Minutes - 2009 - City Council - 05/26/2009 - Regular EAGLE CITY COUNCIL Minutes May 26, 2009 PRE-COUNCIL AGENDA: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 1. Presentation by Ada County Assessor: Robert McQuade, Ada County Assessor discusses tax assessments for the City of Eagle. We sent out 186,000 County assessment notices. January 1 st is the lien date. The market has gone down Yz% per month from January through now. We have to go with the value as of January. 12% is the decrease in market value for the City of Eagle. County wide 96% of the property has had a decrease. Distributes copies of Primary Roll Assessment Notice Summary and discusses the same. General discussion. 2. Library Director's Report: Ron Baker, Library Director, we administered the RIF in April. We changed the Library hours on May 1 st. The checkouts have decreased for May compared to previous years. The written complaints and most of the telephone complaints are in regards to the evening hours. The public's response has been very low key. The Friends ofthe Library have pledged a monthly amount to augment the collection purchase budget. This will allow us to continue purchasing best sellers and etc. Discussion on the decline of the collection. Discussion on the Boise Library reimbursement agreement. The new formula would be based on household. This year there are 505 Boise households using our Library. The Library Board will determine how to spend this budget addition. Discussion on the Hold Policy. 3. City of Eagle Police Department Report: Chief Brian Hippe, distributes the Monthly report and discusses the same. This is the first month measuring our activity with our reduction. General discussion. 4. Mayor and Council Reports: Moved to end of Agenda 5. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: Moved to end of Agenda 6. Zoning Administrator's Report: Moved to end of Agenda 7. Public Works Director Report: Moved to end of Agenda 8. City Attorney Report: Moved to end of Agenda REGULAR COUNCIL AGENDA: 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bandy calls the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: HUFFAKER, SHOUSHT ARIAN, SEMANKO, JACKSON-HElM. Semanko is absent. A quorum is present. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Teri Bath leads the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Teri Bath, I am inviting you to the Fun Days Parade, we have cars for you. We line up at the Fire Station. We want everyone in their cars no later than 11 :30 a.m. I need to know if you are going to bring your families. The EDC meetings are the fourth Tuesdays. General discussion. Joan Langdon, 4690 Hartley, I need a clarification. I lack an understanding in regards to Item #8E. Mayor explains that the application is not made to the City of Eagle, the application is with Ada County and they would hold the public hearings and etc. General discussion. Page I K:\COUNCIL\MlNUTES\Temporary Minutes Work Area\CC-05-26-09min.doc Mike Seberski, I was at the last Council meeting. I just wanted to talk to you about Sparrow Retreat and was postponed to June 9th. They are working without complying with the zoning and working in a building that has not permits issued for it or an occupancy permit. The septic was designed for a house and not commercial. They also want to put a nursery in the building. General discussion. 5. CONSENT AGENDA: · Consent Agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, member of City Staff, or a citizen requests an item to be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items removed from the Consent Agenda will be placed on the Regular Agenda in a sequence determined by the City Council. . Any item on the Consent Agenda which contains written Conditions of Approval from the City of Eagle City Staff, Planning & Zoning Commission, or Design Review Board shall be adopted as part of the City Council's Consent Agenda approval motion unless specifically stated otherwise. A. Claims Al!ainst the City. B. Resolution 09-13: Authorizing the destruction of temporary public records. (SKB) C. Resolution 09-14: Authorizing the destruction of semi-permanent public records. (SKB) D. Resolution 09-15: Authorizing the destruction of temporary public records. (SKB) E. Open Container Permit: Eagle Rodeo Inc. and National Barrel Horse Association is requesting an open container permit to be used on June 6, 2009 from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the field behind Idaho Athletic Club (formerly known as Rocky Mountain Fitness). The City of Eagle Police have reviewed and submitted written approval ofthis application. (SKB) F. Noise Waiver Request: Eagle Rodeo Inc. is requesting a noise waiver as allowed by Eagle City Code 4-9-6(D) to accommodate the Eagle Rodeo taking place on June 11 - 13, 2009 in the field behind Idaho Athletic Club (formerly known as Rocky Mountain Fitness). Eagle Rodeo is requesting that the waiver be extended to midnight on each date listed above. (SKB) G. ODen Container Permit: Eagle Rodeo Inc. is requesting an open container permit to be used on June 11, 12 & 13 from 5:30 p.m. to midnight in the field behind Idaho Athletic Club (formerly known as Rocky Mountain Fitness). The City of Eagle Police have reviewed and submitted written approval of this application. (SKB) H. ODen Container Permit: Eagle Volunteer Fire Fighters Association is requesting an open container permit to be used on June 13,2009 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at Merrill Park. The City of Eagle Police have reviewed and submitted written approval of this application. (SKB) I. ODen Container Permit: Karyn Lovell is requesting an open container permit to be used on September 12, 2009 from noon to 9:00 p.m. at Merrill Park. The standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB) J. ODen Container Permit: WestVet Animal Emergency & Specialty Center is requesting an open container permit to be used on September 19,2009 from 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Merrill Park. The standard conditions of approval shall apply. (SKB) Page 2 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-05-26-09min.doc K. Resolution 09-16: A Resolution Of The Eagle City Council Expanding The Eagle Wine District Overlay, And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) L. Findinl!s of Fact and Conclusions of Law for A-I-09/RZ-I-09 - Annexation and Rezone from RUT to A-R-DA - Chad Moffat/Cabin Creek DeveloDment ComDanv and Jeff Frazier: Chad Moffat/Cabin Creek Development Company and Jeff Frazier are requesting approval of an annexation and rezone from RUT (Rural-Urban Transition-Ada County Designation) to A-R-DA (Agricultural- Residential one unit per five acres with a development agreement). The 38.9-acre site consisting of Pembrook Subdivision and the adjacent property to the south is generally located on the north side of W. Beacon Light Road approximately 1,970 feet west ofN. Eagle Road at 702 W. Beacon Light Road. (MJW) M. Minutes ofMav 12.2009. (SKB) N. Beer and Wine License aDDlication: Lancourt Restaurant Group Inc., dba: Flame Neapolitan Pizzeria is requesting a beer and wine license to be used at 228 E. Plaza Dr. Ste. F Eagle, Idaho. The license will be valid until April 30, 2010. (SKB) O. ODen Container Permit. Tonv Jav LLC. P. Noise Waiver Request. Smoky Mountain Pizza and Pasta. Q. ODen Container Permit. Smoky Mountain Pizza and Dasta Huffaker moves to add to the Agenda Items #0, I> and Q. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES................................ Shoushtarian moves to approve the Amended Consent Agenda minus Item #5K. Seconded by Huffaker. Huffaker: AYE; Shoushtarian: AYE; Jackson-Heim: AYE: ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 5K. Resolution 09-16: A Resolution Of The Eagle City Council Expanding The Eagle Wine District Overlay, And Providing An Effective Date. (WEV) Jackson-Heim: I don't know where the original Wine District was. Is this an increase? Planner Baird-Spencer displays overheads and discusses the The Eagle Wine District Overlay. General discussion. Huffaker moves to continue Resolution 09-16Jo the June 9, 2009 City Council meeting with the changes discussed tonight. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.............. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. The DurDose for the Dublic hearinl! is to obtain comment on the DroDosed fines established in section 4-11-11 Non-Retaliation: Non-Waiver of Ril!hts and 4-11-12 Violations and Penalties of ordinance 622 (commonlv referred to as "Clean Indoor Air Ordinance") as required bv Idaho State Code &67-1311A. Stqfjis requesting this item be continued to the June 9, 2009 meeting. A I.Ordinance No. 622 - Pro Dosed Clean Indoor Air/ AKA Smoke Free ordinance - City of Eal!le.: An ordinance of the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho, amending Eagle City Code Title 4 "Public Health and Safety", adding Chapter 11 "Clean Indoor Air", providing a severability clause, and providing an effective date. Staff is requesting this item be continued to the June 9, 2009 meeting. (PB) Page 3 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-05-26-09min.doc Mayor introduces the issue. Staff is requesting that this item be continued to the June 9, 2009 City Council meeting. So Moved by Huffaker. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES.................... .. 8. NEW BUSINESS: A. Request for waiver of Dark shelter reservation fees: Eagle Volunteer Fire fighters Association is requesting the waiver of shelter reservation fees for Merrill Park for June 1 ih and 14th to accommodate Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed set up and teardown. (ME) B Request of waiver of ODen container Dermit fees: Eagle Volunteer Fire Fighters Association is requesting the waiver of fees for the open container permit to be used for the Rocky Mountain Oyster feed on June 13,2009. (SKB) C. Request for waiver of Dark shelter reservation fees: Eagle Chamber of Commerce is requesting the waiver of shelter reservation fees for Heritage Park on June 1 ih and 13th to accommodate Fun Days. D. Request for waiver of Dark shelter reservation fees: The food Pantry of St. Vincent de Paul, Holy Apostle's Church, represented by Becky Boudreaux is requesting a waiver of park reservation fees for the use of Merrill Park on July 1, 2009 from 5 :00 - 9:00 p.m. (ME) Mayor introduces the above Items. General Discussion on all Items and policy guidelines. Huffaker moves to approve the request for waivers for Items #8 A, B, C, & D. Seconded by Shoushtarian. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES...................... E. 200800014-S/ZC/DA/PUD/HD - Hartlev Lane Planned Unit DeveloDment - J & M Land. LLC: J&M Land, LLC, represented by Mike Wilson, AICP, with Stanley Consultants, Inc., is requesting a rezone with a development agreement from RR (Rural Residential), RUT (Rural Urban Transitional), to R4 (Residential-Ada County designation), planned unit development, preliminary plat subdivision and hillside development approvals for Hartley Lane Planned Unit Development, a 1 ,040-lot (924-buildable, 3-commercial, 44-common, 66-open space, I-fire or community center, and 2-well) a mixed-use planned development. The 367.42-acre site consists of a portion of Sections 26, 34, and 35, T 5N, R 1 W, and is bordered on the on the west by Hartley Road, approximately 1320' north ofN. Beacon Light Road. This site is located in the Eagle Area of Impact. (MJW) Mayor introduces the issue. Huffaker explains the Councils' process on an Ada County Application that is located in the Eagle Area of Impact. We need to figure out a different way to do this. We need public comment in addition to the applicant's presentation. General discussion. Planner Baird-Spencer explains the process of the County. The City is only given 15 days notice on these applications. This is only a recommendation. General discussion. Mike Wilson, Stanley Consultants, Inc., representing the applicants, we are not opposed to public testimony on this application and there will also be public testimony at the County level. Displays overheads and provides Council an overview of the application. General discussion. Planner Williams, displays overheads and provides Council an overview and history of the application and staffs recommendations. Page 4 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-05-26-09min.doc Mayor calls a recess at 8:25 p.m. Mayor reconvenes at 8:35 p.m. Council Member Semanko is now present. General discussion on the application. Public Comments: Jay Friday, 1528 North South Way, I am president of Farmers Union Ditch Company, we have expressed a couple of concerns. One time our ditch has flooded. If this fails we will loose our insurance and we won't be able to deliver water past Floating Feather as we don't have storage. Our proposal is to build the bank 22' wide. General discussion. Discussion on the Comp Plan and modifications. Phil Fry, 4241 Homer Road, we butt up against the foothills and there are hazards up there and we need laws to address these hazards. There is flooding hazards. Discussion on lot sizes under Ada County plan. Further discussion on flooding. Discussion on unstable soils. Joan Langdon, 4690 Hartley, I will overlook this entire area. We moved away from Meridian to be out in the country in a rural location. The density has always been an issue. Discussion on the transportation with this density. Discussion of density in the area. Discussion on the soil. Patricia Minkiewicz, Deerfield Court, Area of Impact, discussion of lot sizes. I would like to repeat what the lady just said. A lot of people would have loved to be here if they knew they could have spoken. This is totally inappropriate for the area. Discussion on the water. I request that you do not approve this subdivision. Kathy Pennisi, I represent the North Ada County Foothills Association, discussion on the 2004 Comp Plan. Discussion on the traffic and who will pay the infrastructure. Mike Wilson, representing the Applicant, provides rebuttal comments. General discussion. General Council discussion and recommendations. Mayor: If you want to make a motion to direct staff to draft that letter with whatever decision you make, draft it for my signature pending your review and concurrence on the text we could expedite this. So moved by Huffaker. Seconded by Jackson-Heim. Discussion. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES....................... . PRE-COUNCIL REPORTS: Mayor and Council Reports: Semanko: I inspected the bridge and the tunnel and they are very nice and well done. General discussion. Shoushtarian: When is the Senior Center Parking Lot going to be started? Public Works Director Echeita: The Board is reviewing the plans. City Clerk/Treasurer Report: No report Zoning Administrator's Report: No report Public Works Director Report: No report City Attorney Report: No report Page 5 KICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-05-26-09min.doc Huffaker moves to adjourn. Seconded by Semanko. ALL AYES: MOTION CARRIES... Hearing no further business, the Council meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted: ~~~'-)(~ ./ SHARON K. BERGMANN CITY CLERK/TREASURER ~: 'fa /677 PHILLIP J. BANDY MAYOR / I .',......,.. "" OL 1:0 '" ,.... '" C .##. ......... ~ ~.......... ~ ", i 0 ... ~t-TE ... '::. ~,)..,I 0 .. ~ : f-<: .q, -;:.~ 0 : : _. 4:' , '" ,.... _ : . · 0 · v -. .... . : U ~ u , .6.~ ~: ~ : : ~ -~~.: ~ .. ~ 0"';... .$ $ *.. ~ ... IlVco,,"V... ~ ...:- "" ....... 0,' "'" ST A 1~ "", '""........" A TRANSCRIBABLE RECORD OF THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AT EAGLE CITY HALL Page 6 K:ICOUNCILIMINUTESITemporary Minutes Work AreaICC-05-26-09min.doc Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Sr. Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer. To: Mayor Bandy and City Council CC: Sharon Bergmann From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: May 26, 2009 Re: Addition to Consent Agenda Item 50: Open Container Permit: Tony Jay LLC.. dba: daVinci's. is requesting an open container permit to be used on June 13`x' from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on I" Street between State Street and the alley. The City of Eagle Police has submitted written approval and a Citizens Use permit has been obtained from Ada County Highway District for the street usage. Date: CITY OF EAGLE Application for Permit for Possession and/or Consumption of Alcohol Beverages RECEIVED & FILED CITY OF EAGLE MAY Z 6 2009 FNr Rout, Permit fee (to be submitted with application): $20.00 Name of individual or sponsor: (if the applicant is an association, company or corporation, then it shall state its name long with the names of the persons who will be' sponsoring thmvent.) / / Address & telephone number: (both legal and local): Po. 8; ,,,. 1 c7(7/-1 _1/9 /6 1°10 5-4-6_47. C-3 , i ( oSs'1 G3c) --scn n Quantities & types of alcoholic beverage products to be used at the event: 1 ?e •-z bef? 1 11 n -7__ IAA LA! .7-1/1 wr' -; h i ,/4 f [t_Gt !� Dates & hours during which the permit is to be effective: t 9 / Location of event: CDV / 5 -f— Description of event: 1, o e.) -P A-, AA dawn- i s ei,> -1e The applicant must provide written approval from the Ada County Sheriff's Office signifying they have reviewed and approved the area in which alcohol is to be served. If the applicant is a non-profit entity, they must s ide a copy of the state issued catering permit for the requested event prior to this applicatio • eing : rocessed. Signature of Applic :_ Date:/ /j�j ****************************** / • .************************ *** ******************** FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: City Council Action: Approved: Denied: Date: 3-2D-4: PERMITS: B. An applicant for such permit shall make application to the City Clerk, remit a twenty dollar (520.00) fee, and comply with all rules and regulations related to such use. When the City Clerk determines that the application is complete, the City Clerk shall present the application to the City Council at its regular meeting for approval. Such permits shall be at the discretion of the City Council and shall be denied upon the City Council finding the public health, safety or welfare will be adversely affected upon granting of the permits. (Ord. 323, 5-12-1998) K \Clerks\Forms\apphcations\Possession - Consumption Alcohol Application doc ,?()(61, May 18, 2009 Sharon Bergmann, City Clerk City of Eagle 660 E. Civic LN Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Permit Approval for Davinci's Beer Garden Dear Sharon, I have reviewed site plans for the following individual(s): Person/Group: Davinci's Event Date: GARY RANFY, SIII RIFF June 13, 2009 Event Times: 9:00 AM — 10:00 PM Event Location: 190 E. State ST, Eagle ID. In accordance with Eagle City policy, I have reviewed the site plans and find no objection with any applicants. Thank you, Brian Hippe, Chief City of Eagle Police 7200 Barrister Drive • Boise, Idaho 83704-9217 Tel: 208-577-3000 • Fax: 208-577-3009 • Website: www.adasheriff.org Eagle City Hall 660 E. Civic Ln./P.O. Box 1520 Eagle, Idaho 83616 (208) 939-6813 (ext.201) fax (208) 939-6827 A memo from the Sr. Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer. To: Mayor Bandy & City Council CC: From: Tracy E. Osborn, CMC Date: May 26, 2009 Re: Additions to Consent Please add these 2 items to the Consent Agenda. 5P: Noise Waiver Request: Smoky Mountain Pizza and Pasta is requesting a noise waiver as allowed by Eagle City Code 4-9-6(D) to accommodate the Fun Days activities being held on June 12`" and 131". Smoky Mountain is requesting that the waiver be extended to 11:00 p.m. on both dates listed above. 5Q: Onen Container Permit: Smoky Mountain Pizza and Pasta is requesting an open container permit to be used on June 12th & June 13111 from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. in the Smoky Mountain parking lot. The City of Eagle Police has submitted written approval. Smoky Mountain PIZZA & PASTA To Whom It May Concern; My name is Sarah Rensch and I am the General Manager at Smoky Mountain in Eagle Idaho. I am requesting a noise ordnance release for Friday and Saturday June 12th and 13th for Eagle Fun Days. We would like to stay open until 11:00 pm those evenings instead of our normal 10:00 pm closing time. Thank you for your consideration. Sarah Rensch General Manager Smoky Mountain Eagle, ID 83616 208-939-0212 Date: CITY OF EAGLE Application for Permit for Possession and/or Consumption of Alcohol Beverages Permit fee (to be submitted with application): $20.00 Name of individual or sponsor: (if the applicant is an association, company or corporation, then it shall state its name along with thenames of the persons who will be sponsoring the event. )� re -r G re.z Address & telephone number: (both legal and local): "R1-1 e St • E \e 1 to Quantities & types of alcoholic beverage products to be used at the event: Dates & hours durin which the permit is to • effective: 416.(I' 11:00 r1Pm cy' y Location of event: SvnoRy r`hcf3L•-vaapc\ pcxK•i) LGA - 'c Description of event: G4Jc e ` 1 cc,s- �€e 3cj'con The applicant must provide written approval from the Ada County Sheriff's Office signifying they have reviewed and approved the area in which alcohol is to be served. If the applicant is a non-profit entity, they must provide a copy of the state issued catering permit for the requested event prior to this application being p ocessed. Signature of Applicant: g PP Si A G� S•��I Date: *****x*xxxxxx**ic****.xxie9:i:****9:oYie*icr.*:FBF**xY***xxdexxexxxxxxxxx***r.****r.x*4:9;ic*****.aFirX*** FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: City Council Action: Approved: Date: Denied: 3-2D-4: PERMITS: B. An applicant for such permit shall make application to the City Clerk, remit a twenty dollar (520.00) fee, and comply with all rules and regulations related to such use. When the City Clerk determines that the application is complete, the City Clerk shall present the application to the City Council at its regular meeting for approval. Such permits shall be at the discretion of the City Council and shall be denied upon the City Council finding the public health, safety or welfare will be adversely affected upon granting of the permits. (Ord. 323, 5-12-1998) K \Clerks\Forms\applications\Possession - Consumption Alcohol Application doc SHERIFFS OFFICE May 26, 2009 Sharon Bergmann, City Clerk City of Eagle 660 E. Civic LN Eagle, ID 83616 RE: Permit Approval for Smoky Mountain Pizza Beer Garden Dear Sharon, I have reviewed site plans for the following individual(s): Person/Group: Smoky Mountain Pizza (Mngr. Sarah Rensch) Event Date: June 12, 2009 Event Times: 11:00 AM — 11:00 PM June 13, 2009 11:00 AM — 11:00 PM GARY RANFY, SIIFI{IFF Event Location: In the parking lot of Smoky Mountain Pizza located at 34 E. State St. Eagle ID. In accordance with Eagle City policy, I have reviewed the site plans and find no objection with any applicants. Thank you, Brian Hippe, Chief City of Eagle Police 7200 Barrister Drive • Boise, Idaho 83704-9217 Tel: 208-577-3000 • Fax: 208-577-3009 • Website: www.adasheriff.org ADA COUNTY GARY RANEY, SIIERIfU City of Eagle Police Monthly Report April 2009 Group A N1BRS Crime* Person Crime* Property Crime* Society Crime* Total Felony Misdemeanor # of Reported Crimes 80 60 .-- 40 20 2008 YTD 2009 Clearance Rate 2009 34 39 61.5% 89 90 17.8% 23 44 90.9% 146 173 46.2% 2009 February March 9 12 9 38 13 8 31 58 58 78 30.8% 12 88 95 58.9% 19 30 28 0' May Jun Person Jul MM. M Aril 11 27 7 45 20 25 PRE ®-.,- Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Property Society 2008 Monthly Average City of Eagle Population COMPASS 2008: 21,090 COMPASS 2009: 21,370 % Change 1.3% Group A NIBRS Crime Rate YTD (per 1,000) 2008: 6.9 2009: 8.1 % Change 16.9% 2008 Clearance Rates Person: 81.5% Property: 28.9% Society: 96.2% Total: 50.3% Felony: 36.9% Misdemeanor: 59.6% Police Activity Calls For Service+ Total Response Time Code 3$ Response 'lime Officer -Initiated+ Proactive+ Reports (DR's) Arrests§ Citations # of Incidents 2000 1500 1000 500 0 YTD 2009 2008 2009 February March April 1,269 1,183 296 324 307 6:36 6:56 6:15 6:50 7:54 3:03 3:14 3:56 2:31 3:04 2,664 3,349 801 790 723 1,307 1,127 273 329 255 582 594 139 165 145 175 194 53 50 36 509 824 188 193 162 Am En WWI= im um —fes �R MI III IN MI ill NI MI so May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec = Calls For Service Provided By ACSO/CAUhh Officer -Initiated a:.;:a Proactive Jan Feb Mar Apr 2008 Monthly Average Data obtained from New World, CAD, Legacy AS400, !STARS, and ITD Webears dalabaces Page I ort April 2009 'lop Calls For Service Burglary Alarm Auto Accident Non -injury Suspicious Vehicle Theft Report Traffic Hazard Data queried 5/13/09 Property Crime Vehicle Burglary Residential Burglary Commercial Burglary Construction Burglary Vandalism Other** Total Construction Site Check" Property/Security Check 2008 9 8 0 5 22 45 89 2009 11 10 1 22 44 90 519 213 638 619 2009 April 7 1 0 0 6 13 27 1 MI, I 11, I t Illll • IIII IIII�I 53 149 40 E t' 0 10 N 0 0 r 30 20 2 A A 0o Q CIJ a' 0 Z O u= to 2 400 300 200 100 7- . . Burglaries & Vandalisms —M—Construction Site/Property/Security Checks # of Checks Traffic Crashes Property Damage Personal Injury Fatal "Total Alcohol -Related Crashes Traffic Stops DUI Arrests DWP Citations Moving Citations # of Crashes 25 20 15 10 1 '1'D 2009 2008 2009 February March April 48 41 6 10 10 33 19 3 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 81 60 9 15 15 4 1 0 1 0 L927 2,687 640 618 552 23 28 7 7 5 18 65 17 10 13 248 345 84 91 70 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr 13 Property Damage Personal Injury 5*.-* Fatal -2008 Monthly Average January - March 2009 Top Crash Intersections Eagle Rd & Chinden Blvd State St & Linder Rd Chinden Blvd & Locust Grove Rd Provided By ACSD1CAU0h April 2009 Crashes by Time of Day 0000-0600 hrs 1 0600-0900 hrs 0900-1200 hrs 1200-1500 hrs 1500-1800 hrs 1800-2100 hrs 2100-2400 hrs 1 6 3 2 0 April 2009 Crashes by Day of Week Sunday 0 Monday 2 Tuesday 1 Wednesday 4 Thursday 6 Friday 0 Saturday 2 April 2009 Top Crash Contributing Circumstances Following Too Close Inattention Failed To Yield Data obtained from New World, CAD, Legacy AS400, ISTARS, and ITD WeM'a s databases Page 2 of 2 Data quailed 5113/09 City of Eagle Primary Roll Assessment Notice Summary As of 5/26/2009 Total City of Eagle Market Value Total City of Eagle Taxable Value (taxable values exclude HOE & Urban Renewal) Residential Market Value Residential Parcel Count (residential includes farms & manufactured homes) Commercial Market Value Commercial Parcel Count (commercial includes personal property) Eagle Urban Renewal Comparison of Previous Year New Construction Residential (including manufactured) New Residential Count Commercial (including remodels) New Commercial Count New Subs/Change Status % value increase of existing residential improved properties % value increase for existing commercial improved properties Residential Property Tax Burden Commercial Property Tax Burden (Operating Property & Sub Roll Included in calculation) Assessment Notice Mailing Date Number Mailed 2009 2008 City of Eagle Total foreliminarvl 3,079,651,000 3,420,625,600 2,505,691,666 2,857,449,145 Residential 2,577,922,2001 2, 937, 355,400 9,8191 9,182 Commercial 485,183,000 464,523,400 1,418 1,452 16, 545, 8001 Cc % Change 2008-09 -9.97% -12.31% -12.24% 6.94% 4.45% -2.34% 18, 746, 8001 -11.74%1 New Construction 114,251,044 33,302,944 104 33, 283,100 28 47, 665, 000 140, 774, 657 60, 950, 818 168 33, 578, 300 37 46,245,539 -18.84% -45.36% -38.10% -0.88% -24.32% 3.07% (NCR does not include value from UR areas) Increase Estimates Mean (average) Median Mean (average) Median -12.29% -12.18% -2.58% -4.98% 2008 83.05% 16.95% Assessment Notices 5/22/2009 5/25/2007 11,2371 10,634 5/26/2009