Minutes - 2009 - City Council - 07/14/2009 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minut~~s July 14, 2:009 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m,~ I. Eagle Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report: Joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and the Mayor and City Council. Discussion on Downtown Revitalization, discussion on the relationship between the Chamber and the City, discussion on Eagle Fun Days, discussion on Eagle Country Christmas, discussion on the City Sign Ordinance, 2. Mayor and Council Reports: Moved to end of Agenda 3. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 4. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 5. Public Works Director Report: Moved to end of Agenda 6. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, JACKSON-HElM. All present. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Joann Butler leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Debbie Ragsdale, I was involved in a vicious dog attack in my neighbor. The issue today is animal control. I understand that the contract with the Humane Society was dropped. When I talked to you, Mayor Bandy, I was told that there would be I still don't know if the dogs have had their rabies shots. The dog has approached my elderly father in my driver. We call, a citation is made, and nothing is done. This dog owner was on probation. Nothing is being done. General discussion. Mr. Bond, discusses whether or not this dog owner is breeding the dogs. She has six dogs, three adult and three puppies. The City Ordinance should reflect a limit on the number of dogs a resident can have. If you have three dogs together you have a pack. General discussion. Public Works Director Echeita will call the Ada County Prosecutor's Office in the morning to find out the status of the Citation. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Aeainst the City. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minures Work Area\CC-07-14-09min,doc B. Appointment to Transportation Committee: Mayor Bandy is requesting the appointment of Mark Miller to the Committee to fulfill the remainder of a vacated term. Mr. Miller's term will expire on August 1,2010. (PB) C. Appointment to Transportation Committee: Mayor Bandy is requesting the appointment of Joel Grounds to the Committee. Mr. Ground's two year term will expire August 1, 2011. (PB) D. DR-09-09 - Pump House No.8 for Eaele Water Company - Eaele Water Company: Eagle Water Company, represented by Jerry Teal with Teal Architects P.A., is requesting design review approval to construct a 580-square foot pump house. The 0.23-acre site is located on the east side of South Ancona Avenue approximately 930-feet south of State Highway 44. (WEV) E. DR-13-09 - Common Area Landsc3pine within Eaele Island Marketplace. includine Fred Meyer and Eieht Multi-tenant Retail/Restaurant Buildines _ Eisenbere Company: Eisenberg Company, represented by Van Elg and Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting design review approval of the common area landscaping within Eagle Island Marketplace, including a 187,93 I-square foot Fred Meyer Store and eight (8) multi-tenant retail/restaurant buildings which total I 39,439-square feet. The 38.39-acre site;: is located on the northeast corner of West Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road at 1240 West Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) F. DR-14-09 - Master Sien Plan for Eaele Island Marketplace - Eisenbere Company: Eisenberg Company, represented by Eric Williams with YESCO, is requesting design review approval of the master sign plan for Eagle Island Marketplace. The 38.39-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road at 1240 West Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) G. DR-15-09 - Master Sien Plan for Fred Meyer - Eisenbere Company: Eisenberg Company, represented by Van Elg and Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting design review approval of the master sign plan for Fred Meyer within Eagle Island Marketplace. The 38.39-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road at 1240 West Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) H. Appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission: The Mayor is requesting Council confirmation of the appointment of Diane Scott to the Commission. Ms. Scott will fulfill the remainder of a vacated term that will expire in July 2012. (PB) r. Minutes of June 26. 2009. Craig Eisenberg: I would request that Item #5F be removed from the Consent Agenda. Zoning Administrator Vaughan removes Item #5E from the Consent Agenda. City Clerk Bergmann removes Item #5H from the Consent Agenda. Semanko: Because the Rose Law Group has been retained by Eisenberg Company to negotiate a license agreement I want to mention this relationship. Under Idaho Code 59-7034 it is not a conflict of interest because I am not gaining any nor is the firm, nor any of my family gaining a private pecuniary benefit from the manner before us which is a sign. I did want to mention this relationship and I have asked legal counsel to look at this as well. City Attorney Buxton: We have looked at that this and we agree that the analysis that Mr. Semanko has stated is correct under Idaho Law because the Rose Law Group has no association with this land use request and there is no conflict of interest under Idaho Law. Semanko: This same analysis will pertain to Items #5E and #5F as well. Page 2 K:\CQUNCIL\MrNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC.07-14.09min doc City Attorney Buxton: I agree with that also. Mayor: I would entertain a motion to approve the remainder of the Consent Agenda. Huffaker: So moved. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Semanko: AYE: Jackson-Heim: AYE: ALL AYE:S: MOTION CARRIES.............. E. DR-13-09 - Common Area Landscapine within EaeIe Island Marketplace. includine Fred Meyer and Eieht Multi-tenant Retail/Restaurant Buildinl!s - Eisenbere Company: Eisenberg Company, represented by Van Elg and Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting design review approval ofthe common area landscaping within Eagle Island Marketplace, including a I 87,93 I-square foot Fred Meyer Store and eight (8) multi-tenant retail/restaurant buildings which total I 39,439-square feet. The 38.39-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road at 1240 West Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Zoning Administrator Vaughan: discusses the Development Agreement associated with this application and a clerical error in the square footage needs to be changed before the Development Agreement is signed. Discusses the parking calculations. Semanko moves to reconsider Item #5G on the A~~enda. Seconded by Shoushtarian. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.......................... General discussion on the changes. Huffaker moves to approve Dr-13-09. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................. ... F. DR-14-09 - Master Sien Plan for Ea!!le Island Marketplace - Eisenberl! Company: Eisenberg Company, represented by Eric Williams with YESCO, is requesting design review approval of the master sign plan for Eagle Island Marketplace. The 38.39-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road at 1240 West Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. Craig Eisenberg: We have some concerns in regards to the final Findings of Facts. We are concerned that each of our tenants would have to go through the sign process with the City. We would do a Master Sign Plan for the entire center. Gc~neral discussion. Joann Butler, representing the applicant, discusses the Master Sign Plan. General discussion. Discussion on an additional two signs along Chinden.. Huffaker moves to approye DR-14-09 with the following changes: Page 10 of 12, #1 of 4.: be revised to read "After submitting sign age plans to the subdiyision managing entity for written approval that the managing entity shall resubmit to the City Staff for any proposed signs for City Staff review and approval."; strike #2 in its entirety; #3 shall read "that 4 15 foot high multi-tenant monument signs are permitted according to the drawing that we haye seen tonight and the 2 signs on Linder are no closer than 200 feet and the 2 signs on Chinden are no closer than 600 feet. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. Discussion. THREE AYES: SHOUSTARIAN: NAY; I am not in agreement with the sign issue because of three reasons; 1. Design Review denied because it was against City Code; 2. City has never experienced 4 monument signs on one shopping center; 3. Signs were a little bit close to each other: MOTION CARRIES.................... Page 3 K:\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-14-09min,doc G. DR-15-09 - Master Sien Plan for Fred Meyer - Eisenberl! Company: Eisenberg Company, represented by Van Elg and Phil Hull with The Land Group, Inc., is requesting design review approval of the master sign plan for Fred Meyer within Eagle Island Marketplace. The 38.39-acre site is located on the northeast corner of West Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road at 1240 West Chinden Boulevard. (WEV) Mayor introduces the issue. General discussion. Craig Eisenberg: when I spoke to them today they said this was on the Consent Agenda and they were agreeable. General discussion on the road issues. Huffaker moves to approve DR-15-09. Seconded Jackson-Heim. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................... .... 5H. Appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission: The Mayor is requesting Council confirmation ofthe appointment of Diane Scott to the Commission. Ms. Scott will fulfill the remainder of a vacated term that will expire in July 2012. (PB) City Clerk Bergmann: I removed this item from the Consent Agenda because the term for this appointment will expire January 20 I 0 not July 20 I 2. Huffaker moves to approve the Appointment to the Historic Preservation Commission as amended to show January 2010 as the expiration date. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES............... 6. PROCLAMATIONS & RESOLUTIONS: NONE 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. DR-12-09 - Expansion to the Wood river Cellars to include Open-Air Amphitheater- NJN II. Inc.: NJN II, Inc., represented by Billy Ray Strite with BRS Architects, is requesting design review approval to construct a 50,000-square foot open-air amphitheater at the Woodriver Cellars event center. The 21.2-acre site is located on the west side of State Highway 16 approximately 1,600-feet north of Beacon Light Road at 3705 North Emmett Highway.(WEV) This item was continuedfrom the June 23, 2009 meeting. The applicant is requesting this item be continued to the July 28, 2009 meeting. Mayor introduces the issue. The applicant is requesting this item be continued to the July 28, 2009 meeting. Jackson-Heim moves to continue DR-12-09 to the July 28, 2009 City Council meeting. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. A-02-09/RZ-02-09 Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural - Urban Transition - Ada County Desienation) TO R-E-DA (Residential- Estates with a Development Al!reement) _ Terry L. and Nancy Harris: Terry L. and Nancy Harris represented by Shawn Nickel with Rose Law Group Borton are requesting approval of an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural- Urban Transition-Ada County Designation) to R-E-DA (Residential-Estates up to one unit per two (2) acres with a development agreement). The 6.12-acre site is generally located on the east side ofN. Meridian Road approximately 950 feet north ofW. Floating Feather Road at 1628 N. Meridian Road. (MJW) Page 4 K:\CQUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-14-09min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. Semanko: I need to recue myself; the business I work with does have a pecuniary interest. Semanko steps down. Shawn Nickel, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the application. Your staff has recommended approval. Displays an overhead and discusses the same. Discussion on sidewalk condition issues. General discussion. Terry Harris, we live at the property in questions. Discusses the ditch that has no ownership records. There was an owner a hundred years ago. Our proposal for annexation is because we are a little island, the City has grown around us, and for a financial situation we need to sell part of our property. Discussion on the sidewalk to nowhere. Displays pictures and discusses the same. Planner Williams, displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing Mayor closes the Public Hearing Shawn Nickel, discusses the sidewalk to no where issue. General discussion. Huffaker moves to approve A-02-09/RZ-02-09 with the following changes: Omit # 3.4 which was the sidewalk requirement and substitute the paragraph that was provided by the applicant 3.5 for our paragraph and have the :additional language that staff wanted to provide regarding if there was a new home provided which the applicant was agreeable to. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. ALL AYES: MOTION CARIES....................... B. A-03-09/RZ-03-09 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural- Urban Transition- Ada County desienation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential Two Units Per Acre Maximum With a Development Aereement - PUD) - Eaele Sports Leeends Investments #2. LLC.: Eagle Sports Legends Investments #2, LLC, represented by John Rennison, P.E., with Rennison Fodrea, Inc., are requesting approval of an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential two units per acre maximum with a development agreement - PUD). The 78.13-acre site is generally located on the southeast corner of State Highway 16 and West Floating Feath(~r Road at 1252 North Emmett Highway. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. Council Member Semanko rejoins the meeting. John Rennison, representing the applicant, provides Council an overview of the application. Displays overheads and discusses the same. Planner Williams: provides an overview of the application. General discussion. Mayor opens the Public Hearing. Mayor closes the Public Hearing. General Council discussion. Tom Stevenson, clarification on ownership. General discussion. General Council discussion. Page 5 K\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-14-09mindoc Semanko moves to approve A-03-09/RZ-03-09 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural - Urban Transition - Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential Two Units Per Acre Maximum With a Development Agreement - PUD) - Eagle Sports Legends Investments #2, LLC. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...... 9. NEW BUSINESS: NONE General discussion on the survey for trash recycling, Awin Management will come before Council to discuss the recycling. Shoushtarian: Discusses concerns he has with Design Review. I'm looking to you guys to see what you think. General discussion. PRE-COUNCIL REPORTS: Semanko: The Friends of Library book sale did very well. Ron is dismayed that the reduction in hours would result in a reduction in need. There is now only a 2% reduction. They were open on July 3rd and they were extremely busy. Discussion on the services. They are focusing on their budget and they have a meeting this Thursday. They interviewed 8 people for an opening on the Library Board and they have reduced the applicants to two. They are doing a periodicals campaign and if anyone is interesting in purchasing subscriptions for the Library I have a list. The Library would like two computers. Sharon said she might have two that could be used. They are focusing on what their carry forward will be. I went to the Idaho Sixteen public hearing. Discussion on the alignments. The first phase is supposed to be done April of2010. Discussion on the phases. I thought Greg Wyatt's letter on what happened on the Island was very good. Huffaker: Reports on the Eagle Urban Renewal meeting. We had a repOli from Pat Engle with Sage. We discussed what they could do for us. They have grants. We are seriously going to look at this to see if we can get some of that money. Shoushtarian: Reports on the Senior Citizen Board meeting. I told them that this year the parking lot will be finished before snow. General discussion. Jackson-Heim: No report Mayor: No report City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report Zoning Administrator's Report: No report Public Works Director Report: No report City Attorney Report: No report 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Pendine & Threatened Iitieation: I.c. 37-2345 (1) Mayor: I put this on the agenda but in conferring with the City Attorney we have no discussion tonight. I I. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor I would entertain a motion to adjourn. So moyed by Jackson-Heim. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES......... ... ... ... ... .... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Page 6 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Tcmporary Minules Work Area\C'C-07-14-09min.doc APPROVED: pt!!JB1f/ MAYOR , ,......,.. "~I '. ~.." OF E.It .... .... ~ "'0' " '\.. ..it..... '( .~~ ~ 0' ... ... ~. '. ; .. ~\'OR"'l'... ". : ....0 <$''' ~ . . v .. : * : -.- . * : : ~ -: : ': ..~ SEA L ~.. : ':. .. ('0 () '". 0 ~ ':...lJ'I/> ...~,.OR,,1~.. ~ ..~ .... -1.,., ....... ~.... ...., ~ lJ OF \~ ...... '" . ...... '"".......,' Respectfully submitted: j Q(~,--k0"';J~~ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 7 K\COUNClL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-07-14-09min.doc • Case View Report Cc_ 7—/4' 1 Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case Case View Report 4 Printed:07/14/2009 01:41 PM Case Details C00298772 By: SvancaraD Dispatch(s) Dispatch By 1Svancara, D Officer # IP03255952 I Result Spoke to Reporting Party AGGRESSIVE 58 AGG. STP Aggressive, see th NUDE socuTY W 1008 NEWFIELD , Idaho , United States Jurisdiction: Eagle City , Cross Street: HEMPSTEAD/LOCUST GROVEICHINDEN Closed Additional Info: ROBERT 939-8854 Dispatch Date/Time 07/02/2008 08:38AM Officer Name Assign Date/Time Heidi Freutel 07/02/2008 08:43AM End Date/Time 07/02/200811:08AM Photo(s) Priority Priority AGG/ STP (5 B) Enroute Date/Time 07/02/2008 08:43AM Re -Assign Distance 0 Danger Patrol Area Start Date/Time 07/02/2008 11:08AM Officer Comments 362-39 http://sms.petpoint.coni/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=298772 7/14/2009 • Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case 1 Case View Report [Printed:07/14/2009 01:40PM fetis Case Details C00373058 ATTACK E 1008 NEWFIELD , EAGLE , Idaho , United States 7A ATTACK, ANIMAL ,jurisdiction: Eagle City , Cross Street: CHJNDEN!EAGLE v.s. PERSON } By: BennettK Closed Additional Info: CALLER 939-8854 1 Animal(s) f Animal_# Role SReciea Breed Color CQI.Qr.Pattem Gender Age Gaup A06946588 Suspect Dog Retriever, Golden Golden Solid Male Adult 3y -8y A06946592 Suspect Dog Retriever, Golden Golden Solid Female Adult 3y -8y 1 Person(s) i { Persoj Reported S.4lt< Name Phone # Phone Tyne Address ! P04844737 Suspect CINDY NICHOLSON 208-939-4076 Home 1085 HEMPSTEAD , # r Dispatch(s) 1Dispatch By Dispatch Date/Time Priority Priority Danger Patrol Area i Bennett, K 12/09/2008 03:17PM Attack Animal vs Person 'Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time Start Date/Time P05130327 J Staley 12/09/2008 03:22PM 12/09/2008 03:18PM 12/09/2008 04:OOPM !Result End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance Officer Comments I Spoke to Reporting Party 12/09/2008 05:01 PM 0 362-12-3 I Memo(s) Ref. Reference TYPe # TYRA SubtyQe Pate By Ramo ON 12-09-08, 1(OFFICER STALEY) FILED AN ATTACK REPORT WITH ROBBIN BOND. MRS.BOND SAID SHE WAS IN HER GARAGE WHEN SHE SAW A BAGE LABRADOODLE CHASE A MAN ON A BICYCLE. MRS.BOND SPOKE TO THE MAN AND GOT HIS NAME AND NUMBER. MRS.BOND Officer SAID THE DOGS HAVE HARASSED OTHER NEIGHBORS ON THE STREET General Statements Notes 12/10/2008 StaleyJ AS WELL. I MET UP WITH THE MAN ON THE BICYCLE (PAUL KLINK). MR.KLINK WAS THE VICTIM IN THE CASE. HE SAID HE WAS RIDING HIS BIKE DOWN HEMPSTEAD WHEN THE LABRADOODLE STARTED CHASING AND SNAPPING AT HIS LEG. MR.KLINK SAID THE DOG NEVER MADE CONTACT. A COMPLAINT FOR DOG AT LARGE WAS SIGNED BY } MRS.BOND. STILL NEED TO SERVE DOG OWNER. General Statements Officer 12/21/2008 HaworthA Served Mrs. Nicholson @ IHS while redeeming dogs. Gave copy of report Notes upon request. 1 Photo(s) http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=373058 7/14/2009 • Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case Case View Report Printed:07/14/2009 01 16PM Case Details `C00408698 By: AndersonT Dispatch(s) titoi HUMANE SOCJETY AGGRESSIVE 1085 HEMPSTEAD , Idaho , United States 5A AGG A C Junsdiction• Eagle City Closed i Dispatch By Dispatch Date/Time Priority `Anderson T 03/24/2009 01:41 PM AGG /Area Check (5 A) Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time i P05130327 J Staley 03/24/2009 01:42PM 03/24/2009 01 42PM Result End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance 'Owner Advised 03/24/2009 02 03PM 0 Priority Memo(s) Ref. Reference Type # General Photo(s) Type Subtype Date By Memo HIGH SCHOOL AGE BOY SAID HE LET THE DOGS OUT FOR A FEW 3/24/2009 StaleyJ MINUTES. HE WILL WATCH THE DOGS WHEN HE LETS THEM OUT HE SAID THE TWO PUPPIES WERE OUT AND THEY ARE PLAYFUL. Statements Officer Notes Danger Patrol Area Start Date/Time 03/24/2009 02:OOPM Officer Comments 362-48-4 http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=408698 7/14/2009 • Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case Case View Report Printed:07/14/2009 01:17PM 9003 HUMANE SOCIETY Case Details C00378684 DOG AT LARGE 1085 HEMPSTEAD , EAGLE , 83616 , Idaho , United States 1A DAUAC Area check Jurisdiction: Eagle City By: AndersonT Closed Dispatch(s) Dispatch By Dispatch Date/Time Priority Priority Danger Patrol Area ;Anderson, T 12/30/2008 01:53PM DAL/Area Check (1 A) Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Dateirime Start Date/Time P03255969 A Haworth 12/30/2008 01:54PM 12/30/2008 02:10PM 12/30/2008 02:10PM Result End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance Officer Comments Activity Completed 12/30/2008 03:08PM 0 362-48-4-3 ____Y Memo(s) Ref. Reference Tvoe Subtype age By Memo Type # General 1 Photo(s) Two goldendoodles loose. Larger of two, wearing elec collar, seemed very aggressive towards neighbor. (Robbin 1008 Newfield) m towards her, barked Statements Officer 12/30/2008 HaworthA ad did not back down until I ran and yelled. Talked other neighbor into signing Notes complaint. Mrs. Nicholson cmae home while signing complaint. Talked to Jake •at door who said she was asleep. Gave him copy of ticket, nkowing she was there and not responding. http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=378684 7/14/2009 • Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report I Case 1 Case View Report i Printed:07/14/2009 01:17PM Case Details C00377065 DOG AT LARGE 1085 HEMPSTEAD , Idaho , United States 1A DAL/AC Area check Jurisdiction: Eagle City By: AndersonT Closed I Person(s) Person # Reported P04844737 Dispatch(s) Dispatch By Anderson, T Officer # IP03255969 Result Left note for owner Me Name Phone # Suspect CINDY NICHOLSON 208-939-4076 Dispatch Date/Time Priority 12/23/2008 11:14AM DAL/Area Check (1 A) Officer Name Assign Date/Time A Haworth 12/23/2008 11:15AM End DaterTime 12/23/2008 11:52AM Memo(s) Re Reference IYPe # General General General General Photo(s) IYte apbtyp Statements Officer Notes Statements Officer Notes Statements Officer Notes Statements Officer Notes Phone Tvpe Home Priority Enroute Date/me 12/23/2008 11:15AM Re -Assign Distance 0 Address 1085 HEMPSTEAD , # Danger Patrol Area Start DaterTime 12/23/2008 11:41 AM Officer Comments 362-48-5-4 Date Memo 12/23/2008 HaworthA Gold ret in road, pic. Goldendoodle puppy was loose, did not see until back in yard. Talked to older teenage son, and left note for Cindy. Tracks loop out around tree, east of mailbox. From goldendoodle with blue 12/23/2008 HaworthA etec fence collar. Still loose in backyard after tak with son. Possibly tracks at 45 degree angle around tree in neighbors yard. 12/23/2008 HaworthA Two goldendoodle pups inside, not more than a few months old. 12/23/2008 HaworthA Talked to Cindy. Explained situation Stated she is calling Wee fence company to come out today. http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=377065 7/14/2009 • Case View Report Case View Report Case Case View Report Printed:07/14/2009 01:18PM Case Details C00373054 AGGRESSIVE 5A AGG. A.C. By: BennettK Closed 1.4'04 HUMANE SOCIETY 1085 HEMPSTEAD , BOISE , Idaho , United States Jurisdiction: Eagle City , Cross Street: CHINDEN/EAGLE Additional Info: DOGS LIVE AT THIS ADDRESS 2 VERY AGGRESSIVE DOGS Page 1 of 1 Dispatch(s) !Dispatch By Dispatch Date/me Priority Priority Danger Patrol Area !Bennett, K 12/09/2008 03:23PM AGG /Area Check (5 A) Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time Start Date/Time . P05130327 J Staley 12/09/2008 03:24PM 12/09/2008 03:24PM 12/09/2008 03:46PM Result End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance Officer Comments Left note for owner 12/09/2008 03:56PM 0 362-48-4 Memo(s) Ref. Reference Tvoe Subtype Date ergo e # General General General Photo(s) CALLER ROBERT 111111.1 DOGS CAME ON HIS PROPERTY AND CHASED HIS WIFE AND DOG INTO THE GARAGE STATES 6 DOGS LIVE Statements Officer 12/9/2008 BennettK ON PROPERTY AND ONLY 2 AGGRESSIVE BREAK THROUGH ELECTRIC Notes FENCE ALL THE TIME. NO LIMIT IN EAGLE CODES FOR # OF DOGS MUST PURSUE CCR, ALSO NEIGHBOR HAS THREATENED TO SHOOT THE DOGS IF THEY COME ON HIS PROPERTY. BENNETT I (OFFICER STALEY) ARRIVED AT 1085 HEMPSTEAD TO CONTAINE AGGRESSIVE DOGS. 1 SAW TWO DOGS LOOSE ON PROPERTY. THE Statements Officer LABRADOODLE STEPED ON THE SIDE WALK WHEN I PARKED INFRONT Notes OF THE HOUSE. WALKED TO THE FRONT DOOR AND SPOKE TO HIGH SCHOOL AGED BOY. AT THE TIME, THE DOGS DID NOT ACT AGGRESSIVE TOWARDS ME. BOY CONTAINED DOGS IN KENNEL. ON 12-9-08, I (OFFICER STALEY) FILED AN ATTACK REPORT WITH ROBBIN BOND. MRS.BOND STATED SHE WAS IN HER GARAGE AND SAW A BAGE LABRADOODLE CHASE A MAN ON A BICYCLE. MRS.BOND WAS ABLE TO SPEAK TO THE MAN ON THE BIKE AND GET HIS NAME AND NUMBER. MRS.BOND SAID THE DOGS HAVE HARASSED OTHER Statements Officer NEIGHBORS ON THE STREET. I MET UP WITH THE MAN ON THE BIKE Notes (PAUL KLINK). MR.KLINK WAS THE VICTIM IN THE CASE. HE SAID HE WAS RIDING HIS BIKE DOWN HEMPSTEAD WHEN THE LABRADOODLE CHASED HIM. THE DOG WAS SNAPPING AT HIS LEG AS MR.KLINK TRIED TO OUT RUN HIM. THE DOG NEVER MADE CONTACT. A COMPLAINT WAS SIGNED BY MRS.BOND FOR DOG AT LARGE. **STILL NEEDING TO SERVE** 12/9/2008 StaleyJ 12/12/2008 StaleyJ http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport. aspx?CaseID=3 73054 7/14/2009 Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case Case View Report Printed:07/14/2009 01:19PM 1.4,4'074 IIIIMNE sociEfr ( Case Details `C00329838 AGGRESSIVE 1085 HEMPSTEAD , Idaho , United States 5A AGG. A.C. Jurisdiction: Eagle City , Cross Street: LOCUST GROVEICHINDEN By: SvancaraD Closed Dispatch(s) Dispatch By Dispatch Date/Time Priority Svancara, D 09/07/2008 04:06PM AGG /Area Check (5 A) Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time Start Date/Time P03255952 Heidi Freutel 09/07/2008 04:07PM 09/07/2008 04:07PM 09/07/2008 04:15PM Result End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance Officer Comments Left note for owner 09/07/2008 04:25PM 0 362-48-55-5 Priority Danger Patrol Area Photo(s) cc] http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=329838 7/14/2009 Case View Report Case View Report Case Case View Report Printed:07/14/2009 01:19PM Case Details 1C00315753 By: SvancaraD Closed BITE 8D FOLLOW UP Follow up on bite Animal(s) HQMANE. SOUETY 1085 HEMPSTEAD , Idaho , United States Jurisdiction: Eagle City Additional Info: DR 8030 Page 1 of 1 Animal # Role Species Breed Color Color Pattern Gender Age Grow A05659790 Suspect Dog Retriever, Golden/Poodle, Standard Beige Female Young 6 mos -1 yr Person(s) Person # Reported Role Name Phone # Phone Typg Address P04844737 Suspect CINDY NICHOLSON 208-939-4076 Home 1085 HEMPSTEAD , # Dispatch(s) Dispatch By Dispatch Date/Time Priority t Svancara, D 08/04/2008 09:06AM Follow Up Bite/Quar. Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time Start Date/Time P03255952 Heidi Freutel 08/04/2008 09:11 AM 08/04/2008 09:11 AM 08/04/2008 01:25PM Result End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance Officer Comments 0 361-39 TAKING TO OWN VET Priority Danger Patrol Area Owner Advised 08/04/2008 01:33PM Investigation(s) Investigation 'Type Completed Date Bite 08/02/2008 05:19PM Photo(s) Reference # DR 8030 Result Animal Impounded Result Date 08/11/2008 05:19PM http://sms.petpoint.corn/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=315753 7/14/2009 ' 'Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case Case View Report Printed:07/14/2009 01:20PM Case Details 1C00315264 tto NUI. SOCIU ' AGGRESSIVE W 1085 HEMPSTEAD , EAGLE , Idaho , United States 5C AGG. WTP Aggressive wam th By: BennettK Closed Dispatch(s) Dispatch By IBennett, K Officer # 'P03255969 Result Owner Advised Photo(s) Jurisdiction: Eagle City , Cross Street: CHINDEN/EAGLE Dispatch Date/Time 08/01/2008 03:25PM Officer Name Assign Date/Time A Haworth 08/01/2008 03:33PM End Date/Time 08/01/2008 03:54PM Priority DAUWTP (1 C) Enroute Date/Time 08/01/2008 03:33PM Re -Assign Distance 0 Priority Danger Patrol Area Start Date/Time 08/01/2008 03:47PM Officer Comments 362-4 http://sms.petpoint. com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport. aspx?CaseID=315264 7/14/2009 Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case Case View Report 1Printed:07/14/2009 01:21 PM Case Details C00298893 By: SvancaraD DOG AT LARGE 1C DAL /V/TP Wam the party Closed t‘k14 --1114162411411— ilIIIANE SOCIETY 1085 HEMPSTEAD , Idaho , United States Jurisdiction: Eagle City ! Dispatch(s) Dispatch By Dispatch Date/Time Priority I Svancara, D 07/02/2008 11:09AM DAL/WTP (1 C) ' Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time Start Date/Time P03255952 Heidi Freutel 07/02/2008 11:09AM 07/02/2008 11:09AM 07/02/2008 11:09AM Result End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance Officer Comments 'Owner Advised 07/02/2008 11:18AM 0 362-4 Priority Danger Patrol Area Photo(s) http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=298893 7/14/2009 • 'Case View Report Page 1 of 1 Case View Report Case Case View Report Printed:07/14/2009 01:14PM Case Details IC00433517 [By: StateyJ I y Dispatch(s) Dispatch By Dispatch Date/Time Priority Staley, J 05/21/2009 09:23AM Attack/Cit./Complaint Officer # Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time I P05130327 J Staley 05/21/2009 09:23AM 05/21/2009 12:13PM I Result End DateRime Re -Assign Left note for owner 05/21/2009 12:17PM X Dispatch By { Staley, J Officer # ,P05130327 Result Nom SOcIE1Y ATTACK 1085 HEMPSTEAD , EAGLE , Idaho , United States 7C ATTACK, Jurisdiction: Eagle City , Cross Street: STAFFORD CITATION/COMPLAINT- Closed __ Additional Info: DOG ATTACKED CHICKENS I SERVE Dispatch By Staley, J I Officer # 1 P05130327 Result Dispatch Date/Time Priority 05/26/2009 09:03AM Attack/Cit./Complaint Officer Name Assign Date/Time J Staley 05/26/2009 09:03AM End Date/Time Re -Assign Distance X 0 Dispatch Date/Time Prionty 05/26/2009 09:39AM Attack/Cit./Complaint Officer Name Assign Date/Time Enroute Date/Time J Staley 05/26/2009 09:39AM 05/26/2009 01:43PM End DateTme Re -Assign Distance 0 Priority Danger Patrol Area Distance 0 Priority Enroute Date/Time Start Date/Time 05/21/2009 12:13PM Officer Comments 362-55-5 Danger Patrol Area Start Date/Time Officer Comments Priority Danger Patrol Area Start Date/Time 05/26/2009 02:07PM Officer Comments Memo(s) Ref. Tvae Reference # Type Subtype I) ire Ely Memo General Statements Officer Notes 5/21/2009 StaleyJ PLEASE SEE DR# 8791. CALL# C00433032. General Statements Officer Notes 5/26/2009 StaleyJ STALEY- DR#8791-- MS. NICHOLSON WAS SERVED ON 5/26/09. I Photo(s) http://sms.petpoint.com/sms3/embeddedreports/caseviewreport.aspx?CaseID=433517 7/14/2009 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP A-02-09/RZ-02-09 Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural — Urban Transition — Ada County Designation) TO R -E -DA (Residential — Estates with a Develonment Agreement) - Terry L. and Nancy Harris July 14, 2009 TESTIFY PRO/ CON or NAME ADDRESS YES/NO NEUTRAL X4c.d.-1 /Y� N. ��� /4l SN'c./ceC 647/c 836/Z YQf Pfd /6 N /1 ,d „,2 Nr J /tet �l C /-)a v' N 4/ �:i c1 EAGLE CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-UP A-03-09/RZ-03-09 - Annexation and Rezone From RUT (Rural — Urban Transition — Ada County designation) to R-2-DA-P (Residential Two Units Per Acre Maximum With a Development Agreement — PUD) - Eagle Sports Legends Investments #2, LLC. July 14, 2009 SIDEWALK CONDITION ISSUES •2,700 feet from sidewalk connection •No future S/W directly north or south •ACHD not requiring gLL /■ . t - - - - -� _ - •- --- / / / / / r / �/ : /`/ /! /•/•/—/ /• _ --11 ' 4 4 4 4\ t 1\ \\ 4\ 4 4 4 4 4 N. 4 / / / .1 / / / / : / / / / / / / / r / II 4 4\ 4\\ I\ 4\ 4\ 4 4 4 4\\\ 4\ 4 4\\ 4 N. 4\\ 4 1 4/4/\/\/ /41OFFM / / / / / / / \ \ \ 4 \ \ 4 4 4 4\ 4 /4/4/\!4f\14! r r / r / /1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 \4\\/\ \ /\ N. N. N. 4 HENRYS.. 4 4/ / / \ 4 / l 1 ? f ? U 411.140,111-1 1/• •.� •. S r 1 '? t i" i- JIMMY i" JIM.a a'aer..- _=_-_.'ara.- ah I Jam•.ar a •Safety Concerns • Liability Issues ®Cost • Placement Between Trees poses potential root problems Edge of Pavement Barrow Ditch 35' from front porch OPEN DITCH OPEN PASTURE ROW Line o® r vt1 1_ D Io DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT REVISIONS: 3.1 OK 3.2 OK 3.3 OK 3.4 (Sidewalk requirement) OMIT 3.5 Modify as follows: The existing home may continue the use of the existing well and septic systems. The, however, tho applioant shall provide a stub out for pub io water and sewer service to the existing home fer-will be required to connection to central services in the event that either the well or septic system fail, and services are readily available at that time. The stub out line:: • ' : - :: Al