Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 54 E Eagle River Street - Mixed Use Sub No 04 - 3/25/2004 t~U~HA~CM~Hu~N~TMANAu~M~IAut~T NATIONAL flOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31,2005 5 Important: Read the instructions on 1 - 7. SECTION A - PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For hsl.rance ~ Use: Policy Number BUILDIM:. OWNER'S NAME WESTMARK CREDIT UNION BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt, Unit, Suite, ancVor Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. E. EAGLE RNER STREET CITY STATE EAGLE ID PROPERlY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block NlITlbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) LOT 3, BLOCK 3, MIXED USE SUBDIVISION NO.4 BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-resldentiaJ, Addition, N::cessory, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) NON-RESIDENTlAL - BANK LA lTTUDElL.ONGITUDE (0Pll0NAL) ( #If - ##' - ##.W or ##.#####j 1160-21'-12" W, 430-41'-20" N Company NNC Ntrnber ZIP CODE 83616 HORIZONTAL DATUM: o NAD 1927 0 NAD1983 SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ o USGS Quad Map 181 Other. WWW SECTION B. FlOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (RRM) INFORMATION I ~~~COM\tJNITYNM1E&COM\UIITYNlM3ER I ~COUNTYNM1E I ~.STATE B4. MAP N.[) PANa 87. FR.1 PANa 89. BASE R.OOO aEVAOON(S) NUt.I3ER 85. SUFFIX 86. FIRM NlEX DATE EFFECJ1VEA:lEVI DATE 88. R.OOO ZONE(S) (Zone NJ, use depal c:l bxf~) 153 H 02-19-2003 02-19-2003 AE 2500.8 B10.lncicate the source c:l the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base ftood depth entered in 89. D FIS Profile ~ RRM 0 Conmrity Detennined D Other (Descrile):_ B11.lndcate the elevation datum used for the BFE n B9: D OOVO 1929 ~ NAVD 1988 0 Other (Describe):_ B12. Is the bu1cing locaIed in a Coastal Barner Resoun:es System (CBAS) area or Qher'Mse Protected Area (OPA)? 0 Ves ~ No Designation Date_ SECTlON C - BUI.DING ELEVATION INFORMA noN (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Blildng elevations are based on: 0 Constn.dion Drawings' 0 &ildng UOOer Constndion' ~ Rnished Constn.dion 'A new Elevation Certificate wiN be requred when constndion eX the buildng is COl'llJlete. C2. Blildng Dagram Number 1 (Select the lxJjidng dagram most similar to the lxildng for Ytttich this certificate is being completed. see pages 6 and 7. n no diagram accurately represents the lxiidng, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3. Bevations - Zones A 1-f<<J, ftE., AH, A (with BFE), VE, Vl.V~, V (with BFE), AR, PPJA, PPJftE, PPJA 1-fJJ, PPJAH, PPJNJ Complete nems C3.-a~ below accorcing to the bUk:ing dagram specified in nem C2. State the datum used. n the datum is cifferent from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datLRll conversion caJculation. Use the spoce provided or the Comments area of Section 0 or Section G, as appropriate, to doctment the datum conversion. Datum NAVD '88 <n!versiorVCorrvnents N1A Elevation reference ITIa/1( used SITE Does the elevation reference ITIa/1( used appear on the FIRM? 0 V es ~ No o a) Top eX bottom floor (lI1ducing basement orendosure) 2561. 1l.1t.(m) o b)Topofnextllglerfloor rYa._It.(m) o c) Bottom eX lowest horizontal stn.dural member N zones only) rYa . _ft.(m) o d) Atta:hed garage (top eX slab) rYa _ft.(m) o e) L<7Nesl elevation eX macHnery and/or eqlipment servicing the Ix.ildng (Descnbe n a Conments area) rYa . _ft.(m) o n Lowest aqa:ent (fiAshed) glCKle (LAG) 2555. _ft.(m) o g) Hglest aqacert (fIlished) graOO (HAG) 2500. 90 ft.(m) o h) No. eX pemmet1 opelings (lIood vans) \Whin 1ft. aboYe aqacent grade Q o ij Total area eX III pemmet1 opeIlngs (fIood~) n C3.h Q.sq. in. (sq. an) SECTlON D. SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIRCAllON This certifICation is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation infonnalion. I certify that the infonnation in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interPret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTFlEA'S NAME DAVID H. OOYl..ANCE, P.E., P.LS. LICENSE NUMBER 3624 Oi III rJJ '0 III III "'- ",ol 00 .0'0 Ec Wol ,--Gi' .8:; Ea; :JC z.2' .,rJJ .. c ~ -' TITlEPROFESSlONAllAND SURVEYOR CJ:>t.Ii'Nf( NAME OOYlANCE & ASSOCIATES P A ADDRESS 391 W. STATE, SIGNA lURE mY EAGlE DATE STATE ID ~ all. 939. 2824 ZIP coa: 83616 FEMA Fonn 81-3 See reverse side fOf continuation. Replaces all previous editions I~PORT ANT: In tt1ese spaces, copy the corresponding infonnation from SectiOn A. For InsJanal CoIrpany Use: BUl.IlING STREET ADDRESS (lrd.diY;j ,ept..UnI,Su\l,ard'or B~ No.1 OR P.O. ROUTE NO BOX NO. Poley Nootlef WESlMARK CREDIT UNION. E RNERSIDE DRIVE aTY STATE ZIP CODE CoIrpanyNAIC NlITber EAGlE , () 83616 SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIRCATION (CONllNUED) Copy both sides eX this Elevation Certificate for (1) COITlITlUfity Official, (2) insurance agenVcompany, and (3) bliIdng owner. COMMENTS o Check here if attachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone NJ and Zone A (v.;thout BFE). COI11lIete Kerns E1 throJcjl E4. If the Elevation Certificate is inlerded lor use as SlWlfling illonnation for a LOMA or LOMR-F. Section C must be completed. E1. Blilcing Dagram NlJTber 1(SelecI the lx.iIdng dagram most siniar to the bUldng for v.tlich this certificale is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. /I no dagram accurately represeI1s the buldng. provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The lop a the bottom floor (lIlCIudrVJ basemeli or enclosure) a the blting is Q ft.(m) ~n.(cm) ~ above or 0 below (creek one) the Ag-.esl aqcmi grade. (Use natural grade, ft avai~). E3. For BUlcing Oagrams 6-8 v.ith qlErings (see page 7), \he next tqer floor or elevated tIoor (elevation b) of the lUcirg is _ ft.(m) _in.(cm) above the Ilghest aqacent grade. Cocnpete ~ems C3.h arw::l C31 on 1m eX loon. E4. The top eX the platform a rmnnery MeVor eqUpmenl seM:ing the bu1cing is _ ft.(m) _n.(cm) 0 above or 0 below (check one) the tij1est aqa;:ert grade. (Use natural grade, ft avai~). ES. For Zone NJ only: If no ftood 00pIh runber is available, is the top eX the bottom tIoor elevated in accordance y,;jh the COITllllrily's tIc:lcqJIain management ordnance? D Ves 0 No 0 lk1known. The klcaI official must certify !tis irlonnation n Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERnRCATION The property owner or owner's alAhorized representative Y<tto corrgeies Sections A. B, C (Kerns C3.h and C3.i OOy), arw::l E for Zone A (v.flholA a FEMAissued or COIM1t.Jllty- issued BFE) or Zone NJ must sig1 here. The statements in Sections A, 8, C, and E are oonect to the best 01 my krJooMedge. PROPERlY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME \JA~aJ Of:;A15.~12 ADDRESS 30, I W. 51A #-E SIGNATU CITY ~Abl:t-. DATE MAf2.. 1.S' 0 STATE ID TELEPHONE ZIP CODE &;.6 i t q;q .~1-'i o Check here if attachments SECTION G. COUMUtfTY INFORMAnoN (OPTIONAL) The local official Y<tto is authorized by law or ordnance to acmnisler the conmrity's ~n mana.gemert ordnance can compIele Sections A. B, C (or E), and G eX lIls Elevation Certificate. ~te the applicable item(s) and sigl below. G 1. 0 The information in Section C was taken from other docunenIation that has been signed and entJossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or an::tVtect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation irloonation. (Irdcate the source and date eX the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. 0 A COIll'nlJllty official oompleted Section E for a bu1cing located in Zone A (v.ithout a FEMA-issued or COlTm.rity-issued BFE) or Zone NJ. G3. 0 The following information (Kerns G4-69) is provided for conm.nty ~n management purposes. I G4.PERMIT~ I 65. DATE PERMIT ISSUED I GS.DATECERTlFK'.ATEOFCXJMPI..IANCOOCANCYISSUED G7. llis pemil has been issued lor. 0 New Constndion 0 Slb;Iriaf ~ Ga. Elevation a as-bt.iJl1owest ftoor (1l'lCIIJrg basement) eX the Ix.iIdng is: _' _ft.(m) Daltm 00. BFE or (Ill Zone PO) 00pIh eX ftoodng at the bu1dng site is: _' _ ft.(m) Daltm LOCAL. OFFIOAI..'S NAME TInE OOMMUNIlY NAME SIGNATURE COMMENTS lEI..EPOONE DATE o Check here if attachmentS FEMA Form 81-31, Januaiy 2003 Replaces all previous editions