Findings - DR - 2009 - DR-14-09 - Master Sign Plan For Eagle Island Marketplace
The above-entitled design review application came before the Eagle Design Review Board for their action
on May 14,2009. Due to lack of a quorum, the item was continued to May 28,2009. Per the applicant's
request, the item was continued to June 11, 2009, at which time the Board made their decision. The Eagle
Design Review Board having heard and taken oral and written testimony, and having duly considered the
matter, makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law;
Eisenberg Company, represented by Eric Williams with YESCO, is requesting design review
approval of the master sign plan for Eagle Island Marketplace. The 38.39-acre site is located on
the northeast corner of West Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road at 1240 West Chinden
The City of Eagle received the application for this item on April 9, 2009.
D. COMPANION APPLICATIONS: DR-13-09 (design review application for Eagle Island Marketplace)
E. ZONING DESIGNATION: C-3-DA (highway business district with a development agreement)
Si n Data
1 Eagle Island Marketplace Entry Feature Monument Sign
(Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road
Pro osed
Si n Dimensions
8' hi h x 10' 6" wide
8' hi h (maximum)
50-s uare feet (maximum)
Interior- illumination rohibited
27 -s uare feet
Ground mounted li ht fixtures
Area of Si na e
81-square feet (minimum)
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Si n Data
4 Eagle Island Marketplace Large Monument Sign
(2 on Chinden Boulevard and 2 on Linder Road)
Pro osed Re uired
15' hi h xiI' wide 15' hi h (maximum)
98-s uare feet 100-s uare feet (maximum)
Ground mounted li ht fixtures Interior-illumination rohibited
294-square feet (minimum)
S. n Dimensions
Area of Si na e
Si n Data
10 Eagle Island Marketplace Small Monument Signs
(5 on Chinden Boulevard and 5 on Linder Road)
Pro osed Re uired
6' hi h x 7' wide 6' hi h (maximum)
30-s uare feet (maximum)
Si n Dimensions
Area of Si na e
Ground mounted li ht fixtures
Interior- illumination rohibited
100-s uare feet (approximately)
72-square feet (minimum)
Main signage area: Stone base, sheet metal with stucco finish, aluminum cabinets with aluminum
fillers, aluminum tenant panels, tenant copy to be cut out aluminum pegged off face of the sign
Top signage area: aluminum cabinet with vinyl decor, aluminum letters with painted finish pegged
off the face of the sign %,'.
I. LETTERS FROM THE PUBLIC: None received to date
· The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates this site as Commercial.
· 6.3.19 Scenic Corridor
An Overlay designation that is intended to provide significant setbacks from major corridors
and natural features through the city. These areas may require berming, enhanced
landscaping, detached meandering pathways and appropriate signage controls.
This designation includes the Willow Creek Scenic Corridor that is to provide increase
setbacks and buffering of development including natural vegetation and restoration, regional
trail and connectivity.
· 6.6
Land Use Implementation Strategies
a. Signage for non-residential uses should be incorporated as a master sign plan rather than
individual signs when located along State Highways and entry corridors.
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· 12.4 Implementation Strategies
s. State Highway 44, State Highway 55, State Highway 20/26, State Highway 16 and the
proposed east west collector are designed as scenic corridors requiring landscaped setback
and separated meanderings sidewalks, modified standards may be necessary within the
Eagle Foothills.
3.10 Provide a master sign plan (MSP) which includes exhibits and guidelines necessary to achieve
a visually coordinated, balanced and appealing signage environment for this development.
The MSP shall include monument and wall sign styles, themes, and locations. It is the intent
for the MSP to govern all signage within the development in accordance with Eagle City Code
8-2A. The MSP shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the
issuance of a zoning certificate.
3.23 The entry feature shown on the Concept Plan (northeast corner of the intersection of Chinden
and Linder) shall be designed with features and elements that promote and continue the
identity and character established by other entry features located within Eagle. The specific
design of the entry feature shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and
the Eagle City Council prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. The entry feature shall be
installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building within the
development. Upon completion, ownership of the entry sign shall be conveyed to Eagle.
Recordable provisions for the perpetual location and maintenance of the entry sign shall be
provided to Eagle. Such provisions shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior
to recordation. Such provisions shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a Certificate of
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-2(B)
The general theme of the Design Review Overlay District is to specify desirable building and
landscape architectural styles and materials to create a sustainable and pleasing environment
for residents and visitors alike. The architectural designs, materials, and graphics set forth in
this article are complied to create a theme unique to the area called "Eagle Architecture".
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4)
Signage for any project shall provide for business identification and minimize clutter and
confusion on and off the site.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4)(c)
Signs are to provide effective and necessary business identification systems adapted to the
building design.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-6(A)(4)(e)
The size, location, design, color, texture, lighting, landscaping, and hours of operations of all
permanent signs and outdoor advertising structures or features to insure that any such
proposals do not detract from the function of, or design of, buildings, structures, surrounding
properties, neighborhoods, or streets.
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· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(1)
Sign materials and overall appearance shall compliment the building architecture and colors as
determined by the Design Review Board.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(C)(5)(e)
A "shopping center", as defined in section 8-1-2 of this title shall be allowed one monument
sign per street that it abuts, to identify the shopping center. If the shopping center has a single
address, the address shall be located on the monument sign and shall be a size that is readable
from the street. The height of any such sign, including the base to which it is attached, shall
not exceed fifteen feet (15'). The surface area of any such sign shall not exceed one hundred
(100) square feet per exposed surface, including any reader board sign or surface.
Any freestanding single tenant building within a shopping center shall be permitted a
monument sign. The height of any such sign, including the base to which it is attached, shall
not exceed six feet (6'). The exposed surface of any such sign shall not exceed thirty (30)
square feet per exposed surface.
A double faced monument sign is permitted.
The minimum distance between any monument sign within a shopping center shall be one
hundred feet (100'). No monument sign shall be any closer than twenty feet (20') from a
monument or other freestanding sign on an adjacent property.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(E)
The design review board must find that any illuminated sign permitted under the specific
regulations within this chapter is designed such that brightness levels are controlled to assure a
soft, subtle effective light in accordance with other city regulations intended to create and
maintain the Eagle Architecture theme. Illumination types, styles, and practices not listed
herein shall be prohibited unless otherwise deemed by the Design Review Board and City
Council to be consistent with the Eagle Architecture theme.
· Eagle City Code Section 8-2A-8(K)(1)
No signs shall be erected or maintained in any district as established by the Zoning Ordinance
except those signs specifically enumerated in this Chapter. The number and area of signs as
outlined in this Chapter are intended to be maximum standards which do not necessarily
ensure architectural compatibility. Therefore, in addition to the enumerated standards,
consideration shall be given to a sign's relationship to the overall appearance of the subject
property as well as the surrounding community. Compatible design, simplicity and sign
effectiveness are to be used in establishing guidelines for sign approval.
· The applicant is requesting approval of the master sign plan for Eagle Island Marketplace located
at the northeast corner of Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road. The applicant is requesting
approval of one entry feature to be located at the intersection of Chin den Boulevard and Linder
Road, four large multi-tenant monument signs, and ten small single/multi-tenant monument signs.
The applicant is also requesting approval of signage criteria for all future buildings proposed
within this development.
· The entry feature proposed to be located at the intersection of Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road
shows the "Eagle Island Marketplace" portion of the sign to be approximately 28-square feet. An
approximately 9-square foot "Welcome to Eagle" sign is proposed to be located below the "Eagle
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Island Marketplace" signage. Per the pre annexation and development agreement for this site, the
entry feature is to be designed with features and elements that promote and continue the identity
and character established by other entry features located within Eagle. The specific design of the
entry feature shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board and the Eagle City
Council prior to the issuance of a zoning certificate. The entry feature shall be installed prior to
the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any building within the development. Upon
completion, ownership of the entry sign shall be conveyed to Eagle. Recordable provisions for the
perpetual location and maintenance of the entry sign shall be provided to Eagle. Such provisions
shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney prior to recordation. Such provisions shall be
recorded prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
While the proposed entry feature signs is a nice looking sign, it is staff's opinion that the design of
the sign and the size of the "Welcome to Eagle" do not reflect that which the City of Eagle was
expecting to see at this entrance into the City of Eagle. The applicant should be required to
provide revised elevation plans showing the "Welcome to Eagle" to be the more dominant signage
on this entry feature. The revised elevation plans should be reviewed and approved by the Design
Review Board prior to the City issuing a zoning certificate for this site.
Staff defers comment regarding the "Eagle Island Marketplace" signage and if it should be
included on a City of Eagle entry feature that per the development agreement the City is to
· The applicant is requesting approval of four large multi-tenant monument signs; two on Chinden
Boulevard and two on Linder Road. Per Eagle City Code, the applicant is permitted one IS-foot
high monument sign to be located on Chinden Boulevard and one IS-foot high monument sign to
be located on Linder Road. The applicant should be required to provide a revised site plan
showing where the IS-foot high monument sign will be located on Chinden Boulevard and where
the IS-foot high monument sign will be located on Linder Road. The revised site plan should be
reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the City issuing zoning certificate for
this site.
Staff defers comment regarding the design of the IS-foot high monument signs to the Design
Review Board.
· The applicant is requesting approval to install ten sma1l6-foot high single/multi-tenant monument
signs to be located along Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road. Per the site plan associated with
this development it would appear that all but one of the buildings to be located adjacent to
Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road are to be multi-tenant buildings. While staff recognizes that
one tenant could occupy an entire building and that Eagle City Code permits a single tenant
building to have a monument sign, staff does not consider allowing a multitude of signs along
Chinden Boulevard or Linder Road in keeping with the comprehensive plan for the City of Eagle.
The comprehensive plan classifies Chinden Boulevard (State Highway 20/26) as a scenic corridor
and requires berming, enhanced landscaping, detached meandering pathways and appropriate
signage controls. Proposing a total of fourteen monument signs (not including the entry feature at
the intersection) along Chinden Boulevard and Linder Road is not signage control. Staff
recommends that only two of the 6- foot high monument signs be located along the frontage of this
development. The applicant should be required to provide a revised site plan showing where the
6-foot high monument sign will be located on Chinden Boulevard and where the 6-foot high
monument sign will be located on Linder Road. The revised site plan should be reviewed and
approved by the Design Review Board prior to the City issuing zoning certificate for this site.
Staff defers comment with regard to the design of the 6-foot high monument sign and if these signs
should be multi-tenant to the Design Review Board.
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· The applicant is requesting approval of master sign plan criteria for the ten buildings proposed
within DR-13-09 and for all future buildings proposed within Eagle Island Marketplace. While
staff can appreciate the applicant wanting to reduce the number of applications staff has to
complete in the future, staff sees a few issues with a "canned" master sign plan for the entire
development. While we can hope that we have addressed any and all possibilities for the signage
of all future tenants to be located within the buildings we have or have yet to see the architectural
features or elevations of, it is inevitable that the one possibility that comes up will not be addressed
in the criteria. If that is the case and the developer is willing to consider other options, not written
in the existing criteria, the entire master sign plan for Eagle Island Marketplace will need to be
modified to accommodate this change.
Just because a certain type of sign is permitted in the master sign plan does not guarantee that all
those signs would be appropriate on every building. The City has set a policy that when a design
review application is submitted for a commercial building, a design review sign application is
submitted at the same time. In the past the building was approved months prior to anyone thinking
about submitting a design review application for signage. By the time the sign application came
through for approval everyone had forgotten the specific materials used in the construction of the
building or if there was even areas to consider for signage. Usually by this time the building was
being constructed and making modifications to the building to allow for signage areas was
expensive or to change out the materials to allow for signs was impracticable. Allowing the Board
to review both the building and signage applications at the same time has reduced several of the
issues noted above and has provided a more unified product in the end. Staff believes this is
because signage placement, style, electrical, lighting, size, etc. have all been considered while the
building is still in the design stages of the process.
It is staffs opinion that the master sign plan criteria for Eagle Island Marketplace needs to remain
more general but tie up a few things such as the type, size, color, font, or if logos would be
permitted on the monument signs. With that said, staff has modified the master sign plan criteria
for the Eagle Island Marketplace, text shown with underline has been added by staff and text
shown with strike thru has been deleted by staff
Eagle Island MarketJ!-Place Master Sign Plan
1. Every owner/tenant of anv proposed building/lease space within Eagle Island Marketplace
shall be required to submit signage plans to the subdivisions managing entity for written
approval. A design review sign application. accompanied by the written approval of the
managing entity. shall be submitted to the City for any proposed signs for City review and
approval. All signs shall be in compliance with the criteria stated herein as well as Eagle City
Code. In cases of any conflict between Eagle City Code and the criteria specified herein. the
more restrictive requirements shall apply.
2. Each building within Eagle Island Marketplace will be required to have a design review sign
application submitted with the approval of the building elevations.
3. Two I5-foot high multi-tenant monument signs are permitted.
a. Tenant copy will be fabricated from liS" thick flat cutout aluminum and pegged off the
face of the tenant panel %".
b. Background color of the tenant panels will all be the same color.
c. Tenant is permitted to use their color. font. and logo on the tenant panel.
d. The monument signs are to be illuminated bv ground mounted light fixtures that will be
screened by plant material year round or boulders.
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4. Two 6-foot high multi-tenant monument signs are permitted.
a. Tenant copv will be fabricated from lI8" thick flat cutout aluminum and pegged off the
face of the tenant panel %,'.
b. Background color of the tenant panels will all be the same color.
c. Tenant is permitted to use their color. font. and logo on the tenant panel.
d. The monument signs are to be illuminated by ground mounted light fixtures that will be
screened bv plant material year round or boulders.
5. Tenants are required to obtain approval from the developer or developer's managing entity for
written approval to place tenant signage on one of the monument signs.
1. CITY ,^.PPROV,^.L REQUIRED :\ll sigas shall eomply with apfllieaele requiremeats of the
City of Eagle sigH eoae dated 1/2/2009 seetioa 821.8: SIGN REGUL^.TIONS, {tfld with the
adopted Master Siga PlaH f-or Eagle Isl{tfla Market Plaee. k shall be the resfloasieility of the
oVlRer or oeeupaHt of aay teaaHt or bHsiaess v/ithia the aeyelopmeat aamed Eagle IslaHd
market Plaee to obtaia all requirea loeal siga permits or required governmental apflro'/als prior
to ereetiag aHY sign.
2. L^.NDLO,^.RD ,^.PPROV,^.L REQUIRED Eaeh (WIRer or oeeuflaHt must submit two sets of
detailea drawiags of all proposed signs iadieatiag the loeatiofi, size, layout, desiga, eolors,
illumiaatioa methoa, materials Imd method of attaehmefit to the laHdlofd for apflroval prior to
suemittiag for 1m Eagle City Permit ,^.flplieatioa. ,^.fter the proposal is reyiewed, the lanalord
will return one set of dra'Niags markea eitHer "approved", ",^.ppro'.'ed as aotea" or Revise aHd
Resubmit. "
If marked ",\pproved" the oVlRer/oeeupaHt is permitted to proeeed ':lith permittiag with the
City of Eagle.
Ifmarked ",\pflroyea as Noted" the O' must make any re'.'isioas aoted oa the
plaHS prior to proeeediag 'Nith flermittiag with the City of Eagle.
If marked "Reyise (tfld Resubmit" the dra'Nifigs will be returned with eommeats aHa should be
re'lised aeeordiagly. The owaer/oeeUflaHt must thea resubmit to the LaHdlord for aH additioaal
revievI prior to proeeediag with the flermit pfoeess.
CONTENT ,^.ll sigHage shall be restrietea to tHe iaefitifieatiofi of the busiRess or primary
serviees loeatea withiR the busiRess premises. This may iaelude, the aame of the eusiRess, tag
liRe aHd aHY Imd all assoeiated traae marks aHa logos.
CODE COMPLL^.NCE ,\ll displays aHd their iRstallatioa shall eomply ....{ith applieable City
aDd State euildiRg aHa eleetrieal eodes.
MULTI TEN,^.NT PYLON DISPL^.YS Four displays will be provide a at the laDdlord
expeRse for the use of iaaiviaual o',vflem/oeeupants inside the developmeRt for the purpose of
ad'lertisiag at the street level. T':.'o displays will ee iastallea aloag Chiaden Blva aHd two
displays will ee iRstalled aloag Liader Road. O\VRer/oeeupaDts ,...{ill be allo'.ved to pleee the
ideatifieatioR of the busiRess oa the display. Exaet loeatioR on the display to be aetermiRed by
the laHdlord. TeRaHt eopy '",ill be fabrieated from 1/8" flat eutout alumiaum aHd spaeed %"
offtne fael) of the aluminum teaaHt plmels. Colors, fofits, logos aHd overall style of the
tealmt's identifieatioa must be apflfoved by the laHdlord prior to iastallation. ,^.ll cost f-or
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plaeiag the bHsiaess aame em the display 'Hill be a the o?.'Rer/ee(;1HpaHts expeRse. Displays to
be illHminated Hsing exterior flood lightiag.
TE~L".NT MONUMENT DISP,".L YS displays will be provided at the llmdlord ex-pease or
by the o'.'ffier/oeeHpant based oa the lease agreemeat. Display will be allo',ved fer eaeh
iadividHalpad site buildiag aloag Chiadea aRd Liader Roads ',vith a 100' separatioa betweeR
displays. Ov.'fler/eeeHpaHts will be allo'Ned to plaee the ideatifieation of the bHsiaess on the
display. Teaaat eopy will be fabrieated from 1/8" flat euteut alHminHm afld spaeed %" off the
faee of the e)dstiag alHmiaHm teRaflt panels. Colors, foats, logos afld overall style of the
tenaflt's ideatifieation mHst be approved by the landlord prior to iastallation. /\ll eost f{)r
plaeiag the bHsiness aame oa t-ke display will be at the ov.'fler/eeeHpaflts ex-pease. Displays to
be illHmiaated using exterior flood lightiag.
INDIVIDU,".L TE~L".NT W,"..LL DISPL'\ YS ,'\ll vlall displays mHst eomply in size and
qHafltity with the Eagle City Siga eode 8 2 ,".8 dated 4/2/2009, uader the "Geaeral Proyisions
and Requirements" sHb seetion 4. E)(aet iastallatioa leeatioa will be at the diseretiea of the
landlord. Iaternally illHmiaated single faeed wall displays or pafl ehaflaelletters with plex
faees will net be allewed.
P,".INTED SIGNS ,".RE PROHIBITED Letters paiated direetly onto a '.vall sHrfaee shall not
permitted. Ho'.vever, mHrals that are of arehiteetHral value will be permitted.
SP,"..CING f. miaimHm of two foot (2') spaeiag is reqHired between teaaflt wall sigas.
LIGHTING The fellewiag types oflightiag 'Hill be aeeeptable to the lafldlord per the Eagle
City Coae 8 2 ,".8 dated 1/2/20Q9. OpeR pafl Chanael (e~(posed aeOi~.), Reverse pafl Chaflael
(aeoa or LED halo illHmiaatioa) er Floodlightiag (exaet fi)(ture to be approved by the
landlord). Iaternal illumination and or baelclit illHmiaatioR is prohibited.
F,".BRIC".TION M,".TERt".LS ,'\ll materials afld fal3rieation methods mHst be approyed by
the landlord prior to the iastallatiea of the display. SHggested materials to be used iaelHde,
alumiaum, stainless steel, brass aad paiated sheet metal.
COLORS ,".II eolom must be appro'led by the landlord.
INST,".LL'\ TION Signs mHst be iastalled by a lieensed eoatraetor. Teaant is reqHired to
insHre that any penetratioas effi:lsed d\:lfiag the iastallation of their siga be resealed to the
speeifieatioas ofthe faseia er membrane maflufaeturer warranty.
LETTER ,".ND LOGO RESTRICTIONS Copy afld or logos Htilized shall be the teaaflt's
ehoiee afld must be appro';ed by the lafldlord.
Exposed elemeats No e1(posed hardware or fasteners may be used. No exposed eoadHit or
raee',vays will be allowed ',vithout the prior approval of the landlord. Raeeways may be
allo',ved if there is determined to be afl aeeess issue for the iastallatioa of illumiaated letters. If
a raeevlay is required the raeeway must be painted to mateh or eomplimeat the arehiteetural
oharaeter oft-ke building oa ':lhieh the display will be plaeed.
R'\RDW,'\RE f.ll exterior bolts, fasteaers, elips or ot-ker hardware shall be ef a galvaRized
or eoated material. No blade irEm materials of any type shall be permitted.
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PENETR..A. TIONS .A.ll penetratioflS of the bl:lildiflg shall be neatly sealed afla kept in a
watertight eonditiofl. The fll:lmber afld size oHmilaiflg penetratiofls shall be minimized. Upon
remo'lal of afly sign, the faseia shall be restored to the textl:1re eolor afla fiflish of tlle
sl:lrroundiflg wall area at the e](peflSe of the oVlflef/oeel:lpant.
Li\BELS No labels shall be permitted on the e){posea surfaee of the sigfls e){eept those
reql:lired by Federal afla loeal ordinaflees. Those required shall be appliea in afl iBeoflspieuous
REP:\IR OF D.A.M.A.GE Sign user's aRa the user's sign eontraetor shall be respoflsible for
the repair of aflY damage eaused by tlle iflstallation or remo';al of any signage. Tenant or
oeeupaflt has 30 aa-ys to repair the aamage eaHsea by the sign eOfltraetor once eOfltaeted by the
laflalofa. Lafldlord had the right to repair the aamage '.vith a eOfltFaetor of their ehoiee afld
seea reimbursement iftRe repaifG are not eompletea to the laflalorss satisfaetion.
** Lanalord reserves the sole right to interpret eflforee and administer tke terms afla eonditiolls
oft-he sigh eriteria ana all relatea doeumeRtG afla polieies.
Based upon the information provided to staff to date, staff recommends approval with the site
specific conditions of approval and the standard conditions of approval provided within the staff
A. A meeting was held on the application before the Design Review Board on June 11, 2009, at which
time the Board made their decision.
B. Oral testimony in opposition to this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one.
C. Oral testimony in favor of this proposal was presented to the Design Review Board by no one (not
including the applicant/representative).
The Board voted 5 to 0 (Butler and Whittaker absent) to approve DR-14-09 for a design review
application for a master sign plan for Eagle Island Marketplace for Eisenberg Company with the
following staff recommended site specific conditions of approval and standard conditions of
approval with text shown with strike thru to be deleted by the Board and text shown with underline
to be added by the Board.
1. Pro';ide re'lises ele'lation plaRS sho'.ving the "Weleome to Eagle" to be the more somiRaRt signage OR
this eatry feature. The revises ele'latioR plafls shall be reviewed afld apprO'les by the Design Revie'N
Board prior to the City issuiRg a zoaing eertifieate for this site.
2. Provide a revised site plan showing where the IS-foot high monument sign will be located on Chinden
Boulevard and where the IS-foot high monument sign will be located on Linder Road. The revised
site plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board prior to the City issuing zoning
certificate for this site.
3. Provide a revisea site plafl showing ',yhere the 6 foot high mOflument sigfl will be loeates on Ckinden
B01:tlevaFd afla '.'.'kere the 6 f-oot high mOflumeflt sigfl will be loeated OR Linaer Roaa. The revised site
plan shall be reyiewea and appro';ed by the Desigfl Review Boara prior to the City issuiRg zoniflg
eertifieate for this site.
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4. The following shall be the criteria for the Eagle Island Marketplace:
Eagle Island Marketplace Master Sign Plan
I. Every owner/tenant of any proposed building/lease space within Eagle Island Marketplace shall be
required to submit signage plans to the subdivisions managing entity for written approval. A
design review sign application, accompanied by the written approval of the managing entity, shall
be submitted to the City for any proposed signs for City review and approval. All signs shall be in
compliance with the criteria stated herein as well as Eagle City Code. In cases of any conflict
between Eagle City Code and the criteria specified herein, the more restrictive requirements shall
2. Each building within Eagle Island Marketplace will be required to have a design review sign
application submitted with the approval of the building elevations.
3. Two IS-foot high multi-tenant monument signs are permitted.
a. Tenant copy will be fabricated from liS" thick flat cutout aluminum and pegged off the
face of the tenant panel %".
b. Background color of the tenant panels will all be the same color.
c. Tenant is permitted to use their color, font, and logo on the tenant panel.
d. The monument signs are to be illuminated by ground mounted light fixtures that will be
screened by plant material year round or boulders.
4. A single tenant building is permitted one +we 6-foot high ffiuki tenant monument ~s--aFe
a. Tenant copy will be fabricated from liS" thick flat cutout aluminum and pegged off the
face of the tenant panel %".
b. Background color of the tenant panels will all be the same color.
c. Tenant is permitted to use their color, font, and logo on the tenant panel.
d. The monument signs are to be illuminated by ground mounted light fixtures that will be
screened by plant material year round or boulders.
5. Tenants are required to obtain approval from the developer or developer's managing entity for
written approval to place tenant signage on one of the monument signs.
6. No clear or colored plexi-glass is permitted to be placed on the face of any building wall signs
using exposed neon illumination.
5. Ensure that the proposed monument sign locations do not impede the traffic vision triangle.
6. Any ground mounted floodlights used to illuminate the monument signs shall be screened or located so
they do not shine onto the roadway or onto any nearby property. The light fixtures shall be concealed
or screened with perimeter landscaping providing a 12 month screen of sufficient height and density to
conceal such fixtures.
7. Interior illumination is not permitted for monument signs.
S. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs on this site.
9. Provide revised elevation plans of the "Welcome to Eagle" sign. dated stamped by the City on April 9.
2009. showing two feet (2') added to the base of the sign. The revised elevation plans shall be
reviewed and approved by staff and one member of the Design Review Board prior to the City issuing
a sign permit for this site.
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10. Provide revised elevation plans showing the addressees) of this development to be added to the face of
the monument signs. The revised elevation plans shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the
City issuing a sign permit for this site.
1. A building permit/zoning permit shall be required prior to construction of any sign which is not
attached to a building with an active building permit.
2. Approval shall expire without notice to the applicant on the date of expiration of this Design Review,
as stipulated in Eagle City Code (one year from the City Council approval date).
3. The Americans with Disabilities Act, Uniform Building Code, Eagle City Code, and all applicable
County, State and Federal Codes and Regulations shall be complied with. All design and construction
shall be in accordance with all applicable City of Eagle Codes unless specifically approved by the City
4. New plans which incorporate any required changes shall be submitted for staff approval. Staff may
elect to take those plans to the Design Review Board and the City Council for review and approval.
5. Any changes to the plans and specifications upon which this approval is based, other than those
required by the above conditions, will require submittal of an application for modification and
approval of that application prior to commencing any change.
6. Any change by the applicant in the planned use of the property which is the subject of this application,
shall require the applicant to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, plans, or other regulatory
and legal restrictions in force at the time the applicant or its successors in interest advises the City of
Eagle of its intent to change the planned use of the subject property unless a waiver/variance of said
requirements or other legal relief is granted pursuant to the law in effect at the time the change in use is
7. Any modification of the approved design review plans must be approved prior to
construction/installation of such changes. Failure to do so may result in the requirement to modify the
project to comply with the approved design review and/or result in the inability to issue a certificate of
completion for this project.
1. The application for this item was received by the City of Eagle on April 9, 2009.
2. The Board reviewed the particular facts and circumstances of this proposed design review application
(DR-14-09) with regard to the Eagle City Code Title 8, Chapter 2, Article A, DR Design Review
Overlay District, and based upon the information provided with the conditions required herein,
concludes that the proposed design review application is in accordance with the Eagle City Code and
the Eagle Comprehensive Plan.
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DA TED this 25th day of June 2009.
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