Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 05/04/2010 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes May 4,2010 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Acting Mayor Huffaker calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Beck Grasser leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. BUDGET DISCUSSION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011: 5. Presentations: a. Doug Hetherington, Leavitt Group: Insurance changes. Doug Hetherington distributes insurance information to the Council and discusses the new coverage for medical, vision, dental and life insurance. General discussion. b. Ax Yewer Ada County Prosecutor's Office. Ax Yewer distributes a letter to Council and provides some history and discusses the increase in costs and case load. General discussion. c. Chief Hippie - Eagle Police Department. Chief Hippie distributes his budget to the Council. Sheriff Raney discusses the court cost distribution to the City, recaps the budget for this fiscal year, discusses staffing and discusses FY 10/11 budget. Chief Hippie discusses the proposed budget. General discussion. 6. Budget Discussions: Council concurs to have all contract providers scheduled on the next Budget Meeting. a. Revenues: General discussion on revenues. b. Library. Library Director presents the Library Budget. General discussion. Mary Berent, President of the Eagle Library Board, discusses the budget and the full restoration of the 5% cut in salaries to Library employees. General discussion. c. Expenditures: a. Public Works Department: Public Works Director Echeita presents the Public Works Department budget. General discussion. b. Building Department: Public Works Director Echeita presents the Building Departments budget. General discussion. Page I KICOUNCILIMlNUTES\Temporary Minules Work AreaICC-05-04-lOspmtngdoc c. Water Department: Public Works Director Echeita presents the Water Departments budget. General discussion. d. City Clerk presents the General Administration, Executive Department, City Clerk Department and Museum Budgets. General discussion. e. PZ Department: Zoning Administrator Vaughan presents the Planning & Zoning budget. General discussion. Council concurs that they don't need a presentation at this time from the Museum or the Arts Commission but would like to see the Arts Commission budget. The next Budget Meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. on June 1,2010. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.., Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted: ~ ~ ""........,'.. ......" f EA G.... . (~Jl ~ ~.... ...l 0....... l..."..., ". :- "'._ e. "<.." . SHARON K. BERGMANN f ~... ~ORA 7' ... ". CITY CLERK/TREASURER : U l o~ ~ ... * \ : : u .~ : : - . ." _e :it~ c:d.:::t;.\"'';;-:OE - . ~p~ 'e _ ~ ..:""~ '\"'~.. ~ .: .... .n ..OI/POIl".. 'X"" .... ", y-./' ........ '\) ..... "" .-</ l'E Of \ "," "1, ",\ "'1111111" APPROVED, -#, 1!d!rn?f2ER ACTING MAYOR A TRANSCRlBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 2 K: ICOUNCIL \MIN UTES\20 I O\CC-05-04-1 O'pml ng.doc CRIMINAL DIVISION Phone (208) 287-7700 Fax (208) 287-7709 CIVIL DIVISION Phone (208) 287-7700 Fax (208) 287-7719 �c 5- (/-ic2 ADA COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY GREG H. BOWER 200 W. Front Street, Rin 3191 Boise, Idaho 83702 May 4, 2010 Michael Huffaker, City Council Member, Acting Mayor John Grasser, City Council Member Norm Semanko, City Council Member Al Shoushtarian, City Council Member 560 Civic Lane Eagle, Idaho 83616 RE: Prosecution Services Funding Request for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: This letter is to update you on the amount of money the Ada County Prosecuting Attorney's Office will be charging for the prosecution services part of the Security Services Agreement between Eagle and Ada County. For Fiscal Year ("FY") 2010-2011 the amount will be $53,972. During this past fiscal year (FY 2008-2009) the magistrate division handled a total of 9,741 cases as compared to 5,500 cases for FY 2007-2008. The 9,741 number constitutes all misdemeanors and infractions where our office had to open a file and perform any work on new filings within that time period, plus probation violations and contempt motions filed within the year's time. The numbers break out as follows: 1,820 infractions 6,773 misdemeanors 904 probation violations + 244 contempt motions 9,741 total cases Out of that total Eagle had 659 cases. For comparison note that for FY 2007-2008 Eagle had 481 cases. The $53,972 figure is derived from the fact that in our magistrate division, cases can be assigned to any one of the 10 full time and 1 part time attorneys employed. To fund the magistrate division attorneys it costs the County $793,701 including benefits. The 659 cases equaled 6.8% of the 9,741 total caseload handled last year. 6.8% of $793,701 equals $53,972. Please note that the $53,972 amount, while based on only the attorney salary funding, includes the services of our in -office investigators, copying, paralegal services, victim - g \ay\workloads 2010\prosecutor\eagle prosecution Itr 2010-201 1 doc 200704654 Michael Huffaker, City Council Member, Acting Mayor John Grasser, City Council Member Norm Semanko, City Council Member Al Shoushtarian, City Council Member May 4,2010 Page 2 witness coordinator services, fine enforcement, restitution collection and distribution, and screening to ensure the proper code is cited and/or penalty is imposed, etc., as may be needed. You may not be aware that on a daily basis, city code, infraction, or misdemeanor cases from within a city's limits are scattered among at least 8 different courtrooms in the County Courthouse. And, frequently there may be several hearings on cases from a particular city being heard at the same time in the different courtrooms. By using the Ada County Prosecutor's Office, you gain the advantage of having enough attorneys to cover all the courtrooms. This eliminates the risk of having cases dismissed due to the nonappearance of the prosecution. Sincerely, GREG H. BOWER Ada Coun'secuting Attorney By: Aix Ye�ver� ac----.....- Deputy Prosec i ting : ttorney AY:mmd g:laylworkloads 2010\prosecutor\eagle prosecution ttr 2010-2011.doc 200704654 Recovery of City of Eagle Police Services The City of Eagle began contracting for full policing services with the Ada County Sheriff's Office in 1998. The City expanded those services to meet the needs of a growing community, eventually staffing a police force with 19 employees that operated on a $1.8M contract. The budget crisis of 2009 forced the city to reduce police staffing by 38%. Eagle Police department now has 12 deputies and runs on a budget of $1.15M. The primary impact of these budget cuts has been on criminal investigations, proactive policing and dedicated traffic enforcement. FY2011 Staffing Recommendation #1 — Rehire Detective One of the known factors in reducing crime in a community is clearance rate of reported crimes. Taking a criminal off the street and detaining them in jail takes away that criminal's ability to reoffend. We also believe that when investigators solve a crime and hold a criminal accountable, other potential offenders take notice and are Tess likely to commit crime themselves. Eagle Investigations ) 750 A detective investigating both persons and property crimes can effectively manage 130-150 cases per year, depending on �. 500 the complexity of the investigations. Four full-time detectives are needed to investigate the nearly 600 criminal cases in the -- 250 City of Eagle each year. No. of cases County Detectives ) Two full-time Eagle Police detectives investigated 50-60% of the city's caseload in 2007-2008. Today, there is just one full- time Eagle Police detective. Detective Dillon carries a heavy caseload but is still only able to cover 30% of the city's need. County detectives investigate the other 70%. Case Assignment Eagle Detectives Cases Assigned to a Detective 2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009 County Detectives 2010 Jan -Mar 2010 349 61% 324 52% 242 45% 46 31% 219 39% 300 48% 291 55% 102 69% 1 FY2011 Staffing Recommendation #2 - Rehire 2 Patrol Deputies A workload analysis shows the City of Eagle needs two patrol teams (Sergeant and five deputies) to appropriately respond to the current number of calls for service. This workload analysis incorporates the number of citizen calls for help, the priority level of those calls and how much time a deputy spends on each. It also allows for a percentage of time deputies are available for proactive policing but does not include dedicated Neighborhood Traffic Officers. Response Time 1 County patrol officers are the primary responders on one out of every four calls for service from City of Eagle residents. Response times to non -emergency calls for service did not increase significantly under reduced staffing because a County deputy responds when an Eagle deputy is not available. Proactive Policing 1 Eagle deputies spend a majority of their time on calls for service leaving Tess time for proactive policing, community education and preventive patrols — all of which play an important role in reducing crime in the community. An exception was in October 2009, when the County's Selective Traffic Enforcement Patrol Team conducted 4x the normal traffic stops during a directed patrol on Eagle Road. Citations ) Less time for proactive patrols and traffic enforcement means fewer citations and reduced code enforcement for the City of Eagle. Code 1RT (min:sec) No. of proactive No. of citations Quarterly average under full staffing (Jan 2008 — Mar 2009) 15:00 4,200 2,800 1,400 0 Apr -Jun Jul -Sep Oct -Dec Jan -Mar 2009 2009 2009 2010 2 FY2011 Budget Proposals Current Budget No Staffing Change Rehire Detective FY2010 Patrol Deputies Total Cost $ 1,299,529 $ 1,289,394 $ 1,387,787 $ 1,580,078 Personnel 1,122,186 1,094,909 1,183, 815 1,354,317 Vehicles 94,944 104,944 112,516 130,476 Operating Expenses 52,152 52,413 52,599 52,971 Equipment 20,748 20,748 22,477 25,935 Support Services 9,500 16,380 16,380 16,380 Shared Services Credit - $ 144,093 - $ 57,738 - $ 84,973 - $ 128,550 Rehire Detective & 2 Total Contract $ 1,155,437 $ 1,231,656 $ 1,302,814 $ 1,451,528 The Shared Services Credit encourages County and Eagle deputies to respond to calls for service in each other's jurisdiction if they are the closest unit. Officers per 1,000 Residents Officers per 1,000 residents is calculated for 2008 from # of officers verbally reported by each agency and COMPASS population estimates. 1.00 L a, a. c 0.75 w 0.50 o 0 0 0.25 . o Z 0.00 City of Eagle Kuna/Star no staffing change ^'0.85 2008 2009 2010 G) on m t 0 z Projected 2011 Ada County Cities City Officers/1000 Boise 1.41 Garden City 2.07 Kuna 0.84 Meridian 0.97 Star 0.88 3 /I LeavittGro,, Benefit Services of Boise City of Eagle (c S-/- /2 6220 North Discovery Way Suite 110 Boise, ID 83713 p. (208) 672-6166 ( (208) 658.1951 Summary of Benefit Changes & Rates Doug Hetherington LGBS Consultant Phone (208) 672-6196 Fax (208) 658-1951 doug-hetherington@leavitt.com Knowledge • Support • Results Ali Roper LGBS Account Manager Phone (208) 672-6198 Fax (208) 658-1951 ali-roper@leavitt.com This Summary of Benefit Changes & Costs only represents areas where changes or additions have been made to the benefits program. The savings projected are based on current premiums and are subject to change due to enrollment changes and/or renewal increases or decreases. We are projecting a decrease in dental rates at the September 1st renewal and an increase to the medical rates of "trend" or less. The medical renewal should be issued in the first half of July. The vision coverage is a Trust product and does not renew until November 1, 2011. BENEFIT Deductible DUI.0f•Pocker Lifetime Maximum Benefit office Visit Hospital Services Urgent Care Emergency Room Mental Health Substance Abuse • Psychotherapy Services • Oulpatienl Services • Inpatient Services Complementary Caw • Annual Maximum Preventive Care • U From or Annual Mao Lab & X -Ray • U From Benefit Presc8tion Medications • Benefit 414114•Il r'iY:ii iii L8Y18:181:d City of Eagle Medical & Prescription Benefit Summary and Plan Costs Effective May 1, 2010 Pacificsource Current In.Network Outof•Network 5500/51.000 $1.000/$2.000 51.000.000 220014 10%00 520m 5100+ 10%"° 50%"0 50%"0 10 vrsds per yes, 50%"O 5 dayea:: yen. 10% 5800 (Ghim 0015) 5200” None 10%"0 52,00034,000 30%"0 30%"O 30%"0 5100 • 30%"0 10%40 10%4 5 nuts per year 10%'0 I lore e 90%00 30%A0 None 5100,000 Threshold 57'/525 or 30%2 / 950 or 30%' aniti■Y S:; i ii:Yl.:1 i9:r66 5767 91 5255 17 51 288 69 Pacific Source Preferred (60/10) 52000 Premiums 52.000/56.000 - „ ty of Eagle has electe purchase a 92.000 Deductible plan from Pacific Source and is sell•insunng between 5200 and 92.000 at 80% Ttus applies to employees and dependants nenerr4ant Premiums are based on a 5500 deductibto 583836 520°' 20%0° 520ew 520014 $200w 20 nuts per yea' 20%4' $day5/La ror. 0 920'w 20%"0 3200:$600 51.000,000 5100 • 20%AD 5900 None 5400 Up Front Out•of•Network 55.000415,000 40%00 40%0D 20%0p Not Covered Not Covered Not Covered 40%00 515115302/5503 5975 17• 9250 84 538918 31.122 80 5806 61 51.083 06 5406 2 $1 305 40 5389.18 5473 49 5406 24 5473 49 51,264 80 5806 61 5960.63 $406 24 9406 24 5473 49 5473 49 $406.2 5473 49 5991.62 S240 65 5718.87 5806.61 5778.93 5406 24 5406 24 5836.4 5473 49 $473 49 5161 48 $1,889 67 5541 53 5836 36 5975 17 5250 84 $806 61 51.149 69 $406 2 5300.02 51 122 80 51.44668 5515.58 51,122 80 5549 86 5352 40 5406 24 $473,49 51.305 40 S300 02 51,305 40 5415 96 5473 49 5406 24 51,513.26 5412 58 51.122 80 9473 49 51.305 40 5412.58 $806 61 340624 5473 49 5565 67 5896 82 3406 24 9473 49 5240 65 $718 87 S1 L383 55 $778 93 $416 85 51.122 80 5836 44 51.305 40 5181.48 541596 5406.24 9473.49 5569 62 5406.24 $473 49 5896 82 51.055 09 • 51,585 54 3240 65 5232.66 5389 47 5718.87 $1.122.80 $836 44 5181 48 51.305 40 5232 86 5838 36 5975 17 525084 51.467 04 9833.69 5344 06 5838 36 5975 17 5250.84 524065 5718 87 5836 44 518148 5297 07 $406 24 5473 49 51.143 19 Total Monthly Premium Total Annual Premium Employee Deductible Deduct'Die Difference Liability per Employee tl of Potential Deductibles Total Annual Liabil4y Expected Deductibles Met Reimbursements NBS Admin Fee (Annual) Total Annual Plan Costs City of Eagle Annual Costs Lerran °reap k ,.M S., ... of Bane .+,,, .n,he.•,a..0.�.awr.,r.x>, n,d,o,*w•.1' w1.1.1 w W»1* Meet rlyneV.,eaa,,w0nn.,0n,r0'.,e.rw, au..r.,,..„n,.erro -. r.......n>o..r 5837 00 530,380.48 ;364,566 5282 84 5838 36 5975 17 5250.84 5364,566 5302,567.82 M. eased. 00* .»• N1.' Mrs. 5.vn 0ed,x,04 512382 35.166.50 561,998 5534 37 $20,432 05 5245,185 5622 25 $23,778.61 $285,343 ,rU JUWi 5200 51 800 51 440 57 $82.080 20 0% 516,416 5744 5262.345 5211,692.48 Buy down to 5200, then 80% 574 38 $4,221.01 $50,652 Difference 5300 less. our Ihrec per larnJy Downgrade Same Same 10% Downgrade Same Even Significant Upgrade Better up - (tom benefits and hearty twice as much coverage Sgniricant Upgrade Upgrade due to bitting problems Upgrade due t0 bdling problems upgrade Significantly reduces employee liability 11:11i)U LeeW515iGd (S4 33) (50 00) 5000 SO 00 50.00 5000 50 00 (559 17) 5000 50 00 (5290 69) 50.00 5000 (599 62) 30 00 30 00 3000 5000 5000 (559 17) (50 89) 3000 SO 00 (559 17) (50 00) (5138 63) (593 22) (559 17) 30 00 (532 00) (549 44) -5945.49 -511.346 An employer sponsored -Buy Down' has proven to be an extremely cost effective way of reducing premiums and bending Me cast curve. Most Idaho employers between 10 - 100 employees utilize this type of program City of Eagle Dental Benefit Summary and Plan Costs Effective May 1, 2010 Carrier Plan BENEFITS Delta Dental Willamette Premier 50 /28 Employee can Choose Either Dental Option Difference Deductible Annual Maximum Preventive / Diagnostic Basic Major Periodontics & Endodontics Covered Under Orthodontics (under age 19) Orthodontics (over age 19) Orthodontic Deductible Ortho Maximum Percentile Rollover Waiting Periods $50/$150 $1,000 100% 80% 50% Basic 50% Not Covered None $1,000 Negotiated None None None None $15 copay See Summary See Summary See Summary $2,200 Copay $2,200 Copay None None Managed None None Willamette Dental is a - Dental Management Organization (DMO). This means they are both the insurance company and service provider. Their concept is to achieve total oral health and then maintain that health. There are no benefit maximums and services are based on individual needs, not service timeline restrictions. RATES 1 • Total Monthly Premium 15 Employee 5 Employee + Spouse 1 Employee + Child 4 Employee + Children 6 Family Percent of Increase $2,403.85 $40.90 $81.50 $75.65 $116.65 $140.10 $2,142.92 $38.49 $77.24 $75.21 $92.53 $122.34 -10.85% Delta Dental has already projected a 3% decrease at ,u„o.,,I (9/1). We will quote the dental in order to maximize savings and project a minimum of a 10% decrease. © Leavitt Group Benefit Services of Boise This spreadsheet was designed for illustration and comparison purposes only, please refer to original plan documents for specific plan details. All rates are subject to insurance carrier approval. City of Eagle Vision Benefit Summary and Plan Costs Effective May 1, 2010 Carrier PacificSource (Davis Vision) In Network Out of Network United Heritage (VSP) In Network Out of Network Difference Eye Examination Standard Plastic Lenses Single Vision Bifocal Trifocal Lenticular Frames Contact Lenses Necessary Elective Frequency Examination Frame Lenses Contact Lenses (in lieu of lenses) $10 Up to $45 $0 Up to $35 $0 Up to $45 $0 Up to $55 $0 Up to $55 $50 allowance Up to $50 Up to $225 $115 allowance Up to $115 MONTHLY RATES Total Monthly Premium 15 Employee 5 Employee + Spouse 1 Employee + Child 4 Employee + Children 6 Family Percent of Increase 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months CURRENT $564.00 $8.00 $16.00 $16.00 $30.00 $38.00 $0 Up to $45 $20 Up to $45 $20 Up to $65 $20 Up to $85 Not Covered $85 allowance $110 allowance Up to $47 Up to $210 Up to $105 12 months 24 months 12 months 12 months $402.50 $8.50 $13.50 $14.50 $14.50 $22.50 -28.63% Davis Vison has been tied to the Pacific Source medical, but will no longer be available. VSP offeres a much broader network and increased selection of materials. This is considered a benefit upgrade. The move to VSP will save the city nearly $2,000 annually. ) Leavitt Group Benefit Services of Boise This spreadsheet was designed for illustration and comparison purposes only. please refer to original plan documents for specific plan details. All rates are subject to insurance carver approval. Medical Dental Vision Traditional (()xrwitl Preferred Annual Savings Delta Dental -or- Willamette Dental City of Eagle Summary Cost Analysis City of Eagle Costs $302,567.82 $211,692.48 $90,875.34 $18,558.00 April 30, 2010 Employee Costs Total Cost $61,997.94 $50,652.12 $11,345.82 $10,288.20 $364,565.76 $262,344.60 $102,221.16 $28,846.20 Annual Savings $0.00 Davis Vision VSP Annual Savings $4,104.00 $3,180.00 $924.00 Current $325,229.82 Total After Changes $233,430.48 $2,664.00 $1,650.00 $1,014.00 $6,768.00 $4,830.00 $1,938.00 $74,950.14 $400,179.96 $62,590.32 $296,020.80 Annual Savings $91,799.34 $12,359.82 $104,159.16 All benefit areas have been thoroughly analyzed and it is the belief of the benefits consultant and the administration of the City of Eagle that the changes implemented are either benefit neutral or an upgrade. Leavitt Group Benefit Services of Boise has recommended that the City of Eagle outsource the COBRA Administration to National Benefit Services (NBS). NBS is also handling the the administration of the Buy Down program. B Leavitt Group Benefit Services of Boise This spreadsheet was designed for illustration and companson purposes only, please refer to original plan documents for specific plan details All rates are subject to insurance carver approval BUDGET MEETING — MAY 4, 2010 DISCUSSION ITEMS Presentations: 1. Doug Hetherington, Leavitt Group: Insurance changes 2. Ax Yewer Ada County Prosecutor's Office 3. Chief Hippie — Eagle Police Department Budget Discussions: 1. Revenues 2. Expenditures: a. General Administration b. Executive Department c. City Clerk Department d. Building Department e. Public Works Department f. Water Department g. Park Fund h. PZ Department i. Library Items to discuss: 1. Presentations by the Arts Commission, Museum and Historical Commission 2. Presentations by Professional Organizations 3. Other