Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 04/13/2010 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes April 13, 2010 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 1. Library Director's Report: Ron Baker addresses the Council with his report. Mr. Baker reports on upcoming budget needs. He complimented the Public Works staff and stated that he was very happy with the relationship the library has with that department. 2. Eagle Chamber of Commerce: Teri Bath addresses the Council in regard to sign ordinances and new businesses in Eagle. IVRC grant update, Stillwater Park (John and Ed Priddy, Congressman Sali). 3. Idaho Department of Environmental Quality - Pete Wagner will discuss auto emissions testing. Presentation was given. REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker calls the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mary May leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: John Taylor, 9570 W (unintelligible)Boise, owns an emission testing van would like to come back in front of council at a later time to discuss this issue. Rob J estadt, 4621 (unintelligible) Drive, Boise, Idaho, owns emission testing station down at Busters. He does not agree with the plan the County has for emission testing. Mark Miller, 646 Palmetto Drive, on the air quality board discusses emission testing. Ed White, Kuna, Idaho runs emission testing station in Kuna discusses DEQ proposal with the Council. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: . Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Aeainst the City. B. Minutes of March 23. 2010. C. Approval of alcohol license renewals: The following have submitted the appropriate fees and documentation required to seek renewal of their City of Eagle aIcohollicense: Beacon Light Chevron, Channel Center Chevron, Sakura Sushi, daVinci's 2, Buster's, WinCo Foods, Smoky Mountain Pizza & Pasta, Bardenay. Approved licenses will be valid from May 1,2010 through April 30, 2011. Page I K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-lOmiodoc D. Appointment to the Neil!hborhood Advisory Committee: Council President!Acting Mayor Huffaker is requesting Council confirmation of Jim Ross to fill a vacant position on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee. (MH) Grasser would like to remove 5A for questions. Grasser would like additional payroll info provided for review. Semanko moves to approve the Consent Agenda, items 5B, 5C and 5D. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYE: MOTION CARRIES........... Grasser moves to approve item SA. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Grasser: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........... .n Semanko moves to move item 8A up on the agenda to be heard now. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYE.. .MOTION CARRIES. 8A. Discussion of video streaminl! of City meetinl!s: Mark Caragio Council President!Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Mark Caragio reviews options for video streaming of the council meetings. Semanko moves to authorize the City Clerk and Public Works Director to work with Mr. Caragio to develop a proposal for us to look at in regard to video and audio streaming and the things we've discussed here tonight for our review and approval to include. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: A. Treasure Valley Firefiehters' Fill the Boot Days Proclamation: Designating May 21 -22, 2010 as Fill the Boot Days in Eagle. (MH) Council President/Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko notes the following changes that should be made in the proclamation. First whereas should be professional firefighters, third whereas should be support, 4th whereas contribute and 5th change to period at the end. Semanko moves to approve the Treasure Valley Firefighters' Fill the Boot Days Proclamation with noted changes. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL A YE...MOTION CARRIES. B. Arbor Day Proclamation: Designating April 30, 2010 as Arbor Day in the City of Eagle. (MH) Council President/Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko moves to approve item 6B, the Arbor Day Proclamation. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYE.. .MOTION CARRIES. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Status update for the City Hall Task Force: JeffKunz and Eric Jacky Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Eric Jacky addresses the council with task force updates. Jeff Kunz gives a presentation to the council. 10 minute break called at 8: 13 pm. Meeting called back to order at 8:30 pm. Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-10min.doc B. Discussion of iob description for Mavor's position: (MH) Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. General council discussion on mayoral job description, including hours, salary, mayoral representation at community events, general expectations for this position. Salary for this position would need to be on a contract basis. The City Attorney will be putting all of the discussed information into ajob description for this position. Huffaker moves to open mayor position to the public with $45,000 for the salary. Open until the end of business on the 26th, Previous language discussed to be added to the job description. Seconded by Grasser. Grasser: Aye; Huffaker: Aye: Semanko: Nay; Shoushtarian: Nay, tie vote, motion dies. Semanko moves to make same motion (see above) with $37,000 for salary. Dies for lack of second. Huffaker moves to amend the motion above to change the salary range to $37,000-45,000. Dies for lack of second. Semanko moves to table this item to a later time tonight. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES. Council will move on to the next agenda item. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Discussion of video streamine of City meetines: Mark Caragio Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. This item was moved to before item 6A. B. Payette River Scenic Bvwav l!rant opportunity: Teri Bath Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Teri Bath discusses signage and grant opportunities. She asks for $100 from next years budget to this byway project. C. Easement al!reement between the City of Eal!le and the Department of Water Resources for a monitorinl! well to be located at Friendship Park. (ME) Council President!Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Huffaker moves this item to April 27th. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES........ .. D. Ordinance 641 - Radcliffe rezone: An Ordinance Changing The Zoning Classification Of The Real Property Described Herein From Ps (Public/Semipublic) Classification To R-l (Residential); Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Council President/Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Huffaker moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requIrIng Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #641 be considered after being read once by title only. Huffaker reads Ordinance #641 by title only. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.. ............... Huffaker moves that Ordinance #641 be adopted. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES........ Page J K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-10min.doc E. Ordinance 642 - Sulik annexation and rezone: An Ordinance Annexing Certain Real Property Situated In The Unincorporated Area Of Ada County, Idaho, And Contiguous To The Corporate Limits Of The City Of Eagle, To The City Of Eagle, Idaho; Changing The Zoning Classification Of Said Real Property Described Herein From RUT (Rural-Urban Transition) To A-R-DA (Agricultural-Residential With A Development Agreement); Amending The Zoning Map Of The City Of Eagle To Reflect Said Change; Directing That Copies Of This Ordinance Be Filed As Provided By Law; And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. City Planner Williams addresses the council. Huffaker moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requIrIng Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #642 be considered after being read once by title only. Huffaker reads Ordinance #642 by title only. Seconded by Shoushtarian ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Huffaker moves that Ordinance #642 be adopted. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... F. Ordinance 643 - An Ordinance Amending Eagle City Code Title 1, Chapter 9, Section 7 "Runoff Election", And Providing An Effective Date. (SEB) Council President/Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko moves, pursuant to Idaho Code, Section 50-902, that the rule requIrIng Ordinances to be read on three different days with one reading to be in full be dispensed with, and that Ordinance #643 be considered after being read once by title only. Semanko reads Ordinance #643 by title only. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. Semanko moves that Ordinance #643 be adopted. Seconded by Huffaker. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... G. Ordinance 644: An Ordinance Of The City Of Eagle, Idaho, Amending Section 3-4-11, Eagle City Code, To Provide Criteria For Mobile Food Concessions And Nonmobile Food Concessions, And Providing Effective Date, (WEV) Council President/Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Planning Administrator Vaughan addresses the council. Semanko moves that the rule requiring that ordinances be read in full be dispensed with and that ordinance #644 be considered as having been read once by title only. Semanko reads ordinance #644 by title only. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES........ ... H. Proposal for services for property appraisal of fixed assets for the City of Eaele between the City of Eal!le and Valuations Northwest Inc. Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. Semanko moves to continue the Proposal for services for property appraisal of fixed assets for the City of Eagle between the City of Eagle and Valuations Northwest Inc. to the next meeting, April 27'h. Seconded by Grasser. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES........... 1. EXT-02-10IPP-22-06 - Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Symphony Square Subdivision - Tom Kalanl!e: Tom Kalange represented by Kerrigan Kalange, is requesting a one (1) year extension of time for the preliminary plat approval for Symphony Square Subdivision, a residential subdivision consisting of 19-10ts (l4-residential and 5-common). The Page 4 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-13-lOmin.doc 6.20-acre site is located at the eastern terminus of West Flint Road approximately 2,1 OO-feet east of Park Lane at 3391 West Flint Drive. (WEV) Council President! Acting Mayor Huffaker introduces the issue. City Planner Williams addresses the council. Semanko moves to approve EXT -02-1 0/PP-22-06 - Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Symphony Square Subdivision. Seconded by Huffaker. Semanko:Aye; Huffaker:Aye; Shoushtarian: Nay; Grasser: Nay. Tie vote, motion dies. Council would like the applicant!owner to come before them for further discussion. Shoushtarian moves to remand EXT-02-10IPP-22-06 - Preliminary Plat Extension of Time for Symphony Square Subdivision to staff. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES........ .. Semanko moves to continue with item 7B at this time. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYE...MOTION CARRIES.......... 7B. Discussion of iob description of Mavor's position - continued Discussion on this matter resumes. Discussion with the City Attorney in regard to conflict of interest. Huffaker moves to include all discussion items from tonight and a salary range of $37,000- 45,000 for the mayoral position. Motion dies for lack of a second. Grasser nominates AI Shoushtarian for the Mayor position. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. Call for the vote. Grasser: Aye; Shoushtarian: Aye; Huffaker: Nay; Semanko: Nay, tie vote, motion dies. Semanko moves to go in to executive session for pending and threatened litigation under Idaho code I.C, 6723 (f) to discuss the M3 water matter, updated on the Pooley litigation and the pending City of Eagle water matter and I.C. 6723 (a)(b). Motion dies for lack ofa second. Huffaker moves to include all discussion items from tonight with a salary of $37,000 to $42,000 for the mayor position. Seconded by Grasser. Grasser: Aye; Huffaker: Aye; Shoushtarian: Nay; Semanko: Nay. Tie vote, motion dies. Semanko moves to include all discussion items from tonight with salary of $37,000 for the mayor position. Discussion. Motion dies for a lack of a second. Huffaker moves to include all discussion items from tonight with a salary of $40,000- $50,000. Seconded by Grasser. Huffaker: Aye; Grasser: Aye; Shoushtarian: Aye; Semanko: Nay...MOTION CARRIES.......... 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pendinl! and Threatened Litil!ation: I.C, 6723 (f) B. Personnel Matters: I.C. 6723 (a) and/or (b) Semanko moves to go into Executive Session for the discussion of Pending and Threatened Litigation I.C. 6723(1) in regard to M3 water matters, Pooley litigation and City of Eagle water matters, and Personnel Matters: I.C. 6723(a) and/or (b). Seconded by Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE; Grasser: AYE; ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............ Council goes into Executive Session at 11: 12 pm. Page 5 K\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary MinUles Work Area\CC-04-1 J-IOmin.doc Council discusses pending and threatened Litigation in regards to M3 water matters, Pooley litigation and City of Eagle water matters, and personnel matters. Council leaves Executive Session at 12:45 am. Council gives direction to city attorney Bruce Smith to meet with M3 and indicate that the city may be proposing mediation between M3 and IDWR. The Council may still be considering an amicus brief; however they are not interested in intervening on this matter. 11. REPORTS: a. Mayor and Council Reports and Concerns: None b. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: None c. Zoning Administrator's Report: None d. Public Works Director Report: None e, City Attorney Report: None 12. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 12:50 a,m, Respectfully submitted: ~~~~B~RG~~~ CITY CLERK/TREASURER APPROVED: ", ,'11"1"1'" ", OF E '" ," _I .<\ 0 " .... ,,"'- ...... <. " ..' '- ..- ..... ~ \ ~ v... ~\'OR-'tl'.. ~ : : (.;0 ~ e. : : : :*~ -*. .-..--- . .. - . . .. -. AL -. ~ :. e. --:"t~ S E ;-: , .: ":,. ~ .. (h - "'0...... (" ~ 1llI', U ')... -.. J( Po R ,.., '\ ';... ...... ...., , ~ ....... ,... "'" FE 0 r \ ':' , ""',,,,..,,,,,,,, A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 6 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-04-IJ-IOmin.doc 4-13-2010 Dear Eagle Council, We have the responsibility to select a Mayor for the remaining term of Mayor Bandy in a timely manner. I believe not having a full time Mayor representing Eagle during these challenging economic times and leading the preparation and approval of 2010/11 budget is not in the best of interest of the residents of our city. I strongly believe Eagle must have a full time Mayor to manage efficient operation of the daily functions and assure proper representation of the city's interests at local and State level. Two of the Eagle's past four Mayors were selected from the City Council to fill the vacant position for the remaining of the terms. I have been approached by various community members to step forward and fill the mayoral position. Since no one else in the Council has expressed interest in full time position as a Mayor (due to member's full time commitment to their current job) I feel I should step forward to accept the challenge and fill the position of Mayor. I would appreciate the opportunity to bring Mayor, Council, staff, and community together, to assure City of Eagle is financially stable and enhance the quality of life for our community. Sincerely,oingAzhfr---- a. Al Shoushtarian City Council member Eagle Chamber of Commerce Wednesday, April 07, 2010 Mayor Huffaker Eagle City Council 660 E Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Payette River National Scenic Byway Wayfinding Study Dear Mayor Huffaker and City Council, 4Y) Jhe ntr, with moree riiIt outside your doo. The Payette River National Scenic Byway Wayfinding was designated an Idaho Scenic Byway in June of 1977. In 1998 the Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) awarded a "Gateway grant to the byway. This is a 112 (one hundred and twelve) mile roadway beginning in Eagle at Highway 55 and 44 and extending to the end of Highway 55 at New Meadows. IN 2005, the Payette River Scenic Byway was nationally recognized for its outstanding scenic and historical attributes and designated one of America's Byways. This exposure and recognition come with web -site and publication exposure and funding for the byway. Eagle has benefited from the grants funding with the byway gateway sign at Beacon Light and Idaho 55 welcoming visitors traveling North, the Guerber Park sign, Eagle Sports Park, and the southern Byway Portal. Currently there are 25 sites, as indicated on the map which have been completed thus far. The PRSB committee has been meeting for approximately a year and a half to study future needs of various communities along the byway. Future projects include site improvements to thunder Mountain Line, Smith's Ferry, Packer John's Cabin, and Round Valley Gateway. The study also will contribute to upgrades and enhancements to Roseberry Historic Townsite, Farm to Market Road, Central Idaho Historical Museum, New Meadows Depot and Kelly's Whitewater Park. P.O. Box 1300 • 597 E. State Street 208.939.4222 www.eaglechamber.com Eagle, Idaho 83616 fax 208.939.4234 eaglechamber@eaglechamber.com The Payette River Scenic Byway committee is asking for each city to support the efforts of the wayfinding study for improves along the scenic byway and to contribute $100 as match money for grants to complete future projects. This contribution would need to be awarded in October of 2010. Thank you for your time and consideration for the Payette River Scenic Byway. Sincerely, atbk Teri Bath Advisory Byway Council EPL Strategic Plan Section 111: The Funding Issue: The Library Levy Share and Public Service Options Draft 3 (13 April 2010) By early 2009 it had become obvious to the Mayor, the City Clerk/Treasurer, and the City Council that Eagle's revenue receipts would not cover the City's budgeted expenditures for the remainder of FY 2008/09. Because the City's reserve funds were at that time negligible, the decision was made to RIF employees and cut services in all of the General Fund departments. During March, 2009, the Mayor and the City Clerk/Treasurer also proposed to the Library Director and the Library Board that immediate cost-saving measures be introduced by the Library in order to create a substantial carry forward in the Library Fund at the end of FY 2008/09. These monies would help fund the Library after a significant percentage of the tax levy were shifted from the Library Fund to the General Fund during FY 2009/10. In other words, the Library was given the option of voluntarily spreading revenue cuts over 17 months instead of suffering them all over a single 12 - month period. This was designed both to bring expenditures into line with real revenue and, at the same time, to create a $750,000 reserve in the General Fund. Consequently, the Library Board did opt to create a 17 -month austerity program Nine employees were RIFed as of 1 May 2009, 18 hours were cut from the Library's weekly open schedule, new materials purchases were drastically reduced, and many Library expenditure accounts were cut to zero to achieve a carry forward of $154,176 At the same time, the Library also lowered its own reserve fund by $70,000, from $230,000 to $160,000. This $70,000 was also allowed to carry forward to help fund FY 2009/10 operations. So the total amount of carry forward monies used to fund Library operations during FY 2009/10 was $224,176, while the tax levy shift generated only $551,744 for the Library Fund. This was a 29% shift in tax revenue away from the Library and represented a clear break with the historic practice and intent of sharing the tax levy more or less equally between the Library Fund and the General Fund. If no additional action is to be taken to restore the Library's historic levy share next year, the Library's income and operating budget during FY 2011/10 would be only $551,744 plus around $32,000 in fines and fees for a total budget of $583,744. This level of funding would be inadequate to maintain a full-service public library, no matter how many hours were trimmed from the public open schedule. In fact, it is calculated that the Library could remain open only 25 hours per week, using 9 FTE of staff. Only $15,000 would be available for new collection materials This level of funding would also likely result in the loss of LYNX! Consortium membership, with all of the disruptions and contractions of public service that this would entail. At this juncture, some might suggest that EPL be outsourced, but no reputable agency would agree to take up a library service contract with the City of Eagle for this little amount of money. The accompanying spreadsheet delineates this as Budget Option 4 and details the extremely limited services that would be available to Eagle residents under this option. Cjecc Budget Option 3 on the accompanying spreadsheet would restore the Library Fund levy during FY 2010/11 to meet roughly the cutback budget the Library has in the current budget year, plus a few modest capital expenditures. In other words, the levy would be shifted from the General Fund to make up the loss of the one-time carry forward in next year's budget. As it does at present, the Library would continue to offer only 40 hours of public service per week and to provide only $29,000 for new collection materials. The Library's share of the levy would be $822,327 under this scenario. This option also presupposes a LYNX! Consortium reimbursement of $25,000 and fines and fees collections of $32,000. The spreadsheet's Budget Option 2 represents a partial restoration to FY 2008/09 funding levels. Specifically, it includes funds to allow the Library to meet LYNX! Consortium standards for open hours per week and materials expenditures annually. It would result in 48 open hours per week and a $64,000 annual expenditure for new collection materials. It would also include a new 19 -hour IT specialist position. The Library's levy share would be $916,327 in FY 2010/11. This option also presupposes a LYNX! Consortium reimbursement of $25,000 and fines and fees collections of $35,000. Full restoration of the Library's funding and services to FY 08/09 levels is represented by the spreadsheet's Budget Option 1. The Library would return to a 58 -hour -per -week open schedule and would fund book, AV, periodical, and database purchases at $105,000 per year. A full-time adult reference librarian and a full-time Library Assistant III in the Children's Room would also be restored. This option would require that the Library's share of the tax levy reach $1,166, 877 during FY 2010/11. This option also presupposes a LYNX! Consortium reimbursement of $25,000 and fines and fees collections of $35,000. Completed by: Ron Baker EPL BUDGET OPTIONS FOR FY YEARS 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET OPTIONS PUBLIC FUNDING SOURCES HOURS !$1,166,8770 Levy $ 35,000 Fines/Fees $ 25,000 LYNX! Reimbursement 1: Full Restoration to $1,226,877* FY 08/09 Budget + Inflation & Equipment Pkg $1,226,877 2: Partial Restoration to FY08/09 Budget to meet LYNX!! Standards $976, 327 3: Based upon FY09/10 Budget $879,327 $916,327 Levy $ 35,000 Fines/Fees $ 25,000 LYNX! Reimbursement $976,327* $822,327 Levy $ 32,000 Fines/Fees $ 25,000 LYNX! Reimbursement $879,327* CONSORTIUM Full Membership. Meeting all LYNX! 58 Standards. 'Full Membership. Meeting all LYNX! 48 Standards. Still a member,but not meeting standards for hrs/wk open or annual 40 collection expenditure. *$20,000 budget for return of Facility M&O Funding from Public Works NEW MATERIALS STAFFING BUDGET 18.75 FTE $105,000 (Add 2 FT, ,($4.91/Capita) with and Donations benefits and 2 PT, without benefits) 16 FTE $64,000 (Add 4 PT, ' no benefits) ($3.00/Capita) . and Donations $29,000 ($1.36/Capita) and Donations 14 FTE and possible (Add 1 PT, Friends no benefits) Supplement I PROJ TECHNOLOGY/ EQUIPMENT CIRC 2 PCs &/or tech lab replacements, $2,600. Capital Fund for 3M workstations & self-ck replacements, $20,000. Server replacement, $5,500. Funding for new tech lab stations, $16,000. 350,000- ! 400,000 2 PCs &/or tech lab replacements, $2,600. Capital Fund for 3M workstations & self 331,000 ck replacements, $10,000. Server replacement, $5,500. 2 PCs &/or tech lab replacements, $2,600. Server replacement fund, $5,500. DRAFT #8 276,000 SERVICES LOST Services lost: None. Services would include: 5 YS programs/wk;2-mo Summer Reading Program w/outside paid programs & kickoff. Adult and teen programs. Community Room available to public. Public Tech Lab support. HomeBound service. Rotating collections to sr. facilities. Outreach to schools and daycares. 10 Hrs/Wk lost to public. 1 Children's program lost per week. Shortened Summer Reading Program. Some limitations to New Book & AV purchases. No Teen programs 18 Hrs/Wk lost to public. 3 Children's programs lost per week. Shortened Summer Reading Program. No YS visits to schools and day cares. No teen programs. Community Room not available to public. Limited New Book & AV purchases. No Public Tech Lab support. EPL BUDGET OPTIONS FOR FY YEARS 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 ANNUAL BUDGET OPTIONS 4: Based upon FY 09/10 Levy $583,744* PUBLIC FUNDING SOURCES ! HOURS 1 $551,744 Levy $ 32.000 Fines/Fees $583,744* 25 NEW MATERIALS CONSORTIUM ; STAFFING iBUDGET TECHNOLOGY/ EQUIPMENT Not in LYNX!; Contract with Consortium or City of Boise for integrated library system. *$20,000 budget for return of Facility M&O Funding from Public Works 9.0 FTE $15,000 ($ .70/Capita) and Donations and Friends Supplement No equipment replacement funding. Equipment pulled off-line with failure; server replacement funded by City's General Fund. PROJ CIRC SERVICES LOST Same as #3, plus: 33 hrs/wk lost to public. No open patron access to LYNX! Consortium libraries (loss of 100,000 Eagle resident circs/yr). No scheduled reference service (loss 150,000- of 15,000+ ref questions annually). 173,000 No rotating collections to sr. facilities. No HomeBound service. No adult programming. E CIRCULATION/Books Adult Young Adult Juvenile Sub Total CIRCULATIONIAudio Visual Adult Young Adult Juvenile Sub Total EPL TOTAL CIRCULATION CIRCULATION SUMMARY Check-outs Check -ins Renewals-Opac Renewals-Telecirc Renewals -In House Requests Placed Requests Resolved(Fi!!ed) Holds Picked Up Holds Expired ILLs RECEIVED Non -Consortium Consortium ILLs SENT Non -Consortium Consortium NEW EPL CARDS ISSUED Resident Non -Resident REFERENCE SUMMARY Adult Reference Desk Children's Reference Desk Circulation Desk TOTAL PATRON COUNT EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM STATISTICS REPORT --March 2010 Last Year This Month This Month MEETING ROOM USE SUMMARY Programs Community Usage Youth Programs Adult Programs TOTAL PROGRAMS Attendance Community Attendance Youth Prog Attendance Adult Prog Attendance TOTAL ATTENDANCE 8,804 1,568 8,006 18,3781 5,918 161 2,651 8,7301 27,1081 27,108 27,280 2,810 656 452 4,570 8,916 3,829 382 10I8 54 16 1201 4 406 243 608 1,2571 9,903 1,755 9,459 21,11/) 7,091 175 2,564 9,8301 30,9471 30,947 31,573 3,131 845 1,026 5,334 10,449 4,510 493 36I9 64 12 1891 5 485 528 585 1,5981 14,2131 14,7291 Percent This Year Change to Date 46,662 7,844 40,189 94,6951 -17% 32,842 -8% 723 3% 12,814 -11%1 46,3791 -12%I 141,0741 -12% -14% -10% -22% -56% -14% -15% -15% -23% -72% -11% -16% 33% -37% -20% -16% -54% 4% -21%I -4%I 141,074 142,568 15,133 3,440 2,094 23,280 46,930 19,669 2,355 84I38 2761 57 6761 13 2,354 1,180 3,575 7,1091 73,9891 Last Year to Date 54,611 9,083 51,859 115,5531 39,732 874 13,934 54,540 170,093 170,093 169,120 17,242 4,853 5,375 28,809 56,132 24,760 2,647 2111 46 291 52 9641 18 3,001 2,921 3,020 8,9421 86,1071 Percent Change -15% - 14% - 23% -18%! -17% -17% -8% -15"/0 -1/"/0 -17% -16% -12% -29% -61% - 19% -16% -21% -11% -60% -17% -5% 10% -30% -28% -22% -60% 18% -20% -14%1 0 15 -100% 23 101 -77% 21 19 11% 70 108 -35% 6 6 0% 22 21 5% 271 401 -33%1 1151 2301 -50%1 0 580 -100% 564 2,863 -80% 905 785 15% 3,618 4,183 -14% 102 159 -36% 382 403 -5% 1,0071 1,5241 -34%1 4,5641 7,449 -39% EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY RECIPROCAL BORROWING STATISTICS --March 2010 Items checked out at EPL by Consortium members' patrons. Percent of Percent of This This Month Last Year Percent This Year To Date Last Year Percent Month Circulation This Month Change to Date Circulation to Date Change CHECKOUTS Ada Community 3,256 4,181 -22% 17,224 22,145 Boise 4,582 5,757 -20% 24,325 32,795 Caldwell 43 70 -39% 200 347 Emmett 195 165 Garden City 301 595 -49% 1,751 3,305 Halley 0 0 3 1 Mountain Home 0 0 0 0 Meridian 1,063 1,245 -15% 5,430 7,419 Nampa 184 136 35% 783 1,066 Twin Falls 0 0 0% 2 4 Total 9,624 36% 11,984 -19.69% 49,883 35% 67,082 -25.64% Total EPL Circulation 27,108 30,947 141,074 170,093 Items checked out at consortium member locations by EPL patrons. This Last Year This Year Last Year Month This Month to Date to Date CHECKOUTS Ada Community 561 656 2,931 3,123 Boise 2,050 1,502 11,640 7,776 Caldwell 25 28 91 124 Emmett 140 266 Garden City 513 487 2,359 2,551 Halley 0 0 0 0 Mountain Home 3 0 5 0 Meridian . 649 556 3,760 2,599 Nampa 105 98 437 470 Twin Falls 12 0 12 1 Total 4,058 3,327 21,501 16,644 Number of EPL items checked out at other consortium locations. This Last Year Percent This Year Month This Month Change to Date 4,7521 1 4,9641 -4% 25,3011 Last Year Percent to Date Chan e I 26,6351 -5% EAGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY STATISTICS MARCH 2010 CIRCULATION Total Items Checked Out at EPL Total Items Renewed al EPL Total Items Checked In al EPL Mar -09 Apr -09 May -09 Jun -09 Jul -09 Aug -09 Sep -09 Oct -09 Nov -09 Dec -09 Jan -10 Feb -10 Mar -10 09-10 Total 08-09 Total 30.947 27.071 23,138 30.647 30.875 26.614 24,114 23.527 23,542 20.491 23,417 22,989 27,108 141.074 332,552 5,002 4.542 3,875 3,820 4.529 4,147 3,499 3,572 3,549 3,214 3,004 3,410 3,918 20,667 51,882 31.573 28,748 24,977 28,036 31.959 28,832 24,305 24.525 23.571 22.641 21,801 22,750 27,280 142,568 335,977 CIRCULATION OF EPL ITEMS Books 18,471 16.242 13.497 19 183 19.326 15.853 14.313 13.379 13.141 11,126 13.747 13,587 16,297 81.277 197,990 New Books 1,725 1,563 1,470 1.488 1,418 1,299 1.200 1,248 1,205 1,232 1.266 1,231 1,364 7,546 18,413 tohday books 106 51 10 7 7 3 339 466 656 531 104 69 4 1,830 1,931 Vldeo/OVO 7.016 5.895 5,137 6.453 6,415 6.198 5398 5,630 5,756 5,013 5,501 5,294 6,131 33.325 74,447 Audw Books 1,263 1,096 1,085 1.289 1,397 1172 1,133 973 928 848 861 1,016 1,151 5,777 13.989 mom (CDs) 1,423 1,214 1,027 1,173 1,208 1,046 888 976 1.033 919 914 882 1,148 5,872 14,245 Penoacals 657 682 598 582 716 636 471 518 418 427 647 479 500 2.989 7,055 .. . w,. ,. ,.r ...+c..nv.. . a yr c• 6 ITEMS 30.661 26 743 22 824 30.175 30.487 26.207 23.742 23.190 23.137 20.096 23.040 22.558 26.595 138.616 328,070 EAGLE PATRON CIRCULATION Patron over 18 15.826 13.772 11,889 14,918 15,321 13.291 12,606 12.782 12.735 10.955 12.212 11.824 14,150 74,658 167,702 Patron under 18 3,166 2.682 2,514 4.231 4,192 3.627 2.915 2.465 2.573 2.262 2.551 2.427 3.174 15,452 36,618 Courtesy Patton TOTAL # OF TRANSACTIONS BY EPL PATRONS 18 992 16.454 14.403 19.149 19.513 16,918 15,521 15,247 15,308 13,217 14,763 14,251 17,324 90.110 204.320 NEW CARDS ISSUED AT EAGLE Eagle City Patrons 194 116 93 168 166 114 140 116 120 61 134 134 124 689 1,661 Ada Patrons 34 17 16 22 19 30 9 24 17 8 18 15 22 104 280 Bosse Patrons 24 16 9 37 19 16 25 22 20 10 13 6 16 87 260 Garden City Patrons 2 1 0 0 1 6 2 1 3 2 2 1 0 9 28 Men4ian Patrons 3 7 2 5 7 6 11 4 9 3 6 1 1 24 73 TOTAL # OF CARDS ISSUED AT EAGLE 257 157 120 232 212 172 187 167 169 84 173 157 163 913 2,302 TOTAL EAGLE CARD HOLDERS 9,409 9,514 9.609 8.711 8,795 8.904 9.051 9.142 9,221 9,276 9,430 9,543 9,668 EPL COLLECTION CHANGE Holdings Added 888 229 542 919 1,149 439 476 894 397 609 553 427 893 3,773 9,176 Holdings Deleted (635) (346) (210) (304) (401) (167) (727) (242) (333) (307) (281) 0 (336) (1.499) (4,493) TOTAL COLLECTION CHANGE 253 -117 332 615 748 272 (251) 652 64 302 272 427 557 2.274 4.683 TOTAL COLLECTION HOLDINGS 88.028 88.096 88.380 88,422 89.009 89,182 89,247 89,712 89.856 90,122 90.436 90,725 91,300 OTHER Gate Traffic 14,729 15.436 11,633 16,023 17,684 15,002 11,242 12,645 12,092 10,621 12.458 11,960 14,213 73,989 173,127 Morns Collected 63,730 75 62,999 17 $2,609 95 $3,241 18 83,516 22 62,466 92 $2,672 19 62.415 D3 $2.516 25 $2,434 51 $2,826 64 82,504.84 $3,111.25 515,808 52 38,891 Holds/ Requests Filled 10,449 9.061 7,191 8,211 8.391 8,116 7,856 7.770 7,336 7,051 8.109 7,748 8,916 46.930 104,958 t _ ...., .. ..ed 45 16 17 13 14 11 18 21 26 23 18 16 18 122 272 Interlibrary Loans Sent 76 38 35 65 52 37 66 61 60 57 56 86 70 390 694 Interlibrary Loans Fdled 121 54 52 78 66 48 84 82 86 80 74 102 88 512 966 Meeting Room Attendance 427 401 85 16 46 60 365 99 100 140 180 45 0 564 3.683 StoryumeAttendance 785 979 175 1,061 797 0 300 454 773 0 438 1,048 905 3,618 7.495 Computer Lab Usage 1 498 1.366 1,033 1,162 1,167 1,102 1,117 1.038 855 815 910 1,008 1,173 5,799 14,943 Volunteer Hours 153 155 128 238 314 142 122 129 159 102 172 174 202 938 1,996 Eagle 18962 16599 14564 19.283 19,672 17,107 15,666 15,354 15,429 13.426 14,885 14,377 17,479 90.950 205.759 RECIPROCAL BORR0ING Ada Community 4,181 3.447 2,849 4,038 4,177 3.329 2,835 3,015 2,860 2,350 2,899 2,844 3,256 17,224 42,820 Boise 5,757 53:41444347 ,144 4,181 5,525 5,723 4,575 4106 3772 3,902 3,601 4,075 4,393 4,582 24,325 62,049 Caldwell 70 43 25 49 35 20 10 27 40 25 31 34 43 200 529 Emmett I 31 134 195 360 Garden City 595 434 413 460 437 344 268 324 289 296 285 256 301 1,751 5,661 Menoian 1,245 1,214 993 1,179 1.051 1.056 1,123 925 852 685 1,077 828 1,063 5,430 14,035 Nampa 136 189 107 111 78 176 106 110 129 106 134 120 184 783 1,833 TOTAL RECIPROCAL BORROWING 11,984 10.471 8 5p811 362 11 501 9 500 8 448 8 173 8 072 7 063 8 532 8 609 9.624 50 073 126 927 0 07.08 Total 329,56i 47,87i 327,381 199.33F 16,76E 2,191 72,00C 14.061 14,121 7,322 325,80C 173,174 36,280 0 209,454 11,041 (2,497) 8,544 189,989 $39,903.66 100,528 235 570 805 4,080 11,090 15,854 1,964 198,234 41,859 66,695 679 4,914 14,565' 1,940 79A AR", 33,000 32,000 31,000 30,000 29,000 28,000 27,000 26,000 25,000 24,000 23,000 22,000 21,000 20,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,000 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Eagle Patron Circulation -Eagle Patron Totals co a ID C C C (D 0 O � v (D CD O O 6 O co O o O O O O -' j 0 CO co (9co co co co co co O 8 O -a- TOTAL # OF CHECKOUTS OF EPL ITEMS f Gate Traffic Audio Books 4% Video/DVD 23% Holiday books 0% New Books 5% Music (CDs) 4% CIRCULATION OF EPL ITEMS Periodicals 2% O Books ❑ Audio Books O New Books 0 Music (CDs) O Holiday books ■ Periodicals Books 62% ■ Video/DVD New Cards Issued at Eagle r 0 0 0 In CO N 1 1 0 0 o Lr) N N- 1 1 0 0 0 Ln ✓ - 0 Mar -10 Feb -10 Jan -10 Dec -09 Nov -09 Oct -09 Sep -09 Aug -09 Jul -09 Jun -09 May -09 Apr -09 Mar -09 Cardholders 9.600 9.600 9.400 9,200 9,000 8,800 8,600 8,400 8,200 TOTAL EAGLE CARDHOLDERS SYSTEMWIDE Mar -09 Apr -09 May -09 Jun -09 Jul -09 Aug -09 Sep -09 Month Oct -09 Nov -09 Dec -09 Jan -10 Feb -10 Mar -10 Net Collection Change - Materials Added to Collection • Mar -10 Feb -10 Jan -10 Dec -09 Nov -09 Oct -09 Sep -09 L 0 0 0 co c Aug -09 Jul -09 Jun -09 May -09 Mar -09 0 N • L 95,000 92,500 90,000 87,500 85,000 82,500 80,000 77,500 75,000 72,500 70,000 67,500 65,000 62,500 60,000 57,500 55,000 52,500 50,000 47,500 45,000 42,500 40,000 37,500 35,000 32,500 30,000 TJ Total Holdings 1 Mar -09 Apr -09 iv ay -09 Jun -0) Jul -0) Aug -09 Sep -09 Oct -09 Nov -09 Dec -09 Jan -10 Feb -l0 A1ui--I0 Computer Lab Usage r 0 0 0 0 co v r {-- 0 0 N 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 V 0 0 N 0 Mar -10 Feb -10 Jan -10 Dec -09 Nov -09 Oct -09 Sep -09 Aug -09 Jul -09 Jun -09 May -09 Apr -09 Mar -09 w 13,000 12,000 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 — 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 T 1 0 D a (00 v 0 CO c co Reciprocal Borrowing (n 0 c cv c tQ D 0 0 CO 0 co 0 C0 0 0 0 m u 0 March Reciprocal Borrowing by Library Caldwell 0% Boise 17% Garden City 1% Emmett 1% Meridian 4% Nampa 1% Ada Community 12% Eagle 64% IDEQ Vehicle Emission Testing Timelines • Background: The Idaho Legislature passed 39-1168 requiring vehicle emission testing when certain conditions are met. o Conditions include the airshed in a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) having an air quality design value greater than 85% of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). • The federal ozone NAAQS is 0.075 ppm ozone. • The Treasure Valley's Design Value for 2008 (average of 2006, 2007, 2008 — 4th Highest Observed 8 hour average concentration) is 0.075 ppm. • Preliminary data for 2009 indicate the three-year rolling average design value will be 0.071 ppm. • EPA has proposed ozone rulemaking which will decrease the ozone NAAQS to between 0.060 and 0.070 ppm. EPA plans to finalize the rule by August 2010. • September 24, 2009, letter from [DEQ Director Hardesty to Eagle Mayor Bandy stating she did not receive a response to her request from the City of Eagle and outlining the process going forward. • February 16, 2010, DEQ selected SysTech International LLC to plan and implement a vehicle inspection and maintenance emission testing program in Canyon County and Kuna. • February 16 and 17`h, 2010, Canyon County and Ada County elected officials were notified of DEQ's selection of a contractor. DEQ offered to meet with any cities or the two counties to provide them information. • February 19, 2010, DEQ was requested by the Boise City Mayor's office to meet with city staff to provide them information about SysTech and Canyon County and Kuna's I/M program. • February 25, 2010 DEQ was requested by an Ada County Commissioner to present information about the program. Mayor de Weerd was in attendance at the meeting. • February 25, 2010, the City of Meridian requested DEQ and SysTech attend a City Council meeting, Tuesday, March 2, 2010. • February 25, 2010, the City of Star requested DEQ and SysTech attend a City Council meeting, Tuesday, March 16, 2010. We are here tonight to present information to you about the Canyon County and Kuna emission testing program, how such a program might look in Ada County, and to answer your questions. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1410 North Hilton • Boise, Idaho 83706 • (208) 373-0502 C.L. "Butch" Otter, Governor Toni Hardesty, Director September 24, 2009 The Honorable Phil Bandy, Mayor City of Eagle P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Subject: Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program Idaho Code Section 39-116B Dear Mayor Bandy: On April 22, 2091 sent you a letter regarding the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality's (DEQ) duties under Idaho Code Section 39-116B, entitled Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program. As required under Idaho Code Section 39-116B(3), my letter requested that the City of Eagle notify the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) within 120 days whether it intends to (1) enter into a joint exercise of powers agreement with DEQ to implement a vehicle inspection and maintenance program, (2) implement an alternative motor vehicle emission control strategy that will result in emission reductions equivalent to that of a vehicle inspection program, or (3) have DEQ or its designee implement the vehicle inspection and maintenance program in the City of Eagle. Idaho Code Section 39-116B(3) I did not receive a response to my request from the City of Eagle. Because you did not request to enter into a joint exercise of powers agreement, nor propose an alternative motor vehicle emission control strategy, Idaho Code Section 39-1168(3) requires that DEQ move forward with implementing, or designating another entity, to implement the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program. DEQ intends to enter into a joint exercise of powers agreement with the cities of Boise and Meridian and Ada County. It may be that the designated entity responsible for implementing the program in that Agreement will also be DEQ's designee for your City. Please be assured we will strive to establish a streamlined program that meets the requirements of both the existing Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan and Idaho Code Section 39-116B. If you have any questions, or wish to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Toni Hardesty Director TH:ra