Flood Control - Elevation Certificate - 402 Connemara Lane - Paddy Row Sub - 10/27/2005 11/03/2005 02:13 323220'3 ROTH HOMES PAGE 03 FEDERAL ~ERGENCY MANAGEtIBIT AGENCY NAllONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE 1m Road the Instructions on 1 - 7. SECTION A- PROPERTY OWNER N=ORUATION a.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires December 31. 2005 -:;-:)'7 BUIlDING OWNER'S NAME ROTH HOMES BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Inclucfmg Apt, Unl, &JIB, andfar Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. 402 CONNEMARA lAf',E aTY ~~ ~ PROPERTY DESCRrPTlON (Lot and BlorJ( Nurrb!nI. Tax P81'CleI NlI'!1ber, lagaI Oesalption, etc.) LOT.26, PAOOY RQ\l\I SUBDIVISION BUILDING USE (e.g., ResIder1faI, Non-niJsiderIIi AddIion. /Ja:;egsary, e.tc Uge lil Comn'II!Ir1Is area. if necessary.) RESIDENTIAl LA1TTWEIl0NGmJDE (OPTIONAL) ( #If - tit! - ..tIt" or ..fI#III#tf) For Inslrdnal Con1>MY LIge: Policy Number Company NAIC NIJ11bef STAle ZIP CODE 83616 HORl2ONTAl. DATUM: o I'W) 1927 0 NAn 1983 SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ o USGS Quad Map o other. ~ SECT10M B. FLOOD tISURANCE RATE MAP (fIRII) Itt=ORMATlON I :~~NMt;&ccu.wm'tu.t3ER I :~NNJE 1 ~ATE 84. M&.P AND PANEL B7.rnMPAtEl 89. BASE A.<XD ELEVA~S) WJBER 86. SlITIX B8. FA4 taX ~TE E~DA'TE 88. FlDOO ZGlE(S) (Jrxre fll), USll_ cI txxJ~) 16OO1C0153 H 2.19-03 2-19-00 Mol 200? 810. ~ the scm.e of the allge Flood I:Jeoialon (BFE) d<fa otbagellood ~ entered In B9. o FIS Profile t8I ARM 0 Comn'1tDlY ~11..ed 0 OIher(De9cltle):_ 811. Indi~ the elevation ~m used for the BFE In B9: 0 NGVO 1929 ~ NAVO 1968 0 0lhEr (t:lellcrte): _ B12. Islhe ~kx3ed1n a COa5tal Banier~ SysIem (CBRS)areaaCllJ1erM;ePlQec8JAnla tlPAj? Dyes 0 No ~ Da8 SECT10N c. BULDItG ELEVATION N=ORMAllON (SURVEY RmURED) C1. Buiding ~ are basOO 00: 0 ~ DrcWgs. 0 ~ lb1erCoosln.dM* 181 FiistledCalslnda'l "A new EIeV~ CerIIicate wit be JeCJ*ed \\tian c:oosIIucb1 d1he buldlll is ~ C2. EI\.ti1g aqan ~ Q (SeledI1e ~ lIlg3T\ rrostsifDilf1e~ b'vdiltl this certiIlcl*! 19 ~ ~ -5ee pages 6 ard 7. If no tiagI3n cmJaIely lep.esercs the bI.Jiki1g. proW:Ie a ska1l cr fI~~) C3. 8evalla1s- ZooesA1~. AE. AH, A (. 8FE), VE, V1.V3l, V (wit! BFE), AR, AAJA ~PE.. AAlA1-M). ARIAH, MJAO COOlplele Items C3.;;H below axadng to te ~ ~ llpfd9d illtem C2. SlSe the denim used. If !he diMll& dIfrnlt fn:In Ile dmJn used tlr lie BFE In SeclJm 8, ronvert the daumlo th<t ISld b'1le eFE. Shc:JWield ~ lr1d d!M1 <Xll'lVelSkJn cacutaIIon. Use the spooe J"OVided a the Coovmnls !re8 of Se::Ilon D or Sedlon G. as awmJXIale, 10 doaJrnent f1e daIun C01~- Datum _ COnversIonICornnents_ EJevaloo relerenoo mal< used ~I))es tie elevalia1 refererc;e mark ueed ~ on the FIRM? 0 Yes ~ No o a) Top of bdbn floor (including basement or enclosure) ~. Q.ft.(m) o b}TopofnBKlhigherftco 2562.Q.ft.(m) o c) Elolbn r:J IoWlIGst OOrilontsl SllUdUnlI rMl'tler (V 2Me9 ooIy) NIA. _fl(m) o d)Atkdledgaage~ofslctl) ~. ~I\.(m) o e) I.aNest eIevalon rJ madWleIy lJrlIa ~ servIdrYd Ile 00Id1WJ (DescItle iI s Carmerts <ma) 2562 .1ft.(m) o f) lmIest adj8OO'll (finished) ga.:le (LAG) 2558 . ~ft.(m) o g) ~ ~(fMhed)gratl (li4G) ~. !ft.(ml o h) No. of penneneri opeOOg9 (tood vmI!I) wIltW1 , Il aboYe ~ lJ'oOe23 o ~ Total area of BI pelTT1lI1Eft openings lbd~) In C3.h ~sq. it (sq. an) SECTION D- SURVEYOR, ~_ OR ARCHITECT CEf(1'FICATION This cer1iflca1ion is to be signed ~ SGakld by a land BlIrveyol', engineer, or ard1nect aulhorlzed by law 10 oer1Ify eleYatIon Infonnalloo. f certify th8t thB information In SscIions A. B, end C on this certlf1c8te mpresents my best efforts to Interpret the d81a BV8l/abfe, f undemsrrd thst MY (else statement mer be pun/8h8b1e by tine or /mprfsonment under 18 U.S. Code, S9Cffon 1001. CERTIFIER'SNAME OARRENRLEAvm,P.LS. L1CENSENUt.eER 7323 ;a ~ 1~ mi ~~ II I J illLE PROFESSIONAL L>>I)SURVEYOR COM?,ANV NAM: ARROWLANO SURVEYING, INC. CITY EAGlE DATE 1 ()..27 -<<i 6TATE 10 TElEPHONE ZJ8-939-7373 Z1Pcor:E 83616 ADDRESS ~~~ oom1~ ~ s~~~ p . - I FEMA Form 81-31. January 2003 Sell IllWI'S8 Bide for continuatIon. ReplaCM an previous editions