Minutes - 2009 - City Council - 07/21/2009 - Special EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting Minutes July 21, 2009 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHTARIAN, SEMANKO, JACKSON-HElM. Huffaker is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: None 4. Introduction of new Historic Commission members: Mayor introduces Frank Thomason, President of the Historic Perseveration Commission. Introduces Vice-President, Mark Pelkowski, Diane Scott and not here is Kariann Fallow and Nancy Suiter, treasurer, the lone holdover from previous Commission. We understand we are acting in an advisory capacity to the City, specifically to the Mayor and City Council. We intend to pursue additional nominations to the National Register of Historic Places and we also work very closely with the curator of the Museum. She is extremely helpful in that we do and at her suggestion we are going to pursue the establishment of a Local Historical Register that would help preserve buildings and historical sites in Eagle. We would like you to consider including the HPC in the loop of applications that are being processed by Design Review and PZ in case there are some input that we could provide that might be in historic preservation. We look forward to working with the City of Eagle. General discussion. Semanko leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Fiscal Year 2008-2009 budget review. Mayor introduces the issue. City Clerk/Treasurer Bergmann: I have provided you an update projection the first of July with actual through June, 2009. General discussion on pending revenues. We won't receive our property tax revenue until the end of July. General discussion. B. Discussion of 2009-2010 budget goals. Discussion on carry over funds and reserve funds. Discussion on proposed expenditures. Gary Raney presents and discusses the Ada County Sheriff s Department budget. General discussion. Ron Baker, Library Director presents and discusses the Library proposed budget. General discussion. Further discussion on proposed expenditures. Page I K:\CQUNCIL\l\1INUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC07-21-09spmtgmin-budget.doc Mayor calls a recess at 8: 1 0 p.m. Mayor reconvenes the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Further general discussion on the budget. 6. ADJOURNMENT: Jackson-Heim moves to adjourn. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted: 1~ -f( ~/1dZM---J .." SHA N K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER ",......", ", '" ,...... Of EAG' "" .... ..c "'\ ......... I.. ^ ...... .:> "...... .. v' .. ! CJ.. VORAl'.. ~ : I o~ ~ .. -; : Iv '*: : * : ..,.~ : : -. AL -. .. .. ..... .. ~ .;: S E ~.. 0 : - .......~ ~ ..'1.: .. \ <Jl~...~ItPOR"\~..':' _,~ ## .,. ...... l-""" ....... -1 'l'E Of \~ "" ". ", "'"11111''' PHILLIP J. BANDY MA YOR A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS A V AILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 2 K:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\Temporary ~1inlltes Work Area\CC07-21-09spmlgmin-budget.doc