the Census Committee and the work that they have done.
Mary Defayette, I am working on a story and it might concern your budget, flags outside City
Hall. General discussion on the flags.
Public Works Director Echeita: I do have enough flags to put up at City Hall and Flag Plaza. We
go through 3-4 sets of flags each year and the big flag cost $300 -$400 a piece. When we do the
budget I will have all of the numbers on purchasing the flags each year. General discussion.
Frank Thomason, Valley Times, there is an article in the Valley Times on the back page this
week. I am wondering about broadcasting the City Council meetings. General discussion.
· Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one
motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a
Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed
from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda
will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council.
. Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval
from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design
Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda
approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise.
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A. Claims Al!ainst the City,
B. Appointment to the Development Impact Fee Advison' Committee
mIFAC): Council President/Acting Mayor Huffaker is requesting Council
confirmation of the Parks and Pathways Development Commission members to
also serve as on the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee. Randy
Zollinger, Mike Barton, Mary McColl will be serving a four year term. Charles
Ferguson, Michael Hummel Don Stockton and Richard Talbert will be serving a
two year term. (MH)
C. Approval of alcohol license renewals: The following have submitted the
appropriate fees and documentation required to seek renewal of their City of
Eagle a1cohollicense: Jackson's Food Stores, Inc., The Perks of Life, Fiesta
Guadalajara, Willowcreek Grill, Justo's, Albertson's and Albertson's Express,
Cafe Russian Bear, Pizza Hut, Walgreens, Eagle Hilton Garden Inn, The
Porterhouse, Eagle Hills Golf Course, The Stuffed Olive. Approved licenses
will be valid from May 1,2010 through April 30, 2011. The Clerk's Office is
requesting Council approve the renewal of all a1cohollicense holders that submit
appropriate documentation and fees prior to the expiration of their 2009-20 I 0
licenses, in order to accommodate those businesses awaiting renewal from other
entities. (SKB)
D. Open Container Permit: Smith & Coelho is requesting an open container
permit to be used on April 30, 2010 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at 1151 E. Iron
Eagle Dr. Eagle, Idaho. Permitee is reminded that no minors be served at this
event or this permit may be immediately revoked by an agent of the City or
Eagle Police Department. (SKB)
E. Minutes of April 13. 2010,
Grasser removes Item #A Claims Against the City.
Semanko removes Item #B and Item #E.
Semanko moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda, Items #C and #D, and we move
Claims Against the City down to just before Public Hearings, Seconded by Shoushtarian.
Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES:
MOTION CARRIES........,.....
58. Appointment to the Development Impact Fee Advison' Committee mIFAC): Council
President! Acting Mayor Huffaker is requesting Council confirmation of the Parks and Pathways
Development Commission members to also serve as on the Development Impact Fee Advisory
Committee. Randy Zollinger, Mike Barton, Mary McColl will be serving a four year term.
Charles Ferguson, Michael Hummel Don Stockton and Richard Talbert will be serving a two
year term. (MH)
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
General discussion on the Development Impact Fee Advisory Committee, what the Committee
does and what the Development Impact Fees are used for.
Semanko discusses opening this up to the general pubic.
Further discussion.
Council concurs to put out an announcement out to the general public to submit applications.
Semanko moves to solicit nominations for the Capital Improvement Plan and Development
Impact Fee Advisory Committee to be open for a period of two weeks, to come before the
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Council two weeks after that and to be posted on the web site and we encourage the Parks
& Pathways Development Commission to submit their names, Seconded by Shoushtarian.
5E. Minutes of April 13. 2010,
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
Semanko discusses the changes to the minutes on Page 5, 7B and Page 6, Executive Session
notations right before reports.
Semanko moves to make those changes to the minutes and approve the minutes as
corrected. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................
A. Resolution 10-17 -Fair Housinl!: In accordance with the Idaho Community Development
Block Grant obtain by the City for the Mercy Housing/Eagle Senior Village project the City is
required to adopt the Fair Housing Resolution each year. (SKB)
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
Semanko moves to approve Resolution 10-17 -Fair Housing Resolution to be signed by
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker, Seconded by Huffaker, ALL AYES: MOTION
CARRIES,..".""... ,.,.,.....
B. Municipal Clerks Week Proclamation: A proclamation declaring May 2nd - 8t\ 2010 as
Municipal Clerks Week:
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
Semanko makes changes to after the WHEREAS, there should be a semi-colon instead of a
Semanko moves to approve the Municipal Clerks Week Proclamation a proclamation
declaring May 2nd - 81\ 2010 as Municipal Clerks Week to be signed by the Acting Mayor,
Seconded by Grasser, ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES,..........
A. Findinl!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for CPA-07-08/A-05-08/RZ-11-08-
Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment from Public/Semi-Public and Transitional
Residential to Mixed Use. Professional Office. and Transitional Residential and an
Annexation and Rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Desil!nation) to
MU-DA (Mixed Use with a development al!reement) for Wilson Properties. L.P, and
Wilson Holdinl!. LLC: Wilson Properties L.P. and Wilson Holdings, LLC, represented by Gene
Shaffer with CSHQA, is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Map and Text Amendment to change
the land use designation on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Public/Semi-
Public and Transitional Residential to Mixed Use, Professional Office, and Transitional
Residential, and to amend the language in the Rim View Planning Area; an annexation and
rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to MU-DA (Mixed Use
with a development agreement). The +/- 83.79-acre site is generally located at the northwest
corner ofN. Fox Run Avenue and Chinden Boulevard (Highway 20/26) at 6479 N. Fox Run
Avenue and 990 W. Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the March 22,
2010 meeting. The applicant is requesting this item be continued to the May 11,2010
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Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue. The applicant has requested that
this time be continued to the May II, 2010 City Council meeting.
Don Knickrem, discusses the changes needed to be made and their request for this matter to be
continued. General discussion.
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker, I would entertain a motion to continue this item
to the May 11,2010 meeting.
Shoushtarian: so moved. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......
B. EXT-02-10/PP-22-06 - Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Svmphonv Square
Subdivision - Tom Kalanl!e: Tom Kalange represented by Kerrigan Kalange, is requesting a
one (I) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Symphony Square
Subdivision, a residential subdivision consisting of 19-1ots (l4-residential and 5-common). The
6.20-acre site is located at the eastern terminus of West Flint Road approximately 2,1 OO-feet east
of Park Lane at 3391 West Flint Drive. (WEV) This item was continuedfrom the March 22, 2010
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
Discussion on the extension request.
Semanko moves to remand this to staff to communicate to the Applicant to come before us
at one of our next meetings but no later than our May 24, 2010 meeting at which time we
will take come kind of action, Seconded by Shoushtarian, THREE AYES: GRASSER
NAY: MOTION CARRIES,..........,........,..,.....
Discussion on an ordinance in regards to extension of time.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: This should be on the Council Agenda May 24th. We will have
to have a public hearing.
C. Easement al!reement between the City of Eal!le and the Department of Water Resources
for a monitorinl! well to be located at Friendship Park, (ME) This item was continued from
the April 13, 2010 meeting.
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
General discussion.
Semanko moves to remand to staff and bring back when ready, Seconded by Shoushtarian.
ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES..............,......
D. Proposal for senrices for property appraisal of fixed assets for the City of Eal!le
between the City of Eal!le and Valuations Northwest Inc, (SKB)This item was continued
from the April 13, 2010 meeting.
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
General discussion on the proposal.
Shoushtarian moves to remand to staff for review and bring back on the May 11, 2010
Council Agenda. Seconded by Semanko, ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................
E. Ordinance 644: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Section 3-4-11,
Eagle City Code, To Provide Criteria For Mobile Food Concessions And Nonmobile Food
Concessions, And Providing Effective Date. (WEV)
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
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General discussion on the Ordinance.
Semanko moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule reqUiring
Ordinances to be read in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #644 be considered as
being read for the second time by title only having had the first reading at our last meeting.
Semanko reads Ordinance #644 by title only, Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES:
MOTION CARRIES""......""........,...,
F. Discussion of selection and review process for applicants interested in senrinl! as Mavor:
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
City Attorney Buxton: You can not go into Executive Session to discuss the selection and
review process for applicants interested in serving as Mayor. General discussion.
General discussion on the selection process.
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker: Two of the interested parties are myself and Council
Member Shoushtarian and I believe all of us are in agreement that should it come to pass that one
of us become the next Mayor that we would need an individual to fill that seat so tonight I would
like to extend an invitation to the public for those who are interested to fill the Council seat.
They can submit their names over the next 10 days. Those who have already submitted for
Mayor they can just fill out the standard form and check the appropriate box.
Further discussion.
Council will each submit their short list for Mayor by May 3rd, which will be subject to public
7G(5A). Claims Al!ainst the City,
Acting Mayor/Council President Huffaker introduces the issue.
Discussion on who pays for staff lunches and a payroll report for Council showing gross and net
amounts of wages.
Grasser moves to approve the Claims Against the City. Seconded by Shoushtarian.
Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES:
MOTION CARRIES........,.....
a. Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns:
Semanko: Reports on the Transportation Meeting.
Shoushtarian: Eagle residents have been receiving their recycling bins this week.
General discussion on Allied Wastes service and the delivery of the recycling bins.
Huffaker: Discussion on the candidates forums sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.
Eagle Saturday Market is up and running. We are putting out a notice for a new market manager.
General discussion.
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There are a group of citizens that are trying to organize a fund raising group to raise money for
the benefit of parks and pathways.
Some representatives from the Boise River Sweep asked for support to organize groups to clean
up the rivers in the various communities up and down the river.
Discussion on the letter from Switcharooz in regards to the use of sandwich boards.
Discussion on the Mayor's Award to Youth event.
b. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Discussion on moving the May 25th meeting to another date.
c. Zoning Administrator's Report: No report
d. Public Works Director Report: No report
e. City Attorney Report: No report
Discussion on proceeding with the RFP for a new city hall. Council concurs to have this on the
June 8, 2010 meeting.
Zoning Administrator Vaughan: Discussion on a new Pathway Map.
Discussion on the meeting with Sage to discuss an Idaho Community Rural Block Grant for
improvements within the downtown area. We will be taking photos of the buildings downtown
between Edgewood and to the West.
Discussion on Arbor Ridge.
Discussion on the street light grant.
A. Pendinl! and Threatened Litil!ation: I.C. 67-2345 (t)
Grasser moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION
CARRIES.............. ...
Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9: 10 p.m.
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Sara Lynne Ballantyne
Sara's talent for leadership has been proven many times at Galileo
Math & Science School. As an active member of our student council in
which she was elected 7th grade president, she has hatched many great
ideas, and her busy leadership activities haven't even hurt her grades.
She is a Galileo Honor Student. Sara spearheaded the Galileo School
food drive for the Eagle Food Bank. She also showed remarkable
leadership in organizing a fund drive to help the victims in the Haiti
earthquake. Thanks to Sara and others, Galileo students donated
Kevin Davis
Kevin is the most awesome student the Eagle Academy has ever
had. He makes every day better for everyone he comes in contact with,
and that is not an easy task. Kevin received the Presidential Education
Award, received a high score in the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude
Battery, was Student of the Year in English, and scored a perfect 100
percent in Humanities classes, making him number one in his class.
Kevin is on the Meridian School District Youth Council, participated in
O'Ambassadors for two years, is Speaker for Spring Assemblies, is host
of the Fall Assembly, helped create the assembly to send one of Eagle
Academy's teachers to Iraq, and is an office aide.
Ryan Grether
Ryan came to Eagle High School as a ninth grader. Always a force
to be reckoned with in his class and a positive role model for other
students, Ryan is well respected by staff and students alike. Ryan is a
strong academic student and an extremely mature individual. He has
excelled here at Eagle High School and augmented his course study with
honors classes. His academic talents range from honors mathematics to
honors science. He continues to challenge himself academically,
because his essential quality is that of a life-long student. Ryan has
taken a leadership role through the school newspaper, he volunteers his
time running Jumpin Juice and Java during early morning and lunch
shifts, and he is a staff selected member of the Link Crew, helping ninth
grade students transition into the high school setting. Ryan is an
elementary student assistant, volunteers with other students working to
incorporate Rachel's Challenge into the school, and has worked with
faculty and students to find strategies to help broaden the awareness
around issues of diversity. Ryan is also a loyal friend and an extremely
sensitive person. He does what he knows is right and does not worry
about how others may judge him. This enables him to have tremendous
freedom and to be happy and confident. His inner voice is strong, which
is the source for his creative energy.
Benjamin R. Herren
Benjamin is a young man who has a tremendous amount of
positive energy and a genuine eagerness to participate in rigorous
academics, a burning desire to excel at long distance running, and an
extremely strong work ethic and responsible nature. It is rare that one
finds a student who is as unafraid of hard work as Ben is. He maintains
an outstanding 3.9091 weighted GPA in a rigorous college prep course
of study. He has matriculated through honors and advanced placement
courses in English, science, social studies, mathematics, and foreign
language, and intellectually he has produced su erior work. His ACT
composite score of 33 places him in the top 99P percentile nationally,
while he receives a selection index of 200 on his PSAT. Due in part to
his excellent academic endeavors, Ben was inducted into the National
Honor Society his junior year. Ben has balanced his outstanding
academic record with his love of running. Ben is an endurance athlete,
which means he is capable of blending strength and power together.
Consistently Ben attended voluntary summer practices even though he
works in downtown Eagle. Ben has matured through the world of
running and will take his aptitude and endurance and use it on the
challenges that still await him. Ben is loved by the student body at
Eagle High School. He has more nick names — Superman, Benjamin
Clark Kent — than is necessary, but he handles the adoration of the
underclassmen with grace and wit. In whatever endeavors Ben chooses
to follow, he will face the challenges of his future with a positive
outlook, a rigorous work ethic, and a tremendous belief to overcome
adversity and stay focused on his dreams.
Scott Jones
Eagle Middle School has been very lucky to have three years with
this kind and caring young man. Scott has a great sense of humor and is
always willing to share it with others. He is well respected by his peers
and staff here at the school. He has been a dedicated athlete and student
over the past three years. Scott has made tremendous strides and has
worked exceptionally hard to become a successful contribution to the
school climate. Scott is a student council member, and also participates
in football, wrestling, and track. He is a Life Scout and is working
toward his Eagle Scout. He has participated in volunteer projects two or
three times a month since he was about eight years old. He also
participates in the club wrestling program in Eagle.
Justin Nesbitt
Justin's quiet leadership is a very positive force at Galileo Math &
Science School. He has involved himself in practically all activities at
the school and always makes the school look great. He relates very well
with his fellow students and encourages them to get involved with
extracurricular activities, plus his busy life has not prevented him from
earning top grades. Justin has worked on the school yearbook
committee, participated in Science Olympiad, Math Count, Future City
Competitive Team, and Invent Idaho where he assisted younger
students. He plays Optimist football, is Acolyte at his church, is on the
First Lego League, participated in several 4H projects, is patrol leader
for his Boy Scout Troop, organized a Paint the Town team, and
organized a Rake Up Boise team.
Breck Steele
Breck is an outstanding student with a generous heart. She is
always willing to help and is consistently kind and patient with others.
Breck always goes above and beyond the expectations, all the while
making it look effortless. She is well respected by her peers and staff at
Eagle Middle School. Breck is an active member of the community and
volunteers at the public library, Spring Creek Assisted Living, Eagle
Food Bank, and Rake Up Eagle. She is involved in the National Junior
Honors Society, volley ball, basketball, and the swing team.
City of Eagle Police
Monthly Report March 2010
Group A NIBRS Crime*
Person Crime~
Property Crime*
Society Crime*
# of Reported Crimes
Rate 2010
29 39 51.3% 12 13
63 62 29.0% 22 17
38 18 94.4% 6 I 1 1
January February 11rlarch
City of Eagle Population
COMPASS 2009: 21.370
14 Projection 2010: 23.088
23 % Change 8.0%
130 119 46.2% 40 41 38 Group A NIBRS Crime Rate YTD
(per 1,000)
59 52 36.5% 17 12 23 2009: 6.1
71 67 53.7% 23 21) 15 2010: 5.2
40 -
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Property NMI Society
2009 Monthly Average
Change -15.3%
2009 Clearance Rates
Person: 72.4%
Property: 24.6%
Society: 89.5%
Total: 46.6%
Felony: 37.6%
Misdemeanor: 54.1%
As of February 2010
,,a• pow m,liblc i :._ 'n I't.•I,i�., aril ~Willi. , 1T .e
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t Ilt.m..
�, �.:c!\ r •In • I'iri) I4llr. Ulixen; \1::Iel:ai f9c^tlluU.a;. '.\.',tp5al du \ d:Iilon.
Police Activity
Calls For Service+ (Total)
Total Response •1'irne
('ode 3. (Calls For Service
('ode 3* Response Time
Proactive Policing -
Reports (DR's)
# of Incidents
YTD 2010
2009 2010 January February March
911 807 286 242 279
6:25 6:48 7:27 6:09 6:41
29 16 7 4 5
3:15 3:04 2:08 4:51 2:55
3,502 2.766 951 879 936
453 362 141 121 100
137 110 35 38 37
662 207 61 80 66
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Calls For Service
Proactive Policing 2009 Monthly Average
Pro, ided 13, ACSO•CAI • di Data obtained from Neu World. CAD Lcga., AS4Mi 1ST.ARS and ITD WebCars databases
Page 1 of 2
March 2010
Top Calls For Service
Burglary Alarm (22)
Attempt To Locate Reckless Driver (15)
Property Check (10)
Loose/Dead/Injured Animal (10)
Juvenile Problem (10)
Dog Problem (9)
. ▪ ;III; 1 In ',a.t\ lee l In tel g.roclated cilli, I'll I
non-rnI rxncc mnnh.l and rill idiom. I
• l'1o;Il L•,e Poll; in:. 1 rltii. 'top- Ii;1,1
un.n li u, !l i.. d. •.+n, . nvcn e is at dn.ctcd
1)41101, .eleemc111Iti..11 i \m,:uL.5. Isi hle•m
„ d\ m:. un.blis•nl.d Illus
• Lill :cqunnn: alt Fincr•.,cncs li.•p.)..
u.n .in: at
roof,: ,•I Ih: 1. Ihnun_ condiIi. 51. i,
hill: v;d hi .\!.t summon nt\„1\e+ uuuurnnl
IiIl.Ii 1, 1 scrims; nqur\ rt d:ath lig ,un
I,cr.6,11.. In olail t,, yrc\enl or bolt ,I , run.. 1'
, 1 ,].•n, c „Ilcn .I .e. I•at. 1,uhllc hai.ud .+:.i or
ill, a,a
:a aapi head,f:,',I l• IIs u•I)e:'
o,•,, lead, al; 1'.i .I nn 1L, o!,.I 111 ahleh 11e
U!Ij111 Lr1
H111,1 JCC I11Ivl
Data queried 4 15,10
Pro )erty Crime
Vehicle Burglary
Residential Burglary.
Commercial Burglary
Construction Burglary
\TD 2010
2009 2010 January February March
4 9 4 4 1
9 6 3 0 3
2 2 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0
17 5 2 1 2
30 40 12 12 16
63 62 22 17 23
Construction Site Check" 160 115 30 41 44
Property/Security Check 470 478 188 125 165
"011ier Prnper►‘ (-rime, include:
137Mrn t , 1I; !!:! !n, I„tie! 1 n0+;74,:in,:r.1 1 sb„Inm Itl,,:1,,,,III I ..... 1
\.h,i,. 11.. 1:, ,::, :nJ' :-' l'!,,;..I,;;,..,,_.
1I t!! \1+t+!
Property Damage
Personal Injury
Alcohol -Related ('rashes
Traffic Stops
DUI Arrests
Moving Citations
5 -
0 -
1 -ID 2010
2009 2010 January February March
31 27 9 12 6
14 12 8 2 2
0 1 0 1 0
45 40 17 15 8
I 3 2 1 0
2.135 1.522 494 528 500
23 21 7 9 5
342 54 15 24 15
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Property Damage Personal Injury
January - March 2010
Top Crash intersections
State St & Highway 55 (7)
Eagle Rd & Highway 44 (6)
Highway 55 & Floating Feather Rd (3)
Highway 44 & W State St (3)
Eagle Rd & Chinden Blvd (3)
Highway 55 & Hill Rd (2)
State St & Sierra View Wy (2)
Eagle Rd & Plaza Dr (2)
Prot dcd Ebi ACSO'CAU9h
Fatal --- 2009 Monthly Average
March 2010
Crashes by Time of Day
0000-0600 hrs 0
0600-0900 hrs 1
0900-1200 hrs 1
1200-1500 hrs 2
1500-1800 hrs 2
1800-2100 hrs 2
2100-2400 hrs 0
March 2010
Crashes by Day of Week
Sunday 3
Monday 1
Tuesday 1
Wednesday 0
Thursday 0
Friday 2
Saturday 1
March 2010
l'op Crash Contributing
Following Too Close (5)
Inattention (3)
Failed to Yield (2)
Data obtained from Ker, World CAD Legac, AS4(K) (STARS. and ITD WebCars databases Data queried 4,1511u
Page 2 of 2
Eagle City Council
660 E. Civic Lane
P.O. Box 1520
Eagle, Idaho 83616
Dear City Council President and Acting Mayor Huffaker,
125 Stierman Way Ste. B
Eagle, Idaho 83616
16 March 2010
APR 12 2010
Route tre
1 am writing in regard to the Eagle City Sign regulations and in particular, how it applies to small
I have been a resident of Eagle for over 16 years. My husband and I moved here because we
loved the quiet and simple lifestyle Eagle had to offer. Since that time we hove seen a lot of change in
our community - most of it for the better. We love this city so much and have invested time and money
in our local church, schools, and for the last two years in a small retail business located across the street
from the library, on the west side of Stierman Ave.
We appreciate the efforts that the city has put forth in the area of sign regulation to keep our
city from looking like Garden City or Vegas; but, small businesses also need to be able to have signs in
areas that help the public find us. I am speaking specifically about the A frame signs.
I have an A frame sign that I put out every day on the sidewalk by my store and it alone brings in
about 5 new customers a week. I had a week long sale and I put the sign on the corner of State Street
and Stierman. I informally polled my customers over a 5 day period and my sales were up around 20%
due to the signage. I planned to leave the sign out through the end of the week however I got a call
from the city and was told it could not be on State : it had to be adjacent to my property. A twenty
percent increase in sales is huge for my business because we are in a non-traditional retail space and
people are having difficulty finding us. I also have noticed plenty of non -conforming signs around town
that are similar to mine .
What I would ask you to consider is a temporary moratorium on A -frame sign regulations to
allow us and other small businesses to utilize these types of signs to iricrease sales in these tough
economic times. This would provide an opportunity for the City to evaluate the results of lifting these
restrictions for a period of time. if there are no unintended consequences, perhaps a new policy
allowing A -frame signs could be adopted.
This is our second year in business and we have an awesome store. We provide a good service
to our city and employ two people who would otherwise not have jobs. The problem is we may not be
able to stay in this location if we cannot draw more attention to ourselves.
Thank you for you j nti o thi atter, I look forward to your response.
Dawn M. Lopez
Switcharooz Up
cale Children's