Minutes - 2010 - City Council - 03/16/2010 - Town Hall EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Town Hall Meeting Minutes March 16,2010 REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. Council President Huffaker welcomes everyone to the first City of Eagle Town Hall Meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Council President Huffaker calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, GRASSER. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Jack Stuart leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. TOWN HALL MEETING: The Eagle City Council is pleased to invite all residents within the greater community of Eagle to attend the March 16, 2010 town hall meeting to speak their mind about matters or opinions they believe the City Council should address or consider. We have no agenda since we wish this to be an open discussion inspired by the interests of the people of our community. Out of courtesy for all who wish to speak, the City Council requests each speaker limit their presentation to three (3) minutes. Iftime permits, and after all attendees who wish to address the City Council have done so, the City Council may invite rebuttals or engage in additional discussions with the attendees. It is the wish of the City Council that each speaker be treated with the utmost respect, courtesy and afforded the right to speak without interruption. The intent of our town hall meeting is to create a friendly community spirited forum where by the Eagle community may express their views openly and freely. May we suggest this is a gathering of neighbors openly speaking with neighbors, and we hope everyone will feel welcome to participate. Council President Huffaker introduces the issue. c.J. Thompson, Ada County Foothills Association, discusses upcoming Mayoral process. Discusses annexation and M3. Council comments. John Petrovsky, discusses the area of impact which encompasses the foothills. Joan Langdon, I live in the area of impact at the end of Hartley Road. Discusses M3 property and the shooting and activities going on the property. General discussion. Walter Myer, lives in the impact area, discusses his well, public access to the BLM property, and development in the foothills. Council comments. Page I K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-03-16-IOmin Town Hall.doc Terri Bath, Chamber of Commerce, discusses safety issues of pedestrians at Stierman and State Street, and Plaza Drive and Hill. Can the City request Ada County to put flashing lights? Also, I would like to ask the Council how pro-business you are. Council comments. Patricia Minkiewicz, I live in the area of impact, discusses water in the foothills. Discusses the area of impact. Council comments. Bob Nahas, discuses the town center area on the comp plan. Discusses the number of lots available in Eagle and the development of new subdivisions. Council comments. Butch Grossaint, discusses the process of the meeting. Ijust want to be sure that you are concerned about what we say. Toni Dunn, discuses public transportation. Council comments. Jerry Robbins, M3 Company, discusses water aquifers in the area. There was no comp plan in the foothills when we submitted our application. We went through a very long process over two years to be in the City. Katherine Hepner, my opinion is for a part time Mayor, no to this building for a city hall, the city needs to get out of the water business. Council comments. Jay Friday, I want to suggest we keep the Wet and Wild parade, you put the Christmas Lights back on Eagle Road, discusses where the downtown of Eagle should be. I would like Council not to renew any developer's plans. Council comments. Russ Buchert, I agree with John on ESTEC. Discusses the Bike Park. It is a fantastic park and you will see the benefit in a few years. Discusses water issues. Discusses lawn fertilization and mowing. Discusses M3. Discusses school districts. Discusses 35' limit in downtown businesses. I love the City Hall building, negotiate with the owner. Mary Defayette, I have a magazine that we put out to every resident in the city. We have put out a request to the City for information. Everyone is afraid to say anything in the City because of being bullied. I think Mayor Bandy was bullied out and he did a good job. Discussion on the Communication Task Force. We are asking the City to tell us what is going on. JeffKunz, I am a co-chair on the City Hall Task Force. Discussion on the City's RFP for the present building and the new RFP. Discussion on the current budget and next fiscal's year's budget. Council comments. Russell Van Liew, discussion on the format of tonight's meeting. I have concerns about the water, the city hall, discusses communication, discussion on the Mayor's position. Page 2 K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OJ-16-10min Town HalLdoc Council comments. Nancy Merrill, discusses Mayor's position, and the future of the City. Foad Roghani discusses his involvement in the community and development. You should take your time to select a Mayor that is right for the job as it is going to a challenge. Expresses his opinion of what kind of a person it should be. Discusses the budget. Bob Nahas, discusses development. Further comments on the position of the Mayor. Eric lackey, co-chair of City Hall Task Force, I would like to state that our meetings are open to the public. Discusses what the Task Force is doing. Discusses the budget. The Council should be commended for already cutting the budget significantly. Council comments. Susan Christiansen, I want to go on record with my previous offer. Customarily in my work I have done job analysis. If there is anything that I can do with the analysis of the Mayor's position I would be willing to help in any way that I can. Council comments. Council concurs to schedule the next Town Hall Meeting on May 18,2010. 5. ADJOURNMENT: Semanko moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9: 1 0 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~"""II'''.,,.. ...." "{ 0 FE.... An .... r'~ ....... -1,.... -'. .... v .. .. 'J",;. " .:.. .. ~.. ..... .. · ORPOR-1 . -'CI .. / SHAR'o~~~<Zvr- [* f C _. -:C\ 1 CITY CLERK/TREASURER : ~ - S E - : * : ':. rp -.'tr) A L "'........ : ~ /, ...r)~, J _ ''''._ : .... '1 -. -.: OR A ,.~S)...1.. 0 " ";, /'r-. ....... ,"'" ..,' I"~ #:; 0 F 1 \) l'- ...... 11"" II.. U' "~"~I MICHAEL HUF COUNCIL PRES A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page J K:\COUNClLIMINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-OJ-16-lOmin Town Hal/doc {C ? _1/:1-f~ City of Eagle: City Council Town Hall Meeting March 16, 2010 Voice of an Eagle Citizen - To be read at City Council meeting! As a concerned citizen of Eagle, I am writing this letter to voice my opinion on some better city management ideas. Instead of looking at raising taxes and laying off city employees, during this time of economic recession, why not use this time as an opportunity to plan how to self-fund city government. During our Governor's (Butch Otter) term he has consistently delivered the message to the people of Idaho that government has to become more "business-like" in how it's managed. Running government like a business not only applies to state government but city government as well. Once traditional funding mechanisms are no longer available, the City of Eagle needs to address new and innovative funding strategies and mechanisms that would reduce the need to continually raise taxes for all of its' citizens. A member from each city commission should work closely with the City Council towards developing a comprehensive City of Eagle funding plan. By working together as a united group, with a wealth of knowledge and diverse backgrounds, I believe the city would be able to produce a financial sound funding plan. Currently, Eagle has a large percentage of empty office space/buildings (we over developed) in the River District area. We need to promote our beautiful city, our rurban lifestyle, and convince businesses to relocate to the Eagle area. This would result in bringing in more city dollars by attracting more retail business in Eagle. Where are we (City of Eagle) at with the Eagle / Star Technology Corridor group who was in the process of inviting innovative and entrepreneurial businesses to relocate to Eagle? In closing, I would like to thank the City Council for hearing my ideas, I regretfully was not unable to attend tonight's City Hall Town meeting. Sincerely, Nancy McPherson 2700 N. Meridian Rd. Eagle, Id