Findings - DR - 2009 - DR-19-09 - Master Sign Plan For Castlebury West Business Park/Munument Signage/Oasis Med Cntr/Ca
The above-entitled design review application came before the Eagle Design Review Board for their action
on June 11,2009. Per the applicant's request, the item was continued to June 25, 2009, at which time the
Board made their decision. The Eagle Design Review Board having heard and taken oral and written
testimony, and having duly considered the matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions
of Law;
Capital Development, represented by Greg Llewellyn with Golden West Advertising, is requesting
design review approval of the master sign plan for Castlebury West Business Park monument
signage, including signage for Oasis medical Center and Castlebury Dental. The site is located on
the northwest comer of Chin den Boulevard and Meridian Road.
The City of Eagle received the application for this item on May 14,2009.
On July 24, 2007, the Eagle City Council approved the common area landscaping within
Castlebury West Business Park (DR-29-07).
On October 16, 2007, the Eagle City Council approved a medical office for Oasis Medical (DR-
On April 8, 2008, the Eagle City Council approved a dental office for Castlebury Dental (DR-07-
E. ZONING DESIGNATION: MU-DA (Mixed Use with development agreement)
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S' n Data
Oasis Medical Center Monument Si n
Pro osed
Re uired
Si n Dimensions
8' hi h x 9' 6" wide
8' hi h (maximum)
50-s uare feet (maximum)
Area of Si na e
50-s uare feet
Halo illuminated and punch through Interior-illumination prohibited
illuminated letters
256-square feet (a roximately)
150-s uare feet (minimum)
Si n Data
Castlebu Dental/Future Tenant Monument Si
Pro osed
Si n Dimensions
8' hi h x 9' 6" wide
8' hi h (maximum)
50-s uare feet (maximum)
Interior-illumination rohibited
Area of Si na e
50-s uare feet
Punch throu h illuminated letters
256-square feet (a roximately)
126-s uare feet (minimum)
Si n Data
Multi-tenant Monument Si n
Pro osed
Si n Dimensions
10' 9" hi h x 9' 6" wide
R uired
8' hi h (maximum)
50-s uare feet (maximum
Interior-illumination rohibited
Area of Si na e
76-s uare feet
Punch throu h illuminated letters
400-s uare feet (approximatel )
228-s uare feet (minimum)
Cultured stone base and textured/painted aluminum background. Pan channel letters painted with
halo illumination and punch through illuminated letters.
I. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date
· Protect and enhance the small town character of the City by requiring signage which is creative
and distinctive, compatible with its surroundings, and an integral component of the style and
character ofthe building to which it relates.
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· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-2(B)
The general theme of the Design Review Overlay District is to specify desirable building and
landscape architectural styles and materials to create a sustainable and pleasing environment
for residents and visitors alike. The architectural designs, materials, and graphics set forth in
this article are complied to create a theme unique to the area called "Eagle Architecture".
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4)
Signage for any project shall provide for business identification and minimize clutter and
confusion on and off the site.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4)(c)
Signs are to provide effective and necessary business identification systems adapted to the
building design.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4)(e)
The size, location, design, color, texture, lighting, landscaping, and hours of operations of all
permanent signs and outdoor advertising structures or features to insure that any such
proposals do not detract from the function of, or design of, buildings, structures, surrounding
properties, neighborhoods, or streets.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(B)
ILLUMINA TION, INTERNAL: Illumination of a sign from a light source that is concealed or
contained within the sign and becomes visible in darkness through a translucent surface. This
includes characters, letters, figures, designs or outline which is illuminated by gas filled
luminous tubes, such as neon, argon or fluorescent.
MONUMENT SIGN: A freestanding sign with a solid base, including rock signs, or with
supports that are designed to be structurally similar to the sign construction, and which
incorporate architectural features which complement the sign construction. Pole type supports
are not permitted.
SUBDIVISION MONUMENT SIGN: A permanent on premises sign used to identify a
subdivision which is to be, or was, developed pursuant to an approved subdivision application
before the city.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(l)
Sign materials and overall appearance shall compliment the building architecture and colors as
determined by the Design Review Board.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(5)(c)
Monument signs located within the entire design review overlay district, excluding monument
signs within the DDA, TDA, and "shopping centers" shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height
(including the solid base) measured from the centerline of the adjacent roadway or top of curb,
if one exists.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(5)(d)
A freestanding single tenant building, not in a shopping center, shall be permitted to construct,
erect and maintain one monument sign per street that it abuts to identify the business to which
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it pertains. The exposed surface of any such sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet per
exposed surface except that the exposed surface of any such sign within forty feet (40') of a
building shall not exceed six feet (6') in height and thirty (30) square feet per exposed surface.
A double faced monument sign is permitted.
The minimum distance between any monument sign for an individual business, not in a
shopping center, shall be one hundred feet (100'). No monument sign shall be any closer than
twenty feet (20') from a monument or other freestanding sign on an adjacent property.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(5)(e)
A "shopping center", as defined in section 8-1-2 of this title shall be allowed one monument
sign per street that it abuts, to identify the shopping center. If the shopping center has a single
address, the address shall be located on the monument sign and shall be a size that is readable
from the street. The height of any such sign, including the base to which it is attached, shall
not exceed fifteen feet (15'). The surface area of any such sign shall not exceed one hundred
(100) square feet per exposed surface, including any reader board sign or surface.
Any freestanding single tenant building within a shopping center shall be permitted a
monument sign. The height of any such sign, including the base to which it is attached, shall
not exceed six feet (6'). The exposed surface of any such sign shall not exceed thirty (30)
square feet per exposed surface.
A double faced monument sign is permitted.
The minimum distance between any monument sign within a shopping center shall be one
hundred feet (100'). No monument sign shall be any closer than twenty feet (20') from a
monument or other freestanding sign on an adjacent property.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(5)(f)
Subdivision monument signs shall be a maximum of eight feet (8') high and shall have a
maximum surface area of fifty (50) square feet. A sign may be permitted on each side of any
entry road into a subdivision and at the intersection of any collector and/or arterial streets
abutting the subdivision.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(E)
The design review board must find that any illuminated sign permitted under the specific
regulations within this chapter is designed such that brightness levels are controlled to assure a
soft, subtle effective light in accordance with other city regulations intended to create and
maintain the Eagle Architecture theme. Illumination types, styles, and practices not listed
herein shall be prohibited unless otherwise deemed by the Design Review Board and City
Council to be consistent with the Eagle Architecture theme.
I. Permitted Illumination:
a. Floodlighting: Permitted only through the use of incandescent and high pressure sodium
light sources. Metal halide is not permitted as a light source.
b. Exposed neon: Permitted when used to create the sign letter(s) or as an architectural
element as part of the sign design. A maximum of four hundred thirty (430) milliamps
is permitted.
c. Halo illumination.
2. Prohibited Illumination:
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a. Internal illumination: All types.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(K)(I)
No signs shall be erected or maintained in any district as established by the Zoning Ordinance
except those signs specifically enumerated in this Chapter. The number and area of signs as
outlined in this Chapter are intended to be maximum standards which do not necessarily
ensure architectural compatibility. Therefore, in addition to the enumerated standards,
consideration shall be given to a sign's relationship to the overall appearance of the subject
property as well as the surrounding community. Compatible design, simplicity and sign
effectiveness are to be used in establishing guidelines for sign approval.
· The applicant is requesting approval of a master sign plan for the monument signs within
Castlebury West Business Park. The applicant is proposing three (3) monument signs to be
constructed along Chinden Boulevard. There is one existing subdivision monument sign
located at the northwest comer of Chinden Boulevard and Meridian Road. The applicant
never received approval from the City to construct the subdivision monument sign. Staff is
recommending that this master sign plan application include the review of the subdivision
monument sign as well as the other monument signs proposed within this application.
City staff considers the Caslebury West Business Park to be a neighborhood business park.
Unfortunately, Eagle City Code does not address neighborhood business parks when it comes
to signage. However, Eagle City Code does address signage for shopping centers. While
Castlebury Business Park is not a shopping center, staff is suggesting that this business park be
addressed as such since it is the only code that allows multi-tenant monument signage. With
that said, Eagle City Code allows a shopping center one monument sign per street that it abuts.
The height of any such sign, including the base to which it is attached, shall not exceed fifteen
feet (15 '). The surface area of any such sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet
per exposed surface, including any reader board sign or surface. Per Eagle City Code, the
applicant would be permitted one fifteen foot (15') high monument sign on Chinden
Boulevard and one fifteen foot (15') high monument sign on Meridian Road. It would appear
it is the applicant's desire to have sign visibility along Chinden Boulevard and none along
Meridian Road, hence the three (3) monument signs proposed along Chinden Boulevard.
Pursuant to past action by the Board and Council, a shopping center abutting two streets but
only wanting sign visibility on one street was approved to have two (2) eight foot (8') high
monument signs on one street and no monument signs on the other street. It is staffs opinion
that in addition to the existing subdivision monument sign located at the northwest comer of
Chinden Boulevard and Meridian Road, that two (2) eight foot (8') high multi-tenant
monument sign be constructed along Chinden Boulevard. The applicant should be required to
provide revised sign elevations and landscape plans showing the height of the signs do not
exceed eight feet (8') and only two (2) multi-tenant monument signs along Chinden
Boulevard. The revised sign elevations and landscape plans should be reviewed and approved
by the Design Review Board prior to the City issuing a sign permit for this site.
· Staff has concerns with the design of the proposed monument signs. While the colors, stone,
and elements blend nicely, the textured/painted aluminum background and boxy look of the
signs is what concerns staff The two foot (2') deep by nine foot-six inch (9' 6") wide cabinet
that is proposed to be located on top of two stone columns is unattractive and looks unfinished.
It is staff s opinion that the subdivision monument sign located at the northwest comer of
Chinden Boulevard and Meridian Road is well designed, has character with beautiful elements
and materials that create a visually pleasing sign to look at. Staff recommends that the
applicant review the monument signs shown within the EASD Book and the existing
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subdivision monument sign to gain a better idea of what the City of Eagle is looking for with
regard to monument sign design. The applicant should be required to provide revised
elevation plans showing the design of the monument signs to reflect the character, charm,
relief, and design elements of the sign located at the northwest comer of Chinden Boulevard
and Meridian Road and the monument signs shown within the EASD Book. The revised
elevation plans should be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the
City issuing a zoning certificate for this site.
· The monument signs are shown to have internal white neon or LED illumination to create a
white outline around the words and logos. Per Eagle City Code, internal illumination is not
permitted. The applicant should be required to provide revised elevation plans showing the
illumination of the monument signs to be halo illuminated or a revised landscape plan showing
the monument signs illuminated by ground mounted light fixtures. Detailed cut sheets of any
proposed ground mounted light fixtures should be submitted and revised by City staff The
revised elevation plans or revised landscape plan should be reviewed and approved by the
Design Review Board prior to the City issuing a sign permit for this site.
· Sheet L1.0, date stamped by the City on May 14, 2009, shows the monument signs to be
located adjacent to the southern property line of the common lot adjacent to Chinden
Boulevard. Per the plat of Cas Ie bury West Business Park No. I and 2, the southern fifteen feet
(15') of the common lot is designated as a sidewalk/transit stop easement reserved for the City
of Eagle or Idaho Transportation Department. The applicant should be required to provide a
revised landscape plan showing the monument signs to be located a minimum of fifteen feet
(15') north of the southern property line. The revised landscape plan should be reviewed and
approved by staff prior to the City issuing a sign permit for this site.
· Staff recommends the following changes to the applicant's document titled "Castlebury West
Business Park Master Sign Plan" with strike thru text to be deleted and underlined text to be
added so as to be in compliance with Eagle City Code
Castlebury West Business Park
Master Sign Plan
May 2009
This criterion has been established for the mutual benefit for all tenants. Conformance will be
strictly enforced and any non-conforming or unapproved signs must be removed or brought
into conformance at the expense of the tenant.
1. Every owner of any proposed building within Castle bury West Business Park shall be
required to submit signage plans to the subdivisions managing entity for written
approval. A design review sign application, accompanied by the written approval of
the managing entity, shall be submitted to the City for any proposed signs for City
review and approval. All signs shall be in compliance with the criteria stated herein as
well as Eagle City Code. In cases of any conflict between Eagle City Code and the
criteria specified herein, the more restrictive requirements shall apply.
2. Each building within the Castlebury West Business Park will be required to have a
design review sign application submitted with the approval of the building elevations.
3. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant or his
representative and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as
the criteria set forth hereafter.
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4. All tenant signs shall be designed, constructed and installed at tenant's expense.
5. No exposed conduit, brackets, fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted. No
raceways will be permitted.
6. All signs shall meet Underwriters Laboratories and National Electrical code
I. Subdivision Efltry-Monument Sign
a) One single face entry monument signs shall be allowed at the northwest comer of
Chinden Boulevard and Meridian Road (see Sign D).
b) The monument sign will be 7' high with a sign area of 48-square feet
c) The letters will be 9" to 14" te-91-' in height, flat cut out aluminum, stooled off the
textured background approximately I" and will be painted a flat or matte black or
d) The letters will be externally illuminated by two 70-watt high pressure sodium
ground mounted light fixtures (ONe ON eaeh side of the sign).
2. Multi-tenant Monument Signs
a) Two double face!:l, multi-tenant monument signs shall be allowed along Chinden
Boulevard and shall be spaced a minimum of 50-feet away from entry signs (see
Signs B & C).
b) Sign B will be 8' high with a maximum sign area of 50-square feet. Sign C will
be 10' 9" high with a maximum sign area of 72-square feet. Either halo
illumination or ~round mounted light fixtures shall be used to illuminate the
monument signs. The mONumeNt signs will be internally illuminated by either
LED andtor Neon.
c) These multi-tenant monument signs will be used by the tenants located in the
buildings within Castlebury West Business Park that do not have frontage along
Meridian Road (see Signs B & C). Tenant shall receive written approval from the
subdivisions managing entity.
d) The background color of all tenant panels shall be a textured finish Beige in color.
e) Tenants are permitted to use their font on the monument sign. Ifnon illuminated
letters are to be used aAll tenants shall use W' routed letters. If halo illuminated
letters are to be used all tenant shall use 2 - 3" deep letters.
3. Oasis Medieal Center Monument Sign
a) One double faee monument sign is allov/ed for the Oasis Medieal Center, to be
located alONg Chinden Boulevard (see Sign :\).
b) Sign a will be 8' high with a maximum sign area of 50 square feet. monument
sign '",ill be internally illuminated by either or LED and or Neon ',vith both ~"i"
routed push thru letters, halo illuminated letters.
1. Building Wall Signs
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a) Exterior wall signs shall be individual reverse pan ehannelletters. Halo
illuminated 'Nith neon or L.E.D, pegged off the faee of the building I" to 1 ~'l".
b) Other tYfles of '.vall sigNS will be eonsidered, proyidea it is allowea in the
individual building's master sign plan: non illuminated reverse pan channel letters
installed flush to faseia.
e) Tenants shall be permittea building '.vall signs on the buildings in '.vhieh they
oeeupy tenant spaee per the master sign plan f-er their building. The size of their
building 'Nail sign( s) shall not exeeed 10% of the surfaee area of the building as
defined ',vithin Eagle City Code. 'Nail area shall be ealeulated by multiplying the
v/iath of the teRants lease space the interior wall height (11 ' for retail buildings
and 10' for offiee buildings). The interior eeiliRg height to be used is specifieally
specified in eooh buildings master sign plan.
d) Tenants will be allo'Ned to use their fonts and shall use earth tone eolofG for their
logo, using matte or flat finishes. :\ll teRant's ideRtifieatioR designs, eopy, eo lor
aRd shapes shall require Landlord and City of Eagle's appro':al.
1. TeNant shall be respoRsible for the operations of teNant sign contraetors. Tenant and
sign eontFaetor '",ill be liable for any ootions committed during iNstallation or serviee
of signage.
2. Tenant or his representative shall be responsible for cost of maintenanee, service,
repair or replacement of tenant's sign, time eloek or electrical '.viring.
3. Tenant shall be required to keep hislheF sign in '.vorking order ana all surfaces shall be
maintainea in good eondition. TeNant shall also be responsible for any repair or
painting f{)r 'lIallupon leaying of said spaee.
1. Upon termiRation of their lease, the tenant OF managiRg entity shall neatly seal all
penetratiens of the building strueture in a watertight eONdition that matehes the
texture, color, and material used in the eonstruetion of the building.
5. Tenants fJr his representative should eontaet the managing entity f{)r a list of approved
sign vendors.
· Staff defers comment with regard to the design of the existing monument subdivision sign
located at the northwest comer of Chin den Boulevard and Meridian Road to the Design
Review Board.
Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval with the site
specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided within the staff
A. A meeting was held on the application before the Design Review Board on June 25, 2009, at which
time the Board made their decision.
B. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one.
C. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not
including the applicant/representative).
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The Board voted 4 to 0 (Grubb, Koci, and Whittaker absent) to approve DR-19-09 for a design
review application for a master sign plan for Castlebury West Business Park Monument Signage,
including Signage for Oasis Medical Center and Castlebury Dental for Capital Development with
staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of approval with
text shown with strike thru to be deleted by the Board and text shown with underline to be added
by the Board.
1. The elevation plans date stamped bv the City on June 25, 2009, and the site/landscape plan date
stamped by the City on Mav 14,2009, are approved. Scalable elevation plans shall be submitted to the
City and reviewed and approved by staff prior to a sign permit being issued for this site. Provide
re'.'ised sign ele'lations and landseape plans showing the height of the signs do not exeeed eight f-eet
(8') and oRly two (2) multi tenant mORument signs along Chinden BOl:de'lard. The revised sign
elevations and landseape plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to
the City issuing a sign permit for this site.
2. Sign options Bl and B2, date stamped by the City on June 25, 2009, are approved. Provide revised
eleyation plans sho'Ning the design of the mOfll:lment signs to refleet the eharacter, eharm, relief, and
design elements of the sign located at the north'Nest eorner of ChindeR Boulevard and Meridian Road
and the monument signs shewn within the E,^.SD Book. The revised elevation plans shall be reviewed
and approved by staff the Design Reyiev/ Board prior to the City issuing a sign permit ~
eertifieate for this site.
3. Proyiee re'/ised elevatioR plans sho'Ning the illl:lmination of the monument signs to be halo illuminated
or provide a re'/isea landscape plan sho'.ving the monument signs illuminated by ground mounted light
fixtures. Detailed cut sheets of any proposed ground mounted light fixtures shall be submitted and
reviewed by City staff. The revised elevation plans or revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and
approved by staff the Design Revie\y Board prior to the City issuing a sign permit for this site.
4. Provide a revised landscape plan showing the monument signs to be located a minimum of fifteen feet
(15') north of the southern property line. The revised landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved
by staff prior to the City issuing a sign permit for this site.
5. The following document titled "Castlebury West Business Park Master Sign Plan" shall be the master
sign plan criteria for Castlebury West Business Park:
Castlebury West Business Park
Master Sign Plan
May 2009
This criterion has been established for the mutual benefit for all tenants. Conformance will be strictly
enforced and any non-conforming or unapproved signs must be removed or brought into conformance
at the expense of the tenant.
I. Every owner of any proposed building within Castlebury West Business Park shall be required
to submit signage plans to the subdivisions managing entity for written approval. A design
review sign application, accompanied by the written approval of the managing entity, shall be
submitted to the City for any proposed signs for City review and approval. All signs shall be
in compliance with the criteria stated herein as well as Eagle City Code. In cases of any
conflict between Eagle City Code and the criteria specified herein, the more restrictive
requirements shall apply.
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2. Each building within the Castlebury West Business Park will be required to have a design
review sign application submitted with the approval of the building elevations.
3. All permits for tenant's signs and their installation shall be obtained by tenant or his
representative and shall conform to all local building and electrical codes as well as the criteria
set forth hereafter.
4. All tenant signs shall be designed, constructed and installed at tenant's expense.
5. No exposed conduit, brackets, fasteners or wiring of any type will be permitted. No raceways
will be permitted.
6. All signs shall meet Underwriters Laboratories and National Electrical code requirements.
I. Subdivision Monument Sign
a) One single face entry monument signs shall be allowed at the northwest comer of Chinden
Boulevard and Meridian Road (see Sign D).
b) The monument sign will be 7' high with a sign area of 48-square feet (approximately).
c) The letters will be 9" to 14" in height, flat cut out aluminum, stooled off the textured
background approximately I" and will be painted a flat or matte black or duranodic.
d) The letters will be externally illuminated by two 70-watt high pressure sodium ground
mounted light fixtures.
2. Multi-tenant Monument Signs
a) Two double faced, multi-tenant monument signs shall be allowed along Chinden
Boulevard and shall be spaced a minimum of 50-feet away from entry signs (see Signs B
& C).
b) Sign B will be 8' high with a maximum sign area of 50-square feet. Sign C will be 10' 9"
high with a maximum sign area of 72-square feet. Either halo illumination. push through
with premium opaque vinyl faces. or ground mounted light fixtures shall be used to
illuminate the monument signs.
c) These multi-tenant monument signs will be used by the tenants located in the buildings
within Castlebury West Business Park (see Signs B & C). Tenant shall receive written
approval from the subdivisions managing entity.
d) The background color of all tenant panels shall be a textured finish Beige in color.
e) Tenants are permitted to use their font on the monument sign. If non illuminated letters
are to be used all tenants shall use Y2" thick routed letters. Ifhalo illuminated letters are to
be used all tenant shall use 2 - 3" deep letters. If push through letters are to be used the
maximum acrylic depth that mav extend beyond the face of the background is Y2".
f) A sign permit accompanied by written approval from the subdivisions managing entity
shall be submitted to the City. reviewed and approved by staff prior to anv signs being
placed on the multi-tenant monument signs.
3. Oasis Medical Center Monument Sign
a) One double face monument sign is allowed for the Oasis Medical Center. to be
located along Chinden Boulevard (see Sign A).
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b) Sign A will be 8' high with a maximum sign area of 50-square feet. Monument sign
will be illuminated by either or LED and or Neon with both W' routed push through
letters and halo illuminated letters.
1. Push through letters shall be acrylic or plexi-glass letters.
2. Push through letters shall be a maximum depth of W' from the face of the background of the
3. Maximum width of the exposed acrylic/plexi-glass for any push through letters or logos is
4. Premium opaque vinyl is required on the face of any push through letters or logos. No
intermediate vinyl is permitted.
6. No monument signs are permitted on Meridian Road or Bavaria Road.
7. Any ground mounted floodlights used to illuminate the monument signs shall be screened or located so
they do not shine onto the roadway or onto any nearby property. The light fixtures shall be concealed
or screened with perimeter landscaping providing a 12 month screen of sufficient height and density to
conceal such fixtures.
8. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs on this site.
9. Provide detailed elevations of the 10' 9" monument sign showing how it complements the Option B1
and B2 monument sign elevations. This monument sign is allowed to have multi-tenant panels on it.
The detailed elevation plans shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the City issuing a sign
permit for this site.
10. The use of push through letters on the monument signs is approved.
11. If push through letters are to be used on the monument signs, a premium opaque vinyl is to be used on
the face of the letters.
12. The "Open/Closed" LED sign proposed on the Oasis Medical monument sign is approved.
1. A buDding permit/zoning permit shall be required prior to construction of any sign which is not
attached to a buDding with an active buDding permit.
2. Approval shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of this Design Review,
as stipulated in Eagle City Code (one year from the City Council approval date).
3. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable
County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction
shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the City
4. New plans which incorporate any required changes shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may
elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and the City Council for review and approval.
5. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those
required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and
approval of that application prior to commencing any change.
6. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application,
shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory
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and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of
Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said
requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is
7. Any modification of the approved design review plans must be approved prior to
construction/installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the
project to comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a certificate of
completion for this project.
1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on May 14, 2009.
2. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application
(DR-19-09) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A, DR Design Review
Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein,
concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and
the Eagle Comprehensive Plan.
It is the Board's opinion that the use of "Push Through" letters meets the intent of halo illumination
defined in Eagle City Code as the light source is not visible and is concealed or contained within the
sign or located between the sign and the structure/wall. Illumination from the source of light becomes
visible in darkness when the light is reflected off of the walVstructure upon which the sign is attached.
With the restrictions placed within the master sign plan criteria herein, the Board concludes that the
amount of illumination that will be visible through the "Push Through" letters will be less than the
amount of illumination of a halo illuminated letter. The Board recommends that "Push Through"
letters be permitted to provide a greater variety of signage type and styles while creating a more
readable sign text when view at night.
DA TED this 9th day of July 2009.
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6~ Sharon K. Bergmann, Eagle City Clerk
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K:\Planning DeptlEagle ApplicationslDr\2009IDR-19-09 Castlebury West Bus Park MSP drfdoc