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Minutes - 2009 - City Council - 08/04/2009 - Special
EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes Budget August 4, 2009 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, JACKSON-HElM. All present. A quorum is present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Bill Vaughan leads the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 3. BUDGET DISCUSSION: A. Sage Community Resources, Pat Engle and Kathleen Simco. Kathleen Simco, it has been a few years since I have been to Eagle. Provides Council an overview of the organization and the services that Sage provides. General discussion. B. Valley Regional Transit (VRT). Kellie Fairless, displays overheads of the Highway 44 Service and discusses the same. General discussion. Matt Stoll, Operations Director of Compass, provides Council an overview of the operation of Compass. General discussion. Bill Larson, Executive Director of the Treasurer Valley Partnership, provides Council an overview of the operation. General discussion. Mayor calls a recess at 7:30 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 7:45 p.m. C. Discussion of Mayor and Council salaries. General discussion on salaries and health insurance for Council Members. D. Budget Discussion General discussion on the proposed budget. Mayor calls a recess at 10:50 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 10:55 p.m. Shoushtarian presents Council with his Purpose of Budget FY 09110 and discusses the same. General discussion. Further General discussion on the proposed budget. 4. ADJOURNMENT: Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Huffaker. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... ... ............ ..... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 11 :50 p.m. Page I K:\COUNCILIMINUTES\Temporary Minules Work Area\CC-08-04-09mindoc Respectfully submitted: ~~ ~~--/ -SHAR NK.BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURE A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 2 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-08-04-0omin.doc S1"1.(9u 5�4Y,`a� Purpose of Budget FY 09/10 Goal In this tough economic situation the city must save money and invest in planning for the goals and objectives that can make Eagle a sustainable city both financially and with the quality of life for its' community. Objectives: Designate a portion of budget for planning projects such as: 1- Invest on a comprehensive pathway for bicycles to make the city one of the country's top bicycles friendly places to attract people to move to Eagle. 2- Invest in alternative energy by using federal and state agencies grants and support to make a better quality of life for our city as it has presented in Council meeting and AIC seminars. 3- Concentrate on downtown revitalization by planning and implementing a well balance downtown comprehensive plan. 4- Attract businesses to Eagle by reaching out to them and giving them incentives that will benefit them and help our City. 5- Keep taxes low and the quality of life high in Eagle. This can happen by proper budgeting and planning. Propose Budget cut FY 09/10 The following cuts will help our city to not only have a balanced budget with carry over, but also it will give the support to work toward the goal and objectives: 1- There should be a salary cut of minmun 10% across the board from all the departments. 2- There should be a cut back on number of employees in P&Z and the Building Departments to reflect the revenue city receives from developments. 1 have suggested 40% cut last year and there was only an 18% cut not until earlier this year. 1 highly recommend adding the remaining cut (20%) to those two departments. 3- We have to reevaluate all the city contracts and try to negotiate. 4- We must look into alternative insurance to make sure we get the best deal. 5- We shall not cut the budget from services that directly impact the daily lives of the people in our community. Eagle Councilman Al Shoushtarian Comments regarding City Clerk's Proposed Budget FY 09/10 by City Proposed budget by City Clerk and department heads is not comprehensive enough for the financial issues this city faces today and will continue to face for the following budgeted year. If the city continues to react in a passive manner to the actual revenues generate more problems will arise. It is essential to act now to manage our budget in a way that is fiscally responsible for the situation we find ourselves all experiencing. The following are a few basic issues that we, as the leaders, must review and find the concrete solutions to managing the continual depletion of our tax base: 1- Most of the cuts have come from the each department's operation cost. Only so much can be cut from this area and it needs to be monitored more closely before additional cuts are made. 2- The current budget proposed that the city drop the l 9 year contract with the landscaping company and the city take over the landscaping and maintenance of 120 plus acres of parks, City Hall, Library, Senior Citizen Center and other common area for the first time. If this is accepted it will require additional costs for: purchasing equipment, maintaining the equipment, storage for the equipment, hiring new employees with benefits, and trainings. At the end, the quality of service may not be the same as the city has no experience in professional landscaping. I have suggested that the city should try to negotiate with the contractor and I have offered my time for this negotiation process. 3- All the contracts that provide city services have not been renegotiated. They need to be renegotiating to reflect the current economic situation. 4- We do not need to barrow money nor do we need to cut from services to our community. What we need is start salary reduction along with reduction in staffing to make the numbers work. 5- The money that the city has been allocated in some areas FY08/09 (last year budget) has not been spent nor does this money show up in carry over. So where is it? For example the $250K Grants Matching Funds, $20K for Public Relations, different between budgeted FY 08/09 and actual spent. Many American including our residents have instituted both temporary and permanent wage reductions in their businesses in order to cope with the economic downturn. The City of Eagle can and should as well. We should be example for our community not exception. In managing for the solutions we need to cut back and begin to look to other avenues. We must perform cost analysis on each department and for each proposed change. If we follow the best practice in budget processes we will find better answers. This job is too big and too complicated and may require outside help to reform current practices. . cc -of Route 44 Express Additional Trip Background Information The Route 44 Express bus service currently provides one morning and one evening limited stop trip serving Caldwell, Middleton, Star, Eagle and Boise. The route has one stop in Caldwell, Middleton and Star and two stops in Eagle. In the Boise area the route services the Idaho Department of Transportation, Downtown Boise, St. Luke's Medical Center, Boise State University and the Airport. The service is geared toward getting workers to and from Boise for an 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM work day. The service began operation in June of 2007. Since then, ridership has increased 42 percent. In April 2009, the route provided 553 passenger trips. Ridership on the Route 44 Express is constrained because there is only one trip each way per day. This significantly limits rider's flexibility, because if they miss the bus one direction or the other, there is not a second trip that they can wait and take. Plus, if a resident has anything other than an 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM work schedule, the bus is not an option. This single trip service keeps many residents from using the route. Currently, Middleton, Star, Eagle, Canyon County and Ada County fund the local match to pay for this bus service. In 2010, the one morning and one evening trip will cost a total of $97,409 to operate. Federal funds cover $59,511, local match covers $25,297 and passenger fares cover $12,600. Without local match, Valley Regional Transit cannot use federal funds to operate the service. Valley Regional Transit, as part of its planning process for 2010, has identified an additional morning and an additional evening trip on the Route 44 Express as a needed improvement to passenger service. This additional round trip would provide an opportunity for a different work shift to use the service and it would provide flexibility for those using the current service. Therefore, this added service would draw additional passengers to the new and the existing trips. VRT would conduct rider surveys and gather start time information from major employers serviced to determine the best time to run the new trips. The Boise City Council determined that in addition to funding bus service for their residents it was important to fund service for residents of other communities who travel to Boise to work. Therefore, the City of Boise has set aside $12,649 in its 2010 transit budget as local match for an additional round trip on the Route 44 Express. This is 50% of the local match needed for the new service. VRT is currently meeting with the other partnering jurisdictions to request match funding in their 2010 budgets. Attached is documentation about the current service and the area the route serves. Included is budget information for the added service, on/off passenger counts for the existing service, ridership data for the existing service, a route map and a schedule. Please note that on/off passenger counts have been done for a total of three trips to date. More are schedule. While this data is too limited to be statistically valid, because this route has a fairly set group of passengers, the data can be used with some certainty. Also, the budget information is only for the additional proposed service. This amount would be in addition to the base 2010 budget request sent by the VRT financial director. Route 44 Express Budget One Additional Express Trip New Percent Jurisdiction Trip Cost Of Total Ada County $2,024 3% City of Boise $12,649 50% City of Meridian $0 0% City of Star $1,897 8% City of Eagle $5,692 23% TOTAL ADA COUNTY $22,262 88% Canyon County $1,138 5% City of Caldwell $0 0% City of Middleton $1,897 8% City of Nampa $0 0% TOTAL CANYON COUNTY $3,036 12% LOCAL MATCH TOTAL $25,298 26% FEDERAL FUNDS $59,512 61% PASSENGER FARES $12,600 13% TOTAL COST $97,41 0 Route 44 Express Passenger Percentages Passenger Passenger Origin Destination Franklin Rd P&R 7.7% Middleton Fine Arts Center P&R 19.2% Star Christian Church P&R 38.5% Eagle Riverside P&R 34.6% Carlton Bay & Lakewood 0% State & Glenwood 0% State & 32nd 7.7% Zone 3 Main & 8th 61.5% Main & 5th 0% Main & 1st 11.5% Broadway & Park 0% Broadway & University 0% Beacon & Grant 0% BSU Admin Building 19.2% Vista & Elder 0% Airport 0% Passenger Trips Per Month 900 - 18,000 800.,�,,,�.. 16, 000 N 700 ,�.® - 14, 000 G 4 600 - 12, ao, Gs 500 - - - 10,000000 '0 400 -- - 8,000 I re 300 - ® - 6,000 8 200 - -- 4,000 ts 100 - -- 2,000 E 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 A� 01 0'� o'\ Al Al A� A� p`� o� o� o0 0o c� Ao po d� 00 00 00 J� ���, Q, G'` o, �' �� �,o. 4 �, �N. 1 ; J� �Q, Gam, of �G ��. �, I �,," 0„O O Q- 5O +O � P I°1=x*44 Highway 44 Express All Intercounty Routes = 4 , Fipote 4 4 fspvess ctoute 1410 stat. st.„. 0 5 Hwy. 44 Express ROUTE CHE ULL One Tnp Peak Service • No Mid-day Service • No Weekend Service bb �.`Q b. cf )Q �� �• � ��~s Q�� el. 4r0- '• i ate` P\4. p a0 �` �o �C f JP' `tio ��tV�.� :*° <94'� y� O�� 09,4°. ,� Oar G� 14- DI 6:30 6:43 6:56 7:14 7:38 7:50 7:54 8:00 8:10 Q..mot 'et �s * t� s G oA`'• +4 �e b Grp P 4rQ. P�tVP q �t` t� b ' b �� eta �tiiot� `�'t�,``*c s�o �~ �� O. 4 .0 yr c e •e- • o s e L 1` 00`+ )1. ©oto ©`fir 040 �4, �er �4 44t'c, 5:00 5:10 5:14 5:18 5:29 5:45 6:06 6:17 6:30 Jun -07 Jul -07 Aug -07 Sep -07 Oct -07 Nov -07 Dec -07 44 Highway 44 Express 235 456 544 493 579 461 397 All Intercounty Routes 6,714 6,522 7,765 8,464 9,747 8,053 7,027 900 — 800 -- 700 -- 600 -- 3 500 — a) '0 400 — ix 300 — 200 — 10 0 - - 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Route 44 Exp Passenger Trips 1 > > PJ 5 O O �a . P0 e Passenger Tri 0 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Si 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 �J�� �.V PJB S°Q' 4Cif 4' Q°Cr �I �C�`0° �`tzY PQV V s • aid Hinhwav AA Fvnrrcc Jan -08 Feb -08 Mar -08 Apr -08 May -08 Jun -08 Jul -08 Aug -08 Sep -08 578 540 547 687 666 711 776 724 784 8,861 9,549 9,340 11,341 10,593 11,382 12,579 12,066 15,631 press Per Month fteiRea o0 0z' 0 00 0 00 0o Ao 0o Ao 0 00 •• PJp� colo ° +o, Ora ,a�.• ��.p• a V2 ��' ,��. ���• ips Per Month 00 00 00 0 OO O°� PJB ���, OGS. ��4' OCG, ,ate, ���, fir PQM, 4a�. All Intcrrni into Rna itac 18,000 16,000 14,000 - 12,000 10,000 0 8,000 t -- 6,000 I -- 4,000 c 2,000 0 Oct -08 Nov -08 Dec -08 Jan -09 Feb -09 Mar -09 Apr -09 May -09 Jun -09 798 521 543 507 499 599 553 529 444 15,140 9,877 9,699 9,732 10,415 10,218 10,791 8321 8204 intercounty mouses 376 8,580 Sharon Bergmann From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Phil Bandy Wednesday, August 05, 2009 12:29 PM City Council Grp Sharon Bergmann FW: City Council Materials Route 44 Express.doc; Route44 ridership.xls Attached are documents associated with the Valley Regional Transit discussion last night.